2,648c2,648 < "fts_total_queries": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of full text queries per second for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Query Rate" < }, < "fts_total_internal_queries": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of internal queries from the co-ordinating node to other nodes, per unit time for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_num_mutations_to_index": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "DCP sequence numbers yet to be indexed for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Mutations Remaining" < }, < "fts_doc_count": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Number of documents in the index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Docs" < }, < "fts_total_bytes_indexed": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "Rate of bytes indexed for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Index Rate" < }, < "fts_total_request_time": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total time spent processing query requests for an index", < "unit": "nanoseconds", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_num_recs_to_persist": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of entries (terms, records, dictionary rows, etc) by Bleve not yet persisted to storage", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Records to Persist" < }, < "fts_num_bytes_used_disk": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of bytes used on disk by the index", < "unit": "bytes", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Disk Size" < }, < "fts_num_bytes_used_disk_by_root": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of bytes used on disk by the root segment", < "unit": "bytes", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_num_root_memorysegments": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of memory segments in the root segment", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Memory Segments" < }, < "fts_num_root_filesegments": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of file segments in the root segment", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Disk Segments" < }, < "fts_num_pindexes_actual": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "Total number of pindexes currently", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Partitions" < }, < "fts_num_pindexes_target": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "Planned/expected number of pindexes", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Partitions Expected" < }, < "fts_total_compaction_written_bytes": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Number of bytes written to disk as a result of compaction", < "unit": "bytes", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Compaction Rate" < }, < "fts_avg_queries_latency": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "Average latency of queries per unit time for an index", < "unit": "milliseconds", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Query Latency" < }, < "fts_avg_internal_queries_latency": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "Average latency of inter-node queries per unit time for an index", < "unit": "milliseconds", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_total_queries_slow": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries in the slow query log", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Slow Queries" < }, < "fts_total_queries_timeout": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries for an index that exceeded the timeout", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Query Timeout Rate" < }, < "fts_total_queries_error": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries for an index that resulted in an error", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Query Error Rate" < }, < "fts_total_queries_search_in_context_error": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error while searching in context", < "uiName": "Search Query Error SearchInContext" < }, < "fts_total_queries_bad_request_error": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to a bad request", < "uiName": "Search Query Error BadRequest" < }, < "fts_total_queries_consistency_error": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to a failure to meet consistency requirements", < "uiName": "Search Query Error DissatisfiedConsistency" < }, < "fts_total_queries_max_result_window_exceeded_error": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to exceeding the maximum result window", < "uiName": "Search Query Error MaxResultWindowExceeded" < }, < "fts_total_queries_partial_results_error": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to only partial results being returned", < "uiName": "Search Query Error PartialResults" < }, < "fts_total_bytes_query_results": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Size of results coming back from full text queries for search results, including the entire size of the JSON sent", < "unit": "bytes", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Result Rate" < }, < "fts_total_term_searchers": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Number of bleve term searchers", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "notes": "This is a bleve level statistic. Each query will require one or more term searchers to be satisfied, with more complex queries typically requiring more term searchers. This value is therefore a additional way to look at query load that approximates how complex a \"query\" is (query may break down to many different term searchers)", < "uiName": "Term Searchers Start Rate" < }, < "fts_total_term_searchers_finished": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total term searchers that have finished serving a query", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_num_files_on_disk": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of files on disk for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ], < "uiName": "Search Disk Files" < }, < "fts_num_bytes_used_ram": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of bytes used in memory", < "unit": "bytes", < "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime", < "uiName": "RAM Used by Search" < }, < "fts_num_bytes_ram_quota": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The number of bytes allocated by the cluster manager as maximum usable memory for fts service", < "unit": "bytes", < "notes": "Process level statistic as set by the cluster manager", < "uiName": "RAM Quota for Search" < }, < "fts_pct_used_ram": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The percentage of RAM quota used by the fts service", < "unit": "percent", < "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime and cluster manager", < "uiName": "Pct RAM Used by Search" < }, < "fts_total_gc": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of garbage collection events triggered", < "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime" < }, < "fts_pct_cpu_gc": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The percentage of CPU time spent by an index in garbage collection", < "unit": "percent", < "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime" < }, < "fts_total_grpc_internal_queries": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of internal gRPC requests from the co-ordinating node for the query to other nodes, for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_total_grpc_queries": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The total number of queries, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_total_grpc_queries_slow": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of queries in the slow query log, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_total_grpc_queries_timeout": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of queries that exceeded the timeout, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_avg_grpc_queries_latency": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "Average latency per query, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", < "unit": "milliseconds", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_total_grpc_queries_error": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of queries that resulted in an error, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "scope", < "collection", < "index" < ] < }, < "fts_tot_bleve_dest_opened": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of times Bleve destinations opened", < "notes": "Each Bleve destination corresponds to a Bleve index." < }, < "fts_total_queries_rejected_by_herder": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of queries rejected by the app herder when the memory used exceeds the application's query quota", < "uiName": "Rejected Queries" < }, < "fts_curr_batches_blocked_by_herder": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The difference between the number of batches that have been indexed and the number of batches yet to be indexed", < "notes": "The app herder blocks indexing of batches till there is sufficient memory i.e. the memory used is below the memory quota", < "uiName": "DCP Batches Blocked" < }, < "fts_tot_queryreject_on_memquota": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of queries rejected due to the memory quota being lesser than the estimated memory required for merging search results from all partitions from the query" < }, < "fts_tot_grpc_queryreject_on_memquota": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of gRPC queries rejected due to the memory quota being lesser than the estimated memory required for merging search results from all partitions from the query" < }, < "fts_batch_bytes_added": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of bytes from batches yet to be indexed.", < "unit": "bytes" < }, < "fts_num_batches_introduced": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of batches introduced as part of indexing." < }, < "fts_tot_grpcs_listeners_closed": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of gRPC SSL listeners closed" < }, < "fts_tot_remote_http": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) HTTP requests" < }, < "fts_tot_remote_http2": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) HTTP SSL requests" < }, < "fts_tot_remote_http_ssl": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) HTTP SSL requests" < }, < "fts_tot_batches_flushed_on_maxops": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of batches executed due to the batch size being greater than the maximum number of operations per batch" < }, < "fts_tot_batches_flushed_on_timer": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of batches executed at regular intervals" < }, < "fts_tot_bleve_dest_closed": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of times Bleve destinations closed" < }, < "fts_tot_remote_grpc": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) gRPC requests" < }, < "fts_tot_remote_grpc_tls": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) gRPC SSL requests when adding clients." < }, < "fts_tot_remote_grpc_ssl": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) gRPC SSL requests when adding clients." < }, < "fts_batch_bytes_removed": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of bytes from batches which have been indexed.", < "unit": "bytes", < "notes": "This stat is associated with the fts_batch_bytes_added stat, in that they represent the completion and queuing of an indexing operation respectively." < }, < "fts_tot_grpc_listeners_opened": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of gRPC listeners opened" < }, < "fts_tot_grpc_listeners_closed": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of gRPC listeners closed" < }, < "fts_tot_grpcs_listeners_opened": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of gRPC SSL listeners opened" < }, < "fts_tot_http_limitlisteners_closed": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of HTTP limit listeners closed" < }, < "fts_tot_https_limitlisteners_closed": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of HTTPS limit listeners closed" < }, < "fts_tot_https_limitlisteners_opened": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of HTTPS limit listeners opened" < }, < "fts_tot_http_limitlisteners_opened": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "Total number of HTTP limit listeners opened" < }, < "fts_throttle_seconds_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The total time spent throttling (in seconds).", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for" < ] < }, < "fts_throttle_count_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of times Regulator instructed an operation to throttle.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for" < ] < }, < "fts_reject_count_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of times Regulator instructed an operation to be rejected.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for" < ] < }, < "fts_op_count_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of distinct operations recorded with Regulator.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for" < ] < }, < "fts_meter_cu_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of Compute Units (CUs) recorded.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "unbilled", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_credit_cu_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of Compute Units (CUs) refunded.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_counter_cu_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of distinct operations recording Compute Units (CUs) with Regulator.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "unbilled", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_meter_wu_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of Write Units (WUs) recorded.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "unbilled", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_credit_wu_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of Write Units (WUs) refunded.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_counter_wu_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of distinct operations recording Write Units (WUs) with Regulator.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "unbilled", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_meter_ru_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of Read Units (RUs) recorded.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "unbilled", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_credit_ru_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of Read Units (RUs) refunded.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_counter_ru_total": { < "type": "counter", < "help": "The number of distinct operations recording Read Units (RUs) with Regulator.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", < "labels": [ < "bucket", < "for", < "unbilled", < "variant" < ] < }, < "fts_boot_timestamp_seconds": { < "type": "gauge", < "help": "The time the service booted in fractional seconds since Unix epoch.", < "unit": "seconds", < "added": "7.5.0", < "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless." < } < } \ No newline at end of file --- > "fts_avg_grpc_queries_latency": { > "help": "Average latency per query, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "unit": "milliseconds" > }, > "fts_avg_internal_queries_latency": { > "help": "Average latency of inter-node queries per unit time for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "unit": "milliseconds" > }, > "fts_avg_queries_latency": { > "help": "Average latency of queries per unit time for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Query Latency", > "unit": "milliseconds" > }, > "fts_batch_bytes_added": { > "help": "Total number of bytes from batches yet to be indexed.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_batch_bytes_removed": { > "help": "Total number of bytes from batches which have been indexed.", > "notes": "This stat is associated with the fts_batch_bytes_added stat, in that they represent the completion and queuing of an indexing operation respectively.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_boot_timestamp_seconds": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The time the service booted in fractional seconds since Unix epoch.", > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "gauge", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_counter_cu_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of distinct operations recording Compute Units (CUs) with Regulator.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "unbilled", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_counter_ru_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of distinct operations recording Read Units (RUs) with Regulator.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "unbilled", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_counter_wu_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of distinct operations recording Write Units (WUs) with Regulator.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "unbilled", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_credit_cu_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of Compute Units (CUs) refunded.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_credit_ru_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of Read Units (RUs) refunded.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_credit_wu_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of Write Units (WUs) refunded.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_curr_batches_blocked_by_herder": { > "help": "The difference between the number of batches that have been indexed and the number of batches yet to be indexed", > "notes": "The app herder blocks indexing of batches till there is sufficient memory i.e. the memory used is below the memory quota", > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "DCP Batches Blocked" > }, > "fts_doc_count": { > "help": "Number of documents in the index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Docs" > }, > "fts_meter_cu_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of Compute Units (CUs) recorded.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "unbilled", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_meter_ru_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of Read Units (RUs) recorded.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "unbilled", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_meter_wu_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of Write Units (WUs) recorded.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for", > "unbilled", > "variant" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_num_batches_introduced": { > "help": "Total number of batches introduced as part of indexing.", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_num_bytes_ram_quota": { > "help": "The number of bytes allocated by the cluster manager as maximum usable memory for fts service", > "notes": "Process level statistic as set by the cluster manager", > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "RAM Quota for Search", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_num_bytes_used_disk": { > "help": "The number of bytes used on disk by the index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Disk Size", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_num_bytes_used_disk_by_root": { > "help": "The number of bytes used on disk by the root segment", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_num_bytes_used_ram": { > "help": "The number of bytes used in memory", > "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime", > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "RAM Used by Search", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_num_files_on_disk": { > "help": "The number of files on disk for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Disk Files" > }, > "fts_num_mutations_to_index": { > "help": "DCP sequence numbers yet to be indexed for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Mutations Remaining" > }, > "fts_num_pindexes_actual": { > "help": "Total number of pindexes currently", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Partitions" > }, > "fts_num_pindexes_target": { > "help": "Planned/expected number of pindexes", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Partitions Expected" > }, > "fts_num_recs_to_persist": { > "help": "The number of entries (terms, records, dictionary rows, etc) by Bleve not yet persisted to storage", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Records to Persist" > }, > "fts_num_root_filesegments": { > "help": "The number of file segments in the root segment", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Disk Segments" > }, > "fts_num_root_memorysegments": { > "help": "The number of memory segments in the root segment", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Memory Segments" > }, > "fts_op_count_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of distinct operations recorded with Regulator.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_pct_cpu_gc": { > "help": "The percentage of CPU time spent by an index in garbage collection", > "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime", > "type": "gauge", > "unit": "percent" > }, > "fts_pct_used_ram": { > "help": "The percentage of RAM quota used by the fts service", > "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime and cluster manager", > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Pct RAM Used by Search", > "unit": "percent" > }, > "fts_reject_count_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of times Regulator instructed an operation to be rejected.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_throttle_count_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The number of times Regulator instructed an operation to throttle.", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_throttle_seconds_total": { > "added": "7.5.0", > "help": "The total time spent throttling (in seconds).", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "for" > ], > "notes": "This is a metric specific to serverless.", > "type": "counter", > "unit": "seconds" > }, > "fts_tot_batches_flushed_on_maxops": { > "help": "Total number of batches executed due to the batch size being greater than the maximum number of operations per batch", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_batches_flushed_on_timer": { > "help": "Total number of batches executed at regular intervals", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_bleve_dest_closed": { > "help": "Total number of times Bleve destinations closed", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_bleve_dest_opened": { > "help": "The number of times Bleve destinations opened", > "notes": "Each Bleve destination corresponds to a Bleve index.", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_grpc_listeners_closed": { > "help": "Total number of gRPC listeners closed", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_grpc_listeners_opened": { > "help": "Total number of gRPC listeners opened", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_grpc_queryreject_on_memquota": { > "help": "Total number of gRPC queries rejected due to the memory quota being lesser than the estimated memory required for merging search results from all partitions from the query", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_grpcs_listeners_closed": { > "help": "Total number of gRPC SSL listeners closed", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_grpcs_listeners_opened": { > "help": "Total number of gRPC SSL listeners opened", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_http_limitlisteners_closed": { > "help": "Total number of HTTP limit listeners closed", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_http_limitlisteners_opened": { > "help": "Total number of HTTP limit listeners opened", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_https_limitlisteners_closed": { > "help": "Total number of HTTPS limit listeners closed", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_https_limitlisteners_opened": { > "help": "Total number of HTTPS limit listeners opened", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_queryreject_on_memquota": { > "help": "Total number of queries rejected due to the memory quota being lesser than the estimated memory required for merging search results from all partitions from the query", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_remote_grpc": { > "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) gRPC requests", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_remote_grpc_ssl": { > "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) gRPC SSL requests when adding clients.", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_remote_grpc_tls": { > "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) gRPC SSL requests when adding clients.", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_remote_http": { > "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) HTTP requests", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_remote_http2": { > "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) HTTP SSL requests", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_tot_remote_http_ssl": { > "help": "Total number of remote(i.e. different node) HTTP SSL requests", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_bytes_indexed": { > "help": "Rate of bytes indexed for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "gauge", > "uiName": "Search Index Rate" > }, > "fts_total_bytes_query_results": { > "help": "Size of results coming back from full text queries for search results, including the entire size of the JSON sent", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Result Rate", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_total_compaction_written_bytes": { > "help": "Number of bytes written to disk as a result of compaction", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Compaction Rate", > "unit": "bytes" > }, > "fts_total_gc": { > "help": "The number of garbage collection events triggered", > "notes": "Process level statistic from the Go runtime", > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_grpc_internal_queries": { > "help": "The number of internal gRPC requests from the co-ordinating node for the query to other nodes, for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_grpc_queries": { > "help": "The total number of queries, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_grpc_queries_error": { > "help": "The number of queries that resulted in an error, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_grpc_queries_slow": { > "help": "The number of queries in the slow query log, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_grpc_queries_timeout": { > "help": "The number of queries that exceeded the timeout, using gRPC for streaming, for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_internal_queries": { > "help": "The number of internal queries from the co-ordinating node to other nodes, per unit time for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter" > }, > "fts_total_queries": { > "help": "The number of full text queries per second for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Rate" > }, > "fts_total_queries_bad_request_error": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to a bad request", > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Error BadRequest" > }, > "fts_total_queries_consistency_error": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to a failure to meet consistency requirements", > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Error DissatisfiedConsistency" > }, > "fts_total_queries_error": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries for an index that resulted in an error", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Error Rate" > }, > "fts_total_queries_max_result_window_exceeded_error": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to exceeding the maximum result window", > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Error MaxResultWindowExceeded" > }, > "fts_total_queries_partial_results_error": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error due to only partial results being returned", > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Error PartialResults" > }, > "fts_total_queries_rejected_by_herder": { > "help": "The number of queries rejected by the app herder when the memory used exceeds the application's query quota", > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Rejected Queries" > }, > "fts_total_queries_search_in_context_error": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries that resulted in an error while searching in context", > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Error SearchInContext" > }, > "fts_total_queries_slow": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries in the slow query log", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Slow Queries" > }, > "fts_total_queries_timeout": { > "help": "The number of FTS queries for an index that exceeded the timeout", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Search Query Timeout Rate" > }, > "fts_total_request_time": { > "help": "Total time spent processing query requests for an index", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter", > "unit": "nanoseconds" > }, > "fts_total_term_searchers": { > "help": "Number of bleve term searchers", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "notes": "This is a bleve level statistic. Each query will require one or more term searchers to be satisfied, with more complex queries typically requiring more term searchers. This value is therefore a additional way to look at query load that approximates how complex a \"query\" is (query may break down to many different term searchers)", > "type": "counter", > "uiName": "Term Searchers Start Rate" > }, > "fts_total_term_searchers_finished": { > "help": "Total term searchers that have finished serving a query", > "labels": [ > "bucket", > "scope", > "collection", > "index" > ], > "type": "counter" > } > }