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Reported in this forum post. A POSIX 32 error is seemingly able to cause a null deference in Core. Need to examine to see if it can be found.
Build couchbase-lite-net-3.0.0-47 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 34f0945 with commit message:: Don't call handlers on invalid socket (#1135)
Build couchbase-lite-java-3.0.0-66 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 34f0945 with commit message:: Don't call handlers on invalid socket (#1135)
Build couchbase-lite-android-3.0.0-66 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 34f0945 with commit message:: Don't call handlers on invalid socket (#1135)
Build couchbase-lite-ios-3.0.0-110 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 34f0945 with commit message:: Don't call handlers on invalid socket (#1135)
Build couchbase-lite-core-3.0.0-73 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 34f0945 with commit message:: Don't call handlers on invalid socket (#1135)
Reported in this forum post. A POSIX 32 error is seemingly able to cause a null deference in Core. Need to examine to see if it can be found.