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Expected result: Error code should return something other than `kFLNoError`?
Build couchbase-lite-java-3.0.0-117 contains fleece commit f8923b7 with commit message:: FLError not set on truncated JSON (#91)
Build couchbase-lite-android-3.0.0-117 contains fleece commit f8923b7 with commit message:: FLError not set on truncated JSON (#91)
Build couchbase-lite-net-3.0.0-71 contains fleece commit f8923b7 with commit message:: FLError not set on truncated JSON (#91)
Build couchbase-lite-ios-3.0.0-160 contains fleece commit f8923b7 with commit message:: FLError not set on truncated JSON (#91)
Build couchbase-lite-log-3.0.0-112 contains fleece commit f8923b7 with commit message:: FLError not set on truncated JSON (#91)
Expected result: Error code should return something other than `kFLNoError`?