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CBL: 3.0.0 - 149
Steps to reproduce:
Run Todo desktop
Create/Update a task image with a PNG image
Image is not visible in GUI
Actual result:
When loading a PNG image, read() returns negative values which cause IOException in Java. However, the exception is swallowed, program still runs normally but image won't be loaded.
Expected result:
read() returns values range from 0 - 255
PNG image is loaded and visible on GUI
Build couchbase-lite-java-3.1.0-2 contains couchbase-lite-java-ee-root commit c25aaf1 with commit message:: BlobInputStream returns negative values
Build couchbase-lite-android-3.1.0-2 contains couchbase-lite-java-ee-root commit c25aaf1 with commit message:: BlobInputStream returns negative values
Fix verified
Build is up. it is 3.0.0-178
Build couchbase-lite-java-3.0.0-178 contains couchbase-lite-java-ee-root commit 97204fe with commit message:: is returning negative values.
CBL: 3.0.0 - 149
Steps to reproduce:
Run Todo desktop
Create/Update a task image with a PNG image
Image is not visible in GUI
Actual result:
When loading a PNG image, read() returns negative values which cause IOException in Java. However, the exception is swallowed, program still runs normally but image won't be loaded.
Expected result:
read() returns values range from 0 - 255
PNG image is loaded and visible on GUI