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    • DOC-2022-S24, DOC-2022-S25, DOC-2023-S1, DOC-2023-S2, DOC-2023-S3, DOC-2023-S4, DOC-2023-S5, DOC-2023-S6
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      N1QL in inline text:

      modules/concept-docs/pages/analytics-for-sdk-users.adoc::description: Parallel data management for complex queries over many records, using a familiar N1QL-like syntax.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/data-model.adoc:These data structures are stored as JSON documents in Couchbase, and can therefore be accessed using N1QL, Full Text Search, and normal key-value operations.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc:or xref:{version-server}@server:n1ql:n1ql-language-reference/update.adoc[N1QL UPDATE] to update documents based on specific query criteria:
      modules/concept-docs/pages/n1ql-query.adoc:For N1QL, the default consistency is `not_bounded`.
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ Create a N1QL Primary Index (but ignore if it exists)
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ Perform a N1QL Query
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ couchbase.n1ql import N1QLQuery
      modules/devguide/examples/python/    N1QLQuery('DELETE from default WHERE type=$1', 'product')
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ = N1QLQuery(
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ = N1QLQuery(
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ couchbase.n1ql import N1QLQuery, MutationState
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ = N1QLQuery('SELECT * from default WHERE timestamp=$1', TIMESTAMP)
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ couchbase.n1ql import N1QLQuery, CONSISTENCY_REQUEST
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ = N1QLQuery(
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ couchbase.n1ql import N1QLQuery
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ = N1QLQuery('SELECT airportname, city, country FROM `travel-sample` '
      modules/devguide/examples/python/ couchbase.n1ql import N1QLQuery
      modules/devguide/examples/python/    query = N1QLQuery('SELECT airportname FROM `travel-sample` '
      modules/hello-world/examples/ needed for options -- cluster, timeout, SQL++ (N1QL) query, etc.
      modules/hello-world/examples/ needed for options -- cluster, timeout, SQL++ (N1QL) query, etc.
      modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc:The{travel-sample-git-project}/blob/HEAD/{travel-sample-entrypoint}[{travel-sample-entrypoint}] file also contains the functions for handling users, registration, and N1QL queries.
      modules/hello-world/pages/start-using-sdk.adoc:* How to xref:sql-lookup[lookup documents] with the {sqlpp_url}[{sqlpp} (formerly N1QL)] query language.
      modules/howtos/examples/ used to support SQL++ (N1QL) query
      modules/howtos/examples/        # We have a N1QL error context, we can print out some useful information:
      modules/howtos/examples/        performing N1QL queries, etc.
      modules/howtos/examples/        # N1QL query
      modules/howtos/examples/    bulk_load_statement = ""  # a bulk-loading N1QL statement not provided here
      modules/howtos/examples/ used to support SQL++ (N1QL) query
      modules/howtos/pages/analytics-using-sdk.adoc::description: Parallel data management for complex queries over many records, using a familiar N1QL-like syntax.
      modules/howtos/pages/concurrent-async-apis.adoc:=== Asyncio N1QL Operations
      modules/howtos/pages/concurrent-async-apis.adoc:The API for issuing N1QL queries is almost identical to the synchronous API. 
      modules/howtos/pages/concurrent-async-apis.adoc:.N1QL Query
      modules/howtos/pages/concurrent-async-apis.adoc:=== Twisted N1QL Operations
      modules/howtos/pages/concurrent-async-apis.adoc:The API for issuing N1QL queries is almost identical to the synchronous API. 
      modules/howtos/pages/concurrent-async-apis.adoc:.N1QL Query
      modules/howtos/pages/distributed-acid-transactions-from-the-sdk.adoc:If you already use[{sqlpp} (formerly N1QL)], then its use in transactions is very similar.
      modules/howtos/pages/encrypting-using-sdk.adoc:Alternatively, you can[rename the existing fields using a N1QL statement].
      modules/howtos/pages/encrypting-using-sdk.adoc:If you decide to rename the existing fields, make sure to do so _before_ writing any encrypted fields below the top level, otherwise it may be difficult to rename the nested fields using a generic N1QL statement.
      modules/howtos/pages/error-handling.adoc:A N1QL query either returns results or will throw an error with a `QueryErrorContext`, like so:
      modules/howtos/pages/kv-operations.adoc:Our xref:n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc[Query Engine] enables retrieval of information using the SQL-like syntax of N1QL.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc::description: You can query for documents in Couchbase using the N1QL query language, a language based on SQL, but designed for structured and flexible JSON documents.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:Our query service uses N1QL, which will be fairly familiar to anyone who's used any dialect of SQL.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:xref:#additional-resources[Further resources] for learning about N1QL are listed at the bottom of the page.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:xref:{version-server}@server:n1ql:n1ql-language-reference/index.adoc[N1QL intro page], or just dive in with a query against our "travel-sample" data set.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:After familiarizing yourself with the basics on how the N1QL query language works and how to query it from the UI you can use it from the Python SDK. Here's a complete example of doing a query and handling the results:
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:NOTE: When using a Couchbase version < 6.5 you must create a valid Bucket connection using `cluster.bucket(name)` before you can use N1QL.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:NOTE: N1QL is not the only query option in Couchbase.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* For a deeper dive into N1QL from the SDK, refer to our xref:concept-docs:n1ql-query.adoc[N1QL SDK concept doc].
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* The xref:{version-server}@server:n1ql:n1ql-language-reference/index.adoc[Server doc N1QL intro] introduces a complete guide to the N1QL language, including all of the latest additions.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* The[N1QL interactive tutorial] is a good introduction to the basics of N1QL use.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* N1QL is for operational queries; for analytical workloads, read more on xref:concept-docs:http-services.adoc#Long-Running-Queries-&-Big-Data[when to choose Analytics Service], our implementation of SQL++.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:IMPORTANT: The Sub-Document operations described on this page are for _Key-Value_ requests only: they are not related to Sub-Document N1QL queries.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:(Sub-Document N1QL queries are explained in the section xref:n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc[Querying with N1QL].)
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:The _path_ follows <<path-syntax,N1QL syntax>>.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:Path syntax largely follows N1QL conventions: A path is divided into components, with each component referencing a specific _level_ in a document hierarchy.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:a dot or brackets) it may be escaped using N1QL escapes.
      modules/howtos/pages/transcoders-nonjson.adoc:NOTE: It's important to note that the Couchbase Data Platform includes multiple components other than the Key-Value store -- including N1QL (Query) and its indexes, FTS (Search), analytics, and eventing -- and these are optimized for JSON and will either ignore or provide limited functionality with non-JSON documents.
      modules/project-docs/pages/3.0-pre-release-notes.adoc:Refactored for FTS/N1QL/durability LCB changes.
      modules/project-docs/pages/3.0-pre-release-notes.adoc:Example N1QL statements do seem to work in "Hello Couchbase" example.
      modules/project-docs/pages/3.0-pre-release-notes.adoc:N1QL Query Index Management
      modules/project-docs/pages/compatibility.adoc:| Scope-Level N1QL Queries & all Collections features
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Compare this to a N1QL query:
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:// Here is an example of the error context if a N1QL query is performed with an invalid syntax (i.e. `select 1= from`):
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:N1QL querying is now available at the `Cluster` level instead of the bucket level, because you can also write N1QL queries that span multiple buckets. Compare a simple N1QL query from SDK 2 with its SDK 3 equivalent:
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:// |`N1QLRequest.metrics`      | `QueryResult.metrics`
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:// |`N1QLRequest.profile`      | `QueryResult.profile`
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Analytics querying, like N1QL, is also moved to the `Cluster` level: it is now accessible through the `Cluster.analytics_query` method.
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Also, creating a N1QL index now lives in the `QueryIndexManager`, which is accessible through the `Cluster`.
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:Fixed N1QL Query options `scan_wait/scan_cap` misspelling.
      modules/ref/pages/client-settings.adoc:Mutation tokens allow enhanced durability requirements as well as advanced N1QL querying capabilities.
      modules/ref/pages/client-settings.adoc:The Query timeout is used on all N1QL query operations if not overridden by a custom timeout.
      modules/hello-world/examples/ needed for options -- cluster, timeout, SQL++ (N1QL) query, etc.
      modules/hello-world/examples/ needed for options -- cluster, timeout, SQL++ (N1QL) query, etc.
      modules/hello-world/pages/start-using-sdk.adoc:=== SQL++ Lookup
      modules/howtos/examples/ used to support SQL++ (N1QL) query
      modules/howtos/examples/ used to support SQL++ (N1QL) query
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* N1QL is for operational queries; for analytical workloads, read more on xref:concept-docs:http-services.adoc#Long-Running-Queries-&-Big-Data[when to choose Analytics Service], our implementation of SQL++.

      Use this command to update [source,n1ql] to [source,sqlpp]:
      Note, this is for Mac, you may need to change the command slightly on other systems.

       git grep -l "source,n1ql" | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/source,n1ql/source,sqlpp/g'


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