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  1. Couchbase Kubernetes
  2. K8S-512

Getting rebalance incomplete event before the cluster enters balanced condition




      Testcase: TestNodeUnschedulable

      Getting "rebalance-incomplete" event before the cluster enters the balanced state.

      Attaching operator and couchbase cluster logs with this.

      util.go:189: Expected events to be:
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0000 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: BucketCreated | Message: A new bucket `default` was created
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0001 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0002 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0003 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0004 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: RebalanceStarted | Message: A rebalance has been started to balance data across the cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: RebalanceCompleted | Message: A rebalance has completed
                  but got:
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0000 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: BucketCreated | Message: A new bucket `default` was created
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0001 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0002 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0003 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: NewMemberAdded | Message: New member test-couchbase-k2zd9-0004 added to cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: RebalanceStarted | Message: A rebalance has been started to balance data across the cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: RebalanceIncomplete | Message: A rebalance is incomplete
                  Type: Normal | Reason: RebalanceStarted | Message: A rebalance has been started to balance data across the cluster
                  Type: Normal | Reason: RebalanceCompleted | Message: A rebalance has completed


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              ashwin.govindarajulu Ashwin Govindarajulu
              ashwin.govindarajulu Ashwin Govindarajulu
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