Install Couchbase Server 4.6.3-4084 on one centos 7.x server.
At bin directory, initialize cluster. It works as expected.
[root@s44015 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-init --cluster= --cluster-username Administrator --cluster-password password --cluster-ramsize 256
SUCCESS: init/edit
Then run to set up index storage mode, it does not work any more with long option flag of cluster username and password
[root@s44015 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-init --cluster= --cluster-username Administrator --cluster-password password --index-storage-setting=memopt
ERROR: unable to access the REST API - please check your username(-u) and password (-p)
Change to short form, it asked to use cluster edit
[root@s44015 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-init --cluster= -u Administrator -p password --index-storage-setting=memopt
Error: cluster is already initialized, use cluster-edit to change settings
Use cluster-edit with long option flag, failed to set index storage
[root@s44015 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-edit --cluster= --cluster-username Administrator --cluster-password password --index-storage-setting=memopt
ERROR: Username cannot be empty. Please use -u or set environment variable CB_REST_USERNAME.
Use short form of option flag, it threw out errror
[root@s44015 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-edit --cluster= -u Administrator -p password --index-storage-setting=memopt
ERROR: command: cluster-edit:, local variable 'output_result' referenced before assignment
I will check which build works on this case.
Issue Links
- relates to
MB-26287 CLONE - couchbase-cli cluster-init failed to accept --cluster-username and --cluster-password after first success run
- Closed