Install Couchbase server 6.5.0-3995 on a centos 7.6
Steps to reproduce.
- Create a travel-sample bucket on this node
- Create an admin user with korean username and korean password
- Create a directory name 지원1 under /tmp
- Configure backup repo with archive name 지원1 => name converted to /tmp/ba지원1
- Run backup travel-sample bucket
- Run one more backup on travel-sample bucket.
- Run collect-logs using cbbackupmgr and output to /tmp/지원1
- Collect logs runs successful but throw out error saying:
Backup `/tmp/ba지원1/지원/2019-08-08T15_40_31.402198842-07_00/travel-sample-473f5dba098c577861c78283778bfe97/data` is either empty or it got interrupted
- Flush travel-sample bucket and restore data back to bucket, data restores back ok.