Resolution: Fixed
6.5.0, Cheshire-Cat
As alluded to MB-37040 all modes of exporting a function UI, cURL and couchbase-cli should be cross compatible.
In other words an export via the on of the following UI, cURL or couchbase-cli should be able to be imported by any of the other two other methods.
Given a function/handler for Eventing Function/Handler named "once_daily" it could be any Function - we then export the function 3 ways to three different files
1. UI button to "once_daily.ui.export.json"
Use the UI's export button in the Eventing tab and rename this file to once_daily.ui.export.json
2. CURL CLI method to "once_daily.curl.export.json"
curl -X GET -s http://${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD}@localhost:8096/api/v1/functions/once_daily --output once_daily.curl.export.json
3. couchbase-cli CLI method to "once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json"
couchbase-cli eventing-function-setup -c localhost -u $CB_USERNAME -p $CB_PASSWORD --export --name once_daily --file once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json
Here we see that the UI and the cURL exports are identical
# ls -ltr *.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jon.strabala staff 5565 Nov 23 13:19 once_daily.ui.export.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 jon.strabala staff 5565 Nov 23 13:36 once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 jon.strabala staff 5814 Nov 23 16:22 once_daily.curl.export.json
# sum *.json
25681 6 once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json
21396 6 once_daily.curl.export.json
25681 6 once_daily.ui.export.json
# diff once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json
So we see two unique formats #1 (the UI and couchbase-cli format) and #2 (the cURL format).
Now lets try a 'cross import' via the UI, cURL, and couchbase-cli
1. The UI seems to work for both variants, e.g. it can import any of the files we just made.
Use the UI's import button in the Eventing tab across all three files (and delete)
2. CURL CLI try to "cross load" either once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json or once_daily.ui.export.jso
curl -s -X POST -d @./once_daily.couchbase-cli.export.json -s http://${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD}@localhost:8096/api/v1/functions/once_daily
"code": 16,
"description": "Unable to unmarshal payload",
"attributes": null,
"runtime_info": {
"code": 16,
"info": "Failed to unmarshal payload err: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type servicemanager.application"
3. couchbase-cli CLI try to "cross load" once_daily.curl.export.json
couchbase-cli eventing-function-setup -c localhost -u $CB_USERNAME -p $CB_PASSWORD --import --name verifier_01w_inst01 --file once_daily.curl.export.json
ERROR: code - 16
ERROR: description - Unable to unmarshal payload
ERROR: attributes - None
ERROR: runtime_info - {'code': 16, 'info': 'Failed to unmarshal payload err: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []servicemanager.application'}
The UI seems capable of importing either format (all exported files), however the CLI tools cURL and couchbase-cli can not "cross load" the other format.
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