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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-46206

High memory usage by indexer even when there are no indexes




      The RAM usage on indexer node ( is almost 12GiB even when there are no gsi indexes. I had many indexes on collections, and then I dropped all collections (and hence all indexes got dropped). I waited close to 24 hours and the RAM usage still didn't drop. 
      Here's the RAM usage on indexer node after waiting for 24 hours after all indexes got dropped:

         PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                           
       13304 couchba+  20   0   15.8g  12.4g  19168 S   2.7 52.9 424:39.43 indexer                                                                           
      106880 couchba+  20   0 4743884 227704   3692 S   2.0  0.9 322:27.12 beam.smp                                                                          
      107810 couchba+  20   0 1280224 239304  13836 S   1.3  1.0  23:52.86 prometheus 

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create 2kv, 1 n1ql, 14 index nodes cluster
      2. Create a bucket with 1K collections, and a total of 1K items
      3. Create 10 indexes per collection (so a total of 10K indexes that are deferred)
      4. Build 6K indexes from step 3
      5. Flush bucket, and drop all collections. So total index count is 0 here.
      6. Rebalance-out all index nodes except one index node (
      Wait for sufficiently long and observe that RAM usage by indexer on the above node doesn't drop as mentioned in the summary above

      Attaching logs from the resulting 4 node cluster at step 6


        1. UI_logs.png
          497 kB
          Sumedh Basarkod
        2. servers.png
          481 kB
          Sumedh Basarkod
        3. go-a-1621344380.svg
          68 kB
          Akhil Mundroy
        4. c4000d950.svg
          18 kB
          Akhil Mundroy

        Issue Links



              srinath.duvuru Srinath Duvuru
              sumedh.basarkod Sumedh Basarkod (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue


