Running the Eventing scriptlet "advancedGetOpWithCache" from the docs and modifying the function to access a document twice we see that on the second call an incorrect is returned.
// To run configure the settings for this Function, advancedGetOpWithCache, as follows:
// Version 7.1+
// "Function Scope"
// *.* (or try if non-privileged)
// Version 7.0.2+
// "Listen to Location"
// "Eventing Storage"
// rr100.eventing.metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "src_col", "", "read and write"function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
// filter out non-interesting documents
if (!doc.type || doc.type !== "test_adv_get") return;
log('input doc ', doc);
log('input meta', meta);
// let's read the same item and then try to read a non existent item
var meta_ary = [{"id":"test_adv_get::1"}, {"id":"not_present::1"}];
for (var i = 0; i < meta_ary.length; i++) {
var result
result = couchbase.get(src_col,meta_ary[i],{"cache": true});
if (result.success) {
log('1 success adv. get with cache: result',result);
} else {
log('1 failure adv. get with cache: id',meta_ary[i].id,'result',result);
// error occurs on second attempt
result = couchbase.get(src_col,meta_ary[i],{"cache": true});
if (result.success) {
log('2 success adv. get with cache: result',result);
} else {
log('2 failure adv. get with cache: id',meta_ary[i].id,'result',result);
As per the scriptlet instructions make a single document in with
KEY test_adv_get::1
DATA {"id": 1,"type": "test_adv_get"}
Deploy the function the first call to
result = couchbase.get(src_col,meta_ary[i],{"cache": true});
returns the correct in the result of test_adv_get::1 BUT the second call incorrectly returns bulk as the
The log file is as follows:
2022-10-08T10:22:57.579-07:00 [INFO] "input doc " {"id":1,"type":"test_adv_get"}
2022-10-08T10:22:57.580-07:00 [INFO] "input meta" {"cas":"1665249103316516864","id":"test_adv_get::1","expiration":0,"flags":33554438,"vb":324,"seq":3,"datatype":"json","keyspace":{"bucket_name":"bulk","scope_name":"data","collection_name":"source"},"cid":8}
2022-10-08T10:22:57.581-07:00 [INFO] "1 success adv. get with cache: result" {"doc":{"id":1,"type":"test_adv_get"},"meta":{"id":"test_adv_get::1","cas":"1665249103316516864","datatype":"json"},"success":true}
2022-10-08T10:22:57.581-07:00 [INFO] "2 success adv. get with cache: result" {"doc":{"id":1,"type":"test_adv_get"},"meta":{"id":"bulk","cas":"1665249103316516864","datatype":"json"},"success":true}
2022-10-08T10:22:57.582-07:00 [INFO] "1 failure adv. get with cache: id" "not_present::1" "result" {"error":{"code":1,"name":"LCB_KEY_ENOENT","desc":"The document key does not exist on the server","key_not_found":true},"success":false}
2022-10-08T10:22:57.582-07:00 [INFO] "2 failure adv. get with cache: id" "not_present::1" "result" {"error":{"code":1,"name":"LCB_KEY_ENOENT","desc":"The document key does not exist on the server","key_not_found":true},"success":false}
Note for KEY test_adv_get::1 (which exists) is correct as "test_adv_get::1" for the first call, BUT it is incorrect for the second call is is wrong returning as "bulk" (somehow it returns a component of the keyspace?)
Note if we set {"cache": false} (or remove the option) it doesn't do bucket backed caching and the returned is always correct:
2022-10-08T10:31:59.484-07:00 [INFO] "input doc " {"id":1,"type":"test_adv_get"}
2022-10-08T10:31:59.485-07:00 [INFO] "input meta" {"cas":"1665249103316516864","id":"test_adv_get::1","expiration":0,"flags":33554438,"vb":324,"seq":3,"datatype":"json","keyspace":{"bucket_name":"bulk","scope_name":"data","collection_name":"source"},"cid":8}
2022-10-08T10:31:59.487-07:00 [INFO] "1 success adv. get with cache: result" {"doc":{"id":1,"type":"test_adv_get"},"meta":{"id":"test_adv_get::1","cas":"1665249103316516864","datatype":"json"},"success":true}
2022-10-08T10:31:59.488-07:00 [INFO] "2 success adv. get with cache: result" {"doc":{"id":1,"type":"test_adv_get"},"meta":{"id":"test_adv_get::1","cas":"1665249103316516864","datatype":"json"},"success":true}
2022-10-08T10:31:59.488-07:00 [INFO] "1 failure adv. get with cache: id" "not_present::1" "result" {"error":{"code":1,"name":"LCB_KEY_ENOENT","desc":"The document key does not exist on the server","key_not_found":true},"success":false}
2022-10-08T10:31:59.489-07:00 [INFO] "2 failure adv. get with cache: id" "not_present::1" "result" {"error":{"code":1,"name":"LCB_KEY_ENOENT","desc":"The document key does not exist on the server","key_not_found":true},"success":false}
Issue Links
- backports to
MB-54315 [BP to 7.2.0] bucket backed cache returns wrong on calls 2-N if cached.
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