Uploaded image for project: 'Couchbase Server'
  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-60258

N1QL queries with Search Functions starts failing randomly in between continuous query workload



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Major
    • 7.2.4
    • 7.2.4, 7.2.3
    • fts
    • None



      Test to reproduce:

      ./testrunner -i /data/workspace/debian-p0-fts-vset00-00-custom-map-n1ql-rqg-scorch-collections-3_7.0_P1/testexec.35747.ini -p get-cbcollect-info=False,disable_HTP=True,get-logs=False,stop-on-failure=False,cluster=D+F,index_type=scorch,fts_quota=1000,run_via_n1ql=True,custom_map_add_non_indexed_fields=False,EXCLUDE_GROUP=SKIP_FOR_N1QL,text_analyzer=keyword,java_sdk_client=True,GROUP=COLLECTIONS,container_type=collection,sirius_url= -t fts.stable_topology_fts.StableTopFTS.index_query_custom_mapping,items=1000,custom_map=True,num_custom_analyzers=1,compare_es=True,cm_id=4,num_queries=100,GROUP=BUCKETS;P0;SKIP_FOR_N1QL;N1QL_MATCH_PHRASE;COLLECTIONS 

      Index Definition:

      {"type": "fulltext-index", "name": "custom_index", "uuid": "", "params": {"mapping": {"default_mapping": {"enabled": false, "dynamic": true, "default_analyzer": ""}, "type_field": "type", "default_type": "_default", "default_analyzer": "standard", "default_datetime_parser": "dateTimeOptional", "default_field": "_all", "analysis": {"analyzers": {"customAnalyzer1": {"char_filters": ["mapping"], "token_filters": ["apostrophe"], "tokenizer": "whitespace", "type": "custom"}}, "token_filters": {"back_edge_ngram": {"back": true, "max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "edge_ngram"}, "dict_compound_en": {"dict_token_map": "stop_en", "type": "dict_compound"}, "dict_compound_fr": {"dict_token_map": "articles_fr", "type": "dict_compound"}, "front_edge_ngram": {"back": false, "max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "edge_ngram"}, "keyword_marker": {"keywords_token_map": "stopwords", "type": "keyword_marker"}, "stopwords": {"stop_token_map": "stopwords", "type": "stop_tokens"}, "length": {"max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "length"}, "ngram": {"max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "ngram"}, "shingle": {"filler": "", "max": 5, "min": 2, "output_original": "false", "separator": "", "type": "shingle"}, "truncate": {"length": 10, "type": "truncate_token"}}, "token_maps": {"stopwords": {"tokens": ["i", "me", "my", "myself", "we", "our", "ours", "ourselves", "you", "your", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves", "he", "him", "his", "himself", "she", "her", "hers", "herself", "it", "its", "itself", "they", "them", "their", "theirs", "themselves", "what", "which", "who", "whom", "this", "that", "these", "those", "am", "is", "are", "was", "were", "be", "been", "being", "have", "has", "had", "having", "do", "does", "did", "doing", "would", "should", "could", "ought", "i'm", "you're", "he's", "she's", "it's", "we're", "they're", "i've", "you've", "we've", "they've", "i'd", "you'd", "he'd", "she'd", "we'd", "they'd", "i'll", "you'll", "he'll", "she'll", "we'll", "they'll", "isn't", "aren't", "wasn't", "weren't", "hasn't", "haven't", "hadn't", "doesn't", "don't", "didn't", "won't", "wouldn't", "shan't", "shouldn't", "can't", "cannot", "couldn't", "mustn't", "let's", "that's", "who's", "what's", "here's", "there's", "when's", "where's", "why's", "how's", "a", "an", "the", "and", "but", "if", "or", "because", "as", "until", "while", "of", "at", "by", "for", "with", "about", "against", "between", "into", "through", "during", "before", "after", "above", "below", "to", "from", "up", "down", "in", "out", "on", "off", "over", "under", "again", "further", "then", "once", "here", "there", "when", "where", "why", "how", "all", "any", "both", "each", "few", "more", "most", "other", "some", "such", "no", "nor", "not", "only", "own", "same", "so", "than", "too", "very"], "type": "custom"}}, "char_filters": {"mapping": {"regexp": "[f]", "replace": "ph", "type": "regexp"}}, "tokenizers": {"alphanumeric": {"regexp": "[0-9a-zA-Z_]*", "type": "regexp"}}}, "types": {"scope1.collection1.emp": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [], "properties": {"manages": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [], "properties": {"team_size": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": {}, "fields": [{"include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "team_size", "store": false, "type": "number", "analyzer": ""}]}}}, "join_date": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": {}, "fields": [{"include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "join_date", "store": false, "type": "datetime", "analyzer": ""}]}, "email": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": {}, "fields": [{"include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "email", "store": false, "type": "text", "analyzer": "customAnalyzer1"}]}}}}}, "store": {"kvStoreName": "mossStore", "mossStoreOptions": {}, "indexType": "scorch"}, "doc_config": {"mode": "scope.collection.type_field", "type_field": "type"}}, "sourceType": "couchbase", "sourceName": "default", "sourceUUID": "", "planParams": {"numReplicas": 0, "maxPartitionsPerPIndex": 171, "indexPartitions": 1}, "sourceParams": {}}
      2024-01-03 04:36:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.urllib_request] Making a rest request api= verb=PUT params={"type": "fulltext-index", "name": "custom_index", "uuid": "", "params": {"mapping": {"default_mapping": {"enabled": false, "dynamic": true, "default_analyzer": ""}, "type_field": "type", "default_type": "_default", "default_analyzer": "standard", "default_datetime_parser": "dateTimeOptional", "default_field": "_all", "analysis": {"analyzers": {"customAnalyzer1": {"char_filters": ["mapping"], "token_filters": ["apostrophe"], "tokenizer": "whitespace", "type": "custom"}}, "token_filters": {"back_edge_ngram": {"back": true, "max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "edge_ngram"}, "dict_compound_en": {"dict_token_map": "stop_en", "type": "dict_compound"}, "dict_compound_fr": {"dict_token_map": "articles_fr", "type": "dict_compound"}, "front_edge_ngram": {"back": false, "max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "edge_ngram"}, "keyword_marker": {"keywords_token_map": "stopwords", "type": "keyword_marker"}, "stopwords": {"stop_token_map": "stopwords", "type": "stop_tokens"}, "length": {"max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "length"}, "ngram": {"max": 5, "min": 3, "type": "ngram"}, "shingle": {"filler": "", "max": 5, "min": 2, "output_original": "false", "separator": "", "type": "shingle"}, "truncate": {"length": 10, "type": "truncate_token"}}, "token_maps": {"stopwords": {"tokens": ["i", "me", "my", "myself", "we", "our", "ours", "ourselves", "you", "your", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves", "he", "him", "his", "himself", "she", "her", "hers", "herself", "it", "its", "itself", "they", "them", "their", "theirs", "themselves", "what", "which", "who", "whom", "this", "that", "these", "those", "am", "is", "are", "was", "were", "be", "been", "being", "have", "has", "had", "having", "do", "does", "did", "doing", "would", "should", "could", "ought", "i'm", "you're", "he's", "she's", "it's", "we're", "they're", "i've", "you've", "we've", "they've", "i'd", "you'd", "he'd", "she'd", "we'd", "they'd", "i'll", "you'll", "he'll", "she'll", "we'll", "they'll", "isn't", "aren't", "wasn't", "weren't", "hasn't", "haven't", "hadn't", "doesn't", "don't", "didn't", "won't", "wouldn't", "shan't", "shouldn't", "can't", "cannot", "couldn't", "mustn't", "let's", "that's", "who's", "what's", "here's", "there's", "when's", "where's", "why's", "how's", "a", "an", "the", "and", "but", "if", "or", "because", "as", "until", "while", "of", "at", "by", "for", "with", "about", "against", "between", "into", "through", "during", "before", "after", "above", "below", "to", "from", "up", "down", "in", "out", "on", "off", "over", "under", "again", "further", "then", "once", "here", "there", "when", "where", "why", "how", "all", "any", "both", "each", "few", "more", "most", "other", "some", "such", "no", "nor", "not", "only", "own", "same", "so", "than", "too", "very"], "type": "custom"}}, "char_filters": {"mapping": {"regexp": "[f]", "replace": "ph", "type": "regexp"}}, "tokenizers": {"alphanumeric": {"regexp": "[0-9a-zA-Z_]*", "type": "regexp"}}}, "types": {"scope1.collection1.emp": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [], "properties": {"manages": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [], "properties": {"team_size": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": {}, "fields": [{"include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "team_size", "store": false, "type": "number", "analyzer": ""}]}}}, "join_date": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": {}, "fields": [{"include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "join_date", "store": false, "type": "datetime", "analyzer": ""}]}, "email": {"dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": {}, "fields": [{"include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "email", "store": false, "type": "text", "analyzer": "customAnalyzer1"}]}}}}}, "store": {"kvStoreName": "mossStore", "mossStoreOptions": {}, "indexType": "scorch"}, "doc_config": {"mode": "scope.collection.type_field", "type_field": "type"}}, "sourceType": "couchbase", "sourceName": "default", "sourceUUID": "", "planParams": {"numReplicas": 0, "maxPartitionsPerPIndex": 171, "indexPartitions": 1}, "sourceParams": {}} 

      Some n1ql queries are failing with 

      No index available on keyspace `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` that matches your query. Use CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` to create a primary index, or check that your expected index is online.  

      Example query:

      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] ----------------------------------------------------- Query # 64 ----------------------------------------------------
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [fts_base.run_fts_query] Running query {"indexName": "custom_index", "size": 10000000, "from": 0, "explain": false, "query": {"field": "email", "wildcard": "*"}, "fields": [], "ctl": {"consistency": {"level": "", "vectors": {}}, "timeout": 60000}} on node as : Administrator:
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.urllib_request] Making a rest request api= verb=POST params=b'{"indexName": "custom_index", "size": 10000000, "from": 0, "explain": false, "query": {"field": "email", "wildcard": "*"}, "fields": [], "ctl": {"consistency": {"level": "", "vectors": {}}, "timeout": 60000}}' client_cert=None verify=False
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Status: {'total': 1, 'failed': 0, 'successful': 1}
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] FTS hits for query: {"field": "email", "wildcard": "*"} is 1000 (took 3.471185ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [es_base.search] ES query '{'query': {'wildcard': {'email': '*'}}}' 
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] ES hits for query: {"query": {"wildcard": {"email": "*"}}} on es_index is 1000 (took 52ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] SUCCESS: Docs returned by FTS = docs returned by ES, doc_ids verified
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Running N1QL query: select meta().id from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {"field": "email", "wildcard": "*"})
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+meta%28%29.id+from+default%3Adefault.scope1.collection1+where+type%3D%27emp%27+and+search%28default%2C+%7B%22field%22%3A+%22email%22%2C+%22wildcard%22%3A+%22%2A%22%7D%29
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body:  headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "5095300a-9680-4ab2-a589-e897701fec80",\n"errors": [{"code":4000,"msg":"No index available on keyspace `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` that matches your query. Use CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` to create a primary index, or check that your expected index is online."}],\n"status": "fatal",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "3.371217ms","executionTime": "3.254224ms","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] N1QL query execution is failed.
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] No index available on keyspace `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` that matches your query. Use CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` to create a primary index, or check that your expected index is online.
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Running N1QL query: select meta().id from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {"field": "email", "wildcard": "*"},{"index": "custom_index"})
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+meta%28%29.id+from+default%3Adefault.scope1.collection1+where+type%3D%27emp%27+and+search%28default%2C+%7B%22field%22%3A+%22email%22%2C+%22wildcard%22%3A+%22%2A%22%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A+%22custom_index%22%7D%29
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body:  headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "c9d11e14-4311-4438-b6bd-8f1257a322f0",\n"errors": [{"code":4000,"msg":"No index available on keyspace `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` that matches your query. Use CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` to create a primary index, or check that your expected index is online."}],\n"status": "fatal",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "1.794002ms","executionTime": "1.699069ms","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] N1QL query execution is failed.
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] No index available on keyspace `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` that matches your query. Use CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` to create a primary index, or check that your expected index is online.
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Running N1QL query: select meta().id,* from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {"field": "email", "wildcard": "*"},{"index": "custom_index"})
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+meta%28%29.id%2C%2A+from+default%3Adefault.scope1.collection1+where+type%3D%27emp%27+and+search%28default%2C+%7B%22field%22%3A+%22email%22%2C+%22wildcard%22%3A+%22%2A%22%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A+%22custom_index%22%7D%29
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body:  headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "5de0dcdf-7992-4b4c-a28e-f26cfc078287",\n"errors": [{"code":4000,"msg":"No index available on keyspace `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` that matches your query. Use CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` to create a primary index, or check that your expected index is online."}],\n"status": "fatal",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "3.013404ms","executionTime": "2.819137ms","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] N1QL query execution is failed.
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] No index available on keyspace `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` that matches your query. Use CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`default`.`scope1`.`collection1` to create a primary index, or check that your expected index is online.

      While latter queries pass (not always, this is completely random)

      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] ----------------------------------------------------- Query # 67 ----------------------------------------------------
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [fts_base.run_fts_query] Running query {"indexName": "custom_index", "size": 10000000, "from": 0, "explain": false, "query": {"field": "join_date", "start": "2003-03-16T19:45:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703", "inclusive_start": false, "inclusive_end": false}, "fields": [], "ctl": {"consistency": {"level": "", "vectors": {}}, "timeout": 60000}} on node as : Administrator:
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.urllib_request] Making a rest request api= verb=POST params=b'{"indexName": "custom_index", "size": 10000000, "from": 0, "explain": false, "query": {"field": "join_date", "start": "2003-03-16T19:45:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703", "inclusive_start": false, "inclusive_end": false}, "fields": [], "ctl": {"consistency": {"level": "", "vectors": {}}, "timeout": 60000}}' client_cert=None verify=False
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Status: {'total': 1, 'failed': 0, 'successful': 1}
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] FTS hits for query: {"field": "join_date", "start": "2003-03-16T19:45:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703", "inclusive_start": false, "inclusive_end": false} is 214 (took 1.289702ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [es_base.search] ES query '{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'range': {'join_date': {'gt': '2003-03-16T19:45:00', 'lt': '2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703'}}}}}}' 
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] ES hits for query: {"query": {"filtered": {"filter": {"range": {"join_date": {"gt": "2003-03-16T19:45:00", "lt": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703"}}}}}} on es_index is 214 (took 16ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] SUCCESS: Docs returned by FTS = docs returned by ES, doc_ids verified
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Running N1QL query: select meta().id from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {"field": "join_date", "start": "2003-03-16T19:45:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703", "inclusive_start": false, "inclusive_end": false},{"index": "custom_index"})
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+meta%28%29.id+from+default%3Adefault.scope1.collection1+where+type%3D%27emp%27+and+search%28default%2C+%7B%22field%22%3A+%22join_date%22%2C+%22start%22%3A+%222003-03-16T19%3A45%3A00%22%2C+%22end%22%3A+%222024-01-03T02%3A52%3A51.863703%22%2C+%22inclusive_start%22%3A+false%2C+%22inclusive_end%22%3A+false%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A+%22custom_index%22%7D%29
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] N1QL hits for query: "select meta().id from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {\"field\": \"join_date\", \"start\": \"2003-03-16T19:45:00\", \"end\": \"2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703\", \"inclusive_start\": false, \"inclusive_end\": false},{\"index\": \"custom_index\"})" is 214 (took 17.684696ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] SUCCESS: Docs returned by FTS = docs returned by N1QL, doc_ids verified
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Running N1QL query: select meta().id,* from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {"field": "join_date", "start": "2003-03-16T19:45:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703", "inclusive_start": false, "inclusive_end": false},{"index": "custom_index"})
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+meta%28%29.id%2C%2A+from+default%3Adefault.scope1.collection1+where+type%3D%27emp%27+and+search%28default%2C+%7B%22field%22%3A+%22join_date%22%2C+%22start%22%3A+%222003-03-16T19%3A45%3A00%22%2C+%22end%22%3A+%222024-01-03T02%3A52%3A51.863703%22%2C+%22inclusive_start%22%3A+false%2C+%22inclusive_end%22%3A+false%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A+%22custom_index%22%7D%29
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] N1QL hits for query: "select meta().id,* from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {\"field\": \"join_date\", \"start\": \"2003-03-16T19:45:00\", \"end\": \"2024-01-03T02:52:51.863703\", \"inclusive_start\": false, \"inclusive_end\": false},{\"index\": \"custom_index\"})" is 214 (took 61.850788ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] SUCCESS: Docs returned by FTS = docs returned by N1QL, doc_ids verified


      It's also not like queries prev to this also never passed, for instance query #15 passed


      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] ----------------------------------------------------- Query # 15 ----------------------------------------------------
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [fts_base.run_fts_query] Running query {"indexName": "custom_index", "size": 10000000, "from": 0, "explain": false, "query": {"field": "join_date", "start": "2000-12-17T08:33:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465", "inclusive_start": true, "inclusive_end": true}, "fields": [], "ctl": {"consistency": {"level": "", "vectors": {}}, "timeout": 60000}} on node as : Administrator:
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.urllib_request] Making a rest request api= verb=POST params=b'{"indexName": "custom_index", "size": 10000000, "from": 0, "explain": false, "query": {"field": "join_date", "start": "2000-12-17T08:33:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465", "inclusive_start": true, "inclusive_end": true}, "fields": [], "ctl": {"consistency": {"level": "", "vectors": {}}, "timeout": 60000}}' client_cert=None verify=False
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Status: {'total': 1, 'failed': 0, 'successful': 1, 'errors': {}}
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] FTS hits for query: {"field": "join_date", "start": "2000-12-17T08:33:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465", "inclusive_start": true, "inclusive_end": true} is 250 (took 1.512801ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [es_base.search] ES query '{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'range': {'join_date': {'gte': '2000-12-17T08:33:00', 'lte': '2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465'}}}}}}' 
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] ES hits for query: {"query": {"filtered": {"filter": {"range": {"join_date": {"gte": "2000-12-17T08:33:00", "lte": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465"}}}}}} on es_index is 250 (took 86ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] SUCCESS: Docs returned by FTS = docs returned by ES, doc_ids verified
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Running N1QL query: select meta().id from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {"field": "join_date", "start": "2000-12-17T08:33:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465", "inclusive_start": true, "inclusive_end": true},{"index": "custom_index"})
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+meta%28%29.id+from+default%3Adefault.scope1.collection1+where+type%3D%27emp%27+and+search%28default%2C+%7B%22field%22%3A+%22join_date%22%2C+%22start%22%3A+%222000-12-17T08%3A33%3A00%22%2C+%22end%22%3A+%222024-01-03T02%3A52%3A51.856465%22%2C+%22inclusive_start%22%3A+true%2C+%22inclusive_end%22%3A+true%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A+%22custom_index%22%7D%29
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] N1QL hits for query: "select meta().id from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {\"field\": \"join_date\", \"start\": \"2000-12-17T08:33:00\", \"end\": \"2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465\", \"inclusive_start\": true, \"inclusive_end\": true},{\"index\": \"custom_index\"})" is 250 (took 14.693841ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] SUCCESS: Docs returned by FTS = docs returned by N1QL, doc_ids verified
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] Running N1QL query: select meta().id,* from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {"field": "join_date", "start": "2000-12-17T08:33:00", "end": "2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465", "inclusive_start": true, "inclusive_end": true},{"index": "custom_index"})
      2024-01-03 02:53:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+meta%28%29.id%2C%2A+from+default%3Adefault.scope1.collection1+where+type%3D%27emp%27+and+search%28default%2C+%7B%22field%22%3A+%22join_date%22%2C+%22start%22%3A+%222000-12-17T08%3A33%3A00%22%2C+%22end%22%3A+%222024-01-03T02%3A52%3A51.856465%22%2C+%22inclusive_start%22%3A+true%2C+%22inclusive_end%22%3A+true%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A+%22custom_index%22%7D%29
      2024-01-03 02:53:24 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] N1QL hits for query: "select meta().id,* from default:default.scope1.collection1 where type='emp' and search(default, {\"field\": \"join_date\", \"start\": \"2000-12-17T08:33:00\", \"end\": \"2024-01-03T02:52:51.856465\", \"inclusive_start\": true, \"inclusive_end\": true},{\"index\": \"custom_index\"})" is 250 (took 58.573643ms)
      2024-01-03 02:53:24 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] SUCCESS: Docs returned by FTS = docs returned by N1QL, doc_ids verified

      So, queries are randomly failing with PRIMARY INDEX not available, I think probably somewhere between the test n1ql loses that fts index connection, It gets that fts index doesn't exist and then in turn starts to check for GSI Primary index to execute this query, which also doesn't exist and therefore fails.

      Job logs: 

      7.2.4 - http://qa.sc.couchbase.com/job/test_suite_executor/659199/consoleFull

      7.2.3 - http://qa.sc.couchbase.com/job/test_suite_executor/659212/consoleFull


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