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  1. Couchbase .NET client library
  2. NCBC-578

Non Obtrusive JSON Document Deseralization



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Trivial
    • backlog-1.0
    • 1.3.7
    • library
    • None
    • all


      Hi there,

      There was some discussion about the 1.3x SDK not forcefully injecting the "ID" property with the object's key.

      The previous discussion was briefly mentioned here:

      For convenience:
      I am having problems with this section of code:

      if (!IsArrayOrCollection(typeof(T)))

      { value = DocHelper.InsertId(value, key); }

      I am managing all the document IDs myself in my application. But DocHelper keeps interfering with my ID during deserialization. Is there a way we can possibly set a flag that wont interfere with my JSON ?

      One example: All my domain objects have a strongly typed Guid as their ID.

      The KEY to an Account object is "acct:aaaa-bb-cc-dd".

      POCO in C#:
      public class Account{
      public Guid Id


      I format the key to this object inside my App; however, during deserialization DocHelper interferes with the JSON by injecting the KEY: "acct:aaaa-bb-cc-dd" into the ID property in the JSON before deseralization.

      So when Newtonsoft deserializes the JSON with the injected DocHelper Id:Key:"acct:aaaa-bb-cc-dd" cannot be converted to a Guid because of the prefix "acct:" is an invalid Guid format. I'd prefer the SDK not interfere with any of my ser/deser JSON.

      Perhaps we can add some flag that can short circuit the DocHelper injection?

      Any suggestions on implementation?

      As a static configuration variable on DocHelper or via App.config?

      Of course, the default behavior would be to keep things as is for a non-breaking change.

      Using something like a static property:

      public static class DocHelper
      public static bool DisableIdInsert{get;set;}

      public static string InsertId(string json, string id)
      if (!DisableIdInsert && !json.Contains("\"id\""))

      { return json.Insert(1, string.Concat("\"id\":", "\"", id, "\",")); }

      return json;



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