Uploaded image for project: 'Couchbase Python Client Library'
  1. Couchbase Python Client Library
  2. PYCBC-712

data structures tests all fail



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 3.0.0-beta.2
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • 1


      When I runĀ nosetests -v couchbase_v2/tests/cases/datastructures_t.py
      I see:

      ERROR: test_list (couchbase_v2.tests.cases.datastructures_t.DatastructureTest)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase_v2/tests/cases/datastructures_t.py", line 48, in test_list
          self.cb.remove(key, quiet=True)
        File "<boltons.funcutils.FunctionBuilder-15>", line 2, in remove
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/result.py", line 375, in mutated
          result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/collection.py", line 929, in remove
          return ResultPrecursor(self.bucket.remove(id, **final_options), final_options)
      couchbase_core.exceptions.NotSupportedError: <RC=0x13[LCB_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x13)], There was a problem scheduling your request, or determining the appropriate server or vBucket for the key(s) requested. This may also be a bug in the SDK if there are no network issues, C Source=(src/miscops.c,132)>
      -------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
      root: INFO: info is {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8091, 'admin_username': 'Administrator', 'admin_password': 'password', 'bucket_name': 'default', 'bucket_password': 'password', 'ipv6': 'disabled', 'protocol': 'http', 'enable_tracing': None, 'tracingparms': {'port': None}, 'bucket_username': None, 'certpath': None, 'keypath': None, 'analytics_host': 'localhost', 'analytics_port': 8091, 'network': None}
      --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------
      ERROR: test_map (couchbase_v2.tests.cases.datastructures_t.DatastructureTest)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase_v2/tests/cases/datastructures_t.py", line 28, in test_map
          self.cb.remove(key, quiet=True)
        File "<boltons.funcutils.FunctionBuilder-15>", line 2, in remove
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/result.py", line 375, in mutated
          result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/collection.py", line 929, in remove
          return ResultPrecursor(self.bucket.remove(id, **final_options), final_options)
      couchbase_core.exceptions.NotSupportedError: <RC=0x13[LCB_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x13)], There was a problem scheduling your request, or determining the appropriate server or vBucket for the key(s) requested. This may also be a bug in the SDK if there are no network issues, C Source=(src/miscops.c,132)>
      ERROR: test_queue (couchbase_v2.tests.cases.datastructures_t.DatastructureTest)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase_v2/tests/cases/datastructures_t.py", line 100, in test_queue
          self.cb.remove(key, quiet=True)
        File "<boltons.funcutils.FunctionBuilder-15>", line 2, in remove
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/result.py", line 375, in mutated
          result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/collection.py", line 929, in remove
          return ResultPrecursor(self.bucket.remove(id, **final_options), final_options)
      couchbase_core.exceptions.NotSupportedError: <RC=0x13[LCB_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x13)], There was a problem scheduling your request, or determining the appropriate server or vBucket for the key(s) requested. This may also be a bug in the SDK if there are no network issues, C Source=(src/miscops.c,132)>
      ERROR: test_sets (couchbase_v2.tests.cases.datastructures_t.DatastructureTest)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase_v2/tests/cases/datastructures_t.py", line 80, in test_sets
          self.cb.remove(key, quiet=True)
        File "<boltons.funcutils.FunctionBuilder-15>", line 2, in remove
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/result.py", line 375, in mutated
          result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        File "/Users/davidkelly/projects/gerrit/couchbase-python-client/couchbase/collection.py", line 929, in remove
          return ResultPrecursor(self.bucket.remove(id, **final_options), final_options)
      couchbase_core.exceptions.NotSupportedError: <RC=0x13[LCB_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x13)], There was a problem scheduling your request, or determining the appropriate server or vBucket for the key(s) requested. This may also be a bug in the SDK if there are no network issues, C Source=(src/miscops.c,132)>
      Ran 4 tests in 1.876s
      FAILED (errors=4)


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            Ellis.Breen Ellis Breen
            david.kelly David Kelly (Inactive)
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