Release Notes - Couchbase Server - Version 1.7 alpha 2 - HTML format

Technical task

  • [MB-2655] - Make a design for upgrade.


  • [MB-1105] - Cannot cancel "Join a Cluster" unless reload page -- with screen resolution 800x600
  • [MB-1107] - We should not return an "installation success" message if installation failed because disk is full
  • [MB-1216] - RPM installation will create a northscale user even when a northscale user already exists
  • [MB-1808] - deb uninstall leaves extra files behind
  • [MB-2146] - Deleting bucket does not delete sqlite files


  • [MB-2602] - As a user, I can upgrade membase in place so that I can upgrade a cluster even with bugs that prevent rebalancing.


  • [MB-1264] - UI: serverlist sorting should be IP-number aware
  • [MB-2569] - Vbucket java client

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