Release Notes - Couchbase .NET client library - Version 2.0.1 - HTML format


  • [NCBC-694] - When custom ports are used CCCP still uses the default 11210
  • [NCBC-701] - sometimes ops/sec drop to ~1 ops/sec
  • [NCBC-733] - JSON serialization settings not consistently picked up.
  • [NCBC-734] - Unable to Authenticate when doing failover and Clients never seem to recover
  • [NCBC-748] - When App.Config is used for configuration, the pool configuration is overwritten
  • [NCBC-750] - If the 1st URI in the bootstrap list fails, we fall back to HTconfig instead of trying CCCP with the other URI in the list.
  • [NCBC-753] - The test TimeSpanExtensionTests. When_Given_Big_TimeSpan_Should_Convert_To_Timestamp is failing
  • [NCBC-755] - Update SslConnection to use byte[] Send(byte[] buffer) overload
  • [NCBC-762] - Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot deserialize the current JSON object
  • [NCBC-766] - unable to load data with system tests against sherlock builds
  • [NCBC-775] - System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) at Couchbase.IO.Connection.Receive durinп rebalance
  • [NCBC-776] - at the beginning of rebalance/failover SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine at Couchbase.IO.Connection.Receive
  • [NCBC-777] - Observe returns ObserveResponse.DurabilitySatisfied when CAS has changed
  • [NCBC-779] - system tests terminated with Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: "An asynchronous socket operation is already in progress using this SocketAsyncEventArgs instance
  • [NCBC-780] - Remove AutoCompactionSettings and FastWarmupSettings from IBucketConfig


  • [NCBC-480] - Implement CouchbaseCluster.Info
  • [NCBC-540] - Ensure TTL on operations follows documented rules
  • [NCBC-651] - Create Tests to ensure 1.X and 2.X work together in the same app domain
  • [NCBC-728] - Typo in Hello Couchbase example
  • [NCBC-736] - Add Support for bulk operations: Remove
  • [NCBC-739] - Add PascalCasePropertyNamesContractResolver for serialization/deserialization
  • [NCBC-740] - Update IO to use SocketAsyncEventArgs and pinned Buffers
  • [NCBC-741] - The release notes should have the full version number.
  • [NCBC-747] - The XML for logging is incorrect
  • [NCBC-782] - During failover client cannot authenticate


  • [NCBC-625] - View do not work with dynamic type or strings on Mono
  • [NCBC-717] - Provide TimeSpan overloads for IBucket methods that take expirations
  • [NCBC-735] - ClientConfiguration : ensure SSL use is overridden only if set true at global level

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