Release Notes - Couchbase .NET client library - Version 2.1.1 - HTML format


  • [NCBC-809] - If two threads attempt to open the same bucket at the same time they will both bootstrap
  • [NCBC-884] - Make Nodes and serversList symmetrical
  • [NCBC-885] - SDK uses Nodes instead of serverList for VBucket Mapping
  • [NCBC-887] - TcpKeepAlive settings on ClientConfiguration are not honored
  • [NCBC-890] - When a node is dropped (server offline for instance) OPS go to near Zero
  • [NCBC-892] - In ClientConfiguration TcpKeepAliveTime and TcpKeepAliveInterval are switched
  • [NCBC-896] - Support translation between Hostname and IPAddress in IPEndpointExtensions.GetServer(hostname)


  • [NCBC-893] - Ensure VBucket.GetServer does not throw AOOR Exceptions
  • [NCBC-898] - Make NodeUnavailable and TemporaryFailures retriable


  • [NCBC-897] - When SendAsync returns synchronously call OnCompleted manually

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