09:38:13.675 INFO Parsing connection string `couchbase://dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com/testbucket` 09:38:13.678 INFO Connection string was parsed as a potential DNS SRV record 09:38:13.729 INFO Connection string identifies the following CCCP endpoints: 09:38:13.729 INFO 1. dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:11210 09:38:13.738 INFO Connection string identifies the following HTTP endpoints: 09:38:13.739 INFO 1. dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:8091 09:38:13.740 INFO Connection string specifies bucket `testbucket` 09:38:13.811 WARN Your connection string specifies only a single host. You should consider adding additional static nodes from your cluster to this list to improve your applications fault-tolerance 09:38:13.811 INFO Performing DNS lookup for host `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com` 09:38:13.828 INFO Bootstrap host `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com` refers to a server with the address `52.x.y.z` 09:38:13.833 INFO Attempting to connect to cluster via CCCP 09:38:13.840 INFO Attempting to fetch config via cccp from `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:11210` 09:38:14.085 INFO Selected the following network type: default 09:38:14.086 INFO Identified the following nodes: 09:38:14.093 INFO [0] dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com 09:38:14.107 INFO indexStreamCatchup: 9104, kv: 11210, kvSSL: 11207 09:38:14.116 INFO capi: 8092, mgmtSSL: 18091, indexScan: 9101 09:38:14.142 INFO indexHttp: 9102, indexStreamInit: 9103, indexStreamMaint: 9105 09:38:14.150 INFO n1ql: 8093, n1qlSSL: 18093, mgmt: 8091 09:38:14.180 INFO indexAdmin: 9100, indexHttps: 19102, capiSSL: 18092 09:38:14.188 INFO projector: 9999 09:38:14.218 INFO Fetching config from `http://dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:8091` 09:38:14.393 INFO Received cluster configuration, nodes list: [ { "addressFamily": "inet", "clusterCompatibility": 393221, "clusterMembership": "active", "configuredHostname": "", "couchApiBase": "http://10.x.y.z:8092/", "couchApiBaseHTTPS": "https://10.x.y.z:18092/", "cpuCount": 2, "externalListeners": [ { "afamily": "inet", "nodeEncryption": false }, { "afamily": "inet6", "nodeEncryption": false } ], "hostname": "10.x.y.z:8091", "interestingStats": { "cmd_get": 0, "couch_docs_actual_disk_size": 76510504, "couch_docs_data_size": 59699269, "couch_spatial_data_size": 0, "couch_spatial_disk_size": 0, "couch_views_actual_disk_size": 0, "couch_views_data_size": 0, "curr_items": 4876, "curr_items_tot": 4876, "ep_bg_fetched": 0, "get_hits": 0, "mem_used": 76159776, "ops": 0, "vb_active_num_non_resident": 0, "vb_replica_curr_items": 0 }, "mcdMemoryAllocated": 6348, "mcdMemoryReserved": 6348, "memoryFree": 4160004096, "memoryTotal": 8320696320, "nodeEncryption": false, "nodeUUID": "c284263c509ced7c1ab97ef62f1675f4", "os": "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "otpNode": "ns_1@", "ports": { "direct": 11210, "distTCP": 21100, "distTLS": 21150, "httpsCAPI": 18092, "httpsMgmt": 18091 }, "recoveryType": "none", "services": [ "index", "kv", "n1ql" ], "status": "healthy", "systemStats": { "cpu_cores_available": 2, "cpu_stolen_rate": 0, "cpu_utilization_rate": 9.32642487046632, "mem_free": 4160004096, "mem_limit": 8320696320, "mem_total": 8320696320, "swap_total": 0, "swap_used": 0 }, "thisNode": true, "uptime": "14070479", "version": "6.5.1-6299-enterprise" } ] 09:38:14.655 INFO Successfully connected to Key Value service at `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:11210` 09:38:14.825 INFO Successfully connected to Management service at `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:8091` 09:38:14.949 INFO Successfully connected to Views service at `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:8092` 09:38:15.059 INFO Successfully connected to Query service at `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:8093` 09:38:15.060 WARN Could not test Search service on `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com` as it was not in the config 09:38:15.067 WARN Could not test Analytics service on `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com` as it was not in the config 09:38:15.784 INFO Memd Nop Pinged `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:11210` 10 times, 0 errors, 47ms min, 49ms max, 48ms mean 09:38:15.785 WARN Memcached service on `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:11210` on average took longer than 10ms (was: 48ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance. 09:38:15.795 WARN Memcached service on `dummy.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com:11210` maximally took longer than 20ms (was: 49ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance. 09:38:15.809 INFO Diagnostics completed