# Query: travel-sample # Flags: WordMatch RegExp # Including: ./docs-server # Excluding: *.html,*.json N1QL pages modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/aggregatefun.adoc is already done! modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/arrayfun.adoc: 78: FROM `travel-sample` t 180: FROM `travel-sample` t 223: FROM `travel-sample` t 277: FROM `travel-sample` t 318: FROM `travel-sample` t 545: FROM `travel-sample` t 591: FROM `travel-sample` 696: Find how many total `public_likes` there are in the `travel-sample` keyspace. 701: FROM `travel-sample` t 740: FROM `travel-sample` t 779: FROM `travel-sample` t 907: FROM `travel-sample` t 950: FROM `travel-sample` t 1005: FROM `travel-sample` t 1155: FROM `travel-sample` t 1253: FROM `travel-sample` t 1301: FROM `travel-sample` t 1349: FROM `travel-sample` t modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/bitwisefun.adoc: 778: SELECT airline, stops, schedule[0].day FROM `travel-sample` 786: SELECT airline, stops, schedule[0].day FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/condfununknown.adoc: 44: FROM `travel-sample` a 261: FROM `travel-sample` a 311: FROM `travel-sample` h modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/curl.adoc: 500: * The left side keyspace `route` is the `pass:c[`travel-sample`]` route documents from cluster running on `hostname`. 502: * The right side keyspace `airline` is the `pass:c[`travel-sample`]` airline documents in the local cluster. 512: {"data" : "statement=SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` t WHERE t.type = 'route'" 514: JOIN `travel-sample` airline 549: {"data" : "statement=SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` t 552: JOIN `travel-sample` airline 577: Assuming the FTS index `fts_travel` is created on the keyspace `pass:c[`travel-sample`]`, running the following N1QL query finds all documents that have "sanfrancisco" anywhere in the document. 619: It uses the Yahoo finance API to find the day's low value (i.e `DaysLow`) of HDP stock and finds all the documents in the `travel-sample` keyspace that have `min_threshold` attribute value greater than the DaysLow stock value. 621: Insert the following documents into the `travel-sample` keyspace, representing customers and their minimum thresholds, and then run the `SELECT` query: 626: INSERT INTO `travel-sample` (KEY, VALUE) 640: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/datefun.adoc: 791: FROM `travel-sample` 800: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/metafun.adoc: 97: FROM `travel-sample` 141: FROM `travel-sample` 167: FROM `travel-sample` AS route 168: JOIN `travel-sample` AS airport 236: FROM `travel-sample` t 328: FROM `travel-sample` 408: FROM `travel-sample` 485: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/objectfun.adoc: 22: FROM `travel-sample` 85: FROM `travel-sample` 136: FROM `travel-sample` 183: SELECT OBJECT_LENGTH(`travel-sample`.schedule[0]) 184: FROM `travel-sample` 201: SELECT OBJECT_NAMES(`travel-sample`.schedule[0]) 202: FROM `travel-sample` 228: FROM `travel-sample` 309: FROM `travel-sample` 343: FROM `travel-sample` 378: FROM `travel-sample` 430: FROM `travel-sample` 502: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/patternmatchingfun.adoc: 35: FROM `travel-sample` 85: FROM `travel-sample` 214: FROM `travel-sample` 295: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/searchfun.adoc: 213: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 220: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 249: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 282: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 332: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 356: The above query uses the demonstration index xref:fts:fts-demonstration-indexes.adoc#travel-sample-index-hotel-description[travel-sample-index-hotel-description], which has the custom type mapping "hotel". 404: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 495: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 567: FROM `travel-sample` AS t1 modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/stringfun.adoc: 615: ON `travel-sample`( DISTINCT ARRAY array_element FOR array_element 623: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/tokenfun.adoc: 46: FROM `travel-sample` 103: FROM `travel-sample` 160: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/windowfun.adoc: 79: FROM `travel-sample` AS d 164: FROM `travel-sample` AS a 286: FROM `travel-sample` AS r 392: FROM `travel-sample` AS r 509: FROM `travel-sample` AS r 619: FROM `travel-sample` AS r 745: FROM `travel-sample` AS r 817: FROM `travel-sample` AS r 915: FROM `travel-sample` AS r 1040: FROM `travel-sample` AS d 1125: FROM `travel-sample` AS a 1223: FROM `travel-sample` AS d 1305: FROM `travel-sample` AS d modules/n1ql/partials/n1ql-language-reference/fun-token.adoc: 132: FROM `travel-sample` WHERE type = 'hotel' 169: CREATE INDEX idx_url_upper_special on `travel-sample`( 178: FROM `travel-sample`