# Query: travel-sample # Flags: WordMatch RegExp # Including: ./docs-server # Excluding: *.html,*.json N1QL operator pages modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/arithmetic.adoc: 74: FROM `travel-sample` modules/n1ql/pages/n1ql-language-reference/collectionops.adoc: 33: SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` 44: "travel-sample": { 206: FROM `travel-sample` 231: FROM `travel-sample` 262: SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` 273: "travel-sample": { 427: SELECT DISTINCT city FROM `travel-sample` AS l WHERE type = "landmark" 428: AND EXISTS (SELECT city FROM `travel-sample` AS a WHERE type = "airport"); 476: FROM `travel-sample` 523: SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` AS t 548: SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` AS t WHERE type = "hotel" AND "Walton Wolf" IN t; 551: This results in an empty set because authors are not in the current level (the root level) of the `travel-sample` documents. 587: SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` AS t WHERE type = "hotel" AND "Walton Wolf" WITHIN t;