Started by remote host [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building remotely on slv-sc2304-32g-12c (P0 jython_slave bkrs3) in workspace /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0 [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] Done Running Prebuild steps [centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ ++ echo eventing-rebalance_collection_P0-Apr-24-21:06:12-7.0.0-5017 ++ awk '{split($0,r,"-");print r[1],r[2]}' + desc='eventing rebalance_collection_P0' + echo Desc: 7.0.0-5017 - eventing rebalance_collection_P0 - centos Desc: 7.0.0-5017 - eventing rebalance_collection_P0 - centos + echo newState=available + newState=available Success build forhudson.tasks.Shell@3bc01fe9 [description-setter] Description set: 7.0.0-5017 - eventing rebalance_collection_P0 - centos Success build forhudson.plugins.descriptionsetter.DescriptionSetterBuilder@3d0c3035 [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties file path 'propfile' [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. Success build fororg.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectBuilder@4994af6d Cloning the remote Git repository Using shallow clone Cloning repository git:// > /usr/bin/git init /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0 # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from git:// > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --progress git:// +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* --depth=1 # timeout=30 > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url git:// # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url git:// # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from git:// > /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --progress git:// +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* --depth=1 # timeout=30 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision a5ba11859382a7cec49b3bd9acf0055e3d113787 (origin/master) > /usr/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git checkout -f a5ba11859382a7cec49b3bd9acf0055e3d113787 > /usr/bin/git rev-list a5ba11859382a7cec49b3bd9acf0055e3d113787 # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git tag -a -f -m Jenkins Build #338957 jenkins-test_suite_executor-338957 # timeout=10 No emails were triggered. [centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + echo Desc: eventing-rebalance_collection_P0-Apr-24-21:06:12-7.0.0-5017 Desc: eventing-rebalance_collection_P0-Apr-24-21:06:12-7.0.0-5017 [description-setter] Could not determine description. [centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ [centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + py_executable=python2 + echo 7.0.0-5017 + grep '7\.0' 7.0.0-5017 + py_executable=python3 + [[ 7.0.0-5017 > 6.5 ]] + git checkout master Switched to a new branch 'master' Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin. + git pull origin master From git:// * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date. + rerun_job=true + touch rerun_props_file + '[' false == false ']' + '[' true == true ']' + python3 scripts/ 7.0.0-5017 --executor_jenkins_job --manual_run [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties file path 'rerun_props_file' [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. [centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0] $ /bin/bash /tmp/ 7.0.0-5017 Already on 'master' From git:// * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date. Set ALLOW_HTP to False so test could run. HEAD is now at a5ba118 CBQE-6810: Fixing install failure on catalina MacOS the major release is 7 "","","","","","","","" Searching for httplib2 Best match: httplib2 0.18.1 Adding httplib2 0.18.1 to easy-install.pth file Using /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Processing dependencies for httplib2 Finished processing dependencies for httplib2 centos Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: Package 2:docker-1.13.1-204.git0be3e21.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version Nothing to do Using default tag: latest Trying to pull repository ... latest: Pulling from Digest: sha256:bc41010b9e920f5e1b75a226e8eda05eb4eb9843dad042e9e3950d1b7de823f4 Status: Image is up to date for [global] username:root password:couchbase port:8091 n1ql_port:8093 index_port:9102 [membase] rest_username:Administrator rest_password:password [servers] 1:_1 2:_2 3:_3 4:_4 5:_5 6:_6 7:_7 8:_8 [_1] ip:dynamic port:8091 n1ql_port:18093 index_port:9102 services:kv,index,n1ql [_2] ip:dynamic port:8091 [_3] ip:dynamic port:8091 [_4] ip:dynamic port:8091 [_5] ip:dynamic port:8091 [_6] ip:dynamic port:8091 [_7] ip:dynamic port:8091 [_8] ip:dynamic port:8091 python3 scripts/ -s "","","","","","","","" -d None -a None -i /tmp/testexec_reformat.18313.ini -p centos -o /tmp/testexec.18313.ini -k {} INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on sh -c 'if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then sysctl hw.memsize|grep -Eo [0-9]; else grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo|grep -Eo [0-9]; fi' INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root in main the ini file is /tmp/testexec_reformat.18313.ini the given server info is "","","","","","","","" Collecting memory info from Collecting memory info from Collecting memory info from Collecting memory info from Collecting memory info from Collecting memory info from Collecting memory info from Collecting memory info from the servers memory info is [('', 4103208), ('', 4103208), ('', 4103208), ('', 4103208), ('', 4103208), ('', 4103208), ('', 4103208), ('', 4103208)] [global] username:root password:couchbase port:8091 n1ql_port:8093 index_port:9102 [membase] rest_username:Administrator rest_password:password [servers] 1:_1 2:_2 3:_3 4:_4 5:_5 6:_6 7:_7 8:_8 [_1] ip: port:8091 n1ql_port:18093 index_port:9102 services:kv,index,n1ql [_2] ip: port:8091 [_3] ip: port:8091 [_4] ip: port:8091 [_5] ip: port:8091 [_6] ip: port:8091 [_7] ip: port:8091 [_8] ip: port:8091 extra install is Local time: Sat 2021-04-24 21:06:23 PDT Universal time: Sun 2021-04-25 04:06:23 UTC RTC time: Sun 2021-04-25 04:06:23 Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (PDT, -0700) NTP enabled: no NTP synchronized: yes RTC in local TZ: no DST active: yes Last DST change: DST began at Sun 2021-03-14 01:59:59 PST Sun 2021-03-14 03:00:00 PDT Next DST change: DST ends (the clock jumps one hour backwards) at Sun 2021-11-07 01:59:59 PDT Sun 2021-11-07 01:00:00 PST python3 scripts/ -i /tmp/testexec_root.18313.ini iptables -F INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root python3 scripts/ -i /tmp/testexec.18313.ini -p timeout=1800,skip_local_download=False,get-cbcollect-info=True,version=7.0.0-5017,product=cb,debug_logs=True,ntp=True,url= 2021-04-24 21:06:25,560 - root - WARNING - URL: is not valid, will use version to locate build 2021-04-24 21:06:25,561 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:25,660 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:25,923 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:26,212 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:26,214 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:26,310 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:26,559 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:26,849 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:26,851 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:26,951 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:27,214 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:27,502 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:27,504 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:27,601 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:27,856 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:28,149 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:28,151 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:28,250 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:28,523 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:28,821 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:28,823 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:28,921 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:29,193 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:29,487 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:29,489 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:29,588 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:29,867 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:30,165 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:30,167 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:30,268 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:30,530 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:30,823 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:30,824 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:30,921 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:31,161 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:31,451 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:31,453 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:31,552 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:31,802 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:32,093 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:32,094 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:32,193 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:32,456 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:32,746 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:32,748 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:32,845 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:33,099 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:33,391 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:33,394 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:33,493 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:33,763 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:34,052 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:34,054 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:34,155 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:34,412 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:34,699 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:34,702 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:34,799 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:35,070 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:35,361 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:35,363 - root - INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:06:35,461 - root - INFO - SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:06:35,720 - root - INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:06:36,010 - root - INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,011 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,011 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,011 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,012 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,012 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,013 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,013 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,013 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,013 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,014 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,014 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,014 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,015 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,015 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,015 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,015 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,017 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,018 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,018 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,019 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,019 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,019 - root - INFO - Check if ntp is installed 2021-04-24 21:06:36,019 - root - INFO - This OS version centos 7 2021-04-24 21:06:36,019 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status ntpd 2021-04-24 21:06:36,039 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,039 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,040 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,041 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,043 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,043 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,045 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,045 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,047 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,048 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,048 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,049 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,050 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,051 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,074 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,074 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ntpstat 2021-04-24 21:06:36,129 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,130 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,135 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,136 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,139 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,140 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,143 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,143 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,145 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,145 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,148 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,149 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,149 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,149 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,168 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,168 - root - INFO - running command.raw on timedatectl status 2021-04-24 21:06:36,214 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,214 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,218 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,219 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,225 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,225 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,228 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,230 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,230 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,231 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,231 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,234 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,235 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,235 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,236 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,248 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,250 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,251 - root - INFO - running command.raw on date 2021-04-24 21:06:36,271 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,279 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,283 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,285 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,289 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,304 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:06:36,338 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,356 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,379 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,385 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,392 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,393 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,397 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,413 - root - INFO - ['Sat Apr 24 21:06:36 PDT 2021'] IP: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,413 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,416 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,417 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,418 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,418 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,421 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,421 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,423 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,423 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,424 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,424 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,425 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,425 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,426 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,426 - root - INFO - Trying to check is this url alive: 2021-04-24 21:06:36,427 - root - INFO - This url is live 2021-04-24 21:06:36,427 - root - INFO - Downloading build binary to /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm.. 2021-04-24 21:06:36,438 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:06:36,438 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:06:36,439 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:06:36,439 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:06:36,442 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:06:36,442 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:06:36,443 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:06:36,444 - root - INFO - Copying /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm to 2021-04-24 21:09:20,318 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:20,941 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:21,162 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:21,453 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:21,491 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:21,574 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:21,907 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:22,095 - root - INFO - Done copying build to 2021-04-24 21:09:22,096 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,114 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,115 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:22,173 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,173 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,225 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,225 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,241 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,241 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:22,298 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,298 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,349 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,349 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,366 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,367 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:22,426 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,426 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,479 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,479 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,497 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,497 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:22,555 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,555 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,608 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,608 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,627 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,627 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:22,687 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,687 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,739 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,739 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,759 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,759 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:22,818 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,818 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,870 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,870 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:22,888 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,888 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:22,947 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:22,947 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:23,000 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:23,000 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -lh /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:23,018 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:23,018 - root - INFO - running command.raw on curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Length 2021-04-24 21:09:23,078 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:23,078 - root - INFO - running command.raw on cd /tmp/ && wc -c couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm 2021-04-24 21:09:23,130 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:23,131 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:23,132 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:23,132 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:23,134 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:23,134 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:23,135 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:23,135 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:23,138 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server; rpm -e couchbase-server; rm -rf /opt/couchbase; rm -rf /home/nonroot/opt/couchbase/ > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:26,466 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start.rpmsave', 'warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/dist_cfg saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/dist_cfg.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat sav ... 2021-04-24 21:09:26,555 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/local.ini saved as /opt/couch ... 2021-04-24 21:09:26,560 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/local.ini saved as /opt/couch ... 2021-04-24 21:09:26,562 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/local.ini saved as /opt/couch ... 2021-04-24 21:09:26,564 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/local.ini saved as /opt/couch ... 2021-04-24 21:09:26,567 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/local.ini saved as /opt/couch ... 2021-04-24 21:09:26,633 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip.rpmsave', 'warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/dist_cfg: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat saved as /opt/couchbase/var/ ... 2021-04-24 21:09:26,636 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['warning: file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip_start: remove failed: No such file or directory', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat saved as /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat.rpmsave', 'warning: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/local.ini saved as /opt/couch ... 2021-04-24 21:09:27,481 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,481 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:27,575 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,576 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:27,580 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,580 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:27,581 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,581 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:27,601 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,601 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:27,607 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,607 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:27,663 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,663 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:27,665 - root - INFO - Done with uninstall on 2021-04-24 21:09:27,665 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum remove `rpm -qa | grep couchbase` 2021-04-24 21:09:28,789 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:28,789 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:28,892 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:28,892 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:28,904 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:28,904 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:28,908 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:28,908 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:28,911 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:28,911 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:28,932 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:28,933 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:28,974 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:28,974 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:29,012 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to remove', ' Mini usage:', '', 'erase PACKAGE...', '', 'Remove a package or packages from your system', '', 'aliases: remove, autoremove, erase-n, erase-na, erase-nevra, autoremove-n, autoremove-na, autoremove-nevra, remove-n, remove-na, remove-nevra'] ... 2021-04-24 21:09:29,013 - root - INFO - Waiting 20s to remove previous yum repo on 2021-04-24 21:09:48,810 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:48,826 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:48,826 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:48,913 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:48,925 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:48,928 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:48,930 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:48,930 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:48,931 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:48,941 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:48,941 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:48,945 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:48,946 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:48,949 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:48,949 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:48,953 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:48,970 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:48,970 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:48,986 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:49,002 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:49,003 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:09:49,033 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /sbin/sysctl vm.swappiness=0; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag; 2021-04-24 21:09:49,052 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:09:49,052 - root - INFO - running command.raw on yes | yum localinstall -y /tmp/couchbase-server-enterprise-7.0.0-5017-centos7.x86_64.rpm > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:10:50,437 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:10:50,438 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:10:50,460 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:10:50,460 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:10:50,461 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:10:52,341 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:10:52,342 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:10:52,364 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:10:52,364 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:10:52,364 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:10:54,746 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:10:54,746 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:10:54,771 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:10:54,771 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:10:54,771 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:10:54,846 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:10:54,846 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:10:54,868 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:10:54,868 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:10:54,869 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:11:05,567 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:11:05,567 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:11:05,592 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:05,592 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:11:05,592 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:11:09,559 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:11:09,559 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:11:09,584 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:09,584 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:11:09,584 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:11:14,598 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:11:14,598 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:11:14,619 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:14,620 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:11:14,620 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:11:18,004 - root - INFO - command executed with root but got an error ['Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.'] ... 2021-04-24 21:11:18,004 - root - INFO - running command.raw on systemctl -q is-active couchbase-server && echo 1 || echo 0 2021-04-24 21:11:18,029 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:18,029 - root - INFO - Done with install on 2021-04-24 21:11:18,029 - root - INFO - Waiting 60s for to be initialized.. 2021-04-24 21:11:50,517 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:50,783 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:50,784 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:50,970 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:50,971 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:51,155 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:51,155 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:11:52,165 - root - INFO - Setting INDEX memory quota as 256 MB on 2021-04-24 21:11:52,165 - root - INFO - pools/default params : indexMemoryQuota=256 2021-04-24 21:11:52,170 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 1891 MB on 2021-04-24 21:11:52,170 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=1891 2021-04-24 21:11:52,174 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv', 'index', 'n1ql']) 2021-04-24 21:11:52,174 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv%2Cindex%2Cn1ql 2021-04-24 21:11:52,202 - root - INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:11:52,208 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:11:52,208 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:11:52,268 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:11:52,268 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:11:52,268 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:11:52,309 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:52,309 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:11:52,425 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:52,697 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:52,698 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:52,887 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:52,887 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:53,077 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:53,077 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:11:54,087 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 2147 MB on 2021-04-24 21:11:54,087 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:11:54,092 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:11:54,092 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv 2021-04-24 21:11:54,199 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:11:54,199 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:11:54,258 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:11:54,259 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:11:54,259 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:11:54,282 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:54,282 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:11:54,786 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:54,889 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:55,061 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:55,061 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:55,165 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:55,165 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:55,294 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:55,294 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:55,363 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:55,363 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:11:55,525 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:55,525 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:11:55,554 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:55,554 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:11:56,535 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 2147 MB on 2021-04-24 21:11:56,536 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:11:56,540 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:11:56,540 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv 2021-04-24 21:11:56,564 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 2147 MB on 2021-04-24 21:11:56,564 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:11:56,568 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:11:56,568 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv 2021-04-24 21:11:56,569 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:11:56,570 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:11:56,632 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:11:56,632 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:11:56,632 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:11:56,650 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:56,650 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:11:56,656 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:11:56,656 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:11:56,715 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:11:56,716 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:11:56,716 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:11:56,735 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:11:56,735 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:12:05,652 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:06,011 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:06,012 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:06,205 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:06,205 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:06,393 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:06,393 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:12:07,403 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 2147 MB on 2021-04-24 21:12:07,403 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:12:07,407 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:12:07,407 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv 2021-04-24 21:12:07,437 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:12:07,437 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:12:07,495 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:12:07,495 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:12:07,496 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:12:07,517 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:07,517 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:12:09,636 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:09,900 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:09,900 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:10,124 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:10,124 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:10,347 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:10,348 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:12:11,357 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 2147 MB on 2021-04-24 21:12:11,357 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:12:11,361 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:12:11,361 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv 2021-04-24 21:12:11,390 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:12:11,390 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:12:11,448 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:12:11,448 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:12:11,448 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:12:11,470 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:11,470 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:12:14,665 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:14,941 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:14,941 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:15,132 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:15,132 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:15,363 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:15,363 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:12:16,373 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 2147 MB on 2021-04-24 21:12:16,373 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:12:16,378 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:12:16,378 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv 2021-04-24 21:12:16,406 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:12:16,406 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:12:16,465 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:12:16,465 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:12:16,465 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:12:16,486 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:16,487 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:12:18,053 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:18,320 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:18,320 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:18,547 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:18,547 - root - INFO - running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c -u Administrator -p password > /dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0; 2021-04-24 21:12:18,734 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:18,734 - root - WARNING - Unable to init node due to [] 2021-04-24 21:12:19,742 - root - INFO - Setting KV memory quota as 2147 MB on 2021-04-24 21:12:19,743 - root - INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:12:19,747 - root - INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,None,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:12:19,747 - root - INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname=None&user=Administrator&password=password&services=kv 2021-04-24 21:12:19,777 - root - INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:12:19,777 - root - INFO - settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:12:19,836 - root - INFO - --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:12:19,836 - root - INFO - Done with init on 2021-04-24 21:12:19,836 - root - INFO - running command.raw on ls -td /tmp/couchbase*.rpm | awk 'NR>2' | xargs rm -f 2021-04-24 21:12:19,855 - root - INFO - command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:19,855 - root - INFO - Done with cleanup on 2021-04-24 21:12:23,288 - root - INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-04-24 21:12:23,324 - root - INFO - cluster:C1 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['index', 'kv', 'n1ql'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,324 - root - INFO - cluster:C2 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['kv'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,324 - root - INFO - cluster:C3 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['kv'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,324 - root - INFO - cluster:C4 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['kv'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - cluster:C5 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['kv'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - cluster:C6 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['kv'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - cluster:C7 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['kv'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - cluster:C8 node: version:7.0.0-5017-enterprise aFamily:inet services:['kv'] 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - INSTALL COMPLETED ON: 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-04-24 21:12:23,325 - root - INFO - TOTAL INSTALL TIME = 358 seconds success INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:SSH Connected to as root INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 INFO:root:running command.raw on iptables -F INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root INFO:root:command executed successfully with root Need to set ALLOW_HTP back to True to do git pull branch Submodule 'java_sdk_client' ( registered for path 'java_sdk_client' Cloning into 'java_sdk_client'... Submodule path 'java_sdk_client': checked out '8ae805783999ba5069f66511449402eda9d73931' Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: Package maven-3.0.5-17.el7.noarch already installed and latest version Nothing to do find: ‘/root/workspace/*/logs/*’: No such file or directory find: ‘/root/workspace/’: No such file or directory python3: no process found python3 -i /tmp/testexec.18313.ini -c eventing/eventing_rebalance_collections.conf -p get-cbcollect-info=True,GROUP=bucket_op,skip_log_scan=False,bucket_storage=couchstore -d failed= INFO:root:__main__ INFO:__main__:TestRunner: parsing args... INFO:__main__:Checking arguments... INFO:__main__:Conf filename: eventing/eventing_rebalance_collections.conf INFO:__main__:Test prefix: eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection INFO:__main__:Downloading to logs/test_suite_executor_338626__testresult.xml INFO:__main__:Loading result data from logs/test_suite_executor_338626__testresult.xml INFO:__main__:-- logs/test_suite_executor_338626__testresult.xml -- INFO:__main__:TestRunner: start... INFO:__main__:Global Test input params: INFO:__main__: Number of tests initially selected before GROUP filters: 2 INFO:__main__:--> Running test: eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes,doc-per-day=20,dataset=default,nodes_init=5,services_init=kv-eventing-eventing-eventing-index:n1ql,groups=simple,reset_services=True,GROUP=bucket_op,java_sdk_client=True,get-cbcollect-info=True,skip_log_scan=False,bucket_storage=couchstore INFO:__main__:Logs folder: /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/test_1 *** TestRunner *** {'GROUP': 'bucket_op', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'cluster_name': 'testexec.18313', 'conf_file': 'eventing/eventing_rebalance_collections.conf', 'get-cbcollect-info': 'True', 'ini': '/tmp/testexec.18313.ini', 'num_nodes': 8, 'skip_log_scan': 'False', 'spec': 'eventing_rebalance_collections'} Only cases in GROUPs 'bucket_op' will be executed Logs will be stored at /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/test_1 ./testrunner -i /tmp/testexec.18313.ini -p get-cbcollect-info=True,GROUP=bucket_op,skip_log_scan=False,bucket_storage=couchstore -t eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes,doc-per-day=20,dataset=default,nodes_init=5,services_init=kv-eventing-eventing-eventing-index:n1ql,groups=simple,reset_services=True,GROUP=bucket_op,java_sdk_client=True,get-cbcollect-info=True,skip_log_scan=False,bucket_storage=couchstore Test Input params: {'doc-per-day': '20', 'dataset': 'default', 'nodes_init': '5', 'services_init': 'kv-eventing-eventing-eventing-index:n1ql', 'groups': 'simple', 'reset_services': 'True', 'GROUP': 'bucket_op', 'java_sdk_client': 'True', 'get-cbcollect-info': 'True', 'skip_log_scan': 'False', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'ini': '/tmp/testexec.18313.ini', 'cluster_name': 'testexec.18313', 'spec': 'eventing_rebalance_collections', 'conf_file': 'eventing/eventing_rebalance_collections.conf', 'num_nodes': 8, 'case_number': 1, 'logs_folder': '/data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/test_1'} Run before suite setup for eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes suite_setUp (eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection) ... -->before_suite_name:eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.suite_setUp,suite: ]> 2021-04-24 21:12:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.setUp] ============== EventingBaseTest setup has started ============== 2021-04-24 21:12:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.setUp] Starting Test: suite_setUp 2021-04-24 21:12:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.get_nodes_version] Node version in cluster 7.0.0-5017-enterprise 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.get_nodes_versions] Node versions in cluster ['7.0.0-5017-enterprise'] 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.setUp] ============== basetestcase setup was started for test #1 suite_setUp============== 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.setUp] Building docker image with java sdk client OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] cannot find service node eventing in cluster 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has started ============== 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] cannot find service node eventing in cluster 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] ------- Cluster statistics ------- 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['index', 'kv', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.455823293172691, 'mem_free': 3507560448, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 230715392, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] --- End of cluster statistics --- 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:36 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:36 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:36 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:36 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:36 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was started for test #1 suite_setUp ============== 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was finished for test #1 suite_setUp ============== 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all ssh connections 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all memcached connections 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:12:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:12:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:12:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:12:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:12:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:12:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:12:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:12:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:12:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:12:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 128673 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:12:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:12:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 128847 2021-04-24 21:12:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:12:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:12:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:12:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:12:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:12:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:13:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:13:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:13:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:13:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 61487 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 61631 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:13:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:13:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:13:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:13:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 11399 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 11544 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:13:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:13:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:13:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:13:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:13:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 16926 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:13:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 17102 2021-04-24 21:13:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:13:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:13:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:13:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 20727 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 20873 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:13:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:13:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:13:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:13:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:13:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:13:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:13:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:13:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:13:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:14:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:14:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:14:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:14:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:14:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 89046 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 89190 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:14:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:14:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:14:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:14:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:14:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:14:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:14:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 94898 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 95046 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:14:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:14:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:14:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:14:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:14:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:14:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:14:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:14:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:14:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 8094 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:14:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:14:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 8238 2021-04-24 21:14:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:14:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 10 secs. ... Cluster instance shutdown with force 2021-04-24 21:14:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has completed ============== 2021-04-24 21:14:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.setUp] initializing cluster 2021-04-24 21:14:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:14:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:14:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:14:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:14:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:14:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:14:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:14:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:15:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:15:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 129465 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:15:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 129609 2021-04-24 21:15:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:15:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:15:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:15:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:15:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:15:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:13 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 62248 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 62400 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:15:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:15:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:15:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:15:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:26 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:27 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 12246 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 12390 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:15:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:15:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:15:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:15:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:40 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:41 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 17805 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 17949 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:15:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:15:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:15:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:15:55 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:16:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:16:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 21574 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:16:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:16:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 21718 2021-04-24 21:16:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:16:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:16:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:16:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:16:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:16:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:09 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:16:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:16:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 89892 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:16:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 90036 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:16:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:16:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:16:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:16:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:16:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:16:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:16:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:16:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 95747 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 95891 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:16:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:16:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:16:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:16:32 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:16:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:16:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:16:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:16:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:16:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 8939 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:16:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:16:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 9083 2021-04-24 21:16:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:16:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 10 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '110', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3599904768, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_node_services] --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_node_services] /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname= 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '95', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3612463104, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '85', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3614257152, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '69', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3601158144, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '54', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3595198464, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '45', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3601559552, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '29', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3663278080, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '19', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3650621440, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:16:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.add_built_in_server_user] **** add built-in 'cbadminbucket' user to node **** 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | ERROR | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._http_request] DELETE body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"User was not found."' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [internal_user.delete_user] Exception while deleting user. Exception is -b'"User was not found."' 2021-04-24 21:17:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:17:05 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.add_built_in_server_user] **** add 'admin' role to 'cbadminbucket' user **** 2021-04-24 21:17:05 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.setUp] done initializing cluster 2021-04-24 21:17:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:17:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:17:16 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:17:16 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:17:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:17:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:17:40 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:17:40 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:17:52 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:17:52 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:18:02 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:18:02 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:18:15 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:18:15 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:18:25 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:18:25 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:18:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': '', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} 2021-04-24 21:18:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance operation started 2021-04-24 21:18:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 0.00 % 2021-04-24 21:18:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% 2021-04-24 21:18:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% 2021-04-24 21:18:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 10.026099920272827 sec 2021-04-24 21:18:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] Enabled diag/eval for non-local hosts from 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.setUp] ============== basetestcase setup was finished for test #1 suite_setUp ============== 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:50 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:18:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:18:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:18:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:18:54 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] ------- Cluster statistics ------- 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.527673428499875, 'mem_free': 3568185344, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 111411200, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 6.663326653306613, 'mem_free': 3556528128, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 230715392, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.482412060301508, 'mem_free': 3506786304, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 2.313883299798793, 'mem_free': 3572928512, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 82575360, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 4.681600805436697, 'mem_free': 3585159168, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 109576192, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] --- End of cluster statistics --- 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.setUp] Setting the min possible memory quota so that adding mode nodes to the cluster wouldn't be a problem. 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=330 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : indexMemoryQuota=256 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : eventingMemoryQuota=512 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.setUp] ============== EventingBaseTest setup has completed ============== 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=700 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_rebalance_collection.setUp] 200 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] with param: name=src_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] 0.03 seconds to create bucket src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:05 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:05 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:05 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 0 2021-04-24 21:19:05 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:05 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:05 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 1 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 2 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 3 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 4 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:07 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:07 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 5 2021-04-24 21:19:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] with param: name=dst_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore 2021-04-24 21:19:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] 0.03 seconds to create bucket dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 0 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 1 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 2 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:09 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 3 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 4 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:19:10 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 5 2021-04-24 21:19:11 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] with param: name=metadata&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore 2021-04-24 21:19:11 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] 0.03 seconds to create bucket metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:11 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:12 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:12 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:12 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 0 2021-04-24 21:19:12 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:12 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 1 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 2 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 3 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 4 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 5 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_0 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_1 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_2 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_3 2021-04-24 21:19:14 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_4 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_0 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_1 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_2 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_3 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_4 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_0 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_1 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_2 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_3 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_4 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_0 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_1 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_2 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_3 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_4 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.print_eventing_stats_from_all_eventing_nodes] Stats for Node is [] 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.print_eventing_stats_from_all_eventing_nodes] Stats for Node is [] 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.print_eventing_stats_from_all_eventing_nodes] Stats for Node is [] 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has started ============== 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:15 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs" command: filename:absname(element(2, application:get_env(ns_server,error_logger_mf_dir))). 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on zgrep "panic" "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/eventing.log* | wc -l 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on ls "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/../crash/| wc -l 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs" command: filename:absname(element(2, application:get_env(ns_server,error_logger_mf_dir))). 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on zgrep "panic" "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/eventing.log* | wc -l 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:19:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on ls "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/../crash/| wc -l 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs" command: filename:absname(element(2, application:get_env(ns_server,error_logger_mf_dir))). 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on zgrep "panic" "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/eventing.log* | wc -l 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on ls "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/../crash/| wc -l 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+metadata 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.tearDown] number of documents in metadata bucket 0 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] ------- Cluster statistics ------- 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 2.839195979899498, 'mem_free': 3539804160, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 111411200, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 25.75293517100561, 'mem_free': 3359199232, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 230715392, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 4.874371859296482, 'mem_free': 3508170752, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.910027645136969, 'mem_free': 3552616448, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 82575360, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.861635220125786, 'mem_free': 3563393024, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 109576192, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] --- End of cluster statistics --- 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:18 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:22 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:22 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:22 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:19:22 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:19:22 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:19:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:19:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was started for test #1 suite_setUp ============== 2021-04-24 21:19:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleting existing buckets ['dst_bucket', 'metadata', 'src_bucket'] on 2021-04-24 21:19:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_bucket_deletion] waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.bucket_exists] node existing buckets : ['metadata', 'src_bucket'] 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleted bucket : dst_bucket from 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_bucket_deletion] waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.bucket_exists] node existing buckets : ['src_bucket'] 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleted bucket : metadata from 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_bucket_deletion] waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.bucket_exists] node existing buckets : [] 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleted bucket : src_bucket from 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.cleanup_cluster] rebalancing all nodes in order to remove nodes 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance operation started 2021-04-24 21:19:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 0.00 % 2021-04-24 21:19:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 90.00 % 2021-04-24 21:19:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 90.00 % 2021-04-24 21:20:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 40.05 seconds 2021-04-24 21:20:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.cleanup_cluster] removed all the nodes from cluster associated with ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root ? [('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091)] 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was finished for test #1 suite_setUp ============== 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all ssh connections 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all memcached connections 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:20 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:20:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:20:21 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:20:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:20:23 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:20:28 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:20:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:29 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 3064 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 3207 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:34 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:20:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:20:35 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:20:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:20:37 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:20:42 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:20:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:20:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:20:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:43 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 66555 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 66700 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:48 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:20:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:20:49 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:20:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:20:51 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:20:56 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:20:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:20:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:20:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:20:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:20:57 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 16363 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 16507 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:02 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:03 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:05 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:05 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:21:05 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:21:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:21:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:21:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:10 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:11 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 21985 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 22129 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:16 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:17 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:21:19 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:21:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:21:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:21:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:24 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:25 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 25912 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 26057 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:30 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:31 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:21:33 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:21:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:21:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:21:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:38 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:39 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 93427 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 93572 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:44 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:45 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:46 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:21:47 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:21:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:21:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:21:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:52 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:53 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 99377 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 99522 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:58 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:21:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:21:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:21:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:21:59 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:22:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:22:00 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:22:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:22:01 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:22:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:22:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:06 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:07 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:22:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:22:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 12376 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:22:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:22:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 12522 2021-04-24 21:22:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:22:12 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 10 secs. ... Cluster instance shutdown with force 2021-04-24 21:22:22 | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has completed ============== ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 593.656s OK test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes (eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection) ... -->result: 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.setUp] ============== EventingBaseTest setup has started ============== 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.setUp] Starting Test: test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.get_nodes_version] Node version in cluster 7.0.0-5017-enterprise 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.get_nodes_versions] Node versions in cluster [] 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.setUp] ============== basetestcase setup was started for test #1 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes============== 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.setUp] Building docker image with java sdk client OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] cannot find service node eventing in cluster 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has started ============== 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] cannot find service node eventing in cluster 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] ------- Cluster statistics ------- 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] --- End of cluster statistics --- 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was started for test #1 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes ============== 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was finished for test #1 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes ============== 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all ssh connections 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all memcached connections 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:22:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:22:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:22:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:22:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:22:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:22:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 5392 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 5536 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:22:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:22:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:22:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:22:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:22:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:22:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:22:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:22:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:22:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:23:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:23:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:23:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 68622 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 68767 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:23:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:23:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:23:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:23:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 18428 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 18572 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:23:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:23:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:23:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:23:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 24101 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 24245 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:37 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:37 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:37 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:23:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:23:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:23:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:23:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 28166 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 28309 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:23:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:23:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:23:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:23:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:23:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:23:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 95394 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 95539 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:24:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:24:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:24:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:24:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:24:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:24:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:24:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:24:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:24:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 101343 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:24:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:24:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 101488 2021-04-24 21:24:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:24:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:24:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:24:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:24:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:24:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:24:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:24:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:24:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:24:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:24:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:24:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 14248 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:24:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:24:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 14392 2021-04-24 21:24:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:24:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 10 secs. ... Cluster instance shutdown with force 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has completed ============== 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.setUp] initializing cluster 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:24:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:24:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:24:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:24:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:24:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:24:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:24:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:24:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 6152 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 6296 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:24:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:24:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:24:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:24:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:24:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:24:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:24:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:24:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:24:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:25:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:25:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:25:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:04 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 69379 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 69524 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:25:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:25:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:25:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:25:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:19 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 19188 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 19333 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:24 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:25:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:25:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:25:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:25:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 24861 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 25005 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:25:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:25:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:25:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:25:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:47 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 28926 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 29070 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:52 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:25:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:25:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:25:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:25:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:25:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:25:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:25:55 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:25:55 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:25:55 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:26:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:26:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:26:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 96155 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 96300 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:26:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:26:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:26:09 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:09 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:26:09 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:26:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:26:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:26:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:26:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:26:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 102106 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:26:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:26:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 102251 2021-04-24 21:26:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:26:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:26:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:26:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:26:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:26:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:26:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:26:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:26:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:26:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 15009 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:26:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:26:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 15153 2021-04-24 21:26:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:26:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 10 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '110', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3595038720, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_node_services] --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,,8091,['kv']) 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_node_services] /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname= 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '95', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3610144768, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '85', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3613024256, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '69', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3609763840, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:47 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '54', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3594330112, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '44', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3620716544, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:49 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '29', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3658280960, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute] {'uptime': '14', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3648438272, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 2021-04-24 21:26:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] settings/web params on 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.init_cluster] --> status:True 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.add_built_in_server_user] **** add built-in 'cbadminbucket' user to node **** 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] DELETE body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"User was not found."' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [internal_user.delete_user] Exception while deleting user. Exception is -b'"User was not found."' 2021-04-24 21:26:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:26:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.add_built_in_server_user] **** add 'admin' role to 'cbadminbucket' user **** 2021-04-24 21:26:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.setUp] done initializing cluster 2021-04-24 21:26:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:26:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:27:07 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:27:07 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:27:20 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:27:20 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:27:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:27:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:27:42 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:27:42 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:27:52 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:27:52 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:28:05 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:28:05 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:28:15 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:28:15 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:28:28 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': '', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} 2021-04-24 21:28:28 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance operation started 2021-04-24 21:28:28 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 0.00 % 2021-04-24 21:28:28 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% 2021-04-24 21:28:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% 2021-04-24 21:28:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 10.027515649795532 sec 2021-04-24 21:28:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] ['ok'] 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.enable_diag_eval_on_non_local_hosts] Enabled diag/eval for non-local hosts from 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.setUp] ============== basetestcase setup was finished for test #1 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes ============== 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] ------- Cluster statistics ------- 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.482784619251068, 'mem_free': 3575705600, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 111411200, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 7.227398640141023, 'mem_free': 3554451456, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 230715392, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.533048504649409, 'mem_free': 3508891648, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.909547738693467, 'mem_free': 3579662336, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 82575360, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 0.601353044349787, 'mem_free': 3575894016, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 109576192, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] --- End of cluster statistics --- 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:28:50 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:28:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:28:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.set_indexer_storage_mode] settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.setUp] Setting the min possible memory quota so that adding mode nodes to the cluster wouldn't be a problem. 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=330 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : indexMemoryQuota=256 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : eventingMemoryQuota=512 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.setUp] ============== EventingBaseTest setup has completed ============== 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.set_service_memoryQuota] pools/default params : memoryQuota=700 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_rebalance_collection.setUp] 200 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] with param: name=src_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] 0.03 seconds to create bucket src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:54 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:55 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 0 2021-04-24 21:28:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:55 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 1 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 2 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 3 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 4 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:56 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:57 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:57 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 5 2021-04-24 21:28:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] with param: name=dst_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore 2021-04-24 21:28:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] 0.03 seconds to create bucket dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 0 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 1 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 2 2021-04-24 21:28:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 3 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 4 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:29:01 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:29:01 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 5 2021-04-24 21:29:02 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] with param: name=metadata&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore 2021-04-24 21:29:02 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.create_bucket] 0.03 seconds to create bucket metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:02 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:02 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:02 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 0 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 1 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 2 2021-04-24 21:29:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 3 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 4 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_memcached] waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:04 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [data_helper.direct_client] creating direct client metadata 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | WARNING | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] vbucket map not ready after try 5 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_0 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_1 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_2 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_3 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_4 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created dst_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_0 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_1 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_2 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_3 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] with params: name=scope_4 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_scope] Scope created src_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_0 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_1 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_2 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_3 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_4 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_0 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_1 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_2 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_3 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._create_single_collection] with params: name=coll_4 2021-04-24 21:29:05 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.create_collection] Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} 2021-04-24 21:29:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.create_function_with_collection] saving function bucket_op 2021-04-24 21:29:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.create_function_with_collection] saving function timers 2021-04-24 21:29:09 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.create_function_with_collection] saving function sbm 2021-04-24 21:29:10 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.create_function_with_collection] saving function curl 2021-04-24 21:29:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.create_function_with_collection] saving function n1ql 2021-04-24 21:29:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:44 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:29:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:38 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... 2021-04-24 21:30:59 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute_for_collection] java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s _default -c _default -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False 2021-04-24 21:31:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.rebalance_reached] rebalance reached >100% in 3.0048727989196777 seconds 2021-04-24 21:31:39 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute_for_collection] java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s scope_1 -c coll_1 -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False 2021-04-24 21:32:20 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:32:20 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:32:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.02 seconds 2021-04-24 21:32:30 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:32:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.add_nodes] adding node to cluster 2021-04-24 21:32:50 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:33:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.00 seconds 2021-04-24 21:33:00 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:33:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': '', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} 2021-04-24 21:33:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance operation started 2021-04-24 21:33:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 0.00 % 2021-04-24 21:33:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% 2021-04-24 21:33:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 21.00 % 2021-04-24 21:33:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 21.00% 2021-04-24 21:33:33 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 21.00 % 2021-04-24 21:33:33 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 21.00% 2021-04-24 21:33:43 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 35.00 % 2021-04-24 21:33:43 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 35.00% 2021-04-24 21:33:53 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 35.00 % 2021-04-24 21:33:53 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 35.00% 2021-04-24 21:34:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 91.00 % 2021-04-24 21:34:03 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 91.00% 2021-04-24 21:34:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 92.00 % 2021-04-24 21:34:13 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 92.00% 2021-04-24 21:34:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 92.00 % 2021-04-24 21:34:23 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 92.00% 2021-04-24 21:34:33 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 92.00 % 2021-04-24 21:34:33 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 92.00% 2021-04-24 21:34:43 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% 2021-04-24 21:34:43 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 90.22540760040283 sec 2021-04-24 21:34:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:34:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.248321125s 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:34:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.95287849s 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:34:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.754942504s 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:34:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.814688442s 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:34:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:34:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 3.661042457s 2021-04-24 21:34:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:34:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 80640 Expected : 80640 2021-04-24 21:34:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_rebalance_collection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes] Rebalance out eventing nodes [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:34:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute_for_collection] java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s _default -c _default -n 40320 -pc 0 -pu 0 -pd 100 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False 2021-04-24 21:35:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.rebalance_reached] rebalance reached >100% in 3.0056188106536865 seconds 2021-04-24 21:35:32 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute_for_collection] java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s scope_1 -c coll_1 -n 40320 -pc 0 -pu 0 -pd 100 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False 2021-04-24 21:36:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} 2021-04-24 21:36:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance operation started 2021-04-24 21:36:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 0.00 % 2021-04-24 21:36:06 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% 2021-04-24 21:36:16 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 21.00 % 2021-04-24 21:36:16 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 21.00% 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 20.075347900390625 sec 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "80994c64-336e-436f-882f-10b96c3256d1",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "736.227\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "676.61\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "ef220d86-2410-45ca-918e-ed24fb6412f2",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "639.693\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "594.616\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "0fb40d4a-6923-4939-926d-63fc2f8bdc59",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "596.334\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "558.166\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "6b5ac137-ad70-4e0b-85ad-695def7d6876",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "678.112\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "626.687\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "7434bd6e-bb53-49e6-9860-14544cc4706d",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "565.611\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "521.629\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_rebalance_collection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes] Eventing Nodes after rebalance out [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:36:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:36:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:36:36 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:36:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.add_node] adding remote node @ to this cluster @ 2021-04-24 21:36:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds 2021-04-24 21:36:58 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:37:12 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute_for_collection] java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s _default -c _default -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False 2021-04-24 21:37:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.rebalance_reached] rebalance reached >100% in 3.0057263374328613 seconds 2021-04-24 21:37:52 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.execute_for_collection] java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s scope_1 -c coll_1 -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False [, , , , , , ] Sat Apr 24 21:38:08 2021 2021-04-24 21:38:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} 2021-04-24 21:38:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance operation started 2021-04-24 21:38:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 0.00 % 2021-04-24 21:38:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% 2021-04-24 21:38:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 21.00 % 2021-04-24 21:38:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 21.00% 2021-04-24 21:38:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 21.00 % 2021-04-24 21:38:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 21.00% 2021-04-24 21:39:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 21.00 % 2021-04-24 21:39:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 21.00% 2021-04-24 21:39:18 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 86.00 % 2021-04-24 21:39:18 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 86.00% 2021-04-24 21:39:28 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 92.00 % 2021-04-24 21:39:28 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 92.00% 2021-04-24 21:39:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 92.00 % 2021-04-24 21:39:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 92.00% 2021-04-24 21:39:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 92.00 % 2021-04-24 21:39:48 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 92.00% 2021-04-24 21:39:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 92.00 % 2021-04-24 21:39:58 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 92.00% 2021-04-24 21:40:08 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% 2021-04-24 21:40:08 | ERROR | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [rest_client._http_request] socket error while connecting to error [Errno 111] Connection refused 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | Cluster_Thread | [task.check] rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 93.25069737434387 sec 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "218c5a71-4a6d-42db-b3a8-7432f9da9143",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "804.947\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "739.494\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "856572bf-502f-4958-b93c-0cf69dd4c370",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "616.899\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "563.73\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "ec4a8891-4169-40f1-a58c-db9721040c40",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "742.99\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "690.862\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "ed8bd9d8-3350-47b1-9cfa-004a35db63a2",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "575.994\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "535.226\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.verify_doc_count_collections] Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [tuq_helper.run_cbq_query] RUN QUERY create primary index on src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:12 | ERROR | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._http_request] POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "42bee38e-c2d2-4599-83eb-aa77eed7ff34",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "601.738\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "561.741\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password 2021-04-24 21:40:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:40:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:40:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:40:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:41:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:41:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:41:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:41:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:41:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:41:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:41:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:41:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:41:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:41:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:42:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:42:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:42:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:42:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:42:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:42:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:42:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:42:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:42:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:42:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:43:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:43:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:43:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:43:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:43:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:43:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:43:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:43:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:43:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:43:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:44:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:44:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:44:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:44:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:44:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:44:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:44:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:44:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:44:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:44:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:45:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:45:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:45:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:45:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:45:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.bucket_compaction] Compacting bucket : dst_bucket 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.compact_bucket] bucket compaction successful 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.bucket_compaction] Compacting bucket : metadata 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.compact_bucket] bucket compaction successful 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.bucket_compaction] Compacting bucket : src_bucket 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.compact_bucket] bucket compaction successful 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:45:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:46:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:46:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:46:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:46:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:46:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:46:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:46:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:46:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:46:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:46:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:47:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:47:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:47:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:47:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:47:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:47:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:47:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:47:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:47:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:47:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:48:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:48:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:48:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:48:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:48:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:48:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:48:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:48:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:48:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:48:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:49:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:49:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:49:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:49:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:49:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:49:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:49:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:49:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:49:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:49:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 30 secs. Waiting for handler code src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 to complete bucket operations... Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 ... 2021-04-24 21:50:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:50:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:50:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:50:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.query_tool] query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 2021-04-24 21:50:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:50:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.print_eventing_stats_from_all_eventing_nodes] Stats for Node is [ { "dcp_feed_boundary": "everything", "event_processing_stats": { "adhoc_timer_response_received": 2, "agg_messages_sent_to_worker": 4451, "agg_queue_memory": 0, "agg_queue_memory_cap": 53477376, "agg_queue_size": 0, "agg_queue_size_cap": 100000, "agg_timer_feedback_queue_cap": 500, "dcp_mutation": 26931, "dcp_snapshot": 512, "dcp_stream_req_counter": 512, "dcp_streamreq": 512, "execution_stats": 683, "failure_stats": 683, "latency_stats": 683, "lcb_exception_stats": 683, "log_level": 1, "num_processed_events": 512, "processed_events_size": 49152, "thr_count": 1, "thr_map": 1, "v8_init": 1, "v8_load": 1 }, "events_remaining": { "dcp_backlog": 0 }, "execution_stats": { "agg_queue_memory": 0, "agg_queue_size": 0, "curl": { "delete": 0, "get": 0, "head": 0, "post": 0, "put": 0 }, "curl_success_count": 0, "dcp_delete_msg_counter": 0, "dcp_delete_parse_failure": 0, "dcp_mutation_msg_counter": 0, "dcp_mutation_parse_failure": 0, "enqueued_dcp_delete_msg_counter": 0, "enqueued_dcp_mutation_msg_counter": 0, "enqueued_timer_msg_counter": 0, "feedback_queue_size": 0, "filtered_dcp_delete_counter": 0, "filtered_dcp_mutation_counter": 0, "lcb_retry_failure": 0, "messages_parsed": 4447, "no_op_counter": 512, "num_processed_events": 512, "on_delete_failure": 0, "on_delete_success": 0, "on_update_failure": 0, "on_update_success": 0, "processed_events_size": 49152, "timer_callback_failure": 0, "timer_callback_success": 0, "timer_cancel_counter": 0, "timer_create_counter": 0, "timer_create_failure": 0, "timer_msg_counter": 0, "timer_responses_sent": 0, "timestamp": { "113586": "2021-04-25T04:50:13Z" }, "uv_msg_parse_failure": 0, "uv_try_write_failure_counter": 0 }, "failure_stats": { "app_worker_setting_events_lost": 0, "bkt_ops_cas_mismatch_count": 0, "bucket_op_exception_count": 0, "checkpoint_failure_count": 0, "curl_failure_count": 0, "curl_max_resp_size_exceeded": 0, 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21:50:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:50:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.print_eventing_stats_from_all_eventing_nodes] Stats for Node is [ { "dcp_feed_boundary": "everything", "event_processing_stats": { "adhoc_timer_response_received": 2, "agg_messages_sent_to_worker": 4511, "agg_queue_memory": 0, "agg_queue_memory_cap": 53477376, "agg_queue_size": 0, "agg_queue_size_cap": 100000, "agg_timer_feedback_queue_cap": 500, "dcp_mutation": 26931, "dcp_snapshot": 512, "dcp_stream_req_counter": 512, "dcp_streamreq": 512, "execution_stats": 695, "failure_stats": 695, "latency_stats": 695, "lcb_exception_stats": 695, "log_level": 1, "num_processed_events": 512, "processed_events_size": 49152, "thr_count": 1, "thr_map": 1, "v8_init": 1, "v8_load": 1 }, "events_remaining": { "dcp_backlog": 0 }, 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"mutation_events_lost": 0, "n1ql_op_exception_count": 0, "timeout_count": 0, "timer_callback_missing_counter": 0, "timer_context_size_exceeded_counter": 0, "timer_events_lost": 0, "timestamp": { "107835": "2021-04-25T04:50:24Z" }, "v8worker_events_lost": 0 }, "function_id": 2026117502, "function_name": "timers", "gocb_creds_request_counter": 22, "internal_vb_distribution_stats": { "worker_timers_0": "[512-1023]" }, "latency_percentile_stats": { "100": 0, "50": 0, "80": 0, "90": 0, "95": 0, "99": 0 }, "lcb_creds_request_counter": 24, "lcb_exception_stats": {}, "metastore_stats": { "metastore_delete_err": 0, "metastore_deletes": 0, "metastore_not_found": 0, "metastore_scan": 0, "metastore_scan_due": 0, "metastore_scan_err": 0, "metastore_set": 0, "metastore_set_err": 0 }, "planner_stats": [ { "host_name": "", "start_vb": 0, "vb_count": 512 }, { "host_name": "", "start_vb": 512, "vb_count": 512 } ], "vb_distribution_stats_from_metadata": { "": { "worker_timers_0": "[0-511]" }, "": { "worker_timers_0": "[512-1023]" } }, "worker_pids": { "worker_timers_0": 107835 } } ] 2021-04-24 21:50:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has started ============== 2021-04-24 21:50:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.get_nodes_from_services_map] list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] 2021-04-24 21:50:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs" command: filename:absname(element(2, application:get_env(ns_server,error_logger_mf_dir))). 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on zgrep "panic" "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/eventing.log* | wc -l 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on ls "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/../crash/| wc -l 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.diag_eval] /diag/eval status on True content: "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs" command: filename:absname(element(2, application:get_env(ns_server,error_logger_mf_dir))). 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on zgrep "panic" "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/eventing.log* | wc -l 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on ls "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/../crash/| wc -l 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] ------- Cluster statistics ------- 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 10.40700669757857, 'mem_free': 3132370944, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 57147392, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 11.02504518461141, 'mem_free': 3087372288, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 244580352, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 8.094742321707445, 'mem_free': 3060527104, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 230715392, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 0.8165348303138555, 'mem_free': 3064410112, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.print_cluster_stats] --- End of cluster statistics --- 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:28 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:29 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:30 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:50:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:50:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:50:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:50:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was started for test #1 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes ============== 2021-04-24 21:50:40 | WARNING | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] Alerts were found: [{'msg': 'Hard out-of-memory error: Bucket "src_bucket" on node is full. No memory currently allocated to this bucket can be easily released.', 'serverTime': '2021-04-24T21:38:57.000Z', 'disableUIPopUp': True}] 2021-04-24 21:50:41 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleting existing buckets ['dst_bucket', 'metadata', 'src_bucket'] on 2021-04-24 21:50:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_bucket_deletion] waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... 2021-04-24 21:50:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.bucket_exists] node existing buckets : ['metadata', 'src_bucket'] 2021-04-24 21:50:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleted bucket : dst_bucket from 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_bucket_deletion] waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.bucket_exists] node existing buckets : ['src_bucket'] 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleted bucket : metadata from 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.wait_for_bucket_deletion] waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.bucket_exists] node existing buckets : [] 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] deleted bucket : src_bucket from 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [bucket_helper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert] Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.cleanup_cluster] rebalancing all nodes in order to remove nodes 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.rebalance] rebalance operation started 2021-04-24 21:50:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 0.00 % 2021-04-24 21:50:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 37.00 % 2021-04-24 21:51:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client._rebalance_status_and_progress] rebalance percentage : 87.00 % 2021-04-24 21:51:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] rebalance progress took 40.05 seconds 2021-04-24 21:51:23 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.monitorRebalance] sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.cleanup_cluster] removed all the nodes from cluster associated with ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root ? [('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091)] 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:33 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] waiting for ns_server @ 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [rest_client.is_ns_server_running] -->is_ns_server_running? 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [cluster_helper.wait_for_ns_servers_or_assert] ns_server @ is running 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] ============== basetestcase cleanup was finished for test #1 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes ============== 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all ssh connections 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.tearDown] closing all memcached connections 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:51:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:51:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:51:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:51:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:51:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:51:35 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:51:37 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:37 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:51:37 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:51:42 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:51:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:43 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 12542 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 12730 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:51:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:51:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:51:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:51:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:51:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:51:49 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:51:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:51:51 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:51:56 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:51:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:51:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:51:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:51:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:51:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:51:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:51:57 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 110372 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 110516 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:03 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:52:06 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:11 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:52:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:12 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 60155 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 60300 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:17 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:18 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:52:20 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:52:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:52:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:52:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:25 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:26 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 66313 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 66457 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:31 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:32 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:52:34 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:52:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:52:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:52:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:39 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:40 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 35193 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 35338 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:45 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:46 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:52:48 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:52:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:52:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:52:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:53 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:54 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 110584 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 110728 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:52:59 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:53:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:00 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:53:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:53:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:53:01 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:53:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:53:02 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:53:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:53:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:53:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:07 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:08 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 116597 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 116741 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:13 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:53:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:14 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:53:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:53:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.stop_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:53:15 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:53:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.stop_server] Couchbase stopped 2021-04-24 21:53:16 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2021-04-24 21:53:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* 2021-04-24 21:53:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:21 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_couchbase_installed] **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Starting couchbase server 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Running systemd command on this server 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:22 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.sleep] for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... 2021-04-24 21:53:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server 2021-04-24 21:53:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:53:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.start_couchbase] Couchbase server status: [' Process: 20337 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] 2021-04-24 21:53:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] Checking for process beam.smp on linux 2021-04-24 21:53:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [remote_util.is_process_running] process beam.smp is running on with pid 20481 2021-04-24 21:53:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.start_server] Couchbase started 2021-04-24 21:53:27 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [basetestcase.sleep] sleep for 10 secs. ... Cluster instance shutdown with force 2021-04-24 21:53:37 | INFO | MainProcess | test_thread | [eventing_base.tearDown] ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has completed ============== 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.ssh_connect_with_retries] SSH Connected to as root 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.extract_remote_info] extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 Collecting logs from 2021-04-24 21:53:38 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info 2021-04-24 21:55:35 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:35 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:35 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-675 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:55:40 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:41 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:41 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-665 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:55:41 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:41 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:41 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-673 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:55:42 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:42 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:42 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-670 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:55:42 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:43 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:43 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-662 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:55:43 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:44 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:44 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-669 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:55:44 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:44 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:44 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-663 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root 2021-04-24 21:55:45 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root Downloading zipped logs from 2021-04-24 21:55:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] running command.raw on rm -f /root/ 2021-04-24 21:55:46 | INFO | MainProcess | Thread-664 | [remote_util.execute_command_raw] command executed successfully with root summary so far suite eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection , pass 0 , fail 1 failures so far... eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes testrunner logs, diags and results are available under /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/test_1 ERROR ====================================================================== ERROR: test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes (eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "pytests/eventing/", line 330, in test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes self.verify_doc_count_collections("src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1", self.docs_per_day * self.num_docs*3) File "./pytests/eventing/", line 1047, in verify_doc_count_collections actual_count, expected_count, total_dcp_backlog, timers_in_past, lcb)) Exception: missing data in destination bucket. Current : 94233 Expected : 120960 dcp_backlog : 0 TIMERS_IN_PAST : 0 lcb_exceptions : {'': {}, '': {}} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 1874.994s FAILED (errors=1) test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes (eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection) ... Logs will be stored at /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/test_2 ./testrunner -i /tmp/testexec.18313.ini -p get-cbcollect-info=True,GROUP=bucket_op,skip_log_scan=False,bucket_storage=couchstore -t eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes,doc-per-day=20,dataset=default,nodes_init=5,services_init=kv-kv-kv-eventing-index:n1ql,groups=simple,reset_services=True,GROUP=bucket_op,java_sdk_client=True,get-cbcollect-info=True,skip_log_scan=False,bucket_storage=couchstore Test Input params: {'doc-per-day': '20', 'dataset': 'default', 'nodes_init': '5', 'services_init': 'kv-kv-kv-eventing-index:n1ql', 'groups': 'simple', 'reset_services': 'True', 'GROUP': 'bucket_op', 'java_sdk_client': 'True', 'get-cbcollect-info': 'True', 'skip_log_scan': 'False', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'ini': '/tmp/testexec.18313.ini', 'cluster_name': 'testexec.18313', 'spec': 'eventing_rebalance_collections', 'conf_file': 'eventing/eventing_rebalance_collections.conf', 'num_nodes': 8, 'case_number': 2, 'logs_folder': '/data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/test_2'} [2021-04-24 21:55:46,122] - [eventing_base:35] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest setup has started ============== [2021-04-24 21:55:46,122] - [eventing_base:39] INFO - Starting Test: test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes [2021-04-24 21:55:46,123] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:55:46,225] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:55:46,478] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:55:46,768] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:55:46,773] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,781] - [rest_client:2466] INFO - Node version in cluster 7.0.0-5017-enterprise [2021-04-24 21:55:46,785] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:55:46,785] - [rest_client:2476] INFO - Node versions in cluster [] [2021-04-24 21:55:46,785] - [basetestcase:233] INFO - ============== basetestcase setup was started for test #2 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes============== [2021-04-24 21:55:46,789] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:55:46,802] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,811] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,821] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,831] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,840] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,849] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,858] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,868] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 21:55:46,871] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,881] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,881] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,883] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,886] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,886] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,889] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,892] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,892] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,894] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,898] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,898] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,900] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,903] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,903] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,905] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,908] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,908] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,911] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,914] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,914] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,916] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,920] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 21:55:46,920] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 21:55:46,923] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 21:55:46,923] - [basetestcase:264] INFO - Building docker image with java sdk client OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0 [2021-04-24 21:55:50,619] - [basetestcase:295] INFO - initializing cluster [2021-04-24 21:55:50,622] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:55:50,718] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:55:50,965] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:55:51,254] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:55:51,262] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:55:51,359] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:55:51,599] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:55:51,886] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:55:51,943] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:55:51,993] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:55:51,993] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:55:53,758] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:55:53,759] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:55:53,759] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:55:58,764] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:55:58,779] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:55:58,780] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:55:58,832] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:55:58,834] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:55:58,930] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:55:59,177] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:55:59,464] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:55:59,522] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:55:59,522] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:55:59,597] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:55:59,689] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:55:59,689] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:55:59,709] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:55:59,709] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:56:04,714] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:56:04,741] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:04,741] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 15620 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:56:04,741] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:04,809] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 15765 [2021-04-24 21:56:04,809] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:56:04,811] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:04,913] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:05,176] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:05,475] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:05,484] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:05,578] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:05,830] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:06,123] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:06,182] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:06,236] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:06,236] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:07,937] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:07,938] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:56:07,938] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:56:12,943] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:56:12,959] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:12,959] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:56:13,012] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:13,013] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:13,111] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:13,364] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:13,654] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:13,673] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:13,673] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:13,709] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:56:13,800] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:13,800] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:13,821] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:13,822] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:56:18,824] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:56:18,874] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:18,874] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 113344 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:56:18,874] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:18,924] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 113488 [2021-04-24 21:56:18,924] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:56:18,926] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:19,028] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:19,295] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:19,590] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:19,599] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:19,697] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:19,962] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:20,257] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:20,278] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:20,333] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:20,333] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:22,036] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:22,036] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:56:22,037] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:56:27,042] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:56:27,057] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:27,057] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:56:27,110] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:27,111] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:27,208] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:27,475] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:27,764] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:27,782] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:27,782] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:27,819] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:56:27,910] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:27,911] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:27,933] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:27,933] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:56:32,938] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:56:32,964] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:32,964] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 63129 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:56:32,965] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:33,034] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 63274 [2021-04-24 21:56:33,034] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:56:33,035] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:33,139] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:33,406] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:33,699] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:33,707] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:33,803] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:34,055] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:34,345] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:34,403] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:34,453] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:34,453] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:36,215] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:36,216] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:56:36,216] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:56:41,221] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:56:41,237] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:41,237] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:56:41,291] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:41,293] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:41,393] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:41,655] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:41,949] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:41,968] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:41,968] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:42,004] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:56:42,098] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:42,098] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:42,119] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:42,119] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:56:47,124] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:56:47,151] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:47,151] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 69289 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:56:47,151] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:47,219] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 69478 [2021-04-24 21:56:47,220] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:56:47,221] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:47,325] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:47,602] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:47,895] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:47,904] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:48,002] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:48,268] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:48,561] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:48,621] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:48,675] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:48,675] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:50,318] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:50,319] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:56:50,319] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:56:55,324] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:56:55,339] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:55,339] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:56:55,393] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:55,395] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:56:55,495] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:56:55,765] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:56:56,056] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:56:56,075] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:56:56,075] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:56:56,116] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:56:56,207] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:56:56,207] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:56:56,228] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:56:56,228] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:57:01,234] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:57:01,261] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:01,261] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 38171 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:57:01,261] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:57:01,330] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 38316 [2021-04-24 21:57:01,331] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:57:01,332] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:01,434] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:01,702] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:01,991] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:02,001] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:02,096] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:02,358] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:02,648] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:02,707] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:57:02,759] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:57:02,759] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:57:04,449] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:04,449] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:57:04,449] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:57:09,455] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:57:09,470] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:09,470] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:57:09,522] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:09,524] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:09,618] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:09,879] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:10,162] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:10,179] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:57:10,179] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:57:10,255] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:57:10,342] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:57:10,342] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:57:10,360] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:10,360] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:57:15,366] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:57:15,390] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:15,391] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 113557 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:57:15,391] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:57:15,459] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 113702 [2021-04-24 21:57:15,460] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:57:15,461] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:15,563] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:15,844] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:16,136] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:16,146] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:16,243] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:16,508] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:16,798] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:16,816] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:57:16,866] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:57:16,866] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:57:18,513] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:18,513] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:57:18,514] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:57:23,519] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:57:23,533] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:23,534] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:57:23,587] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:23,588] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:23,686] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:23,957] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:24,243] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:24,301] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:57:24,301] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:57:24,339] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:57:24,429] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:57:24,429] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:57:24,451] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:24,451] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:57:29,456] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:57:29,485] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:29,485] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 119567 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:57:29,485] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:57:29,554] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 119712 [2021-04-24 21:57:29,554] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:57:29,556] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:29,659] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:29,926] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:30,219] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:30,229] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:30,326] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:30,586] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:30,881] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:30,901] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:57:30,954] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:57:30,954] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:57:32,729] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:32,730] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 21:57:32,730] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:57:37,735] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 21:57:37,750] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:37,750] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 21:57:37,804] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:37,806] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:37,904] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:38,168] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:38,457] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:38,476] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 21:57:38,476] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:57:38,512] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 21:57:38,604] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 21:57:38,604] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 21:57:38,625] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:38,625] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 21:57:43,630] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 21:57:43,650] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:43,651] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 23311 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 21:57:43,651] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 21:57:43,717] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 23454 [2021-04-24 21:57:43,717] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 21:57:43,717] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 10 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:57:54,273] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:54,276] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '110', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3572199424, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:54,278] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:54,278] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:54,283] - [rest_client:1108] INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,,8091,['kv']) [2021-04-24 21:57:54,284] - [rest_client:1124] INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname= [2021-04-24 21:57:54,310] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:54,311] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:57:54,368] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:57:54,370] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:54,470] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:54,719] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:55,006] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:55,014] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:57:55,069] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:55,069] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:57:55,071] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:55,073] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:55,077] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:57:55,096] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:55,100] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '95', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3602767872, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:55,101] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:55,102] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:55,107] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:55,107] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:57:55,166] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:57:55,168] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:55,267] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:55,522] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:55,805] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:55,813] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:57:55,866] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:55,867] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:57:55,869] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:55,870] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:55,874] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:57:55,894] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:55,896] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '84', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3614261248, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:55,898] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:55,898] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:55,904] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:55,904] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:57:55,964] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:57:55,965] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:56,068] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:56,332] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:56,619] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:56,627] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:57:56,681] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:56,681] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:57:56,683] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:56,685] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:56,688] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:57:56,710] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:56,713] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '70', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3595829248, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:56,715] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:56,715] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:56,720] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:56,720] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:57:56,779] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:57:56,781] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:56,882] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:57,144] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:57,436] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:57,445] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:57:57,500] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:57,500] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:57:57,502] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:57,504] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:57,508] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:57:57,526] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:57,529] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '54', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3587588096, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:57,531] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:57,531] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:57,537] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:57,537] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:57:57,599] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:57:57,600] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:57,700] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:57,973] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:58,266] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:58,274] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:57:58,328] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:58,329] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:57:58,330] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:58,332] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:58,336] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:57:58,353] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:58,355] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '45', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3610415104, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:58,357] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:58,357] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:58,362] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:58,362] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:57:58,419] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:57:58,421] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:58,522] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:58,788] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:59,076] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:59,085] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:57:59,139] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:59,140] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:57:59,142] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:59,143] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:59,147] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:57:59,164] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:59,167] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '29', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3663634432, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:59,169] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:59,169] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:59,174] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:59,174] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:57:59,234] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:57:59,235] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:57:59,334] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:57:59,609] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:57:59,900] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:57:59,909] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:57:59,963] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:57:59,963] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:57:59,965] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:59,967] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:57:59,970] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:57:59,988] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 21:57:59,991] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '14', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3635941376, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 21:57:59,993] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:57:59,993] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 21:57:59,998] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 21:57:59,998] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 21:58:00,057] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 21:58:00,059] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:58:00,163] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:58:00,431] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:58:00,722] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:58:00,730] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:58:00,785] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:58:00,785] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:58:00,787] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:58:00,789] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 21:58:00,793] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 21:58:00,816] - [basetestcase:2380] INFO - **** add built-in 'cbadminbucket' user to node **** [2021-04-24 21:58:00,824] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - DELETE body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"User was not found."' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 21:58:00,825] - [internal_user:36] INFO - Exception while deleting user. Exception is -b'"User was not found."' [2021-04-24 21:58:00,883] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 21:58:05,888] - [basetestcase:2385] INFO - **** add 'admin' role to 'cbadminbucket' user **** [2021-04-24 21:58:05,898] - [basetestcase:332] INFO - done initializing cluster [2021-04-24 21:58:06,814] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 21:58:06,815] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 21:58:16,829] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds [2021-04-24 21:58:16,829] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 21:58:29,192] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 21:58:29,192] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 21:58:39,207] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds [2021-04-24 21:58:39,207] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 21:58:51,640] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 21:58:51,640] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 21:59:01,656] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.02 seconds [2021-04-24 21:59:01,656] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 21:59:14,269] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 21:59:14,269] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 21:59:24,284] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds [2021-04-24 21:59:24,284] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 21:59:37,290] - [rest_client:1728] INFO - rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': '', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} [2021-04-24 21:59:37,319] - [rest_client:1733] INFO - rebalance operation started [2021-04-24 21:59:37,321] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 0.00 % [2021-04-24 21:59:37,321] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% [2021-04-24 21:59:47,343] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% [2021-04-24 21:59:47,350] - [task:897] INFO - rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 10.031172037124634 sec [2021-04-24 21:59:47,352] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:47,450] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:47,703] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:47,994] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:48,001] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 21:59:48,057] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 21:59:48,058] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 21:59:48,058] - [basetestcase:2968] INFO - Enabled diag/eval for non-local hosts from [2021-04-24 21:59:48,058] - [basetestcase:434] INFO - ============== basetestcase setup was finished for test #2 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes ============== [2021-04-24 21:59:48,066] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:48,161] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:48,405] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:48,694] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:48,696] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:48,797] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:49,053] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:49,344] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:49,346] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:49,448] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:49,717] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:50,009] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:50,012] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:50,112] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:50,376] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:50,671] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:50,673] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:50,779] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:51,062] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:51,358] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:51,360] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:51,462] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:51,729] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:52,024] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:52,026] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:52,127] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:52,407] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:52,700] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 21:59:52,703] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 21:59:52,800] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 21:59:53,058] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 21:59:53,347] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:00:01,543] - [basetestcase:467] INFO - ------- Cluster statistics ------- [2021-04-24 22:00:01,544] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.356443104747551, 'mem_free': 3564793856, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 111411200, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:00:01,544] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 8.006042296072508, 'mem_free': 3528945664, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132866048, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:00:01,545] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.509054325955734, 'mem_free': 3499741184, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:00:01,545] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 0.3766951280763435, 'mem_free': 3595214848, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 82575360, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:00:01,545] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 4.850464940939935, 'mem_free': 3574128640, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 109576192, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:00:01,545] - [basetestcase:470] INFO - --- End of cluster statistics --- [2021-04-24 22:00:01,546] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:00:01,647] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:00:01,895] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:00:02,180] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:00:05,037] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:00:05,043] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:00:05,048] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:00:05,053] - [eventing_base:60] INFO - Setting the min possible memory quota so that adding mode nodes to the cluster wouldn't be a problem. [2021-04-24 22:00:05,053] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=330 [2021-04-24 22:00:05,059] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : indexMemoryQuota=256 [2021-04-24 22:00:05,065] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : eventingMemoryQuota=512 [2021-04-24 22:00:05,084] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:00:05,088] - [eventing_base:126] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest setup has completed ============== [2021-04-24 22:00:05,088] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=700 [2021-04-24 22:00:05,093] - [eventing_rebalance_collection:23] INFO - 200 [2021-04-24 22:00:05,569] - [rest_client:2819] INFO - with param: name=src_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore [2021-04-24 22:00:05,598] - [rest_client:2844] INFO - 0.03 seconds to create bucket src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:05,598] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:06,400] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:06,474] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:06,557] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:06,681] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:06,759] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,024] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,091] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 0 [2021-04-24 22:00:07,092] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:07,204] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,289] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,361] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,469] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,710] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,784] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:07,847] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 1 [2021-04-24 22:00:07,847] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:07,954] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:08,031] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:08,105] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:08,384] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:08,454] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:08,531] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:08,593] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 2 [2021-04-24 22:00:08,594] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:08,871] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:08,943] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,013] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,125] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,195] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,267] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,497] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 3 [2021-04-24 22:00:09,497] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:09,610] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,681] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,753] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:09,869] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,111] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,189] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,252] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 4 [2021-04-24 22:00:10,252] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:10,358] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,430] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,681] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,796] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,868] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:10,939] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:11,002] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 5 [2021-04-24 22:00:12,024] - [rest_client:2819] INFO - with param: name=dst_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore [2021-04-24 22:00:12,053] - [rest_client:2844] INFO - 0.03 seconds to create bucket dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:12,053] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:12,851] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:12,927] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,022] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,135] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,208] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,288] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,549] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 0 [2021-04-24 22:00:13,549] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:13,697] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,768] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,850] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:13,966] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:14,210] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:14,286] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:14,349] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 1 [2021-04-24 22:00:14,349] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:14,455] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:14,527] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:14,605] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:14,888] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:14,960] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,038] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,104] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 2 [2021-04-24 22:00:15,104] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:15,212] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,451] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,529] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,646] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,720] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,796] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:15,866] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 3 [2021-04-24 22:00:15,866] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:16,143] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:16,225] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:16,307] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:16,421] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:16,494] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:16,737] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:16,806] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 4 [2021-04-24 22:00:16,806] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:16,925] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:17,000] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:17,075] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:17,360] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:17,436] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:17,519] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:00:17,589] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 5 [2021-04-24 22:00:18,612] - [rest_client:2819] INFO - with param: name=metadata&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore [2021-04-24 22:00:18,641] - [rest_client:2844] INFO - 0.03 seconds to create bucket metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:18,641] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:19,287] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:19,547] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:19,638] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:19,763] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:19,846] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:19,938] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:20,012] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 0 [2021-04-24 22:00:20,013] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:20,310] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:20,387] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:20,470] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:20,584] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:20,660] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:20,739] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:20,966] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 1 [2021-04-24 22:00:20,967] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:21,083] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:21,157] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:21,234] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:21,350] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:21,600] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:21,686] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:21,753] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 2 [2021-04-24 22:00:21,753] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:21,865] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:21,941] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:22,024] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:22,311] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:22,390] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:22,474] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:22,548] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 3 [2021-04-24 22:00:22,548] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:22,660] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:22,908] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:22,998] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,122] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,199] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,276] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,517] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 4 [2021-04-24 22:00:23,517] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:00:23,632] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,712] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,790] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,915] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:23,996] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:24,264] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:00:24,331] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 5 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,403] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_0 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,403] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,449] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_1 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,449] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,476] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_2 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,476] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,503] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_3 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,503] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,535] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_4 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,535] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,562] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_0 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,563] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,593] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_1 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,594] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,620] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_2 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,621] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,650] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_3 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,651] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,677] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_4 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,677] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,708] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,708] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,737] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,737] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,766] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_2 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,766] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,793] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,794] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,823] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,823] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,853] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,853] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,882] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,882] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,911] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_2 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,911] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,943] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,943] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} [2021-04-24 22:00:24,972] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:00:24,972] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} [2021-04-24 22:00:26,189] - [eventing_base:1180] INFO - saving function bucket_op [2021-04-24 22:00:27,397] - [eventing_base:1180] INFO - saving function timers [2021-04-24 22:00:28,641] - [eventing_base:1180] INFO - saving function sbm [2021-04-24 22:00:29,872] - [eventing_base:1180] INFO - saving function curl [2021-04-24 22:00:31,111] - [eventing_base:1180] INFO - saving function n1ql [2021-04-24 22:00:32,311] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:00:37,346] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:00:42,373] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:00:47,401] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:00:53,656] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:00:58,679] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:03,720] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:08,745] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:15,066] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:20,092] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:25,136] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:30,163] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:36,407] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:41,433] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:46,471] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:51,499] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:01:57,758] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:02:02,782] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:02:07,825] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:02:12,850] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to deployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:02:18,451] - [task:6409] INFO - java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s _default -c _default -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False [2021-04-24 22:02:20,889] - [rest_client:96] INFO - rebalance reached >100% in 3.0039455890655518 seconds [2021-04-24 22:02:59,189] - [task:6409] INFO - java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s scope_1 -c coll_1 -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False [2021-04-24 22:03:40,376] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 22:03:40,376] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:03:50,392] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.02 seconds [2021-04-24 22:03:50,392] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:04:02,880] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 22:04:02,880] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:04:12,895] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds [2021-04-24 22:04:12,895] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:04:25,648] - [rest_client:1728] INFO - rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': '', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} [2021-04-24 22:04:25,677] - [rest_client:1733] INFO - rebalance operation started [2021-04-24 22:04:25,681] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 0.00 % [2021-04-24 22:04:25,681] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% [2021-04-24 22:04:35,703] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 47.00 % [2021-04-24 22:04:35,703] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 47.00% [2021-04-24 22:04:45,727] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 78.00 % [2021-04-24 22:04:45,727] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 78.00% [2021-04-24 22:04:55,752] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 78.00 % [2021-04-24 22:04:55,752] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 78.00% [2021-04-24 22:05:05,779] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 81.00 % [2021-04-24 22:05:05,779] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 81.00% [2021-04-24 22:05:15,804] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 83.00 % [2021-04-24 22:05:15,804] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 83.00% [2021-04-24 22:05:25,829] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 84.00 % [2021-04-24 22:05:25,830] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 84.00% [2021-04-24 22:05:35,855] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 87.00 % [2021-04-24 22:05:35,856] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 87.00% [2021-04-24 22:05:45,882] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 90.00 % [2021-04-24 22:05:45,882] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 90.00% [2021-04-24 22:05:55,908] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 91.00 % [2021-04-24 22:05:55,908] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 91.00% [2021-04-24 22:06:05,934] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% [2021-04-24 22:06:05,943] - [task:897] INFO - rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 100.26587867736816 sec [2021-04-24 22:06:05,951] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:05,959] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:05,966] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:06:05,971] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:06:08,380] - [tuq_helper:306] INFO - TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.407014147s [2021-04-24 22:06:08,396] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:08,403] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:06:08,419] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:06:08,428] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:08,436] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:08,441] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:06:08,445] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:06:11,424] - [tuq_helper:306] INFO - TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.97571442s [2021-04-24 22:06:11,441] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:11,447] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:06:11,461] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:06:11,469] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:11,477] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:11,482] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:06:11,487] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:06:14,318] - [tuq_helper:306] INFO - TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.828673195s [2021-04-24 22:06:14,333] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:14,340] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:06:14,358] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:06:14,367] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:14,375] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:14,380] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:06:14,384] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:06:17,291] - [tuq_helper:306] INFO - TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.904794728s [2021-04-24 22:06:17,308] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:17,313] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:06:17,327] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:06:17,336] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:17,343] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:17,349] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:06:17,354] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:06:20,181] - [tuq_helper:306] INFO - TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 2.82534633s [2021-04-24 22:06:20,201] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:20,207] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:06:20,229] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 80640 Expected : 80640 [2021-04-24 22:06:20,237] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of kv nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:06:20,960] - [task:6409] INFO - java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s _default -c _default -n 40320 -pc 0 -pu 0 -pd 100 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False [2021-04-24 22:06:23,249] - [rest_client:96] INFO - rebalance reached >100% in 3.0057373046875 seconds [2021-04-24 22:06:53,708] - [task:6409] INFO - java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s scope_1 -c coll_1 -n 40320 -pc 0 -pu 0 -pd 100 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False [2021-04-24 22:07:26,483] - [rest_client:1728] INFO - rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} [2021-04-24 22:07:26,513] - [rest_client:1733] INFO - rebalance operation started [2021-04-24 22:07:26,517] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 0.00 % [2021-04-24 22:07:26,517] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% [2021-04-24 22:07:36,547] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 23.00 % [2021-04-24 22:07:36,547] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 23.00% [2021-04-24 22:07:46,571] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 47.00 % [2021-04-24 22:07:46,571] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 47.00% [2021-04-24 22:07:56,604] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 56.00 % [2021-04-24 22:07:56,605] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 56.00% [2021-04-24 22:08:06,633] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 71.00 % [2021-04-24 22:08:06,633] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 71.00% [2021-04-24 22:08:16,656] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 78.00 % [2021-04-24 22:08:16,657] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 78.00% [2021-04-24 22:08:26,680] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% [2021-04-24 22:08:26,706] - [task:897] INFO - rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 60.19215154647827 sec [2021-04-24 22:08:26,714] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,721] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,727] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,731] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,733] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "59e1e19c-2110-4f6d-9552-c3b4297f29f4",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "728.153\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "668.559\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:08:26,741] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,746] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,755] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,762] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,769] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,774] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,779] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,781] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "e43d2490-6dc0-4933-9412-28eb00859a68",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "826.124\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "766.685\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:08:26,788] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,793] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,796] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,804] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,811] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,815] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,820] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,822] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "9287c4e1-cf98-4a39-aae5-3a0d9f86eddb",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "798.239\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "735.008\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:08:26,830] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,834] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,837] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,845] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,852] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,856] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,861] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,864] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "4c10dec4-60d3-41a9-a36d-e05c562073d9",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "908.352\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "846.031\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:08:26,871] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,876] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,879] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 0 Expected : 0 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,886] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,893] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,898] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,902] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,904] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "9ff0e543-8fa5-48eb-acc6-5c49ecf7f4f5",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "623.033\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "571.856\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:08:26,911] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,915] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,923] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:08:26,930] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of kv nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:08:26,930] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:08:36,945] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.02 seconds [2021-04-24 22:08:36,946] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:08:49,683] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:08:59,697] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds [2021-04-24 22:08:59,698] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:09:12,754] - [task:6409] INFO - java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s _default -c _default -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False [2021-04-24 22:09:15,505] - [rest_client:96] INFO - rebalance reached >100% in 3.005535840988159 seconds [2021-04-24 22:09:53,990] - [task:6409] INFO - java -jar java_sdk_client/collections/target/javaclient/javaclient.jar -i -u Administrator -p password -b src_bucket -s scope_1 -c coll_1 -n 40320 -pc 100 -pu 0 -pd 0 -l uniform -dsn 1 -dpx doc_ -dt Person -de 0 -ds 500 -ac False -st 0 -en 40319 -o False -sd False [2021-04-24 22:10:34,797] - [rest_client:1728] INFO - rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} [2021-04-24 22:10:34,830] - [rest_client:1733] INFO - rebalance operation started [2021-04-24 22:10:34,836] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 0.00 % [2021-04-24 22:10:34,836] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% [2021-04-24 22:10:44,860] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 19.00 % [2021-04-24 22:10:44,860] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 19.00% [2021-04-24 22:10:54,950] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 23.00 % [2021-04-24 22:10:54,950] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 23.00% [2021-04-24 22:11:04,990] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 42.00 % [2021-04-24 22:11:04,990] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 42.00% [2021-04-24 22:11:15,014] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 55.00 % [2021-04-24 22:11:15,014] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 55.00% [2021-04-24 22:11:25,047] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 66.00 % [2021-04-24 22:11:25,047] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 66.00% [2021-04-24 22:11:35,071] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 78.00 % [2021-04-24 22:11:35,071] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 78.00% [2021-04-24 22:11:45,095] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% [2021-04-24 22:11:45,108] - [rest_client:1027] ERROR - socket error while connecting to error [Errno 111] Connection refused [2021-04-24 22:11:48,120] - [rest_client:1027] ERROR - socket error while connecting to error [Errno 111] Connection refused [2021-04-24 22:11:51,131] - [task:897] INFO - rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 76.30006980895996 sec [2021-04-24 22:11:51,146] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,153] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,159] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,164] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,166] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "be6d3fcf-8bfb-4d6f-8141-047232ae94b9",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "891.843\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "812.005\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:11:51,175] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,180] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,190] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,198] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,206] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,211] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,215] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,217] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "30c95bff-d94a-4686-98ed-051db79dd253",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "914.541\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "839.899\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:11:51,225] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,229] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,232] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,239] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,247] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,253] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,257] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,259] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "e0c12868-4de8-41fd-8cbf-d9b459deda1f",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "839.317\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "768.738\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:11:51,267] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,273] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,276] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,283] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,290] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,294] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,298] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,300] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "9ea8d60b-60f8-48da-a211-d04e57865320",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "624.884\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "581.252\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:11:51,308] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,312] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+dst_bucket.scope_1.coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,315] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 40320 Expected : 40320 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,322] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,329] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,334] - [tuq_helper:283] INFO - RUN QUERY create primary index on src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,338] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=create+primary+index+on+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,340] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "e4a4e636-b943-40ae-9564-70e0680b4261",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Index #primary already exists."}],\n"status": "errors",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "629.572\xc2\xb5s","executionTime": "579.355\xc2\xb5s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 6,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:11:51,347] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,351] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+src_bucket.scope_1.coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,362] - [eventing_base:1063] INFO - Final docs count... Current : 120960 Expected : 120960 [2021-04-24 22:11:51,369] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:11:51,981] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:11:57,614] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:02,666] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for curl to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:07,698] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:12,755] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:17,790] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for n1ql to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:22,821] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:27,859] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:32,890] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for bucket_op to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:37,920] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:42,964] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:47,993] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for timers to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:53,017] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:12:58,040] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:13:03,074] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. Waiting for sbm to undeployed... ... [2021-04-24 22:13:08,264] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:13:08,271] - [eventing_base:660] INFO - Stats for Node is [] [2021-04-24 22:13:08,271] - [eventing_base:129] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has started ============== [2021-04-24 22:13:08,289] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:13:08,290] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:08,413] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:08,685] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:08,979] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:08,988] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs" command: filename:absname(element(2, application:get_env(ns_server,error_logger_mf_dir))). [2021-04-24 22:13:08,988] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on zgrep "panic" "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/eventing.log* | wc -l [2021-04-24 22:13:09,829] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:13:09,829] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on ls "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/../crash/| wc -l [2021-04-24 22:13:09,883] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:13:09,936] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:13:09,942] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+metadata [2021-04-24 22:13:09,966] - [eventing_base:144] INFO - number of documents in metadata bucket 0 [2021-04-24 22:13:09,974] - [basetestcase:467] INFO - ------- Cluster statistics ------- [2021-04-24 22:13:09,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 4.455318053051764, 'mem_free': 3355414528, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 57147392, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:13:09,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 4.371303677037799, 'mem_free': 3311300608, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 130285568, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:13:09,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 11.4633527770733, 'mem_free': 3353792512, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 111411200, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:13:09,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 4.397017228079198, 'mem_free': 3196637184, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132853760, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:13:09,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 0.8407643312101911, 'mem_free': 2479292416, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:13:09,974] - [basetestcase:470] INFO - --- End of cluster statistics --- [2021-04-24 22:13:09,976] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:10,080] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:10,345] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:10,638] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:10,640] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:10,748] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:11,030] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:11,333] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:11,335] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:11,443] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:11,727] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:12,030] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:12,032] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:12,130] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:12,396] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:12,695] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:12,697] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:12,808] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:13,091] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:13,388] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:13,390] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:13,493] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:13,771] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:14,060] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:14,061] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:14,165] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:14,449] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:14,745] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:14,747] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:13:14,848] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:13:15,112] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:13:15,400] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:13:30,965] - [basetestcase:572] INFO - ============== basetestcase cleanup was started for test #2 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes ============== [2021-04-24 22:13:31,020] - [bucket_helper:133] INFO - deleting existing buckets ['dst_bucket', 'metadata', 'src_bucket'] on [2021-04-24 22:13:31,847] - [bucket_helper:224] INFO - waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... [2021-04-24 22:13:32,073] - [rest_client:137] INFO - node existing buckets : ['metadata', 'src_bucket'] [2021-04-24 22:13:32,075] - [bucket_helper:156] INFO - deleted bucket : dst_bucket from [2021-04-24 22:13:32,485] - [bucket_helper:224] INFO - waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... [2021-04-24 22:13:32,496] - [rest_client:137] INFO - node existing buckets : ['src_bucket'] [2021-04-24 22:13:32,497] - [bucket_helper:156] INFO - deleted bucket : metadata from [2021-04-24 22:13:33,703] - [bucket_helper:224] INFO - waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... [2021-04-24 22:13:33,705] - [rest_client:137] INFO - node existing buckets : [] [2021-04-24 22:13:33,705] - [bucket_helper:156] INFO - deleted bucket : src_bucket from [2021-04-24 22:13:33,713] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:13:33,718] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:13:33,724] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:13:33,730] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:13:33,737] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:13:33,744] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:13:33,748] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:13:33,754] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:13:33,766] - [cluster_helper:262] INFO - rebalancing all nodes in order to remove nodes [2021-04-24 22:13:33,768] - [rest_client:1728] INFO - rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} [2021-04-24 22:13:33,796] - [rest_client:1733] INFO - rebalance operation started [2021-04-24 22:13:33,798] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 0.00 % [2021-04-24 22:13:43,811] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 70.00 % [2021-04-24 22:13:53,824] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 70.00 % [2021-04-24 22:14:13,848] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 40.05 seconds [2021-04-24 22:14:13,848] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:14:23,879] - [cluster_helper:325] INFO - removed all the nodes from cluster associated with ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root ? [('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091)] [2021-04-24 22:14:23,885] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,885] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,889] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,893] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,893] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,895] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,899] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,899] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,902] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,905] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,905] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,907] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,910] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,910] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,913] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,916] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,916] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,919] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,922] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,922] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,925] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,929] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:14:23,929] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:14:23,932] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:14:23,932] - [basetestcase:596] INFO - ============== basetestcase cleanup was finished for test #2 test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes ============== [2021-04-24 22:14:23,932] - [basetestcase:604] INFO - closing all ssh connections [2021-04-24 22:14:23,933] - [basetestcase:609] INFO - closing all memcached connections [2021-04-24 22:14:23,935] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:24,035] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:24,282] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:24,571] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:24,581] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:24,676] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:24,914] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:25,199] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:25,217] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:14:25,265] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:14:25,265] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:14:27,009] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:27,009] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:14:27,009] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:14:32,015] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:14:32,031] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:32,031] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:14:32,085] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:32,087] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:32,185] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:32,437] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:32,731] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:32,751] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:14:32,751] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:14:32,788] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:14:32,881] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:14:32,881] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:14:32,903] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:32,904] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:14:37,909] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:14:37,934] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:37,934] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 21772 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:14:37,935] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:14:38,003] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 21915 [2021-04-24 22:14:38,003] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:14:38,005] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:38,104] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:38,357] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:38,639] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:38,648] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:38,741] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:38,987] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:39,273] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:39,290] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:14:39,338] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:14:39,338] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:14:41,081] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:41,082] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:14:41,082] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:14:46,087] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:14:46,115] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:46,115] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:14:46,168] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:46,169] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:46,267] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:46,520] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:46,808] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:46,867] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:14:46,867] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:14:46,903] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:14:46,994] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:14:46,994] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:14:47,016] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:47,016] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:14:52,021] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:14:52,048] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:52,048] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 118839 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:14:52,048] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:14:52,116] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 118982 [2021-04-24 22:14:52,117] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:14:52,118] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:52,226] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:52,500] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:52,795] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:52,803] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:14:52,900] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:14:53,164] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:14:53,460] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:14:53,480] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:14:53,533] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:14:53,533] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:14:55,240] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:14:55,240] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:14:55,240] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:15:00,245] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:15:00,272] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:00,272] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:15:00,324] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:00,326] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:00,427] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:00,695] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:00,989] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:01,008] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:01,008] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:01,050] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:15:01,144] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:01,144] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:01,170] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:01,170] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:15:06,175] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:15:06,201] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:06,201] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 68624 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:15:06,201] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:06,271] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 68768 [2021-04-24 22:15:06,272] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:15:06,274] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:06,376] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:06,640] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:06,933] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:06,941] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:07,039] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:07,307] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:07,602] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:07,662] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:07,716] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:07,716] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:09,365] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:09,366] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:15:09,366] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:15:14,371] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:15:14,386] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:14,386] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:15:14,439] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:14,440] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:14,539] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:14,800] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:15,093] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:15,112] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:15,112] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:15,149] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:15:15,242] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:15,242] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:15,265] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:15,265] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:15:20,266] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:15:20,290] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:20,290] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 65657 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:15:20,291] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:20,359] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 65802 [2021-04-24 22:15:20,359] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:15:20,361] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:20,466] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:20,744] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:21,038] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:21,047] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:21,147] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:21,413] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:21,709] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:21,728] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:21,781] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:21,781] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:23,535] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:23,536] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:15:23,536] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:15:28,541] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:15:28,564] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:28,564] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:15:28,617] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:28,619] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:28,721] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:28,996] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:29,289] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:29,308] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:29,308] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:29,347] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:15:29,440] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:29,441] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:29,463] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:29,463] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:15:34,468] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:15:34,497] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:34,497] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 43780 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:15:34,497] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:34,567] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 43925 [2021-04-24 22:15:34,567] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:15:34,569] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:34,670] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:34,932] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:35,225] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:35,233] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:35,331] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:35,593] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:35,885] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:35,942] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:35,993] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:35,994] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:37,636] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:37,636] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:15:37,636] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:15:42,641] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:15:42,657] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:42,658] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:15:42,711] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:42,713] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:42,813] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:43,074] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:43,363] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:43,381] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:43,382] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:43,417] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:15:43,506] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:43,506] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:43,527] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:43,527] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:15:48,532] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:15:48,560] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:48,561] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 119188 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:15:48,561] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:48,628] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 119331 [2021-04-24 22:15:48,628] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:15:48,629] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:48,731] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:49,007] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:49,294] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:49,302] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:49,399] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:49,665] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:49,956] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:50,015] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:50,068] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:50,068] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:51,724] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:51,725] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:15:51,725] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:15:56,730] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:15:56,746] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:56,746] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:15:56,798] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:56,800] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:15:56,899] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:15:57,173] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:15:57,465] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:15:57,523] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:15:57,523] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:15:57,601] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:15:57,694] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:15:57,694] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:15:57,716] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:15:57,716] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:16:02,721] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:16:02,749] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:02,749] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 125366 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:16:02,749] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:16:02,818] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 125510 [2021-04-24 22:16:02,819] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:16:02,821] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:02,920] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:03,185] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:03,480] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:03,488] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:03,585] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:03,842] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:04,137] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:04,157] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:16:04,211] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:16:04,211] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:16:05,923] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:05,923] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:16:05,924] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:16:10,929] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:16:10,944] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:10,944] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:16:10,997] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:10,999] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:11,101] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:11,368] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:11,664] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:11,684] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:16:11,684] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:16:11,722] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:16:11,816] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:16:11,816] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:16:11,839] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:11,839] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:16:16,845] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:16:16,871] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:16,871] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 28206 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:16:16,871] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:16:16,938] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 28351 [2021-04-24 22:16:16,938] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:16:16,938] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 10 secs. ... Cluster instance shutdown with force [2021-04-24 22:16:26,957] - [eventing_base:148] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has completed ============== ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 1240.839s OK suite_tearDown (eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection) ... summary so far suite eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection , pass 1 , fail 1 failures so far... eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes testrunner logs, diags and results are available under /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/test_2 *** Tests executed count: 2 Run after suite setup for eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_kv_nodes [2021-04-24 22:16:26,962] - [eventing_base:35] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest setup has started ============== [2021-04-24 22:16:26,962] - [eventing_base:39] INFO - Starting Test: suite_tearDown [2021-04-24 22:16:26,963] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:27,062] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:27,312] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:27,601] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:27,606] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,614] - [rest_client:2466] INFO - Node version in cluster 7.0.0-5017-enterprise [2021-04-24 22:16:27,618] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:16:27,619] - [rest_client:2476] INFO - Node versions in cluster [] [2021-04-24 22:16:27,619] - [basetestcase:233] INFO - ============== basetestcase setup was started for test #2 suite_tearDown============== [2021-04-24 22:16:27,623] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:16:27,636] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,648] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,660] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,671] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,684] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,695] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,707] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,718] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:16:27,720] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,734] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,734] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,737] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,740] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,740] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,743] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,746] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,746] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,749] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,751] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,752] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,754] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,757] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,757] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,760] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,763] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,763] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,766] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,769] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,769] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,772] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,775] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:16:27,775] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:16:27,777] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:16:27,778] - [basetestcase:264] INFO - Building docker image with java sdk client OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0 [2021-04-24 22:16:31,380] - [basetestcase:295] INFO - initializing cluster [2021-04-24 22:16:31,383] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:31,481] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:31,726] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:32,018] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:32,027] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:32,124] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:32,370] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:32,663] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:32,723] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:16:32,775] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:16:32,775] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:16:34,558] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:34,558] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:16:34,558] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:16:39,564] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:16:39,579] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:39,580] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:16:39,633] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:39,635] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:39,732] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:39,980] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:40,272] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:40,331] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:16:40,331] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:16:40,405] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:16:40,500] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:16:40,500] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:16:40,522] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:40,522] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:16:45,528] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:16:45,552] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:45,553] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 22588 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:16:45,553] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:16:45,620] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 22764 [2021-04-24 22:16:45,621] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:16:45,622] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:45,723] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:45,981] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:46,270] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:46,280] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:46,375] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:46,622] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:46,911] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:46,969] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:16:47,103] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:16:47,103] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:16:48,703] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:48,703] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:16:48,704] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:16:53,709] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:16:53,725] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:53,725] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:16:53,778] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:53,780] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:53,879] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:16:54,135] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:16:54,427] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:16:54,486] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:16:54,486] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:16:54,522] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:16:54,612] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:16:54,613] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:16:54,634] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:54,634] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:16:59,639] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:16:59,674] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:16:59,675] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 119599 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:16:59,675] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:16:59,743] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 119744 [2021-04-24 22:16:59,743] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:16:59,745] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:16:59,847] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:00,117] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:00,413] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:00,421] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:00,522] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:00,783] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:01,077] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:01,137] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:01,191] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:01,191] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:02,824] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:02,825] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:17:02,825] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:17:07,826] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:17:07,842] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:07,842] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:17:07,896] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:07,897] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:07,996] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:08,261] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:08,551] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:08,609] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:08,610] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:08,648] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:17:08,742] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:08,742] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:08,763] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:08,764] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:17:13,769] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:17:13,796] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:13,796] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 69390 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:17:13,796] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:13,868] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 69535 [2021-04-24 22:17:13,868] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:17:13,870] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:14,000] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:14,266] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:14,558] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:14,568] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:14,663] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:14,918] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:15,209] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:15,227] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:15,279] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:15,279] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:17,027] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:17,027] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:17:17,027] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:17:22,032] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:17:22,048] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:22,049] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:17:22,102] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:22,104] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:22,201] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:22,465] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:22,755] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:22,774] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:22,774] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:22,811] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:17:22,904] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:22,905] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:22,925] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:22,925] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:17:27,931] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:17:27,957] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:27,957] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 66423 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:17:27,957] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:28,026] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 66569 [2021-04-24 22:17:28,027] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:17:28,028] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:28,130] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:28,402] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:28,693] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:28,703] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:28,802] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:29,066] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:29,358] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:29,417] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:29,470] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:29,470] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:31,124] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:31,124] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:17:31,124] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:17:36,129] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:17:36,144] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:36,145] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:17:36,198] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:36,199] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:36,299] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:36,571] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:36,862] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:36,881] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:36,882] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:36,959] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:17:37,051] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:37,051] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:37,072] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:37,072] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:17:42,078] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:17:42,102] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:42,103] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 44548 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:17:42,103] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:42,173] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 44735 [2021-04-24 22:17:42,173] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:17:42,174] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:42,277] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:42,550] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:42,844] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:42,854] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:42,951] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:43,212] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:43,505] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:43,563] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:43,616] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:43,616] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:45,242] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:45,242] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:17:45,242] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:17:50,248] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:17:50,262] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:50,262] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:17:50,314] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:50,316] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:50,415] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:50,683] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:50,971] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:50,990] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:50,990] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:51,025] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:17:51,117] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:51,117] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:51,137] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:51,137] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:17:56,143] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:17:56,171] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:56,171] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 119951 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:17:56,171] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:17:56,240] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 120095 [2021-04-24 22:17:56,240] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:17:56,242] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:56,343] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:56,623] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:56,915] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:56,926] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:17:57,024] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:17:57,289] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:17:57,581] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:17:57,640] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:17:57,692] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:17:57,693] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:17:59,318] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:17:59,318] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:17:59,319] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:18:04,324] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:18:04,338] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:04,339] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:18:04,392] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:04,393] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:04,492] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:04,762] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:05,052] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:05,070] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:18:05,070] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:18:05,107] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:18:05,196] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:18:05,196] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:18:05,217] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:05,218] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:18:10,220] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:18:10,247] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:10,248] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 126129 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:18:10,248] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:18:10,316] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 126274 [2021-04-24 22:18:10,316] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:18:10,318] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:10,421] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:10,684] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:10,974] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:10,983] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:11,080] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:11,334] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:11,628] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:11,647] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:18:11,700] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:18:11,700] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:18:13,330] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:13,330] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:18:13,331] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:18:18,336] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:18:18,350] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:18,350] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:18:18,402] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:18,404] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:18,502] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:18,758] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:19,044] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:19,061] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:18:19,062] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:18:19,138] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:18:19,226] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:18:19,226] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:18:19,248] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:19,248] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:18:24,253] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:18:24,278] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:24,278] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 28969 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:18:24,278] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:18:24,345] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 29113 [2021-04-24 22:18:24,345] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:18:24,345] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 10 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:18:35,107] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:35,110] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '110', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3562487808, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:35,111] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:35,112] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:35,117] - [rest_client:1108] INFO - --> init_node_services(Administrator,password,,8091,['kv']) [2021-04-24 22:18:35,117] - [rest_client:1124] INFO - /node/controller/setupServices params on 8091:hostname= [2021-04-24 22:18:35,145] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:35,145] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:35,203] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:35,205] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:35,305] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:35,555] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:35,845] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:35,853] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:35,909] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:35,909] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:35,911] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:35,913] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:35,917] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:35,935] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:35,938] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '95', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3589894144, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:35,939] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:35,940] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:35,945] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:35,945] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:36,003] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:36,005] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:36,105] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:36,360] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:36,646] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:36,654] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:36,708] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:36,708] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:36,710] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:36,711] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:36,715] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:36,733] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:36,736] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '85', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3612569600, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:36,738] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:36,738] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:36,744] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:36,744] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:36,803] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:36,804] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:36,903] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:37,172] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:37,459] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:37,467] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:37,521] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:37,521] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:37,524] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:37,525] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:37,529] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:37,548] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:37,551] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '70', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3612692480, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:37,553] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:37,553] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:37,559] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:37,559] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:37,619] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:37,620] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:37,724] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:37,988] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:38,283] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:38,292] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:38,347] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:38,347] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:38,349] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:38,350] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:38,354] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:38,373] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:38,376] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '55', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3590713344, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:38,378] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:38,378] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:38,383] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:38,383] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:38,446] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:38,448] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:38,553] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:38,830] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:39,122] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:39,131] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:39,185] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:39,185] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:39,188] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:39,189] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:39,193] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:39,212] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:39,215] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '44', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3601522688, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:39,217] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:39,217] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:39,222] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:39,222] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:39,281] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:39,282] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:39,385] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:39,653] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:39,941] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:39,949] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:40,004] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:40,005] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:40,007] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:40,008] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:40,012] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:40,029] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:40,032] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '29', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3659194368, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:40,034] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:40,034] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:40,040] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:40,040] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:40,100] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:40,102] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:40,200] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:40,474] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:40,765] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:40,773] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:40,828] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:40,828] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:40,831] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:40,833] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:40,838] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:40,855] - [task:152] INFO - server: ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root, nodes/self [2021-04-24 22:18:40,857] - [task:157] INFO - {'uptime': '19', 'memoryTotal': 4201684992, 'memoryFree': 3650990080, 'mcdMemoryReserved': 3205, 'mcdMemoryAllocated': 3205, 'status': 'healthy', 'hostname': '', 'clusterCompatibility': 458752, 'clusterMembership': 'active', 'recoveryType': 'none', 'version': '7.0.0-5017-enterprise', 'os': 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', 'ports': [], 'availableStorage': [], 'storage': [], 'memoryQuota': 1738, 'moxi': 11211, 'memcached': 11210, 'id': 'ns_1@cb.local', 'ip': '', 'rest_username': '', 'rest_password': '', 'port': '8091', 'services': ['kv'], 'storageTotalRam': 4007, 'curr_items': 0} [2021-04-24 22:18:40,859] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - GET body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"unknown pool"' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:40,859] - [rest_client:1147] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=2147 [2021-04-24 22:18:40,865] - [rest_client:1045] INFO - --> in init_cluster...Administrator,password,8091 [2021-04-24 22:18:40,865] - [rest_client:1050] INFO - settings/web params on [2021-04-24 22:18:40,925] - [rest_client:1052] INFO - --> status:True [2021-04-24 22:18:40,926] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:18:41,027] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:18:41,292] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:18:41,582] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:18:41,590] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:18:41,646] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:18:41,646] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:18:41,648] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:41,650] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: [7,0] command: cluster_compat_mode:get_compat_version(). [2021-04-24 22:18:41,654] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:18:41,675] - [basetestcase:2380] INFO - **** add built-in 'cbadminbucket' user to node **** [2021-04-24 22:18:41,683] - [rest_client:1022] ERROR - DELETE body: headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} error: 404 reason: unknown b'"User was not found."' auth: Administrator:password [2021-04-24 22:18:41,684] - [internal_user:36] INFO - Exception while deleting user. Exception is -b'"User was not found."' [2021-04-24 22:18:41,740] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:18:46,745] - [basetestcase:2385] INFO - **** add 'admin' role to 'cbadminbucket' user **** [2021-04-24 22:18:46,755] - [basetestcase:332] INFO - done initializing cluster [2021-04-24 22:18:47,674] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 22:18:47,674] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:18:57,691] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.02 seconds [2021-04-24 22:18:57,691] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:19:10,069] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 22:19:10,069] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:19:20,085] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.02 seconds [2021-04-24 22:19:20,085] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:19:32,812] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 22:19:32,812] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:19:42,827] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds [2021-04-24 22:19:42,827] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:19:55,260] - [task:769] INFO - adding node to cluster [2021-04-24 22:19:55,260] - [rest_client:1501] INFO - adding remote node @ to this cluster @ [2021-04-24 22:20:05,275] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 10.01 seconds [2021-04-24 22:20:05,275] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:20:17,791] - [rest_client:1728] INFO - rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': '', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} [2021-04-24 22:20:17,819] - [rest_client:1733] INFO - rebalance operation started [2021-04-24 22:20:17,821] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 0.00 % [2021-04-24 22:20:17,821] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.00% [2021-04-24 22:20:27,840] - [task:838] INFO - Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100.00% [2021-04-24 22:20:27,847] - [task:897] INFO - rebalancing was completed with progress: 100% in 10.02811598777771 sec [2021-04-24 22:20:27,849] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:27,950] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:28,199] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:28,494] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:28,502] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on curl --silent --show-error http://Administrator:password@localhost:8091/diag/eval -X POST -d 'ns_config:set(allow_nonlocal_eval, true).' [2021-04-24 22:20:28,557] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:20:28,557] - [remote_util:5220] INFO - ['ok'] [2021-04-24 22:20:28,558] - [basetestcase:2968] INFO - Enabled diag/eval for non-local hosts from [2021-04-24 22:20:28,558] - [basetestcase:434] INFO - ============== basetestcase setup was finished for test #2 suite_tearDown ============== [2021-04-24 22:20:28,566] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:28,662] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:28,907] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:29,201] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:29,204] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:29,304] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:29,567] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:29,860] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:29,862] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:29,965] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:30,238] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:30,536] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:30,540] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:30,642] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:30,909] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:31,210] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:31,212] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:31,314] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:31,587] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:31,882] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:31,884] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:31,985] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:32,256] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:32,548] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:32,550] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:32,653] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:32,937] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:33,232] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:33,234] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:33,339] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:33,610] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:33,905] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:49,948] - [basetestcase:467] INFO - ------- Cluster statistics ------- [2021-04-24 22:20:49,948] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 15.41008660213958, 'mem_free': 3568812032, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 111411200, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:20:49,948] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 0.527373179306881, 'mem_free': 3524456448, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132853760, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:20:49,948] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 3.970846946468962, 'mem_free': 3514892288, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:20:49,949] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 7.506904343459704, 'mem_free': 3579297792, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 82575360, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:20:49,949] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 6.033182503770739, 'mem_free': 3564056576, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 109576192, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:20:49,949] - [basetestcase:470] INFO - --- End of cluster statistics --- [2021-04-24 22:20:49,950] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:20:50,044] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:20:50,295] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:20:50,588] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:20:53,464] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:20:53,469] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:20:53,474] - [rest_client:1182] INFO - settings/indexes params : storageMode=plasma [2021-04-24 22:20:53,479] - [eventing_base:60] INFO - Setting the min possible memory quota so that adding mode nodes to the cluster wouldn't be a problem. [2021-04-24 22:20:53,479] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=330 [2021-04-24 22:20:53,487] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : indexMemoryQuota=256 [2021-04-24 22:20:53,493] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : eventingMemoryQuota=512 [2021-04-24 22:20:53,510] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:20:53,513] - [eventing_base:126] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest setup has completed ============== [2021-04-24 22:20:53,513] - [rest_client:1159] INFO - pools/default params : memoryQuota=700 [2021-04-24 22:20:53,518] - [eventing_rebalance_collection:23] INFO - 200 [2021-04-24 22:20:53,981] - [rest_client:2819] INFO - with param: name=src_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore [2021-04-24 22:20:54,009] - [rest_client:2844] INFO - 0.03 seconds to create bucket src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:54,009] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:20:54,651] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:54,726] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:54,808] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:55,207] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:55,291] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:55,381] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:55,454] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 0 [2021-04-24 22:20:55,455] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:20:55,564] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:55,647] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:55,718] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:55,825] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:56,173] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:56,243] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:56,305] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 1 [2021-04-24 22:20:56,305] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:20:56,415] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:56,489] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:56,565] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:56,674] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:56,744] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:57,091] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:57,154] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 2 [2021-04-24 22:20:57,154] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:20:57,259] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:57,333] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:57,406] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:57,516] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:57,590] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:57,666] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:58,001] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 3 [2021-04-24 22:20:58,001] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:20:58,109] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:58,187] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:58,257] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:58,364] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:58,439] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:58,517] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:58,578] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 4 [2021-04-24 22:20:58,578] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : src_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:20:58,948] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:59,020] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:59,099] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:59,211] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:59,281] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:59,354] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client src_bucket [2021-04-24 22:20:59,419] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:00,442] - [rest_client:2819] INFO - with param: name=dst_bucket&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore [2021-04-24 22:21:00,469] - [rest_client:2844] INFO - 0.03 seconds to create bucket dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:00,470] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:01,380] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:01,458] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:01,538] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:01,660] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:01,743] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:01,830] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:01,905] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 0 [2021-04-24 22:21:01,905] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:02,289] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:02,366] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:02,440] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:02,559] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:02,633] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:02,711] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:02,774] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 1 [2021-04-24 22:21:02,774] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:02,887] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:03,255] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:03,334] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:03,450] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:03,536] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:03,610] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:03,673] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 2 [2021-04-24 22:21:03,673] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:03,779] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:03,850] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:04,190] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:04,306] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:04,379] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:04,465] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:04,537] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 3 [2021-04-24 22:21:04,537] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:04,660] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:04,732] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:04,807] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:05,195] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:05,269] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:05,343] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:05,408] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 4 [2021-04-24 22:21:05,408] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : dst_bucket in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:05,523] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:05,604] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:05,691] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:05,813] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:06,201] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:06,279] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client dst_bucket [2021-04-24 22:21:06,344] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:07,365] - [rest_client:2819] INFO - with param: name=metadata&ramQuotaMB=200&replicaNumber=0&bucketType=membase&replicaIndex=1&threadsNumber=3&flushEnabled=1&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&compressionMode=passive&storageBackend=couchstore [2021-04-24 22:21:07,395] - [rest_client:2844] INFO - 0.03 seconds to create bucket metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:07,395] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:08,033] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:08,117] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:08,207] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:08,342] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:08,706] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:08,802] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:08,888] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 0 [2021-04-24 22:21:08,888] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:09,027] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:09,107] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:09,187] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:09,303] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:09,382] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:09,755] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:09,826] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 1 [2021-04-24 22:21:09,826] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:09,943] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:10,023] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:10,118] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:10,246] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:10,329] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:10,419] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:10,765] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 2 [2021-04-24 22:21:10,765] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:10,891] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:10,971] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:11,053] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:11,171] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:11,251] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:11,338] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:11,419] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 3 [2021-04-24 22:21:11,419] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:11,819] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:11,902] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:11,987] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:12,108] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:12,191] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:12,272] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:12,347] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 4 [2021-04-24 22:21:12,347] - [bucket_helper:335] INFO - waiting for memcached bucket : metadata in to accept set ops [2021-04-24 22:21:12,777] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:12,862] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:12,954] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:13,086] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:13,166] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:13,248] - [data_helper:314] INFO - creating direct client metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:13,321] - [task:380] WARNING - vbucket map not ready after try 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,393] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_0 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,393] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,421] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_1 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,421] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,450] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_2 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,451] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,478] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_3 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,478] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,509] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_4 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,509] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created dst_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,535] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_0 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,535] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_0 {'uid': '1'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,565] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_1 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,565] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_1 {'uid': '2'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,591] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_2 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,592] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_2 {'uid': '3'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,622] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_3 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,623] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_3 {'uid': '4'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,650] - [rest_client:621] INFO - with params: name=scope_4 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,651] - [rest_client:624] INFO - Scope created src_bucket->scope_4 {'uid': '5'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,680] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,680] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,708] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,708] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,738] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_2 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,738] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,766] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,766] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,797] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,797] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created dst_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,825] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_0 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,825] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_0 manifest:{'uid': '6'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,855] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_1 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,855] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_1 manifest:{'uid': '7'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,896] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_2 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,896] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_2 manifest:{'uid': '8'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,933] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_3 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,933] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_3 manifest:{'uid': '9'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,961] - [rest_client:644] INFO - with params: name=coll_4 [2021-04-24 22:21:13,961] - [rest_client:655] INFO - Collection created src_bucket->scope_1->coll_4 manifest:{'uid': 'a'} [2021-04-24 22:21:13,978] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:21:13,987] - [eventing_base:660] INFO - Stats for Node is [] [2021-04-24 22:21:13,988] - [eventing_base:129] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has started ============== [2021-04-24 22:21:14,008] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of eventing nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:21:14,010] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:14,114] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:14,374] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:14,664] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:14,673] - [rest_client:1751] INFO - /diag/eval status on True content: "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs" command: filename:absname(element(2, application:get_env(ns_server,error_logger_mf_dir))). [2021-04-24 22:21:14,673] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on zgrep "panic" "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/eventing.log* | wc -l [2021-04-24 22:21:15,491] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:21:15,491] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on ls "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs"/../crash/| wc -l [2021-04-24 22:21:15,505] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:21:15,880] - [basetestcase:2630] INFO - list of n1ql nodes in cluster: [ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root] [2021-04-24 22:21:15,886] - [rest_client:3942] INFO - query params : statement=select+RAW%28count%28%2A%29%29+from+metadata [2021-04-24 22:21:15,967] - [eventing_base:144] INFO - number of documents in metadata bucket 0 [2021-04-24 22:21:15,974] - [basetestcase:467] INFO - ------- Cluster statistics ------- [2021-04-24 22:21:15,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['eventing'], 'cpu_utilization': 1.479067435447481, 'mem_free': 3535265792, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 111411200, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:21:15,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 10.82867310625318, 'mem_free': 3421143040, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132853760, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:21:15,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['index', 'n1ql'], 'cpu_utilization': 3.197381671701913, 'mem_free': 3447934976, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 132120576, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:21:15,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 13.13516260162602, 'mem_free': 3453014016, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 82575360, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:21:15,974] - [basetestcase:469] INFO - => {'services': ['kv'], 'cpu_utilization': 13.51969504447268, 'mem_free': 3435102208, 'mem_total': 4201684992, 'swap_mem_used': 109576192, 'swap_mem_total': 3758092288} [2021-04-24 22:21:15,974] - [basetestcase:470] INFO - --- End of cluster statistics --- [2021-04-24 22:21:15,975] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:16,068] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:16,308] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:16,592] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:16,595] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:16,694] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:16,947] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:17,238] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:17,241] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:17,342] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:17,613] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:17,911] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:17,914] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:18,016] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:18,278] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:18,576] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:18,578] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:18,678] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:18,955] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:19,250] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:19,252] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:19,351] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:19,616] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:19,904] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:19,906] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:20,007] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:20,284] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:20,576] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:20,579] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:21:20,680] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:21:20,943] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:21:21,235] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:21:37,373] - [basetestcase:572] INFO - ============== basetestcase cleanup was started for test #2 suite_tearDown ============== [2021-04-24 22:21:37,427] - [bucket_helper:133] INFO - deleting existing buckets ['dst_bucket', 'metadata', 'src_bucket'] on [2021-04-24 22:21:37,773] - [bucket_helper:224] INFO - waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... [2021-04-24 22:21:37,794] - [rest_client:137] INFO - node existing buckets : ['metadata', 'src_bucket'] [2021-04-24 22:21:37,796] - [bucket_helper:156] INFO - deleted bucket : dst_bucket from [2021-04-24 22:21:38,110] - [bucket_helper:224] INFO - waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... [2021-04-24 22:21:38,122] - [rest_client:137] INFO - node existing buckets : ['src_bucket'] [2021-04-24 22:21:38,123] - [bucket_helper:156] INFO - deleted bucket : metadata from [2021-04-24 22:21:38,440] - [bucket_helper:224] INFO - waiting for bucket deletion to complete.... [2021-04-24 22:21:38,442] - [rest_client:137] INFO - node existing buckets : [] [2021-04-24 22:21:38,442] - [bucket_helper:156] INFO - deleted bucket : src_bucket from [2021-04-24 22:21:38,450] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:21:38,456] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:21:38,463] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:21:38,469] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:21:38,474] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:21:38,479] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:21:38,485] - [bucket_helper:158] INFO - Could not find any buckets for node, nothing to delete [2021-04-24 22:21:38,490] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:21:38,501] - [cluster_helper:262] INFO - rebalancing all nodes in order to remove nodes [2021-04-24 22:21:38,503] - [rest_client:1728] INFO - rebalance params : {'knownNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'ejectedNodes': 'ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@,ns_1@', 'user': 'Administrator', 'password': 'password'} [2021-04-24 22:21:38,534] - [rest_client:1733] INFO - rebalance operation started [2021-04-24 22:21:38,537] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 0.00 % [2021-04-24 22:21:48,550] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 70.00 % [2021-04-24 22:21:58,560] - [rest_client:1895] INFO - rebalance percentage : 70.00 % [2021-04-24 22:22:18,582] - [rest_client:1834] INFO - rebalance progress took 40.05 seconds [2021-04-24 22:22:18,582] - [rest_client:1835] INFO - sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance... [2021-04-24 22:22:28,610] - [cluster_helper:325] INFO - removed all the nodes from cluster associated with ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root ? [('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091), ('ns_1@', 8091)] [2021-04-24 22:22:28,614] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,614] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,618] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,621] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,621] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,624] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,627] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,627] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,630] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,633] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,633] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,635] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,638] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,638] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,641] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,645] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,645] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,647] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,651] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,651] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,654] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,658] - [cluster_helper:82] INFO - waiting for ns_server @ [2021-04-24 22:22:28,658] - [rest_client:41] INFO - -->is_ns_server_running? [2021-04-24 22:22:28,661] - [cluster_helper:86] INFO - ns_server @ is running [2021-04-24 22:22:28,661] - [basetestcase:596] INFO - ============== basetestcase cleanup was finished for test #2 suite_tearDown ============== [2021-04-24 22:22:28,661] - [basetestcase:604] INFO - closing all ssh connections [2021-04-24 22:22:28,663] - [basetestcase:609] INFO - closing all memcached connections [2021-04-24 22:22:28,664] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:28,760] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:29,008] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:29,297] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:29,305] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:29,401] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:29,643] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:29,932] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:29,950] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:22:30,002] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:22:30,002] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:22:31,796] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:31,796] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:22:31,797] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:22:36,802] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:22:36,817] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:36,817] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:22:36,870] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:36,873] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:36,971] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:37,217] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:37,505] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:37,565] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:22:37,565] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:22:37,639] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:22:37,731] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:22:37,731] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:22:37,752] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:37,752] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:22:42,757] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:22:42,781] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:42,782] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 27885 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:22:42,782] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:22:42,849] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 28029 [2021-04-24 22:22:42,850] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:22:42,851] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:42,951] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:43,205] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:43,498] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:43,507] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:43,604] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:43,854] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:44,148] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:44,207] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:22:44,261] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:22:44,261] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:22:45,862] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:45,863] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:22:45,863] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:22:50,868] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:22:50,883] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:50,884] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:22:50,936] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:50,937] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:51,036] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:51,288] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:51,577] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:51,634] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:22:51,634] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:22:51,669] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:22:51,757] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:22:51,758] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:22:51,778] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:51,778] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:22:56,784] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:22:56,808] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:22:56,808] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 124106 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:22:56,809] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:22:56,874] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 124249 [2021-04-24 22:22:56,874] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:22:56,876] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:56,974] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:57,242] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:57,535] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:57,543] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:22:57,638] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:22:57,896] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:22:58,191] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:22:58,211] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:22:58,264] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:22:58,264] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:00,020] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:00,021] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:23:00,021] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:23:05,026] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:23:05,043] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:05,043] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:23:05,096] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:05,098] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:05,196] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:05,466] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:05,759] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:05,778] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:05,778] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:05,854] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:23:05,948] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:05,948] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:05,968] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:05,969] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:23:10,969] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:23:10,996] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:10,996] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 73884 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:23:10,996] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:11,064] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 74028 [2021-04-24 22:23:11,064] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:23:11,066] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:11,168] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:11,436] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:11,731] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:11,740] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:11,837] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:12,094] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:12,392] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:12,450] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:12,503] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:12,503] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:14,262] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:14,262] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:23:14,262] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:23:19,267] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:23:19,284] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:19,284] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:23:19,337] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:19,339] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:19,437] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:19,701] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:19,989] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:20,049] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:20,049] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:20,126] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:23:20,220] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:20,220] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:20,240] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:20,240] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:23:25,245] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:23:25,270] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:25,270] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 71564 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:23:25,270] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:25,338] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 71709 [2021-04-24 22:23:25,338] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:23:25,340] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:25,441] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:25,714] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:26,008] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:26,016] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:26,113] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:26,381] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:26,676] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:26,735] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:26,790] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:26,790] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:28,570] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:28,570] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:23:28,571] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:23:33,576] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:23:33,593] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:33,593] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:23:33,646] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:33,648] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:33,746] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:34,017] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:34,310] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:34,369] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:34,369] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:34,408] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:23:34,503] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:34,503] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:34,525] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:34,525] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:23:39,531] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:23:39,558] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:39,558] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 49146 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:23:39,558] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:39,628] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 49335 [2021-04-24 22:23:39,628] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:23:39,629] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:39,727] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:39,985] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:40,270] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:40,278] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:40,371] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:40,624] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:40,908] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:40,966] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:41,015] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:41,015] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:42,623] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:42,623] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:23:42,624] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:23:47,629] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:23:47,643] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:47,643] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:23:47,696] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:47,697] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:47,796] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:48,058] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:48,347] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:48,405] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:48,405] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:48,482] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:23:48,573] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:48,573] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:48,592] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:48,592] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:23:53,597] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:23:53,621] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:53,622] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 123836 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:23:53,622] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:23:53,689] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 123981 [2021-04-24 22:23:53,689] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:23:53,691] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:53,793] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:54,071] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:54,366] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:54,374] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:23:54,468] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:23:54,739] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:23:55,034] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:23:55,053] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:23:55,104] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:23:55,105] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:23:56,713] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:23:56,713] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:23:56,714] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:24:01,719] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:24:01,733] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:01,733] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:24:01,785] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:01,786] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:24:01,885] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:24:02,155] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:24:02,439] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:24:02,495] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:24:02,495] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:24:02,570] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:24:02,658] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:24:02,658] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:24:02,679] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:02,679] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:24:07,684] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:24:07,709] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:07,709] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 130395 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:24:07,710] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:24:07,778] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 130540 [2021-04-24 22:24:07,778] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:24:07,780] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:24:07,880] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:24:08,146] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:24:08,438] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:24:08,446] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:24:08,541] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:24:08,797] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:24:09,085] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:24:09,103] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:24:09,154] - [remote_util:3960] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:24:09,154] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl stop couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:24:10,912] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:10,912] - [basetestcase:2417] INFO - Couchbase stopped [2021-04-24 22:24:10,912] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 5 secs. ... [2021-04-24 22:24:15,917] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/* [2021-04-24 22:24:15,932] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:15,932] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/* [2021-04-24 22:24:15,985] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:15,986] - [remote_util:299] INFO - SSH Connecting to with username:root, attempt#1 of 5 [2021-04-24 22:24:16,082] - [remote_util:335] INFO - SSH Connected to as root [2021-04-24 22:24:16,345] - [remote_util:3587] INFO - os_distro: CentOS, os_version: centos 7, is_linux_distro: True [2021-04-24 22:24:16,635] - [remote_util:3743] INFO - extract_remote_info-->distribution_type: CentOS, distribution_version: centos 7 [2021-04-24 22:24:16,694] - [remote_util:964] INFO - **** The linux version file /opt/couchbase/ VERSION.txt exists [2021-04-24 22:24:16,694] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:24:16,731] - [remote_util:3979] INFO - Starting couchbase server [2021-04-24 22:24:16,824] - [remote_util:4001] INFO - Running systemd command on this server [2021-04-24 22:24:16,824] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl start couchbase-server.service [2021-04-24 22:24:16,845] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:16,846] - [remote_util:338] INFO - for 5 secs. waiting for couchbase server to come up ... [2021-04-24 22:24:21,851] - [remote_util:3427] INFO - running command.raw on systemctl status couchbase-server.service | grep ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server [2021-04-24 22:24:21,875] - [remote_util:3475] INFO - command executed successfully with root [2021-04-24 22:24:21,876] - [remote_util:4006] INFO - Couchbase server status: [' Process: 32829 ExecStop=/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -k (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)'] [2021-04-24 22:24:21,876] - [remote_util:157] INFO - Checking for process beam.smp on linux [2021-04-24 22:24:21,943] - [remote_util:176] INFO - process beam.smp is running on with pid 32973 [2021-04-24 22:24:21,943] - [basetestcase:2431] INFO - Couchbase started [2021-04-24 22:24:21,944] - [basetestcase:663] INFO - sleep for 10 secs. ... Cluster instance shutdown with force [2021-04-24 22:24:31,962] - [eventing_base:148] INFO - ============== EventingBaseTest tearDown has completed ============== *** TestRunner *** workspace is /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0 fails is 1 2 Desc1: 7.0.0-5017 - eventing rebalance_collection_P0 - centos (1/2) python3 scripts/ 7.0.0-5017 --executor_jenkins_job --run_params=get-cbcollect-info=True,GROUP=bucket_op,skip_log_scan=False,bucket_storage=couchstore INFO:merge_reports:Merging of report files from ['Old_Report_mergedreport-21-Apr-24_04-16-13-eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.xml', 'logs/**/*.xml'] INFO:merge_reports:-- Old_Report_mergedreport-21-Apr-24_04-16-13-eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.xml -- INFO:merge_reports:-- logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_21-12-29/report-21-Apr-24_21-12-29-eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.xml -- INFO:merge_reports: Number of TestSuites=1 INFO:merge_reports: TestSuite#1) eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection, Number of Tests=14 INFO:merge_reports:Summary file is at /data/workspace/centos-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_collection_P0/logs/testrunner-21-Apr-24_22-24-32/merged_summary/mergedreport-21-Apr-24_22-24-32-eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.xml Merging xmls summary so far suite eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection , pass 13 , fail 1 failures so far... eventing.eventing_rebalance_collection.EventingRebalanceCollection.test_eventing_rebalance_with_multiple_eventing_nodes merged xmls No more failed tests. Stopping reruns [description-setter] Description set: 7.0.0-5017 - eventing rebalance_collection_P0 - centos (1/2) [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties file path 'propfile' [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. Archiving artifacts Recording test results Build step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed build result to UNSTABLE [BFA] Scanning build for known causes... [BFA] No failure causes found [BFA] Done. 0s Notifying upstream projects of job completion Email was triggered for: Unstable (Test Failures) Sending email for trigger: Unstable (Test Failures) #338956 is still in progress; ignoring for purposes of comparison #338956 is still in progress; ignoring for purposes of comparison Sending email to: Triggering a new build of savejoblogs Triggering a new build of test-executor-cleanup Finished: UNSTABLE