Started by user sujay [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building remotely on component-systest-client-2 (component_system_test_2) in workspace /data/workspace/component_systest_launcher_2 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > /usr/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision e194744fc00e7a1b8259b3dee4ab91b9de992621 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > /usr/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git checkout -f e194744fc00e7a1b8259b3dee4ab91b9de992621 > /usr/bin/git rev-list e194744fc00e7a1b8259b3dee4ab91b9de992621 # timeout=10 [component_systest_launcher_2] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + cd /root/sequoia-provision/ + git stash No local changes to save + git pull Already up-to-date. + cd /root/sequoia-provision/component2 + [[ false = true ]] ++ echo 7.0.0-5127 ++ sed 's/-.*//' + VER=7.0.0 ++ echo 7.0.0-5127 ++ sed 's/.*-//' + BUILD=5127 + FLAVOR=sherlock + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '4\.5' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '4\.6' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '5\.0' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '5\.1' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '5\.5' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '6\.0' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '6\.5' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '6\.6' + echo 7.0.0-5127 + grep '7\.0' 7.0.0-5127 + FLAVOR=cheshire-cat + BUILD_OPTS='-e FLAVOR=cheshire-cat -e VER=7.0.0 -e BUILD_NO=5127' + [[ ================= == http* ]] + INVENTORY='-i ../ansible/hosts' + '[' false = false ']' + [[ false = true ]] + ansible-playbook -i ../ansible/hosts -e FLAVOR=cheshire-cat -e VER=7.0.0 -e BUILD_NO=5127 uninstall.yml /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/parsing/vault/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release. from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] TASK [cleanup old pkg dirs] **************************************************** [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with state=absent rather than running 'rm'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.018609", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.918820", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.900211", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.010882", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.916909", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.906027", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.013050", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.928734", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.915684", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.018144", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.999476", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.981332", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.010291", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.993659", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:06.983368", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.010331", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.496868", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.486537", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.009315", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.525167", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.515852", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.010889", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.535427", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.524538", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.010977", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.545849", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.534872", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.009734", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.571400", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.561666", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.007442", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.901134", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.893692", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm /tmp/couchbase-server*rpm* 2>/dev/null", "delta": "0:00:00.007052", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.942741", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:07.935689", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [rm locks] **************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [stop rpm] **************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.007200", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.100207", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.093007", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.008448", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.119250", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.110802", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.017193", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.131987", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.114794", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.006872", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.150080", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.143208", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.007935", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.192748", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.184813", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.008946", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.637863", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.628917", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.007260", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.668017", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.660757", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.007085", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.684016", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.676931", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.009182", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.686862", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.677680", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.007733", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.725537", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:10.717804", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004384", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.056631", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.052247", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.005867", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.102499", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.096632", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop couchbase] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.078253", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.690394", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.612141", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 12769 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 12769 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.077195", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.717569", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.640374", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 41230 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 41230 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.065334", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.729765", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.664431", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 55638 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 55638 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.053175", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.727330", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.674155", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 568 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 568 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.059559", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.757402", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:11.697843", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99588 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99588 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.048922", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.135622", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.086700", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 14727 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 14727 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.043180", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.157601", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.114421", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 38135 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 38135 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.042897", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.187969", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.145072", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 123754 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 123754 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.046355", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.215312", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.168957", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 92944 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 92944 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.041883", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.217845", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.175962", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100331 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100331 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.043450", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.575887", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.532437", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 47460 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 47460 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.046819", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.594174", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.547355", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 98407 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 98407 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop memcached] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022425", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.989045", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.966620", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 12813 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 12813 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.023864", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.012807", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:12.988943", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 41275 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 41275 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022977", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.042981", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.020004", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 55682 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 55682 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.023222", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.051066", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.027844", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 613 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 613 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022984", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.077783", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.054799", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99633 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99633 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022949", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.377078", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.354129", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 14771 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 14771 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020694", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.401598", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.380904", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 38191 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 38191 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.025065", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.425059", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.399994", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 92988 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 92988 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.023484", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.445089", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.421605", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 123798 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 123798 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022629", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.472132", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.449503", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100375 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100375 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024691", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.759205", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.734514", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 47504 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 47504 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021831", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.787028", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:13.765197", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 98451 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 98451 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop epmd] *************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019329", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.164177", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.144848", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 12856 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 12856 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020134", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.191865", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.171731", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 41318 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 41318 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020089", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.223247", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.203158", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 55725 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 55725 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019191", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.236407", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.217216", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 657 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 657 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019887", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.263984", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.244097", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99676 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99676 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021482", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.546756", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.525274", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 14813 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 14813 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019858", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.580600", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.560742", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 38246 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 38246 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020199", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.606112", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.585913", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93031 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93031 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020604", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.631813", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.611209", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 123841 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 123841 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019950", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.663331", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.643381", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100418 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100418 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020861", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.944455", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.923594", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 47547 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 47547 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021104", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.969059", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:14.947955", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 98494 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 98494 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [uninstall couchbase] ***************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [rm opt dir] ************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [rm data dir] ************************************************************* changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [stop memcached] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020840", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.252323", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.231483", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13041 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13041 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.025176", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.279070", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.253894", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 41503 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 41503 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.023916", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.305663", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.281747", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 55909 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 55909 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020548", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.319728", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.299180", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 879 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 879 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.025323", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.355917", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.330594", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99892 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99892 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024153", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.625640", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.601487", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15043 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15043 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.025446", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.663445", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.637999", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 38509 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 38509 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024847", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.675863", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.651016", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93216 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93216 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021931", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.703625", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.681694", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124026 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124026 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.026067", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.732972", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.706905", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100647 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100647 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024584", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.999980", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:39.975396", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 47762 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 47762 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021940", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.039339", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.017399", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 98679 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 98679 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop couchbase] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019735", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.412020", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.392285", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13084 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13084 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019721", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.440225", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.420504", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 41546 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 41546 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019927", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.464323", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.444396", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 55952 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 55952 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021012", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.492456", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.471444", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 923 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 923 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020433", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.513790", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.493357", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99935 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99935 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019465", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.788419", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.768954", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15085 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15085 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020836", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.831500", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.810664", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 38564 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 38564 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021127", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.849005", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.827878", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93259 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93259 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019604", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.876711", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.857107", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124069 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124069 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020145", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.899069", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:40.878924", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100690 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100690 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020823", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.163132", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.142309", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 47805 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 47805 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024557", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.207840", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.183283", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 98722 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 98722 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop memcached] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019358", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.585770", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.566412", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13127 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13127 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019157", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.619999", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.600842", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 41588 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 41588 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019935", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.646126", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.626191", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 55995 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 55995 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018619", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.660614", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.641995", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 966 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 966 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021111", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.678484", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.657373", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99978 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99978 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019206", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.950182", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.930976", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15128 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15128 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018878", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.992299", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.973421", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 38619 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 38619 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018956", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.012493", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:41.993537", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93302 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93302 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020697", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.035424", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.014727", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124112 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124112 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019587", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.061169", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.041582", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100733 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100733 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019708", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.323393", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.303685", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 47848 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 47848 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020964", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.370607", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.349643", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 98765 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 98765 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop epmd] *************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019505", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.742705", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.723200", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13170 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13170 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019527", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.779638", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.760111", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 41631 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 41631 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019931", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.796462", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.776531", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 56038 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 56038 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018407", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.814815", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.796408", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 1009 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 1009 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019584", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.844643", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:42.825059", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100021 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100021 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019908", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.112789", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.092881", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15172 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15172 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019074", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.179277", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.160203", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 38674 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 38674 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018899", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.190432", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.171533", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93345 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93345 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019268", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.225102", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.205834", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124155 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124155 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019627", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.251479", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.231852", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100776 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100776 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020215", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.503704", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.483489", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 47891 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 47891 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020579", "end": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.562004", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:09:43.541425", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 98808 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 98808 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 : ok=14 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=9 + sleep 15 + ansible-playbook -i ../ansible/hosts -e FLAVOR=cheshire-cat -e VER=7.0.0 -e BUILD_NO=5127 install.yml /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/parsing/vault/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release. from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] TASK [set vm.swappiness to 0] ************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [disable thp] ************************************************************* changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [cleanup old pkg dirs] **************************************************** [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with state=absent rather than running 'rm'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [pam_limits] ************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] TASK [rm locks] **************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [stop rpm] **************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004158", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.408079", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.403921", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004697", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.461955", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.457258", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004776", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.460397", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.455621", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004640", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.489283", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.484643", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004760", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.514904", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.510144", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004316", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.770954", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.766638", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004884", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.832568", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.827684", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004276", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.853073", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.848797", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004763", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.860734", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.855971", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004645", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.898854", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:09.894209", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004677", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.131261", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.126584", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "killall -9 rpm", "delta": "0:00:00.004897", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.195257", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.190360", "stderr": "/bin/sh: killall: command not found", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: killall: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop couchbase] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.023179", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.573193", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.550014", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13591 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13591 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022860", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.592901", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.570041", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 42053 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 42053 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021811", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.612394", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.590583", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 56446 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 56446 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024216", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.646719", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.622503", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 1428 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 1428 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024822", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.677356", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.652534", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100398 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100398 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.025050", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.954670", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.929620", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15549 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15549 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.025394", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.995283", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.969889", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 39151 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 39151 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.023481", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.004943", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:10.981462", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93753 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93753 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024235", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.029007", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.004772", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124564 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124564 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020812", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.055781", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.034969", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 101153 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 101153 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.023177", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.328418", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.305241", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 48269 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 48269 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'couchbase' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.029839", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.382246", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.352407", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99230 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99230 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop memcached] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019586", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.765853", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.746267", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13634 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13634 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019859", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.794549", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.774690", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 42096 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 42096 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018516", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.808854", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.790338", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 56489 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 56489 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018931", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.845198", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.826267", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 1471 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 1471 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020463", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.858630", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:11.838167", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100441 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100441 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022251", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.152342", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.130091", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15592 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15592 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019783", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.182120", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.162337", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 39206 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 39206 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021890", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.203682", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.181792", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93796 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93796 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020438", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.223298", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.202860", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124607 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124607 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019710", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.250196", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.230486", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 101196 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 101196 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020117", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.535219", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.515102", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 48312 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 48312 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020397", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.564690", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.544293", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99273 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99273 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [stop epmd] *************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018737", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.946892", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.928155", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13677 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13677 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019793", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.965301", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.945508", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 42139 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 42139 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021928", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.992361", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.970433", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 56532 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 56532 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.018868", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.009083", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:12.990215", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 1518 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 1518 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019876", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.034745", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.014869", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100484 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100484 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019611", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.313748", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.294137", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15635 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15635 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019772", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.354485", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.334713", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 39261 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 39261 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019461", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.360297", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.340836", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 93839 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 93839 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020987", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.382063", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.361076", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124650 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124650 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019353", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.406838", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.387485", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 101239 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 101239 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020367", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.683964", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.663597", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 48355 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 48355 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'epmd' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019776", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.727854", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:13.708078", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99316 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99316 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [uninstall couchbase] ***************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] TASK [rm opt dir] ************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [rm data dir] ************************************************************* changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [rm index dir] ************************************************************ changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [remove all hidden files] ************************************************* fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.006163", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.138351", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.132188", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.006161", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.153830", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.147669", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.005696", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.186634", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.180938", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.005233", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.201967", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.196734", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.005822", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.496431", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.490609", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.005203", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.539345", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.534142", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.006058", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.577527", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.571469", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.005464", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.841950", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.836486", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:00.006068", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.891755", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.885687", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:01.006988", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:21.106396", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.099408", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:01.007184", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:21.524832", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.517648", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rm -rf /data/.*", "delta": "0:00:01.006940", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:21.934429", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:20.927489", "stderr": "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’\nrm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’", "stderr_lines": ["rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/.’", "rm: refusing to remove â€.’ or â€..’ directory: skipping â€/data/..’"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [set /data to be owned by couchbase] ************************************** [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with owner rather than running 'chown'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [chmod /data to 777] ****************************************************** [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with mode rather than running 'chmod'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [stop memcached] ********************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019253", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.562657", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.543404", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 13993 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 13993 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.021004", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.590350", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.569346", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 42454 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 42454 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020138", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.609998", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.589860", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 56847 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 56847 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.022879", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.639843", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.616964", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 1836 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 1836 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020052", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.664334", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.644282", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 100799 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 100799 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020568", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.936107", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.915539", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 15950 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 15950 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.024173", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.985670", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.961497", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 39716 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 39716 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020349", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.998674", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:24.978325", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 94154 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 94154 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020205", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.020689", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.000484", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 124965 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 124965 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019981", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.047946", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.027965", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 101554 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 101554 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.020520", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.325007", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.304487", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 48670 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 48670 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ps aux | grep 'memcached' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -s 9", "delta": "0:00:00.019934", "end": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.372028", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": -9, "start": "2021-05-10 02:10:25.352094", "stderr": "kill: sending signal to 99631 failed: No such process", "stderr_lines": ["kill: sending signal to 99631 failed: No such process"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Download" } TASK [download binary] ********************************************************* changed: [] PLAY [centoscomponent2] ******************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] TASK [install couchbase] ******************************************************* changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [alt start] *************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.005018", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.467547", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.462529", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.004778", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.482728", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.477950", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.004975", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.516206", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.511231", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.005402", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.521532", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.516130", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.005128", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.545932", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:25.540804", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.005000", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.210698", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.205698", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.004849", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.232956", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.228107", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.004909", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.260081", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.255172", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.004998", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.272757", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.267759", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.005135", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.310352", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.305217", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.004805", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.583776", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.578971", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d start", "delta": "0:00:00.005941", "end": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.613048", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2021-05-10 02:14:26.607107", "stderr": "/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: /opt/couchbase/etc/couchbase_init.d: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ...ignoring TASK [flush iptables] ********************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] changed: [] TASK [wait for install done] *************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] TASK [intall lsof] ************************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] ok: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 : ok=27 changed=19 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=7 [component_systest_launcher_2] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + rm logs/ + rm results.tap4j + touch logs/ + touch results.tap4j + ulimit -n 90600 + echo 'DESC: 7.0.0-5127, -test tests/eventing/CC/test_eventing_volume.yml -scope tests/eventing/CC/scope_eventing_volume.yml @3.x (file:centos_component_second.yml provider)' DESC: 7.0.0-5127, -test tests/eventing/CC/test_eventing_volume.yml -scope tests/eventing/CC/scope_eventing_volume.yml @3.x (file:centos_component_second.yml provider) + export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/root/go/bin:/opt/godev/bin + PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/root/go/bin:/opt/godev/bin + export GOROOT=/usr/local/go + GOROOT=/usr/local/go + export GOPATH=/opt/godev + GOPATH=/opt/godev + export PROJECT=couchbaselabs + PROJECT=couchbaselabs + rm -rf /opt/godev/src/ + go get -u + cd /opt/godev/src/ + git stash No local changes to save + git checkout master Already on 'master' + git pull Already up-to-date. + '[' 'git fetch "" refs/changes/06/153206/4 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD' '!=' None ']' + sh -c 'git fetch "" refs/changes/06/153206/4 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD' From * branch refs/changes/06/153206/4 -> FETCH_HEAD [master f76417e] Fix typo Author: SUJAY GAD 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + git log -3 commit f76417e7a088df799f75be36fe29fa92c91d3ca3 Author: SUJAY GAD Date: Mon May 10 12:33:16 2021 +0530 Fix typo Change-Id: I71d62ccd275bf5c83564caa794229dbd4ff03f76 commit e194744fc00e7a1b8259b3dee4ab91b9de992621 Author: SUJAY GAD Date: Fri May 7 18:41:02 2021 +0530 Temp change Change-Id: I9a7bbdf63565943e57efd114568028259fc09686 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Ritam Sharma Tested-by: Sujay Gad commit 2dfbc0a24099b9b970f977af2c2fcbebe998e0f2 Author: Mihir Kamdar Date: Fri May 7 13:41:36 2021 -0700 Some changes to the index recovery test after discussion with Deep Change-Id: I90ee95c876fea1d5d803180d9bd10a10b038258f Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Girish Benakappa Tested-by: Mihir Kamdar + go build -o sequoia + pwd /opt/godev/src/ + EXTOPTS='-skip_setup=false -skip_test=false -skip_teardown=true -skip_cleanup=false -continue=false -collect_on_error=false -stop_on_error=false -duration=0 -show_topology=true' + [[ -n '' ]] + ./sequoia -client -provider file:centos_component_second.yml -test tests/eventing/CC/test_eventing_volume.yml -scope tests/eventing/CC/scope_eventing_volume.yml -scale 3 -repeat 0 -log_level 0 -version 7.0.0-5127 -skip_setup=false -skip_test=false -skip_teardown=true -skip_cleanup=false -continue=false -collect_on_error=false -stop_on_error=false -duration=0 -show_topology=true → parsed tests/eventing/CC/scope_eventing_volume.yml → parsed tests/eventing/CC/test_eventing_volume.yml → remove /heuristic_khorana → remove /brave_poitras → remove /lucid_sammet → remove /wonderful_jang → remove /gifted_tesla → remove /hardcore_goldwasser → remove /frosty_hoover → remove /zen_jang → remove /jolly_ritchie → remove /hardcore_wright → remove /dreamy_feynman → remove /keen_rosalind6 → remove /focused_bohr → remove /romantic_ritchie → remove /jolly_wescoff → remove /vigilant_aryabhata → remove /youthful_lovelace → remove /fervent_wilson → remove /kind_lovelace → remove /tender_bell → remove /dazzling_saha → remove /eager_mirzakhani → remove /clever_knuth → remove /infallible_hamilton → remove /unruffled_jang → remove /loving_minsky → remove /jolly_mestorf → remove /confident_raman → remove /reverent_borg → remove /optimistic_wescoff → remove /quirky_shockley → remove /relaxed_raman → remove /priceless_lamport → remove /amazing_heisenberg → remove /upbeat_kowalevski → remove /compassionate_hamilton → remove /stoic_goldwasser → remove /epic_agnesi → remove /priceless_curran → remove /awesome_archimedes → remove /silly_mestorf → remove /goofy_edison → remove /serene_hugle → remove /heuristic_morse → remove /cranky_agnesi → remove /peaceful_brahmagupta → remove /wizardly_dijkstra → remove /competent_nightingale → remove /boring_perlman → remove /pensive_bhaskara → remove /lucid_meninsky → remove /focused_joliot → remove /gifted_ramanujan → remove /xenodochial_mayer → remove /mystifying_heisenberg → remove /mystifying_allen → remove /sharp_bhabha → remove /sleepy_austin → remove /stupefied_bassi → remove /admiring_torvalds → remove /gifted_hawking → remove /angry_pasteur → remove /keen_ptolemy → remove /flamboyant_poitras → remove /agitated_mcnulty → remove /elated_boyd → remove /gifted_pike → remove /festive_lumiere → remove /gifted_mayer → remove /stoic_hoover → remove /clever_curran → remove /cocky_pare → remove /practical_minsky → remove /condescending_mayer → remove /priceless_aryabhata → remove /nervous_ptolemy → remove /cocky_pike → remove /kind_bassi → remove /eloquent_fermat → remove /festive_ramanujan → remove /wonderful_dijkstra → remove /peaceful_colden → remove /eloquent_kilby → remove /upbeat_bhaskara → remove /suspicious_jones → remove /cocky_carson → remove /condescending_ptolemy → remove /heuristic_carson → remove /xenodochial_wozniak → remove /naughty_brahmagupta → remove /reverent_shirley → remove /gracious_elion → remove /eloquent_cray → remove /jovial_hypatia → remove /peaceful_carson → remove /fervent_dubinsky → parsed providers/file/centos_component_second.yml [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [pull] martin/wait [2021-05-10T02:15:31-07:00, martin/wait:89b855] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:31-07:00, martin/wait:a94e21] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:31-07:00, martin/wait:d0263d] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:31-07:00, martin/wait:831c7b] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:31-07:00, martin/wait:c0e37d] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:32-07:00, martin/wait:f354d3] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:32-07:00, martin/wait:25221d] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:32-07:00, martin/wait:f160a0] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:32-07:00, martin/wait:1b4ecf] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:32-07:00, martin/wait:1954d9] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:32-07:00, martin/wait:7de09f] -c -t 120 [2021-05-10T02:15:32-07:00, martin/wait:0d1647] -c -t 120 [pull] appropriate/curl [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:15:39-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:658815] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:39-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:101ee4] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:39-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:ae8fac] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:39-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:aae8d5] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:39-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:02c85b] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:40-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:09260c] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:40-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:c84681] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:40-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:296662] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:40-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:b30f13] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:40-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:7e6cc4] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:40-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:183f94] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [2021-05-10T02:15:40-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:d9ce46] node-init -c -u Administrator -p password --node-init-data-path /data --node-init-index-path /data --node-init-analytics-path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:15:57-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:52416a] cluster-init -c --cluster-username Administrator --cluster-password password --cluster-port 8091 --cluster-ramsize 21528 --services data --cluster-index-ramsize 21528 --cluster-eventing-ramsize 21528 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:00-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:87e706] user-manage -c -u Administrator -p password --rbac-username bucket_op --rbac-password password --roles admin --auth-domain local --set [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:02-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:8d18a5] user-manage -c -u Administrator -p password --rbac-username source_op --rbac-password password --roles admin --auth-domain local --set [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:05-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:b7e4c7] user-manage -c -u Administrator -p password --rbac-username timer_op --rbac-password password --roles admin --auth-domain local --set [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:08-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:01fb29] user-manage -c -u Administrator -p password --rbac-username curl_op --rbac-password password --roles admin --auth-domain local --set [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:10-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:d67b79] user-manage -c -u Administrator -p password --rbac-username n1ql_op --rbac-password password --roles admin --auth-domain local --set [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:13-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:f0a96a] user-manage -c -u Administrator -p password --rbac-username metadata --rbac-password password --roles admin --auth-domain local --set [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:16-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:70f555] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:26-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:55660d] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:36-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:848952] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:47-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:c22492] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:16:57-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:b57e93] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:08-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:55249c] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:18-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:a9c5f5] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services index [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:29-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:91b4c1] server-add -c -u Administrator -p password --server-add --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services query [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:39-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:b6b035] rebalance -c -u Administrator -p password ########## Cluster config ################## ###### eventing : 2 ===== > [] ########### ###### index : 1 ===== > [] ########### ###### kv : 5 ===== > [] ########### ###### n1ql : 1 ===== > [] ########### [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:43-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:f76339] bucket-create -c -u Administrator -p password --bucket bucket_op --bucket-ramsize 3659 --bucket-type couchbase --bucket-replica 1 --enable-flush 1 --wait [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:46-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:6fffd9] bucket-create -c -u Administrator -p password --bucket source_op --bucket-ramsize 3659 --bucket-type couchbase --bucket-replica 1 --enable-flush 1 --wait [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:51-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:e76ac9] bucket-create -c -u Administrator -p password --bucket timer_op --bucket-ramsize 3659 --bucket-type couchbase --bucket-replica 1 --enable-flush 1 --wait [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:17:55-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:0eb6a6] bucket-create -c -u Administrator -p password --bucket curl_op --bucket-ramsize 3659 --bucket-type couchbase --bucket-replica 1 --enable-flush 1 --wait [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:18:00-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:ab8367] bucket-create -c -u Administrator -p password --bucket n1ql_op --bucket-ramsize 3659 --bucket-type couchbase --bucket-replica 1 --enable-flush 1 --wait [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:18:05-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:bac631] bucket-create -c -u Administrator -p password --bucket metadata --bucket-ramsize 645 --bucket-type couchbase --bucket-replica 1 --enable-flush 1 --wait → parsed providers/file/centos_component_second.yml Test cycle started: 1 → parsed tests/templates/kv.yml → parsed tests/templates/vegeta.yml → parsed tests/templates/rebalance.yml → parsed tests/templates/n1ql.yml [pull] sequoiatools/cbq [pull] sequoiatools/cbq [2021-05-10T02:18:17-07:00, sequoiatools/cbq:82237c] -e= -u=Administrator -p=password -script=create PRIMARY INDEX on bucket_op [pull] sequoiatools/cbq [2021-05-10T02:18:26-07:00, sequoiatools/cbq:25d18d] -e= -u=Administrator -p=password -script=create PRIMARY INDEX on source_op [pull] sequoiatools/cbq [2021-05-10T02:18:36-07:00, sequoiatools/cbq:65f215] -e= -u=Administrator -p=password -script=create PRIMARY INDEX on timer_op [pull] sequoiatools/cbq [2021-05-10T02:18:45-07:00, sequoiatools/cbq:cd3975] -e= -u=Administrator -p=password -script=create PRIMARY INDEX on curl_op [pull] sequoiatools/cbq [2021-05-10T02:18:55-07:00, sequoiatools/cbq:a831f4] -e= -u=Administrator -p=password -script=create PRIMARY INDEX on n1ql_op [pull] sequoiatools/cbq [2021-05-10T02:19:04-07:00, sequoiatools/cbq:37ac2a] -e= -u=Administrator -p=password -script=create PRIMARY INDEX on metadata [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [2021-05-10T02:19:15-07:00, sequoiatools/collections:1.0:580b1d] -i -b bucket_op -o create_multi_scope_collection -s scope_ -c coll --scope_count=2 --collection_count=10 --collection_distribution=uniform [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [2021-05-10T02:19:23-07:00, sequoiatools/collections:1.0:10ce42] -i -b source_op -o create_multi_scope_collection -s scope_ -c coll --scope_count=2 --collection_count=10 --collection_distribution=uniform [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [2021-05-10T02:19:31-07:00, sequoiatools/collections:1.0:b4a951] -i -b timer_op -o create_multi_scope_collection -s scope_ -c coll --scope_count=2 --collection_count=10 --collection_distribution=uniform [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [2021-05-10T02:19:39-07:00, sequoiatools/collections:1.0:a32853] -i -b curl_op -o create_multi_scope_collection -s scope_ -c coll --scope_count=2 --collection_count=10 --collection_distribution=uniform [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [2021-05-10T02:19:46-07:00, sequoiatools/collections:1.0:8f129e] -i -b n1ql_op -o create_multi_scope_collection -s scope_ -c coll --scope_count=2 --collection_count=10 --collection_distribution=uniform [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [2021-05-10T02:19:54-07:00, sequoiatools/collections:1.0:acbb0b] -i -b metadata -o create_multi_scope_collection -s scope_ -c coll --scope_count=7 --collection_count=25 --collection_distribution=uniform [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T02:20:05-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:c1ae31] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket bucket_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T02:20:10-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:3bb51e] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket timer_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T02:20:15-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:8d1ba7] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket n1ql_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T02:20:20-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:a5116b] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket curl_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/eventing:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:20:25-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:74e9d1] -i -u Administrator -p password -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -m metadata.scope_0.coll0 -d -d -t bucket_op_sbm -o create --name bucket_op0 [2021-05-10T02:20:32-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:816517] -i -u Administrator -p password -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -m metadata.scope_0.coll1 -d -d -t bucket_op_sbm -o create --name bucket_op1 [2021-05-10T02:20:39-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:420633] -i -u Administrator -p password -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -m metadata.scope_1.coll0 -d -t timers -o create --name timers0 [2021-05-10T02:20:46-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:024597] -i -u Administrator -p password -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -m metadata.scope_1.coll1 -d -t timers -o create --name timers1 [2021-05-10T02:20:53-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:27859a] -i -u Administrator -p password -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -m metadata.scope_2.coll0 -d -t curl -o create --name curl0 [2021-05-10T02:21:00-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:980d2a] -i -u Administrator -p password -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -m metadata.scope_2.coll1 -d -t curl -o create --name curl1 [2021-05-10T02:21:07-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:275c4c] -i -u Administrator -p password -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -m metadata.scope_3.coll0 -d -t n1ql -o create --name n1ql0 [2021-05-10T02:21:13-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e64351] -i -u Administrator -p password -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -m metadata.scope_3.coll1 -d -t n1ql -o create --name n1ql1 [2021-05-10T02:21:20-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:7a927c] -i -u Administrator -p password -s source_op.scope_0.coll0 -m metadata.scope_4.coll0 -d -t sbm -o create --name sbm0 [2021-05-10T02:21:27-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:63ca70] -i -u Administrator -p password -s source_op.scope_0.coll1 -m metadata.scope_4.coll1 -d -t sbm -o create --name sbm1 [2021-05-10T02:21:34-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:a2481f] -i -u Administrator -p password -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -m metadata.scope_5.coll0 -d -t timers_test -o create --name timers_test0 [2021-05-10T02:21:41-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b85b04] -i -u Administrator -p password -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -m metadata.scope_5.coll1 -d -t timers_test -o create --name timers_test1 [2021-05-10T02:21:48-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:70ba3d] -i -u Administrator -p password -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -m metadata.scope_6.coll0 -d -t n1ql_test -o create --name n1ql_test0 [2021-05-10T02:21:55-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:34ba23] -i -u Administrator -p password -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -m metadata.scope_6.coll1 -d -t n1ql_test -o create --name n1ql_test1 [2021-05-10T02:22:02-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:cdf15b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o deploy --name bucket_op [2021-05-10T02:22:07-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:bc97dc] -i -u Administrator -p password -o deploy --name timers [2021-05-10T02:22:12-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:39a2c9] -i -u Administrator -p password -o deploy --name n1ql [2021-05-10T02:22:17-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:bbf80c] -i -u Administrator -p password -o deploy --name timers_test [2021-05-10T02:22:22-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:efd214] -i -u Administrator -p password -o deploy --name n1ql_test [2021-05-10T02:22:27-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:4bc78b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed --name bucket_op [2021-05-10T02:22:44-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:851879] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed --name timers [2021-05-10T02:24:17-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:d4d6c4] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed --name n1ql [2021-05-10T02:25:00-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:208e19] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed --name timers_test [2021-05-10T02:25:16-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:86551a] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed --name n1ql_test [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:25:45-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:4faa44] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T02:26:01-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:4f8a5a] rebalance -c -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/collections:1.0 [2021-05-10T02:29:05-07:00, sequoiatools/collections:1.0:b5f381] -i -b bucket_op -o crud_mode --crud_interval=10 --max_scopes=10 --max_collections=100 --ignore_scope scope_0 --ignore_scope scope_1 --ignore_collection coll-0 --ignore_collection coll-1 --ignore_collection coll-2 --ignore_collection coll-3 --ignore_collection coll-4 [pull] appropriate/curl [2021-05-10T02:29:10-07:00, appropriate/curl:b00478] -s -u Administrator:password [2021-05-10T02:29:22-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:376147] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T02:37:28-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:874d3a] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T02:37:34-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:f907c5] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 [2021-05-10T02:37:39-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e8591b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 [2021-05-10T02:37:45-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:a94379] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T02:37:50-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:0869d1] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T02:37:56-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:de28de] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs de28de docker start de28de #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 891735 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ˘Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 891800, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 891735 [2021-05-10T02:58:02-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:327c55] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs 327c55 docker start 327c55 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863 ŤNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 890863  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ˘Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 891744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 890863 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T03:18:11-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:825c20] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket bucket_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T03:18:16-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:835861] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket timer_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T03:18:21-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:7c9272] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket n1ql_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T03:18:26-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:f70317] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket curl_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T03:18:37-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:731755] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T03:18:59-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:12c772] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T03:19:15-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:83627f] rebalance -c -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T03:22:40-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:89b020] 60 [2021-05-10T03:23:51-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:460c05] -i -u Administrator -p password -o deploy --name curl [2021-05-10T03:23:56-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:42131d] -i -u Administrator -p password -o deploy --name sbm [2021-05-10T03:24:01-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:629d7d] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T03:26:16-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:5de5fc] rebalance -c --server-remove, -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T03:36:14-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:414180] 60 [2021-05-10T03:37:24-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:017452] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T03:42:30-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:019abe] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T03:42:35-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:6effbc] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 --sbm True [2021-05-10T03:42:41-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:3af79a] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 --sbm True [2021-05-10T03:42:46-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:4ea9d8] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T03:42:52-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:d997e3] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T03:42:57-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:6976e3] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T03:43:03-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:f39f6a] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T03:43:08-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:d9cab2] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs d9cab2 docker start d9cab2 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 1783255  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 1783320, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 1783255 [2021-05-10T04:03:15-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:9e004b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs 9e004b docker start 9e004b #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 1782271  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 1783152, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 1782271 [2021-05-10T04:23:22-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:87e27b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o pause --name bucket_op [2021-05-10T04:23:28-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b0ed7c] -i -u Administrator -p password -o pause --name timers [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T04:23:51-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:95b104] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T04:24:07-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:6cb89e] rebalance -c --server-remove -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T04:28:55-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:4bd87b] 60 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T04:30:23-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:296f94] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T04:30:38-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:48d793] rebalance -c --server-remove -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T04:35:36-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:db9922] 60 [2021-05-10T04:36:46-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:359bbc] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state paused --name bucket_op [2021-05-10T04:37:02-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:f922b9] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state paused --name timers [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T04:37:30-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:97701d] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket bucket_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T04:37:35-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:ba83df] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket timer_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T04:37:40-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:c282bc] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket n1ql_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T04:37:45-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:f22d73] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket curl_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T04:37:56-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:0adffd] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T04:38:13-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:9a526a] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T04:38:30-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:bca163] rebalance -c -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T04:41:01-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:476de7] 60 [2021-05-10T04:42:12-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:fbc31d] -i -u Administrator -p password -o resume --name bucket_op [2021-05-10T04:42:21-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:65f536] -i -u Administrator -p password -o resume --name timers [2021-05-10T04:42:36-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:d72bc2] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed --name bucket_op [2021-05-10T04:42:59-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:05a5a3] -i -u Administrator -p password -o wait_for_state --state deployed --name timers [2021-05-10T04:43:50-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:a27584] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T04:54:56-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:419eac] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T04:55:02-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b5ad37] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 --sbm True [2021-05-10T04:55:07-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b759d3] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 --sbm True [2021-05-10T04:55:13-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:1ea592] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T04:55:18-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:ea3761] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T04:55:24-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:7d6548] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T04:57:29-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:7e2729] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T04:57:35-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:3725cf] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs 3725cf docker start 3725cf #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 2675232, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 2675167 [2021-05-10T05:17:42-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b829ca] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs b829ca docker start b829ca #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 2674127  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 2675008, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 2674127 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T05:37:51-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:fcefad] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket bucket_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T05:37:56-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:7e937b] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket timer_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T05:38:01-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:d381e4] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket n1ql_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T05:38:06-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:c3a639] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket curl_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T05:38:28-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:fe211c] rebalance -c --server-remove, -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T05:39:01-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:31d39c] 60 [2021-05-10T05:40:13-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:0cd0b6] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T05:55:20-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:76e7cf] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T05:55:25-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:d081d2] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 --sbm True [2021-05-10T05:55:31-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:9c34cb] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 --sbm True [2021-05-10T05:55:36-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:66efca] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T05:55:42-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:9bf0de] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T05:55:47-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:f40a70] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T05:57:53-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:3f2134] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T05:57:58-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:1127e6] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs 1127e6 docker start 1127e6 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 3565959  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 3566024, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 3565959 [2021-05-10T06:18:05-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e6bb0a] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs e6bb0a docker start e6bb0a #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 3564863  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 3565744, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 3564863 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T06:38:14-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:4274a1] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket bucket_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T06:38:19-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:b17531] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket timer_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T06:38:24-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:3bc2be] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket n1ql_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T06:38:29-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:b7f862] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket curl_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T06:38:53-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:410b4d] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T06:39:10-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:81db90] rebalance -c --server-remove -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T06:43:28-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:2a28a5] 60 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T06:45:03-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:0ca1b7] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T06:45:21-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:93cde7] rebalance -c --server-remove -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T06:49:38-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:e17e01] 60 [2021-05-10T06:50:50-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e984e0] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T06:55:56-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:363e3a] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T06:56:01-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:54f8d3] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 --sbm True [2021-05-10T06:56:07-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:11fbc7] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 --sbm True [2021-05-10T06:56:13-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b4cea8] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T06:56:18-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:ca6883] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T06:56:24-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:989152] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T06:59:30-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:df45e0] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T06:59:36-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b1e11b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs b1e11b docker start b1e11b K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 4456191 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 4456256, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 4456191 [2021-05-10T07:19:43-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:34e483] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs 34e483 docker start 34e483 K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 4455039 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 4455920, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 4455039 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T07:39:52-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:668565] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket bucket_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T07:39:57-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:f8ef32] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket timer_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T07:40:02-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:c11524] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket n1ql_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T07:40:07-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:adf5fa] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket curl_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T07:40:19-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:15d4eb] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T07:40:42-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:85a01c] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [2021-05-10T07:40:57-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e35126] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T07:57:04-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:730252] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T07:57:10-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:a269b1] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 --sbm True [2021-05-10T07:57:15-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:56a929] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 --sbm True [2021-05-10T07:57:21-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:8f1a62] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T07:57:27-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:c32a16] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T07:57:32-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e858aa] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T07:59:38-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:3ee702] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T07:59:44-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:9f2968] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs 9f2968 docker start 9f2968 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 5345639  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 5345704, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 5345639 [2021-05-10T08:19:51-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b743a6] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs b743a6 docker start b743a6 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 5344431  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 5345312, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 5344431 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T08:40:00-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:218c04] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket bucket_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T08:40:05-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:92d49b] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket timer_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T08:40:10-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:23193d] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket n1ql_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/gideon2 [2021-05-10T08:40:15-07:00, sequoiatools/gideon2:594949] kv --ops 3000 --create 30 --get 70 --hosts --bucket curl_op --scope scope_0 --collection coll0,coll1 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T08:40:37-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:5c271a] rebalance -c --server-remove, -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T09:06:59-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:ebcc8c] 60 [2021-05-10T09:08:10-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:de5523] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T09:08:16-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:c6796f] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T09:08:21-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e275ad] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 --sbm True [2021-05-10T09:08:27-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:aa62ca] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 --sbm True [2021-05-10T09:08:33-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:3b044c] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T09:08:38-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:8692b0] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T09:08:44-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:d54829] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T09:08:49-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:e82169] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T09:08:55-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:4449ed] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs 4449ed docker start 4449ed #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 6231727 [2021-05-10T09:29:02-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:6ad065] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs 6ad065 docker start 6ad065 K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 6230407 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T09:49:27-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:c89345] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services data [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T09:49:43-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:4b9b05] rebalance -c --server-remove -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T10:06:50-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:2109e6] 60 [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T10:08:18-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:0f6f19] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services eventing [pull] sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0 [2021-05-10T10:08:34-07:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:7.0:f2bd0d] rebalance -c --server-remove -u Administrator -p password [pull] sequoiatools/cmd [2021-05-10T10:12:37-07:00, sequoiatools/cmd:201eb7] 60 [2021-05-10T10:13:47-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:b5caa5] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll0 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T10:13:52-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:af7f30] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s curl_op.scope_0.coll1 -d curl_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T10:13:58-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:76e2e3] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d source_op.scope_0.coll0 --sbm True [2021-05-10T10:14:04-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:c0e25b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d source_op.scope_0.coll1 --sbm True [2021-05-10T10:14:09-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:9489f6] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll0 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T10:14:15-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:ca6cff] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s bucket_op.scope_0.coll1 -d bucket_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T10:14:20-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:256c4a] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll0 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll0 [2021-05-10T10:14:26-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:73bc5b] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s timer_op.scope_0.coll1 -d timer_op.scope_1.coll1 [2021-05-10T10:14:31-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:090a8e] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0] docker logs 090a8e docker start 090a8e #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']): 6231727 K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll0) : 6231792, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll0']) : 6231727 [2021-05-10T10:34:38-07:00, sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:ea3548] -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1 → Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:7.0:[ -i -u Administrator -p password -o verify -s n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1 -d n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1] docker logs ea3548 docker start ea3548 #Traceback (most recent call last): 3 File "", line 355, in  EventingHelper().run() - File "", line 67, in run  self.verify_doc(options) 5 File "", line 318, in verify_doc p format(source_collection, source_count["results"][0], destination_collection, binding_count["results"][0])) ¤Exception: No of docs in source and destination don't match: Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']): 6230407 K{'username': 'Administrator', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'name': None, 'state': None, 'number': 1, 'metadata': None, 'source': 'n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1', 'host': '', 'sleep': 60, 'timeout': 1200, 'bindings': ['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1'], 'password': 'password', 'type': None, 'operation': 'verify', 'sbm': False, 'wait': False} ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ŹNo of docs in source and destination : Source Bucket(n1ql_op.scope_0.coll1) : 6231288, Destination Bucket(['n1ql_op.scope_1.coll1']) : 6230407 ########## Cluster config ################## ###### n1ql : 1 ===== > [] ########### ###### eventing : 3 ===== > [] ########### ###### index : 1 ===== > [] ########### ###### kv : 5 ===== > [] ########### → remove 89b855 → remove a94e21 → remove d0263d → remove 831c7b → remove c0e37d → remove f354d3 → remove 25221d → remove f160a0 → remove 1b4ecf → remove 1954d9 → remove 7de09f → remove 0d1647 → remove 658815 → remove 101ee4 → remove ae8fac → remove aae8d5 → remove 02c85b → remove 09260c → remove c84681 → remove 296662 → remove b30f13 → remove 7e6cc4 → remove 183f94 → remove d9ce46 → remove 52416a → remove 87e706 → remove 8d18a5 → remove b7e4c7 → remove 01fb29 → remove d67b79 → remove f0a96a → remove 70f555 → remove 55660d → remove 848952 → remove c22492 → remove b57e93 → remove 55249c → remove a9c5f5 → remove 91b4c1 → remove b6b035 → remove f76339 → remove 6fffd9 → remove e76ac9 → remove 0eb6a6 → remove ab8367 → remove bac631 → remove 82237c → remove 25d18d → remove 65f215 → remove cd3975 → remove a831f4 → remove 37ac2a → remove 580b1d → remove 10ce42 → remove b4a951 → remove a32853 → remove 8f129e → remove acbb0b → remove 74e9d1 → remove 816517 → remove 420633 → remove 024597 → remove 27859a → remove 980d2a → remove 275c4c → remove e64351 → remove 7a927c → remove 63ca70 → remove a2481f → remove b85b04 → remove 70ba3d → remove 34ba23 → remove cdf15b → remove bc97dc → remove 39a2c9 → remove bbf80c → remove efd214 → remove 4bc78b → remove 851879 → remove d4d6c4 → remove 208e19 → remove 86551a → remove 4faa44 → remove 4f8a5a → remove b5f381 → remove 376147 → remove 874d3a → remove f907c5 → remove e8591b → remove a94379 → remove 0869d1 → remove de28de → remove 327c55 → remove 731755 → remove 12c772 → remove 83627f → remove 89b020 → remove 460c05 → remove 42131d → remove 629d7d → remove 5de5fc → remove 414180 → remove 017452 → remove 019abe → remove 6effbc → remove 3af79a → remove 4ea9d8 → remove d997e3 → remove 6976e3 → remove f39f6a → remove d9cab2 → remove 9e004b → remove 87e27b → remove b0ed7c → remove 95b104 → remove 6cb89e → remove 4bd87b → remove 296f94 → remove 48d793 → remove db9922 → remove 359bbc → remove f922b9 → remove 0adffd → remove 9a526a → remove bca163 → remove 476de7 → remove fbc31d → remove 65f536 → remove d72bc2 → remove 05a5a3 → remove a27584 → remove 419eac → remove b5ad37 → remove b759d3 → remove 1ea592 → remove ea3761 → remove 7d6548 → remove 7e2729 → remove 3725cf → remove b829ca → remove fe211c → remove 31d39c → remove 0cd0b6 → remove 76e7cf → remove d081d2 → remove 9c34cb → remove 66efca → remove 9bf0de → remove f40a70 → remove 3f2134 → remove 1127e6 → remove e6bb0a → remove 410b4d → remove 81db90 → remove 2a28a5 → remove 0ca1b7 → remove 93cde7 → remove e17e01 → remove e984e0 → remove 363e3a → remove 54f8d3 → remove 11fbc7 → remove b4cea8 → remove ca6883 → remove 989152 → remove df45e0 → remove b1e11b → remove 34e483 → remove 15d4eb → remove 85a01c → remove e35126 → remove 730252 → remove a269b1 → remove 56a929 → remove 8f1a62 → remove c32a16 → remove e858aa → remove 3ee702 → remove 9f2968 → remove b743a6 → remove 5c271a → remove ebcc8c → remove de5523 → remove c6796f → remove e275ad → remove aa62ca → remove 3b044c → remove 8692b0 → remove d54829 → remove e82169 → remove 4449ed → remove 6ad065 → remove c89345 → remove 4b9b05 → remove 2109e6 → remove 0f6f19 → remove f2bd0d → remove 201eb7 → remove b5caa5 → remove af7f30 → remove 76e2e3 → remove c0e25b → remove 9489f6 → remove ca6cff → remove 256c4a → remove 73bc5b → remove 090a8e → remove ea3548 + touch logs/ + git checkout providers/file/centos_component_second.yml TAP Reports Processing: START Looking for TAP results report in workspace using pattern: results.tap4j Saving reports... Processing '/data/jenkins/jobs/component_systest_launcher_2/builds/317/tap-master-files/results.tap4j' Parsing TAP test result [/data/jenkins/jobs/component_systest_launcher_2/builds/317/tap-master-files/results.tap4j]. TAP Reports Processing: FINISH Archiving artifacts ERROR: [description-setter] Error while parsing logs for description-setter java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize hudson.model.Actionable#actions for class hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild at hudson.XmlFile.write( at at hudson.model.Run.setDescription( at hudson.plugins.descriptionsetter.DescriptionSetterHelper.setDescription( at hudson.plugins.descriptionsetter.DescriptionSetterPublisher.perform( at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform( at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform( at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps( at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2( at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$ at hudson.model.Run.execute( at at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute( at Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize hudson.model.Actionable#actions for class hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.visit( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.PureJavaReflectionProvider.visitSerializableFields( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.doMarshal( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller.convert( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.start( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractTreeMarshallingStrategy.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.toXML( at hudson.XmlFile.write( ... 13 more Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize org.tap4j.plugin.TapTestResultAction#tapResult for class org.tap4j.plugin.TapTestResultAction at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.visit( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.PureJavaReflectionProvider.visitSerializableFields( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.doMarshal( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller.convert( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller$1.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.writeItem( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller.convert( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller$1.convertAnother( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshallField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( ... 26 more Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize org.tap4j.plugin.TapResult#testSets for class org.tap4j.plugin.TapResult at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.visit( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.PureJavaReflectionProvider.visitSerializableFields( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.doMarshal( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller.convert( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller$1.convertAnother( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshallField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( ... 41 more Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize org.tap4j.plugin.model.TestSetMap#testSet for class org.tap4j.plugin.model.TestSetMap at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.visit( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.PureJavaReflectionProvider.visitSerializableFields( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.doMarshal( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller.convert( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller$1.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.writeItem( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller.convert( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller$1.convertAnother( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshallField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( ... 50 more Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Refusing to marshal org.tap4j.model.TestSet for security reasons; see at hudson.util.XStream2$BlacklistedTypesConverter.marshal( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller.convert( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeMarshaller.convertAnother( at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceMarshaller$1.convertAnother( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.marshallField( at hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter$2.writeField( ... 65 more Sending e-mails to: Notifying upstream projects of job completion Finished: SUCCESS