LCB Version : ('3.1.1', 196865) Connecting to the bucket 0ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (instance - L:503) Version=3.1.1, Changeset=614635bc74fa006eca454a8d90b1c92d31eaa7c6 0ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (instance - L:504) Effective connection string: couchbase:// Bucket=bucket1 0ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:372) Applying initial cntl operation_timeout=120.0 0ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:372) Applying initial cntl query_timeout=10.0 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (instance - L:195) DNS SRV lookup failed: LCB_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST (1049). Ignore this if not relying on DNS SRV records 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:138) Adding host to initial HTTP bootstrap list 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:138) Adding host to initial CCCP bootstrap list 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [TRACE] (instance - L:176) Bootstrap hosts loaded (cccp:1, http:1) 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:270) Requested network configuration: heuristic 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:94) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:100) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:100) Provider HTTP is ENABLED 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [TRACE] (confmon - L:314) Refreshing current cluster map (bucket: bucket1) 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [TRACE] (confmon - L:300) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (cccp - L:176) Requesting connection to node for CCCP configuration 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:501) <> (HE=0x7ff119204890) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) <> (HE=0x7ff119204890) New pool entry: I=0x7ff1161a82f0 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (connection - L:485) <> (SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d) Starting. Timeout=2000000us 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:250) <> (SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d) Created new socket with FD=7 114ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [TRACE] (connection - L:350) <> (SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 132ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (connection - L:153) <> (SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d) Connected established 132ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:106) <> (SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 132ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:106) <> (SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 132ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:369) <> (HE=0x7ff119204890) Received result for I=0x7ff1161a82f0,C=0x0; E=0x0 132ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:329) <> (HE=0x7ff119204890) Assigning R=0x7ff1192049b0 SOCKET=0x7ff1161b5260 132ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:94) <> (CTX=0x7ff11620b4c0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d 132ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:458) <> (CTX=0x7ff11620b4c0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff116246860) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.1.1 (Darwin-17.7.0; x86_64; AppleClang","i":"f88daf4468bd7318/3c3297990d1a204d"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x0f (Tracing), 0x12 (Collections), 0x0e (Unordered execution), 0x17 (Create as Deleted) 155ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:489) <> (CTX=0x7ff11620b4c0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff116246860) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x0e (Unordered execution), 0x0f (Tracing), 0x12 (Collections), 0x17 (Create as Deleted) 157ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:316) <> (CTX=0x7ff11620b4c0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff116246860) Using SCRAM-SHA512 SASL mechanism 203ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:139) <> (CTX=0x7ff11620b4c0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 204ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:94) <> (CTX=0x7ff114587150,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=3c3297990d1a204d 227ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:139) <> (CTX=0x7ff114587150,bc_cccp) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 227ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:554) <> (HE=0x7ff119204890) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7ff1161a82f0,C=0x7ff1161b5260 227ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (confmon - L:179) Setting initial configuration. Received via CCCP (bucket="", rev=78, address="") 227ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (cccp - L:359) Node 0 has no data service 227ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:94) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 227ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:100) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 227ms [If88daf4468bd7318] {89197/103} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:91) Selected network configuration: "default" 227ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (instance - L:503) Version=3.1.1, Changeset=614635bc74fa006eca454a8d90b1c92d31eaa7c6 227ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (instance - L:504) Effective connection string: couchbase:// Bucket=bucket1 227ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:372) Applying initial cntl operation_timeout=120.0 227ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:372) Applying initial cntl query_timeout=10.0 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (instance - L:195) DNS SRV lookup failed: LCB_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST (1049). Ignore this if not relying on DNS SRV records 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:138) Adding host to initial HTTP bootstrap list 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (instance - L:138) Adding host to initial CCCP bootstrap list 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (instance - L:176) Bootstrap hosts loaded (cccp:1, http:1) 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:270) Requested network configuration: heuristic 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:94) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:100) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:100) Provider HTTP is ENABLED 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (confmon - L:314) Refreshing current cluster map (bucket: bucket1) 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (confmon - L:300) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (cccp - L:176) Requesting connection to node for CCCP configuration 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:501) <> (HE=0x7ff1160349c0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) <> (HE=0x7ff1160349c0) New pool entry: I=0x7ff116034b90 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (connection - L:485) <> (SOCK=17a89b83ac7d6a0f) Starting. Timeout=2000000us 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:250) <> (SOCK=17a89b83ac7d6a0f) Created new socket with FD=8 339ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (connection - L:350) <> (SOCK=17a89b83ac7d6a0f) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 358ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (connection - L:153) <> (SOCK=17a89b83ac7d6a0f) Connected established 358ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:106) <> (SOCK=17a89b83ac7d6a0f) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 358ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:106) <> (SOCK=17a89b83ac7d6a0f) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 358ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:369) <> (HE=0x7ff1160349c0) Received result for I=0x7ff116034b90,C=0x0; E=0x0 358ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:329) <> (HE=0x7ff1160349c0) Assigning R=0x7ff116034ae0 SOCKET=0x7ff116122dc0 358ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:94) <> (CTX=0x7ff119204be0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=17a89b83ac7d6a0f 358ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:458) <> (CTX=0x7ff119204be0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff1192049b0) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.1.1 (Darwin-17.7.0; x86_64; AppleClang PYCBC/3.1.1","i":"0c3db339dedfca3e/17a89b83ac7d6a0f"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x0f (Tracing), 0x12 (Collections), 0x0e (Unordered execution), 0x17 (Create as Deleted) 382ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:489) <> (CTX=0x7ff119204be0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff1192049b0) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x0e (Unordered execution), 0x0f (Tracing), 0x12 (Collections), 0x17 (Create as Deleted) 383ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:316) <> (CTX=0x7ff119204be0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff1192049b0) Using SCRAM-SHA512 SASL mechanism 443ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:541) <> (CTX=0x7ff119204be0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff1192049b0) Sending SELECT_BUCKET "bucket1" 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:157) <> (CTX=0x7ff119204be0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7ff1192049b0) Error: 0xd2, Key/Value service is not configured for given node 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [ERROR] (cccp - L:187) (CTX=0x0,) Could not get configuration: LCB_ERR_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND (210) 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (confmon - L:211) Provider 'CCCP' failed: LCB_ERR_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND (210) 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:255) Will try next provider in 0us 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:139) <> (CTX=0x7ff119204be0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (confmon - L:300) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via HTTP 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (htconfig - L:361) Starting HTTP Configuration Provider 0x7ff1147120e0 461ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (connection - L:485) <> (SOCK=8f3f965c52ca745c) Starting. Timeout=2000000us 462ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:250) <> (SOCK=8f3f965c52ca745c) Created new socket with FD=8 462ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (connection - L:350) <> (SOCK=8f3f965c52ca745c) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 483ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (connection - L:153) <> (SOCK=8f3f965c52ca745c) Connected established 483ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:106) <> (SOCK=8f3f965c52ca745c) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 483ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (connection - L:106) <> (SOCK=8f3f965c52ca745c) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 483ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (htconfig - L:317) Successfuly connected to REST API 483ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:94) <> (CTX=0x7ff1162466e0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=8f3f965c52ca745c 508ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (htconfig - L:214) <> (CTX=0x7ff1162466e0,bc_http) Received 395 bytes on HTTP stream 510ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (htconfig - L:214) <> (CTX=0x7ff1162466e0,bc_http) Received 2696 bytes on HTTP stream 510ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (htconfig - L:214) <> (CTX=0x7ff1162466e0,bc_http) Received 4044 bytes on HTTP stream 512ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [TRACE] (htconfig - L:214) <> (CTX=0x7ff1162466e0,bc_http) Received 1749 bytes on HTTP stream 513ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (htconfig - L:230) <> (CTX=0x7ff1162466e0,bc_http) Generation 0 -> 1 513ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (confmon - L:179) Setting initial configuration. Received via HTTP (bucket="bucket1", rev=88, address="") 513ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [DEBUG] (cccp - L:359) Node 1 has no data service 513ms [Ic3db339dedfca3e] {89197/103} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:91) Selected network configuration: "default" Connected to the bucket Test done