Couchbase Server 2.1.0, Windows Couchbase Server 2.1.0 is the second release for Couchbase Server 2.0. Couchbase Server is a distributed NoSQL document database for interactive applications. Its scale-out architecture runs in the cloud or on commodity hardware and provides a flexible data model, consistent high-performance, easy scalability and always-on 24x365 availability. This release contains fixes as well as new features and functionality, including: - Multiple Readers and Writers threads for more rapid persistence onto disk -'Optimistic Replication' to improve latency when you replicate documents via XDCR - More XDCR Statistics to monitor performance and behavior of XDCR - Detailed Rebalance Report to show actual number of buckets and keys that have been transferred to other nodes in a cluster - Transfer, Backup and Restore can be done for design documents only. You do not need to include data. The default behavior is to transfer both data and design documents. - Hostname Management provided as easy to use interfaces in Web Console and Installation Wizard - Command Line tools updated so you can manage nodes, buckets, clusters and XDCR - Upload CSV files into Couchbase with cbtransfer For more information, see our Release Notes: REQUIREMENTS - To run cbcollect_info you must have administrative privileges INSTALL Instructions: By default we install Couchbase Server at C:\Program Files\Couchbase Server\ After install, you will see a shortcut on Desktop and a Couchbase icon under Programs The server will automatically start after install and will be available by default on port 8091 For a full list of network ports for Couchbase Server, see To read more about Couchbase Server best practices, see