Couchbase Query Language TOC - Heavy Conceptual Introduction - Goals of language - Types of Query Languages (different models, approaches, how this one fits in) - Who is the language for? - What should you be able to do with it? -Types of information you can find -Types of logical expressions you can create - Where to Start Learning (list of sections/chapters for different types of learning) Concepts - Documents and Data Sources - Attributes and Relations - Paths - Queries and Result Sets - Expressions and Nested Expressions - NiQL and SQL (how NiQL relates to SQL) - Types of Operations - Expression Evaluation - How NiQL works in a Distributed System - Other Language Bindings Tutorial - Reference Dataset - Sample Queries and Behavior/Results (provide interactive examples/hosted-console here) Data Modeling for Queries - Natural Form for Data - The Business Normal Form Advanced Topics - Complex Queries (provide interactive examples/hosted-console here) - SQL Queries as NiQL (Common SQL complex queries, how they translate to N1QL) - Performance - Troubleshooting Language Reference - Syntax - Statements ================================= Couchbase Query Language TOC - "W3C-Inspired" Overview -What is N1QL -What can N1QL do -Prerequisites Semantics -Documents and Document Modeling -Attributes and Relations -NiQL Statements (simple reference documents, console with basic examples of how statement works) -Important Expressions/Statements NiQL Basics (reference document, console with examples of how statements work for selected subsection) -Select -From and Where -Group-by and Having -Path NiQL Advanced (reference document, console with examples of how statements work for selected subsection) -Ordering, Limiting, Offset -Expressions -Literal -Identifiers -Case -Collection -Logical Term -Comparison -Arithmetic Term -String Term -Nested Expression -Four-Valued Logic -Null and Missing Values NiQL Functions