Couchbase Server 2.1.1, Mac OSX Couchbase Server 2.1.1 is the third release for Couchbase Server 2.0. Couchbase Server is a distributed NoSQL document database for interactive applications. Its scale-out architecture runs in the cloud or on commodity hardware and provides a flexible data model, consistent high-performance, easy scalability and always-on 24x365 availability. This release contains fixes, for more information, see our Release Notes: REQUIREMENTS Before you start the server for the first time, please do make sure you erase any previous Membase/Couchbase settings by deleting: "~/Library/Application Support/Couchbase" and "~/Library/Application Support/Membase". - To run cbcollect_info you must have administrative privileges INSTALL This is a self-contained installation of Couchbase Server. * To start the server, simply launch the downloaded application by double-clicking on the icon. * Click the Couchbase icon in the menu bar to access menu commands. * To stop the server, choose "Quit Couchbase Server" from the menu. This application may be run from any location on any writeable disk. You can move it to /Applications, but this is not required. Do not move the application while it running. The server will automatically start after install and will be available by default on port 8091 For a full list of network ports for Couchbase Server, see To read more about Couchbase Server best practices, see