Release Notes for Python SDK 1.1.0 GA (date unknown) * Fixes: * Minor documentation errata fixes * Add 'OBS_LOGICALLY_DELETED' which was referenced but not defined. Used by 'observe' * Fix potential crash if HTTP view request cannot be scheduled * New Features: * Durability/Persistence requirements. This feature allows the application to wait until key(s) have been stored to more than one node. This is done through the additional persist_to/replicate_to parameters in the 'set()' family of methods. A standalone method, 'endure()' is provided as well. These features use the new Durability API implemented in libcouchbase Issues: PYCBC-37 * Experimental GEvent support Gevent is a cooperative multi tasking framework which allows the creation of "greenlets" which are cooperatively scheduled entities. This feature allows the couchbase.Connection object to optionally use a different pure-python non-blocking I/O implementation which can cooperatively yield to other greenlets when needed. * Item API Item API allows an application to use its own objects and pass them into the various methods of couchbase.Connection where they will be populated with the relevant key status/value information. This allows an application developer to create custom subclasses of the Item object which can be seamlessly used across both the SDK and the application code. Issues: PYCBC-156 * FMT_AUTO New format specifier which allows the SDK to guess the appropriate value storage format depending on the value type. Issues: PYCBC-157 * 'no_format' argument for 'get()' Allows a value to be retrieved in its raw representation; i.e. as it is stored on the server without any conversion applied. This feature is provided as an additional keyword argument ('no_format') to the 'get()' family of methods * Replica Read Allow reading from a replica server. This may be used if a normal 'get()' fails. This functionality is exposed via the 'replica' parameter to the 'get()' method as well as the 'rget()' method. Known Issues * 'syncwait' parameter for view creation will time out if new design document only contains spatial views Issues: PYCBC-173