Couchbase Server 2.2, Mac OSX Couchbase Server 2.2 is the third release for Couchbase Server 2.0. Couchbase Server is a distributed NoSQL document database for interactive applications. Its scale-out architecture runs in the cloud or on commodity hardware and provides a flexible data model, consistent high-performance, easy scalability and always-on 24x365 availability. This release contains fixes, for more information, see our Release Notes: REQUIREMENTS Before you start the server for the first time, please do make sure you erase any previous Membase/Couchbase settings by deleting: "~/Library/Application Support/Couchbase" and "~/Library/Application Support/Membase". - To run the cbcollect_info command, you must have administrative privileges INSTALL This is a self-contained installation of Couchbase Server. * To start the server, simply launch the downloaded application by double-clicking on the icon. * Click the Couchbase icon in the menu bar to access menu commands. * To stop the server, choose "Quit Couchbase Server" from the menu. This application may be run from any location on any writeable disk. If you move the server after it is installed and configured, the server to fail. If you must move a configured server, you should first stop the server, delete the config.dat file found at /var/lib/couchbase/config, start the server and configure it once again. The server will automatically start after install and will be available by default on port 8091 For a full list of network ports for Couchbase Server, see To read more about Couchbase Server best practices, see