Area: First paragraph
Issues: Change ‘perform an standard online upgrade,’ to 'perform a standard online upgrade,’ (change an to a)

Area: Text above third box
Issues: Change ‘Alternatively you may additional see’ to 'Alternatively you may additionally see’ (additionally, not additional)

Area: Bottom section that starts with 'One important question to make is'
Issues: (1) Not sure what 'One important question to make is’ is supposed to say.  I think it should may be 'One important question to answer is’.  (2) Bullet #2 should show red text for stale=update_after.  There is a space before _after that throws off the formatting.

Area: Text that starts with ‘Why this behavior?'
Issues: Change 'works by at query time’ to ‘works at query time’ (remove ‘by')

Area: Above first graphic with shopping cart
Issues: Change ‘the provide the’ to ‘provide the’ (remove the first ‘the’)

Area: First paragraph
Issues: Change ‘to get statistics with the at the bucket level' to 'to get statistics at the bucket level’ (remove ‘with the’)

Area: First yellow block of text.
Issues: Change ‘the system attempts to connect non-SASL, non-proxied to a bucket clients to a bucket named "default".’ to 'the system attempts to connect non-SASL, non-proxied to a bucket named "default”.’ (remove 'to a bucket clients’, I think)

Area: JSON Responses
Issues: Change 'On that node, you may find’ to 'On that note, you may find’ (change node to note)

Area: Very bottom of the section
Issues: Remove the text: <title=“Clusters REST API”>

Area: First paragraphs
Issues: (1) Remove ‘and' from 'providers and that’ in string 'and third-party providers and that are installed’.  (2) In the string 'the SDK responds automatically and correctly distribute read/write requests’, change distribute to distributes (plural)

Area: Third row in initial table
Issues: Change first period to a comma in 'Built on modern reality of relatively inexpensive. plentiful memory.'

Area: Bottom paragraph
Issues: In the string 'you perform and analysis of your application’, change and to an

Area: First paragraph
Issues: In the string 'libraries can be migrated to with Couchbase Server’, remove the word ‘with'

Area: Main body
Issues: In the string 'and the node has been failed-over, SDKs is updated’, change ‘SDKs is’ to 'SDKs are’.

Area: First paragraph
Issues: (1) First sentence has a semi-colon with a space in front of it.  That should just a be a prior and then another sentence after that.  I saw that as a standard.  The current sentence runs on.  (2) In the string 'documents generally contains all the information’, change 'contains' to 'contain'

Area: Second paragraph under initial graphics
Issues: In the string 'to a beer in a relational mode,’, change ‘mode,’ to ‘model,’.

Area: Last paragraph
Issues: Change ‘Amtel brewery’ to ‘Amstel brewery'

Area: Text above first code snippet
Issues: In the string 'you might want particular document structure’, insert ‘a’ between want and particular to yield ‘want a particular’.

Area: Third paragraph
Issues: Change ‘take advantage of Couchbase Server ability to index’ to 'take advantage of Couchbase Server's ability to index’ (adding possession to Server with ’s)

Area: Paragraph above first code snippet
Issues: In the string “If go to our example of having a beer application”, the text is missing something between If and go.  Maybe it should be you or we.

Area: Issues of Contention area
Issues: (1) Change 'contention over asteroid document’ to 'contention over the asteroid document’ (adding ‘the’).  (2) Change ‘we can expect conflict between the processes’ to 'we can expect conflicts between the processes’ (plural conflicts, I think)

Area: Bottom paragraph
Issues: I think there are a few issues with “The advantages of this approach apply to all cases where our object is relative static; for instance if you have a player document you do not expect to change the player profile that often. You could store references to player abilities in the player document and then describe the abilities in separate documents.”  Suggest a change to “The advantages of this approach apply to all cases where our object is relatively static.  For instance if you have a player document and you do not expect to change the player profile that often, you could store references to player abilities in the player document and then describe the abilities in separate documents.”  There are 5 differences in the proposed change.  Just one guy’s opinion about readability.  At a minimum, change relative to relatively.

Area: Bottom
Issues: (1) In the string “to create categories for object.”, change object to objects.  (2) Sentence 
Then you would add products to the content the reference the SKU for your beers.” is not clear.  (3) Should there be a colon before product in the JSON code snippet?  Have not seen that syntax, but may jut be something I am not familiar with.

Area: Second paragraph
Issues: In the string 'The SDK provide an abstraction’, change SDK to SDKs (pluralize)

Section: The SDK provide an abstraction
Area: Paragraph after the first two bullets
Issues: Change 'the next time the item requested;’ to 'the next time the item is requested;’ (add ‘is’)

Area: Second paragraph
Issues: (1) In the string 'retrieving any results returned by Couchbase server and are stored in runtime memory’, change ‘and are stored’ to ’that are stored’ (I think).  (2) For the string 'performing an asynchronous method and retrieve the results’,  either use ‘performing' and ‘retrieving' or ‘perform' and ‘retrieve’.  It’s mixed tense currently. 

Area: Second paragraph from bottom
Issues: In the string 'synchronous request to retrieve to retrieve the two keys’, remove duplicate ‘to retrieve’.

Area: Client-Side Timeouts, third paragraph, above bullets
Issues: String 'there are few possible’ should be 'there are a few possible'

Area: Paragraphs below bullets
Issues: (1) In the string 'Timeouts usually means that a Couchbase SDK’, change means to mean.  In the string 
'In either of these scenario, the risk’, change scenario to scenarios.

Area: Paragraph above last set of bullets
Issues: I think that the string 'After rebalance, you could choose to perform one of these options:’ is supposed to start with ‘After node failure’.

Area: First two paragraphs
Issues: (1) In the string 'To create an maintain such a connection’, change ‘an’ to ‘and’.  (2) In the string 
'You should provide the appropriate REST endpoints your SDK’, add ’to’ between endpoints and your to yield ‘endpoints to your SDK’.  (3) In the string 'your client library will have a REST/JSON URL appears as follows’, insert ’that’ between URL and appears to yield 'URL that appears' 

Area: Paragraph that starts with ‘Concurrently, your client'
Issues: For the string, 'In this case, the server your client library was trying to use will return a NOT_MY_VBUCKET error response (as the server knows the vBucketId which your client library encoded into the request)’, shouldn't it be ‘as the server does not know' (or maybe ‘does not own')?

Area: Bottom area, 3rd paragraph up
Issues: In the string 'It is important that you to understand’, remove the ‘to’.

Area: Second paragraph
Issues: Change ‘For instance if you a SLA that requires’ to ‘For instance, if you have an SLA that requires’. (add comma, change ‘a SLA' to ‘have an SLA’.

Area: Text above third code snippet
Issues: For the string 'which is ‘karen’ in this cadd ase’ clean up the back part.  I think it should just be ‘in this case’, but not sure what the word add (or cadd) was there for.

Area: Third text paragraph up (above second to last code snippet)
Issues: Rework the string 'When Couchbase Server successfully stores the record it automatically creates a cas value. which we get with gets.’ to something like 'When Couchbase Server successfully stores the record, it automatically creates a CAS value.  You retrieve the CAS value via get operations.’.

Area: First paragraph
Issues: Change 'we connect to the a Couchbase node’ to 'we connect to a Couchbase node’ (remove ‘the')

Area: Set and get bullet
Issues: In the string 'will get you pretty fair in your application’, change fair to far.