Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring cluster users 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.10% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring eventing metadata 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.29% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring eventing metadata 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.29% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring Query metadata 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.48% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring Query metadata 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.48% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring bucket configuration for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.58% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring full text indexes for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.77% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring GSI index definitions for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.86% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring GSI index definitions for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.86% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring views definitions for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 0.96% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Checking for data movement restrictions for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.15% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Checking for data movement restrictions for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.15% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Deciding which key value data to transfer for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.25% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Deciding which key value data to transfer for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.25% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Deciding which key value data to transfer for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.25% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Deciding which key value data to transfer for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.25% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Deciding which key value data to transfer for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.25% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring manifest data for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.34% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring manifest data for bucket 'default' 0 items / 0B [ ] 1.34% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring key value data for ... at 0B/s (about 6m10s remaining) 0 items / 0B [= ] 1.44% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring key value data for ... at 0B/s (about 6m50s remaining) 0 items / 0B [= ] 1.44% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring key value da... at 263B/s (about 2m38s remaining) 0 items / 1.80KiB [=== ] 4.23% Warning: (i=0) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=1) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=2) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=3) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=4) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=5) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=6) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=7) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=8) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Warning: (i=9) I just want a really long string to make it obvious what is happening here Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Transferring key value d... at 1.86KiB/s (about 9s remaining) 0 items / 27.64KiB [=============================== ] 44.96% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' 0 items / 28.00KiB [======================================================================] 100.00% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' 0 items / 28.00KiB [======================================================================] 100.00% Backing up to '2023-08-03T11_29_47.526372579Z' Copied all data in 8.926s (Avg. 3.50KiB/Sec) 0 items / 28.00KiB [======================================================================] 100.00% | Transfer | -------- | Status | Avg Transfer Rate | Started At | Finished At | Duration | | Succeeded | 3.11KiB/s | Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:29:47 +0000 | Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:29:56 +0000 | 9.035s | | Bucket | ------ | Name | Status | Transferred | Avg Transfer Rate | Started At | Finished At | Duration | | default | Succeeded | 28.00KiB | 9.33KiB/s | Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:29:52 +0000 | Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:29:56 +0000 | 3.487s | | | Mutations | Deletions | Expirations | | --------- | --------- | ----------- | | Received | Errored | Skipped | Received | Errored | Skipped | Received | Errored | Skipped | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Backup completed successfully