
Started building at 2023/10/27 21:35:52
Using pegged server, 1559 build
Calculating base
Updating mirror
Basing run on 7.6.0-1559 8498da7268
Updating tree for run 27.10.2023-21.35
query is at cee3e4a, changes since last good build: none
gometa is at 96e745a, changes since last good build: 

ns_server is at 6f9cfee, changes since last good build: none
couchstore is at 896e144, changes since last good build: none
forestdb is at 9298836, changes since last good build: none
kv_engine is at d46c066, changes since last good build: none
Switching indexing to unstable
indexing is at 13cb6a1, changes since last good build: 
 13cb6a1c MB-59106 update inst rename paths to handle windows
 ce52da77 MB-47409: Add logs for duplicate entry and assert deletion
 ba3f23c9 MB-58547: Limit maximum num_partitions from indexer config
Switching plasma to unstable
plasma is at 2b41e0b, changes since last good build: 
fatal: Invalid revision range d7d485697ae58dca72f4490f4dd5d60294ad63fb..HEAD

Switching nitro to unstable
nitro is at f6a9378, changes since last good build: none
Switching gometa to master
gometa is at 816f7d6, changes since last good build: none
Switching testrunner to master
Submodule 'java_sdk_client' ( registered for path 'java_sdk_client'
Submodule 'lib/capellaAPI' ( registered for path 'lib/capellaAPI'
Submodule 'magma_loader/DocLoader' ( registered for path 'magma_loader/DocLoader'
Cloning into '/opt/build/testrunner/java_sdk_client'...
Cloning into '/opt/build/testrunner/lib/capellaAPI'...
Cloning into '/opt/build/testrunner/magma_loader/DocLoader'...
Submodule path 'java_sdk_client': checked out 'de89b059ce28567dbac18afb032271a4eaa674ff'
Submodule path 'lib/capellaAPI': checked out 'fc3d8b4fab30589dfe0fcad371e23f281af79b2d'
Submodule path 'magma_loader/DocLoader': checked out '0f32672eea77681939c9b26d43f60bd4b3478936'
testrunner is at 5ddc100, changes since last good build: 
 5ddc100cf changes :- 	1. Make allow ip and db user configurable 	2.Update environment variable if job run is success
Pulling in uncommitted change 197653 at refs/changes/53/197653/8
Total 12 (delta 3), reused 3 (delta 3)
[unstable f315bfd0] MB-55365 Use collection item_count to compute Index build progress
 Author: hari kishore 
 Date: Fri Sep 22 20:02:07 2023 -0700
 7 files changed, 650 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
Pulling in uncommitted change 199203 at refs/changes/03/199203/2
Total 6 (delta 4), reused 5 (delta 4)
[unstable 3ce01330] MB-100 stop pause resume tests
 Author: Dhruvil Shah 
 Date: Sat Oct 21 16:38:39 2023 +0530
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
Pulling in uncommitted change 199265 at refs/changes/65/199265/3
Total 5 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
[unstable 859dad97] MB-57882: Minor change remove useOSOForMagmaStorage
 Author: Dhananjay Kshirsagar 
 Date: Mon Oct 23 21:35:11 2023 +0530
 1 file changed, 33 deletions(-)
Pulling in uncommitted change 199584 at refs/changes/84/199584/4
Total 5 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0)
[unstable 26c7e30a] MB-59051: DDL settings do not reset the settings values
 Author: Dhananjay Kshirsagar 
 Date: Thu Oct 26 23:15:59 2023 +0530
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Pulling in uncommitted change 199073 at refs/changes/73/199073/8
Total 16 (delta 7), reused 14 (delta 7)
[unstable 2503492] MB-100: Log rpcClient stats during shard transfer
 Author: Saptarshi Sen 
 Date: Wed Oct 18 20:25:57 2023 -0700
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Pulling in uncommitted change 199432 at refs/changes/32/199432/2
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 2 (delta 2)
[unstable aa0a688] MB-59294: Fix infinite loop in fetchPage
 Author: jineshparakh 
 Date: Wed Oct 25 18:41:26 2023 +0530
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Building community edition
Building cmakefiles and deps [CE]
Building main product [CE]
Build CE finished
BUILD_ENTERPRISE empty. Building enterprise edition
Building Enterprise Edition
Building cmakefiles and deps [EE]
Building main product [EE]
Build EE finished


Started testing at 2023/10/27 22:32:22
Testing mode: sanity,unit,functional,serverless
Using storage type: plasma
Setting ulimit to 200000

Simple Test

Oct 27 22:34:20 suite_setUp (rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests) ... ok
Oct 27 22:39:43 rebalance_in_with_ops (rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests) ... ok
Oct 27 22:44:16 rebalance_in_with_ops (rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests) ... ok
Oct 27 22:45:23 do_warmup_100k (memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest) ... ok
Oct 27 22:46:55 b" 'stop_on_failure': 'True'}"
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests.rebalance_in_with_ops,nodes_in=3,replicas=1,items=50000,bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_size=100,eviction_policy=valueOnly,get-logs-cluster-run=True,doc_ops=create;update;delete'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b"{'nodes_in': '3', 'replicas': '1', 'items': '50000', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'bucket_size': '100', 'eviction_policy': 'valueOnly', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'doc_ops': 'create;update;delete', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 1, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'False', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_1'}"
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'-->result: '
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests.rebalance_in_with_ops,nodes_in=3,bucket_type=ephemeral,replicas=1,items=50000,get-logs-cluster-run=True,doc_ops=create;update;delete'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b"{'nodes_in': '3', 'bucket_type': 'ephemeral', 'replicas': '1', 'items': '50000', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'doc_ops': 'create;update;delete', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 2, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'True', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_2'}"
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest.do_warmup_100k,bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_size=100,eviction_policy=valueOnly,get-logs-cluster-run=True'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b"{'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'bucket_size': '100', 'eviction_policy': 'valueOnly', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 3, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'True', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_3'}"
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'summary so far suite memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t view.createdeleteview.CreateDeleteViewTests.test_view_ops,ddoc_ops=create,test_with_view=True,num_ddocs=1,bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_size=100,eviction_policy=valueOnly,num_views_per_ddoc=10,items=1000,skip_cleanup=False,get-logs-cluster-run=True'
Oct 27 22:46:55 b"{'ddoc_ops': 'create', 'test_with_view': 'True', 'num_ddocs': '1', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'bucket_size': '100', 'eviction_policy': 'valueOnly', 'num_views_per_ddoc': '10', 'items': '1000', 'skip_cleanup': 'False', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 4, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'True', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_4'}"
Oct 27 22:46:55 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 2 , fail 0'ok
Oct 27 22:57:12 test_employee_dataset_startkey_endkey_queries_rebalance_in (view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests) ... ok
Oct 27 22:58:00 test_simple_dataset_stale_queries_data_modification (view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests) ... ok
Oct 27 23:02:14 load_with_ops (xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional) ... ok
Oct 27 23:06:34 load_with_failover (xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional) ... ok
Oct 27 23:09:25 suite_tearDown (xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional) ... ok
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite view.createdeleteview.CreateDeleteViewTests , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests.test_employee_dataset_startkey_endkey_queries_rebalance_in,num_nodes_to_add=1,bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_size=100,eviction_policy=valueOnly,skip_rebalance=true,docs-per-day=1,timeout=1200,get-logs-cluster-run=True'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b"{'num_nodes_to_add': '1', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'bucket_size': '100', 'eviction_policy': 'valueOnly', 'skip_rebalance': 'true', 'docs-per-day': '1', 'timeout': '1200', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 5, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'True', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_5'}"
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite view.createdeleteview.CreateDeleteViewTests , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests.test_simple_dataset_stale_queries_data_modification,num-docs=1000,bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_size=100,eviction_policy=valueOnly,skip_rebalance=true,timeout=1200,get-logs-cluster-run=True'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b"{'num-docs': '1000', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'bucket_size': '100', 'eviction_policy': 'valueOnly', 'skip_rebalance': 'true', 'timeout': '1200', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 6, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'True', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_6'}"
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite view.createdeleteview.CreateDeleteViewTests , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional.load_with_ops,replicas=1,items=10000,value_size=128,ctopology=chain,bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_size=100,eviction_policy=valueOnly,rdirection=unidirection,doc-ops=update-delete,get-logs-cluster-run=True'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b"{'replicas': '1', 'items': '10000', 'value_size': '128', 'ctopology': 'chain', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'bucket_size': '100', 'eviction_policy': 'valueOnly', 'rdirection': 'unidirection', 'doc-ops': 'update-delete', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 7, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'True', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_7'}"
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite view.createdeleteview.CreateDeleteViewTests , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'summary so far suite xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b'./testrunner -i b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini -p makefile=True,stop_on_failure=True,log_level=CRITICAL -t xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional.load_with_failover,replicas=1,items=10000,ctopology=chain,rdirection=unidirection,bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_size=100,eviction_policy=valueOnly,doc-ops=update-delete,failover=source,get-logs-cluster-run=True'
Oct 27 23:09:25 b"{'replicas': '1', 'items': '10000', 'ctopology': 'chain', 'rdirection': 'unidirection', 'bucket_storage': 'couchstore', 'bucket_size': '100', 'eviction_policy': 'valueOnly', 'doc-ops': 'update-delete', 'failover': 'source', 'get-logs-cluster-run': 'True', 'ini': 'b/resources/dev-4-nodes-xdcr.ini', 'cluster_name': 'dev-4-nodes-xdcr', 'spec': 'simple', 'conf_file': 'conf/simple.conf', 'makefile': 'True', 'stop_on_failure': 'True', 'log_level': 'CRITICAL', 'num_nodes': 4, 'case_number': 8, 'total_testcases': 8, 'last_case_fail': 'False', 'teardown_run': 'True', 'logs_folder': '/opt/build/testrunner/logs/testrunner-23-Oct-27_22-32-47/test_8'}"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b'summary so far suite rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:26 b'summary so far suite memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:26 b'summary so far suite view.createdeleteview.CreateDeleteViewTests , pass 1 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:26 b'summary so far suite view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:26 b'summary so far suite xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional , pass 2 , fail 0'
Oct 27 23:09:26 b'Run after suite setup for xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional.load_with_failover'
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests.rebalance_in_with_ops', ' pass')"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('rebalance.rebalancein.RebalanceInTests.rebalance_in_with_ops', ' pass')"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('memcapable.WarmUpMemcachedTest.do_warmup_100k', ' pass')"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('view.createdeleteview.CreateDeleteViewTests.test_view_ops', ' pass')"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests.test_employee_dataset_startkey_endkey_queries_rebalance_in', ' pass')"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('view.viewquerytests.ViewQueryTests.test_simple_dataset_stale_queries_data_modification', ' pass')"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional.load_with_ops', ' pass')"
Oct 27 23:09:26 b"('xdcr.uniXDCR.unidirectional.load_with_failover', ' pass')"

Unit tests

=== RUN   TestMerger
--- PASS: TestMerger (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestInsert
--- PASS: TestInsert (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestInsertPerf
16000 items took 17.274902ms -> 926199.1761226777 items/s conflicts 3
--- PASS: TestInsertPerf (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestGetPerf
16000 items took 2.479654ms -> 6.452513132880636e+06 items/s
--- PASS: TestGetPerf (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGetRangeSplitItems
"node_count":             1000,
"soft_deletes":           0,
"read_conflicts":         0,
"insert_conflicts":       0,
"next_pointers_per_node": 1.3450,
"memory_used":            45520,
"node_allocs":            1000,
"node_frees":             0,
"level0": 743,
"level1": 191,
"level2": 47,
"level3": 16,
"level4": 3,
"level5": 0,
"level6": 0,
"level7": 0,
"level8": 0,
"level9": 0,
"level10": 0,
"level11": 0,
"level12": 0,
"level13": 0,
"level14": 0,
"level15": 0,
"level16": 0,
"level17": 0,
"level18": 0,
"level19": 0,
"level20": 0,
"level21": 0,
"level22": 0,
"level23": 0,
"level24": 0,
"level25": 0,
"level26": 0,
"level27": 0,
"level28": 0,
"level29": 0,
"level30": 0,
"level31": 0,
"level32": 0
Split range keys [213 385 446 552 688 764]
No of items in each range [213 172 61 106 136 76 236]
--- PASS: TestGetRangeSplitItems (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBuilder
"node_count":             50000,
"soft_deletes":           0,
"read_conflicts":         0,
"insert_conflicts":       0,
"next_pointers_per_node": 1.3297,
"memory_used":            2263776,
"node_allocs":            50000,
"node_frees":             0,
"level0": 37586,
"level1": 9301,
"level2": 2387,
"level3": 559,
"level4": 117,
"level5": 38,
"level6": 8,
"level7": 4,
"level8": 0,
"level9": 0,
"level10": 0,
"level11": 0,
"level12": 0,
"level13": 0,
"level14": 0,
"level15": 0,
"level16": 0,
"level17": 0,
"level18": 0,
"level19": 0,
"level20": 0,
"level21": 0,
"level22": 0,
"level23": 0,
"level24": 0,
"level25": 0,
"level26": 0,
"level27": 0,
"level28": 0,
"level29": 0,
"level30": 0,
"level31": 0,
"level32": 0
Took 9.749849ms to build 50000 items, 5.1282845e+06 items/sec
Took 833.046µs to iterate 50000 items
--- PASS: TestBuilder (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestNodeDCAS
--- PASS: TestNodeDCAS (0.00s)
ok	0.073s
=== RUN   TestZstdSimple
--- PASS: TestZstdSimple (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestZstdCompressBound
--- PASS: TestZstdCompressBound (3.11s)
=== RUN   TestZstdErrors
--- PASS: TestZstdErrors (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestZstdCompressLevels
--- PASS: TestZstdCompressLevels (0.73s)
=== RUN   TestZstdEmptySrc
--- PASS: TestZstdEmptySrc (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestZstdLargeSrc
--- PASS: TestZstdLargeSrc (0.00s)
ok	3.843s
go: downloading v1.18.0
go: downloading v1.18.22
go: downloading v1.33.0
go: downloading v1.13.5
go: downloading v1.13.21
go: downloading v1.14.9
go: downloading v1.18.10
go: downloading v1.13.3
go: downloading v1.12.9
go: downloading v1.3.34
go: downloading v1.0.25
go: downloading v1.1.33
go: downloading v1.9.11
go: downloading v1.4.10
go: downloading v1.1.28
go: downloading v1.9.27
go: downloading v1.14.2
go: downloading v2.4.27
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerWriteUsageStats
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerWriteUsageStats (12.00s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerReadUsageStats
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerReadUsageStats (8.75s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerCleanerUsageStats
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerCleanerUsageStats (9.45s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerDiskStats
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerDiskStats (2.50s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerTargetFragRatio
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerTargetFragRatio (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerExcessUsedSpace
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerExcessUsedSpace (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerUsedSpaceRatio
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerUsedSpaceRatio (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTunerAdjustFragRatio
--- PASS: TestAutoTunerAdjustFragRatio (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTuneFlushBufferAdjustmentPerLSS
--- PASS: TestAutoTuneFlushBufferAdjustmentPerLSS (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTuneFlushBufferAdjustmentDataGreaterRecoveryLSS
--- PASS: TestAutoTuneFlushBufferAdjustmentDataGreaterRecoveryLSS (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTuneFlushBufferQuotaSingleShard
--- PASS: TestAutoTuneFlushBufferQuotaSingleShard (8.47s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTuneFlushBufferQuotaManyShards
--- PASS: TestAutoTuneFlushBufferQuotaManyShards (28.34s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTuneFlushBufferRebalanceIdleShards
--- PASS: TestAutoTuneFlushBufferRebalanceIdleShards (13.69s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTuneFlushBufferGetUsedMemory
--- PASS: TestAutoTuneFlushBufferGetUsedMemory (29.81s)
=== RUN   TestAutoTuneFlushBufferIdleResumeBufRatio
--- PASS: TestAutoTuneFlushBufferIdleResumeBufRatio (0.63s)
=== RUN   TestBloom
--- PASS: TestBloom (7.04s)
=== RUN   TestBloomDisableEnable
--- PASS: TestBloomDisableEnable (4.14s)
=== RUN   TestBloomDisable
--- PASS: TestBloomDisable (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestBloomFreeDuringLookup
--- PASS: TestBloomFreeDuringLookup (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestBloomRecoveryFreeDuringLookup
--- PASS: TestBloomRecoveryFreeDuringLookup (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestBloomRecoverySwapInLookup
--- PASS: TestBloomRecoverySwapInLookup (0.12s)
=== RUN   TestBloomRecoverySwapOutLookup
--- PASS: TestBloomRecoverySwapOutLookup (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestBloomRecoveryInserts
--- PASS: TestBloomRecoveryInserts (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestBloomRecovery
--- PASS: TestBloomRecovery (0.15s)
=== RUN   TestBloomStats
--- PASS: TestBloomStats (4.12s)
=== RUN   TestBloomStatsRecovery
--- PASS: TestBloomStatsRecovery (1.27s)
=== RUN   TestBloomFilterSimple
--- PASS: TestBloomFilterSimple (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBloomFilterConcurrent
--- PASS: TestBloomFilterConcurrent (22.24s)
=== RUN   TestBitArrayConcurrent
--- PASS: TestBitArrayConcurrent (1.11s)
=== RUN   TestBloomCapacity
--- PASS: TestBloomCapacity (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBloomNumHashFuncs
--- PASS: TestBloomNumHashFuncs (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBloomTestAndAdd
--- PASS: TestBloomTestAndAdd (0.22s)
=== RUN   TestBloomReset
--- PASS: TestBloomReset (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestLFSCopier
--- PASS: TestLFSCopier (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNodeCopier
--- PASS: TestNodeCopier (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestLFSCopierNumBytes
--- PASS: TestLFSCopierNumBytes (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestNodeCopierNumBytes
--- PASS: TestNodeCopierNumBytes (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestCopierRestoreFile
--- PASS: TestCopierRestoreFile (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCopierUploadDownloadBytes
--- PASS: TestCopierUploadDownloadBytes (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestCopierKeyEncoding
--- PASS: TestCopierKeyEncoding (0.12s)
=== RUN   TestS3CopierWithRetry
--- PASS: TestS3CopierWithRetry (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestS3RateLimitUnsignedPayload
--- PASS: TestS3RateLimitUnsignedPayload (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSBCopyConcurrent
--- PASS: TestSBCopyConcurrent (0.69s)
=== RUN   TestSBCopyCorrupt
--- PASS: TestSBCopyCorrupt (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCopyHeadTailSingleSegment
--- PASS: TestLSSCopyHeadTailSingleSegment (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCopyFullSegments
--- PASS: TestLSSCopyFullSegments (0.71s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCopyPartialSegments
--- PASS: TestLSSCopyPartialSegments (1.09s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCopyHolePunching
--- PASS: TestLSSCopyHolePunching (0.66s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCopyConcurrent
--- PASS: TestLSSCopyConcurrent (0.93s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCopyHeapUsage
--- PASS: TestLSSCopyHeapUsage (18.20s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCopyWithError
--- PASS: TestLSSCopyWithError (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestRateLimitReaderSeekOff
--- PASS: TestRateLimitReaderSeekOff (11.80s)
=== RUN   TestRateLimitMaxIOPS
--- PASS: TestRateLimitMaxIOPS (15.46s)
=== RUN   TestNodeRateLimiterUpdate
--- PASS: TestNodeRateLimiterUpdate (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNodeRateLimiterMaxIOPs
--- PASS: TestNodeRateLimiterMaxIOPs (77.71s)
=== RUN   TestRateLimitConcurrentLSSCopy
--- PASS: TestRateLimitConcurrentLSSCopy (17.94s)
=== RUN   TestRateLimitDynamicConcurrentLSSCopy
--- PASS: TestRateLimitDynamicConcurrentLSSCopy (13.22s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopySimple
--- PASS: TestShardCopySimple (0.46s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyWithCancel
--- PASS: TestShardCopyWithCancel (10.58s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyNoRP
--- PASS: TestShardCopyNoRP (0.21s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyMetadataCorrupted
--- PASS: TestShardCopyMetadataCorrupted (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyMetadataCorruptedII
--- PASS: TestShardCopyMetadataCorruptedII (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyLSSMetadataCorrupted
--- PASS: TestShardCopyLSSMetadataCorrupted (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyBeforeRecovery
--- PASS: TestShardCopyBeforeRecovery (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopySkipLog
--- PASS: TestShardCopySkipLog (1.11s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyAddInstance
--- PASS: TestShardCopyAddInstance (2.47s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyDestroyInstance
--- PASS: TestShardCopyDestroyInstance (0.39s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyRestoreShard
--- PASS: TestShardCopyRestoreShard (18.37s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyRestoreManyShards
--- PASS: TestShardCopyRestoreManyShards (10.09s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyRestoreConcurrentLogCleaning
--- PASS: TestShardCopyRestoreConcurrentLogCleaning (19.49s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyRestorePartialRollback
--- PASS: TestShardCopyRestorePartialRollback (19.79s)
=== RUN   TestInvalidMVCCRollback
--- PASS: TestInvalidMVCCRollback (0.34s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyRestoreConcurrentPurges
--- PASS: TestShardCopyRestoreConcurrentPurges (20.64s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyRestoreRepairHdr
--- PASS: TestShardCopyRestoreRepairHdr (94.05s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyDuplicateIndex
--- PASS: TestShardCopyDuplicateIndex (0.23s)
=== RUN   TestShardCopyEmptyIndex
--- PASS: TestShardCopyEmptyIndex (0.15s)
=== RUN   TestTenantCopy
--- PASS: TestTenantCopy (5.63s)
=== RUN   TestLockShardAddInstance
--- PASS: TestLockShardAddInstance (0.26s)
=== RUN   TestLockShardAddInstanceMapping
--- PASS: TestLockShardAddInstanceMapping (0.26s)
=== RUN   TestLockShardCloseInstance
--- PASS: TestLockShardCloseInstance (0.40s)
=== RUN   TestLockShardEmptyShard
--- PASS: TestLockShardEmptyShard (0.18s)
=== RUN   TestLockShardUseShardId
--- PASS: TestLockShardUseShardId (0.29s)
=== RUN   TestLockShardUseShardIdII
--- PASS: TestLockShardUseShardIdII (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestDestroyShardID
--- PASS: TestDestroyShardID (1.09s)
=== RUN   TestDestroyShardIDConcurrent
--- PASS: TestDestroyShardIDConcurrent (0.20s)
=== RUN   TestDestroyShardIDNumTenants
--- PASS: TestDestroyShardIDNumTenants (0.56s)
=== RUN   TestDestroyShardIDTenantAddRemove
--- PASS: TestDestroyShardIDTenantAddRemove (0.24s)
=== RUN   TestDestroyShardIDOnRestoreFailure
--- PASS: TestDestroyShardIDOnRestoreFailure (0.71s)
=== RUN   TestDestroyShardIDOnRestoreFailure2
--- PASS: TestDestroyShardIDOnRestoreFailure2 (0.82s)
=== RUN   TestTransferShardAPI
--- PASS: TestTransferShardAPI (248.03s)
=== RUN   TestTransferShardAPICreateIndexes
--- PASS: TestTransferShardAPICreateIndexes (19.61s)
=== RUN   TestTransferShardAPIWithDropIndexes
--- PASS: TestTransferShardAPIWithDropIndexes (6.16s)
=== RUN   TestTransferShardAPIWithCancel
--- PASS: TestTransferShardAPIWithCancel (6.81s)
=== RUN   TestTransferShardAPIWithCleanup
--- PASS: TestTransferShardAPIWithCleanup (89.81s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardAPI
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardAPI (6.55s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardNumShards
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardNumShards (0.31s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardInvalidLocation
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardInvalidLocation (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardReplicaRepair
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardReplicaRepair (18.41s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardDone
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardDone (0.79s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardDoneConcurrent
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardDoneConcurrent (1.67s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardDoneDroppedInstances
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardDoneDroppedInstances (1.24s)
=== RUN   TestShardDoCleanupAPI
--- PASS: TestShardDoCleanupAPI (1.25s)
=== RUN   TestShardDoCleanupAPI2
--- PASS: TestShardDoCleanupAPI2 (25.54s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreShardPauseResume
--- PASS: TestRestoreShardPauseResume (13.67s)
=== RUN   TestRateLimitConcurrentTransferRestoreShard
--- PASS: TestRateLimitConcurrentTransferRestoreShard (401.43s)
=== RUN   TestDiag
--- PASS: TestDiag (0.67s)
=== RUN   TestDumpLog
--- PASS: TestDumpLog (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestExtrasN1
=== RUN   TestExtrasN2
=== RUN   TestExtrasN3
=== RUN   TestGMRecovery
--- PASS: TestGMRecovery (13.28s)
=== RUN   TestIteratorSimple
--- PASS: TestIteratorSimple (4.75s)
=== RUN   TestIteratorSeek
--- PASS: TestIteratorSeek (5.89s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaIteratorSeekFirst
--- PASS: TestPlasmaIteratorSeekFirst (0.51s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaIteratorSwapin
--- PASS: TestPlasmaIteratorSwapin (4.89s)
=== RUN   TestIteratorSetEnd
--- PASS: TestIteratorSetEnd (0.75s)
=== RUN   TestIterHiItm
--- PASS: TestIterHiItm (2.69s)
=== RUN   TestIterDeleteSplitMerge
--- PASS: TestIterDeleteSplitMerge (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestKeySamplingSingle
--- PASS: TestKeySamplingSingle (0.14s)
=== RUN   TestKeySamplingAll
--- PASS: TestKeySamplingAll (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestKeySamplingEmpty
--- PASS: TestKeySamplingEmpty (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestKeySamplingExceed
--- PASS: TestKeySamplingExceed (0.17s)
=== RUN   TestLogOperation
--- PASS: TestLogOperation (59.59s)
=== RUN   TestLogLargeSize
--- PASS: TestLogLargeSize (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestLogTrim
--- PASS: TestLogTrim (60.59s)
=== RUN   TestLogSuperblockCorruption
--- PASS: TestLogSuperblockCorruption (59.92s)
=== RUN   TestLogTrimHolePunch
--- PASS: TestLogTrimHolePunch (49.40s)
=== RUN   TestLogMissingAndTruncatedSegments
--- PASS: TestLogMissingAndTruncatedSegments (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestLogReadBeyondMaxFileIndex
--- PASS: TestLogReadBeyondMaxFileIndex (2.60s)
=== RUN   TestLogReadEOFWithMMap
--- PASS: TestLogReadEOFWithMMap (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestLogLargeTrim
--- PASS: TestLogLargeTrim (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCleaningRewrite
--- PASS: TestLSSCleaningRewrite (0.67s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCleaningNegativeWrittenSz
--- PASS: TestLSSCleaningNegativeWrittenSz (1.23s)
=== RUN   TestShardLSSCleaning
--- PASS: TestShardLSSCleaning (0.27s)
=== RUN   TestShardLSSCleaningDeleteInstance
--- PASS: TestShardLSSCleaningDeleteInstance (0.23s)
=== RUN   TestShardLSSCleaningCorruptInstance
--- PASS: TestShardLSSCleaningCorruptInstance (0.22s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaLSSCleaner
--- PASS: TestPlasmaLSSCleaner (223.47s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaLSSCleanerMinSize
--- PASS: TestPlasmaLSSCleanerMinSize (12.10s)
=== RUN   TestSharedLSSCleanerAllDestroyedInstances
--- PASS: TestSharedLSSCleanerAllDestroyedInstances (250.05s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCleanerSyncWithConcurrentWriterRecovery
--- PASS: TestLSSCleanerSyncWithConcurrentWriterRecovery (269.09s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCleanerSyncWithConcurrentWriterRecoveryDGM
--- PASS: TestLSSCleanerSyncWithConcurrentWriterRecoveryDGM (333.00s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCleanerSyncWithMultiWriterRecovery
--- PASS: TestLSSCleanerSyncWithMultiWriterRecovery (112.07s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCleanerSyncWithMultiWriterRecoveryBigKeys
--- PASS: TestLSSCleanerSyncWithMultiWriterRecoveryBigKeys (77.25s)
=== RUN   TestLSSBasic
--- PASS: TestLSSBasic (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestLSSConcurrent
--- PASS: TestLSSConcurrent (0.95s)
=== RUN   TestLSSCleaner
--- PASS: TestLSSCleaner (12.74s)
=== RUN   TestLSSSuperBlock
--- PASS: TestLSSSuperBlock (0.99s)
=== RUN   TestLSSLargeSinglePayload
--- PASS: TestLSSLargeSinglePayload (0.79s)
=== RUN   TestLSSUnstableEnvironment
--- PASS: TestLSSUnstableEnvironment (10.25s)
=== RUN   TestLSSSmallFlushBuffer
--- PASS: TestLSSSmallFlushBuffer (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestLSSTrimFlushBufferGC
--- PASS: TestLSSTrimFlushBufferGC (1.55s)
=== RUN   TestLSSTrimFlushBufferNoIO
--- PASS: TestLSSTrimFlushBufferNoIO (10.01s)
=== RUN   TestLSSTrimFlushBufferWithIO
--- PASS: TestLSSTrimFlushBufferWithIO (11.51s)
=== RUN   TestLSSExtendFlushBufferWithIO
--- PASS: TestLSSExtendFlushBufferWithIO (10.02s)
=== RUN   TestLSSNegativeGetFlushBufferMemory
--- PASS: TestLSSNegativeGetFlushBufferMemory (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestLSSNegativeGetFlushBufferMemoryII
--- PASS: TestLSSNegativeGetFlushBufferMemoryII (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestLSSTrimFlushBufferSizeUnAligned
--- PASS: TestLSSTrimFlushBufferSizeUnAligned (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestLSSTrimFlushBufferAccumulationI
--- PASS: TestLSSTrimFlushBufferAccumulationI (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestLSSTrimFlushBufferAccumulationII
--- PASS: TestLSSTrimFlushBufferAccumulationII (5.01s)
=== RUN   TestLSSFlushBufferMaxBlockSizeVariableKeySize
--- PASS: TestLSSFlushBufferMaxBlockSizeVariableKeySize (70.47s)
=== RUN   TestLSSFlushBufferMaxBlockSizeWithRepairMissingHdr
--- PASS: TestLSSFlushBufferMaxBlockSizeWithRepairMissingHdr (28.97s)
=== RUN   TestMem
Plasma: Adaptive memory quota tuning (decrementing): RSS:6283464704, freePercent:57.4695731528723, currentQuota=1099511627776, newQuota=1073741824, netGrowth=0, percent=99, heap=0, active=0, alloc=0, stats=0, go=6389760Plasma: Adaptive memory quota tuning (incrementing): RSS:6283640832, freePercent: 57.4695731528723, currentQuota=0, newQuota=10995116277, heap=0, stats=0, go=6184960--- PASS: TestMem (1.52s)
=== RUN   TestCpu
--- PASS: TestCpu (14.58s)
=== RUN   TestTopTen20
--- PASS: TestTopTen20 (0.78s)
=== RUN   TestTopTen5
--- PASS: TestTopTen5 (0.20s)
=== RUN   TestMemAtLowResident
--- PASS: TestMemAtLowResident (3.52s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCSimple
--- PASS: TestMVCCSimple (0.29s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCLookup
--- PASS: TestMVCCLookup (0.18s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCIteratorRefresh
--- PASS: TestMVCCIteratorRefresh (5.30s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCIteratorRefreshEveryRow
--- PASS: TestMVCCIteratorRefreshEveryRow (1.26s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCGarbageCollection
--- PASS: TestMVCCGarbageCollection (0.13s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRecoveryPoint
--- PASS: TestMVCCRecoveryPoint (2.80s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRollbackMergeSibling
--- PASS: TestMVCCRollbackMergeSibling (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRollbackCompact
--- PASS: TestMVCCRollbackCompact (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRollbackSplit
--- PASS: TestMVCCRollbackSplit (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRollbackItemsNotInSnapshot
--- PASS: TestMVCCRollbackItemsNotInSnapshot (0.21s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRecoveryPointRollbackedSnapshot
--- PASS: TestMVCCRecoveryPointRollbackedSnapshot (1.32s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRollbackBetweenRecoveryPoint
--- PASS: TestMVCCRollbackBetweenRecoveryPoint (1.32s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRecoveryPointCrash
--- PASS: TestMVCCRecoveryPointCrash (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCIntervalGC
--- PASS: TestMVCCIntervalGC (0.29s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCItemsCount
--- PASS: TestMVCCItemsCount (0.49s)
=== RUN   TestLargeItems
--- PASS: TestLargeItems (106.90s)
=== RUN   TestTooLargeKey
--- PASS: TestTooLargeKey (3.54s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCItemUpdateSize
--- PASS: TestMVCCItemUpdateSize (0.32s)
=== RUN   TestEvictionStats
--- PASS: TestEvictionStats (0.68s)
=== RUN   TestReaderCacheStats
--- PASS: TestReaderCacheStats (1.18s)
=== RUN   TestInvalidSnapshot
--- PASS: TestInvalidSnapshot (1.38s)
=== RUN   TestEmptyKeyInsert
--- PASS: TestEmptyKeyInsert (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCRecoveryPointError
--- PASS: TestMVCCRecoveryPointError (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCReaderPurgeSequential
--- PASS: TestMVCCReaderPurgeSequential (0.31s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCReaderNoPurge
--- PASS: TestMVCCReaderNoPurge (0.31s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCReaderPurgeAfterUpdate
--- PASS: TestMVCCReaderPurgeAfterUpdate (0.33s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCReaderPurgeAfterRollback
--- PASS: TestMVCCReaderPurgeAfterRollback (0.34s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCReaderPurgeSimple
--- PASS: TestMVCCReaderPurgeSimple (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCReaderPurgeRandom
--- PASS: TestMVCCReaderPurgeRandom (0.30s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCReaderPurgePageFlag
--- PASS: TestMVCCReaderPurgePageFlag (0.17s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCPurgeRatioWithRollback
--- PASS: TestMVCCPurgeRatioWithRollback (16.34s)
=== RUN   TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackI
--- PASS: TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackI (0.14s)
=== RUN   TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackII
--- PASS: TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackII (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackIII
--- PASS: TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackIII (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackIV
--- PASS: TestComputeItemsCountMVCCWithRollbackIV (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCPurgedRecordsWithCompactFullMarshalAndCascadedEmptyPagesMerge
--- PASS: TestMVCCPurgedRecordsWithCompactFullMarshalAndCascadedEmptyPagesMerge (2.68s)
=== RUN   TestMaxDeltaChainLenWithCascadedEmptyPagesMerge
--- PASS: TestMaxDeltaChainLenWithCascadedEmptyPagesMerge (2.44s)
=== RUN   TestAutoHoleCleaner
--- PASS: TestAutoHoleCleaner (50.51s)
=== RUN   TestAutoHoleCleaner5Indexes
--- PASS: TestAutoHoleCleaner5Indexes (281.91s)
=== RUN   TestIteratorReportedHoleRegionBoundary
--- PASS: TestIteratorReportedHoleRegionBoundary (0.19s)
=== RUN   TestFullRangeHoleScans
--- PASS: TestFullRangeHoleScans (0.51s)
=== RUN   TestOverlappingRangeHoleScans
--- PASS: TestOverlappingRangeHoleScans (0.50s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCIteratorSMRRefreshOnHoleScan
--- PASS: TestMVCCIteratorSMRRefreshOnHoleScan (12.33s)
=== RUN   TestAutoHoleCleanerWithRecovery
--- PASS: TestAutoHoleCleanerWithRecovery (2.37s)
=== RUN   TestPageMergeCorrectness2
--- PASS: TestPageMergeCorrectness2 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPageMergeCorrectness
--- PASS: TestPageMergeCorrectness (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPageMarshalFull
--- PASS: TestPageMarshalFull (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestPageMergeMarshal
--- PASS: TestPageMergeMarshal (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPageOperations
--- PASS: TestPageOperations (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestPageIterator
--- PASS: TestPageIterator (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPageMarshal
--- PASS: TestPageMarshal (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestPageMergeCorrectness3
--- PASS: TestPageMergeCorrectness3 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPageHasDataRecords
--- PASS: TestPageHasDataRecords (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaPageVisitor
--- PASS: TestPlasmaPageVisitor (4.66s)
=== RUN   TestPageRingVisitor
--- PASS: TestPageRingVisitor (4.40s)
=== RUN   TestPauseVisitorOnLowMemory
--- PASS: TestPauseVisitorOnLowMemory (1.17s)
=== RUN   TestCheckpointRecovery
--- PASS: TestCheckpointRecovery (12.95s)
=== RUN   TestPageCorruption
--- PASS: TestPageCorruption (1.29s)
=== RUN   TestCheckPointRecoveryFollowCleaning
--- PASS: TestCheckPointRecoveryFollowCleaning (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestFragmentationWithZeroItems
--- PASS: TestFragmentationWithZeroItems (1.16s)
=== RUN   TestEvictOnPersist
--- PASS: TestEvictOnPersist (0.21s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaSimple
--- PASS: TestPlasmaSimple (13.63s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaCompression
--- PASS: TestPlasmaCompression (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaCompressionWrong
--- PASS: TestPlasmaCompressionWrong (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaInMemCompression
--- PASS: TestPlasmaInMemCompression (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaInMemCompressionZstd
--- PASS: TestPlasmaInMemCompressionZstd (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaInMemCompressionWrong
--- PASS: TestPlasmaInMemCompressionWrong (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestSpoiledConfig
--- PASS: TestSpoiledConfig (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaErrorFile
--- PASS: TestPlasmaErrorFile (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaPersistor
--- PASS: TestPlasmaPersistor (9.76s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaEvictionLSSDataSize
--- PASS: TestPlasmaEvictionLSSDataSize (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaEviction
--- PASS: TestPlasmaEviction (30.99s)
=== RUN   TestConcurrDelOps
--- PASS: TestConcurrDelOps (76.03s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaDataSize
--- PASS: TestPlasmaDataSize (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestLargeBasePage
--- PASS: TestLargeBasePage (44.45s)
=== RUN   TestLargeValue
--- PASS: TestLargeValue (100.82s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaTooLargeKey
--- PASS: TestPlasmaTooLargeKey (3.56s)
=== RUN   TestEvictAfterMerge
--- PASS: TestEvictAfterMerge (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestEvictDirty
--- PASS: TestEvictDirty (0.21s)
=== RUN   TestEvictUnderQuota
--- PASS: TestEvictUnderQuota (60.17s)
=== RUN   TestEvictSetting
--- PASS: TestEvictSetting (1.25s)
=== RUN   TestBasePageAfterCompaction
--- PASS: TestBasePageAfterCompaction (0.19s)
=== RUN   TestSwapout
--- PASS: TestSwapout (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestSwapoutSplitBasePage
--- PASS: TestSwapoutSplitBasePage (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestCompactFullMarshal
--- PASS: TestCompactFullMarshal (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestPageStats
--- PASS: TestPageStats (3.01s)
=== RUN   TestPageStatsTinyIndex
--- PASS: TestPageStatsTinyIndex (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestPageStatsTinyIndexOnRecovery
--- PASS: TestPageStatsTinyIndexOnRecovery (0.14s)
=== RUN   TestPageStatsTinyIndexOnSplitAndMerge
--- PASS: TestPageStatsTinyIndexOnSplitAndMerge (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompress
--- PASS: TestPageCompress (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressSwapin
--- PASS: TestPageCompressSwapin (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressStats
--- PASS: TestPageCompressStats (1.11s)
=== RUN   TestPageDecompressStats
--- PASS: TestPageDecompressStats (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestSharedDedicatedDataSize
--- PASS: TestSharedDedicatedDataSize (5.27s)
=== RUN   TestLastRpSns
--- PASS: TestLastRpSns (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressState
--- PASS: TestPageCompressState (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressDuringBurst
--- PASS: TestPageCompressDuringBurst (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestPageDontDecompressDuringScan
--- PASS: TestPageDontDecompressDuringScan (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestPageDecompressAndCompressSwapin
--- PASS: TestPageDecompressAndCompressSwapin (2.05s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressibleStat
--- PASS: TestPageCompressibleStat (0.59s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressibleStatRecovery
--- PASS: TestPageCompressibleStatRecovery (0.20s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressBeforeEvictPercent
--- PASS: TestPageCompressBeforeEvictPercent (1.14s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressDecompressAfterDisable
--- PASS: TestPageCompressDecompressAfterDisable (1.12s)
=== RUN   TestPageKeepSwapinChainCompressed
--- PASS: TestPageKeepSwapinChainCompressed (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestEnforceSameCompressionAlgo
--- PASS: TestEnforceSameCompressionAlgo (0.23s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressChangeAlgo
--- PASS: TestPageCompressChangeAlgo (0.72s)
=== RUN   TestPageCompressAlgoMixedWithScan
--- PASS: TestPageCompressAlgoMixedWithScan (6.26s)
=== RUN   TestWrittenDataSz
--- PASS: TestWrittenDataSz (4.00s)
=== RUN   TestWrittenDataSzAfterRecoveryCleaning
--- PASS: TestWrittenDataSzAfterRecoveryCleaning (4.59s)
=== RUN   TestWrittenHdrSz
--- PASS: TestWrittenHdrSz (3.84s)
=== RUN   TestPersistConfigUpgrade
--- PASS: TestPersistConfigUpgrade (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestLSSSegmentSize
--- PASS: TestLSSSegmentSize (0.19s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaFlushBufferSzCfg
--- PASS: TestPlasmaFlushBufferSzCfg (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestCompactionCountwithCompactFullMarshal
--- PASS: TestCompactionCountwithCompactFullMarshal (0.12s)
=== RUN   TestCompactionCountwithCompactFullMarshalSMO
--- PASS: TestCompactionCountwithCompactFullMarshalSMO (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestPageHasDataRecordsOnCompactFullMarshal
--- PASS: TestPageHasDataRecordsOnCompactFullMarshal (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestPauseReaderOnLowMemory
--- PASS: TestPauseReaderOnLowMemory (1.06s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerFragRatio
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerFragRatio (229.65s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerRelocation
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerRelocation (229.96s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerDataSize
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerDataSize (234.83s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerDeleteInstance
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerDeleteInstance (445.32s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerRecoveryPoint
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerRecoveryPoint (42.22s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerCorruptInstance
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerCorruptInstance (0.22s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerAhead
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerAhead (4.24s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCleanerAheadAfterRecovery
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCleanerAheadAfterRecovery (2.21s)
=== RUN   TestCleaningUncommittedData
--- PASS: TestCleaningUncommittedData (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaRecoverySimple
--- PASS: TestPlasmaRecoverySimple (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaRecovery
--- PASS: TestPlasmaRecovery (24.52s)
=== RUN   TestRecoverDedicatedAsShared
--- PASS: TestRecoverDedicatedAsShared (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestRecoverDedicatedAsSharedDeleteShardMeta
--- PASS: TestRecoverDedicatedAsSharedDeleteShardMeta (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestRecoverDedicatedAsSharedCorruptDataLog
--- PASS: TestRecoverDedicatedAsSharedCorruptDataLog (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryShared
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryShared (16.47s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryRecoveryLogAhead
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryRecoveryLogAhead (50.70s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDataLogAhead
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDataLogAhead (34.02s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDestroyBlksInDataLog
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDestroyBlksInDataLog (15.76s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDestroyBlksInRecoveryLog
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDestroyBlksInRecoveryLog (16.27s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDestroyBlksInBothLog
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDestroyBlksInBothLog (15.69s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryRecoveryLogCorruption
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryRecoveryLogCorruption (15.43s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryRecoveryLogCorruptionServerless
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryRecoveryLogCorruptionServerless (15.39s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDataLogCorruption
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDataLogCorruption (16.28s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDataLogCorruptionServerless
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDataLogCorruptionServerless (16.79s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoverySharedNoRP
--- PASS: TestShardRecoverySharedNoRP (16.20s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryNotEnoughMem
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryNotEnoughMem (40.98s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryCleanup
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryCleanup (0.54s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryRebuildSharedLog
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryRebuildSharedLog (1.74s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryUpgradeWithCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryUpgradeWithCheckpoint (0.62s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryUpgradeWithLogReplay
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryUpgradeWithLogReplay (0.62s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryRebuildAfterError
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryRebuildAfterError (1.75s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryRebuildAfterConcurrentDelete
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryRebuildAfterConcurrentDelete (2.59s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryAfterDeleteInstance
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryAfterDeleteInstance (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDestroyShard
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDestroyShard (0.24s)
=== RUN   TestHeaderRepair
--- PASS: TestHeaderRepair (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestCheckpointWithWriter
--- PASS: TestCheckpointWithWriter (4.72s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaRecoveryWithRepairFullReplay
--- PASS: TestPlasmaRecoveryWithRepairFullReplay (25.35s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaRecoveryWithInsertRepairCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestPlasmaRecoveryWithInsertRepairCheckpoint (27.57s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaRecoveryWithDeleteRepairCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestPlasmaRecoveryWithDeleteRepairCheckpoint (13.16s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoverySharedFullReplayOnError
--- PASS: TestShardRecoverySharedFullReplayOnError (17.73s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoverySharedFullReplayOnErrorServerless
--- PASS: TestShardRecoverySharedFullReplayOnErrorServerless (18.68s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDedicatedFullReplayOnError
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDedicatedFullReplayOnError (17.63s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryDedicatedFullReplayOnErrorServerless
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryDedicatedFullReplayOnErrorServerless (18.32s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoverySharedFullReplayOnErrorWithRepair
--- PASS: TestShardRecoverySharedFullReplayOnErrorWithRepair (20.01s)
=== RUN   TestGlobalWorkContextForRecovery
--- PASS: TestGlobalWorkContextForRecovery (0.47s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryPartialMetadata
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryPartialMetadata (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryPartialLSSMetadata
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryPartialLSSMetadata (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryPartialSkiplog
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryPartialSkiplog (0.12s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryTempSkiplog
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryTempSkiplog (0.25s)
=== RUN   TestPageRemovalLargeKey
--- PASS: TestPageRemovalLargeKey (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestRpVersionOverflow
--- PASS: TestRpVersionOverflow (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCancelHeaderReplay
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCancelHeaderReplay (2.38s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCancelWithDelay
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCancelWithDelay (2.45s)
=== RUN   TestRecoveryCancelWithDataReplay
--- PASS: TestRecoveryCancelWithDataReplay (0.34s)
=== RUN   TestShardRecoveryInstPathErrorString
--- PASS: TestShardRecoveryInstPathErrorString (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestFullDataReplayRecovery
--- PASS: TestFullDataReplayRecovery (2.28s)
=== RUN   TestSkipLogSimple
--- PASS: TestSkipLogSimple (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSkipLogLoadStore
--- PASS: TestSkipLogLoadStore (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestRPCSimple
--- PASS: TestRPCSimple (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestRPCOpenClose
--- PASS: TestRPCOpenClose (4.02s)
=== RUN   TestRPCWritePartialPart
--- PASS: TestRPCWritePartialPart (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestRPCWriteMultiPart
--- PASS: TestRPCWriteMultiPart (17.10s)
=== RUN   TestRPCWriteUnAlignedHeadTailWithChecksum
--- PASS: TestRPCWriteUnAlignedHeadTailWithChecksum (11.53s)
=== RUN   TestRPCDoubleOpenWithStaleWrites
--- PASS: TestRPCDoubleOpenWithStaleWrites (22.85s)
=== RUN   TestRPCRmDirBusy
--- PASS: TestRPCRmDirBusy (4.45s)
=== RUN   TestRPCServerGCIdleHandle
--- PASS: TestRPCServerGCIdleHandle (15.01s)
=== RUN   TestRPCServerShutdownWithIO
--- PASS: TestRPCServerShutdownWithIO (68.44s)
=== RUN   TestRPCServerShutdownBusy
--- PASS: TestRPCServerShutdownBusy (10.06s)
=== RUN   TestRPCServerBindWithRetry
--- PASS: TestRPCServerBindWithRetry (1.51s)
=== RUN   TestRPCClientWithCorruptRequest
--- PASS: TestRPCClientWithCorruptRequest (2.33s)
=== RUN   TestRPCClientWithCorruptReqHeaders
--- PASS: TestRPCClientWithCorruptReqHeaders (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestRPCWithCorruptResponse
--- PASS: TestRPCWithCorruptResponse (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestRPCVersion
--- PASS: TestRPCVersion (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestRPCSyncFileIdempotent
--- PASS: TestRPCSyncFileIdempotent (10.05s)
=== RUN   TestRPCSyncFileError
--- PASS: TestRPCSyncFileError (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestRPCOpenWithRetry
--- PASS: TestRPCOpenWithRetry (5.01s)
=== RUN   TestRPCOpenWithDialTimeout
--- PASS: TestRPCOpenWithDialTimeout (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestRPCWriteRetryWithDigest
--- PASS: TestRPCWriteRetryWithDigest (40.05s)
=== RUN   TestRPCWithThrottle
--- PASS: TestRPCWithThrottle (0.38s)
=== RUN   TestRPCRateControl
--- PASS: TestRPCRateControl (192.48s)
=== RUN   TestRPCRateControlII
--- PASS: TestRPCRateControlII (17.17s)
=== RUN   TestRPCWriteEmptyFile
--- PASS: TestRPCWriteEmptyFile (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestRPCPersistentConnections
--- PASS: TestRPCPersistentConnections (2.02s)
=== RUN   TestRPCClientEOF
--- PASS: TestRPCClientEOF (9.31s)
=== RUN   TestRPCServerWithHTTPS
--- PASS: TestRPCServerWithHTTPS (8.96s)
=== RUN   TestRPCServerQuota
--- PASS: TestRPCServerQuota (10.93s)
=== RUN   TestRPCServerChannelConfig
--- PASS: TestRPCServerChannelConfig (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestShardMetadata
--- PASS: TestShardMetadata (0.89s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaId
--- PASS: TestPlasmaId (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestShardPersistence
--- PASS: TestShardPersistence (0.31s)
=== RUN   TestShardDestroy
--- PASS: TestShardDestroy (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestShardClose
--- PASS: TestShardClose (5.03s)
=== RUN   TestShardMgrRecovery
--- PASS: TestShardMgrRecovery (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestShardDeadData
--- PASS: TestShardDeadData (0.28s)
=== RUN   TestShardDeadDataNegativeFlushDataSize
--- PASS: TestShardDeadDataNegativeFlushDataSize (0.52s)
=== RUN   TestShardConfigUpdate
--- PASS: TestShardConfigUpdate (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestShardWriteAmp
--- PASS: TestShardWriteAmp (10.16s)
=== RUN   TestShardStats
--- PASS: TestShardStats (0.24s)
=== RUN   TestShardCompressionStats
--- PASS: TestShardCompressionStats (2.35s)
=== RUN   TestShardMultipleWriters
--- PASS: TestShardMultipleWriters (0.18s)
=== RUN   TestShardDestroyMultiple
--- PASS: TestShardDestroyMultiple (0.13s)
=== RUN   TestShardBackupCorrupted
--- PASS: TestShardBackupCorrupted (0.14s)
=== RUN   TestShardBackupCorruptedShare
--- PASS: TestShardBackupCorruptedShare (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestShardCorruption
--- PASS: TestShardCorruption (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestShardCorruptionAddInstance
--- PASS: TestShardCorruptionAddInstance (0.17s)
=== RUN   TestShardCreateError
--- PASS: TestShardCreateError (0.20s)
=== RUN   TestShardNumInsts
--- PASS: TestShardNumInsts (1.74s)
=== RUN   TestShardInstanceGroup
--- PASS: TestShardInstanceGroup (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestShardLeak
--- PASS: TestShardLeak (2.06s)
=== RUN   TestShardMemLeak
--- PASS: TestShardMemLeak (1.05s)
=== RUN   TestShardFind
--- PASS: TestShardFind (0.22s)
=== RUN   TestShardFileOpenDescCount
--- PASS: TestShardFileOpenDescCount (89.77s)
=== RUN   TestShardShutdownSharedLSS
--- PASS: TestShardShutdownSharedLSS (11.52s)
=== RUN   TestShardUUIDChange
--- PASS: TestShardUUIDChange (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestShardUUIDStable
--- PASS: TestShardUUIDStable (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestShardUUIDUpgradeDedicated
--- PASS: TestShardUUIDUpgradeDedicated (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestShardUUIDUpgradeShared
--- PASS: TestShardUUIDUpgradeShared (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestShardMetadataPersistenceOnPanic
--- PASS: TestShardMetadataPersistenceOnPanic (0.17s)
=== RUN   TestShardAlternateId
--- PASS: TestShardAlternateId (0.12s)
=== RUN   TestShardInfoCorrupted
--- PASS: TestShardInfoCorrupted (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestShardAssignmentAffinity
--- PASS: TestShardAssignmentAffinity (0.55s)
=== RUN   TestSMRSimple
--- PASS: TestSMRSimple (1.13s)
=== RUN   TestSMRConcurrent
--- PASS: TestSMRConcurrent (75.52s)
=== RUN   TestSMRComplex
--- PASS: TestSMRComplex (150.10s)
=== RUN   TestDGMWithCASConflicts
--- PASS: TestDGMWithCASConflicts (40.53s)
=== RUN   TestMaxSMRPendingMem
--- PASS: TestMaxSMRPendingMem (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestStatsLogger
--- PASS: TestStatsLogger (20.44s)
=== RUN   TestStatsSamplePercentile
--- PASS: TestStatsSamplePercentile (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaSwapper
--- PASS: TestPlasmaSwapper (21.41s)
=== RUN   TestPlasmaAutoSwapper
--- PASS: TestPlasmaAutoSwapper (90.03s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperAddInstance
--- PASS: TestSwapperAddInstance (4.25s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperRemoveInstance
--- PASS: TestSwapperRemoveInstance (4.14s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperJoinContext
--- PASS: TestSwapperJoinContext (4.75s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperSplitContext
--- PASS: TestSwapperSplitContext (4.82s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperGlobalClock
--- PASS: TestSwapperGlobalClock (29.83s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperConflict
--- PASS: TestSwapperConflict (2.86s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperRemoveInstanceWait
--- PASS: TestSwapperRemoveInstanceWait (3.44s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperStats
--- PASS: TestSwapperStats (1.09s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperSweepInterval
--- PASS: TestSwapperSweepInterval (0.46s)
=== RUN   TestSweepCompress
--- PASS: TestSweepCompress (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestInstanceBurstEvictionEmptyIndex
--- PASS: TestInstanceBurstEvictionEmptyIndex (2.06s)
=== RUN   TestInstanceBurstEvictionResumeByInsertion
--- PASS: TestInstanceBurstEvictionResumeByInsertion (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestInstanceBurstEvictionResumeBySwapIn
--- PASS: TestInstanceBurstEvictionResumeBySwapIn (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestInstanceBurstEvictionResumeByLogCleaning
--- PASS: TestInstanceBurstEvictionResumeByLogCleaning (6.66s)
=== RUN   TestSwapperBurstEvictionEmptyIndex
--- PASS: TestSwapperBurstEvictionEmptyIndex (2.06s)
=== RUN   TestTenantShardAssignment
--- PASS: TestTenantShardAssignment (4.36s)
=== RUN   TestTenantShardAssignmentServerless
--- PASS: TestTenantShardAssignmentServerless (4.22s)
=== RUN   TestTenantShardAssignmentOnPrem
--- PASS: TestTenantShardAssignmentOnPrem (4.28s)
=== RUN   TestTenantShardAssignmentDedicated
--- PASS: TestTenantShardAssignmentDedicated (2.20s)
=== RUN   TestTenantShardAssignmentDedicatedMainBackIndexes
--- PASS: TestTenantShardAssignmentDedicatedMainBackIndexes (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestTenantShardRecovery
--- PASS: TestTenantShardRecovery (4.09s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMemUsed
--- PASS: TestTenantMemUsed (3.90s)
=== RUN   TestTenantSwitchController
--- PASS: TestTenantSwitchController (0.11s)
=== RUN   TestTenantSwitchControllerActiveWCtx
--- PASS: TestTenantSwitchControllerActiveWCtx (0.29s)
=== RUN   TestTenantSwitchControllerDuringFlush
--- PASS: TestTenantSwitchControllerDuringFlush (4.09s)
=== RUN   TestTenantBuildController
--- PASS: TestTenantBuildController (2.15s)
=== RUN   TestTenantBuildControllerOnPrem
--- PASS: TestTenantBuildControllerOnPrem (2.14s)
=== RUN   TestTenantSingleController
--- PASS: TestTenantSingleController (2.12s)
=== RUN   TestTenantControllerSwapperIncremental
--- PASS: TestTenantControllerSwapperIncremental (1.39s)
=== RUN   TestTenantControllerSwapperInitial
--- PASS: TestTenantControllerSwapperInitial (1.34s)
=== RUN   TestTenantControllerSwapperPeriodic
--- PASS: TestTenantControllerSwapperPeriodic (3.49s)
=== RUN   TestTenantSwapperZeroResident
--- PASS: TestTenantSwapperZeroResident (2.74s)
=== RUN   TestTenantSwapperZeroItem
--- PASS: TestTenantSwapperZeroItem (1.16s)
=== RUN   TestTenantAssignMandatoryQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantAssignMandatoryQuota (0.63s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMutationQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantMutationQuota (0.16s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMutationQuotaInitial
--- PASS: TestTenantMutationQuotaInitial (0.13s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMutationQuotaEmpty
--- PASS: TestTenantMutationQuotaEmpty (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMutationQuotaIncremental
--- PASS: TestTenantMutationQuotaIncremental (0.15s)
=== RUN   TestTenantCalibrateMutationQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantCalibrateMutationQuota (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMutationRate
--- PASS: TestTenantMutationRate (0.31s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMutationQuotaAdjustRate
--- PASS: TestTenantMutationQuotaAdjustRate (0.47s)
=== RUN   TestTenantBuildQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantBuildQuota (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestTenantInitialBuildQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantInitialBuildQuota (0.05s)
=== RUN   TestTenantInitialBuildNonDGM
--- PASS: TestTenantInitialBuildNonDGM (3.19s)
=== RUN   TestTenantInitialBuildDGM
--- PASS: TestTenantInitialBuildDGM (3.16s)
=== RUN   TestTenantInitialBuildZeroResident
--- PASS: TestTenantInitialBuildZeroResident (3.20s)
=== RUN   TestTenantIncrementalBuildDGM
--- PASS: TestTenantIncrementalBuildDGM (4.96s)
=== RUN   TestTenantInitialBuildTwoTenants
--- PASS: TestTenantInitialBuildTwoTenants (4.96s)
=== RUN   TestTenantInitialBuildTwoControllers
--- PASS: TestTenantInitialBuildTwoControllers (4.95s)
=== RUN   TestTenantIncrementalBuildTwoIndexes
--- PASS: TestTenantIncrementalBuildTwoIndexes (0.58s)
=== RUN   TestTenantIncrementalBuildConcurrent
--- PASS: TestTenantIncrementalBuildConcurrent (7.60s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMixedConcurrentSingleContainer
--- PASS: TestTenantMixedConcurrentSingleContainer (12.53s)
=== RUN   TestTenantDecrementGlobalQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantDecrementGlobalQuota (3.74s)
=== RUN   TestTenantInitialBuildNotEnoughQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantInitialBuildNotEnoughQuota (5.08s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryResidentRatioHeaderReplay
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryResidentRatioHeaderReplay (0.20s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryResidentRatioDataReplay
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryResidentRatioDataReplay (0.22s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryController
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryController (2.57s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryControllerOnPrem
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryControllerOnPrem (2.59s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryQuotaWithLastCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryQuotaWithLastCheckpoint (1.26s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryQuotaZeroResidentWithLastCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryQuotaZeroResidentWithLastCheckpoint (4.98s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryQuotaWithFormula
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryQuotaWithFormula (4.95s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryQuotaWithDataReplay
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryQuotaWithDataReplay (10.73s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionNoCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionNoCheckpoint (24.26s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionHeaderReplay
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionHeaderReplay (13.89s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplaySequential
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplaySequential (13.31s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayInterleaved
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayInterleaved (15.07s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayInterleavedSingleContainer
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayInterleavedSingleContainer (9.11s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayInterleavedSingleContainerTwoTenants
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayInterleavedSingleContainerTwoTenants (9.99s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayNoCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplayNoCheckpoint (15.18s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplaySingle
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryEvictionDataReplaySingle (6.73s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryLastCheckpoint
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryLastCheckpoint (7.97s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRecoveryRequestQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantRecoveryRequestQuota (4.09s)
=== RUN   TestTenantWorkingSetPageHits
--- PASS: TestTenantWorkingSetPageHits (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestTenantWorkingSetConcurrent
--- PASS: TestTenantWorkingSetConcurrent (0.25s)
=== RUN   TestTenantDiscretionaryQuotaNoScan
--- PASS: TestTenantDiscretionaryQuotaNoScan (3.27s)
=== RUN   TestTenantDiscretionaryQuotaScan
--- PASS: TestTenantDiscretionaryQuotaScan (12.20s)
=== RUN   TestTenantAssignDiscretionaryQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantAssignDiscretionaryQuota (36.43s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMinimumQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantMinimumQuota (12.29s)
=== RUN   TestTenantWorkingSetIdle
--- PASS: TestTenantWorkingSetIdle (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestTenantWorkingSetSinceIdle
--- PASS: TestTenantWorkingSetSinceIdle (14.34s)
=== RUN   TestTenantWorkingSetIdleTime
--- PASS: TestTenantWorkingSetIdleTime (1.02s)
=== RUN   TestTenantAssignIdleQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantAssignIdleQuota (12.64s)
=== RUN   TestTenantAssignIdleQuotaEmptyIndex
--- PASS: TestTenantAssignIdleQuotaEmptyIndex (0.14s)
=== RUN   TestTenantActivateIdleTenant
--- PASS: TestTenantActivateIdleTenant (37.28s)
=== RUN   TestTenantActivateIdleTenantWriter
--- PASS: TestTenantActivateIdleTenantWriter (36.81s)
=== RUN   TestTenantActivateIdleTenantZeroQuota
--- PASS: TestTenantActivateIdleTenantZeroQuota (0.78s)
=== RUN   TestTenantStatsInStr
--- PASS: TestTenantStatsInStr (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestTenantRuntimeStats
--- PASS: TestTenantRuntimeStats (0.20s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMandatoryQuotaLowResident
--- PASS: TestTenantMandatoryQuotaLowResident (63.21s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMandatoryDeleteIndex
--- PASS: TestTenantMandatoryDeleteIndex (66.97s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMandatoryQuotaSmallIndex
--- PASS: TestTenantMandatoryQuotaSmallIndex (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestTenantNumShards
--- PASS: TestTenantNumShards (1.73s)
=== RUN   TestTenantNumShardsMixedConfig
--- PASS: TestTenantNumShardsMixedConfig (2.96s)
=== RUN   TestMVCCPurgeIdleTenant
--- PASS: TestMVCCPurgeIdleTenant (16.45s)
=== RUN   TestTenantMemQuotaAfterRecoveryOnPrem
--- PASS: TestTenantMemQuotaAfterRecoveryOnPrem (1.34s)
=== RUN   TestTenantShardLSSSegmentSizeOnPremVsServerless
--- PASS: TestTenantShardLSSSegmentSizeOnPremVsServerless (8.06s)
=== RUN   TestTenantFragRatioUnderSwap
--- PASS: TestTenantFragRatioUnderSwap (0.17s)
=== RUN   TestWriteRenameFileWithSync
--- PASS: TestWriteRenameFileWithSync (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestHistogram
--- PASS: TestHistogram (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSyncFilePanicUnstable
--- PASS: TestSyncFilePanicUnstable (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSyncFileNoPanicUnstable
--- PASS: TestSyncFileNoPanicUnstable (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSCtx
--- PASS: TestSCtx (17.38s)
=== RUN   TestWCtxGeneric
--- PASS: TestWCtxGeneric (20.70s)
=== RUN   TestWCtxWriter
--- PASS: TestWCtxWriter (20.37s)
=== RUN   TestSCtxTrimWithReader
--- PASS: TestSCtxTrimWithReader (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestSCtxTrimWithWriter
--- PASS: TestSCtxTrimWithWriter (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestSCtxTrimEmpty
--- PASS: TestSCtxTrimEmpty (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestWCtxTrimWithReader
--- PASS: TestWCtxTrimWithReader (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestWCtxTrimWithWriter
--- PASS: TestWCtxTrimWithWriter (0.03s)
--- PASS: TestExtrasN1 (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestExtrasN3 (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestExtrasN2 (0.00s)
ok	7346.167s
=== RUN   TestInteger
--- PASS: TestInteger (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSmallDecimal
--- PASS: TestSmallDecimal (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestLargeDecimal
--- PASS: TestLargeDecimal (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestFloat
--- PASS: TestFloat (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSuffixCoding
--- PASS: TestSuffixCoding (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCodecLength
--- PASS: TestCodecLength (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSpecialString
--- PASS: TestSpecialString (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCodecNoLength
--- PASS: TestCodecNoLength (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCodecJSON
--- PASS: TestCodecJSON (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestReference
--- PASS: TestReference (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestN1QLEncode
--- PASS: TestN1QLEncode (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestArrayExplodeJoin
--- PASS: TestArrayExplodeJoin (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestN1QLDecode
--- PASS: TestN1QLDecode (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestN1QLDecode2
--- PASS: TestN1QLDecode2 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestArrayExplodeJoin2
--- PASS: TestArrayExplodeJoin2 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestMB28956
--- PASS: TestMB28956 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestFixEncodedInt
--- PASS: TestFixEncodedInt (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestN1QLDecodeLargeInt64
--- PASS: TestN1QLDecodeLargeInt64 (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestMixedModeFixEncodedInt
TESTING [4111686018427387900, -8223372036854775808, 822337203685477618] 
TESTING [0.0] 
TESTING [0.0000] 
TESTING [0.0000000] 
TESTING [-0.0] 
TESTING [-0.0000] 
TESTING [-0.0000000] 
TESTING [3456] 
TESTING [7645000] 
TESTING [9223372036854775807] 
TESTING [9223372036854775806] 
TESTING [9223372036854775808] 
TESTING [92233720368547758071234000] 
TESTING [92233720368547758071234987437653] 
TESTING [12300000000000000000000000000000056] 
TESTING [12300000000000000000000000000000000] 
TESTING [123000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056] 
TESTING [123000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] 
TESTING [12300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056] 
TESTING [210690] 
TESTING [90000] 
TESTING [123000000] 
TESTING [3.60e2] 
TESTING [36e2] 
TESTING [1.9999999999e10] 
TESTING [1.99999e10] 
TESTING [1.99999e5] 
TESTING [0.00000000000012e15] 
TESTING [7.64507352e8] 
TESTING [9.2233720368547758071234987437653e31] 
TESTING [2650e-1] 
TESTING [26500e-1] 
TESTING [-20] 
TESTING [-3456] 
TESTING [-7645000] 
TESTING [-9223372036854775808] 
TESTING [-9223372036854775807] 
TESTING [-9223372036854775806] 
TESTING [-9223372036854775809] 
TESTING [-92233720368547758071234000] 
TESTING [-92233720368547758071234987437653] 
TESTING [-12300000000000000000000000000000056] 
TESTING [-12300000000000000000000000000000000] 
TESTING [-123000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056] 
TESTING [-123000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] 
TESTING [-210690] 
TESTING [-90000] 
TESTING [-123000000] 
TESTING [-3.60e2] 
TESTING [-36e2] 
TESTING [-1.9999999999e10] 
TESTING [-1.99999e10] 
TESTING [-1.99999e5] 
TESTING [-0.00000000000012e15] 
TESTING [-2650e-1] 
TESTING [-26500e-1] 
TESTING [0.03] 
TESTING [198.60] 
TESTING [2000045.178] 
TESTING [1.7976931348623157e+308] 
TESTING [0.000000000000000000890] 
TESTING [257953786.9864236576] 
TESTING [257953786.9864236576e8] 
TESTING [36.912e3] 
TESTING [2761.67e0] 
TESTING [2761.67e00] 
TESTING [2761.67e000] 
TESTING [7676546.67e-3] 
TESTING [-0.03] 
TESTING [-198.60] 
TESTING [-2000045.178] 
TESTING [-1.7976931348623157e+308] 
TESTING [-0.000000000000000000890] 
TESTING [-257953786.9864236576] 
TESTING [-257953786.9864236576e8] 
TESTING [-36.912e3] 
TESTING [-2761.67e0] 
TESTING [-2761.67e00] 
TESTING [-2761.67e000] 
TESTING [-7676546.67e-3] 
--- PASS: TestMixedModeFixEncodedInt (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestCodecDesc
--- PASS: TestCodecDesc (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCodecDescPropLen
--- PASS: TestCodecDescPropLen (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCodecDescSplChar
--- PASS: TestCodecDescSplChar (0.00s)
ok	0.038s
=== RUN   TestForestDBIterator
2023-10-28T01:12:31.861+05:30 [INFO][FDB] Forestdb blockcache size 134217728 initialized in 5359 us

2023-10-28T01:12:31.862+05:30 [INFO][FDB] Forestdb opened database file test
2023-10-28T01:12:31.865+05:30 [INFO][FDB] Forestdb closed database file test
--- PASS: TestForestDBIterator (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestForestDBIteratorSeek
2023-10-28T01:12:31.866+05:30 [INFO][FDB] Forestdb opened database file test
2023-10-28T01:12:31.868+05:30 [INFO][FDB] Forestdb closed database file test
--- PASS: TestForestDBIteratorSeek (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPrimaryIndexEntry
--- PASS: TestPrimaryIndexEntry (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSecondaryIndexEntry
--- PASS: TestSecondaryIndexEntry (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPrimaryIndexEntryMatch
--- PASS: TestPrimaryIndexEntryMatch (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSecondaryIndexEntryMatch
--- PASS: TestSecondaryIndexEntryMatch (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestLongDocIdEntry
--- PASS: TestLongDocIdEntry (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestMemDBInsertionPerf
Maximum number of file descriptors = 200000
Set IO Concurrency: 7200
2023-10-28T01:12:32.863+05:30 DEBU REGU.impl.init.0.func1() at aggrecorder.go:57 [id 66] will report aggregate recorder stats every 5m0s 
Initial build: 10000000 items took 1m43.206822174s -> 96892.81957679745 items/s
Incr build: 10000000 items took 2m6.435338488s -> 79091.81182719025 items/s
Main Index: {
"node_count":             18000000,
"soft_deletes":           0,
"read_conflicts":         0,
"insert_conflicts":       4,
"next_pointers_per_node": 1.3331,
"memory_used":            1695839100,
"node_allocs":            18000000,
"node_frees":             0,
"level0": 13502167,
"level1": 3373331,
"level2": 844299,
"level3": 210115,
"level4": 52563,
"level5": 13108,
"level6": 3290,
"level7": 873,
"level8": 198,
"level9": 42,
"level10": 13,
"level11": 1,
"level12": 0,
"level13": 0,
"level14": 0,
"level15": 0,
"level16": 0,
"level17": 0,
"level18": 0,
"level19": 0,
"level20": 0,
"level21": 0,
"level22": 0,
"level23": 0,
"level24": 0,
"level25": 0,
"level26": 0,
"level27": 0,
"level28": 0,
"level29": 0,
"level30": 0,
"level31": 0,
"level32": 0
Back Index 0 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 1 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 2 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 3 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 4 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 5 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 6 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 7 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 8 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 9 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 10 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 11 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 12 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 13 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 14 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
Back Index 15 : {
"FastHTCount":  625000,
"SlowHTCount":  0,
"Conflicts":   0,
"MemoryInUse": 26250000
--- PASS: TestMemDBInsertionPerf (229.65s)
=== RUN   TestBasicsA
--- PASS: TestBasicsA (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSizeA
--- PASS: TestSizeA (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSizeWithFreelistA
--- PASS: TestSizeWithFreelistA (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestDequeueUptoSeqnoA
--- PASS: TestDequeueUptoSeqnoA (0.10s)
=== RUN   TestDequeueA
--- PASS: TestDequeueA (1.21s)
=== RUN   TestMultipleVbucketsA
--- PASS: TestMultipleVbucketsA (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestDequeueUptoFreelistA
--- PASS: TestDequeueUptoFreelistA (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestDequeueUptoFreelistMultVbA
--- PASS: TestDequeueUptoFreelistMultVbA (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueA
--- PASS: TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueA (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueA1
--- PASS: TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueA1 (10.00s)
=== RUN   TestEnqueueAppCh
--- PASS: TestEnqueueAppCh (2.00s)
=== RUN   TestDequeueN
--- PASS: TestDequeueN (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueN
--- PASS: TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueN (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueN1
--- PASS: TestConcurrentEnqueueDequeueN1 (10.01s)
ok	253.661s
=== RUN   TestConnPoolBasicSanity
2023-10-28T01:16:48.881+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 3 overflow 6 low WM 3 relConn batch size 1 ...
2023-10-28T01:16:48.881+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:16:49.110+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:16:49.110+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:16:49.882+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestConnPoolBasicSanity (5.00s)
=== RUN   TestCloseActiveConnectionsUnsetFlag
2023-10-28T01:16:53.883+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 3 overflow 6 low WM 3 relConn batch size 1 ...
2023-10-28T01:16:53.883+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:16:54.097+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:16:54.097+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:16:54.884+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestCloseActiveConnectionsUnsetFlag (9.22s)
=== RUN   TestCloseActiveConnectionsSetFlag
2023-10-28T01:17:03.101+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 3 overflow 6 low WM 3 relConn batch size 1 ...
2023-10-28T01:17:03.101+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:17:03.321+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:17:03.321+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:03.321+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:03.321+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:03.321+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:03.321+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:03.321+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:17:04.101+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestCloseActiveConnectionsSetFlag (4.22s)
=== RUN   TestMaintainActiveConnections
2023-10-28T01:17:07.323+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 3 overflow 6 low WM 3 relConn batch size 1 ...
2023-10-28T01:17:07.323+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:17:07.699+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:17:07.699+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:07.700+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:07.700+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:17:08.323+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestMaintainActiveConnections (4.38s)
=== RUN   TestConnectionPoolRenew
2023-10-28T01:17:11.702+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 3 overflow 6 low WM 3 relConn batch size 1 ...
2023-10-28T01:17:11.702+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:17:11.923+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] closing unhealthy connection ""
2023-10-28T01:17:11.924+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] closing unhealthy connection ""
2023-10-28T01:17:11.924+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] closing unhealthy connection ""
2023-10-28T01:17:11.925+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] closing unhealthy connection ""
2023-10-28T01:17:11.925+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] closing unhealthy connection ""
2023-10-28T01:17:11.935+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:17:11.936+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:11.936+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:11.936+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:11.936+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:11.936+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:17:11.936+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:17:12.702+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
2023-10-28T01:17:13.937+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] closing unhealthy connection ""
2023-10-28T01:17:13.937+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] closing connection "" -> "" as the pool is closed
--- PASS: TestConnectionPoolRenew (4.24s)
=== RUN   TestConnRelease
2023-10-28T01:17:15.938+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 500 overflow 10 low WM 40 relConn batch size 10 ...
2023-10-28T01:17:15.939+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
Waiting for connections to get released
Waiting for more connections to get released
Waiting for further more connections to get released
2023-10-28T01:17:55.743+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:17:55.743+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:17:55.955+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestConnRelease (43.81s)
=== RUN   TestLongevity
2023-10-28T01:17:59.746+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 500 overflow 10 low WM 40 relConn batch size 10 ...
2023-10-28T01:17:59.746+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
Releasing 2 conns.
Getting 4 conns.
Releasing 0 conns.
Getting 0 conns.
Releasing 0 conns.
Getting 4 conns.
Releasing 1 conns.
Getting 3 conns.
Releasing 0 conns.
Getting 1 conns.
Releasing 1 conns.
Getting 4 conns.
Releasing 4 conns.
Getting 1 conns.
Releasing 0 conns.
Getting 2 conns.
Releasing 2 conns.
Getting 3 conns.
Releasing 1 conns.
Getting 2 conns.
Releasing 0 conns.
Getting 0 conns.
Releasing 0 conns.
Getting 1 conns.
Releasing 1 conns.
Getting 4 conns.
Releasing 3 conns.
Getting 2 conns.
Releasing 4 conns.
Getting 4 conns.
2023-10-28T01:18:38.498+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:18:38.498+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:18:38.766+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestLongevity (42.75s)
=== RUN   TestSustainedHighConns
2023-10-28T01:18:42.500+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 500 overflow 10 low WM 40 relConn batch size 10 ...
2023-10-28T01:18:42.500+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
Allocating 12 Connections
cp.curActConns = 0
Returning 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 11
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 15 Connections
cp.curActConns = 11
Returning 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 21
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 11 Connections
cp.curActConns = 23
Returning 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 30
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 17 Connections
cp.curActConns = 35
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 45
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 43
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 14 Connections
cp.curActConns = 46
Returning 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 55
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 15 Connections
cp.curActConns = 57
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 64
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 20 Connections
cp.curActConns = 68
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 79
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 22 Connections
cp.curActConns = 79
Returning 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 90
Returning 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 93
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 95
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 92
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 18 Connections
cp.curActConns = 102
Returning 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 104
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 11 Connections
cp.curActConns = 113
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 111
Allocating 4 Connections
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 113
Allocating 3 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 113
Allocating 19 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 124
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 127
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 14 Connections
cp.curActConns = 135
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 138
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 16 Connections
cp.curActConns = 146
Returning 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 150
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 13 Connections
cp.curActConns = 157
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 159
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 159
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 157
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 8 Connections
cp.curActConns = 161
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 9 Connections
cp.curActConns = 168
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 165
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 13 Connections
cp.curActConns = 168
Returning 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 173
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 23 Connections
cp.curActConns = 179
Returning 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 190
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 192
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 13 Connections
cp.curActConns = 201
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 202
Allocating 3 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 202
Allocating 1 Connections
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 201
Allocating 0 Connections
Returning 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 201
Allocating 4 Connections
Returning 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 201
Allocating 3 Connections
Returning 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 203
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 206
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 204
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 207
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 207
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 208
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 210
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 212
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 212
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 212
Allocating 3 Connections
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 213
Allocating 1 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 211
Allocating 1 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 209
Allocating 3 Connections
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 210
Allocating 0 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 207
Allocating 4 Connections
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 209
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 207
Allocating 2 Connections
Returning 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 207
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 207
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 206
Allocating 2 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 205
Allocating 2 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 204
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 201
Allocating 0 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 198
Allocating 3 Connections
Returning 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 198
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 6 Connections
cp.curActConns = 200
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 199
Allocating 18 Connections
Returning 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 217
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 218
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 217
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 216
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 213
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 213
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 216
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 217
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 214
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 214
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 213
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 216
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 4 Connections
cp.curActConns = 217
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 214
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 213
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 215
Returning 4 Connections
Allocating 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 214
Returning 1 Connections
Allocating 3 Connections
cp.curActConns = 216
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 218
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 217
Returning 2 Connections
Allocating 2 Connections
cp.curActConns = 217
Returning 0 Connections
Allocating 1 Connections
cp.curActConns = 218
Returning 3 Connections
Allocating 0 Connections
cp.curActConns = 215
Retuning from startDeallocatorRoutine
Retuning from startAllocatorRoutine
2023-10-28T01:19:37.572+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:19:37.572+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:19:38.532+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestSustainedHighConns (59.07s)
=== RUN   TestLowWM
2023-10-28T01:19:41.573+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 20 overflow 5 low WM 10 relConn batch size 2 ...
2023-10-28T01:19:41.573+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:20:41.589+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] active conns 0, free conns 10
2023-10-28T01:21:41.606+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] active conns 0, free conns 10
2023-10-28T01:21:47.088+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:21:47.088+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:21:47.608+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestLowWM (129.52s)
=== RUN   TestTotalConns
2023-10-28T01:21:51.090+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 120 overflow 5 low WM 10 relConn batch size 10 ...
2023-10-28T01:21:51.090+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.309+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.310+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.311+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.312+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.313+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] Closing active connection from to
2023-10-28T01:22:05.314+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:22:06.099+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestTotalConns (18.23s)
=== RUN   TestUpdateTickRate
2023-10-28T01:22:09.316+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] started poolsize 40 overflow 5 low WM 2 relConn batch size 2 ...
2023-10-28T01:22:09.316+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Started active connections updates consumer ... 
2023-10-28T01:22:30.174+05:30 [Info] activeConnectionsUpdateChannel channel closed
2023-10-28T01:22:30.174+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] ... stopped
2023-10-28T01:22:30.331+05:30 [Info] [Queryport-connpool:] Stopping releaseConnsRoutine
--- PASS: TestUpdateTickRate (24.86s)
ok	345.344s
Starting server: attempt 1

Functional tests

2023/10/28 01:24:56 In TestMain()
2023/10/28 01:24:56 otp node fetch error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type couchbase.Pool
2023/10/28 01:24:56 Initialising services with role: kv,n1ql on node:
2023/10/28 01:24:57 Initialising web UI on node:
2023/10/28 01:24:57 InitWebCreds, response is: {"newBaseUri":""}
2023/10/28 01:24:58 Setting data quota of 1500M and Index quota of 1500M
2023/10/28 01:24:59 Adding node: with role: kv,index to the cluster
2023/10/28 01:25:09 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role kv,index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 01:25:14 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 01:25:19 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 01:25:24 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 01:25:29 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 01:25:34 Created bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Cluster status: map[[index kv][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Successfully initialised cluster
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Cluster status: map[[index kv][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Changing config key queryport.client.settings.backfillLimit to value 0
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Changing config key queryport.client.log_level to value Warn
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Changing config key indexer.api.enableTestServer to value true
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Changing config key to value 60000
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Changing config key to value 60000
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Changing config key indexer.settings.log_level to value info
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Changing config key indexer.settings.storage_mode.disable_upgrade to value true
2023/10/28 01:25:40 Using plasma for creating indexes
2023/10/28 01:25:41 Changing config key indexer.settings.storage_mode to value plasma
2023/10/28 01:25:46 Data file exists. Skipping download
2023/10/28 01:25:46 Data file exists. Skipping download
2023/10/28 01:25:47 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:25:47 Emptying the default bucket
2023/10/28 01:25:50 Flush Enabled on bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:26:28 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 01:26:28 Create Index On the empty default Bucket()
2023/10/28 01:26:32 Created the secondary index index_eyeColor. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:26:32 Index is 6450565768151280889 now active
2023/10/28 01:26:32 Populating the default bucket
=== RUN   TestScanAfterBucketPopulate
2023/10/28 01:26:41 In TestScanAfterBucketPopulate()
2023/10/28 01:26:41 Create an index on empty bucket, populate the bucket and Run a scan on the index
2023/10/28 01:26:41 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:26:41.377+05:30 [Info] creating GsiClient for
2023/10/28 01:26:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestScanAfterBucketPopulate (0.74s)
=== RUN   TestRestartNilSnapshot
2023/10/28 01:26:42 In TestRestartNilSnapshot()
2023/10/28 01:26:46 Created the secondary index idx_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:26:46 Index is 17147076699365817953 now active
2023/10/28 01:26:46 Restarting indexer process ...
2023/10/28 01:26:46 []
2023-10-28T01:26:46.428+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T01:26:46.430+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 01:30:06 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:30:06.406+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T01:30:06.407+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] -4420843846073022705 request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T01:30:06.407+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T01:30:06.407+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [9098761250876628149], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 01:30:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestRestartNilSnapshot (204.35s)
=== RUN   TestThreeIndexCreates
2023/10/28 01:30:06 In TestThreeIndexCreates()
2023/10/28 01:30:10 Created the secondary index index_balance. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:10 Index is 15943880297298991161 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:10 Create docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:30:16 Created the secondary index index_email. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:16 Index is 181808493585095827 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:16 Create docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:17 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:30:23 Created the secondary index index_pin. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:23 Index is 4967423260602941278 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:23 Delete docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:23 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestThreeIndexCreates (16.97s)
=== RUN   TestMultipleIndexCreatesDropsWithMutations
2023/10/28 01:30:23 In TestThreeIndexCreates()
2023/10/28 01:30:29 Created the secondary index index_state. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:29 Index is 864055472491760632 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:29 Create docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:30:35 Created the secondary index index_registered. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:35 Index is 1094507727804516623 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:35 Create docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Created the secondary index index_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Index is 6738079470442218312 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Create docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Dropping the secondary index index_registered
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Create docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:42 Delete docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:30:48 Created the secondary index index_longitude. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:48 Index is 4954065418849351644 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:48 Create docs mutations
2023/10/28 01:30:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultipleIndexCreatesDropsWithMutations (25.31s)
=== RUN   TestCreateDropScan
2023/10/28 01:30:48 In TestCreateDropScan()
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Created the secondary index index_cd. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Index is 9210726809539143217 now active
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Dropping the secondary index index_cd
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:30:54 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index index_cd not found.
--- PASS: TestCreateDropScan (6.18s)
=== RUN   TestCreateDropCreate
2023/10/28 01:30:54 In TestCreateDropCreate()
2023/10/28 01:31:00 Created the secondary index index_cdc. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:31:00 Index is 4547086275148861213 now active
2023/10/28 01:31:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:31:01 Dropping the secondary index index_cdc
2023/10/28 01:31:01 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:31:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:01 Scan 2 failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index index_cdc not found.
2023/10/28 01:31:07 Created the secondary index index_cdc. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:31:07 Index is 14558929485767167277 now active
2023/10/28 01:31:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:31:07 (Inclusion 1) Lengths of expected and actual scan results are 5063 and 5063. Num of docs in bucket = 10402
2023/10/28 01:31:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:31:07 (Inclusion 3) Lengths of expected and actual scan results are 5063 and 5063. Num of docs in bucket = 10402
--- PASS: TestCreateDropCreate (12.33s)
=== RUN   TestCreate2Drop1Scan2
2023/10/28 01:31:07 In TestCreate2Drop1Scan2()
2023/10/28 01:31:13 Created the secondary index index_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:31:13 Index is 1584818704669732526 now active
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Created the secondary index index_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Index is 4248047021950063899 now active
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Dropping the secondary index index_i1
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestCreate2Drop1Scan2 (12.46s)
=== RUN   TestIndexNameCaseSensitivity
2023/10/28 01:31:19 In TestIndexNameCaseSensitivity()
2023/10/28 01:31:25 Created the secondary index index_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:31:25 Index is 9013800662066289074 now active
2023/10/28 01:31:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:31:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:25 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index index_Age not found.
--- PASS: TestIndexNameCaseSensitivity (6.01s)
=== RUN   TestCreateDuplicateIndex
2023/10/28 01:31:25 In TestCreateDuplicateIndex()
2023/10/28 01:31:31 Created the secondary index index_di1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:31:31 Index is 14339964641287682961 now active
2023/10/28 01:31:31 Index found:  index_di1
2023/10/28 01:31:31 Create failed as expected with error: Index index_di1 already exists.
--- PASS: TestCreateDuplicateIndex (6.07s)
=== RUN   TestDropNonExistingIndex
2023/10/28 01:31:31 In TestDropNonExistingIndex()
2023/10/28 01:31:31 Dropping the secondary index 123456
2023/10/28 01:31:31 Index drop failed as expected with error: Index does not exist.
--- PASS: TestDropNonExistingIndex (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestCreateIndexNonExistentBucket
2023/10/28 01:31:31 In TestCreateIndexNonExistentBucket()
2023-10-28T01:31:32.376+05:30 [Error] Encountered error during create index.  Error: [Bucket Not Found] Bucket BlahBucket does not exist or temporarily unavailable for creating new index. Please retry the operation at a later time.
2023-10-28T01:31:43.380+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: [Bucket Not Found] Bucket BlahBucket does not exist or temporarily unavailable for creating new index. Please retry the operation at a later time.
2023/10/28 01:31:43 Index create failed as expected with error: [Bucket Not Found] Bucket BlahBucket does not exist or temporarily unavailable for creating new index. Please retry the operation at a later time.
--- PASS: TestCreateIndexNonExistentBucket (11.51s)
=== RUN   TestScanWithNoTimeout
2023/10/28 01:31:43 Create an index on empty bucket, populate the bucket and Run a scan on the index
2023/10/28 01:31:43 Changing config key indexer.settings.scan_timeout to value 0
2023/10/28 01:31:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:31:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestScanWithNoTimeout (0.40s)
=== RUN   TestIndexingOnBinaryBucketMeta
2023/10/28 01:31:43 In TestIndexingOnBinaryBucketMeta()
2023/10/28 01:31:43 	 1. Populate a bucekt with binary docs and create indexs on the `id`, `cas` and `expiration` fields of Metadata
2023/10/28 01:31:43 	 2. Validate the test by comparing the items_count of indexes and the number of docs in the bucket for each of the fields
2023/10/28 01:31:46 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:31:46 Created bucket binaryBucket, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:32:05 Created the secondary index index_binary_meta_id. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:32:05 Index is 5991704783363204739 now active
2023/10/28 01:32:10 items_count stat is 10 for index index_binary_meta_id
2023/10/28 01:32:10 Dropping the secondary index index_binary_meta_id
2023/10/28 01:32:10 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:32:14 Created the secondary index index_binary_meta_cas. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:32:14 Index is 887656924685340121 now active
2023/10/28 01:32:19 items_count stat is 10 for index index_binary_meta_cas
2023/10/28 01:32:19 Dropping the secondary index index_binary_meta_cas
2023/10/28 01:32:19 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:32:23 Created the secondary index index_binary_meta_expiration. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:32:23 Index is 15811651760945284340 now active
2023/10/28 01:32:28 items_count stat is 10 for index index_binary_meta_expiration
2023/10/28 01:32:28 Dropping the secondary index index_binary_meta_expiration
2023/10/28 01:32:28 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:32:29 Deleted bucket binaryBucket, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:32:32 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestIndexingOnBinaryBucketMeta (64.16s)
=== RUN   TestRetainDeleteXATTRBinaryDocs
2023/10/28 01:32:47 In TestRetainDeleteXATTRBinaryDocs()
2023/10/28 01:32:47 	 1. Populate a bucket with binary docs having system XATTRS
2023/10/28 01:32:47 	 2. Create index on the system XATTRS with "retain_deleted_xattr" attribute set to true
2023/10/28 01:32:47 	 3. Delete the documents in the bucket
2023/10/28 01:32:47 	 4. Query for the meta() information in the source bucket. The total number of results should be equivalent to the number of documents in the bucket before deletion of documents
2023/10/28 01:32:51 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:32:51 Created bucket binaryBucket, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:33:10 Created the secondary index index_system_xattr. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:33:10 Index is 12730451191051811633 now active
2023/10/28 01:33:15 Deleted all the documents in the bucket: binaryBucket successfully
2023/10/28 01:33:17 Deleted bucket binaryBucket, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:33:20 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestRetainDeleteXATTRBinaryDocs (47.78s)
=== RUN   TestIndexingOnXATTRs
2023/10/28 01:33:35 In TestIndexingOnXATTRs()
2023/10/28 01:33:38 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:33:38 Created bucket bucket_xattrs, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:33:59 Created the secondary index index_sync_rev. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:33:59 Index is 4717972584291915288 now active
2023/10/28 01:34:06 Created the secondary index index_sync_channels. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:34:06 Index is 15096598494079276031 now active
2023/10/28 01:34:12 Created the secondary index index_sync_test. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:34:12 Index is 9557579120928057681 now active
2023/10/28 01:34:17 items_count stat is 100 for index index_sync_rev
2023/10/28 01:34:17 items_count stat is 100 for index index_sync_channels
2023/10/28 01:34:17 items_count stat is 100 for index index_sync_test
2023/10/28 01:34:17 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:34:17.957+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/bucket_xattrs-_default-_default-1698437057951414548] started ...
2023/10/28 01:34:17 Dropping the secondary index index_sync_rev
2023/10/28 01:34:18 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:34:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:18 Dropping the secondary index index_sync_channels
2023/10/28 01:34:18 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:34:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:18 Dropping the secondary index index_sync_test
2023/10/28 01:34:18 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:34:19 Deleted bucket bucket_xattrs, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:34:22 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestIndexingOnXATTRs (62.10s)
=== RUN   TestSimpleIndex_FloatDataType
2023/10/28 01:34:37 In TestSimpleIndex_FloatDataType()
2023/10/28 01:34:37 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:34:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestSimpleIndex_FloatDataType (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestSimpleIndex_StringDataType
2023/10/28 01:34:37 In TestSimpleIndex_StringDataType()
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Created the secondary index index_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Index is 11325652218472864057 now active
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestSimpleIndex_StringDataType (4.40s)
=== RUN   TestSimpleIndex_FieldValueCaseSensitivity
2023/10/28 01:34:42 In TestSimpleIndex_StringCaseSensitivity()
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Index found:  index_company
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestSimpleIndex_FieldValueCaseSensitivity (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestSimpleIndex_BoolDataType
2023/10/28 01:34:42 In TestSimpleIndex_BoolDataType()
2023/10/28 01:34:48 Created the secondary index index_isActive. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:34:48 Index is 11972142448631186727 now active
2023/10/28 01:34:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestSimpleIndex_BoolDataType (6.34s)
=== RUN   TestBasicLookup
2023/10/28 01:34:48 In TestBasicLookup()
2023/10/28 01:34:48 Index found:  index_company
2023/10/28 01:34:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestBasicLookup (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestIndexOnNonExistentField
2023/10/28 01:34:48 In TestIndexOnNonExistentField()
2023/10/28 01:34:54 Created the secondary index index_height. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:34:54 Index is 8950119944648224437 now active
2023/10/28 01:34:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:34:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestIndexOnNonExistentField (6.06s)
=== RUN   TestIndexPartiallyMissingField
2023/10/28 01:34:54 In TestIndexPartiallyMissingField()
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Created the secondary index index_nationality. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Index is 12432049320758077100 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestIndexPartiallyMissingField (6.18s)
=== RUN   TestScanNonMatchingDatatype
2023/10/28 01:35:00 In TestScanNonMatchingDatatype()
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestScanNonMatchingDatatype (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestInclusionNeither
2023/10/28 01:35:00 In TestInclusionNeither()
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestInclusionNeither (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestInclusionLow
2023/10/28 01:35:00 In TestInclusionLow()
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestInclusionLow (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestInclusionHigh
2023/10/28 01:35:01 In TestInclusionHigh()
2023/10/28 01:35:01 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestInclusionHigh (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestInclusionBoth
2023/10/28 01:35:01 In TestInclusionBoth()
2023/10/28 01:35:01 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestInclusionBoth (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestNestedIndex_String
2023/10/28 01:35:01 In TestNestedIndex_String()
2023/10/28 01:35:07 Created the secondary index index_streetname. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:07 Index is 5946191981685810340 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestNestedIndex_String (6.07s)
=== RUN   TestNestedIndex_Float
2023/10/28 01:35:07 In TestNestedIndex_Float()
2023/10/28 01:35:13 Created the secondary index index_floor. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:13 Index is 17861914933325539481 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestNestedIndex_Float (6.19s)
=== RUN   TestNestedIndex_Bool
2023/10/28 01:35:13 In TestNestedIndex_Bool()
2023/10/28 01:35:19 Created the secondary index index_isresidential. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:19 Index is 11398273186110081246 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestNestedIndex_Bool (6.30s)
=== RUN   TestLookupJsonObject
2023/10/28 01:35:19 In TestLookupJsonObject()
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Created the secondary index index_streetaddress. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Index is 13797223107375626991 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Count of docScanResults is 1
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: User3bf51f08-0bac-4c03-bcec-5c255cbdde2c  Value: [map[buildingname:Sterling Heights doornumber:12B floor:5 streetname:Hill Street]]
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: string User3bf51f08-0bac-4c03-bcec-5c255cbdde2c  Value: value.Values [{"buildingname":"Sterling Heights","doornumber":"12B","floor":5,"streetname":"Hill Street"}] false
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestLookupJsonObject (6.18s)
=== RUN   TestLookupObjDifferentOrdering
2023/10/28 01:35:25 In TestLookupObjDifferentOrdering()
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Index found:  index_streetaddress
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Count of docScanResults is 1
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: User3bf51f08-0bac-4c03-bcec-5c255cbdde2c  Value: [map[buildingname:Sterling Heights doornumber:12B floor:5 streetname:Hill Street]]
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: string User3bf51f08-0bac-4c03-bcec-5c255cbdde2c  Value: value.Values [{"buildingname":"Sterling Heights","doornumber":"12B","floor":5,"streetname":"Hill Street"}] false
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestLookupObjDifferentOrdering (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestRangeJsonObject
2023/10/28 01:35:25 In TestRangeJsonObject()
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Index found:  index_streetaddress
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Count of scanResults is 2
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: string Userbb48952f-f8d1-4e04-a0e1-96b9019706fb  Value: value.Values [{"buildingname":"Rosewood Gardens","doornumber":"514","floor":2,"streetname":"Karweg Place"}] false
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: string User3bf51f08-0bac-4c03-bcec-5c255cbdde2c  Value: value.Values [{"buildingname":"Sterling Heights","doornumber":"12B","floor":5,"streetname":"Hill Street"}] false
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Count of docScanResults is 2
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: User3bf51f08-0bac-4c03-bcec-5c255cbdde2c  Value: [map[buildingname:Sterling Heights doornumber:12B floor:5 streetname:Hill Street]]
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Key: Userbb48952f-f8d1-4e04-a0e1-96b9019706fb  Value: [map[buildingname:Rosewood Gardens doornumber:514 floor:2 streetname:Karweg Place]]
2023/10/28 01:35:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestRangeJsonObject (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestLookupFloatDiffForms
2023/10/28 01:35:25 In TestLookupFloatDiffForms()
2023/10/28 01:35:31 Created the secondary index index_latitude. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:31 Index is 12372112781564978574 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:31 Scan 1
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 2
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 3
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 4
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 5
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 6
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestLookupFloatDiffForms (6.29s)
=== RUN   TestRangeFloatInclVariations
2023/10/28 01:35:32 In TestRangeFloatInclVariations()
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Index found:  index_latitude
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 1
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 2
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 3
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 4
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 5
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Scan 6
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestRangeFloatInclVariations (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestScanAll
2023/10/28 01:35:32 In TestScanAll()
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Created the secondary index index_name. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Index is 9222984089014258472 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Length of docScanResults = 10502
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Length of scanResults = 10502
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestScanAll (6.27s)
=== RUN   TestScanAllNestedField
2023/10/28 01:35:38 In TestScanAllNestedField()
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Index found:  index_streetname
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Length of docScanResults = 2
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Length of scanResults = 2
2023/10/28 01:35:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestScanAllNestedField (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestBasicPrimaryIndex
2023/10/28 01:35:38 In TestBasicPrimaryIndex()
2023/10/28 01:35:44 Created the secondary index index_p1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:44 Index is 11544834085010102335 now active
2023-10-28T01:35:44.253+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T01:35:44.253+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""]  request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T01:35:44.253+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T01:35:44.253+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [4505608053570506554], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 01:35:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:44 CountRange() expected and actual is:  1886 and 1886
2023/10/28 01:35:44 lookupkey for CountLookup() = User6b01a351-192c-4c57-ac4f-2b305e4ad33a
2023/10/28 01:35:44 CountLookup() = 1
--- PASS: TestBasicPrimaryIndex (5.98s)
=== RUN   TestBasicNullDataType
2023/10/28 01:35:44 In TestBasicNullDataType()
2023/10/28 01:35:44 Index found:  index_email
2023/10/28 01:35:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestBasicNullDataType (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestBasicArrayDataType_ScanAll
2023/10/28 01:35:44 In TestBasicArrayDataType_ScanAll()
2023/10/28 01:35:50 Created the secondary index index_tags. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:50 Index is 12701939560405670266 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:51 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestBasicArrayDataType_ScanAll (6.70s)
=== RUN   TestBasicArrayDataType_Lookup
2023/10/28 01:35:51 In TestBasicArrayDataType_Lookup()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_tags
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Key: string Usere46cea01-38f6-4e7b-92e5-69d64668ae75  Value: value.Values [["reprehenderit","tempor","officia","exercitation","labore","sunt","tempor"]] false
--- PASS: TestBasicArrayDataType_Lookup (2.00s)
=== RUN   TestArrayDataType_LookupMissingArrayValue
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestArrayDataType_LookupMissingArrayValue()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_tags
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of scanResults is 0
--- PASS: TestArrayDataType_LookupMissingArrayValue (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestArrayDataType_LookupWrongOrder
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestArrayDataType_LookupWrongOrder()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_tags
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of scanResults is 0
--- PASS: TestArrayDataType_LookupWrongOrder (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestArrayDataType_LookupSubset
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestArrayDataType_LookupSubset()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_tags
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of scanResults is 0
--- PASS: TestArrayDataType_LookupSubset (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestScanLimitParameter
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestScanLimitParameter()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestScanLimitParameter (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestCountRange
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestRangeCount()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual Range is:  2392 and 2392
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual Range is: 10002 and 10002
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual Range are: 0 and 0
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual Range are: 479 and 479
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Testing CountRange() for key <= val
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual CountRange for key <= 30 are: 5243 and 5243
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Testing CountRange() for key >= val
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual CountRange for key >= 25 are: 7664 and 7664
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Testing CountRange() for null < key <= val
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual CountRange for key > null && key <= 30 are: 5243 and 5243
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Testing CountRange() for val <= key < null 
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual CountRange for key >= 25 && key < null are: 0 and 0
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual Range are: 0 and 0
--- PASS: TestCountRange (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestCountLookup
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestCountLookup()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual Range are: 496 and 496
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Count of expected and actual Range are: 0 and 0
--- PASS: TestCountLookup (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestRangeStatistics
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestRangeCount()
2023/10/28 01:35:53 Index found:  index_age
--- PASS: TestRangeStatistics (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestIndexCreateWithWhere
2023/10/28 01:35:53 In TestIndexCreateWithWhere()
2023/10/28 01:35:57 Created the secondary index index_ageabove30. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:35:57 Index is 16240244596703710071 now active
2023/10/28 01:35:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:35:57 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:35:57 Lengths of expected and actual scanReuslts are:  4280 and 4280
2023/10/28 01:36:03 Created the secondary index index_ageteens. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:36:03 Index is 14173879563977822153 now active
2023/10/28 01:36:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:03 Lengths of expected and actual scanReuslts are:  0 and 0
2023/10/28 01:36:09 Created the secondary index index_age35to45. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:36:09 Index is 13335375619649303398 now active
2023/10/28 01:36:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:09 Lengths of expected and actual scanReuslts are:  2871 and 2871
--- PASS: TestIndexCreateWithWhere (16.75s)
=== RUN   TestDeferredIndexCreate
2023/10/28 01:36:09 In TestDeferredIndexCreate()
2023/10/28 01:36:10 Created the index index_deferred in deferred mode. Index state is INDEX_STATE_READY
2023/10/28 01:36:12 Build the deferred index index_deferred. Waiting for the index to become active
2023/10/28 01:36:12 Waiting for index 15239094290792616290 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:36:13 Waiting for index 15239094290792616290 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:36:14 Waiting for index 15239094290792616290 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:36:15 Waiting for index 15239094290792616290 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:36:16 Waiting for index 15239094290792616290 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:36:17 Index is 15239094290792616290 now active
2023/10/28 01:36:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:17 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDeferredIndexCreate (7.15s)
=== RUN   TestCompositeIndex_NumAndString
2023/10/28 01:36:17 In TestCompositeIndex()
2023/10/28 01:36:22 Created the secondary index index_composite1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:36:22 Index is 2312372642093697993 now active
2023/10/28 01:36:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:23 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestCompositeIndex_NumAndString (6.39s)
=== RUN   TestCompositeIndex_TwoNumberFields
2023/10/28 01:36:23 In TestCompositeIndex()
2023/10/28 01:36:28 Created the secondary index index_composite2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:36:28 Index is 9481429349552648284 now active
2023/10/28 01:36:28 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestCompositeIndex_TwoNumberFields (5.31s)
=== RUN   TestNumbers_Int64_Float64
2023/10/28 01:36:28 In TestNumbers_Int64_Float64()
2023/10/28 01:36:34 Created the secondary index idx_numbertest. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:36:34 Index is 3317731067481459727 now active
2023/10/28 01:36:34 
 ==== Int64 test #0
2023/10/28 01:36:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:34 
 ==== Int64 test #1
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Int64 test #2
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Int64 test #3
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Int64 test #4
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Int64 test #5
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Int64 test #6
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Int64 test #7
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Int64 test #8
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Float64 test #0
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Float64 test #1
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Float64 test #2
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:35 
 ==== Float64 test #3
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestNumbers_Int64_Float64 (6.79s)
=== RUN   TestRestartIndexer
2023/10/28 01:36:35 In TestRestartIndexer()
2023/10/28 01:36:35 []
2023-10-28T01:36:35.680+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T01:36:35.680+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:36:55.617+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T01:36:55.617+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] -7870263629422608655 request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T01:36:55.617+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T01:36:55.617+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [13946520628752379191], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  10002 and 10002
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestRestartIndexer (20.11s)
=== RUN   TestCreateDocsMutation
2023/10/28 01:36:55 In TestCreateDocsMutation()
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  10002 and 10002
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:36:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:36:56 Index Scan after mutations took 137.621888ms
2023/10/28 01:36:56 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  10102 and 10102
2023/10/28 01:36:56 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestCreateDocsMutation (0.44s)
=== RUN   TestRestartProjector
2023/10/28 01:36:56 In TestRestartProjector()
2023/10/28 01:36:56 []
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  10102 and 10102
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestRestartProjector (20.08s)
=== RUN   TestDeleteDocsMutation
2023/10/28 01:37:16 In TestDeleteDocsMutation()
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  10102 and 10102
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Index Scan after mutations took 234.722368ms
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  9902 and 9902
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDeleteDocsMutation (0.68s)
=== RUN   TestUpdateDocsMutation
2023/10/28 01:37:16 In TestUpdateDocsMutation()
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  9427 and 9427
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Num of keysFromMutDocs: 100
2023/10/28 01:37:16 Updating number of documents: 100
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index Scan after mutations took 178.681926ms
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  9427 and 9427
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestUpdateDocsMutation (0.47s)
=== RUN   TestLargeMutations
2023/10/28 01:37:17 In TestLargeMutations()
2023/10/28 01:37:17 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index found:  index_isActive
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Dropped index index_isActive
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index found:  index_latitude
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Dropped index index_latitude
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index found:  index_p1
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Dropped index index_p1
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index found:  index_nationality
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Dropped index index_nationality
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index found:  index_eyeColor
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Dropped index index_eyeColor
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index found:  index_pin
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Dropped index index_pin
2023/10/28 01:37:17 Index found:  index_cdc
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_cdc
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_floor
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_floor
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_balance
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_balance
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_name
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_name
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_gender
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_gender
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_tags
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_tags
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_i2
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_i2
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_streetaddress
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_streetaddress
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_composite1
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_composite1
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_age35to45
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_age35to45
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_longitude
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Dropped index index_longitude
2023/10/28 01:37:18 Index found:  index_ageabove30
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_ageabove30
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_isresidential
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_isresidential
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  idx_age
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index idx_age
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_composite2
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_composite2
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_ageteens
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_ageteens
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_di1
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_di1
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_deferred
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_deferred
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_height
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_height
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_email
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_email
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_state
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_state
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_age
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  index_company
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Dropped index index_company
2023/10/28 01:37:19 Index found:  idx_numbertest
2023/10/28 01:37:20 Dropped index idx_numbertest
2023/10/28 01:37:20 Index found:  index_streetname
2023/10/28 01:37:20 Dropped index index_streetname
2023/10/28 01:37:41 Created the secondary index indexmut_1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:37:41 Index is 16047684626610530385 now active
2023/10/28 01:37:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:37:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:37:41 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  29902 and 29902
2023/10/28 01:37:41 ITERATION 0
2023/10/28 01:37:59 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:37:59 Index is 14277489817196225612 now active
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  39902 and 39902
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  39902 and 39902
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:38:00 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:38:00 ITERATION 1
2023/10/28 01:38:19 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:38:19 Index is 6681410816855987984 now active
2023/10/28 01:38:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:38:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:38:19 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  49902 and 49902
2023/10/28 01:38:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:38:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:38:20 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  49902 and 49902
2023/10/28 01:38:20 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:38:20 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:38:20 ITERATION 2
2023/10/28 01:38:39 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:38:39 Index is 6996687842914298090 now active
2023/10/28 01:38:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:38:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:38:40 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  59902 and 59902
2023/10/28 01:38:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:38:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:38:40 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  59902 and 59902
2023/10/28 01:38:40 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:38:41 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:38:41 ITERATION 3
2023/10/28 01:39:01 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:39:01 Index is 9512506415099335458 now active
2023/10/28 01:39:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:39:02 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:39:02 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  69902 and 69902
2023/10/28 01:39:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:39:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:39:03 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  69902 and 69902
2023/10/28 01:39:03 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:39:03 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:39:03 ITERATION 4
2023/10/28 01:39:25 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:39:25 Index is 15264469494072777934 now active
2023/10/28 01:39:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:39:26 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:39:26 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  79902 and 79902
2023/10/28 01:39:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:39:27 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:39:27 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  79902 and 79902
2023/10/28 01:39:27 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:39:27 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:39:27 ITERATION 5
2023/10/28 01:39:49 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:39:49 Index is 10174411616853792480 now active
2023/10/28 01:39:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:39:50 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:39:50 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  89902 and 89902
2023/10/28 01:39:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:39:51 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:39:51 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  89902 and 89902
2023/10/28 01:39:51 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:39:51 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:39:51 ITERATION 6
2023/10/28 01:40:13 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:40:13 Index is 7607969937139700152 now active
2023/10/28 01:40:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:40:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:40:14 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  99902 and 99902
2023/10/28 01:40:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:40:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:40:15 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  99902 and 99902
2023/10/28 01:40:15 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:40:15 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:40:15 ITERATION 7
2023/10/28 01:40:40 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:40:40 Index is 15667728257605531408 now active
2023/10/28 01:40:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:40:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:40:41 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  109902 and 109902
2023/10/28 01:40:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:40:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:40:42 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  109902 and 109902
2023/10/28 01:40:42 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:40:42 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:40:42 ITERATION 8
2023/10/28 01:41:07 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:41:07 Index is 1884695751830966142 now active
2023/10/28 01:41:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:41:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:41:08 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  119902 and 119902
2023/10/28 01:41:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:41:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:41:09 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  119902 and 119902
2023/10/28 01:41:09 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:41:09 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:41:09 ITERATION 9
2023/10/28 01:41:36 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:41:36 Index is 16514717418506336935 now active
2023/10/28 01:41:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:41:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:41:38 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  129902 and 129902
2023/10/28 01:41:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:41:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:41:40 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  129902 and 129902
2023/10/28 01:41:40 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:41:40 Index dropped
2023/10/28 01:41:40 ITERATION 10
2023/10/28 01:42:06 Created the secondary index indexmut_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:42:06 Index is 2860749577206926306 now active
2023/10/28 01:42:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:42:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:42:07 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  139902 and 139902
2023/10/28 01:42:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:42:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:42:08 Len of expected and actual scan results are :  139902 and 139902
2023/10/28 01:42:08 Dropping the secondary index indexmut_2
2023/10/28 01:42:08 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestLargeMutations (291.34s)
=== RUN   TestPlanner
2023/10/28 01:42:08 In TestPlanner()
2023/10/28 01:42:08 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:08 initial placement - 20-50M, 10 index, 3 replica, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:08.698+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T01:42:08.698+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T01:42:08.699+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:08.701+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 490 -> 490 force true 
2023-10-28T01:42:08.703+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 485 -> 486 force true 
2023-10-28T01:42:08.705+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T01:42:08.705+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T01:42:08.707+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T01:42:08.707+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T01:42:08.708+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 486 -> 486 force true 
2023-10-28T01:42:08.709+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 490 -> 490 force true 
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.020257711340593926
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 58305052804 (54.3008G)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 12
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 38337008180 (35.7041G)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 1553240090 (1.44657G) (4.05%)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.6575
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 10.7661
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 2.21 (20.56%)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.8972
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 38337008180 (35.7041G)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 1553240090 (1.44657G) (4.05%)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:08.796+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:08 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:08 initial placement - 20-50M, 30 index, 3 replica, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:08.797+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.03267834942553317
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 60618190144 (56.4551G)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 12
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 39023677357 (36.3436G)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 2550458729 (2.3753G) (6.54%)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.6438
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 11.1221
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 2.94 (26.42%)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.9268
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 39023677357 (36.3436G)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.837+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 2550458729 (2.3753G) (6.54%)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.838+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:09.838+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:09.838+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:09.838+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:09 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:09 initial placement - 20-50M, 30 index, 3 replica, 4x
2023-10-28T01:42:09.838+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.015923429772529196
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 122101485680 (113.716G)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 24
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 80643704504 (75.1053G)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 2568248730 (2.39187G) (3.18%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.6605
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 22.8754
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 2.14 (9.35%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.9531
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 80643704504 (75.1053G)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 2568248730 (2.39187G) (3.18%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:10.185+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:10 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:10 initial placement - 200-500M, 10 index, 3 replica, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:10.186+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.027222083450172293
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 490579293646 (456.888G)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 12
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 383635474613 (357.288G)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 20886713808 (19.4523G) (5.44%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7820
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 10.2961
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 2.62 (25.43%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.8580
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 383635474613 (357.288G)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 20886713808 (19.4523G) (5.44%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:10.243+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:10 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:10 initial placement - 200-500M, 30 index, 3 replica, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:10.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.027046702454427817
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 513697839250 (478.418G)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 12
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 399374214164 (371.946G)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 21603511076 (20.1198G) (5.41%)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7774
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 9.9640
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 2.44 (24.50%)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.8303
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 399374214164 (371.946G)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 21603511076 (20.1198G) (5.41%)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.694+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:11.695+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:11.695+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:11.695+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:11 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:11 initial placement - mixed small/medium, 30 index, 3 replica, 1.5/4x
2023-10-28T01:42:11.695+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.016170777741340424
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 416292871911 (387.703G)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 16
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 331887627223 (309.094G)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 10733762109 (9.99659G) (3.23%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7972
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 8.6418
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 3.96 (45.78%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5401
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 331887627223 (309.094G)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 10733762109 (9.99659G) (3.23%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:12.120+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:12 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:12 initial placement - mixed all, 30 index, 3 replica, 1.5/4x
2023-10-28T01:42:12.121+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.02408628677952328
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 388380154027 (361.707G)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 20
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 293468135775 (273.313G)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 14137115357 (13.1662G) (4.82%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7556
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 7.5276
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 3.13 (41.64%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.3764
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 293468135775 (273.313G)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 14137115357 (13.1662G) (4.82%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:12.985+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:12 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:12 initial placement - 6 2M index, 1 replica, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.005+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 4848128000 (4.51517G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 2080000000 (1.93715G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.4290
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 1.2000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.6000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 2080000000 (1.93715G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.022+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 initial placement - 5 20M primary index, 2 replica, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.043+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 14310128000 (13.3273G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 10960000000 (10.2073G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7659
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 1.2000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.6000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 10960000000 (10.2073G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.090+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 initial placement - 5 20M array index, 2 replica, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 237416768000 (221.112G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 191440000000 (178.292G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.8063
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 1.2000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.6000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 191440000000 (178.292G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.153+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 initial placement - 3 replica constraint, 2 index, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.162+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 530294000 (505.728M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 2600000 (2.47955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0049
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 2600000 (2.47955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.202+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 incr placement - 20-50M, 5 2M index, 1 replica, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.220+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.02332929832591294
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.007189938568471697
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 125233041042 (116.632G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 27
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 71117238485 (66.2331G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 1022657151 (975.282M) (1.44%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 20.1734
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.87 (9.29%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.7472
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 71117238485 (66.2331G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 1022657151 (975.282M) (1.44%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.355+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 incr placement - mixed small/medium, 6 2M index, 1 replica, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.378+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.0032274614467417495
2023-10-28T01:42:13.610+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:13.610+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.00043718596495524715
2023-10-28T01:42:13.610+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 536870912000 (500G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.610+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 20
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 393025602195 (366.034G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 343650554 (327.731M) (0.09%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7321
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 14.2305
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.95 (6.65%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.7115
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 393025602195 (366.034G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 343650554 (327.731M) (0.09%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.611+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 incr placement - 3 server group, 3 replica, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.615+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 530294000 (505.728M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 16
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 2600000 (2.47955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0049
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 2600000 (2.47955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.629+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 incr placement - 2 server group, 3 replica, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.633+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=index1 0 Bucket=bucket2 Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:13.633+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=index1 0 (replica 1) Bucket=bucket2 Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:13.633+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=index1 0 (replica 2) Bucket=bucket2 Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:13.633+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.816496580927726
2023-10-28T01:42:13.665+05:30 [Info] serviceChangeNotifier: received PoolChangeNotification
2023-10-28T01:42:13.666+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:13.666+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 530294000 (505.728M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 16
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 2600000 (2.47955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0049
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 2600000 (2.47955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:13.667+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 rebalance - 20-50M, 90 index, 20% shuffle, 1x, utilization 90%+
2023-10-28T01:42:13.669+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T01:42:13.669+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T01:42:13.671+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 490 -> 490 force true 
2023-10-28T01:42:13.671+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.20368845054328563
2023-10-28T01:42:13.671+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.20368845054328563 temp 0.020368845054328566
2023-10-28T01:42:13.673+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T01:42:13.673+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T01:42:13.674+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 486 -> 486 force true 
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.22129353988033992
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 139586437120 (130G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 30
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 88876568718 (82.7728G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 3367537507 (3.13626G) (3.79%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.6367
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 24.0538
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 3.51 (14.61%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.8018
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 88876568718 (82.7728G)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 3367537507 (3.13626G) (3.79%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 993.273G
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 438.301G (44.13%)
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 90
2023-10-28T01:42:13.852+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 36 (40.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:13 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:13 rebalance - mixed small/medium, 90 index, 20% shuffle, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:13.854+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.5704852608664799
2023-10-28T01:42:13.854+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.5704852608664799 temp 0.05704852608664799
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.17937767973222382
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 536870912000 (500G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 20
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 392505602195 (365.549G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 22133123930 (20.6131G) (5.64%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7311
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 13.9305
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 2.68 (19.26%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.6965
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 392505602195 (365.549G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 22133123930 (20.6131G) (5.64%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 4.28378T
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 1.7458T (40.75%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 90
2023-10-28T01:42:14.061+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 21 (23.33%)
2023/10/28 01:42:14 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:14 rebalance - travel sample, 10% shuffle, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:14.062+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.13691781619622104
2023-10-28T01:42:14.062+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.13691781619622104 temp 0.013691781619622104
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.02999339696992057
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 536870912 (512M)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 8
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 17503138 (16.6923M)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 368000 (359.375K) (2.10%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0326
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 10
2023-10-28T01:42:14.086+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 1 (10.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:14 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:14 rebalance - 20-50M, 90 index, swap 2, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2596996162
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 4039455774
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2854263694
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 1879968118
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 1823804162
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2949882636
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 281908850
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 672245080
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 416480912
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 1292406600
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2212821389
2023-10-28T01:42:14.087+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 3494557023
2023-10-28T01:42:14.088+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.4095843409677649
2023-10-28T01:42:14.088+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.4095843409677649 temp 0.04095843409677649
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.015350946725852077
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 139586437120 (130G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 30
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 88876568718 (82.7728G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 2728678943 (2.54128G) (3.07%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.6367
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 24.0538
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.55 (2.28%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.8018
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 88876568718 (82.7728G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 2728678943 (2.54128G) (3.07%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:14.289+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:14 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:14 rebalance - mixed small/medium, 90 index, swap 2, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2596996162
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 4039455774
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2854263694
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 1879968118
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 1823804162
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2949882636
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 281908850
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 672245080
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 416480912
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 1292406600
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2212821389
2023-10-28T01:42:14.291+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 3494557023
2023-10-28T01:42:14.292+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.4082556623939647
2023-10-28T01:42:14.292+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.4082556623939647 temp 0.040825566239396475
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.0011357071492739945
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 536870912000 (500G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 20
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 392505602195 (365.549G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 891542837 (850.242M) (0.23%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.7311
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 13.9305
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.62 (4.46%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.6965
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.463+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 392505602195 (365.549G)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 891542837 (850.242M) (0.23%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:14 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:14 rebalance - travel sample, swap 2, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 1.0086622738872069
2023-10-28T01:42:14.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 1.0086622738872069 temp 0.1008662273887207
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.00031929273712825843
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 536870912 (512M)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 8
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 17503138 (16.6923M)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 22354 (21.8301K) (0.13%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0326
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:14.594+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:14 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:14 rebalance - 8 identical index, add 4, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2596996162
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 4039455774
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 2854263694
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for 1879968118
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:14.595+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 1 temp 0.1
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 930294000 (887.197M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 260000000 (247.955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.2795
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 260000000 (247.955M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 1.93715G
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 8
2023-10-28T01:42:18.617+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:18 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:18 rebalance - 8 identical index, delete 2, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:18.618+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.618+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0 temp 1e-05
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 1060588000 (1011.46M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 4
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 10400000 (9.91821M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0098
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 10400000 (9.91821M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.662+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:18 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:18 rebalance - drop replcia - 3 replica, 3 zone, delete 1, 2x
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Warn] There is more replica than available nodes.  Will not move index replica (default,,,country) from ejected node
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: NaN
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation NaN temp NaN
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 536870912 (512M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 16
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.663+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:18 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:18 rebalance - rebuid replica - 3 replica, 3 zone, add 1, delete 1, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: NaN
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation NaN temp NaN
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Score: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota: 268435456 (256M)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota: 8
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.664+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023/10/28 01:42:18 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:18 Minimum memory test 1: min memory = 0
2023-10-28T01:42:18.665+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.25
2023-10-28T01:42:18.665+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.25 temp 0.025
2023-10-28T01:42:18.668+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023/10/28 01:42:18 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:18 Minimum memory test 2: min memory > quota
2023-10-28T01:42:18.669+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=5us
2023-10-28T01:42:18.669+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=7us
2023-10-28T01:42:18.669+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=8us
2023-10-28T01:42:18.669+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.25
2023-10-28T01:42:18.669+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.25 temp 0.025
2023/10/28 01:42:20 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:20 Minimum memory test 3: min memory < quota
2023-10-28T01:42:20.056+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.25
2023-10-28T01:42:20.056+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.25 temp 0.025
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Minimum memory test 4: replica repair with min memory > quota
2023-10-28T01:42:21.080+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,country,0,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.080+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=9us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.080+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=9us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.080+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=7us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.3535533905932738
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.3535533905932738 temp 0.03535533905932738
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=283us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.3535533905932738
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.3535533905932738 temp 0.03535533905932738
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=262us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Cannot rebuild lost replica due to resource constraint in cluster.  Will not rebuild lost replica.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Warn] 
MemoryQuota: 200
CpuQuota: 8
--- Violations for index  (mem 130, cpu 0) at node 
	Cannot move to ReplicaViolation (free mem 1.67772e+07T, free cpu 8)
	Cannot move to ReplicaViolation (free mem 1.67772e+07T, free cpu 8)
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Skip running planner as current solution resource variation: 0 is less than threshold: 0. No nodes have been added or deleted and there are no violations observed
2023-10-28T01:42:21.081+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0 temp 1e-05
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Minimum memory test 5: replica repair with min memory < quota
2023-10-28T01:42:21.082+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,country,0,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.082+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.3535533905932738
2023-10-28T01:42:21.082+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.3535533905932738 temp 0.03535533905932738
2023-10-28T01:42:21.105+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Minimum memory test 6: rebalance with min memory > quota
2023-10-28T01:42:21.105+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=8us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=9us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=6.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=7.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=8.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=9.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=10.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=11.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=12.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Minimum memory test 7: rebalance-out with min memory > quota
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=6.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Warn] Unable to find a solution with resource constraint.  Relax resource constraint check.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.25
2023-10-28T01:42:21.106+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.25 temp 0.025
2023-10-28T01:42:21.107+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Minimum memory test 8: plan with min memory > quota
2023-10-28T01:42:21.110+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.041666666666666664
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=999us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=5us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=6.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Warn] Unable to find a solution with resource constraint.  Relax resource constraint check.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.041666666666666664
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.111+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Minimum memory test 9: single node rebalance with min memory > quota
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=6.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=7.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=8.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=9.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=10.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=11.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.112+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=12.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Minimum memory test 10: plan with partitioned index on empty cluster
2023-10-28T01:42:21.115+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 1.2247448713915892
2023-10-28T01:42:21.153+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 iterationTest :: Remove one node - failure
2023-10-28T01:42:21.154+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.12362648448895443
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.17168437254585603).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=474us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.240+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.13892061148642254).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=457us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.1471870098945983).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=444us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.241+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.20266528917195883).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=431us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.1654773486853911).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=450us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.242+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.149366449658979).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=6.  Elapsed Time=459us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Warn] Unable to find a solution with resource constraint.  Relax resource constraint check.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.10191173915030087).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=7.  Elapsed Time=446us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.243+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.133472778892444).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=8.  Elapsed Time=460us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.2041945002698817).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=9.  Elapsed Time=478us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.244+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.17245206909748304).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=10.  Elapsed Time=447us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.21907075817637184).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=11.  Elapsed Time=455us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.011867083945554557
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.011867083945554557 temp 0.033813291605444544
2023-10-28T01:42:21.245+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.246+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (2, 2) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.246+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.21241986289227058).
2023-10-28T01:42:21.246+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=12.  Elapsed Time=449us
2023-10-28T01:42:21.246+05:30 [Error] 
MemoryQuota: 5302940000000
CpuQuota: 6
--- Violations for index <16252703378685854977, bucket1, , > (mem 15.8473G, cpu 1.9148800000000001) at node 
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.64699T, free cpu -35.71876)
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.6398T, free cpu -34.65411999999999)
--- Violations for index <16517568732476248554, bucket1, , > (mem 27.8568G, cpu 4.38764) at node 
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.64699T, free cpu -35.71876)
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.6398T, free cpu -34.65411999999999)
--- Violations for index <8566433356703083992, bucket1, , > (mem 13.1019G, cpu 2.09076) at node 
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.64699T, free cpu -35.71876)
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.6398T, free cpu -34.65411999999999)
--- Violations for index <4060629479290354190, bucket1, , > (mem 7.82319G, cpu 5.04568) at node 
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.64699T, free cpu -35.71876)
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.6398T, free cpu -34.65411999999999)
--- Violations for index <9532132370846603457, bucket1, , > (mem 14.011G, cpu 1.88932) at node 
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.64699T, free cpu -35.71876)
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.6398T, free cpu -34.65411999999999)
--- Violations for index <5633841554122718717, bucket1, , > (mem 15.0322G, cpu 2.7976) at node 
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.64699T, free cpu -35.71876)
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.6398T, free cpu -34.65411999999999)
--- Violations for index <15349800463852076791, bucket1, , > (mem 12.7521G, cpu 1.24728) at node 
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.64699T, free cpu -35.71876)
	Can move to NoViolation (free mem 4.6398T, free cpu -34.65411999999999)
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 iterationTest :: Remove one node - success
2023-10-28T01:42:21.246+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.13353450819936333
2023-10-28T01:42:21.329+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.329+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.008068799196560953
2023-10-28T01:42:21.330+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.008068799196560953 temp 0.024193120080343907
2023-10-28T01:42:21.330+05:30 [Info] Planner::Running more iterations than 1 because of deleted nodes.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.330+05:30 [Info] Planner::Finished planner run after 8 iterations.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.330+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.11992510297301685).
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 iterationTest :: Index rebuild - success
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i5,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i10,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i13,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i15,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i18,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i22,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i0,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i8,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i11,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i24,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i26,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i28,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i2,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.333+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i4,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i6,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i12,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i14,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i20,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i23,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i27,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i1,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i3,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i17,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i19,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i21,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i25,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i29,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i7,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i9,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.334+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,_default,_default,i16,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.335+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.5792715732327589
2023-10-28T01:42:21.335+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Skip running planner as current solution resource variation: 0.5792715732327589 is less than threshold: 0.8. No nodes have been added or deleted and there are no violations observed
2023-10-28T01:42:21.335+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.5792715732327589 temp 0.022072842676724116
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 iterationTest :: Index rebuild - initial placement - success
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx1,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx2,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx3,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.6236095644623236
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.6236095644623236 temp 0.03663904355376764
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.336+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.6236095644623236).
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 iterationTest :: Index rebuild - initial placement - numReplica > numSG - success
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Planner::setExcludeInForNonEmptyNodes Set Exclude=in for
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx1,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx1,2,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx2,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx2,2,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx3,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,idx3,2,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx2 0 Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx3 0 Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx1 0 (replica 2) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx2 0 (replica 1) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx3 0 (replica 1) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx3 0 (replica 2) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx1 0 Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx2 0 (replica 2) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx1 0 (replica 1) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.337+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx2 0 (replica 2) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx1 0 (replica 1) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx2 0 Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx3 0 Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx1 0 (replica 2) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx2 0 (replica 1) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx3 0 (replica 1) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx3 0 (replica 2) Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Warn] Index has more replica than server group. Index=idx1 0 Bucket=default Scope= Collection=
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.4581228472908511
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.4581228472908511 temp 0.053187715270914884
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as the current resource variation is under control (0.4581228472908511).
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 scaling with excludeIn - 8 identical index, add 1, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:21.338+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.5
2023-10-28T01:42:21.339+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.5 temp 0.05
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 swap with excludeIn - 8 identical index, add 1, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:21.502+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.5
2023-10-28T01:42:21.502+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.5 temp 0.05
2023-10-28T01:42:21.502+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 replica repair with excludeIn - 3 replica, 4 zone, delete 1, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:21.503+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: NaN
2023-10-28T01:42:21.503+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation NaN temp NaN
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 heterogenous rebalance - keep vertically scaled Node, swap 1, 1x
2023-10-28T01:42:21.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 1.1237823254333867
2023-10-28T01:42:21.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 1.1237823254333867 temp 0.11237823254333867
2023-10-28T01:42:21.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
--- PASS: TestPlanner (12.81s)
=== RUN   TestGreedyPlanner
2023/10/28 01:42:21 In TestGreedyPlanner()
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Single Index Instance - 3 empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.509+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Single Index Instance - 2 empty nodes, 1 non-empty node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.512+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Single Index Instance - 1 empty node, 2 non-empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.515+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Single Index Instance - 3 non-empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.519+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 1 Replica - 3 empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.522+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 1 Replica - 2 empty nodes, 1 non-empty node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.525+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 1 Replica - 1 empty node, 2 non-empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.529+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.532+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 2 Replica - 3 empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.535+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 2 Replica - 3 non-empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.539+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 1 Replica - 2 empty nodes, 1 non-empty node - 2 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.542+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 1 Replica - 1 empty node, 2 non-empty nodes - 2 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.545+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty nodes - 2 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.549+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Equivalent Index Without any replica - 3 non-empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.552+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Equivalent Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty nodes - 1 SG - Skip least loaded node
2023-10-28T01:42:21.555+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place Equivalent Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty nodes - 1 SG - Use least loaded node
2023-10-28T01:42:21.559+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place 60 index instaces on 3 empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.562+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1000987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.565+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1001987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.568+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1002987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.572+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1003987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.575+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1004987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.578+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1005987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.581+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1006987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.584+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1007987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.587+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1008987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.590+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1009987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.593+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1010987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.596+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1011987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.600+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1012987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.603+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1013987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.606+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1014987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.609+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1015987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.613+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1016987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.616+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1017987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.619+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1018987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.623+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1019987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.626+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1020987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.629+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1021987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.632+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1022987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.636+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1023987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.639+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1024987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.642+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1025987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.646+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1026987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.649+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1027987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.652+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1028987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.655+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1029987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.658+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1030987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.661+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1031987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.664+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1032987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.668+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1033987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.671+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1034987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.675+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1035987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.678+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1036987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.681+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1037987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.684+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1038987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.687+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1039987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.690+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1040987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.694+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1041987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.697+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1042987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.700+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1043987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.703+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1044987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.707+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1045987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.710+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1046987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.714+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1047987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.717+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1048987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.720+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1049987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.724+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1050987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.727+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1051987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.730+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1052987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.734+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1053987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.737+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1054987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.740+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1055987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.743+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1056987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.747+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1057987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.750+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1058987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.753+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1059987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.754+05:30 [Info] Actual variance of deferred index count across nodes is 0
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place 60 index instaces on 1 empty and 1 10 percent filled node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.757+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1000987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.761+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1001987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.764+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1002987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.767+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1003987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.770+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1004987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.774+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1005987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.777+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1006987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.780+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1007987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.784+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1008987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.787+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1009987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.790+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1010987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.793+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1011987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.797+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1012987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.800+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1013987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.803+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1014987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.807+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1015987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.810+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1016987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.813+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1017987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.816+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1018987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.819+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1019987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.823+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1020987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.826+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1021987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.829+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1022987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.832+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1023987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.835+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1024987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.839+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1025987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.842+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1026987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.845+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1027987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.849+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1028987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.852+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1029987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.855+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1030987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.858+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1031987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.861+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1032987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.864+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1033987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.868+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1034987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.871+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1035987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.874+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1036987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.878+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1037987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.881+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1038987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.884+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1039987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.887+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1040987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.891+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1041987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.894+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1042987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.897+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1043987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.900+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1044987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.904+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1045987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.907+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1046987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.910+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1047987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.914+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1048987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.917+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1049987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.920+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1050987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.923+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1051987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.927+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1052987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.930+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1053987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.934+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1054987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.937+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1055987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.940+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1056987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.944+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1057987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.947+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1058987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.950+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1059987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.951+05:30 [Info] Actual variance of deferred index count across nodes is 8
2023/10/28 01:42:21 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:21 Place 60 index instaces on 1 empty and 1 30 percent filled node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:21.954+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1000987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.957+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1001987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.960+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1002987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.963+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1003987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.966+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1004987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.970+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1005987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.973+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1006987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.977+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1007987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.980+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1008987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.983+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1009987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.986+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1010987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.989+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1011987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.992+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1012987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.996+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1013987654
2023-10-28T01:42:21.999+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1014987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.003+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1015987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.006+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1016987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.009+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1017987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.012+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1018987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.015+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1019987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.019+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1020987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.022+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1021987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.025+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1022987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.029+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1023987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.032+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1024987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.035+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1025987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.039+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1026987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.042+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1027987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.045+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1028987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.049+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1029987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.052+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1030987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.055+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1031987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.059+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1032987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.062+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1033987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.065+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1034987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.069+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1035987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.072+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1036987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.075+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1037987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.079+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1038987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.082+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1039987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.085+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1040987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.088+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1041987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.092+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1042987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.095+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1043987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.098+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1044987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.102+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1045987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.105+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1046987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.109+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1047987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.112+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1048987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.115+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1049987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.119+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1050987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.122+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1051987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.125+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1052987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.129+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1053987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.132+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1054987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.135+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1055987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.138+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1056987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.142+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1057987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.145+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1058987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.148+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1059987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.149+05:30 [Info] Actual variance of deferred index count across nodes is 98
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place 5 index instaces on 1 empty and 1 60 percent filled node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.152+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1000987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.155+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1001987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.158+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1002987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.161+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1003987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.165+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1004987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.165+05:30 [Info] Actual variance of deferred index count across nodes is 4.5
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place 60 index instaces on 1 empty and 1 60 percent filled node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.168+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1000987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.172+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1001987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.175+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1002987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.178+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1003987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.182+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1004987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.185+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1005987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.188+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1006987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.191+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1007987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.196+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1008987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.200+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1009987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.203+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1010987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.206+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1011987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.210+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1012987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.214+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1013987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.217+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1014987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.221+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1015987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.224+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1016987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.228+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1017987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.232+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1018987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.235+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1019987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.238+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1020987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.241+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1021987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.244+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1022987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.247+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1023987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.250+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1024987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.253+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1025987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.256+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1026987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.260+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1027987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.263+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1028987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.266+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1029987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.270+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1030987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.273+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1031987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.277+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1032987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.280+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1033987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.283+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1034987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.287+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1035987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.289+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1036987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.293+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1037987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.296+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1038987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.299+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1039987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.302+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1040987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.306+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1041987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.309+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1042987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.312+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1043987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.315+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1044987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.318+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1045987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.322+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1046987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.325+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1047987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.328+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1048987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.332+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1049987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.335+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1050987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.338+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1051987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.342+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1052987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.345+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1053987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.348+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1054987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.352+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1055987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.355+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1056987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.358+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1057987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.361+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1058987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.365+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 1059987654
2023-10-28T01:42:22.365+05:30 [Info] Actual variance of deferred index count across nodes is 648
--- PASS: TestGreedyPlanner (0.86s)
=== RUN   TestTenantAwarePlanner
2023/10/28 01:42:22 In TestTenantAwarePlanner()
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 1 empty node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.366+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.366+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.366+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 empty nodes - 2 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.370+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.370+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.370+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 1 node - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.374+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.374+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.374+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.374+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 2 nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.377+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.377+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.377+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.377+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.377+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes - 2 SG - Tenant Affinity(a)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.381+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.381+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.381+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.381+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.381+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes - 2 SG - Tenant Affinity(b)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.385+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.385+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.385+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.385+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.385+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes - 2 SG - Tenant Affinity(c)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.388+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.388+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.388+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.388+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.388+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.388+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.389+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 6 nodes - 3 SG - Tenant Affinity Memory Above LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.392+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.392+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.392+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.392+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.392+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.392+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.392+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 6 nodes - 3 SG - Tenant Affinity Units Above LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.396+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.396+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.396+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.396+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.396+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.396+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.396+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 6 nodes - 3 SG - Tenant Affinity New Tenant(a)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.400+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.400+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.400+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.400+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.400+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.400+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.400+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 6 nodes - 3 SG - Tenant Affinity New Tenant(b)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.403+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.404+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.404+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.404+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.404+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.404+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.404+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes - 2 SG - Tenant Affinity Above Units HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.407+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.407+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.407+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.407+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.407+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.407+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.407+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 6 nodes - 3 SG - New Tenant Units Above LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.411+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.411+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 5500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.411+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.411+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 5500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.411+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.411+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.411+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance in progress(inst version) 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip index 1111:1212:0 node from subCluster grouping. Rebalance in progress.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.414+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance in progress(rstate) 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.418+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.418+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.418+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.418+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.418+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.418+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.418+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance in progress(rstate+inst version) 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip index 1111:1212:0 node from subCluster grouping. Rebalance in progress.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.422+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance pending cleanup
2023-10-28T01:42:22.426+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.426+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.426+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.426+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.426+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.426+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.426+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Result []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 2 empty nodes - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.431+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.431+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.431+05:30 [Info] Planner::filterPartialSubClusters Filter partial subcluster []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.431+05:30 [Info] Planner::filterPartialSubClusters Filter partial subcluster []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.431+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found no matching candidate for tenant &{idx1 bucket1   987654 false [name1]  false false false false 0  0 [] 2 []   false 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}. Error - Unable to find any valid SubCluster
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner not able to find any node for placement - Unable to find any valid SubCluster
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes - 2 SG - Tenant Affinity Above Memory HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found no matching candidate for tenant &{idx1 bucket1   987654 false [name1]  false false false false 0  0 [] 2 []   false 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}. Error - Tenant SubCluster Above High Usage Threshold
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner not able to find any node for placement - Tenant SubCluster Above High Usage Threshold
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 6 nodes - 3 SG - New Tenant Memory Above LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 680000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 680000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 700000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found Candidate Based on Tenant Affinity []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.432+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlan Found no matching candidate for tenant &{idx1 bucket7   987654 false [name1]  false false false false 0  0 [] 2 []   false 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}. Error - No SubCluster Below Low Usage Threshold
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner not able to find any node for placement - No SubCluster Below Low Usage Threshold
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 6 nodes - 3 SG - New Tenant Units Above LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.433+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.433+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 5500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.433+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 0 Units 4500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.433+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.433+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 5500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.433+05:30 [Error] Planner::validateSubClusterGrouping  Node belongs to multiple subclusters [[] []].
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner Constraint Violation. Node belongs to multiple subclusters [[] []].
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance in progress(inst version) 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.434+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.434+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.434+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.434+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip index 1111:1212:0 node from subCluster grouping. Rebalance in progress.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.434+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Cannot group node due to in progress rebalance for all buckets on the node. map[bucket1:true]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Rebalance in progress or cleanup pending from previous rebalance.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance in progress(rstate) 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Cannot group empty node due to in progress rebalance for all buckets on the node. map[bucket1:true]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Rebalance in progress or cleanup pending from previous rebalance.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance in progress(rstate+inst version) 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 50000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip index 1111:1212:0 node from subCluster grouping. Rebalance in progress.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.435+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Cannot group node due to in progress rebalance for all buckets on the node. map[bucket1:true]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Rebalance in progress or cleanup pending from previous rebalance.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 4 nodes, rebalance pending cleanup
2023-10-28T01:42:22.436+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.436+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.436+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Cannot group empty node due to in progress rebalance for all buckets on the node. map[bucket1:true]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Rebalance in progress or cleanup pending from previous rebalance.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 SG, 1 empty, 1 Memory Above HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 400000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.438+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 400000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 SG, 1 empty, 1 Units Above HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.439+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.439+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.439+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.439+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 400000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.439+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.439+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.440+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.440+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.440+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.440+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 SG, 1 empty, Both Memory/Units Above HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.441+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 SG, Multiple tenants to move, single source, multiple destination
2023-10-28T01:42:22.442+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.442+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.442+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.442+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 4000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket5 MemoryUsage 400000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 4000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.443+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket5 MemoryUsage 400000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 SG, Multiple tenants to move, no nodes below LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 700000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 700000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.444+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Multiple tenants to move, multiple source, multiple destination(non-uniform memory/units usage)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 1200 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 1500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 700 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 1200  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.446+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.447+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.447+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.447+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 1500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.447+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 700  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.447+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.447+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Multiple tenants to move, multiple source, multiple destination(non-uniform memory/units usage)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.448+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 700 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 700  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.449+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 SG, Single Large Tenant, Nothing to move
2023-10-28T01:42:22.450+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.450+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 2000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.450+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.450+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 2000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.450+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.450+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.450+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.451+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.451+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.451+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Multiple tenants to move, multiple source, multiple destination(zero usage tenants)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.452+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 700 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket15 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket16 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.453+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 700  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket15 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.454+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket16 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 SG, 1 Partial Subcluster
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.455+05:30 [Info] Planner::filterPartialSubClusters Filter partial subcluster []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.456+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.456+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.456+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Replica Repair - 4 SG, Missing Replicas for multiple tenants in SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.457+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket2,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.458+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket4,,,idx2,0) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.458+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket8,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.458+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket8,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.458+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Replica Repair - 4 SG, Missing Replicas, Buddy Node Failed over
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket1,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket2,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket3,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket8,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket8,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.459+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Replica Repair - 4 SG, Missing Replicas, Buddy Node Failed over, No replacement
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.461+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Replica Repair - 4 SG, Missing Replicas, one replica missing with pendingDelete true 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket2,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket4,,,idx2,0) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::findMissingReplicaForIndexerNode Skipping Replica Repair for 88883:81813:0. PendingDelete true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket8,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.462+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Replica Repair - 2 SG, Missing Replicas with Nodes over HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.463+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.463+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.463+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.463+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket9,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 700 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 700  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.464+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Swap Rebalance - 4 SG, Swap 1 node each from 2 SG with 2 new nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes selected newNodes for swap []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 7777:7171:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 8888:8181:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 9999:9191:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 101010:101101:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 111111:112112:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 121212:121121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:11212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:22121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:33131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:44141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 5555:55151:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Moving index 6666:66161:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1100000000 Units 8100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.465+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Swap Rebalance - 4 SG, Swap 1 node each from 2 SG with 2 new nodes(different SG)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes selected newNodes for swap []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:11212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:22121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:33131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:44141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 5555:55151:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 6666:66161:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 7777:17171:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 8888:18181:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 9999:19191:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 101010:1101101:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 111111:1112112:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.466+05:30 [Info] Moving index 121212:1121121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg3 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.467+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Swap Rebalance - 4 SG, Swap 1 SG with 2 new nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes selected newNodes for swap []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:1212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:2121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:3131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:4141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 5555:5151:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 6666:6161:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:11212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:22121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:33131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:44141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 5555:55151:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Moving index 6666:66161:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg1 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.468+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Swap Rebalance - 4 SG, Swap 1 node with 2 new nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes selected newNodes for swap []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:11212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:22121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:33131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:44141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Moving index 5555:55151:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Moving index 6666:66161:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.469+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Swap Rebalance - 4 SG, Swap 1 empty node with 2 new nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes No non-empty deleted nodes found.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket1,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket2,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket3,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.470+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket4,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.471+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket5,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.471+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket6,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.471+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.471+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Swap Rebalance - 1 SG, Swap 1 node - Failed swap rebalance
2023-10-28T01:42:22.471+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 1 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Considering as replacement node for deleted node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:11212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:22121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:33131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:44141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 600000000 Units 4000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 500000000 Units 4100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Swap Rebalance - 1 SG, Swap 2 node - server group mismatch
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.472+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Unable to satisfy server group constraint while replacing removed nodes with new nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 subcluster, Enough Capacity
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket5 MemoryUsage 350000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket6 MemoryUsage 250000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket5 MemoryUsage 350000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket6 MemoryUsage 250000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.474+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg1 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 600000000 Units 4500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 600000000 Units 4500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 600000000 Units 4100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 600000000 Units 4100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 700 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket15 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket16 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.475+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 subcluster, Not Enough Capacity
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket5 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket6 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket5 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket6 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500  on any target
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800  on any target
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500  on any target
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.476+05:30 [Error] Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 node, Pair node not deleted(Failed swap rebalance of 1 node)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 1 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Considering as replacement node for deleted node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:1212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:2121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:3131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:4141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg1 Memory 600000000 Units 4000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.478+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 500000000 Units 4100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 700 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket15 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket16 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket10 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket7 MemoryUsage 25000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket9 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 700  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket15 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket8 MemoryUsage 75000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket16 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.479+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 node, Pair node already deleted
2023-10-28T01:42:22.480+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.480+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.480+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.480+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.480+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 1 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.480+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Pair node not found for deleted node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.480+05:30 [Error] Planner - Pair node for not found. Provide additional node as replacement.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Pair node for not found. Provide additional node as replacement.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 subcluster, empty nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes No non-empty deleted nodes found.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg3 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 800000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.481+05:30 [Info] Planner::repairMissingReplica Found SubCluster [] with len 1. Skipping replica repair attempt.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.482+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 subcluster, Deleted Nodes more than added nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.482+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.482+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.482+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.482+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.482+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.482+05:30 [Error] Planner - Number of non-empty deleted nodes cannot be greater than number of added nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Number of non-empty deleted nodes cannot be greater than number of added nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 node, Add 1 node in, server group mismatch
2023-10-28T01:42:22.483+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.483+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.483+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.483+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Unable to satisfy server group constraint while replacing removed nodes with new nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 node, Pair node exists
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 1 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes No replacement node found for deleted node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Error] Planner - Removing node will result in losing indexes. Provide additional node as replacement.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Removing node will result in losing indexes. Provide additional node as replacement.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 subcluster, No nodes under LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket5 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket6 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 120000000 UnitsUsage 1500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 80000000 UnitsUsage 1200 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 70000000 UnitsUsage 800 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.484+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 30000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket17 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket14 MemoryUsage 0 UnitsUsage 0 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Error] Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 4 SG, Move out 1 subcluster, Not Enough Capacity, Partial Subcluster
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket1 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 500 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 1000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 1000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::filterPartialSubClusters Filter partial subcluster []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.485+05:30 [Error] Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 2 SG, Move out 1 non-empty and 1 empty  node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes selected newNodes for swap []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 1111:11212:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 2222:22121:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 3333:33131:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 4444:44141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 5555:55151:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 6666:66161:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 171717:1171171:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Moving index 141414:1141141:0 from source to dest
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg1 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.486+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 2 Subclusters, 1 empty, 1 Above HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.487+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000  on any target
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[]]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 2 Subclusters, 1 below LWM, 1 above HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.488+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000  on any target
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 600000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 600000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 3 Subclusters, 1 empty, 1 Above HWM, 1 below LWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.489+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 500000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 500000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 500000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 3000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 500000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 3000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.490+05:30 [Error] Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 2 Subclusters, 1 above LWM/below HWM, 1 empty
2023-10-28T01:42:22.491+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 700000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.491+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 700000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.491+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.491+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 2 Subclusters, Both above LWM/below HWM
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 700000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 650000000 Units 4500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 700000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 650000000 Units 4500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 700000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 650000000 Units 4500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 700000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 650000000 Units 4500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.492+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 2 Subclusters, 1 empty, 1 Above HWM (partial replica repair)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 550000000 Units 5500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket4,,,idx2,0) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket5,,,idx2,0) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000  on any target
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[]]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 2 Subclusters, 1 empty, 1 Above HWM(full replica repair)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 9000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket2,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket2,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket4,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket4,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket5,,,idx1,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket5,,,idx2,1) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.493+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 200000000 UnitsUsage 2000  on any target
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 600000000 Units 6000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 300000000 Units 3000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[]]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 ScaleIn- 2 Subclusters, Both below LWM, Positive Case
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 2000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 2000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 2000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 2000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.494+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 2000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg1 Memory 100000000 Units 2000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 2000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 2000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg1 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg3 Memory 0 Units 0
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 ScaleIn- 2 Subclusters, One below LWM/ 1 Empty
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 200000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.495+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 ScaleIn- 3 Subclusters, One above HWM, one below LWM and 1 Empty. No ScaleIn.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.496+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Error] Planner - Not enough capacity to place indexes of deleted nodes.
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 ScaleIn- 3 Subclusters, One above HWM, one below LWM and 1 Empty. ScaleIn. 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.497+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 800000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket4 MemoryUsage 300000000 UnitsUsage 3000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket2 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Deleted Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes nonEmptyDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes pairForDeletedNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes newNodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Num deleted nodes 2 is more than num new/empty nodes 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantsToBeMoved from source []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 1000 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg2 Memory 100000000 Units 1000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Skip Deleted Index Node SG sg3 Memory 100000000 Units 1000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 400000000 Units 4000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsFromDeletedNodes Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId bucket3 MemoryUsage 100000000 UnitsUsage 1000  can be placed on []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg2 Memory 0 Units 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.498+05:30 [Info] Planner::findPlacementForDeletedNodes Remove Deleted Node from solution SG sg3 Memory 0 Units 0
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Rebalance - 1 Subcluster, Below HWM (partial replica repair)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 500000000 Units 800 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 350000000 Units 500 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters  [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket4,,,idx2,0) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::placeMissingReplicaOnTarget Rebuilding lost replica for (bucket5,,,idx2,0) on
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwareRebal Found SubClusters above HWM []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 500000000 Units 800 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 500000000 Units 800 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters  [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.499+05:30 [Info] Planner::evaluateSolutionForScaleIn Found SubClusters below LWM [[]]
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Resume - 1 tenant, Empty node in cluster.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Resume Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters  [[] [] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume TenantToBeResumed TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId resume_tenant_a MemoryUsage 250000000 UnitsUsage 250 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters Below LWM [[] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.501+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId resume_tenant_a MemoryUsage 250000000 UnitsUsage 250  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Resume - 1 tenant, No empty node in cluster.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Resume Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume TenantToBeResumed TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId resume_tenant_a MemoryUsage 250000000 UnitsUsage 250 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.504+05:30 [Info] Planner::findTenantPlacement TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId resume_tenant_a MemoryUsage 250000000 UnitsUsage 250  can be placed on []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Resume - 1 tenant, No node below LWM in the cluster.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.506+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Resume Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.506+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.506+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.506+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.507+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.507+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.507+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 5000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.507+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.507+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume TenantToBeResumed TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId resume_tenant_a MemoryUsage 250000000 UnitsUsage 250 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.507+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters Below LWM []
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error No SubCluster Below Low Usage Threshold
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Resume - 1 tenant, Not enough capacity in the cluster.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Resume Nodes []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 900000000 Units 8000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg3 Memory 1000000000 Units 7000 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg1 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::groupIndexNodesIntoSubClusters Index Node SG sg2 Memory 200000000 Units 100 Tenants 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters  [[] [] []]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume TenantToBeResumed TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId resume_tenant_a MemoryUsage 700000000 UnitsUsage 250 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::executeTenantAwarePlanForResume Found SubClusters Below LWM [[]]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.508+05:30 [Info] Planner::moveTenantsToLowUsageSubCluster Unable to place TenantUsage - SourceId TenantId resume_tenant_a MemoryUsage 700000000 UnitsUsage 250  on any target
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Expected error Not Enough Capacity To Place Tenant
--- PASS: TestTenantAwarePlanner (0.14s)
=== RUN   TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup
2023/10/28 01:42:22 In TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup()
=== RUN   TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/GreedyPlanner
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.513+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index with 1 replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.517+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index with 2 replicas - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.521+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 2 SG - Placed on Scaled up node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.525+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 2 SG - Placed on older nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.530+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Equivalent Index Without any replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.535+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Equivalent Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG - Use least loaded node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.539+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Equivalent Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG - Use ScaleUp Node 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.542+05:30 [Info] Using greedy index placement for index 987654
=== RUN   TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/SAPlanner
=== RUN   TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/SAPlanner/FunctionalDDLTests
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Index Instance - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.547+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.9737654786475068
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.5118702120133598
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] variation: 1.0237404240267196
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 109ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 107ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 7100
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Move: 3948
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 126888575449 (118.174G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 80354383758 (74.8359G) (63.33%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.3004
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 18082106963 (16.8403G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 25571960903 (23.8157G) (141.42%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 13
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 29281978949 (27.271G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 3.5385
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 11
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 7110
2023-10-28T01:42:22.656+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 0 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 47ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 7110
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 6us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:4 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.37390490588193165 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:111617261890 (103.952G), mem:95286106952 (88.7421G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.7501886306380632 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:10411780306610386919, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:54246320889 (50.5208G), mem:54246320889 (50.5208G), overhead:0 (0), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:4 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.07590646348000514 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index with 1 replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.661+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.3952038770958589
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.28937833136341934
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.5787566627268387
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 61ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 59ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 4000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Move: 2617
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 144970682412 (135.014G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 65295744085 (60.8114G) (45.04%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.6283
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 36164213926 (33.6805G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 25571960903 (23.8157G) (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 14
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 31065146231 (28.9317G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 3.2857
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 11
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 4300
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 20ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 3999 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 5us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:4 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.32726796943638176 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:111617261890 (103.952G), mem:95286106952 (88.7421G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.43145569209747264 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.723+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:7671715191498868236, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:54246320889 (50.5208G), mem:54246320889 (50.5208G), overhead:0 (0), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:125847870401 (117.205G), mem:102404635981 (95.3717G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.44127633846614567 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:7671715191498868236, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:54246320889 (50.5208G), mem:54246320889 (50.5208G), overhead:0 (0), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.724+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index with 2 replicas - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.728+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 1.0747533419216682
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.13929460298637122
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.27858920597274245
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 26ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 319us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Move: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 163052789375 (151.855G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 90849494247 (84.6102G) (55.72%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.9561
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 54246320889 (50.5208G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 15
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 32610557875 (30.3709G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 3.0667
2023-10-28T01:42:22.754+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 11
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 5952
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 0 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 148us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 12
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 12us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:322028009998 (299.912G), mem:291467625194 (271.45G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.5575132033129112 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:3958948807191807099, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:54246320889 (50.5208G), mem:54246320889 (50.5208G), overhead:0 (0), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:111617261890 (103.952G), mem:95286106952 (88.7421G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.3168776165275712 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.755+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:3958948807191807099, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:54246320889 (50.5208G), mem:54246320889 (50.5208G), overhead:0 (0), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:125847870401 (117.205G), mem:102404635981 (95.3717G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.3256091801595177 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:3958948807191807099, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:54246320889 (50.5208G), mem:54246320889 (50.5208G), overhead:0 (0), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.756+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 2 SG - Placed on Scaled up node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.760+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.6917244207689
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.358469577773188
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.716939155546376
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 4ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 1ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Move: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 144970682412 (135.014G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 105360564648 (98.1247G) (72.68%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.6283
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 36164213926 (33.6805G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 25571960903 (23.8157G) (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 14
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 23315671818 (21.7144G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 3.2857
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 230
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 522
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 1 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 1ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 220
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 5us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.764+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:322028009998 (299.912G), mem:291467625194 (271.45G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:false usageRatio:0.7021056124497257 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:7708548576234523824, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:0 (0), mem:0 (0), overhead:0 (0), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:111617261890 (103.952G), mem:95286106952 (88.7421G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.43145569209747264 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.765+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:7708548576234523824, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:0 (0), mem:0 (0), overhead:0 (0), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:4 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.06643869545280173 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.766+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 2 SG - Placed on older nodes
2023-10-28T01:42:22.770+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.6917244207689
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.28937833136341934
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.5787566627268387
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 3ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 1ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Move: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 144970682412 (135.014G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 65295744085 (60.8114G) (45.04%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.6283
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 36164213926 (33.6805G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 25571960903 (23.8157G) (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 14
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 23315671818 (21.7144G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 3.2857
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 230
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 521
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 1 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 1ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 220
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 5us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:4 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.32726796943638176 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.774+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:111617261890 (103.952G), mem:95286106952 (88.7421G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.43145569209747264 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15132516443631043556, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:0 (0), mem:0 (0), overhead:0 (0), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:125847870401 (117.205G), mem:102404635981 (95.3717G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:54246320889 (50.5208G), data:54246320889 (50.5208G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:5 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:false usageRatio:0.44127633846614567 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15132516443631043556, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:0 (0), mem:0 (0), overhead:0 (0), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.775+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Equivalent Index Without any replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 1.1877979057133785
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as final solution is found.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.4863052536963559
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.9726105073927118
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 248us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 202us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Move: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 14745215094 (13.7326G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 7829819102 (7.29209G) (53.10%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 1.6384
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.6667
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.47 (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0833
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 2745215094 (2.55668G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 3882320417 (3.61569G) (141.42%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 4
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 11058911320 (10.2994G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 25000000000 (23.2831G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 3000000000 (2.79397G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 0.7500
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 1.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 7
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 9000000000 (8.3819G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 8
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 8
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.779+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 0 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 68us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 8
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 8us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:c6fe7e12b609acc9767c7b671c908773, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:28000000000 (26.077G), mem:25000000000 (23.2831G), overhead:3000000000 (2.79397G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.3390930527717129 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:equiv1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1062966916559205800, instId:1062966916559205800, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:28000000000 (26.077G), mem:25000000000 (23.2831G), overhead:3000000000 (2.79397G), min:5000000000 (4.65661G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:f18c1f3d3c1fabf2a63b51d06f536bf9, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:8500000000 (7.91624G), mem:6000000000 (5.58794G), overhead:2500000000 (2.32831G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.0813823326652111 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:equiv2 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4650686066397790000, instId:4650686066397790000, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8500000000 (7.91624G), mem:6000000000 (5.58794G), overhead:2500000000 (2.32831G), min:6000000000 (5.58794G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:d70e7e12b609acd0767c7b671c908889, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:15235645282 (14.1893G), mem:13235645282 (12.3267G), overhead:2000000000 (1.86265G), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:1.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.779524614563076 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:nonEquiv1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1062966916559205800, instId:1062966916559205800, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:7000000000 (6.51926G), mem:5000000000 (4.65661G), overhead:2000000000 (1.86265G), min:5000000000 (4.65661G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:newEquivIdx 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15879030120718037, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8235645282 (7.67004G), mem:8235645282 (7.67004G), overhead:0 (0), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.780+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Equivalent Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG - Use least loaded node
2023-10-28T01:42:22.783+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (default, , , newEquivIdx) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.783+05:30 [Warn] Definition 987654 Instance 5176932360564786015 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 4 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.783+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (default, , , newEquivIdx) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.783+05:30 [Warn] Definition 987654 Instance 5176932360564786015 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 4 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.784+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.6702149941767832
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.25290029571859646
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.5058005914371929
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 60ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 58ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 4000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Move: 2393
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 17490430188 (16.2892G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 5325738075 (4.95998G) (30.45%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 1.9434
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.6667
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.47 (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0833
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 5490430188 (5.11336G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 3882320417 (3.61569G) (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 5
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 10494258112 (9.77354G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 25000000000 (23.2831G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 3000000000 (2.79397G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 0.6000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 1.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 7
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 9000000000 (8.3819G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 8
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 4180
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 19ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 3999 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 4us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:c6fe7e12b609acc9767c7b671c908773, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:28000000000 (26.077G), mem:25000000000 (23.2831G), overhead:3000000000 (2.79397G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.2858706130298869 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:equiv1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1062966916559205800, instId:1062966916559205800, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:28000000000 (26.077G), mem:25000000000 (23.2831G), overhead:3000000000 (2.79397G), min:5000000000 (4.65661G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:f18c1f3d3c1fabf2a63b51d06f536bf9, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:16735645282 (15.5863G), mem:14235645282 (13.258G), overhead:2500000000 (2.32831G), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:1.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.46278210574565426 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:equiv2 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4650686066397790000, instId:4650686066397790000, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8500000000 (7.91624G), mem:6000000000 (5.58794G), overhead:2500000000 (2.32831G), min:6000000000 (5.58794G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.844+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:newEquivIdx 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:5176932360564786015, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8235645282 (7.67004G), mem:8235645282 (7.67004G), overhead:0 (0), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:false pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:d70e7e12b609acd0767c7b671c908889, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:15235645282 (14.1893G), mem:13235645282 (12.3267G), overhead:2000000000 (1.86265G), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:1.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.45134728122445883 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:nonEquiv1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1062966916559205800, instId:1062966916559205800, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:7000000000 (6.51926G), mem:5000000000 (4.65661G), overhead:2000000000 (1.86265G), min:5000000000 (4.65661G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:newEquivIdx 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:5176932360564786015, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8235645282 (7.67004G), mem:8235645282 (7.67004G), overhead:0 (0), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.845+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:false pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Equivalent Index With 1 Replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up - 1 SG - Use ScaleUp Node 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.848+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (default, , , newEquivIdx) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.848+05:30 [Warn] Definition 987654 Instance 2005786666276552475 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 4 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.848+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (default, , , newEquivIdx) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.848+05:30 [Warn] Definition 987654 Instance 2005786666276552475 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 4 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.848+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.9845080851975035
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.25290029571859646
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.5058005914371929
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 55ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 53ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 3800
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Move: 2397
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 17490430188 (16.2892G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 5325738075 (4.95998G) (30.45%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 1.9434
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.6667
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.47 (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0833
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 5490430188 (5.11336G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 3882320417 (3.61569G) (70.71%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 5
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 10494258112 (9.77354G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 25000000000 (23.2831G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 3000000000 (2.79397G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 0.6000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 1.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 7
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 9000000000 (8.3819G)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 8
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 3806
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 18ms
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 3799 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 4us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 113us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 7
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 16us
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.903+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:c6fe7e12b609acc9767c7b671c908773, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:28000000000 (26.077G), mem:25000000000 (23.2831G), overhead:3000000000 (2.79397G), min:0 (0), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.2858706130298869 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:nonEquiv 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1062966916559205800, instId:1062966916559205800, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:28000000000 (26.077G), mem:25000000000 (23.2831G), overhead:3000000000 (2.79397G), min:5000000000 (4.65661G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:f18c1f3d3c1fabf2a63b51d06f536bf9, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:16735645282 (15.5863G), mem:14235645282 (13.258G), overhead:2500000000 (2.32831G), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:1.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.46278210574565426 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:equiv2 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4650686066397790000, instId:4650686066397790000, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8500000000 (7.91624G), mem:6000000000 (5.58794G), overhead:2500000000 (2.32831G), min:6000000000 (5.58794G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:newEquivIdx 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:2005786666276552475, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8235645282 (7.67004G), mem:8235645282 (7.67004G), overhead:0 (0), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:false pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:index 1, nodeId:, nodeUUID:d70e7e12b609acd0767c7b671c908889, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:15235645282 (14.1893G), mem:13235645282 (12.3267G), overhead:2000000000 (1.86265G), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:1.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.45134728122445883 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:equiv1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1062966916559205800, instId:1062966916559205800, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:7000000000 (6.51926G), mem:5000000000 (4.65661G), overhead:2000000000 (1.86265G), min:5000000000 (4.65661G), data:0 (0) cpu:1.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:newEquivIdx 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:2005786666276552475, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8235645282 (7.67004G), mem:8235645282 (7.67004G), overhead:0 (0), min:8235645282 (7.67004G), data:8235645282 (7.67004G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:22.904+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:false pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
=== RUN   TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/SAPlanner/CreatePartitionedIndex
2023/10/28 01:42:22 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:22 Place Single Partitioned Index Instance - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:22.908+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.3394775858492774
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.1784816836053567
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.3569633672107134
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 137ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 134ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 5400
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Move: 3767
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 154201322596 (143.611G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 82829246465 (77.1407G) (53.72%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.7956
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 45394854109 (42.2773G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 8024752292 (7.47363G) (17.68%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 20
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 23130198389 (21.5417G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 2.3000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 22
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 8845
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 36ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 5399 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.045+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 7us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:301827829691 (281.099G), mem:271267444887 (252.637G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:34046140582 (31.7079G), data:34046140582 (31.7079G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:6 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.5018354321742201 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:108440151874 (100.993G), mem:92108996936 (85.7832G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:51069210873 (47.5619G), data:51069210873 (47.5619G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:7 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.3444658974194678 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.046+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:122670760385 (114.246G), mem:99227525965 (92.4128G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:51069210873 (47.5619G), data:51069210873 (47.5619G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:7 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.35369867040631203 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:15184174318010341991, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:17023070291 (15.854G), mem:17023070291 (15.854G), overhead:0 (0), min:17023070291 (15.854G), data:17023070291 (15.854G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.047+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Place Single Partitioned Index Instance - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 2 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.052+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.6094244610639996
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.13739736706800032
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.27479473413600064
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 153ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 150ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 6900
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Move: 4851
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 208747525973 (194.411G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 77823744009 (72.479G) (37.28%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 3.7845
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 45221342736 (42.1157G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 7994079525 (7.44507G) (17.68%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 20
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 31312128896 (29.1617G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 81655774690 (76.0479G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 2.3000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 23
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 10687
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 41ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 6899 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 8us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 8us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:301697696161 (280.978G), mem:271137311357 (252.516G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:33916007052 (31.5867G), data:33916007052 (31.5867G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:6 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.4097753531140166 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.205+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:337728715583 (314.534G), mem:256072940893 (238.487G), overhead:81655774690 (76.0479G), min:50874010578 (47.3801G), data:50874010578 (47.3801G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:7 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.470342252272453 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:55876178105 (52.0387G), mem:52222430260 (48.6359G), overhead:3653747845 (3.40282G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:56098504109 (52.2458G), mem:52162170475 (48.5798G), overhead:3936333634 (3.666G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:122475560090 (114.064G), mem:99032325670 (92.231G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:50874010578 (47.3801G), data:50874010578 (47.3801G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:7 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.3198823946135304 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:17875815151096060986, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:16958003526 (15.7934G), mem:16958003526 (15.7934G), overhead:0 (0), min:16958003526 (15.7934G), data:16958003526 (15.7934G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.206+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Place Paritioned Index with 1 replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.210+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.1922766395705832
2023-10-28T01:42:23.402+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.402+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.16324776491504728
2023-10-28T01:42:23.402+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.32649552983009456
2023-10-28T01:42:23.402+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 192ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.402+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 190ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 8400
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Move: 4623
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 157055841798 (146.27G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 88674154216 (82.5842G) (56.46%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.8474
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 48249373312 (44.9357G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 4264682382 (3.97179G) (8.84%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 28
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 16827411621 (15.6717G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 1.6429
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 28
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 13495
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 55ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 8399 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 10us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 10us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:313015476589 (291.518G), mem:282455091785 (263.057G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:45233787480 (42.1272G), data:45233787480 (42.1272G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:9 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.5471874698199197 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.403+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:111651485977 (103.984G), mem:95320331039 (88.774G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:54280544976 (50.5527G), data:54280544976 (50.5527G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:10 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.346383999407285 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:116835336992 (108.811G), mem:93392102572 (86.9782G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:45233787480 (42.1272G), data:45233787480 (42.1272G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:9 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.3064285307727953 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:4635770318920929735, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9046757496 (8.42545G), mem:9046757496 (8.42545G), overhead:0 (0), min:9046757496 (8.42545G), data:9046757496 (8.42545G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.404+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Place Paritioned Index with 1 replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 2 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.409+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.1125458375752535
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.11475962811811741
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.22951925623623481
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 146ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 144ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 6200
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Move: 3975
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 211591134437 (197.06G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 78426288854 (73.0402G) (37.07%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 3.8361
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 48064951200 (44.764G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 4248381616 (3.95661G) (8.84%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 28
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 22670478689 (21.1135G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 81655774690 (76.0479G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 1.6429
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 29
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 10390
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 39ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 6198 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 26us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 13us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.555+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:312842580859 (291.357G), mem:282282196055 (262.896G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:45060891750 (41.9662G), data:45060891750 (41.9662G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:9 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.4543185477672772 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:331915596755 (309.12G), mem:250259822065 (233.073G), overhead:81655774690 (76.0479G), min:45060891750 (41.9662G), data:45060891750 (41.9662G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:9 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.42405038546912194 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:55876178105 (52.0387G), mem:52222430260 (48.6359G), overhead:3653747845 (3.40282G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.556+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:56098504109 (52.2458G), mem:52162170475 (48.5798G), overhead:3936333634 (3.666G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:125674619612 (117.044G), mem:102231385192 (95.2104G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:54073070100 (50.3595G), data:54073070100 (50.3595G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:10 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.32163106676360087 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.557+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:8606211999144611796, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:9012178350 (8.39325G), mem:9012178350 (8.39325G), overhead:0 (0), min:9012178350 (8.39325G), data:9012178350 (8.39325G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.558+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Place Paritioned Index with 2 replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.562+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.2667509737219636
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.14057543510854384
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.2811508702170877
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 43ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 6ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 5
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Move: 5
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 161567158190 (150.471G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 90849494247 (84.6102G) (56.23%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.9292
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 52760689704 (49.1372G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 36
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 13463929849 (12.5393G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 30560384804 (28.4616G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 1.2778
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 31
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.605+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 6763
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 28us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 3 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 9us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 27us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 2
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 13us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:320542378813 (298.528G), mem:289981994009 (270.067G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:52760689704 (49.1372G), data:52760689704 (49.1372G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:12 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.5589615578517387 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.606+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:110131630705 (102.568G), mem:93800475767 (87.3585G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:52760689704 (49.1372G), data:52760689704 (49.1372G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:12 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.3161132953224384 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:8339546089 (7.76681G), mem:5550922096 (5.1697G), overhead:2788623993 (2.59711G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:21554403914 (20.0741G), mem:14611943820 (13.6084G), overhead:6942460094 (6.46567G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.607+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:124362239216 (115.821G), mem:100919004796 (93.9881G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:52760689704 (49.1372G), data:52760689704 (49.1372G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:12 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.32492514682582296 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.608+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:34719646845795246, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:6595086213 (6.14215G), mem:6595086213 (6.14215G), overhead:0 (0), min:6595086213 (6.14215G), data:6595086213 (6.14215G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.609+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Place Paritioned Index with 2 replica - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 2 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.613+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.11956528548092614
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.09796819540510597
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.19593639081021194
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 36ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 7ms
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 7
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Move: 7
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 210829304949 (196.35G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 82618266177 (76.9443G) (39.19%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 3.8223
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 15.3333
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 1.70 (11.08%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.5679
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 47303121712 (44.0545G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 36
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 17569108745 (16.3625G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 73059719100 (68.0422G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 81655774690 (76.0479G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 1.2778
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 5.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 33
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.650+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 6769
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 58us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 6 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] RandomMove average time: 9us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 29us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove average time: 29us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2596996162, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:315084810821 (293.446G), mem:284524426017 (264.984G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:47303121712 (44.0545G), data:47303121712 (44.0545G) cpu:17.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:12 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.4699097510048492 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:82702164802 (77.0224G), mem:72507837150 (67.5282G), overhead:10194327652 (9.49421G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:0, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:73074448027 (68.0559G), mem:63899137575 (59.5107G), overhead:9175310452 (8.54517G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.651+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_4039455774, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:334157826717 (311.209G), mem:252502052027 (235.161G), overhead:81655774690 (76.0479G), min:47303121712 (44.0545G), data:47303121712 (44.0545G) cpu:13.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:12 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.43953221501885753 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:1, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:1, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:30961528072 (28.8352G), mem:27754610480 (25.8485G), overhead:3206917592 (2.98667G), min:5550922096 (5.1697G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:2, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:2, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:81043548208 (75.4777G), mem:73059719100 (68.0422G), overhead:7983829108 (7.43552G), min:14611943820 (13.6084G), data:0 (0) cpu:4.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:55876178105 (52.0387G), mem:52222430260 (48.6359G), overhead:3653747845 (3.40282G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:56098504109 (52.2458G), mem:52162170475 (48.5798G), overhead:3936333634 (3.666G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:, nodeId:, nodeUUID:tempNodeUUID_2854263694, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:118904671224 (110.739G), mem:95461436804 (88.9054G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:47303121712 (44.0545G), data:47303121712 (44.0545G) cpu:16.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:12 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.29055803397629315 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:3, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:3, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:23366200171 (21.7615G), mem:14501567430 (13.5056G), overhead:8864632741 (8.25583G), min:14501567430 (13.5056G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:4, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:4, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:20758358343 (19.3327G), mem:12779827515 (11.9021G), overhead:7978530828 (7.43059G), min:12779827515 (11.9021G), data:0 (0) cpu:5.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:5, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:5, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13621658091 (12.6862G), mem:10444486052 (9.72719G), overhead:3177172039 (2.95897G), min:10444486052 (9.72719G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:6, bucket:bucket1, scope:, collection:, defnId:6, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: []
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:13855332907 (12.9038G), mem:10432434095 (9.71596G), overhead:3422898812 (3.18782G), min:10432434095 (9.71596G), data:0 (0) cpu:3.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 0, bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.652+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 3 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 3, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 2 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 2, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 4 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 4, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 6 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 6, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 1 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 1, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 7 (replica 2), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 7, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:idx1 5 (replica 1), bucket:bucket2, scope:, collection:, defnId:987654, instId:6001209122682149204, Partition: 5, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:5912890214 (5.50681G), mem:5912890214 (5.50681G), overhead:0 (0), min:5912890214 (5.50681G), data:5912890214 (5.50681G) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.653+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:true equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
=== RUN   TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/CommandRepair
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Increment Replica count by 1 - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,replicaIdx2,2,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=5us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=5us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.8995910950151497
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.8995910950151497 temp 0.08995910950151498
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=127us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.8995910950151497
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.8995910950151497 temp 0.08995910950151498
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.22489777375378742
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.8995910950151497
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 82us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 2us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Move: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 122486397174 (114.074G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 110187672158 (102.62G) (89.96%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 2.2206
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 4
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 91864797880 (85.5558G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 237221304305 (220.93G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.654+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 46891539742 (43.6711G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 0 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:af33bb1cf058349f6fafffa6a843a979, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:325152630110 (302.822G), mem:278261090368 (259.151G), overhead:46891539742 (43.6711G), min:52248944865 (48.6606G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.45435427408637796 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:28015361594 (26.0913G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0 (replica 2), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:1884390671412819758, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:57370941001 (53.4309G), mem:41039786063 (38.2213G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:24233583271 (22.5693G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:929bb73f8aaeb55422bdc071cf2dfbfc, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:57370941001 (53.4309G), mem:41039786063 (38.2213G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:24233583271 (22.5693G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.06701117350131312 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:57370941001 (53.4309G), mem:41039786063 (38.2213G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:24233583271 (22.5693G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:934d23a204d25a4970e0262fa63920ba, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:28437003477 (26.484G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.0786345524123089 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:2, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:28437003477 (26.484G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Increment Replica count by 2 - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 1 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,replicaIdx1,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,replicaIdx1,2,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.655+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=9us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.0795046976786775
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.0795046976786775 temp 0.00795046976786775
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=6.  Elapsed Time=129us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Warn] Unable to find a solution with resource constraint.  Relax resource constraint check.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.0795046976786775
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.0795046976786775 temp 0.00795046976786775
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.019876174419669376
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.0795046976786775
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 51us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 2us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Move: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 266954004690 (248.62G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 21224097436 (19.7665G) (7.95%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 4.8398
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 5
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 160172402814 (149.172G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 237221304305 (220.93G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 54003619224 (50.2948G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 0 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:af33bb1cf058349f6fafffa6a843a979, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.1777244769790758 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:929bb73f8aaeb55422bdc071cf2dfbfc, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:325152630110 (302.822G), mem:278261090368 (259.151G), overhead:46891539742 (43.6711G), min:47024050377 (43.7946G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.20847118640616036 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.656+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:57370941001 (53.4309G), mem:41039786063 (38.2213G), overhead:16331154938 (15.2096G), min:21810224943 (20.3124G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:12441533401217828403, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:934d23a204d25a4970e0262fa63920ba, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:339383238621 (316.075G), mem:285379619397 (265.78G), overhead:54003619224 (50.2948G), min:50807128563 (47.3178G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.2138043366147638 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:2, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:25593303129 (23.8356G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:0% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0 (replica 2), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:12870943533969947213, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Increment Replica count by 1 - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 2 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,replicaIdx2,2,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=5us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=5us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=5us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.657+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.6987684835628951
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.6987684835628951 temp 0.06987684835628952
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=120us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.6987684835628951
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.6987684835628951 temp 0.06987684835628952
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.17469212089072378
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.6987684835628951
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 73us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 2us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Move: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 231925826675 (215.998G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 162062458205 (150.932G) (69.88%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 4.2047
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 4
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 173944370006 (161.998G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 237221304305 (220.93G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 49341212983 (45.9526G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 0 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:af33bb1cf058349f6fafffa6a843a979, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:491761447603 (457.989G), mem:442420234620 (412.036G), overhead:49341212983 (45.9526G), min:52248944865 (48.6606G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.38151873032984485 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:28015361594 (26.0913G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0 (replica 2), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:1719072812893957868, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:223979758494 (208.597G), mem:205198930315 (191.106G), overhead:18780828179 (17.491G), min:24233583271 (22.5693G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:929bb73f8aaeb55422bdc071cf2dfbfc, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:223979758494 (208.597G), mem:205198930315 (191.106G), overhead:18780828179 (17.491G), min:24233583271 (22.5693G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.1769522034317959 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:223979758494 (208.597G), mem:205198930315 (191.106G), overhead:18780828179 (17.491G), min:24233583271 (22.5693G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:934d23a204d25a4970e0262fa63920ba, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.658+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:28437003477 (26.484G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.0415290662383593 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:2, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:28437003477 (26.484G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Increment Replica count by 2 - 3 non-empty heterogenous nodes with 2 Scaled up
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,replicaIdx1,1,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Rebuilding lost replica for (default,,,replicaIdx1,2,0) with initial placement on node:
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=1.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=2.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=3.  Elapsed Time=4us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=4.  Elapsed Time=3us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=5.  Elapsed Time=6us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.27237243417194856
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.27237243417194856 temp 0.027237243417194856
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::Fail to create plan satisfying constraint. Re-planning. Num of Try=6.  Elapsed Time=172us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Warn] Unable to find a solution with resource constraint.  Relax resource constraint check.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::planSingleRun Initial variance of the solution: 0.27237243417194856
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::initial temperature: initial resource variation 0.27237243417194856 temp 0.027237243417194856
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::stop planner iter per temp as maxIterPerTemp limit (0, 0) exceeded.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Planner::finalizing the solution as there are no more valid index movements.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Score: 0.06809310854298714
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] variation: 0.27237243417194856
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] ElapsedTime: 71us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] ConvergenceTime: 2us
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Move: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Using SAPlanner
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Mean 321673719440 (299.582G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Deviation 87615053973 (81.5979G) (27.24%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.659+05:30 [Info] Indexer Memory Utilization 5.8318
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer CPU Utilization 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer IO Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer Drain Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Mean 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer Scan Rate Deviation 0.00 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Mean 0 (0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer Data Size Deviation 0 (0) (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Total Index Data (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Index Data Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] No. Index (from non-deleted node) 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] No. Index Moved (exclude new node) 0 (0.00%)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Number of indexes: 5
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Number of indexers: 3
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Size: 193004231664 (179.749G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Max Index Size: 237221304305 (220.93G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Max Indexer Overhead: 54003619224 (50.2948G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Avg Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Max Index Cpu: 0.0000
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Num Estimation Run: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Memory Quota 55158315092 (51.3702G)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] CPU Quota 27
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Max Cpu Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Max Memory Utilization -1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Total iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] RandomSwap iteration: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] RandomMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] RandomMove call: 0 (empty index 0)
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ExhaustMove call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap time: 0ns
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ExhaustSwap call: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] ----------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:af33bb1cf058349f6fafffa6a843a979, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:1 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.14749187761902688 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:929bb73f8aaeb55422bdc071cf2dfbfc, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:491761447603 (457.989G), mem:442420234620 (412.036G), overhead:49341212983 (45.9526G), min:47024050377 (43.7946G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude:inout meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.2750739074297335 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:1, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:223979758494 (208.597G), mem:205198930315 (191.106G), overhead:18780828179 (17.491G), min:21810224943 (20.3124G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0 (replica 2), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:10723779692246854035, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer serverGroup:sg0, nodeId:, nodeUUID:934d23a204d25a4970e0262fa63920ba, useLiveData:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer total memory:339383238621 (316.075G), mem:285379619397 (265.78G), overhead:54003619224 (50.2948G), min:50807128563 (47.3178G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000, io:0 (0), scan:0 drain:0 numIndexes:2 shardCompatVersion: 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] Indexer isDeleted:false isNew:false exclude: meetConstraint:true usageRatio:0.17743421495123962 allowDDLDuringScaleup:true
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx2 0, bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:4242, instId:2, Partition: 0, new/moved:false shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:71601549512 (66.6841G), mem:48158315092 (44.8509G), overhead:23443234420 (21.8332G), min:25593303129 (23.8356G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:10% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index name:replicaIdx1 0 (replica 1), bucket:default, scope:, collection:, defnId:1337, instId:9381773851480121565, Partition: 0, new/moved:true shardProxy: false, numInstances: 0, alternateShardIds: [], shardIds: [], shardIdsInDefn: map[]
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index total memory:267781689109 (249.391G), mem:237221304305 (220.93G), overhead:30560384804 (28.4616G), min:25213825434 (23.4822G), data:0 (0) cpu:0.0000 io:0 (0) scan:0 drain:0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.660+05:30 [Info] 		Index resident:50% build:0% estimated:false equivCheck:true pendingCreate:false pendingDelete:false
--- PASS: TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup (1.15s)
    --- PASS: TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/GreedyPlanner (0.03s)
    --- PASS: TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/SAPlanner (1.11s)
        --- PASS: TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/SAPlanner/FunctionalDDLTests (0.36s)
        --- PASS: TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/SAPlanner/CreatePartitionedIndex (0.75s)
    --- PASS: TestPlanDuringHeterogenousScaleup/CommandRepair (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestShardAssignmentFuncTestCases
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========2_nodes_1_new_index===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place single new instance on a node.
 			 New alternate shard Ids are to be generated for the index
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========2_nodes_2_new_index===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place two new instance on a node.
 			 New alternate shard Ids has to be generated for 2 indexes 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.662+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========2_nodes_3_new_index===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place three new instance on a node.
			 New alternate shard Ids has to be generated for 2 indexes
			 as the minShardCapacity of the node is 4. For third index,
			 the alternate shardIds of existing indexes are to be re-used 
2023-10-28T01:42:23.662+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========2_nodes_1_new_index_node_full===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place an index on a node which has reached it's minimum shard capacity
			 New index has to re-use the shardIds of 'index1' as its disk size is less
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========2_nodes_1_new_index_2_replicas===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place one index with two replica instance on two nodes.
 			 New alternate shard Ids are to be generated for both instances.
			 The slotIds should be the same for replica instances but
			 slot replica numbers should be different 
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========2_nodes_2_new_index_2_replicas===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place two indexes with 2 replica instances on two nodes.
			 New alternate shard Ids are to be generated for both instances
.			 The slotIds should be the same for replica instances but
			 slot replica numbers should be different. Different indexes will have 
			 different slot Ids
2023-10-28T01:42:23.664+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========2_nodes_3_new_index_2_replicas===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place three indexes with 2 replica instances on two nodes.
			 New alternate shard Ids are to be generated for two indexes.
			 For third index, slotIds should be reused from existing index
			 The replicaIds of the new index should match the shard replica Ids.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.664+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========5_nodes_1_new_index_3_replicas_2_full_nodes===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place one index with 3 replica instances on three nodes.
			 Of these 3 nodes, 2 nodes have reached their shard capacity.
			 Planner should use the shardId present on both nodes and create
			 the same slotId on third node with a different replicaId
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========5_nodes_1_new_index_3_replicas_prune_replica_shard===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 Place one index with 3 replica instances on three nodes.
			 Of these 3 nodes, 2 nodes have 2 shard pairs each
			 Of these, planner can not use one as it has a replica 2 on a 
			 that is beyond the initially decided placement
 			 (even though it has less disk usage)
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========5_nodes_1_new_index_3_replicas_different_replica_order===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	Place one index with 3 replica instances on three nodes.
			 Node-1 has a shard with replica:2, node-1 has same shard with
			 replicaId:0, node-3 with replicaId: 1. Planner has decided to 
			 place a new index with replicaId: 0 on node-1 and replicaId: 1
			 on node-2. The replica ordering of planner should not matter and the
			 final placement for new index should match the shard replica placement
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========5_nodes_1_new_index_more_shard_replicas===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 A shard exists on 3 nodes and a new index is being placed on a node which has
			 2 of the replicas of the shard. The other 2 indexers have maxed out on capacity
			 In such case, planner will re-use the shard even though it has more replicas outside
			 the planned nodes
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ---------------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 ===========5_nodes_1_new_partn_index_slot_grouping===========
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 A slot (1234) exists on nodes n1, n2, n3, n4 with replica Ids: 0, 1, 2, 3 respectively. 
			 A new partitioned index with 2 replicas and 3 partitions is being placed on these nodes
			 The partn distribution is: partnId: 1 -> n2, n3. partnId 2 -> n3, n4. partnId 3 -> n1, n4 
			 During slot assignment, the 1234 slot should not be used for the new partitioned index 
			 as there is no placement on nodes n1, n2 for any partition
2023-10-28T01:42:23.668+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
2023-10-28T01:42:23.668+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
2023-10-28T01:42:23.668+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
--- PASS: TestShardAssignmentFuncTestCases (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_MixedModeEject72NodeMoveSameReplicaId
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 In this test, the cluster has 2 indexer nodes. One in 7.6+ version
	 and one in 7.2 version. The 7.2 node is ejected from cluster. The indexes
	 which have replicas on 7.6 node should be skipped from movement while the indexes
	 without replicas should be moved with a valid alterante shardId. In this case
index with replicaId 1 will be moved to 7.6 node which has alternate shardIds with
replica number as 1
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] There is more replica than available nodes.  Will not move index replica (bucket1,,,index1) from ejected node
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] There is more replica than available nodes.  Will not move index replica (bucket1,,,index2) from ejected node
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index1) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] Definition 1111 Instance 11111 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 3 numLiveNode 1.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index2) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] Definition 2222 Instance 22221 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 3 numLiveNode 1.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index3) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.669+05:30 [Warn] Definition 3333 Instance 33330 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 3 numLiveNode 1.
--- PASS: TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_MixedModeEject72NodeMoveSameReplicaId (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_MixedModeEject72NodeMoveDifferentReplicaId
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 In this test, the cluster has 2 indexer nodes. One in 7.6+ version
	 and one in 7.2 version. The 7.2 node is ejected from cluster. The indexes
	 which have replicas on 7.6 node should be skipped from movement while the indexes
	 without replicas should be moved with a valid alterante shardId. In this case
index with replicaId 0 will be moved to 7.6 node which has alternate shardIds with
replica number as 0
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] There is more replica than available nodes.  Will not move index replica (bucket1,,,index1) from ejected node
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] There is more replica than available nodes.  Will not move index replica (bucket1,,,index2) from ejected node
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index1) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] Definition 1111 Instance 11111 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 3 numLiveNode 1.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index2) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] Definition 2222 Instance 22221 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 3 numLiveNode 1.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index3) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.671+05:30 [Warn] Definition 3333 Instance 33330 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 3 numLiveNode 1.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.672+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
--- PASS: TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_MixedModeEject72NodeMoveDifferentReplicaId (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_MixedModeEject72NodeDistributedReplicas
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 In this test, the cluster has 4 indexer nodes. All in 7.2 version.
	 Node n1 has i1 (replica 0), i2 (replica 0), i3 (replica 0). 
	 Node n2 has i1 (replica 1)
	 Node n3 has i2 (replica 1)
	 Node n4 has i3 (replica 1)
	 Node n1 is ejected and a new 7.6 node (n5) is rebalanced into the cluster. 
	 Node n5 can hold only 2 shards. Insipte of that, i1 (replica 0), i2 (replica 0)
	 i3 (replica 0) has to be placed on different shards
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index1) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] Definition 1111 Instance 11110 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 4.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index2) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] Definition 2222 Instance 22220 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 4.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index3) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] Definition 3333 Instance 33330 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 4.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index1) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] Definition 1111 Instance 11111 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 4.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index2) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] Definition 2222 Instance 22221 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 4.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index3) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.673+05:30 [Warn] Definition 3333 Instance 33331 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 4.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.706+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
2023-10-28T01:42:23.706+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
--- PASS: TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_MixedModeEject72NodeDistributedReplicas (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_CyclicDependencies
2023/10/28 01:42:23 -------------------------------------------
2023/10/28 01:42:23 	 In this test, the cluster has 3 indexer nodes. All in 7.2 version.
	 Node n1 has i1 (replica 0), i2 (replica 0). 
	 Node n2 has i1 (replica 1), i2 (replica 2). 
	 Node n3 has i1 (replica 2), i2 (replica 1). 
	 Node n1 is ejected and a new 7.6 node (n4) is rebalanced into the cluster. 
	 Node n4 can hold only 2 shards. Insipte of that, i1 (replica 0), i2 (replica 0)
	 has to be placed on different shards
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index1) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] Definition 1111 Instance 11110 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index2) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] Definition 2222 Instance 22220 ReplicaId 0 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index1) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] Definition 1111 Instance 11111 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index2) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] Definition 2222 Instance 22222 ReplicaId 2 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index1) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] Definition 1111 Instance 11112 ReplicaId 2 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] There are more equivalent index than available nodes.  Allow equivalent index of (bucket1, , , index2) to be replaced on same node.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.707+05:30 [Warn] Definition 2222 Instance 22221 ReplicaId 1 partitionId 0 count 6 numLiveNode 3.
2023-10-28T01:42:23.732+05:30 [Warn] Planner::populateAlternateShardIds Re-planning placement as no common shard has been found
--- PASS: TestShardAssignmentUpgradeCases_CyclicDependencies (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestRestfulAPI
2023/10/28 01:42:23 In TestRestfulAPI()
2023/10/28 01:42:23 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Index found:  indexmut_1
2023/10/28 01:42:23 Dropped index indexmut_1
2023/10/28 01:42:24 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:42:24 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:24 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:24 FOUND indexes: []
2023/10/28 01:42:24 DROP index: badindexid
2023/10/28 01:42:24 status: 400 Bad Request
2023/10/28 01:42:24 DROP index: 23544142
2023/10/28 01:42:24 status: 500 Internal Server Error
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: malformed body
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "invalid request body ({name:), unmarshal failed invalid character 'n' looking for beginning of object key string"

2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: missing field ``name``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "missing field name"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: empty field ``name``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "empty field name"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: missing field ``bucket``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "missing field bucket"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: empty field ``bucket``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "empty field bucket"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: missing field ``secExprs``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "missing field secExprs"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: empty field ``secExprs``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "empty field secExprs"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: incomplete field ``desc``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "incomplete desc information [true]"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 TEST: invalid field ``desc``
2023/10/28 01:42:24 400 Bad Request "incomplete desc information [1]"
2023/10/28 01:42:24 
2023/10/28 01:42:24 CREATE INDEX: idx1
2023/10/28 01:42:39 status : 201 Created
2023/10/28 01:42:39 {"id": "1098001102076573578"} 
2023/10/28 01:42:39 CREATE INDEX: idx2 (defer)
2023/10/28 01:42:40 status : 201 Created
2023/10/28 01:42:40 {"id": "9522866381114848203"} 
2023/10/28 01:42:40 CREATE INDEX: idx3 (defer)
2023/10/28 01:42:40 status : 201 Created
2023/10/28 01:42:40 {"id": "3361368091310485340"} 
2023/10/28 01:42:40 CREATE INDEX: idx4 (defer)
2023/10/28 01:42:40 status : 201 Created
2023/10/28 01:42:40 {"id": "15834346731873224487"} 
2023/10/28 01:42:40 CREATE INDEX: idx5
2023/10/28 01:42:53 status : 201 Created
2023/10/28 01:42:53 {"id": "14386002405465966568"} 
2023/10/28 01:42:53 BUILD single deferred index
2023/10/28 01:42:54 202 Accepted
2023/10/28 01:42:54 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:54 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:54 index idx1 in INDEX_STATE_ACTIVE
2023/10/28 01:42:54 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:54 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:54 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:42:55 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:55 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:55 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:42:56 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:56 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:56 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:42:57 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:57 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:57 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:42:58 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:58 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:58 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:42:59 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:42:59 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:42:59 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:00 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:00 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:00 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:01 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:01 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:01 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:02 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:02 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:02 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:03 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:03 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:03 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:04 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:04 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:04 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:05 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:05 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:05 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:06 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:06 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:06 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:07 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:07 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:07 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:08 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:08 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:08 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:09 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:09 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:09 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:10 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:10 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:10 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:11 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:11 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:11 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:12 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:12 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:12 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_ACTIVE
2023/10/28 01:43:12 BUILD many deferred index
2023/10/28 01:43:12 202 Accepted 
2023/10/28 01:43:12 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:12 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:12 index idx1 in INDEX_STATE_ACTIVE
2023/10/28 01:43:12 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:12 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:12 index idx2 in INDEX_STATE_ACTIVE
2023/10/28 01:43:12 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:12 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:12 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:13 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:13 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:13 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:15 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:15 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:15 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:16 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:16 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:16 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:17 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:17 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:17 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:18 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:18 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:18 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:19 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:19 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:19 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:20 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:20 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:20 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:21 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:21 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:21 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:22 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:22 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:22 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:23 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:23 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:23 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:24 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:24 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:24 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:25 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:25 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:25 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:26 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:26 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:26 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:27 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:27 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:27 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:28 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:28 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:28 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:29 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:29 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:29 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:30 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:30 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:30 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:31 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:31 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:31 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:32 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:32 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:32 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:33 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:33 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:33 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_INITIAL
2023/10/28 01:43:34 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:34 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:34 index idx3 in INDEX_STATE_ACTIVE
2023/10/28 01:43:34 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:34 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:34 index idx4 in INDEX_STATE_ACTIVE
2023/10/28 01:43:34 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:34 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:34 index idx5 in INDEX_STATE_ACTIVE
2023/10/28 01:43:34 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 01:43:34 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:34 CREATED indexes: [1098001102076573578 9522866381114848203 3361368091310485340 15834346731873224487 14386002405465966568]
2023/10/28 01:43:34 
2023/10/28 01:43:34 LOOKUP missing index
2023/10/28 01:43:34 status : 404 Not Found
2023/10/28 01:43:34 LOOKUP Pyongyang
2023/10/28 01:43:34 status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:34 number of entries 554
2023/10/28 01:43:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:34 LOOKUP with stale as false
2023/10/28 01:43:34 status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:35 number of entries 554
2023/10/28 01:43:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:35 LOOKUP with Rome
2023/10/28 01:43:35 status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:35 number of entries 540
2023/10/28 01:43:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:35 RANGE missing index
2023/10/28 01:43:35 Status : 404 Not Found
2023/10/28 01:43:35 RANGE cities - none
2023/10/28 01:43:35 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:40 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:43:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:41 RANGE cities -low
2023/10/28 01:43:41 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:46 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:43:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:47 RANGE cities -high
2023/10/28 01:43:47 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:52 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:43:52 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:52 RANGE cities - both
2023/10/28 01:43:53 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:57 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:43:58 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:58 RANGE missing cities
2023/10/28 01:43:58 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:43:58 number of entries 0
2023/10/28 01:43:58 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:43:58 
2023/10/28 01:43:58 SCANALL missing index
2023/10/28 01:43:58 {"limit":1000000,"stale":"ok"}
2023/10/28 01:43:58 Status : 404 Not Found
2023/10/28 01:43:58 SCANALL stale ok
2023/10/28 01:43:58 {"limit":1000000,"stale":"ok"}
2023/10/28 01:43:58 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:44:03 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:44:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:44:04 SCANALL stale false
2023/10/28 01:44:04 {"limit":1000000,"stale":"false"}
2023/10/28 01:44:04 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:44:09 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:44:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:44:10 
2023/10/28 01:44:10 COUNT missing index
2023/10/28 01:44:10 Status : 404 Not Found
2023/10/28 01:44:10 COUNT cities - none
2023/10/28 01:44:10 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:44:10 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:44:10 COUNT cities -low
2023/10/28 01:44:10 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:44:10 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:44:10 COUNT cities -high
2023/10/28 01:44:11 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:44:11 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:44:11 COUNT cities - both
2023/10/28 01:44:11 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:44:11 number of entries 140902
2023/10/28 01:44:12 COUNT missing cities
2023/10/28 01:44:12 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 01:44:12 number of entries 0
2023/10/28 01:44:12 
2023/10/28 01:44:13 STATS: Testing URLs with valid authentication
2023/10/28 01:44:13 STATS: Testing URLs with invalid authentication
2023/10/28 01:44:13 STATS: Testing invalid URLs
2023/10/28 01:44:13 STATS: Testing unsupported methods
2023/10/28 01:44:13 
--- PASS: TestRestfulAPI (109.84s)
=== RUN   TestStatIndexInstFilter
2023/10/28 01:44:13 CREATE INDEX: statIdx1
2023/10/28 01:44:28 status : 201 Created
2023/10/28 01:44:28 {"id": "8476292523788656175"} 
2023/10/28 01:44:28 CREATE INDEX: statIdx2
2023/10/28 01:44:45 status : 201 Created
2023/10/28 01:44:45 {"id": "14213192584728277917"} 
2023/10/28 01:44:45 Instance Id for statIdx2 is 2908827818868375730, common.IndexInstId
--- PASS: TestStatIndexInstFilter (32.36s)
=== RUN   TestBucketDefaultDelete
2023-10-28T01:44:46.072+05:30 [Warn] Client:runObserveStreamingEndpoint streaming endpoint for /pools/default/bs/default returned err EOF
2023-10-28T01:44:46.072+05:30 [Warn] serviceChangeNotifier: Connection terminated for collection manifest notifier instance of http://%40query@, bucket: default, (EOF)
2023/10/28 01:44:48 Deleted bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:45:03 Created bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:45:19 Populating the default bucket
2023/10/28 01:45:27 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:45:27.596+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-_default-_default-1698437727592708594] started ...
2023/10/28 01:45:27 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index index_isActive not found.
2023/10/28 01:45:27 Populating the default bucket after it was deleted
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Created the secondary index index_isActive. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Index is 16007255319905641337 now active
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestBucketDefaultDelete (51.75s)
=== RUN   TestMixedDatatypesScanAll
2023/10/28 01:45:37 In TestMixedDatatypesScanAll()
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Before test begin: Length of kv docs is 10002
2023/10/28 01:45:37 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Index found:  index_isActive
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Dropped index index_isActive
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Number of number fields is: 256
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Number of string fields is: 242
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Number of json fields is: 265
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Number of true bool fields is: 124
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Number of false bool fields is: 113
2023/10/28 01:45:37 After generate docs: Length of kv docs is 11002
2023/10/28 01:45:37 Setting mixed datatypes JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Created the secondary index index_mixeddt. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Index is 11780728867871505720 now active
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  1000 and 1000
2023/10/28 01:45:43 End: Length of kv docs is 11002
--- PASS: TestMixedDatatypesScanAll (6.04s)
=== RUN   TestMixedDatatypesRange_Float
2023/10/28 01:45:43 In TestMixedDatatypesRange_Float()
2023/10/28 01:45:43 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Index found:  index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Dropped index index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Number of number fields is: 265
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Number of string fields is: 250
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Number of json fields is: 250
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Number of true bool fields is: 132
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Number of false bool fields is: 103
2023/10/28 01:45:43 Setting mixed datatypes JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Created the secondary index index_mixeddt. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Index is 11727128818689910768 now active
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  26 and 26
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  0 and 0
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Length of kv docs is 12002
--- PASS: TestMixedDatatypesRange_Float (5.88s)
=== RUN   TestMixedDatatypesRange_String
2023/10/28 01:45:49 In TestMixedDatatypesRange_String()
2023/10/28 01:45:49 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Index found:  index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Dropped index index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Number of number fields is: 237
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Number of string fields is: 245
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Number of json fields is: 235
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Number of true bool fields is: 158
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Number of false bool fields is: 125
2023/10/28 01:45:49 Setting mixed datatypes JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Created the secondary index index_mixeddt. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Index is 17334311298329016797 now active
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  202 and 202
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Length of kv docs is 13002
--- PASS: TestMixedDatatypesRange_String (5.63s)
=== RUN   TestMixedDatatypesRange_Json
2023/10/28 01:45:55 In TestMixedDatatypesRange_Json()
2023/10/28 01:45:55 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Index found:  index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Dropped index index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Number of number fields is: 246
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Number of string fields is: 247
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Number of json fields is: 258
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Number of true bool fields is: 128
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Number of false bool fields is: 121
2023/10/28 01:45:55 Setting mixed datatypes JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Created the secondary index index_mixeddt. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Index is 17886781397514596931 now active
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  743 and 743
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Length of kv docs is 14002
--- PASS: TestMixedDatatypesRange_Json (6.16s)
=== RUN   TestMixedDatatypesScan_Bool
2023/10/28 01:46:01 In TestMixedDatatypesScan_Bool()
2023/10/28 01:46:01 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Index found:  index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Dropped index index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Number of number fields is: 242
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Number of string fields is: 258
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Number of json fields is: 269
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Number of true bool fields is: 122
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Number of false bool fields is: 109
2023/10/28 01:46:01 Setting mixed datatypes JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Created the secondary index index_mixeddt. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Index is 14668553199640779307 now active
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  540 and 540
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  458 and 458
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Length of kv docs is 15002
--- PASS: TestMixedDatatypesScan_Bool (6.45s)
=== RUN   TestLargeSecondaryKeyLength
2023/10/28 01:46:07 In TestLargeSecondaryKeyLength()
2023/10/28 01:46:07 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Index found:  index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:46:07 Dropped index index_mixeddt
2023/10/28 01:46:08 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Created the secondary index index_LongSecField. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Index is 916943507254738095 now active
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:14 ScanAll: Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  1000 and 1000
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Range: Lengths of expected and actual scan results are:  805 and 805
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:14 End: Length of kv docs is 16002
--- PASS: TestLargeSecondaryKeyLength (6.75s)
=== RUN   TestLargePrimaryKeyLength
2023/10/28 01:46:14 In TestLargePrimaryKeyLength()
2023/10/28 01:46:14 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Index found:  index_LongSecField
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Dropped index index_LongSecField
2023/10/28 01:46:14 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:46:21 Created the secondary index index_LongPrimaryField. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:46:21 Index is 2908302106088984183 now active
2023/10/28 01:46:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:21 Lengths of num of docs and scanResults are:  17002 and 17002
2023/10/28 01:46:21 End: Length of kv docs is 17002
--- PASS: TestLargePrimaryKeyLength (6.84s)
=== RUN   TestUpdateMutations_DeleteField
2023/10/28 01:46:21 In TestUpdateMutations_DeleteField()
2023/10/28 01:46:21 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:46:28 Created the secondary index index_bal. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:46:28 Index is 1397971497586805237 now active
2023/10/28 01:46:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:28 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestUpdateMutations_DeleteField (7.81s)
=== RUN   TestUpdateMutations_AddField
2023/10/28 01:46:29 In TestUpdateMutations_AddField()
2023/10/28 01:46:29 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:46:35 Created the secondary index index_newField. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:46:35 Index is 2466558940069720858 now active
2023/10/28 01:46:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:35 Count of scan results before add field mutations:  0
2023/10/28 01:46:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:36 Count of scan results after add field mutations:  300
2023/10/28 01:46:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestUpdateMutations_AddField (6.80s)
=== RUN   TestUpdateMutations_DataTypeChange
2023/10/28 01:46:36 In TestUpdateMutations_DataTypeChange()
2023/10/28 01:46:36 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Created the secondary index index_isUserActive. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Index is 5050322438125241974 now active
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestUpdateMutations_DataTypeChange (8.73s)
=== RUN   TestMultipleBuckets
2023/10/28 01:46:44 In TestMultipleBuckets()
2023/10/28 01:46:44 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Index found:  index_isUserActive
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Dropped index index_isUserActive
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Index found:  index_bal
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Dropped index index_bal
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Index found:  index_newField
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Dropped index index_newField
2023/10/28 01:46:44 Index found:  index_LongPrimaryField
2023/10/28 01:46:45 Dropped index index_LongPrimaryField
2023/10/28 01:47:22 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 01:47:25 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:47:25 Created bucket testbucket2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:47:25 Created bucket testbucket3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:47:26 Created bucket testbucket4, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:47:41 Generating docs and Populating all the buckets
2023/10/28 01:47:45 Created the secondary index bucket1_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:47:45 Index is 4237393189622668859 now active
2023/10/28 01:47:52 Created the secondary index bucket2_city. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:47:52 Index is 4692562094012598574 now active
2023/10/28 01:48:00 Created the secondary index bucket3_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:48:00 Index is 17281370833246570868 now active
2023/10/28 01:48:07 Created the secondary index bucket4_balance. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:48:07 Index is 7685496554371462842 now active
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:48:10.400+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/testbucket2-_default-_default-1698437890396237276] started ...
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:48:10.414+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/testbucket3-_default-_default-1698437890410298550] started ...
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:48:10.430+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/testbucket4-_default-_default-1698437890424886797] started ...
2023/10/28 01:48:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:48:12 Deleted bucket testbucket2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:48:14 Deleted bucket testbucket3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:48:16 Deleted bucket testbucket4, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:48:19 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestMultipleBuckets (109.77s)
=== RUN   TestBucketFlush
2023/10/28 01:48:34 In TestBucketFlush()
2023/10/28 01:48:34 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:48:34 Index found:  bucket1_age
2023/10/28 01:48:34 Dropped index bucket1_age
2023/10/28 01:49:13 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 01:49:17 Created the secondary index index_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:49:17 Index is 16714876296767402469 now active
2023/10/28 01:49:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:49:17 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:49:24 Created the secondary index index_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:49:24 Index is 5575781231990433958 now active
2023/10/28 01:49:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:49:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:49:30 Created the secondary index index_city. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:49:30 Index is 16714950818173427747 now active
2023/10/28 01:49:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:49:30 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:50:09 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 01:50:09 TestBucketFlush:: Flushed the bucket
2023/10/28 01:50:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:50:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:50:09 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestBucketFlush (94.50s)
=== RUN   TestLargeDocumentSize
2023/10/28 01:50:09 In TestLargeDocumentSize()
2023/10/28 01:50:09 Data file exists. Skipping download
2023/10/28 01:50:09 Length of docs and largeDocs = 200 and 200
2023/10/28 01:50:13 Created the secondary index index_userscreenname. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:50:13 Index is 575606437326523595 now active
2023/10/28 01:50:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:50:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestLargeDocumentSize (4.76s)
=== RUN   TestFieldsWithSpecialCharacters
2023/10/28 01:50:13 In TestFieldsWithSpecialCharacters()
2023/10/28 01:50:20 Created the secondary index index_specialchar. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:50:20 Index is 2954784092102982315 now active
2023/10/28 01:50:20 Looking up for value ®31wƒƒµ
2023/10/28 01:50:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:50:21 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestFieldsWithSpecialCharacters (7.65s)
=== RUN   TestLargeKeyLookup
2023/10/28 01:50:21 In TestLargeKeyLookup()
2023/10/28 01:50:28 Created the secondary index index_largeKeyLookup. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:50:28 Index is 4271012873207746816 now active
2023/10/28 01:50:28 Looking up for a large key
2023/10/28 01:50:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:50:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestLargeKeyLookup (8.36s)
=== RUN   TestIndexNameValidation
2023/10/28 01:50:29 In TestIndexNameValidation()
2023/10/28 01:50:30 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:50:31 Creation of index with invalid name ÌñÐÉx&(abc_% failed as expected
2023/10/28 01:50:35 Created the secondary index #primary-Index_test. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:50:35 Index is 1631937732318845307 now active
2023/10/28 01:50:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:50:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestIndexNameValidation (5.67s)
=== RUN   TestSameFieldNameAtDifferentLevels
2023/10/28 01:50:35 In TestSameFieldNameAtDifferentLevels()
2023/10/28 01:50:35 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Created the secondary index cityindex. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Index is 12167801587846164324 now active
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestSameFieldNameAtDifferentLevels (7.15s)
=== RUN   TestSameIndexNameInTwoBuckets
2023/10/28 01:50:42 In TestSameIndexNameInTwoBuckets()
2023/10/28 01:50:42 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Index found:  cityindex
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Dropped index cityindex
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Index found:  #primary-Index_test
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Dropped index #primary-Index_test
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Index found:  index_city
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Dropped index index_city
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Index found:  index_userscreenname
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Dropped index index_userscreenname
2023/10/28 01:50:42 Index found:  index_specialchar
2023/10/28 01:50:43 Dropped index index_specialchar
2023/10/28 01:50:43 Index found:  index_largeKeyLookup
2023/10/28 01:50:43 Dropped index index_largeKeyLookup
2023/10/28 01:50:43 Index found:  index_gender
2023/10/28 01:50:43 Dropped index index_gender
2023/10/28 01:50:43 Index found:  index_age
2023/10/28 01:50:43 Dropped index index_age
2023/10/28 01:51:21 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 01:51:24 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:51:24 Created bucket buck2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:51:39 Generating docs and Populating all the buckets
2023/10/28 01:51:44 Created the secondary index b_idx. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:51:44 Index is 13165236534941766227 now active
2023/10/28 01:51:52 Created the secondary index b_idx. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:51:52 Index is 16816635838380095041 now active
2023/10/28 01:51:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:51:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:51:55 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T01:51:55.377+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/buck2-_default-_default-1698438115372126377] started ...
2023/10/28 01:51:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:51:58 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 01:52:00 Deleted bucket buck2, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestSameIndexNameInTwoBuckets (92.54s)
=== RUN   TestLargeKeysSplChars
2023/10/28 01:52:15 In TestLargeKeysSplChars()
2023/10/28 01:52:24 Created the secondary index idspl1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:52:24 Index is 3015015010297353604 now active
2023/10/28 01:52:32 Created the secondary index idspl2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:52:32 Index is 11125096369321651762 now active
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Created the secondary index idspl3. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Index is 12388606448159015224 now active
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023-10-28T01:52:40.157+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T01:52:40.158+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""]  request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T01:52:40.158+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T01:52:40.158+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [14138604724485674926], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestLargeKeysSplChars (25.44s)
=== RUN   TestVeryLargeIndexKey
2023/10/28 01:52:40 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Index found:  idspl1
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Dropped index idspl1
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Index found:  idspl3
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Dropped index idspl3
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Index found:  idspl2
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Dropped index idspl2
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Index found:  b_idx
2023/10/28 01:52:40 Dropped index b_idx
2023/10/28 01:53:19 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 01:53:19 TestVeryLargeIndexKey:: Flushed the bucket
2023/10/28 01:53:19 clusterconfig.KVAddress =
2023/10/28 01:53:25 Created the secondary index i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:53:25 Index is 18032136919037128840 now active
2023/10/28 01:53:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:53:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:53:34 Created the secondary index i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:53:34 Index is 10906589466001214034 now active
2023/10/28 01:53:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:53:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:53:35 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:53:35 Index found:  i2
2023/10/28 01:53:35 Dropped index i2
2023/10/28 01:53:35 Index found:  i1
2023/10/28 01:53:36 Dropped index i1
2023/10/28 01:54:14 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
--- PASS: TestVeryLargeIndexKey (94.13s)
=== RUN   TestTempBufScanResult
2023/10/28 01:54:14 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:54:52 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 01:54:52 TestTempBufScanResult:: Flushed the bucket
2023/10/28 01:54:56 Created the secondary index index_idxKey. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 01:54:56 Index is 5311164070519057097 now active
2023/10/28 01:54:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:54:56 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:54:56 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:54:56 Index found:  index_idxKey
2023/10/28 01:54:56 Dropped index index_idxKey
2023/10/28 01:55:35 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
--- PASS: TestTempBufScanResult (80.26s)
=== RUN   TestBuildDeferredAnotherBuilding
2023/10/28 01:55:35 In TestBuildDeferredAnotherBuilding()
2023/10/28 01:55:35 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:56:18 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 01:58:11 Build the deferred index id_age1. Waiting for the index to become active
2023/10/28 01:58:11 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:12 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:13 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:14 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:15 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:16 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:17 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:18 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:19 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:20 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:21 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:22 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:23 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:24 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:25 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:26 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:27 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:28 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:29 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:30 Waiting for index 17063538388899302274 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:31 Index is 17063538388899302274 now active
2023/10/28 01:58:31 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [1934785168767470491]
2023/10/28 01:58:33 Build index failed as expected: Build index failed. Encountered transient error. Index id_age will retry building in the background for reason: Build Already In Progress. Keyspace default.
2023/10/28 01:58:33 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:34 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:35 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:36 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:37 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:38 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:39 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:40 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:41 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:42 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:43 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:44 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:45 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:46 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:47 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:48 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:49 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:50 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:51 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:52 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:53 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:54 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:55 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:56 Waiting for index 1934785168767470491 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:57 Index is 1934785168767470491 now active
2023/10/28 01:58:57 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:58 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:58:59 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:00 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:01 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:02 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:03 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:04 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:05 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:06 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:07 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:08 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:09 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:10 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:11 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:12 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:13 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:14 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:15 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:16 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:17 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:18 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:19 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:20 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:21 Waiting for index 9605432438810196298 to go active ...
2023/10/28 01:59:22 Index is 9605432438810196298 now active
2023/10/28 01:59:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:59:23 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 01:59:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 01:59:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestBuildDeferredAnotherBuilding (229.31s)
=== RUN   TestMultipleBucketsDeferredBuild
2023/10/28 01:59:24 In TestMultipleBucketsDeferredBuild()
2023/10/28 01:59:24 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 01:59:24 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 01:59:24 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 01:59:24 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 01:59:24 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 01:59:24 Index found:  id_age1
2023/10/28 01:59:24 Dropped index id_age1
2023/10/28 02:00:01 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:00:04 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:00:04
2023/10/28 02:00:04 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 02:00:04 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 20:30:04 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc0445c14c0 31 [] false false map[] 0xc00abd6000 }
2023/10/28 02:00:04 DeleteBucket failed for bucket defertest_buck2 
2023/10/28 02:00:04 Deleted bucket defertest_buck2, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 02:00:04 Created bucket defertest_buck2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:00:19 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:01:36 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [6173324566428047292]
2023/10/28 02:01:37 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [14623314387526241006 17732143081668420496]
2023/10/28 02:01:37 Index state of 17732143081668420496 is INDEX_STATE_READY
2023/10/28 02:01:37 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:38 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:39 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:40 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:41 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:42 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:43 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:44 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:45 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:46 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:47 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:48 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:49 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:50 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:51 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:52 Waiting for index 6173324566428047292 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:53 Index is 6173324566428047292 now active
2023/10/28 02:01:53 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:54 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:55 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:56 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:57 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:58 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:01:59 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:00 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:01 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:02 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:03 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:04 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:05 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:06 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:07 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:08 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:09 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:10 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:11 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:12 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:13 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:14 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:15 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:16 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:17 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:18 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:19 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:20 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:21 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:22 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:23 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:24 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:25 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:26 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:27 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:28 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:29 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:30 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:31 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:32 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:33 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:34 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:35 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:36 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:37 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:38 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:39 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:40 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:41 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:42 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:43 Waiting for index 14623314387526241006 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:02:44 Index is 14623314387526241006 now active
2023/10/28 02:02:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:02:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:02:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:02:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:02:45 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T02:02:45.011+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/defertest_buck2-_default-_default-1698438765007629171] started ...
2023/10/28 02:02:45 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:02:48 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:02:49 Deleted bucket defertest_buck2, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestMultipleBucketsDeferredBuild (210.68s)
=== RUN   TestCreateDropCreateDeferredIndex
2023/10/28 02:02:54 In TestCreateDropCreateDeferredIndex()
2023/10/28 02:02:54 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:02:54 Index found:  buck1_id1
2023/10/28 02:02:55 Dropped index buck1_id1
2023/10/28 02:02:55 Index found:  buck1_id2
2023/10/28 02:02:55 Dropped index buck1_id2
2023/10/28 02:02:57 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:03:12 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:03:12 Index is 11981446707407533633 now active
2023/10/28 02:03:13 Dropping the secondary index id_age
2023/10/28 02:03:13 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:03:16 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:03:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:03:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestCreateDropCreateDeferredIndex (30.36s)
=== RUN   TestMultipleDeferredIndexes_BuildTogether
2023/10/28 02:03:25 In TestMultipleDeferredIndexes_BuildTogether()
2023/10/28 02:03:25 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:03:25 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:03:25 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:03:28 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:03:45 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:03:45 Index is 6414429843134226521 now active
2023/10/28 02:03:46 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_age id_gender id_isActive], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:03:46 Waiting for the index id_age to become active
2023/10/28 02:03:46 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:47 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:48 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:49 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:50 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:51 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:52 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:53 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:54 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:55 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:56 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:57 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:58 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:03:59 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:00 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:01 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:02 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:03 Waiting for index 7640759921319834335 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:04 Index is 7640759921319834335 now active
2023/10/28 02:04:04 Waiting for the index id_gender to become active
2023/10/28 02:04:04 Index is 13277876351941411271 now active
2023/10/28 02:04:04 Waiting for the index id_isActive to become active
2023/10/28 02:04:04 Index is 13460914315891880570 now active
2023/10/28 02:04:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:04:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:04:07 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:04:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultipleDeferredIndexes_BuildTogether (54.13s)
=== RUN   TestMultipleDeferredIndexes_BuildOneByOne
2023/10/28 02:04:19 In TestMultipleDeferredIndexes_BuildOneByOne()
2023/10/28 02:04:19 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Index found:  id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Dropped index id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:04:19 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 02:04:20 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 02:04:22 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:04:41 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:04:41 Index is 14360817668077909527 now active
2023/10/28 02:04:43 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_age], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:04:43 Waiting for the index id_age to become active
2023/10/28 02:04:43 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:44 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:45 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:46 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:47 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:48 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:49 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:50 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:51 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:52 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:53 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:54 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:55 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:56 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:57 Waiting for index 17167710101623110028 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:58 Index is 17167710101623110028 now active
2023/10/28 02:04:58 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_gender], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:04:58 Waiting for the index id_gender to become active
2023/10/28 02:04:58 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:04:59 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:00 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:01 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:02 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:03 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:04 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:05 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:06 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:07 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:08 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:09 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:10 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:11 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:12 Waiting for index 10400748006947886562 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:13 Index is 10400748006947886562 now active
2023/10/28 02:05:13 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_isActive], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:05:13 Waiting for the index id_isActive to become active
2023/10/28 02:05:13 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:14 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:15 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:16 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:17 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:18 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:19 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:20 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:21 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:22 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:23 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:24 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:25 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:26 Waiting for index 15143610024712475884 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:05:27 Index is 15143610024712475884 now active
2023/10/28 02:05:27 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:05:27 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:05:30 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:05:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:05:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:05:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:05:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultipleDeferredIndexes_BuildOneByOne (82.35s)
=== RUN   TestDropDeferredIndexWhileOthersBuilding
2023/10/28 02:05:41 In TestDropDeferredIndexWhileOthersBuilding()
2023/10/28 02:05:41 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:05:41 Index found:  id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:05:41 Dropped index id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:05:41 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 02:05:42 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 02:05:42 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:05:42 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:05:42 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:05:42 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:05:44 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:06:05 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:06:05 Index is 8754492946853226889 now active
2023/10/28 02:06:06 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [6418557898011922144 7297070156472166891]
2023/10/28 02:06:08 Dropping the secondary index id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:06:08 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:06:08 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:09 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:10 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:11 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:12 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:13 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:14 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:15 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:16 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:17 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:18 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:19 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:20 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:21 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:22 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:23 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:24 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:25 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:26 Waiting for index 6418557898011922144 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:27 Index is 6418557898011922144 now active
2023/10/28 02:06:27 Index is 7297070156472166891 now active
2023/10/28 02:06:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:06:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:06:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:06:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:06:31 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:06:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:06:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDropDeferredIndexWhileOthersBuilding (61.19s)
=== RUN   TestDropBuildingDeferredIndex
2023/10/28 02:06:43 In TestDropBuildingDeferredIndex()
2023/10/28 02:06:43 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:06:43 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 02:06:43 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 02:06:43 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:06:43 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:06:43 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:06:43 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:06:45 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:06:51 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [13430602088371749859 4809784539460956922]
2023/10/28 02:06:52 Dropping the secondary index id_age
2023/10/28 02:06:52 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:06:52 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:53 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:54 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:55 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:56 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:57 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:58 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:06:59 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:00 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:01 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:02 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:03 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:04 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:05 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:06 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:07 Waiting for index 13430602088371749859 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:08 Index is 13430602088371749859 now active
2023/10/28 02:07:09 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_gender], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:07:09 Waiting for the index id_gender to become active
2023/10/28 02:07:09 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:10 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:11 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:12 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:13 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:14 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:15 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:16 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:17 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:18 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:19 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:20 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:21 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:22 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:23 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:24 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:25 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:26 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:27 Waiting for index 163867920273343872 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:07:28 Index is 163867920273343872 now active
2023/10/28 02:07:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:07:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:07:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:07:30 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:07:32 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:07:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:07:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDropBuildingDeferredIndex (60.47s)
=== RUN   TestDropMultipleBuildingDeferredIndexes
2023/10/28 02:07:43 In TestDropMultipleBuildingDeferredIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:07:43 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:07:43 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:07:43 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:07:43 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:07:43 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:07:50 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:08:28 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:08:28 Index is 16883556282988254902 now active
2023/10/28 02:08:30 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [10382659623408049256 793385738339713636]
2023/10/28 02:08:31 Dropping the secondary index id_age
2023/10/28 02:08:31 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:08:31 Dropping the secondary index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:08:36 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:08:36 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_isActive], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:08:36 Waiting for the index id_isActive to become active
2023/10/28 02:08:36 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:37 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:38 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:39 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:40 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:41 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:42 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:43 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:44 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:45 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:46 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:47 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:48 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:49 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:50 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:51 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:52 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:53 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:54 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:55 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:56 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:57 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:58 Waiting for index 4197054702221581440 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:08:59 Index is 4197054702221581440 now active
2023/10/28 02:09:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:09:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:09:10 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 180000 and 180000
2023/10/28 02:09:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:09:11 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:09:11 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 180000 and 180000
--- PASS: TestDropMultipleBuildingDeferredIndexes (88.43s)
=== RUN   TestDropOneIndexSecondDeferBuilding
2023/10/28 02:09:11 In TestDropOneIndexSecondDeferBuilding()
2023/10/28 02:09:11 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:09:11 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:09:11 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:09:11 Index found:  id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:09:12 Dropped index id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:09:14 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:09:20 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_company], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:09:20 Waiting for the index id_company to become active
2023/10/28 02:09:20 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:21 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:22 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:23 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:24 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:25 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:26 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:27 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:28 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:29 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:30 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:31 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:32 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:33 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:34 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:35 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:36 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:37 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:38 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:39 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:40 Waiting for index 10391102984130544126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:09:41 Index is 10391102984130544126 now active
2023/10/28 02:09:41 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [8680861251047016740]
2023/10/28 02:09:42 Dropping the secondary index id_company
2023/10/28 02:09:42 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:09:48 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:10:03 Waiting for index 8680861251047016740 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:04 Waiting for index 8680861251047016740 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:05 Waiting for index 8680861251047016740 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:06 Waiting for index 8680861251047016740 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:07 Waiting for index 8680861251047016740 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:08 Waiting for index 8680861251047016740 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:09 Index is 8680861251047016740 now active
2023/10/28 02:10:09 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_gender], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:10:09 Waiting for the index id_gender to become active
2023/10/28 02:10:09 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:10 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:11 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:12 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:13 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:14 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:15 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:16 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:17 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:18 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:19 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:20 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:21 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:22 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:23 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:24 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:25 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:26 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:27 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:28 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:29 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:30 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:31 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:32 Waiting for index 16047504590066036848 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:33 Index is 16047504590066036848 now active
2023/10/28 02:10:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:10:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:10:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:10:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDropOneIndexSecondDeferBuilding (83.59s)
=== RUN   TestDropSecondIndexSecondDeferBuilding
2023/10/28 02:10:35 In TestDropSecondIndexSecondDeferBuilding()
2023/10/28 02:10:35 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:10:35 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 02:10:35 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 02:10:35 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:10:35 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:10:38 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:10:44 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_company], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:10:44 Waiting for the index id_company to become active
2023/10/28 02:10:44 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:45 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:46 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:47 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:48 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:49 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:50 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:51 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:52 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:53 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:54 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:55 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:56 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:57 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:58 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:10:59 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:00 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:01 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:02 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:03 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:04 Waiting for index 7033951800958981689 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:05 Index is 7033951800958981689 now active
2023/10/28 02:11:05 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [17021800235196307561]
2023/10/28 02:11:06 Dropping the secondary index id_age
2023/10/28 02:11:06 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:11:10 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:11:20 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_gender], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:11:20 Waiting for the index id_gender to become active
2023/10/28 02:11:20 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:21 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:22 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:23 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:24 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:25 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:26 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:27 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:28 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:29 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:30 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:31 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:32 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:33 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:34 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:35 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:36 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:37 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:38 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:39 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:40 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:41 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:42 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:43 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:44 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:45 Waiting for index 14332693500360920260 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:11:46 Index is 14332693500360920260 now active
2023/10/28 02:11:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:11:46 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:11:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:11:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDropSecondIndexSecondDeferBuilding (73.40s)
=== RUN   TestCreateAfterDropWhileIndexBuilding
2023/10/28 02:11:48 In TestCreateAfterDropWhileIndexBuilding()
2023/10/28 02:11:48 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:11:48 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:11:49 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:11:49 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:11:49 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:12:12 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:13:09 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [11857435156583686844]
2023/10/28 02:13:10 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:11 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:12 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:13 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:14 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:15 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:16 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:17 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:18 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:19 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:20 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:21 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:22 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:23 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:24 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:25 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:26 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:27 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:28 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:29 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:30 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:31 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:32 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:33 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:34 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:35 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:36 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:37 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:38 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:39 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:40 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:41 Waiting for index 11857435156583686844 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:42 Index is 11857435156583686844 now active
2023/10/28 02:13:42 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [10237837079341317374]
2023/10/28 02:13:43 Dropping the secondary index id_company
2023/10/28 02:13:43 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:13:43 Dropping the secondary index id_age
2023/10/28 02:13:45 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:13:50 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [id_gender], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 02:13:50 Waiting for the index id_gender to become active
2023/10/28 02:13:50 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:51 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:52 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:53 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:54 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:55 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:56 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:57 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:58 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:13:59 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:00 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:01 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:02 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:03 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:04 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:05 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:06 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:07 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:08 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:09 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:10 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:11 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:12 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:13 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:14 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:15 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:16 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:17 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:18 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:19 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:20 Waiting for index 11153931025426680126 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:14:21 Index is 11153931025426680126 now active
2023/10/28 02:14:22 Index is 11153931025426680126 now active
2023/10/28 02:14:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:14:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestCreateAfterDropWhileIndexBuilding (156.22s)
=== RUN   TestDropBuildingIndex1
2023/10/28 02:14:25 In TestDropBuildingIndex1()
2023/10/28 02:14:25 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:14:25 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:14:25 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:14:30 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:15:14 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:15:14 Index is 17820791071463891561 now active
2023/10/28 02:15:51 Dropping the secondary index id_age
2023/10/28 02:15:51 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:16:25 Created the secondary index id_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:16:25 Index is 8069767702630019104 now active
2023/10/28 02:16:27 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:16:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:16:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:16:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:16:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDropBuildingIndex1 (135.81s)
=== RUN   TestDropBuildingIndex2
2023/10/28 02:16:40 In TestDropBuildingIndex2()
2023/10/28 02:16:40 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:16:40 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:16:41 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:16:41 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 02:16:41 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 02:16:46 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:17:36 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:17:36 Index is 14126333088275541421 now active
2023/10/28 02:18:17 Dropping the secondary index id_company
2023/10/28 02:18:17 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:18:17 Index is 10240513566840379719 now active
2023/10/28 02:18:54 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:18:54 Index is 1200115493547089083 now active
2023/10/28 02:18:56 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:19:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:19:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:19:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:19:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDropBuildingIndex2 (146.46s)
=== RUN   TestDropIndexWithDataLoad
2023/10/28 02:19:07 In TestDropIndexWithDataLoad()
2023/10/28 02:19:07 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:19:07 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 02:19:07 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 02:19:07 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 02:19:07 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 02:19:10 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:19:54 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:19:54 Index is 10996803356022983885 now active
2023/10/28 02:20:34 Created the secondary index id_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:20:34 Index is 7646463300978336370 now active
2023/10/28 02:21:15 Created the secondary index id_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:21:15 Index is 745244837789650346 now active
2023/10/28 02:21:55 Created the secondary index id_isActive. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:21:55 Index is 4997692231133615113 now active
2023/10/28 02:22:03 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:22:03 In LoadKVBucket
2023/10/28 02:22:03 Bucket name = default
2023/10/28 02:22:03 In DropIndexWhileKVLoad
2023/10/28 02:22:04 Dropping the secondary index id_company
2023/10/28 02:22:04 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:22:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:22:33 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:22:33 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 96712 and 96712
2023/10/28 02:22:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 420000 and 420000
--- PASS: TestDropIndexWithDataLoad (209.93s)
=== RUN   TestDropAllIndexesWithDataLoad
2023/10/28 02:22:37 In TestDropAllIndexesWithDataLoad()
2023/10/28 02:22:37 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Index found:  id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Dropped index id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 02:22:37 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:22:40 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:23:27 Created the secondary index id_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:23:27 Index is 10489431809502531977 now active
2023/10/28 02:24:12 Created the secondary index id_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:24:12 Index is 17034348725272308215 now active
2023/10/28 02:24:54 Created the secondary index id_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:24:54 Index is 652009483169588415 now active
2023/10/28 02:25:39 Created the secondary index id_isActive. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:25:39 Index is 13149613126264138247 now active
2023/10/28 02:25:46 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:25:46 In LoadKVBucket
2023/10/28 02:25:46 Bucket name = default
2023/10/28 02:25:46 In DropIndexWhileKVLoad
2023/10/28 02:25:46 In DropIndexWhileKVLoad
2023/10/28 02:25:46 In DropIndexWhileKVLoad
2023/10/28 02:25:46 In DropIndexWhileKVLoad
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Dropping the secondary index id_isActive
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Dropping the secondary index id_gender
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Dropping the secondary index id_age
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Dropping the secondary index id_company
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:25:47 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:26:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:26:04 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index id_company not found.
--- PASS: TestDropAllIndexesWithDataLoad (207.33s)
=== RUN   TestCreateBucket_AnotherIndexBuilding
2023/10/28 02:26:04 In TestCreateBucket_AnotherIndexBuilding()
2023/10/28 02:26:04 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:26:45 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:26:48 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:26:48
2023/10/28 02:26:48 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 02:26:48 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 20:56:48 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc0866e7c00 31 [] false false map[] 0xc002898200 }
2023/10/28 02:26:48 DeleteBucket failed for bucket multi_buck2 
2023/10/28 02:26:48 Deleted bucket multi_buck2, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 02:27:03 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:29:14 Created bucket multi_buck2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:29:40 Index is 1734896998974613106 now active
2023/10/28 02:29:40 Index is 14592795706026495131 now active
2023/10/28 02:29:40 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T02:29:40.816+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/multi_buck2-_default-_default-1698440380810879494] started ...
2023/10/28 02:29:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:29:40 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 10000 and 10000
2023/10/28 02:29:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:29:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:29:44 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 200000 and 200000
2023/10/28 02:29:46 Deleted bucket multi_buck2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:30:24 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
--- PASS: TestCreateBucket_AnotherIndexBuilding (259.85s)
=== RUN   TestDropBucket2Index_Bucket1IndexBuilding
2023/10/28 02:30:24 In TestDropBucket2Index_Bucket1IndexBuilding()
2023/10/28 02:30:24 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:30:24 Index found:  buck1_idx
2023/10/28 02:30:24 Dropped index buck1_idx
2023/10/28 02:31:02 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:31:05 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:31:05
2023/10/28 02:31:05 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 02:31:05 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:01:05 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc01315b640 31 [] false false map[] 0xc00adcc000 }
2023/10/28 02:31:05 DeleteBucket failed for bucket multibucket_test3 
2023/10/28 02:31:05 Deleted bucket multibucket_test3, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 02:31:05 Created bucket multibucket_test3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:31:20 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:32:25 Created the secondary index buck2_idx. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:32:25 Index is 5320356526199270653 now active
2023/10/28 02:32:45 Dropping the secondary index buck2_idx
2023/10/28 02:32:45 Index dropped
2023/10/28 02:32:45 Index is 12655143211547933256 now active
2023/10/28 02:32:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:32:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:32:47 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 100000 and 100000
2023/10/28 02:32:48 Deleted bucket multibucket_test3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:33:27 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
--- PASS: TestDropBucket2Index_Bucket1IndexBuilding (182.77s)
=== RUN   TestDeleteBucketWhileInitialIndexBuild
2023/10/28 02:33:27 In TestDeleteBucketWhileInitialIndexBuild()
2023/10/28 02:33:27 ============== DBG: Drop all indexes in all buckets
2023/10/28 02:33:27 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:33:27 Index found:  buck1_idx
2023/10/28 02:33:27 Dropped index buck1_idx
2023/10/28 02:33:27 ============== DBG: Delete bucket default
2023/10/28 02:33:28 Deleted bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:33:28 ============== DBG: Create bucket default
2023/10/28 02:33:28 Created bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:33:31 Flush Enabled on bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:34:05 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:34:05 ============== DBG: Delete bucket testbucket2
2023/10/28 02:34:05
2023/10/28 02:34:05 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 02:34:05 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:04:05 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc012f48100 31 [] false false map[] 0xc00ac1c300 }
2023/10/28 02:34:05 DeleteBucket failed for bucket testbucket2 
2023/10/28 02:34:05 Deleted bucket testbucket2, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 02:34:05 ============== DBG: Create bucket testbucket2
2023/10/28 02:34:05 Created bucket testbucket2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:34:08 Flush Enabled on bucket testbucket2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:34:42 Flushed the bucket testbucket2, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:34:42 ============== DBG: Delete bucket testbucket3
2023/10/28 02:34:42
2023/10/28 02:34:42 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 02:34:42 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:04:42 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc012f9ca00 31 [] false false map[] 0xc00ac1c000 }
2023/10/28 02:34:42 DeleteBucket failed for bucket testbucket3 
2023/10/28 02:34:42 Deleted bucket testbucket3, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 02:34:42 ============== DBG: Create bucket testbucket3
2023/10/28 02:34:42 Created bucket testbucket3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:34:45 Flush Enabled on bucket testbucket3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:35:18 Flushed the bucket testbucket3, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:35:18 ============== DBG: Delete bucket testbucket4
2023/10/28 02:35:19
2023/10/28 02:35:19 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 02:35:19 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:05:18 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc012075700 31 [] false false map[] 0xc00ac1c200 }
2023/10/28 02:35:19 DeleteBucket failed for bucket testbucket4 
2023/10/28 02:35:19 Deleted bucket testbucket4, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 02:35:19 ============== DBG: Create bucket testbucket4
2023/10/28 02:35:19 Created bucket testbucket4, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:35:22 Flush Enabled on bucket testbucket4, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:35:55 Flushed the bucket testbucket4, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:36:10 Generating docs and Populating all the buckets
2023/10/28 02:36:11 ============== DBG: Creating docs in bucket default
2023/10/28 02:36:11 ============== DBG: Creating index bucket1_age in bucket default
2023/10/28 02:36:17 Created the secondary index bucket1_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:36:17 Index is 630298972325227885 now active
2023/10/28 02:36:17 ============== DBG: Creating index bucket1_gender in bucket default
2023/10/28 02:36:24 Created the secondary index bucket1_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:36:24 Index is 7440724581523222743 now active
2023/10/28 02:36:24 ============== DBG: Creating docs in bucket testbucket2
2023/10/28 02:36:25 ============== DBG: Creating index bucket2_city in bucket testbucket2
2023/10/28 02:36:30 Created the secondary index bucket2_city. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:36:30 Index is 14408296363079777034 now active
2023/10/28 02:36:30 ============== DBG: Creating index bucket2_company in bucket testbucket2
2023/10/28 02:36:40 Created the secondary index bucket2_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:36:40 Index is 9673616234588001296 now active
2023/10/28 02:36:40 ============== DBG: Creating docs in bucket testbucket3
2023/10/28 02:36:41 ============== DBG: Creating index bucket3_gender in bucket testbucket3
2023/10/28 02:36:47 Created the secondary index bucket3_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:36:47 Index is 14677524574987449488 now active
2023/10/28 02:36:47 ============== DBG: Creating index bucket3_address in bucket testbucket3
2023/10/28 02:36:54 Created the secondary index bucket3_address. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:36:54 Index is 11857560416158883380 now active
2023/10/28 02:36:54 ============== DBG: First bucket scan:: Scanning index bucket1_age in bucket default
2023/10/28 02:36:54 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T02:36:54.341+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T02:36:54.341+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T02:36:54.341+05:30 [Info] metadata provider version changed 1300 -> 1301
2023-10-28T02:36:54.341+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 1300 -> 1301 force false 
2023-10-28T02:36:54.345+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 1305 -> 1305 force true 
2023-10-28T02:36:54.347+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T02:36:54.347+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T02:36:54.354+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-_default-_default-1698440814323467723] started ...
2023/10/28 02:36:54 ============== DBG: First bucket scan:: Expected results = 294 Actual results = 294
2023/10/28 02:36:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:37:05 ============== DBG: Creating 50K docs in bucket testbucket4
2023/10/28 02:37:33 ============== DBG: Creating index bucket4_balance asynchronously in bucket testbucket4
2023/10/28 02:37:47 ============== DBG: Deleting bucket testbucket4
2023/10/28 02:37:49 Deleted bucket testbucket4, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:37:49 ============== DBG: First bucket scan:: Scanning index bucket1_age in bucket default
2023/10/28 02:37:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:37:49 ============== DBG: First bucket scan:: Expected results = 294 Actual results = 294
2023/10/28 02:37:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:37:49 ============== DBG: Second bucket scan:: Scanning index bucket2_city in bucket testbucket2
2023/10/28 02:37:49 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T02:37:49.140+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/testbucket2-_default-_default-1698440869136807166] started ...
2023/10/28 02:37:49 ============== DBG: Second bucket scan:: Expected results = 392 Actual results = 392
2023/10/28 02:37:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:37:49 ============== DBG: Third bucket scan:: Scanning index bucket3_gender in bucket testbucket3
2023/10/28 02:37:49 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T02:37:49.152+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/testbucket3-_default-_default-1698440869148624269] started ...
2023/10/28 02:37:49 ============== DBG: Third bucket scan:: Expected results = 492 Actual results = 492
2023/10/28 02:37:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:37:49 ============== DBG: Deleting buckets testbucket2 testbucket3 testbucket4
2023/10/28 02:37:50 Deleted bucket testbucket2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:37:52 Deleted bucket testbucket3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:37:52
2023/10/28 02:37:52 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 02:37:52 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:07:52 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc002278c80 31 [] false false map[] 0xc002628000 }
2023/10/28 02:37:52 DeleteBucket failed for bucket testbucket4 
2023/10/28 02:37:52 Deleted bucket testbucket4, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 02:37:55 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestDeleteBucketWhileInitialIndexBuild (283.56s)
=== RUN   TestWherClause_UpdateDocument
2023/10/28 02:38:10 In TestWherClause_UpdateDocument()
2023/10/28 02:38:10 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:38:10 Index found:  bucket1_gender
2023/10/28 02:38:10 Dropped index bucket1_gender
2023/10/28 02:38:10 Index found:  bucket1_age
2023/10/28 02:38:11 Dropped index bucket1_age
2023/10/28 02:38:49 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:38:51 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:39:01 Created the secondary index id_ageGreaterThan40. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:39:01 Index is 16797255500071729648 now active
2023/10/28 02:39:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:39:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:39:01 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 5981 and 5981
2023/10/28 02:39:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:39:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:39:06 Number of docScanResults and scanResults = 1981 and 1981
--- PASS: TestWherClause_UpdateDocument (55.59s)
=== RUN   TestDeferFalse
2023/10/28 02:39:06 In TestDeferFalse()
2023/10/28 02:39:09 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:39:24 Created the secondary index index_deferfalse1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:39:24 Index is 8993078864811477999 now active
2023/10/28 02:39:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:39:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDeferFalse (17.89s)
=== RUN   TestDeferFalse_CloseClientConnection
2023/10/28 02:39:24 In TestDeferFalse_CloseClientConnection()
2023/10/28 02:39:24 In CloseClientThread
2023/10/28 02:39:24 In CreateIndexThread
2023/10/28 02:39:26 Create Index call failed as expected due to error : Terminate Request due to client termination
2023/10/28 02:39:26 Waiting for index 2008948379830852515 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:39:27 Waiting for index 2008948379830852515 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:39:28 Waiting for index 2008948379830852515 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:39:29 Waiting for index 2008948379830852515 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:39:30 Waiting for index 2008948379830852515 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:39:31 Waiting for index 2008948379830852515 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:39:32 Waiting for index 2008948379830852515 to go active ...
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Index is 2008948379830852515 now active
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestDeferFalse_CloseClientConnection (9.12s)
=== RUN   TestOrphanIndexCleanup
2023/10/28 02:39:33 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Index found:  id_ageGreaterThan40
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Dropped index id_ageGreaterThan40
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Index found:  index_deferfalse1
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Dropped index index_deferfalse1
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Index found:  index_deferfalse2
2023/10/28 02:39:33 Dropped index index_deferfalse2
2023/10/28 02:39:49 Created the secondary index idx1_age_regular. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:39:49 Index is 3521905354543269071 now active
2023/10/28 02:39:58 Created the secondary index idx2_company_regular. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:39:58 Index is 2148570228511097957 now active
2023/10/28 02:40:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:40:08 Query on idx1_age_regular is successful
2023/10/28 02:40:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:40:08 Query on idx2_company_regular is successful
Restarting indexer process ...
2023/10/28 02:40:08 []
2023-10-28T02:40:08.917+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T02:40:08.917+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 02:40:28 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T02:40:28.863+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T02:40:28.863+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] -6871133679323956878 request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T02:40:28.863+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T02:40:28.863+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [340722258592862973], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 02:40:28 Query on idx1_age_regular is successful - after indexer restart.
2023/10/28 02:40:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:40:28 Query on idx2_company_regular is successful - after indexer restart.
--- PASS: TestOrphanIndexCleanup (55.44s)
=== RUN   TestOrphanPartitionCleanup
2023/10/28 02:40:33 Created the secondary index idx3_age_regular. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:40:33 Index is 10538413152414130271 now active
2023/10/28 02:40:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:40:43 Query on idx3_age_regular is successful
Restarting indexer process ...
2023/10/28 02:40:43 []
2023-10-28T02:40:44.024+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T02:40:44.024+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 02:41:03 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T02:41:03.991+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T02:41:03.991+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] -1524174515456242317 request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T02:41:03.991+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 8.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T02:41:03.991+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [4450456329201411385], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Query on idx3_age_regular is successful - after indexer restart.
--- PASS: TestOrphanPartitionCleanup (35.12s)
=== RUN   TestIndexerSettings
2023/10/28 02:41:04 In TestIndexerSettings()
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_cpu_percent to value 300
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.inmemory_snapshot.interval to value 300
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.persisted_snapshot.interval to value 20000
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.recovery.max_rollbacks to value 3
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.log_level to value error
--- PASS: TestIndexerSettings (0.59s)
=== RUN   TestRestoreDefaultSettings
2023/10/28 02:41:04 In TestIndexerSettings_RestoreDefault()
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_cpu_percent to value 0
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.inmemory_snapshot.interval to value 200
2023/10/28 02:41:04 Changing config key indexer.settings.persisted_snapshot.interval to value 5000
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Changing config key indexer.settings.recovery.max_rollbacks to value 5
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Changing config key indexer.settings.log_level to value info
--- PASS: TestRestoreDefaultSettings (0.55s)
=== RUN   TestStat_ItemsCount
2023/10/28 02:41:05 In TestStat_ItemsCount()
2023/10/28 02:41:05 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Index found:  idx3_age_regular
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Dropped index idx3_age_regular
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Index found:  idx2_company_regular
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Dropped index idx2_company_regular
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Index found:  idx1_age_regular
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Dropped index idx1_age_regular
2023/10/28 02:41:05 Emptying the default bucket
2023/10/28 02:41:08 Flush Enabled on bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:41:46 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:41:46 Generating JSON docs
2023/10/28 02:41:47 Setting initial JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 02:41:51 Creating a 2i
2023/10/28 02:41:55 Created the secondary index index_test1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:41:55 Index is 9975895943363243054 now active
2023/10/28 02:42:00 items_count stat is 10000
--- PASS: TestStat_ItemsCount (55.58s)
=== RUN   TestRangeArrayIndex_Distinct
2023/10/28 02:42:00 In TestRangeArrayIndex_Distinct()
2023/10/28 02:42:00 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:42:00 Index found:  index_test1
2023/10/28 02:42:00 Dropped index index_test1
2023/10/28 02:42:39 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:42:43 Created the secondary index arridx_friends. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:42:43 Index is 1459146916688204317 now active
2023-10-28T02:42:43.642+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T02:42:43.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""]  request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T02:42:43.643+05:30 [Warn] scan failed: requestId  queryport inst 6090316516602182709 partition [0]
2023-10-28T02:42:43.643+05:30 [Warn] Scan failed with error for index 1459146916688204317.  Trying scan again with replica, reqId: :  write tcp> write: broken pipe from [] ...
2023-10-28T02:42:43.643+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T02:42:43.644+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [6090316516602182709], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023-10-28T02:42:43.655+05:30 [Warn] Fail to find indexers to satisfy query request.  Trying scan again for index 1459146916688204317, reqId: :  write tcp> write: broken pipe from [] ...
2023/10/28 02:42:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:42:46 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestRangeArrayIndex_Distinct (45.83s)
=== RUN   TestUpdateArrayIndex_Distinct
2023/10/28 02:42:46 In TestUpdateArrayIndex_Distinct()
2023/10/28 02:42:46 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:42:46 Index found:  arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:42:46 Dropped index arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:43:25 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:43:29 Created the secondary index arridx_friends. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:43:29 Index is 60136885309196607 now active
2023/10/28 02:43:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:43:33 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:43:33 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestUpdateArrayIndex_Distinct (46.63s)
=== RUN   TestRangeArrayIndex_Duplicate
2023/10/28 02:43:33 In TestRangeArrayIndex_Duplicate()
2023/10/28 02:43:33 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:43:33 Index found:  arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:43:33 Dropped index arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:44:11 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:44:15 Created the secondary index arridx_friends. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:44:15 Index is 10422955556745059156 now active
2023/10/28 02:44:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:44:18 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestRangeArrayIndex_Duplicate (45.07s)
=== RUN   TestUpdateArrayIndex_Duplicate
2023/10/28 02:44:18 In TestUpdateArrayIndex_Duplicate()
2023/10/28 02:44:18 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:44:18 Index found:  arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:44:18 Dropped index arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:44:56 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:45:00 Created the secondary index arridx_friends. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:45:00 Index is 7527320358234572887 now active
2023/10/28 02:45:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestUpdateArrayIndex_Duplicate (46.05s)
=== RUN   TestArrayIndexCornerCases
2023/10/28 02:45:04 In TestArrayIndexCornerCases()
2023/10/28 02:45:08 Created the secondary index arr_single. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:45:08 Index is 12124023037850555638 now active
2023/10/28 02:45:14 Created the secondary index arr_leading. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:45:14 Index is 4135071941425876279 now active
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Created the secondary index arr_nonleading. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Index is 1507712308871942023 now active
2023/10/28 02:45:20 

--------ScanAll for EMPTY array--------
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 0
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 0
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values ["BDQLJi" Missing field or index.] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 

--------ScanAll for MISSING array--------
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 0
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 0
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values ["7CLc#v" Missing field or index.] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 

--------ScanAll for NULL array--------
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values [null] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values [null "tIsuR"] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values ["tIsuR" null] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 

--------ScanAll for SCALARVALUE array--------
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values [null] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values [null "kf7l7"] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values ["kf7l7" null] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 

--------ScanAll for SCALAROBJECT array--------
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values [null] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values [null "nmLxR"] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Key: string 3676666343362258160  Value: value.Values ["nmLxR" null] false
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestArrayIndexCornerCases (16.55s)
=== RUN   TestArraySizeIncreaseDecrease1
2023/10/28 02:45:20 In TestArraySizeIncreaseDecrease1()
2023/10/28 02:45:20 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Index found:  arr_leading
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Dropped index arr_leading
2023/10/28 02:45:20 Index found:  arr_nonleading
2023/10/28 02:45:21 Dropped index arr_nonleading
2023/10/28 02:45:21 Index found:  arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:45:21 Dropped index arridx_friends
2023/10/28 02:45:21 Index found:  arr_single
2023/10/28 02:45:21 Dropped index arr_single
2023/10/28 02:45:59 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:45:59 Changing config key indexer.settings.allow_large_keys to value false
2023/10/28 02:46:00 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 100
2023/10/28 02:46:00 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 2000
2023/10/28 02:46:01 Start of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:46:19 End of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:46:19 Start of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:46:19 End of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:46:23 Created the secondary index arr1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:46:23 Index is 17461830269107323075 now active
2023/10/28 02:46:29 Created the secondary index arr2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:46:29 Index is 7409588267469780443 now active
2023/10/28 02:46:35 Created the secondary index idx3. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:46:35 Index is 4673156557555330258 now active
2023/10/28 02:46:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:46:35 Length of scanResults = 10
2023/10/28 02:46:35 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 4096
2023/10/28 02:46:35 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 51200
2023/10/28 02:46:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:46:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:46:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:46:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:46:43 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 100
2023/10/28 02:46:43 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 2200
2023/10/28 02:46:51 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:46:51 Length of scanResults = 10
2023/10/28 02:46:51 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 4608
2023/10/28 02:46:52 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 10240
--- PASS: TestArraySizeIncreaseDecrease1 (92.25s)
=== RUN   TestArraySizeIncreaseDecrease2
2023/10/28 02:46:53 In TestArraySizeIncreaseDecrease2()
2023/10/28 02:46:53 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:46:53 Index found:  arr2
2023/10/28 02:46:53 Dropped index arr2
2023/10/28 02:46:53 Index found:  arr1
2023/10/28 02:46:53 Dropped index arr1
2023/10/28 02:46:53 Index found:  idx3
2023/10/28 02:46:53 Dropped index idx3
2023/10/28 02:47:31 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:47:31 Changing config key indexer.settings.allow_large_keys to value true
2023/10/28 02:47:32 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 100
2023/10/28 02:47:33 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 2000
2023/10/28 02:47:34 Start of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:47:51 End of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:47:51 Start of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:47:51 End of createArrayDocs()
2023/10/28 02:48:03 Created the secondary index arr1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:48:03 Index is 15093737535530361892 now active
2023/10/28 02:48:09 Created the secondary index arr2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:48:09 Index is 10770469957058892035 now active
2023/10/28 02:48:15 Created the secondary index idx3. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:48:15 Index is 12426011466349040205 now active
2023/10/28 02:48:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:48:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:16 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 4096
2023/10/28 02:48:16 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 51200
2023/10/28 02:48:21 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:21 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:48:21 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:21 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 100
2023/10/28 02:48:21 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 2200
2023/10/28 02:48:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:48:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:48:25 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_seckey_size to value 4608
2023/10/28 02:48:25 Changing config key indexer.settings.max_array_seckey_size to value 10240
--- PASS: TestArraySizeIncreaseDecrease2 (93.76s)
=== RUN   TestBufferedScan_BackfillDisabled
2023/10/28 02:48:26 In TestBufferedScan_BackfillDisabled()
2023/10/28 02:48:26 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:48:26 Index found:  arr2
2023/10/28 02:48:26 Dropped index arr2
2023/10/28 02:48:26 Index found:  idx3
2023/10/28 02:48:27 Dropped index idx3
2023/10/28 02:48:27 Index found:  arr1
2023/10/28 02:48:27 Dropped index arr1
2023/10/28 02:49:05 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:49:42 Changing config key queryport.client.settings.backfillLimit to value 0
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Created the secondary index addressidx. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Index is 3763290085930977302 now active
2023-10-28T02:49:52.487+05:30 [Info] metadata provider version changed 1519 -> 1520
2023-10-28T02:49:52.487+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 1519 -> 1520 force false 
2023-10-28T02:49:52.488+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-_default-_default-1698441592480729083] started ...
2023-10-28T02:49:52.488+05:30 [Warn] MonitorIndexer: Indexer for default:_default:_default is already being monitored
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/.ICE-unix
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/.Test-unix
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/.X11-unix
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/.XIM-unix
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/.font-unix
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/3819d2a1-713b-43ba-8ac9-ef5e1fda6738.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/452ea864-b688-49e0-8dc9-93964ac8c55d.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/51d8ccce-0c56-427b-91c3-e317d407332c.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/5ec25dc5-07a2-42b5-beaf-a12622e8c39f.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/8e8bb06f-2a4b-4502-8d79-a427f407107b.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/93812544-0323-40c7-bdc7-224fffeffa5c.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/b9fffd1a-a256-4a45-9dd7-09db79687b5d.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/e6941b51-69d1-42f1-889c-322ee4ccc5a3.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_3819d2a1-713b-43ba-8ac9-ef5e1fda6738.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_452ea864-b688-49e0-8dc9-93964ac8c55d.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_51d8ccce-0c56-427b-91c3-e317d407332c.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_5ec25dc5-07a2-42b5-beaf-a12622e8c39f.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_8e8bb06f-2a4b-4502-8d79-a427f407107b.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_93812544-0323-40c7-bdc7-224fffeffa5c.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_b9fffd1a-a256-4a45-9dd7-09db79687b5d.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/f_e6941b51-69d1-42f1-889c-322ee4ccc5a3.sock
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/fail.log
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/go-build193354839
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/mdbslice
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/systemd-private-22924bc5158a4f909043b5356f2d9492-apache2.service-sTxezT
2023/10/28 02:49:52 Non-backfill file found: /tmp/systemd-private-22924bc5158a4f909043b5356f2d9492-systemd-timesyncd.service-5OMEIm
2023-10-28T02:49:52.493+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T02:49:52.493+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T02:49:52.495+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 1524 -> 1524 force true 
2023-10-28T02:49:52.529+05:30 [Info] Refreshing indexer list due to cluster changes or auto-refresh.
2023-10-28T02:49:52.529+05:30 [Info] Refreshed Indexer List: []
2023-10-28T02:49:52.533+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 1520 -> 1520 force true 
2023/10/28 02:49:52 limit=1,chsize=256; received 1 items; took 57.354036ms
2023/10/28 02:49:54 limit=1000,chsize=256; received 1000 items; took 1.276304181s
2023-10-28T02:49:55.702+05:30 [Info] Rollback time has changed for the following indexes 
{Index inst : [partitions]}: map[12515081845633156954:[0]]. 	 New rollbacktime: 1698441045481920269, Old rollbacktime: 0
2023-10-28T02:49:55.702+05:30 [Info] Rollback time has changed for the following indexes 
{Index inst : [partitions]}: map[12515081845633156954:[0]]. 	 New rollbacktime: 1698441045481920269, Old rollbacktime: 0
2023-10-28T02:49:55.825+05:30 [Info] gsiKeyspace::Close Closing default:_default:_default
--- PASS: TestBufferedScan_BackfillDisabled (88.94s)
=== RUN   TestBufferedScan_BackfillEnabled
2023/10/28 02:49:55 In TestBufferedScan_BackfillEnabled()
2023-10-28T02:49:55.926+05:30 [Info] MetadataProvider.CheckIndexerStatus(): adminport= connected=true
2023/10/28 02:49:55 Changing config key queryport.client.settings.backfillLimit to value 1
2023-10-28T02:49:55.958+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-_default-_default-1698441595934019539] started ...
2023-10-28T02:49:55.962+05:30 [Info] New settings received on path: /indexing/settings/config, value: 
2023/10/28 02:49:55 limit=1,chsize=256; received 1 items; took 12.669956ms
2023/10/28 02:49:56 limit=1000,chsize=256; received 1000 items; took 11.236349ms
2023/10/28 02:50:09 limit=1000,chsize=256; received 1000 items; took 10.366459697s
Scan error: bufferedscan temp file size exceeded limit 1, 13
Scan error:  bufferedscan temp file size exceeded limit 1, 13 - cause:  bufferedscan temp file size exceeded limit 1, 13
Scan error: bufferedscan temp file size exceeded limit 1, 13
Scan error:  bufferedscan temp file size exceeded limit 1, 13 - cause:  bufferedscan temp file size exceeded limit 1, 13
2023/10/28 02:50:22 limit=1000,chsize=256; received 584 items; took 12.011119355s
2023/10/28 02:50:22 limit=1000,chsize=256; received 584 items; took 12.011087505s
2023/10/28 02:50:23 Changing config key queryport.client.settings.backfillLimit to value 0
--- PASS: TestBufferedScan_BackfillEnabled (27.65s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanSetup
2023/10/28 02:50:23 In TestMultiScanSetup()
2023/10/28 02:50:25 Emptying the default bucket
2023/10/28 02:50:28 Flush Enabled on bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:51:05 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:51:05 Populating the default bucket
2023/10/28 02:51:19 Created the secondary index index_companyname. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:51:19 Index is 12823387583441211448 now active
2023/10/28 02:51:25 Created the secondary index index_company. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:51:25 Index is 14278677317777284020 now active
2023/10/28 02:51:31 Created the secondary index index_company_name_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:51:31 Index is 2106757822036364180 now active
2023/10/28 02:51:37 Created the secondary index index_primary. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:51:37 Index is 7986397506455653869 now active
2023/10/28 02:51:43 Created the secondary index index_company_name_age_address. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:51:43 Index is 7547589789686513018 now active
2023/10/28 02:51:51 Created the secondary index index_company_name_age_address_friends. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:51:51 Index is 1588237154550644269 now active
--- PASS: TestMultiScanSetup (87.90s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanCount
2023/10/28 02:51:51 In TestMultiScanCount()
2023/10/28 02:51:51 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:51:51 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:51:51 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:51 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:51 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:51:51 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:51:51 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:52 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:51:52 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:51:52 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:52 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:51:52 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:51:52 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:53 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:51:53 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:51:53 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:53 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
2023/10/28 02:51:53 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:51:53 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:54 MultiScanCount = 2273 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2273
2023/10/28 02:51:54 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:51:54 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:54 MultiScanCount = 4283 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 4283
2023/10/28 02:51:54 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:51:54 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:54 MultiScanCount = 5756 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 5756
2023/10/28 02:51:54 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:51:54 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:55 MultiScanCount = 337 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 337
2023/10/28 02:51:55 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:51:55 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:55 MultiScanCount = 2559 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2559
2023/10/28 02:51:55 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:51:55 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:56 MultiScanCount = 499 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 499
2023/10/28 02:51:56 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:51:56 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:56 MultiScanCount = 256 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 256
2023/10/28 02:51:56 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:51:56 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:56 MultiScanCount = 255 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 255
2023/10/28 02:51:56 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:51:56 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:57 MultiScanCount = 5618 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 5618
2023/10/28 02:51:57 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:51:57 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:57 MultiScanCount = 3704 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3704
2023/10/28 02:51:57 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:51:57 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:58 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:51:58 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:51:58 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:58 MultiScanCount = 3173 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3173
2023/10/28 02:51:58 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:51:58 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:58 MultiScanCount = 418 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 418
2023/10/28 02:51:58 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:51:58 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:51:58 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:59 MultiScanCount = 2273 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2273
2023/10/28 02:51:59 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:51:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:59 MultiScanCount = 7140 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 7140
2023/10/28 02:51:59 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:51:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:51:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:51:59 MultiScanCount = 8701 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 8701
2023/10/28 02:51:59 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:51:59 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:51:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:00 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:52:00 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:00 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:00 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:52:00 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:00 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:01 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:52:01 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:01 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:01 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:52:01 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:52:01 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:02 MultiScanCount = 3 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3
2023/10/28 02:52:02 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:52:02 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:02 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
2023/10/28 02:52:02 

--------- New scenarios ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:02 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:02 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:02 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:03 len(scanResults) = 8 MultiScanCount = 8
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:03 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:03 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:03 len(scanResults) = 0 MultiScanCount = 0
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:03 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:03 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:03 len(scanResults) = 9 MultiScanCount = 9
2023/10/28 02:52:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:03 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:03 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:03 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:04 len(scanResults) = 4138 MultiScanCount = 4138
2023/10/28 02:52:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:04 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:04 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:04 len(scanResults) = 2746 MultiScanCount = 2746
2023/10/28 02:52:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:04 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:04 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:05 len(scanResults) = 4691 MultiScanCount = 4691
2023/10/28 02:52:05 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:05 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded3 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:05 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:05 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:05 len(scanResults) = 1329 MultiScanCount = 1329
2023/10/28 02:52:05 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:05 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded4 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:05 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:05 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:06 len(scanResults) = 5349 MultiScanCount = 5349
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:06 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded5 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:06 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:06 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:06 len(scanResults) = 8210 MultiScanCount = 8210
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:06 
--- SeekBoundaries ---
2023/10/28 02:52:06 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:06 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:06 len(scanResults) = 175 MultiScanCount = 175
2023/10/28 02:52:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:06 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:06 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:07 len(scanResults) = 1 MultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:52:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:07 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:07 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:07 len(scanResults) = 555 MultiScanCount = 555
2023/10/28 02:52:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:07 
--- Multi Scan 3 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:07 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:08 len(scanResults) = 872 MultiScanCount = 872
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:08 
--- Multi Scan 4 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:08 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:08 len(scanResults) = 287 MultiScanCount = 287
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:08 
--- Multi Scan 5 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:08 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:09 len(scanResults) = 5254 MultiScanCount = 5254
2023/10/28 02:52:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:09 
--- Multi Scan 6 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:09 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:09 len(scanResults) = 5566 MultiScanCount = 5566
2023/10/28 02:52:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:09 
--- Multi Scan 7 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:09 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:09 len(scanResults) = 8 MultiScanCount = 8
2023/10/28 02:52:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:09 

--------- With DISTINCT True ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:09 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:09 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:10 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:52:10 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:10 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:10 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:52:10 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:10 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:11 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:52:11 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:11 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:11 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:52:11 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:11 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:11 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
2023/10/28 02:52:11 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:11 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:12 MultiScanCount = 227 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 227
2023/10/28 02:52:12 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:12 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:12 MultiScanCount = 428 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 428
2023/10/28 02:52:12 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:12 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:13 MultiScanCount = 575 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 575
2023/10/28 02:52:13 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:13 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:13 MultiScanCount = 186 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 186
2023/10/28 02:52:13 
--- NonOverlappingFilters2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:13 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:14 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:52:14 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:14 MultiScanCount = 543 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 543
2023/10/28 02:52:14 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:14 MultiScanCount = 172 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 172
2023/10/28 02:52:14 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:15 MultiScanCount = 135 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 135
2023/10/28 02:52:15 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:15 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:15 MultiScanCount = 134 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 134
2023/10/28 02:52:15 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:15 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:16 MultiScanCount = 5618 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 5618
2023/10/28 02:52:16 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:16 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:16 MultiScanCount = 3704 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3704
2023/10/28 02:52:16 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:16 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:16 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:52:16 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:16 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:17 MultiScanCount = 3173 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3173
2023/10/28 02:52:17 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:52:17 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:17 MultiScanCount = 418 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 418
2023/10/28 02:52:17 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:17 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:17 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:18 MultiScanCount = 227 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 227
2023/10/28 02:52:18 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:18 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:18 MultiScanCount = 713 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 713
2023/10/28 02:52:18 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:18 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:18 MultiScanCount = 869 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 869
2023/10/28 02:52:18 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:18 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:18 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:19 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:52:19 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:19 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:19 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:52:19 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:19 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:20 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:52:20 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:20 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:20 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:52:20 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:52:20 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:21 MultiScanCount = 3 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3
2023/10/28 02:52:21 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:52:21 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:21 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
--- PASS: TestMultiScanCount (30.15s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanScenarios
2023/10/28 02:52:21 In TestMultiScanScenarios()
2023/10/28 02:52:21 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:21 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:21 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:22 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:22 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:22 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:22 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:22 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:22 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:22 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:22 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:22 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:23 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:23 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:23 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:23 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:23 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:23 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:24 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:24 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:24 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:24 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:25 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:25 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:25 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:25 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:25 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:25 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:26 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:26 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:26 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:26 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:26 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:26 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:27 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:27 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:27 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:27 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:27 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:27 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:27 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:27 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:27 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:27 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:27 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:27 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:28 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:28 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:28 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:28 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:28 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:52:28 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:29 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:29 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:29 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:29 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:29 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:29 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:29 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:29 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:30 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:30 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:30 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:30 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:30 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:30 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:30 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:31 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:31 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:31 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:31 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:31 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:31 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:31 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:31 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:32 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:52:32 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:32 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:52:32 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:33 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:33 

--------- New scenarios ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:33 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:33 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:33 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:33 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:33 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:33 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:34 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:34 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:34 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:34 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:34 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:34 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:34 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:35 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:35 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:35 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded3 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:35 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:35 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:36 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded4 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:36 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:36 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:36 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded5 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:36 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:36 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:37 
--- SeekBoundaries ---
2023/10/28 02:52:37 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:37 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:37 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:37 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:37 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:37 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:38 
--- Multi Scan 3 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:38 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:38 
--- Multi Scan 4 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:38 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:39 
--- Multi Scan 5 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:39 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:39 
--- Multi Scan 6 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:39 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:40 
--- Multi Scan 7 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:40 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:40 
--- PrefixSortVariations ---
2023/10/28 02:52:40 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:40 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:40 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:52:40 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultiScanScenarios (19.86s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanOffset
2023/10/28 02:52:41 In TestMultiScanOffset()
2023/10/28 02:52:41 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:41 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:41 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:41 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:41 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:42 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:42 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:42 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:42 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:43 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:43 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:43 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:44 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:44 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:44 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:44 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:45 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:45 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:45 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:45 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:45 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:45 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:45 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:45 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:45 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:46 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:46 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:46 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:46 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:47 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:47 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:48 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:48 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:48 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:48 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:49 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:52:49 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:49 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:49 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:49 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:50 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:50 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:50 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:50 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:50 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:50 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:50 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:51 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:51 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:51 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:51 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:51 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:51 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:52 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:52 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:52 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:52:52 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:53 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:52:53 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:53 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestMultiScanOffset (12.15s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanPrimaryIndex
2023/10/28 02:52:53 In TestMultiScanPrimaryIndex()
2023/10/28 02:52:53 
--- PrimaryRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:53 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:53 
--- PrimaryScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:53 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultiScanPrimaryIndex (0.08s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanDistinct
2023/10/28 02:52:53 In TestScansDistinct()
2023/10/28 02:52:53 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:52:53 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:52:53 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:54 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:54 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:54 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:52:54 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:55 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:55 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:55 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:52:55 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:55 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:52:55 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:56 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:56 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:56 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:56 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:56 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:52:56 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:57 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:57 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:57 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:57 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:57 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:57 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:58 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:58 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:52:58 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:58 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:58 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:58 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:58 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:58 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:52:58 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:52:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:59 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:59 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:52:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:52:59 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:52:59 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:52:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:00 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:53:00 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:00 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:53:00 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:01 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:53:01 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:01 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:53:01 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:53:01 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:01 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:53:01 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:02 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:02 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:53:02 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:02 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:02 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:53:02 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:53:02 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:03 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:53:03 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:03 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:53:03 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:04 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:53:04 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:04 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:53:04 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:04 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:04 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:53:04 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:05 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultiScanDistinct (11.72s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanProjection
2023/10/28 02:53:05 In TestMultiScanProjection()
2023/10/28 02:53:05 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:53:05 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:53:05 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:05 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:05 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:53:05 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:06 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:53:06 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:06 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:53:06 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:07 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:53:07 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:07 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:53:07 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:07 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:53:07 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:08 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:53:08 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:08 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:53:08 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:09 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:53:09 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:09 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:53:09 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:10 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:53:10 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:10 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:53:10 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:10 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:53:10 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:11 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:11 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:53:11 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:11 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:11 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:53:11 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:12 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:12 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:53:12 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:12 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:12 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:53:12 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:53:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:13 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:53:13 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:53:13 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:13 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:53:13 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:13 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:53:13 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:14 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:53:14 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:53:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:14 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:53:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:15 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:53:15 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:15 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:53:15 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:16 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:53:16 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:16 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:53:16 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:17 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:17 indexes are: index_company, index_companyname, index_company_name_age, index_company_name_age_address, index_company_name_age_address_friends
2023/10/28 02:53:17 fields are: [company], [company name], [company name age], [company name age address], [company name age address friends]
2023/10/28 02:53:17 
--- SingleIndexProjectFirst ---
2023/10/28 02:53:17 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:17 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:17 
--- 2FieldIndexProjectSecond ---
2023/10/28 02:53:17 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:17 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:17 
--- 3FieldIndexProjectThird ---
2023/10/28 02:53:17 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:18 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:18 
--- 4FieldIndexProjectFourth ---
2023/10/28 02:53:18 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:19 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectFifth ---
2023/10/28 02:53:19 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:23 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:23 
--- 2FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:23 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:23 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:23 
--- 3FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:23 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:24 
--- 3FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:24 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:24 
--- 3FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:24 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:25 
--- 4FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:25 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:26 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:26 
--- 4FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:26 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:28 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:28 
--- 4FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:28 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:30 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:30 
--- 4FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:30 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:31 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:31 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:31 
--- 4FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:31 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:33 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:33 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:33 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:36 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:36 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:39 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:39 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:43 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectTwo ---
2023/10/28 02:53:43 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:47 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectThree ---
2023/10/28 02:53:47 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:50 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:50 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectFour ---
2023/10/28 02:53:50 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:54 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectAll ---
2023/10/28 02:53:54 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:53:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:53:58 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:53:58 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectAlternate ---
2023/10/28 02:53:58 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:54:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:01 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:01 
--- 5FieldIndexProjectEmptyEntryKeys ---
2023/10/28 02:54:01 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultiScanProjection (59.93s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanRestAPI
2023/10/28 02:54:05 In TestMultiScanRestAPI()
2023/10/28 02:54:05 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Index found:  index_company_name_age_address
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Dropped index index_company_name_age_address
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Index found:  index_company_name_age_address_friends
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Dropped index index_company_name_age_address_friends
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Index found:  addressidx
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Dropped index addressidx
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Index found:  index_company_name_age
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Dropped index index_company_name_age
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Index found:  index_primary
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Dropped index index_primary
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Index found:  index_company
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Dropped index index_company
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Index found:  index_companyname
2023/10/28 02:54:05 Dropped index index_companyname
2023/10/28 02:54:09 Created the secondary index index_companyname. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:54:09 Index is 9070248889205738391 now active
2023/10/28 02:54:09 GET all indexes
2023/10/28 02:54:09 200 OK
2023/10/28 02:54:10 getscans status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 02:54:10 number of entries 337
2023/10/28 02:54:10 Status : 200 OK
2023/10/28 02:54:10 Result from multiscancount API = 0
--- PASS: TestMultiScanRestAPI (4.80s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanPrimaryIndexVariations
2023/10/28 02:54:10 In TestMultiScanPrimaryIndexVariations()
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Created the secondary index index_pi. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Index is 9967341261555235256 now active
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- No Overlap ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Proper Overlap ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Low Boundary Overlap ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Complex Overlaps ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Multiple Equal Overlaps ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Boundary and Subset Overlaps ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Point Overlaps ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Boundary and Point Overlaps ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 
--- Primary index range null ---
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Dropping the secondary index index_pi
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestMultiScanPrimaryIndexVariations (6.71s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanDescSetup
2023/10/28 02:54:16 In TestMultiScanDescSetup()
2023/10/28 02:54:16 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Index found:  index_companyname
2023/10/28 02:54:16 Dropped index index_companyname
2023/10/28 02:54:22 Created the secondary index index_companyname_desc. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:54:22 Index is 10742901784651780685 now active
2023/10/28 02:54:29 Created the secondary index index_company_desc. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:54:29 Index is 1507952248438910123 now active
2023/10/28 02:54:35 Created the secondary index index_company_name_age_desc. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:54:35 Index is 5958343116520040018 now active
--- PASS: TestMultiScanDescSetup (18.50s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanDescScenarios
2023/10/28 02:54:35 In TestMultiScanDescScenarios()
2023/10/28 02:54:35 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:54:35 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:54:35 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:35 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:54:35 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:36 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:54:36 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:36 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:54:36 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:37 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:54:37 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:37 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:54:37 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:38 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:54:38 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:38 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:54:38 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:38 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:54:38 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:39 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:54:39 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:39 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:54:39 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:40 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:54:40 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:40 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:54:40 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:41 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:54:41 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:41 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:54:41 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:41 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:54:41 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:42 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:54:42 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:42 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:54:42 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:43 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:54:43 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:54:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:43 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:54:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:43 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:54:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:44 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:54:44 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:54:44 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:44 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:54:44 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:45 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:45 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:45 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:54:45 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:45 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:45 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:45 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:54:45 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:46 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:46 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:54:46 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:47 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:54:47 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:47 

--------- New scenarios ---------
2023/10/28 02:54:47 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded1 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:47 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:47 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:48 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:48 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:48 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:48 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:49 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded2 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:49 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:49 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:49 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:49 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:49 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:49 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:50 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:50 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded3 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:50 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:50 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:50 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:50 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded4 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:50 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:50 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:51 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:51 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:51 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded5 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:51 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:51 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:51 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:51 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:51 
--- SeekBoundaries ---
2023/10/28 02:54:51 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:51 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:52 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:52 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:52 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:52 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:52 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:52 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:52 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:52 
--- Multi Scan 3 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:52 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:53 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:53 
--- Multi Scan 4 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:53 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:53 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:53 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:53 
--- Multi Scan 5 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:53 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:54 
--- Multi Scan 6 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:54 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:54 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:54 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:54:54 
--- Multi Scan 7 ---
2023/10/28 02:54:54 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:55 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultiScanDescScenarios (19.90s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanDescCount
2023/10/28 02:54:55 In TestMultiScanDescCount()
2023/10/28 02:54:55 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:54:55 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:54:55 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:55 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:54:55 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:54:55 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:55 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:55 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:54:55 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:54:55 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:56 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:54:56 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:54:56 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:56 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:54:56 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:54:56 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:57 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
2023/10/28 02:54:57 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:54:57 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:57 MultiScanCount = 2273 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2273
2023/10/28 02:54:57 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:54:57 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:57 MultiScanCount = 4283 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 4283
2023/10/28 02:54:57 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:54:57 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:58 MultiScanCount = 5756 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 5756
2023/10/28 02:54:58 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:54:58 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:58 MultiScanCount = 337 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 337
2023/10/28 02:54:58 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:54:58 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:59 MultiScanCount = 2559 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2559
2023/10/28 02:54:59 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:54:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:59 MultiScanCount = 499 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 499
2023/10/28 02:54:59 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:54:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:54:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:54:59 MultiScanCount = 256 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 256
2023/10/28 02:54:59 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:54:59 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:00 MultiScanCount = 255 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 255
2023/10/28 02:55:00 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:00 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:00 MultiScanCount = 5618 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 5618
2023/10/28 02:55:00 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:00 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:01 MultiScanCount = 3704 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3704
2023/10/28 02:55:01 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:01 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:01 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:01 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:55:01 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:01 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:02 MultiScanCount = 3173 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3173
2023/10/28 02:55:02 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:55:02 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:02 MultiScanCount = 418 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 418
2023/10/28 02:55:02 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:02 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:55:02 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:02 MultiScanCount = 2273 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2273
2023/10/28 02:55:02 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:02 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:03 MultiScanCount = 7140 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 7140
2023/10/28 02:55:03 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:03 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:03 MultiScanCount = 8701 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 8701
2023/10/28 02:55:03 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:03 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:55:03 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:03 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:55:03 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:03 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:04 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:55:04 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:04 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:04 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:04 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:55:04 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:04 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:05 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:55:05 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:55:05 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:05 MultiScanCount = 3 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3
2023/10/28 02:55:05 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:55:05 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:06 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
2023/10/28 02:55:06 

--------- New scenarios ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:06 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded1 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:06 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:06 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:06 len(scanResults) = 8 MultiScanCount = 8
2023/10/28 02:55:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:06 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:06 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:06 len(scanResults) = 0 MultiScanCount = 0
2023/10/28 02:55:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:06 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:06 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:07 len(scanResults) = 9 MultiScanCount = 9
2023/10/28 02:55:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:07 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded2 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:07 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:07 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:07 len(scanResults) = 4138 MultiScanCount = 4138
2023/10/28 02:55:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:07 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:07 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:08 len(scanResults) = 2746 MultiScanCount = 2746
2023/10/28 02:55:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:08 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:08 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:08 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:08 len(scanResults) = 4691 MultiScanCount = 4691
2023/10/28 02:55:08 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:08 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded3 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:08 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:08 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:09 len(scanResults) = 1329 MultiScanCount = 1329
2023/10/28 02:55:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:09 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded4 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:09 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:09 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:09 len(scanResults) = 5349 MultiScanCount = 5349
2023/10/28 02:55:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:09 
--- CompIndexHighUnbounded5 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:09 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:09 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:10 len(scanResults) = 8210 MultiScanCount = 8210
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:10 
--- SeekBoundaries ---
2023/10/28 02:55:10 
--- Multi Scan 0 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:10 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:10 len(scanResults) = 175 MultiScanCount = 175
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:10 
--- Multi Scan 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:10 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:10 len(scanResults) = 1 MultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:55:10 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:10 
--- Multi Scan 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:10 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:11 len(scanResults) = 555 MultiScanCount = 555
2023/10/28 02:55:11 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:11 
--- Multi Scan 3 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:11 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:11 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:11 len(scanResults) = 872 MultiScanCount = 872
2023/10/28 02:55:11 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:11 
--- Multi Scan 4 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:11 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:12 len(scanResults) = 287 MultiScanCount = 287
2023/10/28 02:55:12 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:12 
--- Multi Scan 5 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:12 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:12 len(scanResults) = 5254 MultiScanCount = 5254
2023/10/28 02:55:12 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:12 
--- Multi Scan 6 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:12 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:13 len(scanResults) = 5566 MultiScanCount = 5566
2023/10/28 02:55:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:13 
--- Multi Scan 7 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:13 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:13 len(scanResults) = 8 MultiScanCount = 8
2023/10/28 02:55:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:13 

--------- With DISTINCT True ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:13 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:55:13 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:14 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:55:14 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:14 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:55:14 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:14 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:55:14 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:14 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:15 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:55:15 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:15 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:15 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
2023/10/28 02:55:15 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:55:15 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:16 MultiScanCount = 227 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 227
2023/10/28 02:55:16 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:55:16 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:16 MultiScanCount = 428 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 428
2023/10/28 02:55:16 
--- NonOverlappingFilters2 ---
2023/10/28 02:55:16 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:16 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:55:16 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:55:16 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:17 MultiScanCount = 575 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 575
2023/10/28 02:55:17 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:17 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:17 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:17 MultiScanCount = 186 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 186
2023/10/28 02:55:17 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:17 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:18 MultiScanCount = 543 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 543
2023/10/28 02:55:18 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:18 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:18 MultiScanCount = 172 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 172
2023/10/28 02:55:18 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:18 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:19 MultiScanCount = 135 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 135
2023/10/28 02:55:19 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:19 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:19 MultiScanCount = 134 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 134
2023/10/28 02:55:19 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:19 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:19 MultiScanCount = 5618 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 5618
2023/10/28 02:55:19 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:19 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:20 MultiScanCount = 3704 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3704
2023/10/28 02:55:20 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:20 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:20 MultiScanCount = 10002 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 10002
2023/10/28 02:55:20 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:20 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:21 MultiScanCount = 3173 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3173
2023/10/28 02:55:21 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:55:21 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:21 MultiScanCount = 418 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 418
2023/10/28 02:55:21 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:21 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:55:21 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:21 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:21 MultiScanCount = 227 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 227
2023/10/28 02:55:21 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:21 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:22 MultiScanCount = 713 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 713
2023/10/28 02:55:22 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:22 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:22 MultiScanCount = 869 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 869
2023/10/28 02:55:22 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:22 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:55:22 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:22 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:55:22 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:22 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:23 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:55:23 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:23 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:23 MultiScanCount = 999 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 999
2023/10/28 02:55:23 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:23 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:24 MultiScanCount = 1 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 1
2023/10/28 02:55:24 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:55:24 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:24 MultiScanCount = 3 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 3
2023/10/28 02:55:24 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:55:24 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:25 MultiScanCount = 2 ExpectedMultiScanCount = 2
--- PASS: TestMultiScanDescCount (30.03s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanDescOffset
2023/10/28 02:55:25 In SkipTestMultiScanDescOffset()
2023/10/28 02:55:25 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:25 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:55:25 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:25 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:25 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:26 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:26 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:26 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:26 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:26 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:26 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:27 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:27 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:55:27 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:27 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:27 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:55:27 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:28 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:55:28 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:28 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:28 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:28 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:28 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:29 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:29 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:29 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:29 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:29 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:30 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:30 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:30 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:30 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:31 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:31 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:31 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:31 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:31 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:31 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:31 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:31 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:31 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:31 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:31 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:32 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:55:32 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:32 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:32 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:32 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:32 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:55:32 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:33 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:33 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:33 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:33 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:33 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:33 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:33 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:55:33 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:34 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:34 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:34 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:34 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:35 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:35 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:35 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:55:35 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:36 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:55:36 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:36 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestMultiScanDescOffset (11.40s)
=== RUN   TestMultiScanDescDistinct
2023/10/28 02:55:36 In SkipTestMultiScanDescDistinct()
2023/10/28 02:55:36 

--------- Composite Index with 2 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:36 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:55:36 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:37 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:37 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:37 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:37 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:38 
--- SingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:38 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:38 
--- MultipleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:38 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:38 
--- SimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:55:38 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:39 
--- NonOverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:55:39 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:39 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:39 
--- OverlappingRanges ---
2023/10/28 02:55:39 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:40 
--- NonOverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:40 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:40 
--- OverlappingFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:40 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:41 
--- BoundaryFilters ---
2023/10/28 02:55:41 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:41 
--- SeekAndFilters_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:41 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:41 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:41 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:41 
--- SeekAndFilters_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:41 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:42 
--- SimpleRangeLowUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:42 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:42 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:42 
--- SimpleRangeHighUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:42 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:43 
--- SimpleRangeMultipleUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:43 
--- FiltersWithUnbounded ---
2023/10/28 02:55:43 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:44 
--- FiltersLowGreaterThanHigh ---
2023/10/28 02:55:44 distinct = false
2023/10/28 02:55:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:44 

--------- Simple Index with 1 field ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:44 
--- SingleIndexSimpleRange ---
2023/10/28 02:55:44 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:44 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:44 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_NonOverlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:44 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:45 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:45 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:45 
--- SingleIndex_SimpleRanges_Overlapping ---
2023/10/28 02:55:45 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:46 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:46 

--------- Composite Index with 3 fields ---------
2023/10/28 02:55:46 
--- ScanAllNoFilter ---
2023/10/28 02:55:46 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:47 
--- ScanAllFilterNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:47 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:48 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:48 
--- ScanAll_AllFiltersNil ---
2023/10/28 02:55:48 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:49 
--- 3FieldsSingleSeek ---
2023/10/28 02:55:49 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:49 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks ---
2023/10/28 02:55:49 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:50 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:55:50 
--- 3FieldsMultipleSeeks_Identical ---
2023/10/28 02:55:50 distinct = true
2023/10/28 02:55:50 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:55:50 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestMultiScanDescDistinct (13.90s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrSetup
2023/10/28 02:55:50 In TestGroupAggrSetup()
2023/10/28 02:55:50 Emptying the default bucket
2023/10/28 02:55:53 Flush Enabled on bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 02:56:31 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:56:31 Dropping the secondary index index_agg
2023/10/28 02:56:31 Populating the default bucket
2023/10/28 02:56:35 Created the secondary index index_agg. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:56:35 Index is 12732703875231067487 now active
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrSetup (51.50s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrLeading
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrLeading()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 7
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 3
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrLeading (0.04s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrNonLeading
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrNonLeading()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 4
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrNonLeading (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrNoGroup
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrNoGroup()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrNoGroup (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrMinMax
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrMinMax()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 4
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrMinMax (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrMinMax2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrMinMax()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrMinMax2 (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrLeading_N1QLExprs
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrLeading_N1QLExprs()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 17
2023/10/28 02:56:42 basicGroupAggrN1QLExprs1: Scan validation passed
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 9
2023/10/28 02:56:42 basicGroupAggrN1QLExprs2: Scan validation passed
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrLeading_N1QLExprs (0.50s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrLimit
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrLimit()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 3
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrLimit (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrOffset
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrOffset()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 3
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrOffset (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrCountN
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrCountN()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 4
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 4
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrCountN (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrNoGroupNoMatch
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrNoGroupNoMatch()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrNoGroupNoMatch (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrGroupNoMatch
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrGroupNoMatch()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 0
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrGroupNoMatch (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrMultDataTypes
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrMultDataTypes()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 8
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrMultDataTypes (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrDistinct
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrDistinct()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrDistinct (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrDistinct2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrDistinct2()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 4
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 4
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrDistinct2 (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrNull
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrNull()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrNull (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrInt64
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggrInt64()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Updating the default bucket
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Total Scanresults = 2
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrInt64 (0.19s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggr1
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In TestGroupAggr1()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 02:56:42 Index found:  index_companyname_desc
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Dropped index index_companyname_desc
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Index found:  index_agg
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Dropped index index_agg
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Index found:  index_company_name_age_desc
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Dropped index index_company_name_age_desc
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Index found:  index_company_desc
2023/10/28 02:56:45 Dropped index index_company_desc
2023/10/28 02:57:27 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 02:57:38 Created the secondary index idx_aggrs. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:57:38 Index is 5450837527929555700 now active
2023/10/28 02:57:38 Total Scanresults = 633
2023/10/28 02:57:39 Total Scanresults = 743
--- PASS: TestGroupAggr1 (56.56s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrArrayIndex
2023/10/28 02:57:39 In TestGroupAggrArrayIndex()
2023/10/28 02:57:45 Created the secondary index ga_arr1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:57:45 Index is 16148431560975468896 now active
2023/10/28 02:57:51 Created the secondary index ga_arr2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:57:51 Index is 4035307843097902523 now active
2023/10/28 02:57:51 Scenario 1
2023/10/28 02:57:51 Total Scanresults = 633
2023/10/28 02:57:52 Scenario 2
2023/10/28 02:57:52 Total Scanresults = 2824
2023/10/28 02:57:52 Scenario 3
2023/10/28 02:57:52 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:57:53 Scenario 4
2023/10/28 02:57:53 Total Scanresults = 992
2023/10/28 02:57:53 Scenario 5
2023/10/28 02:57:53 Total Scanresults = 2824
2023/10/28 02:57:54 Scenario 6
2023/10/28 02:57:54 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:57:54 Scenario 7
2023/10/28 02:57:54 Total Scanresults = 2929
2023/10/28 02:57:57 Scenario 8
2023/10/28 02:57:57 Total Scanresults = 1171
2023/10/28 02:57:58 Scenario 9
2023/10/28 02:57:58 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:57:58 Scenario 10
2023/10/28 02:57:58 Total Scanresults = 633
2023/10/28 02:57:58 Scenario 11
2023/10/28 02:57:58 Total Scanresults = 1171
2023/10/28 02:57:59 Scenario 12
2023/10/28 02:57:59 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:00 Scenario 13
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Value: [2 133]
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrArrayIndex (25.16s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggr_FirstValidAggrOnly
2023/10/28 02:58:04 In TestGroupAggr_FirstValidAggrOnly()
2023/10/28 02:58:04 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Index found:  idx_aggrs
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Dropped index idx_aggrs
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Index found:  ga_arr2
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Dropped index ga_arr2
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Index found:  ga_arr1
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Dropped index ga_arr1
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Index found:  test_oneperprimarykey
2023/10/28 02:58:04 Dropped index test_oneperprimarykey
2023/10/28 02:58:20 Created the secondary index idx_asc_3field. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:58:20 Index is 628505309321490145 now active
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Created the secondary index idx_desc_3field. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Index is 8781516478877198422 now active
2023/10/28 02:58:26 === MIN no group by ===
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Value: ["ACCEL"]
2023/10/28 02:58:26 === MIN no group by, no row match ===
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Value: [null]
2023/10/28 02:58:26 === MIN with group by ===
2023/10/28 02:58:26 Total Scanresults = 633
2023/10/28 02:58:27 === MIN with group by, no row match ===
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Total Scanresults = 0
2023/10/28 02:58:27 === One Aggr, no group by ===
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Value: ["FANFARE"]
2023/10/28 02:58:27 === One Aggr, no group by, no row match ===
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Value: [null]
2023/10/28 02:58:27 === Multiple Aggr, no group by ===
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Value: ["FANFARE" 15]
2023/10/28 02:58:27 === Multiple Aggr, no group by, no row match ===
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Value: [null null]
2023/10/28 02:58:27 === No Aggr, 1 group by ===
2023/10/28 02:58:27 Total Scanresults = 207
2023/10/28 02:58:28 === Aggr on non-leading key, previous equality filter, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Value: [17]
2023/10/28 02:58:28 === Aggr on non-leading key, previous equality filters, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Value: [null]
2023/10/28 02:58:28 === Aggr on non-leading key, previous non-equality filters, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Value: ["Ahmed"]
2023/10/28 02:58:28 === MIN on desc, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Value: ["FANFARE"]
2023/10/28 02:58:28 === MAX on asc, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Value: ["OZEAN"]
2023/10/28 02:58:28 === MAX on desc, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:28 Value: ["OZEAN"]
2023/10/28 02:58:29 === COUNT(DISTINCT const_expr, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Value: [1]
2023/10/28 02:58:29 === COUNT(DISTINCT const_expr, no group, no row match ===
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Value: [0]
2023/10/28 02:58:29 === COUNT(const_expr, no group ===
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:29 Value: [321]
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Created the secondary index indexMinAggr. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Index is 14973638429516751432 now active
2023/10/28 02:58:33 === Equality filter check: Equality for a, nil filter for b - inclusion 0, no filter for c ===
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Value: [5]
2023/10/28 02:58:33 === Equality filter check: Equality for a, nil filter for b - inclusion 3, no filter for c ===
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:33 Value: [5]
2023/10/28 02:58:34 === Equality filter check: Equality for a, nil filter for b - inclusion 3, nil filter for c ===
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Value: [5]
--- PASS: TestGroupAggr_FirstValidAggrOnly (29.73s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrPrimary
2023/10/28 02:58:34 In TestGroupAggrPrimary()
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Total Scanresults = 1002
2023/10/28 02:58:34 Total Scanresults = 1002
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 --- MB-28305 Scenario 1 ---
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Value: [0]
2023/10/28 02:58:35 --- MB-28305 Scenario 2 ---
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Value: [0]
2023/10/28 02:58:35 --- MB-28305 Scenario 3 ---
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Value: [0]
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrPrimary (1.61s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrDocumentKey
2023/10/28 02:58:35 In TestGroupAggrDocumentKey()
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Dropping the secondary index documentkey_idx1
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Dropping the secondary index documentkey_idx2
2023/10/28 02:58:35 Populating the default bucket for TestGroupAggrDocumentKey single key index
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Created the secondary index documentkey_idx1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Index is 11662136772076292371 now active
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Scanresult Row  ["1"] :  
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Scanresult Row  ["2"] :  
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Scanresult Row  ["3"] :  
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 02:58:40 Populating the default bucket for TestGroupAggrDocumentKey composite key index
2023/10/28 02:58:46 Created the secondary index documentkey_idx2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 02:58:46 Index is 11737349621753218887 now active
2023/10/28 02:58:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 02:58:47 Scanresult Row  ["1"] :  
2023/10/28 02:58:47 Scanresult Row  ["2"] :  
2023/10/28 02:58:47 Scanresult Row  ["3"] :  
2023/10/28 02:58:47 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrDocumentKey (11.69s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceSetupCluster
2023/10/28 02:58:47 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index kv][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 02:58:47 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: 1. Setting up initial cluster configuration
2023/10/28 02:58:47 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 02:58:53 Rebalance progress: 3.385416666666666
2023/10/28 02:58:58 Rebalance progress: 8.463541666666666
2023/10/28 02:59:03 Rebalance progress: 13.80208333333333
2023/10/28 02:59:08 Rebalance progress: 18.68489583333334
2023/10/28 02:59:13 Rebalance progress: 23.828125
2023/10/28 02:59:18 Rebalance progress: 29.55729166666666
2023/10/28 02:59:23 Rebalance progress: 34.89583333333334
2023/10/28 02:59:28 Rebalance progress: 40.98307291666667
2023/10/28 02:59:33 Rebalance progress: 47.68880208333334
2023/10/28 02:59:38 Rebalance progress: 50
2023/10/28 02:59:43 Rebalance progress: 50
2023/10/28 02:59:48 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 02:59:53 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 02:59:53 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 02:59:54 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:00:10 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:00:26 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:00:31 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: 2. Changing indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to true
2023/10/28 03:00:31 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to value true
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestRebalanceSetupCluster (103.87s)
=== RUN   TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: 1. Creating 100 documents
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: 100 documents created
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance (0.15s)
=== RUN   TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: 1. Creating 17 indexes: non-partitioned, 0-replica, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:00:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN__id on `default`(_id)
2023/10/28 03:00:35 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN__id index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:00:35 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_docid on `default`(docid)
2023/10/28 03:00:41 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_docid index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:00:41 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_guid on `default`(guid)
2023/10/28 03:00:47 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_guid index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:00:47 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_isActive on `default`(isActive)
2023/10/28 03:00:53 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:00:53 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_balance on `default`(balance)
2023/10/28 03:00:58 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:00:58 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_picture on `default`(picture)
2023/10/28 03:01:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_age on `default`(age)
2023/10/28 03:01:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_eyeColor on `default`(eyeColor)
2023/10/28 03:01:16 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:16 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_name on `default`(name)
2023/10/28 03:01:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_name index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_gender on `default`(gender)
2023/10/28 03:01:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_gender index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_company on `default`(company)
2023/10/28 03:01:33 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_company index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:33 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_email on `default`(email)
2023/10/28 03:01:39 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_email index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:39 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_phone on `default`(phone)
2023/10/28 03:01:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_phone index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_registered on `default`(registered)
2023/10/28 03:01:51 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_registered index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:51 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_latitude on `default`(latitude)
2023/10/28 03:01:57 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_latitude index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:01:57 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_longitude on `default`(longitude)
2023/10/28 03:02:03 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_longitude index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:02:03 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_favoriteFruit on `default`(favoriteFruit)
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_favoriteFruit index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: 2. Creating 17 indexes: non-partitioned, 0-replica, DEFERRED
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED__id_docid on `default`(_id, docid) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED__id_docid index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_docid_guid on `default`(docid, guid) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_docid_guid index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_guid_isActive on `default`(guid, isActive) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_guid_isActive index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_isActive_balance on `default`(isActive, balance) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_isActive_balance index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_balance_picture on `default`(balance, picture) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_balance_picture index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_picture_age on `default`(picture, age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_picture_age index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_age_eyeColor on `default`(age, eyeColor) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_age_eyeColor index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_eyeColor_name on `default`(eyeColor, name) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_eyeColor_name index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_name_gender on `default`(name, gender) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_name_gender index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_gender_company on `default`(gender, company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_gender_company index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_company_email on `default`(company, email) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_company_email index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_email_phone on `default`(email, phone) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_email_phone index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_phone_registered on `default`(phone, registered) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_phone_registered index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_registered_latitude on `default`(registered, latitude) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_registered_latitude index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_latitude_longitude on `default`(latitude, longitude) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_latitude_longitude index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_longitude_favoriteFruit on `default`(longitude, favoriteFruit) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_longitude_favoriteFruit index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_favoriteFruit__id on `default`(favoriteFruit, _id) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_favoriteFruit__id index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: 3. Creating 3 indexes: 7-PARTITION, 0-replica, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:02:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_7PARTITIONS__id_guid on `default`(_id, guid) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":7}
2023/10/28 03:02:16 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_7PARTITIONS__id_guid index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:02:16 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_docid_isActive on `default`(docid, isActive) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":7}
2023/10/28 03:02:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_docid_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:02:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_guid_balance on `default`(guid, balance) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":7}
2023/10/28 03:02:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_guid_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:02:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance (117.79s)
=== RUN   TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn
2023/10/28 03:02:29 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:02:29 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn: 1. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:02:29 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:02:40 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 03:02:40 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn: 2. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:02:40 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:02:51 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 03:02:51 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn: 3. Rebalancing
2023/10/28 03:02:57 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:03:02 Rebalance progress: 40
2023/10/28 03:03:07 Rebalance progress: 40
2023/10/28 03:03:12 Rebalance progress: 62.5
2023/10/28 03:03:17 Rebalance progress: 62.5
2023/10/28 03:03:22 Rebalance progress: 86.75
2023/10/28 03:03:27 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 03:03:32 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:03:32 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn (64.82s)
=== RUN   TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance
2023/10/28 03:03:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:03:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: 1. Creating 5 indexes: non-partitioned, 2-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:03:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS__id_isActive on `default`(_id, isActive) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 03:03:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS__id_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:03:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_docid_balance on `default`(docid, balance) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 03:04:06 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_docid_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:04:06 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_guid_picture on `default`(guid, picture) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 03:04:21 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_guid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:04:21 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_isActive_age on `default`(isActive, age) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 03:04:41 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_isActive_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:04:41 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor on `default`(balance, eyeColor) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 03:04:55 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:04:55 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: 2. Creating 2 indexes: 5-PARTITION, 1-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:04:55 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS__id_balance on `default`(_id, balance) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "num_replica":1}
2023/10/28 03:05:20 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS__id_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:05:20 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS_docid_picture on `default`(docid, picture) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "num_replica":1}
2023/10/28 03:05:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS_docid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:05:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance (131.04s)
=== RUN   TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut
2023/10/28 03:05:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:05:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut: 1. Rebalancing index node out of the cluster
2023/10/28 03:05:45 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:05:50 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:05:55 Rebalance progress: 38.97058823529412
2023/10/28 03:06:00 Rebalance progress: 39.42948551605457
2023/10/28 03:06:05 Rebalance progress: 52.20588235294118
2023/10/28 03:06:10 Rebalance progress: 61.02941176470588
2023/10/28 03:06:15 Rebalance progress: 74.26470588235294
2023/10/28 03:06:20 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023-10-28T03:06:25.256+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.268+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.276+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.286+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.296+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.310+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.326+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.330+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.337+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.343+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.382+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.387+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.394+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.402+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.427+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.436+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.462+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.470+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.470+05:30 [Error] Validation Failed while updating nodes and nodesvs.. &{{{1 0} 0 0 {{} -1073741824} {{} 0}} http://%40query:70c6cd0703a660a676483cab06ba65c7@ default  updateIndexerList 300 2000000000 1 false map[] {0xc014e40480 0xc0089e73a0 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList} {map[] [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:2.3370752e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.966914e+06 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:1154 curr_items_tot:1154 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:3.8958296e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0335444992e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 6184 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:1.4205294e+07 index_disk_size:3.1965184e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0407796736e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12004 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19502 httpsMgmt:19002] healthy 6180 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] d428689574a726556ec1bec273d653a7 inet 72003448 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:8.659215e+06 index_disk_size:1.2914688e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0347282432e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12006 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19503 httpsMgmt:19003] healthy 6178 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] c8049f8d788412989d1f65496af94837 inet 5857564 Group 1}] map[] map[terseBucketsBase:/pools/default/b/ terseStreamingBucketsBase:/pools/default/bs/ uri:/pools/default/buckets?v=62647249&uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4] /pools/default/nodeServices?v=69202768 /pools/default/serverGroups?v=63391191 [{default c8780b47919c4f508a71a882a261138f}] {0xc014e40480 0xc0089e73a0 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList}} [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:2.3370752e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.966914e+06 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:1154 curr_items_tot:1154 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:3.8958296e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0335444992e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 6184 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:1.4205294e+07 index_disk_size:3.1965184e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0407796736e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12004 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19502 httpsMgmt:19002] healthy 6180 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] d428689574a726556ec1bec273d653a7 inet 72003448 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:8.659215e+06 index_disk_size:1.2914688e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0347282432e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12006 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19503 httpsMgmt:19003] healthy 6178 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] c8049f8d788412989d1f65496af94837 inet 5857564 Group 1}] [{map[capi:9500 capiSSL:19500 kv:12000 kvSSL:11998 mgmt:9000 mgmtSSL:19000 n1ql:9499 n1qlSSL:19499 projector:10000] true} {map[mgmt:9001 mgmtSSL:19001] false} {map[indexAdmin:9112 indexHttp:9114 indexHttps:19114 indexScan:9113 indexStreamCatchup:9116 indexStreamInit:9115 indexStreamMaint:9117 mgmt:9002 mgmtSSL:19002] false} {map[indexAdmin:9118 indexHttp:9120 indexHttps:19120 indexScan:9119 indexStreamCatchup:9122 indexStreamInit:9121 indexStreamMaint:9123 mgmt:9003 mgmtSSL:19003] false}] map[] [] [] 7 6 map[10000:10000 11210:11207 12000:11998 8093:18093 9000:19000 9001:19001 9002:19002 9003:19003 9100:9100 9101:9101 9102:19102 9103:9103 9104:9104 9105:9105 9112:9112 9113:9113 9114:19114 9115:9115 9116:9116 9117:9117 9118:9118 9119:9119 9120:19120 9121:9121 9122:9122 9123:9123 9499:19499 9999:9999]}
2023-10-28T03:06:25.489+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.497+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.501+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.504+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T03:06:25.504+05:30 [Error] Validation Failed while updating nodes and nodesvs.. &{{{1 0} 0 0 {{} -1073741824} {{} 0}} http://%40query:70c6cd0703a660a676483cab06ba65c7@ default  updateIndexerList 300 2000000000 1 false map[] {0xc0149b82d0 0xc02b05dd20 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList} {map[] [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:2.3370752e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.966914e+06 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:1154 curr_items_tot:1154 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:3.8958296e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0335444992e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 6184 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:1.4205294e+07 index_disk_size:3.1965184e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0407796736e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12004 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19502 httpsMgmt:19002] healthy 6180 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] d428689574a726556ec1bec273d653a7 inet 72003448 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:8.659215e+06 index_disk_size:1.2914688e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0347282432e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12006 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19503 httpsMgmt:19003] healthy 6178 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] c8049f8d788412989d1f65496af94837 inet 5857564 Group 1}] map[] map[terseBucketsBase:/pools/default/b/ terseStreamingBucketsBase:/pools/default/bs/ uri:/pools/default/buckets?v=62647249&uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4] /pools/default/nodeServices?v=69202768 /pools/default/serverGroups?v=63391191 [{default c8780b47919c4f508a71a882a261138f}] {0xc0149b82d0 0xc02b05dd20 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList}} [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:2.3370752e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.966914e+06 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:1154 curr_items_tot:1154 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:3.8958296e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0335444992e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 6184 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:1.4205294e+07 index_disk_size:3.1965184e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0407796736e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12004 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19502 httpsMgmt:19002] healthy 6180 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] d428689574a726556ec1bec273d653a7 inet 72003448 Group 1} {458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:0 couch_docs_data_size:0 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:0 curr_items_tot:0 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 index_data_size:8.659215e+06 index_disk_size:1.2914688e+07 mem_used:0 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0347282432e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12006 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19503 httpsMgmt:19003] healthy 6178 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise false [index] c8049f8d788412989d1f65496af94837 inet 5857564 Group 1}] [{map[capi:9500 capiSSL:19500 kv:12000 kvSSL:11998 mgmt:9000 mgmtSSL:19000 n1ql:9499 n1qlSSL:19499 projector:10000] true} {map[mgmt:9001 mgmtSSL:19001] false} {map[indexAdmin:9112 indexHttp:9114 indexHttps:19114 indexScan:9113 indexStreamCatchup:9116 indexStreamInit:9115 indexStreamMaint:9117 mgmt:9002 mgmtSSL:19002] false} {map[indexAdmin:9118 indexHttp:9120 indexHttps:19120 indexScan:9119 indexStreamCatchup:9122 indexStreamInit:9121 indexStreamMaint:9123 mgmt:9003 mgmtSSL:19003] false}] map[] [] [] 7 6 map[10000:10000 11210:11207 12000:11998 8093:18093 9000:19000 9001:19001 9002:19002 9003:19003 9100:9100 9101:9101 9102:19102 9103:9103 9104:9104 9105:9105 9112:9112 9113:9113 9114:19114 9115:9115 9116:9116 9117:9117 9118:9118 9119:9119 9120:19120 9121:9121 9122:9122 9123:9123 9499:19499 9999:9999]}
2023/10/28 03:06:25 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:06:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut (42.47s)
=== RUN   TestFailoverAndRebalance
2023/10/28 03:06:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailoverAndRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:06:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailoverAndRebalance: 1. Failing over index node
2023/10/28 03:06:27 Failing over: []
2023/10/28 03:06:40 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailoverAndRebalance: 2. Rebalancing
2023/10/28 03:06:45 Rebalance progress: 30
2023/10/28 03:06:50 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:06:55 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:06:55 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailoverAndRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestFailoverAndRebalance (29.90s)
=== RUN   TestSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 03:06:57 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestSwapRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:06:57 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestSwapRebalance: 1. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:06:57 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:07:11 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:07:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestSwapRebalance: 2. Swap rebalancing index node out of the cluster
2023/10/28 03:07:11 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:07:16 Rebalance progress: 23.33333333333333
2023/10/28 03:07:21 Rebalance progress: 23.33333333333333
2023/10/28 03:07:26 Rebalance progress: 34.44444444444444
2023/10/28 03:07:31 Rebalance progress: 78.88888888888887
2023/10/28 03:07:36 Rebalance progress: 81.66473183190165
2023-10-28T03:07:41.270+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.281+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.281+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.316+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.316+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.323+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.330+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.336+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.339+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.344+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.345+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.353+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.355+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.366+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.376+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.385+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023-10-28T03:07:41.409+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 2 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023/10/28 03:07:41 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:07:41 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestSwapRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestSwapRebalance (46.19s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceReplicaRepair
2023/10/28 03:07:43 TestRebalanceReplicaRepair entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:07:43 TestRebalanceReplicaRepair: 1. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:07:43 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:07:57 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 03:07:57 TestRebalanceReplicaRepair: 2. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:07:57 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:08:08 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 03:08:08 TestRebalanceReplicaRepair: 3. Rebalancing
2023/10/28 03:08:14 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:08:19 Rebalance progress: 22.5
2023/10/28 03:08:24 Rebalance progress: 22.77629440445785
2023/10/28 03:08:29 Rebalance progress: 57.49999999999999
2023/10/28 03:08:34 Rebalance progress: 57.49999999999999
2023/10/28 03:08:39 Rebalance progress: 86.75
2023/10/28 03:08:44 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:08:44 TestRebalanceReplicaRepair exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestRebalanceReplicaRepair (62.56s)
=== RUN   TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild
2023/10/28 03:08:46 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:08:46 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_0 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:08:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_1 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:08:56 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_2 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:09:03 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_3 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:09:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_4 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:09:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_5 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:09:31 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_6 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:09:38 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_7 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:09:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_8 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:09:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_9 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""]}
2023/10/28 03:10:38 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild:: Executing N1QL: create index index_11 on `default`.`_default`.`_default`(abcdefgh) with {"nodes": [""], "defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 03:10:40 Failing over: []
2023/10/28 03:10:41 Build the deferred index index_11. Waiting for the index to become active
2023/10/28 03:10:41 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:42 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:43 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023-10-28T03:10:43.879+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 4 != len(c.nodesvs): 3
2023/10/28 03:10:44 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:45 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:46 TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild: 1. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:10:46 Kicking off failover recovery, type: full
2023/10/28 03:10:46 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:47 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:48 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:49 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:50 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:51 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:52 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:53 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:10:53 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:54 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:55 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:56 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:57 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:58 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:10:58 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:10:59 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:00 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:01 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:02 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:03 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:04 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:11:04 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:05 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:06 Waiting for index 2678069467093592492 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:11:07 Index is 2678069467093592492 now active
2023/10/28 03:11:08 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:11:13 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:11:18 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:11:23 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:11:28 Rebalance progress: 20
2023/10/28 03:11:34 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 03:11:34 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:11:33.672+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                                  <<"Rebalancer indexer rebalance failure - index build is in progress for indexes: [default:index_11].">>}}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@ n_2@ n_3@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@ n_2@ n_3@]] rebalanceId:716413fe7603e8b95a3efe1048c6124d stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:10:52.206+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T03:10:48.354+05:30 timeTaken:3853 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false perNodeProgress:map[n_1@ n_2@ n_3@] startTime:2023-10-28T03:10:52.275+05:30 timeTaken:41396 totalProgress:10] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:10:52.275+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T03:10:52.206+05:30 timeTaken:69 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T03:10:48.307+05:30 timeTaken:45365]
2023/10/28 03:11:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestFailureAndRebalanceDuringInitialIndexBuild (167.98s)
=== RUN   TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse
2023/10/28 03:11:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse::Setup entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:11:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse::Setup 1. Setting up initial cluster configuration
2023/10/28 03:11:34 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:11:39 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:11:44 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:11:49 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:11:54 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:11:59 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:12:04 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:12:09 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023-10-28T03:12:12.509+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:12:12.515+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:12:12.583+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:12:12.589+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023/10/28 03:12:14 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:12:14 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:12:15 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:12:16 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:12:40 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:12:55 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:13:00 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:13:05 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:13:10 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 03:13:10 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:13:06.245+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {{badmatch,
                                [{file,"src/async.erl"},{line,199}]}]}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@]] rebalanceId:d8f04f4cbed5f360999702e5887ec88d stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T03:12:50.906+05:30 timeTaken:15339] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false] query:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false]] startTime:2023-10-28T03:12:50.590+05:30 timeTaken:15656]
2023/10/28 03:13:10 AddNodeAndRebalance: Error during rebalance, err: Rebalance failed, Sleeping for 30 seconds
2023/10/28 03:13:40 Woke-up from sleep
2023/10/28 03:13:45 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:13:50 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:13:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse::Setup 2. Changing indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to false
2023/10/28 03:13:51 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to value false
2023/10/28 03:13:51 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse::Setup 3. Setup is completed
2023/10/28 03:13:51 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse::Setup exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:13:51 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse 1. Creating 10 indexes: non-partitioned, 0-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:13:51 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS__id_isActive on `default`(_id, isActive)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:13:58 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS__id_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:13:58 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_docid_balance on `default`(docid, balance)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:14:06 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_docid_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:14:06 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_guid_picture on `default`(guid, picture)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:14:13 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_guid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:14:13 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_isActive_age on `default`(isActive, age)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:14:21 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_isActive_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:14:21 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor on `default`(balance, eyeColor)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:14:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:14:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_picture_name on `default`(picture, name)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:14:37 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_picture_name index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:14:37 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_age_gender on `default`(age, gender)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:14:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_age_gender index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:14:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_eyeColor_company on `default`(eyeColor, company)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:14:52 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_eyeColor_company index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:14:52 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_name_email on `default`(name, email)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:15:02 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_name_email index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:15:02 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_gender_phone on `default`(gender, phone)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:15:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_0REPLICAS_gender_phone index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:15:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse 2. Creating 4 indexes: 5-PARTITION, 0-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:15:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS__id_balance on `default`(_id, balance) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:15:20 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS__id_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:15:20 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_docid_picture on `default`(docid, picture) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:15:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_docid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:15:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_guid_age on `default`(guid, age) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:15:36 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_guid_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:15:36 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_isActive_eyeColor on `default`(isActive, eyeColor) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:15:43 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_isActive_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:15:43 for GetIndexLocalMetadata
2023/10/28 03:15:43 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse: Adding node with service index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:15:43 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:15:56 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 03:16:02 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:16:06 Rebalance progress: 83.33333333333333
2023/10/28 03:16:11 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:16:11 for GetIndexLocalMetadata
2023/10/28 03:16:11 for GetIndexLocalMetadata
--- PASS: TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForFalse (277.54s)
=== RUN   TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue
2023/10/28 03:16:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue::Setup entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:16:11 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue::Setup 1. Setting up initial cluster configuration
2023/10/28 03:16:11 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:16:17 Rebalance progress: 83.33333333333333
2023-10-28T03:16:21.325+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:16:21.325+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:16:21.335+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:16:21.336+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:16:21.352+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:16:21.357+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:16:21.378+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023/10/28 03:16:22 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:16:22 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:16:24 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:16:25 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:16:45 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:17:00 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:17:05 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:17:11 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:17:15 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 03:17:16 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:17:11.612+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {{badmatch,
                                [{file,"src/async.erl"},{line,199}]}]}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@]] rebalanceId:0cce18755558799f95bc0abbeb46fe69 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T03:16:56.171+05:30 timeTaken:15441] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false] query:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false]] startTime:2023-10-28T03:16:55.895+05:30 timeTaken:15717]
2023/10/28 03:17:16 AddNodeAndRebalance: Error during rebalance, err: Rebalance failed, Sleeping for 30 seconds
2023/10/28 03:17:46 Woke-up from sleep
2023/10/28 03:17:51 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:17:56 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:17:56 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue::Setup 2. Changing indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to true
2023/10/28 03:17:56 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to value true
2023/10/28 03:17:56 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue::Setup 3. Setup is completed
2023/10/28 03:17:56 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue::Setup exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:17:56 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue 1. Creating 10 indexes: non-partitioned, 0-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:17:56 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS__id_isActive on `default`(_id, isActive)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:18:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS__id_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:18:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_docid_balance on `default`(docid, balance)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:18:13 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_docid_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:18:13 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_guid_picture on `default`(guid, picture)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:18:21 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_guid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:18:21 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_isActive_age on `default`(isActive, age)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:18:30 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_isActive_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:18:30 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor on `default`(balance, eyeColor)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:18:37 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:18:37 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_picture_name on `default`(picture, name)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:18:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_picture_name index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:18:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_age_gender on `default`(age, gender)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:18:52 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_age_gender index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:18:52 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_eyeColor_company on `default`(eyeColor, company)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:19:00 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_eyeColor_company index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:19:00 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_name_email on `default`(name, email)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:19:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_name_email index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:19:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_0REPLICAS_gender_phone on `default`(gender, phone)  with { "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:19:17 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_0REPLICAS_gender_phone index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:19:17 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue 2. Creating 4 indexes: 5-PARTITION, 0-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:19:17 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS__id_balance on `default`(_id, balance) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:19:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS__id_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:19:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_docid_picture on `default`(docid, picture) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:19:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_docid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:19:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_guid_age on `default`(guid, age) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:19:42 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_guid_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:19:42 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_isActive_eyeColor on `default`(isActive, eyeColor) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "nodes":[""]}
2023/10/28 03:19:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_0REPLICAS_isActive_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:19:50 for GetIndexLocalMetadata
2023/10/28 03:19:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue: Adding node with service index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:19:50 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:20:03 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 03:20:09 Rebalance progress: 16.66666666666667
2023/10/28 03:20:14 Rebalance progress: 23.33333333333333
2023/10/28 03:20:19 Rebalance progress: 23.33333333333333
2023/10/28 03:20:24 Rebalance progress: 38.76266999145931
2023/10/28 03:20:29 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:20:29 for GetIndexLocalMetadata
2023/10/28 03:20:29 for GetIndexLocalMetadata
--- PASS: TestRedistributeWhenNodeIsAddedForTrue (257.35s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceResetCluster
2023/10/28 03:20:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceResetCluster: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:20:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceResetCluster: 1. Restoring indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to false
2023/10/28 03:20:29 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to value false
2023/10/28 03:20:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceResetCluster: 2. Resetting cluster to initial configuration
2023/10/28 03:20:29 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:20:34 Rebalance progress: 83.33333333333333
2023-10-28T03:20:39.288+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.289+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.295+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.318+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.325+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.325+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.329+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.333+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.361+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.364+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.372+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.380+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.384+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.387+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.396+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.397+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.404+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.431+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:20:39.431+05:30 [Error] Validation Failed while updating nodes and nodesvs.. &{{{1 0} 0 0 {{} -1073741824} {{} 0}} http://%40query:70c6cd0703a660a676483cab06ba65c7@ default  updateIndexerList 300 2000000000 1 false map[] {0xc0297e2510 0xc017a87280 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList} {map[] [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:4.2699776e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.3756577e+07 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:11041 curr_items_tot:11041 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:5.0737016e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0869051392e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 7037 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1}] map[] map[terseBucketsBase:/pools/default/b/ terseStreamingBucketsBase:/pools/default/bs/ uri:/pools/default/buckets?v=66297430&uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4] /pools/default/nodeServices?v=84691856 /pools/default/serverGroups?v=21069578 [{default c8780b47919c4f508a71a882a261138f}] {0xc0297e2510 0xc017a87280 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList}} [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:4.2699776e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.3756577e+07 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:11041 curr_items_tot:11041 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:5.0737016e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.0869051392e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 7037 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1}] [{map[capi:9500 capiSSL:19500 kv:12000 kvSSL:11998 mgmt:9000 mgmtSSL:19000 n1ql:9499 n1qlSSL:19499 projector:10000] true} {map[mgmt:9001 mgmtSSL:19001] false}] map[] [] [] 7 6 map[10000:10000 11210:11207 12000:11998 8093:18093 9000:19000 9001:19001 9100:9100 9101:9101 9102:19102 9103:9103 9104:9104 9105:9105 9499:19499 9999:9999]}
2023-10-28T03:20:39.431+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023/10/28 03:20:41 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:20:41 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:20:42 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:20:43 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:21:03 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:21:18 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:21:23 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:21:28 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:21:33 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 03:21:33 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:21:29.177+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {{badmatch,
                                [{file,"src/async.erl"},{line,199}]}]}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@]] rebalanceId:e475a18dea33dd9e2aacd56687f3e838 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T03:21:13.597+05:30 timeTaken:15581] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false] query:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false]] startTime:2023-10-28T03:21:13.404+05:30 timeTaken:15773]
2023/10/28 03:21:33 AddNodeAndRebalance: Error during rebalance, err: Rebalance failed, Sleeping for 30 seconds
2023/10/28 03:22:03 Woke-up from sleep
2023/10/28 03:22:08 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:22:13 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:22:13 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceResetCluster: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
--- PASS: TestRebalanceResetCluster (106.62s)
=== RUN   TestAlterIndexIncrReplica
2023/10/28 03:22:15 In TestAlterIndexIncrReplica()
2023/10/28 03:22:15 This test creates an index with one replica and then increments replica count to 2
2023/10/28 03:22:15 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:22:21 Rebalance progress: 75
2023-10-28T03:22:25.230+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.240+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.254+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.257+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.263+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.264+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.284+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.286+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.293+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.295+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.632+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.633+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.692+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.742+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.743+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.751+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.764+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.764+05:30 [Error] Validation Failed while updating nodes and nodesvs.. &{{{1 0} 0 0 {{} -1073741824} {{} 0}} http://%40query:70c6cd0703a660a676483cab06ba65c7@ default  updateIndexerList 300 2000000000 1 false map[] {0xc00d0fe2d0 0xc019290240 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList} {map[] [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:4.2699776e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.3756577e+07 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:11041 curr_items_tot:11041 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:4.5836664e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.1928772608e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 7140 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1}] map[] map[terseBucketsBase:/pools/default/b/ terseStreamingBucketsBase:/pools/default/bs/ uri:/pools/default/buckets?v=66297430&uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4] /pools/default/nodeServices?v=84691856 /pools/default/serverGroups?v=21069578 [{default c8780b47919c4f508a71a882a261138f}] {0xc00d0fe2d0 0xc019290240 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList}} [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:4.2699776e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.3756577e+07 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:11041 curr_items_tot:11041 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:4.5836664e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.1928772608e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 7140 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1}] [{map[capi:9500 capiSSL:19500 kv:12000 kvSSL:11998 mgmt:9000 mgmtSSL:19000 n1ql:9499 n1qlSSL:19499 projector:10000] true} {map[mgmt:9001 mgmtSSL:19001] false}] map[] [] [] 7 6 map[10000:10000 11210:11207 12000:11998 8093:18093 9000:19000 9001:19001 9100:9100 9101:9101 9102:19102 9103:9103 9104:9104 9105:9105 9499:19499 9999:9999]}
2023-10-28T03:22:25.765+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.867+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.870+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.874+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.878+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:22:25.878+05:30 [Error] Validation Failed while updating nodes and nodesvs.. &{{{1 0} 0 0 {{} -1073741824} {{} 0}} http://%40query:70c6cd0703a660a676483cab06ba65c7@ default  updateIndexerList 300 2000000000 1 false map[] {0xc029f7afc0 0xc0237cb960 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList} {map[] [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:4.2699776e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.3756577e+07 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:11041 curr_items_tot:11041 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:4.5836664e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.1928772608e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 7140 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1}] map[] map[terseBucketsBase:/pools/default/b/ terseStreamingBucketsBase:/pools/default/bs/ uri:/pools/default/buckets?v=66297430&uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4] /pools/default/nodeServices?v=84691856 /pools/default/serverGroups?v=21069578 [{default c8780b47919c4f508a71a882a261138f}] {0xc029f7afc0 0xc0237cb960 {map[ale:0.0.0 asn1:5.0.21 chronicle:0.0.1 crypto:5.1.4 esaml:4.4.0 inets:8.3.1 kernel:8.5.4 lhttpc:1.3.0 ns_server:7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise os_mon:2.8.2 public_key:1.13.3 sasl:4.2 ssl:10.9.1 stdlib: xmerl:] 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true 2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 [{default /poolsStreaming/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4 /pools/default?uuid=2ac62f61ecfa0a6d4bcf85d40ac780b4}] false} updateIndexerList}} [{458758 active map[cmd_get:0 couch_docs_actual_disk_size:4.2699776e+07 couch_docs_data_size:1.3756577e+07 couch_spatial_data_size:0 couch_spatial_disk_size:0 couch_views_actual_disk_size:0 couch_views_data_size:0 curr_items:11041 curr_items_tot:11041 ep_bg_fetched:0 get_hits:0 mem_used:4.5836664e+07 ops:0 vb_active_num_non_resident:0 vb_replica_curr_items:0] 11800 11800 1.1928772608e+10 1.5466930176e+10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu map[direct:12000 distTCP:21400 distTLS:21450 httpsCAPI:19500 httpsMgmt:19000] healthy 7140 7.6.0-1559-rel-EE-enterprise true [kv n1ql] 3d26159c0da0ddf04b3fa41732b50670 inet 27223104 Group 1}] [{map[capi:9500 capiSSL:19500 kv:12000 kvSSL:11998 mgmt:9000 mgmtSSL:19000 n1ql:9499 n1qlSSL:19499 projector:10000] true} {map[mgmt:9001 mgmtSSL:19001] false}] map[] [] [] 7 6 map[10000:10000 11210:11207 12000:11998 8093:18093 9000:19000 9001:19001 9100:9100 9101:9101 9102:19102 9103:9103 9104:9104 9105:9105 9499:19499 9999:9999]}
2023/10/28 03:22:26 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:22:26 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:22:28 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:22:29 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:22:47 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:23:02 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:23:07 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:23:12 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:23:17 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 03:23:17 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:23:13.041+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {{badmatch,
                                [{file,"src/async.erl"},{line,199}]}]}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@]] rebalanceId:957012e5183cd0b4977ffcc386119ea2 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T03:22:57.635+05:30 timeTaken:15406] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false] query:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false]] startTime:2023-10-28T03:22:57.629+05:30 timeTaken:15413]
2023/10/28 03:23:17 AddNodeAndRebalance: Error during rebalance, err: Rebalance failed, Sleeping for 30 seconds
2023/10/28 03:23:47 Woke-up from sleep
2023/10/28 03:23:53 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:23:57 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:23:57 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:24:09 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 03:24:14 Rebalance progress: 83.33333333333333
2023/10/28 03:24:19 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:24:19 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:24:30 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 03:24:36 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:24:41 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 03:24:46 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:24:46 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:25:35 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:25:48 Created the secondary index idx_1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:25:48 Index is 3840612061837035786 now active
2023/10/28 03:25:48 Executing alter index command: alter index `default`.idx_1 with {"action":"replica_count", "num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestAlterIndexIncrReplica (237.59s)
=== RUN   TestAlterIndexDecrReplica
2023/10/28 03:26:13 In TestAlterIndexDecrReplica()
2023/10/28 03:26:13 This test creates an index with two replicas and then decrements replica count to 1
2023/10/28 03:26:13 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Index found:  idx_1
2023/10/28 03:26:13 Dropped index idx_1
2023/10/28 03:26:37 Created the secondary index idx_2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:26:37 Index is 265903045249568814 now active
2023/10/28 03:26:37 Executing alter index command: alter index `default`.idx_2 with {"action":"replica_count", "num_replica":1}
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:03 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestAlterIndexDecrReplica (50.19s)
=== RUN   TestAlterIndexDropReplica
2023/10/28 03:27:03 In TestAlterIndexDropReplica()
2023/10/28 03:27:03 This test creates an index with two replicas and then drops one replica from cluster
2023/10/28 03:27:04 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:27:04 Index found:  idx_2
2023/10/28 03:27:04 Dropped index idx_2
2023/10/28 03:27:30 Created the secondary index idx_3. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:27:30 Index is 791358505835634780 now active
2023/10/28 03:27:30 Executing alter index command: alter index `default`.idx_3 with {"action":"drop_replica", "replicaId":0}
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestAlterIndexDropReplica (53.52s)
=== RUN   TestResetCluster_1
2023/10/28 03:27:57 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:28:02 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 03:28:07 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 03:28:12 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:28:12 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:28:13 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:28:38 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:28:53 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:28:58 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:29:04 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:29:08 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 03:29:08 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:29:04.375+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {{badmatch,
                                [{file,"src/async.erl"},{line,199}]}]}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@]] rebalanceId:737aa8ef51a6489d4029e41b2d666134 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T03:28:48.621+05:30 timeTaken:15754] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false] query:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false]] startTime:2023-10-28T03:28:48.602+05:30 timeTaken:15773]
2023/10/28 03:29:08 AddNodeAndRebalance: Error during rebalance, err: Rebalance failed, Sleeping for 30 seconds
2023/10/28 03:29:38 Woke-up from sleep
2023/10/28 03:29:43 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:29:48 Rebalance progress: 100
--- PASS: TestResetCluster_1 (111.79s)
=== RUN   TestPartitionDistributionWithReplica
2023/10/28 03:29:48 In TestPartitionDistributionWithReplica()
2023/10/28 03:29:48 This test will create a paritioned index with replica and checks the parition distribution
2023/10/28 03:29:48 Parititions with same ID beloning to both replica and source index should not be on the same node
2023/10/28 03:29:48 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:29:54 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:29:59 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:29:59 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:30:00 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:30:01 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:30:19 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:30:34 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:30:39 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:30:39 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:30:50 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 03:30:55 Rebalance progress: 83.33333333333333
2023/10/28 03:31:00 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:31:00 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:31:11 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 03:31:17 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 03:31:22 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:31:22 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:32:11 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:32:11 Executing create partition index command on: create index `idx_partn` on `default`(age) partition by hash(meta().id) with {"num_partition":8, "num_replica":1}
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:32:52 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestPartitionDistributionWithReplica (184.05s)
=== RUN   TestPartitionedPartialIndex
2023/10/28 03:32:53 Executing create index command: CREATE INDEX `idx_regular` ON `default`(partn_name)
2023/10/28 03:33:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:03 Dropping the secondary index idx_regular
2023/10/28 03:33:03 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:33:03 Executing create index command: CREATE INDEX `idx_partial` ON `default`(partn_name) WHERE partn_age >= 0
2023/10/28 03:33:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:09 Dropping the secondary index idx_partial
2023/10/28 03:33:09 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:33:10 Executing create index command: CREATE INDEX `idx_partitioned` ON `default`(partn_name) PARTITION BY HASH(meta().id) 
2023/10/28 03:33:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:23 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:23 Dropping the secondary index idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 03:33:23 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:33:23 Executing create index command: CREATE INDEX `idx_partitioned_partial` ON `default`(partn_name) PARTITION BY HASH(meta().id) WHERE partn_age >= 0
2023/10/28 03:33:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:33:49 Dropping the secondary index idx_partitioned_partial
2023/10/28 03:33:49 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestPartitionedPartialIndex (61.71s)
=== RUN   TestResetCluster_2
2023/10/28 03:33:54 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:34:00 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 03:34:05 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 03:34:12 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:34:12 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:34:13 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:34:38 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:34:53 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:34:58 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:35:03 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 03:35:08 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 03:35:08 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T03:35:03.590+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {{badmatch,
                                [{file,"src/async.erl"},{line,199}]}]}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@]] rebalanceId:ecbd44399dd2590efc5122afd8ff16a9 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T03:34:48.100+05:30 timeTaken:15490] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false] query:map[completedTime:false startTime:false timeTaken:false]] startTime:2023-10-28T03:34:48.045+05:30 timeTaken:15545]
2023/10/28 03:35:08 AddNodeAndRebalance: Error during rebalance, err: Rebalance failed, Sleeping for 30 seconds
2023/10/28 03:35:38 Woke-up from sleep
2023/10/28 03:35:43 Rebalance progress: 75
2023/10/28 03:35:48 Rebalance progress: 100
--- PASS: TestResetCluster_2 (113.76s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionSetup
2023/10/28 03:35:48 In TestCollectionSetup()
2023/10/28 03:35:48 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:35:58
2023/10/28 03:35:58 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 03:35:58 &{400 Bad Request 400 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[56] Content-Type:[application/json] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 22:05:58 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc00d896fc0 56 [] false false map[] 0xc019051100 }
2023/10/28 03:35:58 Drop scope failed for bucket default, scope: _system 
2023/10/28 03:35:58 Dropped scope _system for bucket: default, body: {"errors":{"_":"Deleting _system scope is not allowed"}}
2023/10/28 03:36:43 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
--- PASS: TestCollectionSetup (56.81s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionDefault
2023/10/28 03:36:45 In TestCollectionDefault()
2023/10/28 03:36:56 Created the secondary index _default__default_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:36:56 Index is 4443395487998350178 now active
2023/10/28 03:36:56 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:36:56 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:02 Created the secondary index _default__default_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:37:02 Index is 16416084497780127426 now active
2023/10/28 03:37:02 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:03 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i1
2023/10/28 03:37:03 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:37:03 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:03 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Created the secondary index _default__default_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Index is 2261940145045437134 now active
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i1
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i2
2023/10/28 03:37:09 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:37:14 Created the secondary index _default__default_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:37:14 Index is 8501134804248346943 now active
2023/10/28 03:37:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Created the secondary index _default__default_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Index is 12671481733298024501 now active
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i1
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i2
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [_default__default_i1 _default__default_i2], bucket: default, scope: _default, coll: _default
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Waiting for the index _default__default_i1 to become active
2023/10/28 03:37:22 Waiting for index 12453263343135986017 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:37:23 Waiting for index 12453263343135986017 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:37:24 Waiting for index 12453263343135986017 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:37:25 Waiting for index 12453263343135986017 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:37:26 Waiting for index 12453263343135986017 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:37:27 Waiting for index 12453263343135986017 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:37:28 Waiting for index 12453263343135986017 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:37:29 Index is 12453263343135986017 now active
2023/10/28 03:37:29 Waiting for the index _default__default_i2 to become active
2023/10/28 03:37:29 Index is 14845119301194823799 now active
2023/10/28 03:37:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:37 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:37 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:37 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i1
2023/10/28 03:37:37 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:37:43 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:37:43 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:37:43 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i2
2023/10/28 03:37:43 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionDefault (58.32s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionNonDefault
2023/10/28 03:37:43 In TestCollectionNonDefault()
2023/10/28 03:37:43 Creating scope: s1 for bucket: default as it does not exist
2023/10/28 03:37:43 Create scope succeeded for bucket default, scopeName: s1, body: {"uid":"2"} 
2023/10/28 03:37:43 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: s1, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"3"}
2023/10/28 03:38:00 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:38:00 Index is 7136059910514867985 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:00 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:38:00.312+05:30 [Info] metadata provider version changed 3440 -> 3441
2023-10-28T03:38:00.312+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 3440 -> 3441 force false 
2023-10-28T03:38:00.312+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-s1-c1-1698444480304707841] started ...
2023/10/28 03:38:00 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:06 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:38:06 Index is 12571683842709322088 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:06 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:07 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:38:07 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:38:07 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:07 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Index is 17112762222562033986 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:38:12 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:38:18 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:38:18 Index is 8778349222167193597 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:18 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:18 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Index is 17878317854354270008 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [s1_c1_i1 s1_c1_i2], bucket: default, scope: s1, coll: c1
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Waiting for the index s1_c1_i1 to become active
2023/10/28 03:38:25 Waiting for index 4811827571512160359 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:38:26 Waiting for index 4811827571512160359 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:38:27 Waiting for index 4811827571512160359 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:38:28 Waiting for index 4811827571512160359 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:38:29 Waiting for index 4811827571512160359 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:38:30 Waiting for index 4811827571512160359 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:38:31 Waiting for index 4811827571512160359 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:38:32 Index is 4811827571512160359 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:32 Waiting for the index s1_c1_i2 to become active
2023/10/28 03:38:32 Index is 11449935213725724413 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:34 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:38:35 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:38:36 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:36 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:36 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:38:36 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionNonDefault (52.71s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionMetaAtSnapEnd
2023/10/28 03:38:36 In TestCollectionMetaAtSnapEnd()
2023/10/28 03:38:36 Creating scope: s2 for bucket: default as it does not exist
2023/10/28 03:38:36 Create scope succeeded for bucket default, scopeName: s2, body: {"uid":"4"} 
2023/10/28 03:38:36 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: s2, collection: c2, body: {"uid":"5"}
2023/10/28 03:38:53 Created the secondary index s2_c2_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:38:53 Index is 10767492803318768646 now active
2023/10/28 03:38:53 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:38:53.180+05:30 [Info] metadata provider version changed 3499 -> 3500
2023-10-28T03:38:53.180+05:30 [Info] switched currmeta from 3499 -> 3500 force false 
2023-10-28T03:38:53.180+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-s2-c2-1698444533130494781] started ...
2023/10/28 03:38:53 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:57 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:38:59 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:38:59 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: s2, collection: c3, body: {"uid":"6"}
2023/10/28 03:39:09 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:09 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:13 Created the secondary index s2_c2_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:39:13 Index is 8210539277957386729 now active
2023/10/28 03:39:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:13 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:13 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:19 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
--- PASS: TestCollectionMetaAtSnapEnd (43.40s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionUpdateSeq
2023/10/28 03:39:19 In TestCollectionUpdateSeq()
2023/10/28 03:39:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:20 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:26 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:26 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:26 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:26 Dropping the secondary index s2_c2_i1
2023/10/28 03:39:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:39:26 Dropping the secondary index s2_c2_i2
2023/10/28 03:39:27 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionUpdateSeq (7.38s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionMultiple
2023/10/28 03:39:27 In TestCollectionMultiple()
2023/10/28 03:39:31 Created the secondary index _default__default_i3. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:39:31 Index is 1988510731186354423 now active
2023/10/28 03:39:31 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:31 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i4. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Index is 16806646925459984869 now active
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i3
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i4
2023/10/28 03:39:38 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionMultiple (11.30s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionNoDocs
2023/10/28 03:39:38 In TestCollectionNoDocs()
2023/10/28 03:39:46 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:39:46 Index is 7621570900597986065 now active
2023/10/28 03:39:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:46 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:58 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:39:58 Index is 12695929501169441911 now active
2023/10/28 03:39:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:59 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:39:59 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:39:59 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:39:59 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:39:59 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:05 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:40:05 Index is 5765876726234173115 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:05 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:06 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:40:12 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionNoDocs (34.37s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionPrimaryIndex
2023/10/28 03:40:12 In TestCollectionPrimaryIndex()
2023/10/28 03:40:20 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:40:20 Index is 3513088189306836614 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:20 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:27 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:40:27 Index is 14879250235479959589 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:27 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:28 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:28 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:40:28 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:40:34 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:40:34 Index is 12744457922053515210 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:34 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:34 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:35 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:35 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:35 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:40:35 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:40:35 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:40:35 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionPrimaryIndex (22.91s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionMultipleBuilds
2023/10/28 03:40:36 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [9205039279192794846 10544559647473810300]
2023/10/28 03:40:36 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [16844826334503813816 7526519690054801651]
2023/10/28 03:40:36 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:37 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:38 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:39 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:40 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:41 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:42 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:43 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:44 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:45 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:46 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:47 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:48 Waiting for index 9205039279192794846 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index is 9205039279192794846 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index is 10544559647473810300 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index is 16844826334503813816 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index is 7526519690054801651 now active
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Dropping the secondary index s2_c2_i3
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Dropping the secondary index s2_c2_i4
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:40:49 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionMultipleBuilds (14.12s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionMultipleBuilds2
2023/10/28 03:40:50 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [14999158352854227147 3845889885680795560 14337965367191556144 18422350652441467918 2721308757640904289 9051815473291700974 7909229723585826146 4555913816195730729]
2023/10/28 03:40:50 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:51 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:52 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:53 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:54 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:55 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:56 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:57 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:58 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:40:59 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:00 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:01 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:02 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:03 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:04 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:05 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:06 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:07 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:08 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:09 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:10 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:11 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:12 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:13 Waiting for index 14999158352854227147 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 14999158352854227147 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 3845889885680795560 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 14337965367191556144 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 18422350652441467918 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 2721308757640904289 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 9051815473291700974 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 7909229723585826146 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Index is 4555913816195730729 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:14 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:41:15.033+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-s2-c3-1698444674951318506] started ...
2023/10/28 03:41:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:15 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:15 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index s2_c2_i1
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index s2_c2_i2
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index s2_c3_i1
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index s2_c3_i2
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i1
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:16 Dropping the secondary index _default__default_i2
2023/10/28 03:41:17 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionMultipleBuilds2 (27.31s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionIndexDropConcurrentBuild
2023/10/28 03:41:17 In TestCollectionIndexDropConcurrentBuild()
2023/10/28 03:41:17 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [704446720780298454 13160499016772184360]
2023/10/28 03:41:18 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:41:18 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:18 Waiting for index 13160499016772184360 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:19 Waiting for index 13160499016772184360 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:20 Waiting for index 13160499016772184360 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:21 Waiting for index 13160499016772184360 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:22 Index is 13160499016772184360 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:22 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:22 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:22 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:41:22 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionIndexDropConcurrentBuild (5.53s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionIndexDropConcurrentBuild2
2023/10/28 03:41:22 In TestCollectionIndexDropConcurrentBuild2()
2023/10/28 03:41:30 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i3. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:41:30 Index is 16742816430652118285 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:30 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:30 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:30 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [12217431941883050092 17280718474157983618]
2023/10/28 03:41:31 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i3
2023/10/28 03:41:31 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:31 Waiting for index 12217431941883050092 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:32 Waiting for index 12217431941883050092 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:33 Waiting for index 12217431941883050092 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:34 Waiting for index 12217431941883050092 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:35 Waiting for index 12217431941883050092 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:36 Waiting for index 12217431941883050092 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:37 Waiting for index 12217431941883050092 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Index is 12217431941883050092 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Index is 17280718474157983618 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i1
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Index dropped
2023/10/28 03:41:38 Dropping the secondary index s1_c1_i2
2023/10/28 03:41:40 Index dropped
--- PASS: TestCollectionIndexDropConcurrentBuild2 (17.95s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionDrop
2023/10/28 03:41:40 In TestCollectionDrop()
2023/10/28 03:41:45 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:41:45 Index is 10644910946917417512 now active
2023/10/28 03:41:55 Created the secondary index s1_c1_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:41:55 Index is 5441979202073395841 now active
2023/10/28 03:42:02 Created the secondary index s2_c2_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:42:02 Index is 17089289403494848234 now active
2023/10/28 03:42:08 Created the secondary index s2_c2_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:42:08 Index is 10064390756782597088 now active
2023/10/28 03:42:15 Created the secondary index s2_c3_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:42:15 Index is 6465241610307251325 now active
2023/10/28 03:42:21 Created the secondary index s2_c3_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:42:21 Index is 12606308575079185831 now active
2023/10/28 03:42:27 Created the secondary index _default__default_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:42:27 Index is 8058445160280027739 now active
2023/10/28 03:42:33 Created the secondary index _default__default_i2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:42:33 Index is 1607397440951729307 now active
2023/10/28 03:42:34 Dropped collection c1 for bucket: default, scope: s1, body: {"uid":"7"}
2023/10/28 03:42:39 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:42:39 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index s1_c1_i1 not found.
2023/10/28 03:42:39 Dropped scope s2 for bucket: default, body: {"uid":"8"}
2023/10/28 03:42:44 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:42:44.233+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-s2-c1-1698444764227792166] started ...
2023/10/28 03:42:44 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index s2_c1_i1 not found.
--- PASS: TestCollectionDrop (63.67s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionDDLWithConcurrentSystemEvents
2023/10/28 03:42:44 Creating scope: sc for bucket: default as it does not exist
2023/10/28 03:42:44 Create scope succeeded for bucket default, scopeName: sc, body: {"uid":"9"} 
2023/10/28 03:42:44 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc, body: {"uid":"a"}
2023/10/28 03:42:59 Created the secondary index sc_cc_i1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:42:59 Index is 5132212228040160075 now active
2023/10/28 03:43:01 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [sc_cc_i2], bucket: default, scope: sc, coll: cc
2023/10/28 03:43:01 Waiting for the index sc_cc_i2 to become active
2023/10/28 03:43:01 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:01 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_0, body: {"uid":"b"}
2023/10/28 03:43:02 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_1, body: {"uid":"c"}
2023/10/28 03:43:02 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_2, body: {"uid":"d"}
2023/10/28 03:43:02 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:03 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_3, body: {"uid":"e"}
2023/10/28 03:43:03 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_4, body: {"uid":"f"}
2023/10/28 03:43:03 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:03 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_5, body: {"uid":"10"}
2023/10/28 03:43:04 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:04 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_6, body: {"uid":"11"}
2023/10/28 03:43:05 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:06 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_7, body: {"uid":"12"}
2023/10/28 03:43:06 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:07 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_8, body: {"uid":"13"}
2023/10/28 03:43:07 Created collection succeeded for bucket: default, scope: sc, collection: cc_9, body: {"uid":"14"}
2023/10/28 03:43:07 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:08 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:09 Waiting for index 8263013442346532707 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:43:10 Index is 8263013442346532707 now active
2023/10/28 03:43:10 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:43:10.765+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/default-sc-cc-1698444790761915373] started ...
--- PASS: TestCollectionDDLWithConcurrentSystemEvents (26.55s)
=== RUN   TestCollectionDropWithMultipleBuckets
2023/10/28 03:43:10 In TestCollectionWithDropMultipleBuckets()
2023/10/28 03:43:10 This test will create a collection across multiple buckets and 
2023/10/28 03:43:10 drops a collection on one bucket. Indexer should not drop indexes
2023/10/28 03:43:10 with same CollectionID but different buckets
2023/10/28 03:43:10 Creating test_bucket_1
2023/10/28 03:43:10 Created bucket test_bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:43:20 Creating test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:43:20 Created bucket test_bucket_2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:43:30 Creating collection: test for bucket: test_bucket_1
2023/10/28 03:43:31 Created collection succeeded for bucket: test_bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: test, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 03:43:31 Creating collection: test for bucket: test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:43:31 Created collection succeeded for bucket: test_bucket_2, scope: _default, collection: test, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 03:43:41 Creating Index: idx_1 on scope: _default collection: test for bucket: test_bucket_1
2023/10/28 03:43:46 Created the secondary index idx_1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:43:46 Index is 16154190813118127697 now active
2023/10/28 03:43:51 Creating Index: idx_1 on scope: _default collection: test for bucket: test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:43:59 Created the secondary index idx_1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:43:59 Index is 3511885015015390866 now active
2023/10/28 03:44:04 Dropping collection: test for bucket: test_bucket_1
2023/10/28 03:44:04 Dropped collection test for bucket: test_bucket_1, scope: _default, body: {"uid":"3"}
2023/10/28 03:44:06 Scanning index: idx_1, bucket: test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:44:06 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:44:06.587+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/test_bucket_2-_default-test-1698444846583148573] started ...
2023/10/28 03:44:06 Deleting bucket: test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:44:08 Deleted bucket test_bucket_2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:44:13 Creating test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:44:13 Created bucket test_bucket_2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:44:23 Creating collection: test for bucket: test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:44:23 Created collection succeeded for bucket: test_bucket_2, scope: _default, collection: test, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 03:44:33 Creating Index: idx_1 on scope: _default collection: test for bucket: test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:44:39 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [idx_1], bucket: test_bucket_2, scope: _default, coll: test
2023/10/28 03:44:39 Waiting for the index idx_1 to become active
2023/10/28 03:44:39 Waiting for index 3027558585167422571 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:44:40 Waiting for index 3027558585167422571 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:44:41 Waiting for index 3027558585167422571 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:44:42 Waiting for index 3027558585167422571 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:44:43 Waiting for index 3027558585167422571 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:44:44 Waiting for index 3027558585167422571 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:44:45 Index is 3027558585167422571 now active
2023/10/28 03:44:45 Scanning index: idx_1, bucket: test_bucket_2
2023/10/28 03:44:45 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:44:46 Deleted bucket test_bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:44:48 Deleted bucket test_bucket_2, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestCollectionDropWithMultipleBuckets (102.62s)
=== RUN   TestStringToByteSlice
--- PASS: TestStringToByteSlice (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestStringToByteSlice_Stack
--- PASS: TestStringToByteSlice_Stack (1.59s)
=== RUN   TestByteSliceToString
--- PASS: TestByteSliceToString (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBytesToString_WithUnusedBytes
--- PASS: TestBytesToString_WithUnusedBytes (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestStringHeadersCompatible
--- PASS: TestStringHeadersCompatible (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSliceHeadersCompatible
--- PASS: TestSliceHeadersCompatible (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestEphemeralBucketBasic
2023/10/28 03:44:54 In TestEphemeralBuckets()
2023/10/28 03:44:54 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:44:54 Index found:  sc_cc_i2
2023/10/28 03:44:55 Dropped index sc_cc_i2
2023/10/28 03:44:55 Index found:  _default__default_i2
2023/10/28 03:44:55 Dropped index _default__default_i2
2023/10/28 03:44:55 Index found:  _default__default_i1
2023/10/28 03:44:55 Dropped index _default__default_i1
2023/10/28 03:44:55 Index found:  sc_cc_i1
2023/10/28 03:44:55 Dropped index sc_cc_i1
2023/10/28 03:45:31 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:45:34 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:45:34 Created bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:45:34 Created bucket ephemeral2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:45:34 Created bucket ephemeral3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:45:49 Generating docs and Populating all the buckets
2023/10/28 03:45:58 Created the secondary index bucket1_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:45:58 Index is 5830530045522845112 now active
2023/10/28 03:46:05 Created the secondary index bucket2_city. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:46:05 Index is 1312520914565870005 now active
2023/10/28 03:46:13 Created the secondary index bucket3_gender. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:46:13 Index is 10633191787246931486 now active
2023/10/28 03:46:21 Created the secondary index bucket4_balance. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:46:21 Index is 10408766746950768675 now active
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:46:24.274+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/ephemeral1-_default-_default-1698444984270396249] started ...
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:46:24.287+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/ephemeral2-_default-_default-1698444984282331095] started ...
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:46:24.299+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/ephemeral3-_default-_default-1698444984294430105] started ...
2023/10/28 03:46:24 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:46:25 Deleted bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:46:26 Deleted bucket ephemeral2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:46:27 Deleted bucket ephemeral3, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:46:31 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestEphemeralBucketBasic (111.02s)
=== RUN   TestEphemeralBucketRecovery
2023/10/28 03:46:46 In TestEphemeralBucketRecovery()
2023/10/28 03:46:46 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:46:46 Index found:  bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:46:46 Dropped index bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:47:23 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:47:26 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:47:26 Created bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:47:41 Generating docs and Populating all the buckets
2023/10/28 03:47:47 Created the secondary index bucket1_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:47:47 Index is 13457570718679094905 now active
2023/10/28 03:47:56 Created the secondary index bucket2_city. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:47:56 Index is 6440492662311530979 now active
Restarting indexer process ...
2023/10/28 03:47:59 []
2023-10-28T03:47:59.804+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T03:47:59.804+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 03:48:19 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:48:19.728+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T03:48:19.728+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] -1832930527430084237 request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T03:48:19.728+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T03:48:19.728+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [5891061261832494221], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 03:48:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:48:19 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:48:19.758+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/ephemeral1-_default-_default-1698445099754164282] started ...
2023/10/28 03:48:19 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:48:20 Deleted bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:48:23 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestEphemeralBucketRecovery (112.91s)
=== RUN   TestEphemeralBucketFlush
2023/10/28 03:48:38 In TestEphemeralBucketFlush()
2023/10/28 03:48:38 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:48:38 Index found:  bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:48:38 Dropped index bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:49:15 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:49:18 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:49:18 Created bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:49:33 Generating docs and Populating all the buckets
2023/10/28 03:49:38 Created the secondary index bucket1_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:49:38 Index is 18212837415866008707 now active
2023/10/28 03:49:44 Created the secondary index bucket2_city. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:49:44 Index is 67255703857647374 now active
2023/10/28 03:50:23 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:50:27 Flush Enabled on bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:51:00 Flushed the bucket ephemeral1, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:51:00 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:51:00 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:51:00.558+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/ephemeral1-_default-_default-1698445260554188935] started ...
2023/10/28 03:51:01 Deleted bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:51:04 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestEphemeralBucketFlush (160.83s)
=== RUN   TestEphemeralBucketMCDCrash
2023/10/28 03:51:19 In TestEphemeralBucketMCDCrash()
2023/10/28 03:51:19 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:51:19 Index found:  bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:51:19 Dropped index bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:51:55 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:51:58 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:51:59 Created bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:52:14 Generating docs and Populating all the buckets
2023/10/28 03:52:19 Created the secondary index bucket1_age. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:52:19 Index is 12624403060828196849 now active
2023/10/28 03:52:25 Created the secondary index bucket2_city. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:52:25 Index is 739908246760029942 now active
Restarting memcached process ...
2023/10/28 03:52:28 []
2023/10/28 03:52:58 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:52:58 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:52:58 Using n1ql client
2023-10-28T03:52:58.596+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/ephemeral1-_default-_default-1698445378591864654] started ...
2023/10/28 03:52:59 Deleted bucket ephemeral1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 03:53:02 Modified parameters of bucket default, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestEphemeralBucketMCDCrash (117.76s)
=== RUN   TestScheduleIndexBasic
2023/10/28 03:53:17 In TestMultipleDeferredIndexes_BuildTogether()
2023/10/28 03:53:17 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:53:17 Index found:  bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:53:17 Dropped index bucket1_age
2023/10/28 03:53:28 Setting JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 03:53:49 Changing config key indexer.debug.enableBackgroundIndexCreation to value false
2023/10/28 03:53:49 Creating indexes Asynchronously
2023/10/28 03:53:49 Finding definition IDs for all indexes
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Status of all indexes
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Index id_gender is in state INDEX_STATE_SCHEDULED
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Changing config key indexer.debug.enableBackgroundIndexCreation to value true
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Waiting for all indexes to become active
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Waiting for index 15226901570676377033 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:52 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023-10-28T03:53:54.103+05:30 [Error] Error in waitForScheduledIndex Encountered transient error. Index id_age will retry building in the background for reason: Build Already In Progress. Keyspace default.
2023/10/28 03:53:55 Waiting for index 15226901570676377033 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:55 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:55 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:55 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:58 Waiting for index 15226901570676377033 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:58 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:58 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:53:58 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023-10-28T03:54:00.115+05:30 [Error] Error in waitForScheduledIndex Encountered transient error. Index id_company will retry building in the background for reason: Build Already In Progress. Keyspace default.
2023/10/28 03:54:01 Index 15226901570676377033 is now active
2023/10/28 03:54:01 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:01 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:01 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:04 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:04 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:04 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:07 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:07 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:07 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_READY to go active ...
2023-10-28T03:54:08.376+05:30 [Error] Error in waitForScheduledIndex Encountered transient error. Index id_gender will retry building in the background for reason: Build Already In Progress. Keyspace default.
2023/10/28 03:54:08 Error Encountered transient error. Index id_company will retry building in the background for reason: Build Already In Progress. Keyspace default.
 Observed when creating index
2023/10/28 03:54:08 Error Encountered transient error. Index id_age will retry building in the background for reason: Build Already In Progress. Keyspace default.
 Observed when creating index
2023/10/28 03:54:08 Error Encountered transient error. Index id_gender will retry building in the background for reason: Build Already In Progress. Keyspace default.
 Observed when creating index
2023/10/28 03:54:08 Error  Observed when creating index
2023/10/28 03:54:10 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:10 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:10 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:13 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:13 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:13 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:16 Waiting for index 17002407989143459248 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:16 Waiting for index 17774717756941758618 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:16 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_ERROR to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:19 Index 17002407989143459248 is now active
2023/10/28 03:54:19 Index 17774717756941758618 is now active
2023/10/28 03:54:19 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:22 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:25 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:28 Waiting for index 13593844592800747850 in state INDEX_STATE_INITIAL to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Index 13593844592800747850 is now active
--- PASS: TestScheduleIndexBasic (73.97s)
=== RUN   TestFlattenArrayIndexTestSetup
2023/10/28 03:54:31 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Index found:  id_isActive
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Dropped index id_isActive
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Index found:  id_age
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Dropped index id_age
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Index found:  id_gender
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Dropped index id_gender
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Index found:  id_company
2023/10/28 03:54:31 Dropped index id_company
2023/10/28 03:55:07 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
--- PASS: TestFlattenArrayIndexTestSetup (41.46s)
=== RUN   TestScanOnFlattenedAraryIndex
2023/10/28 03:55:20 Created the secondary index idx_flatten. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:55:20 Index is 2091540588148281304 now active
2023/10/28 03:55:20 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestScanOnFlattenedAraryIndex (7.77s)
=== RUN   TestGroupAggrFlattenArrayIndex
2023/10/28 03:55:20 In TestGroupAggrArrayIndex()
2023/10/28 03:55:26 Created the secondary index ga_flatten_arr1. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:55:26 Index is 14628659516174866350 now active
2023/10/28 03:55:32 Created the secondary index ga_flatten_arr2. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:55:32 Index is 8019311677033986172 now active
2023/10/28 03:55:32 Scenario 1
2023-10-28T03:55:32.970+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T03:55:32.970+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""]  request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T03:55:32.970+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Fail to find indexer for all index partitions. Num partition 1.  Partition with instances 0 
2023-10-28T03:55:32.970+05:30 [Error] metadataClient:PickRandom: Replicas - [8740635417446295311], PrunedReplica - map[], FilteredReplica map[]
2023/10/28 03:55:33 Total Scanresults = 644
2023/10/28 03:55:33 Scenario 2
2023/10/28 03:55:33 Total Scanresults = 2864
2023/10/28 03:55:34 Scenario 3
2023/10/28 03:55:34 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 03:55:34 Scenario 4
2023/10/28 03:55:34 Total Scanresults = 995
2023/10/28 03:55:35 Scenario 5
2023/10/28 03:55:35 Total Scanresults = 2864
2023/10/28 03:55:35 Scenario 6
2023/10/28 03:55:35 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 03:55:36 Scenario 7
2023/10/28 03:55:36 Total Scanresults = 2970
2023/10/28 03:55:39 Scenario 8
2023/10/28 03:55:39 Total Scanresults = 2864
2023/10/28 03:55:40 Scenario 9
2023/10/28 03:55:40 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 03:55:40 Scenario 10
2023/10/28 03:55:40 Total Scanresults = 644
2023/10/28 03:55:40 Scenario 11
2023/10/28 03:55:40 Total Scanresults = 1191
2023/10/28 03:55:41 Scenario 12
2023/10/28 03:55:41 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 03:55:41 Scenario 13
2023/10/28 03:55:45 Total Scanresults = 1
2023/10/28 03:55:45 Count of scanResults is 1
2023/10/28 03:55:45 Value: [1 21]
--- PASS: TestGroupAggrFlattenArrayIndex (25.37s)
=== RUN   TestNullAndMissingValuesFlattenArrayIndex
2023/10/28 03:55:46 In TestNullAndMissingValuesFlattenArrayIndex
2023/10/28 03:55:46 Scenario-1: Scanning for docsWithNullEntries with array as non-leading key
2023/10/28 03:55:46 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-2: Scanning for docsWithMissingEntries with array as non-leading key
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-3: Scanning for docs with 'missing' entry for first key in array expression with array as non-leading key
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-4: Scanning for docs with valid entry for first key in array expression with array as non-leading key
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Add docs in docsWithPartialMissingLeadingKeyInArrEntry should be present in results
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-5: Scanning for docsWithNullEntries with array as leading key
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-6: Scanning for docsWithMissingEntries with array as leading entry
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-7: Scanning for docs with 'missing' entry for first key in array expression
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-9: Scanning for all docs in the index
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Docs in docsWithCompleteMissingLeadingKeyInArrEntry should be present in results
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Scenario-9: Scanning for docs with valid entry for first key in array expression
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Add docs in docsWithPartialMissingLeadingKeyInArrEntry should be present in results
2023/10/28 03:55:47 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestNullAndMissingValuesFlattenArrayIndex (1.07s)
=== RUN   TestEmptyArrayFlattenArrayIndex
2023/10/28 03:55:47 In TestEmptyArrayFlattenArrayIndex
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Scenario-1: Scanning for docs with missing entry for first key in array expression
2023/10/28 03:55:48 The docs in `docsWithEmptyArrayEntry` should not be presnt in scanResults
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Using n1ql client
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Scenario-1: Scanning for all docs in the index
2023/10/28 03:55:48 The docs in `docsWithEmptyArrayEntry` should not be presnt in scanResults
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Using n1ql client
--- PASS: TestEmptyArrayFlattenArrayIndex (1.11s)
=== RUN   TestOSOSetup
2023/10/28 03:55:48 In TestOSOSetup()
2023/10/28 03:55:48 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Index found:  ga_flatten_arr1
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Dropped index ga_flatten_arr1
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Index found:  test_oneperprimarykey
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Dropped index test_oneperprimarykey
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Index found:  idx_flatten
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Dropped index idx_flatten
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Index found:  ga_flatten_arr2
2023/10/28 03:55:48 Dropped index ga_flatten_arr2
2023/10/28 03:56:24 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:56:25 Populating the default bucket
2023/10/28 03:56:30 Changing config key to value true
--- PASS: TestOSOSetup (42.10s)
=== RUN   TestOSOInitBuildDeleteMutation
2023/10/28 03:56:30 In TestOSOInitBuildDeleteMutation()
2023/10/28 03:56:35 Created the secondary index index_p1_oso. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:56:35 Index is 12884829459334155784 now active
2023/10/28 03:56:44 Created the secondary index index_p_oso. Waiting for it become active
2023/10/28 03:56:44 Index is 9855780691266890431 now active
2023/10/28 03:56:44 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:56:44 CountRange() expected and actual is:  1792 and 1792
2023/10/28 03:56:44 lookupkey for CountLookup() = User01ad2c02-dbb4-4dcb-800d-c8e6b3f95c15
2023/10/28 03:56:44 CountLookup() = 1
--- PASS: TestOSOInitBuildDeleteMutation (13.98s)
=== RUN   TestOSOInitBuildIndexerRestart
2023/10/28 03:56:44 In TestOSOInitBuildIndexerRestart()
2023/10/28 03:56:44 Build command issued for the deferred indexes [2936227329695211231]
2023/10/28 03:56:44 []
2023-10-28T03:56:44.662+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T03:56:44.662+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 03:56:49 Waiting for index 2936227329695211231 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:56:50 Waiting for index 2936227329695211231 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:56:51 Waiting for index 2936227329695211231 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:56:52 Waiting for index 2936227329695211231 to go active ...
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Index is 2936227329695211231 now active
2023-10-28T03:56:53.628+05:30 [Error] transport error between> write tcp> write: broken pipe
2023-10-28T03:56:53.629+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""]  request transport failed `write tcp> write: broken pipe`
2023-10-28T03:56:53.629+05:30 [Warn] scan failed: requestId  queryport inst 6522546209026936035 partition [0]
2023-10-28T03:56:53.629+05:30 [Warn] Scan failed with error for index 2936227329695211231.  Trying scan again with replica, reqId: :  write tcp> write: broken pipe from [] ...
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Expected and Actual scan responses are the same
2023/10/28 03:56:53 CountRange() expected and actual is:  1792 and 1792
2023/10/28 03:56:53 lookupkey for CountLookup() = Userd6190383-a3e3-4050-a66d-ef6ced2627a1
2023/10/28 03:56:53 CountLookup() = 1
--- PASS: TestOSOInitBuildIndexerRestart (9.39s)
=== RUN   TestMissingLeadingKeyBasic
2023/10/28 03:56:53 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Index found:  index_p2_oso
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Dropped index index_p2_oso
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Index found:  index_p1_oso
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Dropped index index_p1_oso
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Index found:  index_p_oso
2023/10/28 03:56:53 Dropped index index_p_oso
2023/10/28 03:57:30 Flushed the bucket default, Response body: 
2023/10/28 03:57:30 Populating the default bucket
--- PASS: TestMissingLeadingKeyBasic (42.06s)
=== RUN   TestMissingLeadingKeyPartitioned
2023/10/28 03:57:35 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 03:57:35 Index found:  idx_vac
2023/10/28 03:57:35 Dropped index idx_vac
--- PASS: TestMissingLeadingKeyPartitioned (7.85s)
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity
2023/10/28 03:57:43 Changing config key indexer.settings.enable_shard_affinity to value true
2023/10/28 03:57:43 Changing config key indexer.planner.honourNodesInDefn to value true
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/RebalanceSetupCluster
2023/10/28 03:57:43 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:57:43 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: 1. Setting up initial cluster configuration
2023/10/28 03:57:43 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 03:57:49 Rebalance progress: 25
2023-10-28T03:57:51.156+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.181+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.234+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.315+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.327+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.333+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.335+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.352+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.358+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.368+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.375+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.379+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.382+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.392+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.392+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.399+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.409+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.415+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.415+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.420+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.425+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.426+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.449+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.449+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023-10-28T03:57:51.452+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 1 != len(c.nodesvs): 2
2023/10/28 03:57:54 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:57:54 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:57:55 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 03:58:13 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 03:58:28 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 03:58:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: 2. Changing indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to true
2023/10/28 03:58:29 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to value true
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceSetupCluster: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: 1. Creating 100 documents
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: 100 documents created
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: 1. Creating 17 indexes: non-partitioned, 0-replica, non-deferred
2023/10/28 03:58:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN__id on `default`(_id)
2023/10/28 03:58:33 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN__id index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:58:33 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_docid on `default`(docid)
2023/10/28 03:58:40 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_docid index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:58:40 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_guid on `default`(guid)
2023/10/28 03:58:47 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_guid index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:58:47 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_isActive on `default`(isActive)
2023/10/28 03:58:53 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:58:53 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_balance on `default`(balance)
2023/10/28 03:59:00 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:00 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_picture on `default`(picture)
2023/10/28 03:59:07 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:07 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_age on `default`(age)
2023/10/28 03:59:14 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:14 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_eyeColor on `default`(eyeColor)
2023/10/28 03:59:20 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:20 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_name on `default`(name)
2023/10/28 03:59:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_name index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_gender on `default`(gender)
2023/10/28 03:59:35 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_gender index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:35 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_company on `default`(company)
2023/10/28 03:59:41 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_company index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:41 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_email on `default`(email)
2023/10/28 03:59:48 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_email index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:48 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_phone on `default`(phone)
2023/10/28 03:59:54 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_phone index is now active.
2023/10/28 03:59:54 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_registered on `default`(registered)
2023/10/28 04:00:01 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_registered index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:00:01 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_latitude on `default`(latitude)
2023/10/28 04:00:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_latitude index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:00:09 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_longitude on `default`(longitude)
2023/10/28 04:00:15 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_longitude index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:00:15 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_PLAIN_favoriteFruit on `default`(favoriteFruit)
2023/10/28 04:00:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_PLAIN_favoriteFruit index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:00:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: 2. Creating 17 indexes: non-partitioned, 0-replica, DEFERRED
2023/10/28 04:00:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED__id_docid on `default`(_id, docid) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED__id_docid index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_docid_guid on `default`(docid, guid) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_docid_guid index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:22 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_guid_isActive on `default`(guid, isActive) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:23 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_guid_isActive index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:23 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_isActive_balance on `default`(isActive, balance) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:23 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_isActive_balance index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:23 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_balance_picture on `default`(balance, picture) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:24 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_balance_picture index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:24 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_picture_age on `default`(picture, age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:24 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_picture_age index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:24 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_age_eyeColor on `default`(age, eyeColor) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:24 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_age_eyeColor index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:24 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_eyeColor_name on `default`(eyeColor, name) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_eyeColor_name index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_name_gender on `default`(name, gender) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_name_gender index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:25 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_gender_company on `default`(gender, company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:26 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_gender_company index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:26 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_company_email on `default`(company, email) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_company_email index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_email_phone on `default`(email, phone) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_email_phone index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:27 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_phone_registered on `default`(phone, registered) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_phone_registered index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_registered_latitude on `default`(registered, latitude) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_registered_latitude index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:28 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_latitude_longitude on `default`(latitude, longitude) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_latitude_longitude index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:29 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_longitude_favoriteFruit on `default`(longitude, favoriteFruit) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:30 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_longitude_favoriteFruit index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:30 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_DEFERRED_favoriteFruit__id on `default`(favoriteFruit, _id) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:00:30 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_DEFERRED_favoriteFruit__id index is now deferred.
2023/10/28 04:00:30 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: 3. Creating 3 indexes: 7-PARTITION, 0-replica, non-deferred
2023/10/28 04:00:30 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_7PARTITIONS__id_guid on `default`(_id, guid) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":7}
2023/10/28 04:00:38 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_7PARTITIONS__id_guid index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:00:38 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_docid_isActive on `default`(docid, isActive) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":7}
2023/10/28 04:00:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_docid_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:00:45 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_guid_balance on `default`(guid, balance) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":7}
2023/10/28 04:00:52 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_7PARTITIONS_guid_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:00:52 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestShardAffinityInInitialCluster
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn
2023/10/28 04:00:53 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:00:53 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn: 1. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:00:53 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:01:05 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 04:01:05 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn: 2. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:01:05 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:01:17 AddNode: Successfully added node: (role index), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 04:01:17 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn: 3. Rebalancing
2023/10/28 04:01:23 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 04:01:28 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 04:01:33 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 04:01:38 Rebalance progress: 53.41770833333334
2023/10/28 04:01:43 Rebalance progress: 65.15034722222222
2023/10/28 04:01:48 Rebalance progress: 65.1676107604315
2023/10/28 04:01:53 Rebalance progress: 65.22493430930932
2023/10/28 04:01:58 Rebalance progress: 65.22493430930932
2023/10/28 04:02:03 Rebalance progress: 65.2249311482535
2023/10/28 04:02:08 Rebalance progress: 65.2249311482535
2023/10/28 04:02:13 Rebalance progress: 65.22496967362098
2023/10/28 04:02:18 Rebalance progress: 65.22497866287338
2023/10/28 04:02:23 Rebalance progress: 65.22497866287338
2023/10/28 04:02:28 Rebalance progress: 65.22498133001422
2023/10/28 04:02:33 Rebalance progress: 65.22499733285916
2023/10/28 04:02:38 Rebalance progress: 65.22499733285916
2023/10/28 04:02:43 Rebalance progress: 86.75
2023/10/28 04:02:48 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 04:02:48 TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance
2023/10/28 04:02:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:02:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: 1. Creating 5 indexes: non-partitioned, 2-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 04:02:50 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS__id_isActive on `default`(_id, isActive) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 04:03:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS__id_isActive index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:03:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_docid_balance on `default`(docid, balance) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 04:03:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_docid_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:03:34 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_guid_picture on `default`(guid, picture) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 04:04:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_guid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:04:04 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_isActive_age on `default`(isActive, age) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 04:04:36 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_isActive_age index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:04:36 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_2REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor on `default`(balance, eyeColor) with {"num_replica":2}
2023/10/28 04:04:57 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_2REPLICAS_balance_eyeColor index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:04:57 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: 2. Creating 2 indexes: 5-PARTITION, 1-REPLICA, non-deferred
2023/10/28 04:04:57 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS__id_balance on `default`(_id, balance) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "num_replica":1}
2023/10/28 04:05:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS__id_balance index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:05:10 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance:: Executing N1QL: create index set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS_docid_picture on `default`(docid, picture) partition by hash(Meta().id) with {"num_partition":5, "num_replica":1}
2023/10/28 04:05:43 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: set14_idx_5PARTITIONS_1REPLICAS_docid_picture index is now active.
2023/10/28 04:05:43 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance: exit: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut
2023/10/28 04:05:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:05:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut: 1. Rebalancing index node out of the cluster
2023/10/28 04:05:44 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 04:05:49 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 04:05:55 Rebalance progress: 26.35723684210526
2023/10/28 04:05:59 Rebalance progress: 51.33221968938251
2023/10/28 04:06:04 Rebalance progress: 62.44997337404145
2023/10/28 04:06:09 Rebalance progress: 64.78681979809096
2023/10/28 04:06:14 Rebalance progress: 65.96708161411186
2023/10/28 04:06:19 Rebalance progress: 67.13944174213215
2023/10/28 04:06:25 Rebalance progress: 69.48419236976598
2023/10/28 04:06:29 Rebalance progress: 69.48418766251233
2023/10/28 04:06:34 Rebalance progress: 71.82893660898412
2023/10/28 04:06:39 Rebalance progress: 74.1736751322514
2023/10/28 04:06:44 Rebalance progress: 74.17366302788486
2023/10/28 04:06:49 Rebalance progress: 75.34604052721241
2023/10/28 04:06:54 Rebalance progress: 76.51841029319465
2023/10/28 04:06:59 Rebalance progress: 77.68683134582622
2023/10/28 04:07:04 Rebalance progress: 78.86315430825786
2023/10/28 04:07:09 Rebalance progress: 80.03552272931049
2023/10/28 04:07:14 Rebalance progress: 80.0355136510356
2023/10/28 04:07:19 Rebalance progress: 81.2078856585672
2023/10/28 04:07:24 Rebalance progress: 82.38025407961985
2023/10/28 04:07:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:07:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:07:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:07:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:07:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:07:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:07:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:08:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:09:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:10:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:11:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:12:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:13:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:14:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:15:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:16:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:17:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:18:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:19:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:20:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:21:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:22:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:23:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:24:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:25:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:26:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:27:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:28:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:29:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:30:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:31:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:32:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:33:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:49 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:54 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:34:59 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:04 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:09 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:14 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:19 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:24 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:29 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:34 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:39 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
2023/10/28 04:35:44 Rebalance progress: 83.55263157894737
    cluster_setup.go:52: RemoveNode: Error during rebalance, err: Rebalance did not finish after 30 minutes
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestFailoverAndRebalance
2023/10/28 04:35:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailoverAndRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:35:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestFailoverAndRebalance: 1. Failing over index node
2023/10/28 04:35:44 Failing over: []
    cluster_setup.go:73: Error removing node and rebalancing, rebalanceFromRest response: Rebalance running.
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/TestSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 04:35:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestSwapRebalance: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:35:44 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestSwapRebalance: 1. Adding index node to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:44 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:45 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:46 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:47 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:48 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:49 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:51 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:52 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:53 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:54 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:55 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:56 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:57 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:58 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:35:59 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:00 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:01 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:02 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:03 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:04 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:05 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:06 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:07 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:08 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:09 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:10 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:11 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:13 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:14 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:15 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster
=== NAME  TestWithShardAffinity
    cluster_setup.go:20: AddNode: Unexpected response body from addNodeFromRest while adding node: (role: index), response: ["Node addition is disallowed while rebalance is in progress"]
=== NAME  TestWithShardAffinity/TestSwapRebalance
    testing.go:1471: test executed panic(nil) or runtime.Goexit: subtest may have called FailNow on a parent test
=== RUN   TestWithShardAffinity/RebalanceResetCluster
2023/10/28 04:36:16 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceResetCluster: entry: Current cluster configuration: map[[index][index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:36:16 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceResetCluster: 1. Restoring indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to false
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.redistribute_indexes to value false
2023/10/28 04:36:16 set14_rebalance_test.go::TestRebalanceResetCluster: 2. Resetting cluster to initial configuration
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
    cluster_setup.go:100: ResetCluster: Error while rebalancing, rebalanceFromRest response: 
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Changing config key indexer.settings.enable_shard_affinity to value false
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Changing config key indexer.planner.honourNodesInDefn to value false
--- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity (2313.00s)
    --- PASS: TestWithShardAffinity/RebalanceSetupCluster (45.34s)
    --- PASS: TestWithShardAffinity/TestCreateDocsBeforeRebalance (0.14s)
    --- PASS: TestWithShardAffinity/TestCreateIndexesBeforeRebalance (143.68s)
    --- PASS: TestWithShardAffinity/TestShardAffinityInInitialCluster (0.04s)
    --- PASS: TestWithShardAffinity/TestIndexNodeRebalanceIn (117.35s)
    --- PASS: TestWithShardAffinity/TestCreateReplicatedIndexesBeforeRebalance (173.67s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut (1800.49s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/TestFailoverAndRebalance (0.10s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/TestSwapRebalance (31.61s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/RebalanceResetCluster (0.28s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePseudoOfflineUgradeWithShardAffinity
    set24_shard_affinity_test.go:264: Unstable test
--- SKIP: TestRebalancePseudoOfflineUgradeWithShardAffinity (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCreateInSimulatedMixedMode
    set24_shard_affinity_test.go:351: Unstable test
--- SKIP: TestCreateInSimulatedMixedMode (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSwapRebalanceMixedMode
    set24_shard_affinity_test.go:410: Unstable test
--- SKIP: TestSwapRebalanceMixedMode (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestFailoverAndRebalanceMixedMode
    set24_shard_affinity_test.go:449: Unstable test
--- SKIP: TestFailoverAndRebalanceMixedMode (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestIdxCorruptBasicSanityMultipleIndices
2023/10/28 04:36:16 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Index found:  set14_idx_PLAIN_email
    common_test.go:173: Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes: Fail to drop index on some indexer nodes.  Error=Encountered error when dropping index: Indexer Cannot Process Drop Index - Rebalance In Progress. Drop index will be retried in background.
        .  If cluster or indexer is currently unavailable, the operation will automatically retry after cluster is back to normal.
--- FAIL: TestIdxCorruptBasicSanityMultipleIndices (0.09s)
=== RUN   TestIdxCorruptPartitionedIndex
Creating partitioned index ...
2023-10-28T04:36:16.741+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index corrupt_idx3_age, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:173: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index corrupt_idx3_age, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestIdxCorruptPartitionedIndex (0.02s)
=== RUN   TestIdxCorruptMOITwoSnapsOneCorrupt
Not running TestMOITwoSnapsOneCorrupt for plasma
--- PASS: TestIdxCorruptMOITwoSnapsOneCorrupt (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestIdxCorruptMOITwoSnapsBothCorrupt
Not running TestMOITwoSnapsBothCorrupt for plasma
--- PASS: TestIdxCorruptMOITwoSnapsBothCorrupt (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestIdxCorruptBackup
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Changing config key indexer.settings.enable_corrupt_index_backup to value true
Creating index ...
2023-10-28T04:36:16.886+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index corrupt_idx6_age, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:173: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index corrupt_idx6_age, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestIdxCorruptBackup (0.14s)
=== RUN   TestStatsPersistence
2023/10/28 04:36:16 In TestStatsPersistence()
2023/10/28 04:36:16 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 04:36:16 Index found:  set14_idx_PLAIN_registered
    common_test.go:173: Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes: Fail to drop index on some indexer nodes.  Error=Encountered error when dropping index: Indexer Cannot Process Drop Index - Rebalance In Progress. Drop index will be retried in background.
        .  If cluster or indexer is currently unavailable, the operation will automatically retry after cluster is back to normal.
--- FAIL: TestStatsPersistence (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestStats_StorageStatistics
2023/10/28 04:36:16 In TestStats_StorageStatistics()
2023-10-28T04:36:16.967+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index index_age, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:173: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index index_age, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestStats_StorageStatistics (0.01s)
exit status 1
FAIL	11481.263s
Indexer Go routine dump logged in /opt/build/ns_server/logs/n_1/indexer_functests_pprof.log
curl: /opt/build/install/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 69968    0 69968    0     0  7488k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7592k
2023/10/28 04:36:20 In TestMain()
2023/10/28 04:36:20 Changing config key indexer.api.enableTestServer to value true
2023/10/28 04:36:20 Using plasma for creating indexes
2023/10/28 04:36:20 Changing config key indexer.settings.storage_mode to value plasma
=== RUN   TestRangeWithConcurrentAddMuts
2023/10/28 04:36:25 In TestRangeWithConcurrentAddMuts()
2023/10/28 04:36:25 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 04:36:25 Index found:  set14_idx_PLAIN_isActive
    common_test.go:70: Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes: Fail to drop index on some indexer nodes.  Error=Encountered error when dropping index: Indexer Cannot Process Drop Index - Rebalance In Progress. Drop index will be retried in background.
        .  If cluster or indexer is currently unavailable, the operation will automatically retry after cluster is back to normal.
--- FAIL: TestRangeWithConcurrentAddMuts (0.07s)
=== RUN   TestRangeWithConcurrentDelMuts
2023/10/28 04:36:25 In TestRangeWithConcurrentDelMuts()
2023/10/28 04:36:25 Generating JSON docs
2023/10/28 04:36:27 Setting initial JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 04:37:33 All indexers are active
2023/10/28 04:37:33 Creating a 2i
2023-10-28T04:37:33.908+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:70: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestRangeWithConcurrentDelMuts (67.99s)
=== RUN   TestScanWithConcurrentIndexOps
2023/10/28 04:37:33 In TestScanWithConcurrentIndexOps()
2023/10/28 04:37:33 Generating JSON docs
2023/10/28 04:37:44 Setting initial JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 04:41:26 All indexers are active
2023/10/28 04:41:26 Creating a 2i
2023-10-28T04:41:26.506+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:70: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestScanWithConcurrentIndexOps (232.60s)
=== RUN   TestConcurrentScans_SameIndex
2023/10/28 04:41:26 In TestConcurrentScans_SameIndex()
2023/10/28 04:41:26 Generating JSON docs
2023/10/28 04:41:41 Setting initial JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 04:45:32 All indexers are active
2023/10/28 04:45:32 Creating a 2i
2023-10-28T04:45:32.750+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:70: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentScans_SameIndex (246.24s)
=== RUN   TestConcurrentScans_MultipleIndexes
2023/10/28 04:45:32 In TestConcurrentScans_MultipleIndexes()
2023/10/28 04:45:32 Generating JSON docs
2023/10/28 04:45:45 Setting initial JSON docs in KV
2023/10/28 04:49:50 All indexers are active
2023/10/28 04:49:50 Creating multiple indexes
2023-10-28T04:49:50.918+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:70: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index index_company, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentScans_MultipleIndexes (258.17s)
=== RUN   TestMutationsWithMultipleIndexBuilds
2023/10/28 04:49:50 In TestMutationsWithMultipleIndexBuilds()
2023/10/28 04:49:50 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 04:49:50 Index found:  set14_idx_DEFERRED_balance_picture
2023/10/28 04:49:51 Generating JSON docs
2023/10/28 04:50:01 Setting initial JSON docs in KV
2023-10-28T04:54:02.589+05:30 [Error] Fail to create index: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress., msg: Index creation for index index_primary, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
    common_test.go:70: Error in creating the index: Index creation for index index_primary, bucket default, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to rebalance in progress..
--- FAIL: TestMutationsWithMultipleIndexBuilds (251.67s)
exit status 1
FAIL	1062.444s
Indexer Go routine dump logged in /opt/build/ns_server/logs/n_1/indexer_largedata_pprof.log
curl: /opt/build/install/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 68961    0 68961    0     0  3115k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3206k

Serverless tests

Starting server: attempt 1

Serverless tests

2023/10/28 04:57:11 In TestMain()
2023/10/28 04:57:12 otp node fetch error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type couchbase.Pool
2023/10/28 04:57:12 Initialising services with role: kv,n1ql on node:
2023-10-28T04:57:12.968+05:30 DEBU REGU.impl.init.0.func1() at aggrecorder.go:57 [id 11] will report aggregate recorder stats every 5m0s 
2023/10/28 04:57:13 Initialising web UI on node:
2023/10/28 04:57:13 InitWebCreds, response is: {"newBaseUri":""}
2023/10/28 04:57:13 Setting data quota of 1500M and Index quota of 1500M
2023/10/28 04:57:13 Adding serverGroup: Group 2 via server:
2023/10/28 04:57:13 AddServerGroup: Successfully added serverGroup, server: Group 2, response: []
2023/10/28 04:57:13 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 04:57:24 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 04:57:24 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 04:57:42 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 04:57:47 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 04:57:52 Created bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 04:57:57 Cluster status: map[[index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:57:57 Successfully initialised cluster
2023/10/28 04:57:57 Cluster status: map[[index][index][kv n1ql]]
2023/10/28 04:57:57 Changing config key queryport.client.settings.backfillLimit to value 0
2023/10/28 04:57:57 Changing config key queryport.client.log_level to value Warn
2023/10/28 04:57:57 Changing config key indexer.api.enableTestServer to value true
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key to value 60000
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key to value 60000
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key indexer.settings.log_level to value info
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key indexer.settings.storage_mode.disable_upgrade to value true
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.blob_storage_scheme to value 
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key indexer.plasma.shardCopy.dbg to value true
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key indexer.rebalance.serverless.transferBatchSize to value 2
2023/10/28 04:57:58 Changing config key indexer.client_stats_refresh_interval to value 500
2023/10/28 04:57:59 Changing config key indexer.stats_cache_timeout to value 500
2023/10/28 04:57:59 Using plasma for creating indexes
2023/10/28 04:57:59 Changing config key indexer.settings.storage_mode to value plasma
2023/10/28 04:58:04 Data file exists. Skipping download
2023/10/28 04:58:04 Data file exists. Skipping download
2023/10/28 04:58:05 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 04:58:05 Emptying the default bucket
2023/10/28 04:58:06 Deleted bucket default, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 04:58:06
2023/10/28 04:58:06 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 04:58:06 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:28:05 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc0037ec7c0 31 [] false false map[] 0xc000918000 }
2023/10/28 04:58:06 DeleteBucket failed for bucket bucket_1 
2023/10/28 04:58:06 Deleted bucket bucket_1, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 04:58:06!(NOVERB)
2023/10/28 04:58:06 &{DELETE HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 04:58:06 &{404 Object Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Cache-Control:[no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate] Content-Length:[31] Content-Type:[text/plain] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:28:05 GMT] Expires:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT] Pragma:[no-cache] Server:[Couchbase Server] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff] X-Frame-Options:[DENY] X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies:[none] X-Xss-Protection:[1; mode=block]] 0xc0037ec880 31 [] false false map[] 0xc00040e300 }
2023/10/28 04:58:06 DeleteBucket failed for bucket bucket_%2 
2023/10/28 04:58:06 Deleted bucket bucket_%2, responseBody: Requested resource not found.
2023/10/28 04:58:21 cleanupStorageDir: Cleaning up /opt/build/goproj/src/
=== RUN   TestIndexPlacement
2023/10/28 04:58:21 Created bucket bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 04:58:21 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 04:58:22 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 04:58:22 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 04:58:22 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 04:58:22 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1 is: map[uid:2]
2023/10/28 04:58:22 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:58:22 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:58:22 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:58:22 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_1, uid: 2
2023/10/28 04:58:23 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_1 on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(company)
2023/10/28 04:58:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_1, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:58:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_1 (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:58:35 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_1, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023-10-28T04:58:35.029+05:30 [Info] creating GsiClient for
2023/10/28 04:58:36 Deleted bucket bucket_1, responseBody: 
--- PASS: TestIndexPlacement (30.28s)
=== RUN   TestShardIdMapping
2023/10/28 04:58:51 Created bucket bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 04:58:51 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 04:58:52 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 04:58:52 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 04:58:53 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`(age)
2023/10/28 04:59:02 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:02 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:02 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`(company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:59:07 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:07 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:07 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary` on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`
2023/10/28 04:59:17 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:17 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:17 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary_defer` on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default` with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:59:22 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:22 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:22 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 04:59:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:32 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 04:59:42 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:42 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 04:59:42 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 04:59:42 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1 is: map[uid:2]
2023/10/28 04:59:42 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:59:42 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:59:42 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:59:42 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_1, uid: 2
2023/10/28 04:59:43 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 04:59:52 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:59:52 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 04:59:52 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:00:02 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:02 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:02 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary` on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`
2023/10/28 05:00:07 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:07 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:07 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary_defer` on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1` with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:00:17 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:17 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:17 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:00:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:27 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:00:32 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:32 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:00:33 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%, body: {"uid":"3"}
2023/10/28 05:00:33 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2% is: map[uid:3]
2023/10/28 05:00:33 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:33 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:33 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:33 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_1, uid: 3
2023/10/28 05:00:34 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`(age)
2023/10/28 05:00:42 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:42 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:42 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`(company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:00:47 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:47 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:47 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary` on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`
2023/10/28 05:00:58 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:58 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:00:58 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary_defer` on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%` with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:01:07 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:01:07 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:01:07 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:01:17 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:01:17 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:01:17 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:01:28 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:01:28 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:01:28 Created bucket bucket_%2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:01:28 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:01:29 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:01:29 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:01:30 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`(age)
2023/10/28 05:01:37 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:01:37 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:01:37 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`(company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:01:42 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:01:42 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:01:42 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary` on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`
2023/10/28 05:01:53 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:01:53 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:01:53 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary_defer` on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default` with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:02:02 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:02:02 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:02:02 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:02:12 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:02:12 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:02:12 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:02:17 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:02:17 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:02:18 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 05:02:18 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1 is: map[uid:2]
2023/10/28 05:02:18 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:18 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:18 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:18 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_%2, uid: 2
2023/10/28 05:02:19 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:02:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:27 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:02:37 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:37 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:37 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary` on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`
2023/10/28 05:02:47 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:47 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:47 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary_defer` on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1` with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:02:57 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:57 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:02:57 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:03:08 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:03:08 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:03:08 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:03:18 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:03:18 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:03:18 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%, body: {"uid":"3"}
2023/10/28 05:03:18 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2% is: map[uid:3]
2023/10/28 05:03:18 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:18 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:18 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:18 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_%2, uid: 3
2023/10/28 05:03:19 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`(age)
2023/10/28 05:03:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:27 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`(company) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:03:32 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:32 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:32 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary` on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`
2023/10/28 05:03:37 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:37 Index status is: Ready for index: #primary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:37 Executing N1ql statement: create primary index `#primary_defer` on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%` with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:03:43 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:43 Index status is: Created for index: #primary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:43 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:03:52 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:52 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:52 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:03:57 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:03:57 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:04:00 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023-10-28T05:04:00.355+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/bucket_1-_default-_default-1698449640350863792] started ...
2023/10/28 05:04:01 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:04:03 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:04:05 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:04:06 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:04:08 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:04:10 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023-10-28T05:04:10.276+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/bucket_1-_default-c2%-1698449650271821144] started ...
2023/10/28 05:04:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:04:13 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:04:15 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023-10-28T05:04:15.154+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/bucket_%2-_default-_default-1698449655149258289] started ...
2023/10/28 05:04:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:04:18 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:04:19 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023-10-28T05:04:19.979+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/bucket_%2-_default-c1-1698449659975652432] started ...
2023/10/28 05:04:21 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:04:22 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:04:24 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023-10-28T05:04:24.867+05:30 [Info] GSIC[default/bucket_%2-_default-c2%-1698449664862695101] started ...
2023/10/28 05:04:26 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:04:27 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
--- PASS: TestShardIdMapping (337.55s)
=== RUN   TestShardRebalanceSetup
2023/10/28 05:04:29 In TestShardRebalanceSetup
2023/10/28 05:04:29 TestShardRebalanceSetup: Using  as storage dir for rebalance
2023/10/28 05:04:29 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.blob_storage_bucket to value /opt/build/goproj/src/
2023/10/28 05:04:29 Changing config key indexer.settings.rebalance.blob_storage_prefix to value shard_rebalance_storage_dir
--- PASS: TestShardRebalanceSetup (0.23s)
=== RUN   TestTwoNodeSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 05:04:29 In TestTwoNodeSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 05:04:29 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:04:40 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 05:04:40 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:04:52 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_4@"}
2023/10/28 05:04:52 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:04:57 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:05:02 Rebalance progress: 66.2321052631579
2023/10/28 05:05:08 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:05:12 Rebalance progress: 66.2384210526316
2023/10/28 05:05:17 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:05:22 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:05:28 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:05:33 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:05:38 Rebalance progress: 89.2
2023-10-28T05:05:41.632+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.632+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-786371190164502098) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6401048359917283593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3438425710179900930) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5931038497980332939) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3438425710179900930) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4407722710836007677) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5085518530647187342) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.633+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9001182277983506194) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8550745146761111494) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2335433241735478074) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5257671936180847363) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8145720927558531909) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1288989065150232669) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7840679988651032672) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6091758799624432088) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2582084956611050262) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.634+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4781351995424110360) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6416794646244895209) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3171750461494913534) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7840679988651032672) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-698896300356917825) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4709483978106688533) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7569943341279850640) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2954834350101339736) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7098899417621567668) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.635+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6091758799624432088) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6664926042854894258) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7007040939617477320) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929317062034560810) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5086527252631332929) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(527692822246137760) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1351166191841327718) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.636+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6043415236084847776) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4781351995424110360) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7202358235156353954) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3628713225529535919) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5151928408027466626) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7840679988651032672) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1048298489632158983) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5435381673953074320) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4407722710836007677) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.637+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8429872589917081304) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.638+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.638+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1702195073841843534) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.638+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7327486053896837025) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7927984397302488332) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8627758755869450479) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1004403267232607634) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6373913734776441424) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4219831241709404102) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8291717915241890433) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1709161350577265785) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5243323029646641756) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6285305611482606042) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.639+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7271194091063463625) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8121977146966165639) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-372269321800998990) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5117335959584544480) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5669115935174994256) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8806063514583363489) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.640+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929317062034560810) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4846468402578421834) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9090862566794865594) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8134336075712414232) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8008381413066505846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4470622189392678920) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6420928397293568170) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7324908716349750382) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7235083008410926175) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-698896300356917825) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.641+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1960407013762583531) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1594171975353013334) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7447795281975027291) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1692071919328204650) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7079852205617910496) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2222675038430615917) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1170917425109098022) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3522648956766075816) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.642+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8121370624202108520) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8958844314156564191) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7811813191776534856) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1896742536149417646) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8932740228980945209) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5135248100654028531) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1958997612339427885) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6420928397293568170) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6792214471011825520) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1556592765664224204) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.643+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2335433241735478074) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1732717232947657738) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-209887410949539373) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8652567189717425703) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6664926042854894258) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8047314731630311426) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2582084956611050262) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8652505519015649807) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.644+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8150293752217557904) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.645+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.645+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3171750461494913534) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.645+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.645+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4100602607823226649) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.645+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.645+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6085992282845225505) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.646+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.646+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4823109239917748335) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.646+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.647+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5514160156180411376) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.647+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.647+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3990484503210722259) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.647+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.647+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2557062186532611573) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.647+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.648+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.648+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5881419549258934328) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.648+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.648+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7266370565824404073) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9105933568742041664) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6667515209912940480) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6994589182155092051) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4313141940353811064) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7324908716349750382) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4725144918310229239) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8609771681412469520) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3536743076330472160) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3799602242329420513) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1052995908704129210) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.652+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7274843770283514654) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8008381413066505846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8134336075712414232) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7098899417621567668) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(986238997880076600) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2002910509704330137) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(38399529525124841) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.653+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3086815192625317264) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2404674460425448562) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6590265362389433198) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4823109239917748335) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3204054246302533726) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3258472893073624663) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.654+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3990484503210722259) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6099409300506093415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6594865605549876883) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4034938160209064923) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.655+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1845611955658232123) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8047314731630311426) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7922228774533266278) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3369794519830408896) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.648+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8789409752668091847) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.649+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.650+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.651+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6703983530392659603) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3446851008431797491) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4413192632462461332) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1642569281727748314) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2582084956611050262) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2345841721312384293) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7327486053896837025) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5117335959584544480) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7119783589144483215) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2449435414451812594) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2029223684864161872) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4931553305816267074) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1052995908704129210) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5279478788375739336) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-609933035302566627) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6420928397293568170) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5085518530647187342) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9127862038299029230) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6416794646244895209) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6664926042854894258) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7202358235156353954) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8789409752668091847) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2422526824540997789) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9105933568742041664) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6575041635902279760) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6664926042854894258) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5931038497980332939) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5811029315588191623) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2129685189187612556) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-698896300356917825) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6420928397293568170) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4851061023273079375) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2029223684864161872) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3147154349185503662) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1732717232947657738) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1845611955658232123) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.656+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3467946164675204607) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7811813191776534856) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.657+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5435381673953074320) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4109355684663321940) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1004403267232607634) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.659+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.659+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2422526824540997789) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.659+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.659+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7098899417621567668) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.658+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4823109239917748335) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.659+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8061821369224865101) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3919381625613540028) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1942489098097490593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8561950275542231186) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929317062034560810) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7840679988651032672) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7068006813711494902) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.660+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2736277893335751400) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5601752783200420216) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4607770297559775147) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(703154888241270996) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4114340775297677675) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.661+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9077066907504285904) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8008381413066505846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1642569281727748314) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1516317261656161982) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4034938160209064923) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4734566978157198707) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1765414027135520148) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.662+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3620257429508632518) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7202358235156353954) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3467946164675204607) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8789409752668091847) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2956193490520315122) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4080681137997482367) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3065414432706395107) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6705271136818536140) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.663+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-388286316782106169) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8150293752217557904) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(666593839535260996) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9074373414377283081) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1516317261656161982) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7399799100373668577) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7915778497827284892) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4090271752021970902) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-297835445070156087) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.664+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5926962265095220042) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-495699026013887874) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8490374023514308604) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8197069594629624514) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929532363666562541) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929317062034560810) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8652567189717425703) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9017046431397299827) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-495699026013887874) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7062849772067626168) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.665+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6826137292004885844) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4607770297559775147) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8475417857271551196) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8652567189717425703) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3482702017822839046) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1799722519604335673) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9074373414377283081) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7068006813711494902) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3290848200664093214) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.666+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3467946164675204607) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9155907033383806186) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4020965039868721224) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6776232428737379115) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.667+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1942489098097490593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6283167355869113274) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929532363666562541) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1288989065150232669) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(527692822246137760) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1651295335380461243) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4846468402578421834) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2784090910627778384) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.668+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8653118199279821295) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.669+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.669+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9074373414377283081) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.669+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.669+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4407722710836007677) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.669+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.669+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6776232428737379115) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.670+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.670+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8364235614892105157) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1542657688961479242) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3467946164675204607) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5077031282862036261) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.671+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2557062186532611573) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3204054246302533726) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4261042736752205683) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3557027274570533020) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.672+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5107704538178614854) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6506352889193568175) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2222675038430615917) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1651295335380461243) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7852974963101967947) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.673+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4852693140906874589) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.679+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.679+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7337543597721257589) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.679+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.679+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4470622189392678920) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.679+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.679+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5249201551862484026) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3189174524280598544) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7859468280572054086) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2216445332426206621) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-372269321800998990) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.680+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3235611154253689523) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2586960645784742650) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3985213149877052478) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1958997612339427885) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1980366471295193492) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9218305321615848842) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6869873426360201846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.681+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8429872589917081304) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3189174524280598544) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2671572241621289182) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5763218873927925443) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9105933568742041664) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(279015431726838255) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2226734784904156692) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.682+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4034938160209064923) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2784090910627778384) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5188355021786005878) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6145541357832549864) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1719070450851884408) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(9074373414377283081) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5596361848447329407) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.683+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1073964248040579603) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5257671936180847363) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2129685189187612556) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5089867360196241734) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.702+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(279015431726838255) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.702+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8375199323086781249) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.702+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8008381413066505846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.684+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.702+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7120318004450908084) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.687+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.702+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5466108572955753074) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.687+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.703+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5086527252631332929) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.687+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.703+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3660492484206135623) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.686+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.703+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5260763509484860737) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.687+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.703+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5917830098791735069) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.687+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.703+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2125690221670915228) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.690+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.703+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929532363666562541) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.695+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.704+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.696+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.704+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9155907033383806186) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.696+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.704+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6397941890680660489) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.697+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.724+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6401048359917283593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.718+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.724+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4725144918310229239) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.725+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.725+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1595380700354299609) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.738+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.739+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8134336075712414232) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.739+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.739+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8329260064495079128) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-495699026013887874) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2956193490520315122) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.740+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3467946164675204607) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6616298834128272951) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2862153951176915078) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3086815192625317264) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8490374023514308604) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6099409300506093415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-937853384244164167) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7736781751327805749) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5048949000940031742) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5507068528660281835) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.741+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6506879404071882586) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4034938160209064923) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5032988752188640496) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9055982741584142236) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4477930519693476425) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8150293752217557904) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3301867755079366872) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7272806858218943187) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5596361848447329407) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.742+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4532152508219519992) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8591251442413450443) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8429872589917081304) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9105933568742041664) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.743+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(174317541942042415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.754+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.754+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5249206847937805515) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.754+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.754+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1942489098097490593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.754+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.754+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3438425710179900930) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5523694681756458217) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5151928408027466626) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7922228774533266278) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.755+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7447795281975027291) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.756+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.756+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2222675038430615917) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.756+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.756+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4499363939248136562) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.756+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.756+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3062706834306374447) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.756+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.757+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6590265362389433198) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.757+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.757+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6091758799624432088) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.757+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.757+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2582084956611050262) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2217621137547999827) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2168937367304661359) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1960407013762583531) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7043880332353363891) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.758+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.759+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3536743076330472160) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.759+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.759+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7137409490812675085) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.780+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.780+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2168937367304661359) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.780+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.780+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(279015431726838255) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.780+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.780+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7327486053896837025) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4090271752021970902) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.760+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.789+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(527692822246137760) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.761+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.789+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4851061023273079375) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.761+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.790+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1958997612339427885) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.762+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.790+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3171750461494913534) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.762+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.790+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6085992282845225505) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.762+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.790+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5931038497980332939) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.763+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.790+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6202894335016925464) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.764+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.790+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.764+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5092568143705964800) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.764+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7137409490812675085) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.764+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(462630340013754732) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.765+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(174317541942042415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.765+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6667515209912940480) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.766+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5279478788375739336) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.766+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7840679988651032672) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.766+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3482702017822839046) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.766+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7098899417621567668) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.766+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8123170720093613448) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.768+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.768+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.792+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3118359719769787833) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.768+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.792+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2954834350101339736) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.769+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.792+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8008381413066505846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.769+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.793+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-372269321800998990) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.769+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.793+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4781351995424110360) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.770+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.793+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7202358235156353954) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.770+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.793+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7119783589144483215) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.770+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.793+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8117431795245547320) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.772+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.793+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1351166191841327718) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.773+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2728087387122663995) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.773+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4477930519693476425) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.773+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8653413484490891100) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.774+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-209887410949539373) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.775+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7675290805888879073) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.776+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6664566527177377113) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.776+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-957921056720968117) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2168937367304661359) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5250834225257227979) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4313141940353811064) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6401048359917283593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6397941890680660489) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.794+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4514593808933368625) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.777+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1799722519604335673) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.778+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7274843770283514654) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.778+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.778+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8145720927558531909) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.778+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5118067878796766187) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3735472377815971487) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4313141940353811064) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2222675038430615917) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2465954399608988383) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5500303150707824659) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-937853384244164167) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3468441914689899638) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6214567505825259116) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6420928397293568170) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.781+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6283167355869113274) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.795+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-80102055930638533) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6349529657551744098) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2615767527949360353) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3204054246302533726) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8091928615828218273) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5435381673953074320) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(514638867479340110) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1640803178667737576) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5423985391527153795) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7510563154842513155) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8008381413066505846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6349529657551744098) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.782+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2586960645784742650) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.783+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4069784039588261318) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.783+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8150293752217557904) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.783+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2023268857160873998) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.783+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1436060983036386624) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.783+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.796+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4090271752021970902) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.783+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.797+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3799602242329420513) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.783+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.797+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2168937367304661359) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.791+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4209669370741247657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.825+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4407722710836007677) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1447245371261262792) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5032988752188640496) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6520991167146990323) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.826+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.827+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1516317261656161982) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.827+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.828+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1942489098097490593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.827+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.836+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2659223528124507596) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.827+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.827+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.827+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.827+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.838+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-209887410949539373) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.839+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6506352889193568175) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.838+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3446851008431797491) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.838+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2956193490520315122) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.841+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.844+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.844+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6520991167146990323) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.844+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.844+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7675290805888879073) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4407722710836007677) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7324908716349750382) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1942489098097490593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8652567189717425703) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6202894335016925464) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7175387657466413827) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3919381625613540028) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4012071082510478782) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8929983929283611661) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7736781751327805749) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.845+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8652567189717425703) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(174317541942042415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1640803178667737576) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7447795281975027291) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8652567189717425703) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.841+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5048949000940031742) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1958997612339427885) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5117335959584544480) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(462630340013754732) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8150293752217557904) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7840679988651032672) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-609933035302566627) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1640609609483070090) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1651295335380461243) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.846+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.887+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4846468402578421834) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.847+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7098899417621567668) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.847+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4080681137997482367) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.847+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6705271136818536140) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.847+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-495699026013887874) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.847+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6373913734776441424) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.847+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8609771681412469520) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.847+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-495699026013887874) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.859+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2728087387122663995) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.860+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6283167355869113274) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.864+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3171750461494913534) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.864+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8653118199279821295) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.864+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929317062034560810) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.864+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-209887410949539373) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1004403267232607634) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7098899417621567668) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.888+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1719070450851884408) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5466108572955753074) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2954834350101339736) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2002910509704330137) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2954834350101339736) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5135248100654028531) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2932681634665028408) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-573160710714849344) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1587674765638592941) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.865+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8008381413066505846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2687343010091205027) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3301867755079366872) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-209887410949539373) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8653413484490891100) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5260763509484860737) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8638630487991262648) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929317062034560810) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7079852205617910496) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5539249363539706395) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3391434401599053712) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8653413484490891100) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5279478788375739336) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8653413484490891100) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.866+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3990484503210722259) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6359295620050118830) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(462630340013754732) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4219831241709404102) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.890+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1594171975353013334) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.891+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1197672568118100139) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.891+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6126648881201681274) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.891+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4477930519693476425) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.891+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3164661564131071807) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.891+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7652676186190252746) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.891+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6869873426360201846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.891+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8655034709272212081) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.867+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.910+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2168937367304661359) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.868+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.869+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.870+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.871+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.871+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.871+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.871+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.871+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.871+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.871+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.878+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4532152508219519992) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4851061023273079375) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2956193490520315122) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5050246863597531305) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3164661564131071807) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5257671936180847363) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(462630340013754732) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3990484503210722259) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3235611154253689523) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.881+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.886+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.911+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5117335959584544480) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.911+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7563550227186563657) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.911+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3391434401599053712) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.911+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7510563154842513155) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.911+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-937853384244164167) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.911+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8627758755869450479) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.911+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3204054246302533726) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3438425710179900930) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3050670330930384635) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7062849772067626168) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8490374023514308604) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(174317541942042415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7840679988651032672) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5065698906234957588) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2320567441737003956) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6397941890680660489) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1369359556874977756) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-573160710714849344) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4313141940353811064) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4532152508219519992) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4607770297559775147) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7062849772067626168) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1163662824101776625) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7324908716349750382) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5596361848447329407) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.912+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2582084956611050262) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4734566978157198707) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7137409490812675085) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3062706834306374447) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8655034709272212081) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7049724772793334544) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5117335959584544480) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4823109239917748335) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4034938160209064923) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1556592765664224204) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7927984397302488332) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4323873405627534819) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7274843770283514654) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7510563154842513155) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(4413192632462461332) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-388286316782106169) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-388286316782106169) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1401753154377801361) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7922228774533266278) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8681489024736323654) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-786371190164502098) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8429872589917081304) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(8290873749500883680) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-7098899417621567668) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5151928408027466626) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5048949000940031742) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8883778040145781243) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8123170720093613448) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3391434401599053712) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1765414027135520148) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.879+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1351166191841327718) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.913+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1942489098097490593) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.880+05:30 [Error] receiving packet: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3438425710179900930) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5014571040042627247) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5500303150707824659) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1845611955658232123) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1556592765664224204) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3467946164675204607) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6590265362389433198) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(5014571040042627247) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1960407013762583531) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5284557761516404800) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2954834350101339736) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.915+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-4313141940353811064) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6869873426360201846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-9055982741584142236) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.915+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-209887410949539373) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3919381625613540028) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(6869873426360201846) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-8652567189717425703) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2168937367304661359) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-937853384244164167) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(2042291258940325383) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(174317541942042415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(7327486053896837025) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3301867755079366872) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-1213077125796705908) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-3072367477044562336) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(174317541942042415) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3149158004578768257) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-6368537030500077232) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2320567441737003956) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(1929532363666562541) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.914+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-2345841721312384293) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.910+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(3438425710179900930) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023-10-28T05:05:41.889+05:30 [Error] [GsiScanClient:""] req(-5073114742096323430) connection "" response transport failed `read tcp> use of closed network connection`
2023/10/28 05:05:42 Rebalance progress: 100
2023-10-28T05:05:43.571+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023-10-28T05:05:43.712+05:30 [Warn] ClusterInfoCache:validateCache - Failed as len(c.nodes): 3 != len(c.nodesvs): 4
2023/10/28 05:05:46 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:05:48 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:05:50 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:05:53 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:05:55 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:05:58 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:06:01 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:06:04 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:06:06 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:06:08 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:06:09 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:06:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:06:12 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:06:14 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:06:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:06:17 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:06:19 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:06:20 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:06:21 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:06:22 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:06:22 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:06:22 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:06:42 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:06:52 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:06:52 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:06:52 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:06:57 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:06:57 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:07:00 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:07:01 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestTwoNodeSwapRebalance (153.78s)
=== RUN   TestSingleNodeSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 05:07:03 In TestSingleNodeSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 05:07:03 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:07:14 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 05:07:14 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:07:20 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 05:07:24 Rebalance progress: 65.225
2023/10/28 05:07:29 Rebalance progress: 65.22499499629355
2023/10/28 05:07:34 Rebalance progress: 65.225
2023/10/28 05:07:40 Rebalance progress: 65.22499249444033
2023/10/28 05:07:44 Rebalance progress: 65.22203947368422
2023/10/28 05:07:50 Rebalance progress: 65.22499499629355
2023/10/28 05:07:55 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 05:07:59 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:08:02 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:08:04 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:08:07 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:08:09 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:08:10 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:08:12 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:08:13 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:08:15 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:08:17 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:08:18 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:08:20 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:08:21 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:08:23 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:08:24 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:08:26 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:08:28 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:08:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:08:31 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:08:32 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:08:32 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:08:32 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:08:32 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:08:53 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:09:03 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:09:03 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:09:03 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:09:08 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:09:08 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:09:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:09:12 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestSingleNodeSwapRebalance (130.52s)
=== RUN   TestReplicaRepair
2023/10/28 05:09:13 In TestReplicaRepair
2023/10/28 05:09:13 Failing over: []
2023/10/28 05:09:19 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:09:19 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:09:32 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 05:09:37 Rebalance progress: 16.66666666666667
2023/10/28 05:09:42 Rebalance progress: 63.43333037234436
2023/10/28 05:09:47 Rebalance progress: 63.45964912280701
2023/10/28 05:09:52 Rebalance progress: 63.48069583240802
2023/10/28 05:09:57 Rebalance progress: 63.49122807017545
2023/10/28 05:10:02 Rebalance progress: 63.51227477977645
2023/10/28 05:10:07 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:10:10 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:10:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:10:13 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:10:15 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:10:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:10:18 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:10:20 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:10:21 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:10:23 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:10:24 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:10:26 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:10:27 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:10:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:10:30 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:10:32 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:10:33 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:10:35 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:10:37 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:10:38 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:10:38 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:10:38 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:10:38 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:10:59 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:11:03 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:11:03 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:11:03 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:11:13 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:11:13 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:11:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:11:17 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestReplicaRepair (125.41s)
=== RUN   TestReplicaRepairAndSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 05:11:18 In TestReplicaRepairAndSwapRebalance
2023/10/28 05:11:18 Failing over: []
2023/10/28 05:11:19 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:11:30 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 05:11:30 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:11:40 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_4@"}
2023/10/28 05:11:40 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:11:46 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 05:11:51 Rebalance progress: 65.16282894736844
2023/10/28 05:11:56 Rebalance progress: 65.1835393258427
2023/10/28 05:12:01 Rebalance progress: 65.19242755765819
2023/10/28 05:12:06 Rebalance progress: 65.20131578947368
2023/10/28 05:12:11 Rebalance progress: 65.2042713261384
2023/10/28 05:12:16 Rebalance progress: 65.21463150502662
2023/10/28 05:12:21 Rebalance progress: 65.2249950103489
2023/10/28 05:12:27 Rebalance progress: 87.5
2023/10/28 05:12:31 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:12:34 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:12:37 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:12:40 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:12:42 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:12:46 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:12:48 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:12:50 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:12:51 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:12:53 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:12:54 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:12:56 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:12:58 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:13:00 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:01 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:03 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:04 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:13:06 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:13:07 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:13:09 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:13:09 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:13:09 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:13:09 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:13:30 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:13:33 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:33 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:33 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:13:38 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:38 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:41 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:42 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestReplicaRepairAndSwapRebalance (145.03s)
=== RUN   TestBuildDeferredIndexesAfterRebalance
2023/10/28 05:13:43 In TestBuildDeferredIndexesAfterRebalance
2023/10/28 05:13:43 Executing N1ql statement: build index on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`(idx_secondary_defer)
2023/10/28 05:13:48 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:13:48 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:13:48 Executing N1ql statement: build index on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(idx_secondary_defer)
2023/10/28 05:13:53 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:53 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:13:53 Executing N1ql statement: build index on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`(idx_secondary_defer)
2023/10/28 05:13:58 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:13:58 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:13:58 Executing N1ql statement: build index on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`(idx_secondary_defer)
2023/10/28 05:14:03 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:14:03 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:14:03 Executing N1ql statement: build index on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(idx_secondary_defer)
2023/10/28 05:14:08 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:14:08 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:14:08 Executing N1ql statement: build index on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`(idx_secondary_defer)
2023/10/28 05:14:13 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:14:13 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:14:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:14:18 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:14:19 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:14:21 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:14:22 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:14:23 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
--- PASS: TestBuildDeferredIndexesAfterRebalance (40.95s)
=== RUN   TestDropIndexAfterRebalance
2023/10/28 05:14:24 In TestDropIndexAfterRebalance
2023/10/28 05:14:24 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:25 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:14:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
--- PASS: TestDropIndexAfterRebalance (129.02s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceAfterDropIndexes
2023/10/28 05:16:33 In TestRebalanceAfterDropIndexes
2023/10/28 05:16:33 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:16:46 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 05:16:46 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:16:57 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 05:16:57 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:17:02 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:17:08 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:17:13 Rebalance progress: 66.23307692307694
2023/10/28 05:17:18 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:17:23 Rebalance progress: 66.23769230769231
2023/10/28 05:17:27 Rebalance progress: 66.23769230769231
2023/10/28 05:17:33 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:17:38 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:17:43 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:17:45 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:17:45 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:17:46 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:17:48 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:17:50 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:17:50 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:17:51 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:17:54 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:17:56 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:17:56 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:17:56 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:17:59 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:03 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:03 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:03 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:06 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:08 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:08 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:08 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:09 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:11 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:11 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary_defer not found., index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:13 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
--- PASS: TestRebalanceAfterDropIndexes (100.73s)
=== RUN   TestCreateIndexsAfterRebalance
2023/10/28 05:18:14 In TestCreateIndexesAfterRebalance
2023/10/28 05:18:14 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`(age)
2023/10/28 05:18:23 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:23 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:23 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`_default`(age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:18:29 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:29 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:29 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:18:33 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:33 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:33 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:18:39 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:39 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:18:39 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`(age)
2023/10/28 05:18:43 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:43 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:43 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c2%`(age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:18:49 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:49 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:18:49 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`(age)
2023/10/28 05:18:58 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:58 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:18:58 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`_default`(age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:19:04 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:19:04 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:19:04 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:19:14 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:19:14 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:19:14 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:19:18 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:19:18 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:19:18 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`(age)
2023/10/28 05:19:24 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:19:24 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:19:24 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c2%`(age) with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:19:28 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:19:28 Index status is: Created for index: idx_secondary_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:19:31 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:19:33 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:19:35 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:19:37 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:19:38 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:19:41 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
--- PASS: TestCreateIndexsAfterRebalance (87.84s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceAfterDroppedCollections
2023/10/28 05:19:42 In TestRebalanceAfterDroppedCollections
2023/10/28 05:19:42 Dropped collection c1 for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, body: {"uid":"4"}
2023/10/28 05:19:42 Dropped collection c2% for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, body: {"uid":"5"}
2023/10/28 05:19:43 Dropped collection c1 for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, body: {"uid":"4"}
2023/10/28 05:19:43 Dropped collection c2% for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, body: {"uid":"5"}
2023/10/28 05:19:44 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:19:58 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 05:19:58 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:20:10 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_4@"}
2023/10/28 05:20:10 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:20:16 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:20:21 Rebalance progress: 66.22714285714287
2023/10/28 05:20:26 Rebalance progress: 66.23911592034075
2023/10/28 05:20:31 Rebalance progress: 66.24000000000001
2023/10/28 05:20:36 Rebalance progress: 84.06
2023/10/28 05:20:41 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:20:44 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:20:47 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:20:49 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:20:51 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:20:51 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index #primary not found., index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:20:51 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_partitioned not found., index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:20:51 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:20:51 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index #primary not found., index: #primary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:20:51 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_partitioned not found., index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:20:52 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:20:54 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:20:57 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: _default
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index #primary not found., index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_partitioned not found., index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_secondary not found., index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index #primary not found., index: #primary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Scan failed as expected with error: Index Not Found - cause: GSI index idx_partitioned not found., index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c2%
--- PASS: TestRebalanceAfterDroppedCollections (76.34s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicTestsSetup
2023/10/28 05:20:58 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Index found:  idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Dropped index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:20:58 Index found:  idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Dropped index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Index found:  idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Dropped index idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Index found:  #primary_defer
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Dropped index #primary_defer
2023/10/28 05:20:59 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Index found:  #primary_defer
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Dropped index #primary_defer
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Index found:  idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Dropped index idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:21:00 Index found:  idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:21:01 Dropped index idx_secondary_defer
2023/10/28 05:21:01 Index found:  idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:21:01 Dropped index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:21:01 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 05:21:01 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 05:21:01 Index found:  idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:21:02 Dropped index idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:21:02 Index found:  idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:21:02 Dropped index idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:21:07 Deleted bucket bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:21:09 Deleted bucket bucket_%2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:21:24 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:21:29 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:21:29 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:21:46 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 05:21:46 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:22:05 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 05:22:10 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:22:11 Created bucket bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:22:11 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:22:12 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:22:12 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:22:12 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 05:22:12 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1 is: map[uid:2]
2023/10/28 05:22:12 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:12 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:12 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:12 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_1, uid: 2
2023/10/28 05:22:13 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:22:20 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:20 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:20 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:22:30 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:31 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:31 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:22:35 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:35 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:35 Created bucket bucket_%2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:22:35 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:22:36 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:22:36 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:22:37 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 05:22:37 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1 is: map[uid:2]
2023/10/28 05:22:37 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:37 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:37 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:37 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_%2, uid: 2
2023/10/28 05:22:37 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:22:46 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:46 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:46 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(emailid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:22:55 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:55 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:22:55 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:23:05 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:23:05 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:23:08 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:23:09 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:23:10 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:23:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:23:12 Changing config key indexer.shardRebalance.execTestAction to value true
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicTestsSetup (133.73s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicAtMasterShardTokenScheduleAck
2023/10/28 05:23:12 In TestRebalancePanicAtMasterShardTokenScheduleAck
2023/10/28 05:23:12 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:23:25 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 05:23:25 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:23:36 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_4@"}
2023/10/28 05:23:36 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:23:41 Rebalance progress: 10
2023-10-28T05:23:41.938+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T05:23:41.939+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 05:23:46 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:23:46 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:23:42.051+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_3@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:f1c90d57c60bc3a940e3a3fe98236ced stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:23:38.884+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:23:36.597+05:30 timeTaken:2287 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T05:23:38.963+05:30 timeTaken:3088] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:23:38.963+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:23:38.884+05:30 timeTaken:79 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:23:36.558+05:30 timeTaken:5493]
2023/10/28 05:23:46
2023/10/28 05:23:46 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:23:46 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:53:46 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc002fdd4c0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc010385800 }
2023/10/28 05:23:46 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:23:46 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:23:47
2023/10/28 05:23:47 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:23:47 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:53:47 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00a9d88c0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00feb0200 }
2023/10/28 05:23:47 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:23:59 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:00 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:01 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:02 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:03 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:24:03 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:24:03 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:24:03 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:24:24 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:24:35 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:35 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:35 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:24:45 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:45 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:48 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:24:49 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicAtMasterShardTokenScheduleAck (97.80s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicAfterTransferOnSource
2023/10/28 05:24:50 In TestRebalancePanicAfterTransferOnSource
2023/10/28 05:24:50 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:24:56 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:24:56 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:24:55.242+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_2@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:ae46a0eae5ecbca6ae1c4345929c8cf6 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:24:52.834+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:24:50.576+05:30 timeTaken:2258 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T05:24:52.883+05:30 timeTaken:2360] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:24:52.883+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:24:52.835+05:30 timeTaken:48 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:24:50.571+05:30 timeTaken:4671]
2023/10/28 05:24:56 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:25:01
2023/10/28 05:25:01 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:25:01 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:55:01 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc021056c00 19 [] false false map[] 0xc039540c00 }
2023/10/28 05:25:01 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:25:01 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:25:02
2023/10/28 05:25:02 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:25:02 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:55:02 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00d813400 19 [] false false map[] 0xc011171a00 }
2023/10/28 05:25:02 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:25:03
2023/10/28 05:25:03 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:25:03 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:55:03 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0085a4180 19 [] false false map[] 0xc039540e00 }
2023/10/28 05:25:03 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:25:14 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:25:15 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:25:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:25:17 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:25:18 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:25:18 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:25:18 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:25:19 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:25:39 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:25:50 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:25:50 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:25:50 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:26:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:26:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:26:03 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:26:04 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicAfterTransferOnSource (75.32s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicAfterRestoreOnDest
2023/10/28 05:26:05 In TestRebalancePanicAfterRestoreOnDest
2023/10/28 05:26:05 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:26:11 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:26:11 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:26:10.545+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_3@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:ca077c4dd4b9d75f5270b137e87a8262 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:26:07.756+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:26:05.861+05:30 timeTaken:1894 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T05:26:07.776+05:30 timeTaken:2769] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:26:07.776+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:26:07.756+05:30 timeTaken:20 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:26:05.857+05:30 timeTaken:4688]
2023/10/28 05:26:12
2023/10/28 05:26:12 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:26:12 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:56:12 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc009f6ad40 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01ad38c00 }
2023/10/28 05:26:12 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:26:13
2023/10/28 05:26:13 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:26:13 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:56:13 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc02477e100 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00018a100 }
2023/10/28 05:26:13 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:26:14
2023/10/28 05:26:14 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:26:14 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:56:14 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc010e21640 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01ad38300 }
2023/10/28 05:26:14 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:26:15
2023/10/28 05:26:15 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:26:15 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:56:15 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc010e21c40 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01ad38400 }
2023/10/28 05:26:15 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:26:16
2023/10/28 05:26:16 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:26:16 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:56:16 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc03abbc100 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01ad38500 }
2023/10/28 05:26:16 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:26:16 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:26:17
2023/10/28 05:26:17 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:26:17 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:56:17 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc040423ac0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00d338200 }
2023/10/28 05:26:17 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:26:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:26:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:26:31 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:26:31 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:26:33 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:26:33 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:26:33 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:26:33 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:26:53 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:27:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:01 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:27:11 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:11 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:14 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:15 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicAfterRestoreOnDest (70.51s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicDuringDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:27:16 In TestRebalancePanicDuringDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:27:16 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:27:21 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:27:21 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:27:21.012+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_3@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:09281b6bcb76e42df56c295f3505a96c stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:27:18.168+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:27:16.369+05:30 timeTaken:1799 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T05:27:18.200+05:30 timeTaken:2813] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:27:18.200+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:27:18.168+05:30 timeTaken:31 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:27:16.365+05:30 timeTaken:4647]
2023/10/28 05:27:23
2023/10/28 05:27:23 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:27:23 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:57:23 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0349c2dc0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01900eb00 }
2023/10/28 05:27:23 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:27:24
2023/10/28 05:27:24 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:27:24 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:57:24 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc040423680 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00018b300 }
2023/10/28 05:27:24 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:27:25
2023/10/28 05:27:25 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:27:25 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:57:25 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc02477eac0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00018b500 }
2023/10/28 05:27:25 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:27:26
2023/10/28 05:27:26 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:27:26 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:57:26 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0050a9680 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01900ee00 }
2023/10/28 05:27:26 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:27:27
2023/10/28 05:27:27 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:27:27 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:57:27 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc03b12a0c0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc011096e00 }
2023/10/28 05:27:27 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:27:27 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:27:38 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:39 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:42 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:43 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:27:44 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:27:44 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:27:44 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:27:44 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:28:04 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:28:15 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:15 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:15 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:28:26 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:26 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:30 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicDuringDeferredIndexRecovery (74.89s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicDuringNonDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:28:31 In TestRebalancePanicDuringNonDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:28:31 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:28:36 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:28:36 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:28:35.083+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_3@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:e671c8d7994689392342e66565d6bd5a stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:28:33.124+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:28:31.260+05:30 timeTaken:1864 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T05:28:33.154+05:30 timeTaken:1929] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:28:33.154+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:28:33.124+05:30 timeTaken:30 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:28:31.255+05:30 timeTaken:3828]
2023/10/28 05:28:37
2023/10/28 05:28:37 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:28:37 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:58:37 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0333cd9c0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc039541800 }
2023/10/28 05:28:37 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:28:38
2023/10/28 05:28:38 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:28:38 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:58:38 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc04367ac80 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00040fa00 }
2023/10/28 05:28:38 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:28:39
2023/10/28 05:28:39 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:28:39 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:58:39 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0057e1b80 19 [] false false map[] 0xc010e13700 }
2023/10/28 05:28:39 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:28:40
2023/10/28 05:28:40 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:28:40 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:58:40 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc002d8c4c0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00040fb00 }
2023/10/28 05:28:40 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:28:41
2023/10/28 05:28:41 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:28:41 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:58:41 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc009bcc1c0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01006c600 }
2023/10/28 05:28:41 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:28:41 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:28:53 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:54 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:55 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:56 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:28:57 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:28:57 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:28:57 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:28:57 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:29:18 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:29:26 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:29:26 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:29:26 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:29:36 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:29:36 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:29:38 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:29:39 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicDuringNonDeferredIndexRecovery (71.21s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicDuringIndexBuild
2023/10/28 05:29:42 In TestRebalancePanicDuringIndexBuild
2023/10/28 05:29:42 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:29:48 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:29:52 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:29:52 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:29:48.388+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_3@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:6baea4db03743d52e8f04ee1dff28c93 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:29:44.453+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:29:42.483+05:30 timeTaken:1970 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false startTime:2023-10-28T05:29:44.477+05:30 timeTaken:3911] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:29:44.477+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:29:44.453+05:30 timeTaken:24 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:29:42.478+05:30 timeTaken:5910]
2023/10/28 05:29:52
2023/10/28 05:29:52 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:29:52 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:59:52 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00c37a8c0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00018b600 }
2023/10/28 05:29:52 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:29:52 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:29:53
2023/10/28 05:29:53 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:29:53 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:59:53 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00510ff00 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01ad39f00 }
2023/10/28 05:29:53 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:29:54
2023/10/28 05:29:54 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:29:54 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:59:54 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0275ea880 19 [] false false map[] 0xc0166e7100 }
2023/10/28 05:29:54 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:30:06 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:07 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:10 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:12 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:30:12 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:30:12 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:30:12 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:30:33 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:30:41 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:41 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:41 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:30:51 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:51 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:54 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:30:55 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicDuringIndexBuild (73.65s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:30:55 In TestRebalancePanicBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:30:55 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:31:01 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:31:06 Rebalance progress: 66.23242934051144
2023/10/28 05:31:11 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:31:12 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:31:10.535+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_4@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:8d0eb265d98616d4eeb6148604f53026 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:30:58.518+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:30:56.154+05:30 timeTaken:2363 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false perNodeProgress:map[n_1@ n_2@ n_3@ n_4@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:30:58.552+05:30 timeTaken:11983 totalProgress:70.29996214670257] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:30:58.552+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:30:58.518+05:30 timeTaken:35 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:30:56.150+05:30 timeTaken:14385]
2023/10/28 05:31:12 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:31:17 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:31:22 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:31:34 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:31:35 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:31:37 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:31:38 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:31:39 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:31:39 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:31:39 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:31:39 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:32:00 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:32:11 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:32:11 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:32:11 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:32:16 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:32:17 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:32:19 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:32:20 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicBeforeDropOnSource (85.97s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicAfterDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:32:21 In TestRebalancePanicAfterDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:32:21 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:32:27 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:32:32 Rebalance progress: 66.23244969818913
2023/10/28 05:32:37 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:32:38 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:32:37.342+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_4@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:3d98d97b720725177a61e8af0aa04799 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:32:24.081+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:32:22.065+05:30 timeTaken:2016 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false perNodeProgress:map[n_1@ n_2@ n_3@ n_4@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:32:24.104+05:30 timeTaken:13238 totalProgress:70.30000000000001] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:32:24.104+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:32:24.081+05:30 timeTaken:23 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:32:22.060+05:30 timeTaken:15282]
2023/10/28 05:32:39 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:32:44 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:32:58 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:00 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:01 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:03 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:04 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:33:04 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:33:15 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:33:21 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:21 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:24 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:25 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:33:26 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:33:36 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:33:40 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:40 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:33:43 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicAfterDropOnSource (82.65s)
=== RUN   TestRebalancePanicAfterAllTokensAreProcessed
2023/10/28 05:33:44 In TestRebalancePanicAfterAllTokensAreProcessed
2023/10/28 05:33:44 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:33:50 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:33:55 Rebalance progress: 66.225
2023/10/28 05:34:00 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:34:00 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:33:59.983+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_3@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_1@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@ n_1@ n_2@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_1@ n_2@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:504c77922611e90d7306307636b3fb71 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:33:47.313+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:33:44.789+05:30 timeTaken:2524 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false perNodeProgress:map[n_1@ n_2@ n_3@ n_4@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:33:47.372+05:30 timeTaken:12612 totalProgress:70.30000000000001] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:33:47.372+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:33:47.314+05:30 timeTaken:57 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:33:44.785+05:30 timeTaken:15198]
2023/10/28 05:34:03
2023/10/28 05:34:03 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:34:03 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:04:03 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00bf64440 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00a7ba100 }
2023/10/28 05:34:03 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:34:04
2023/10/28 05:34:04 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:34:04 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:04:04 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00f47d600 19 [] false false map[] 0xc0166e6100 }
2023/10/28 05:34:04 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:34:05
2023/10/28 05:34:05 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:34:05 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:04:05 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc019ff7040 19 [] false false map[] 0xc0166e6300 }
2023/10/28 05:34:05 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:34:05 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:34:06
2023/10/28 05:34:06 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:34:06 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:04:06 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc015a08340 19 [] false false map[] 0xc0000aa000 }
2023/10/28 05:34:06 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:34:07
2023/10/28 05:34:07 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:34:07 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:04:07 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00bdd2c80 19 [] false false map[] 0xc0000aa200 }
2023/10/28 05:34:07 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:34:20 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:34:21 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:34:22 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:34:23 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:34:24 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:34:24 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:34:24 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:34:25 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:34:45 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:34:51 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:34:51 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:34:51 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:34:56 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:34:56 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:35:00 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:35:03 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalancePanicAfterAllTokensAreProcessed (80.61s)
=== RUN   TestSingleNodeSwapRebalancePanicBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:35:05 In TestSingleNodeSwapRebalancePanicBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:35:05 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:35:10 Rebalance progress: 5
2023/10/28 05:35:15 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:35:15 Changing config key indexer.rebalance.serverless.perNodeTransferBatchSize to value 1
2023/10/28 05:35:15 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:35:16 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:35:18 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:35:40 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 05:35:40 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:35:45 Rebalance progress: 12.5
2023/10/28 05:35:50 Rebalance progress: 65.225
2023-10-28T05:35:53.892+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023-10-28T05:35:53.893+05:30 [Error] WatcherServer.runOnce() : Watcher terminated unexpectedly.
2023/10/28 05:35:55 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:35:55 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:35:53.952+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_1@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_3@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@ n_4@ n_3@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[n_3@] failed_nodes:[] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_1@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:083916b4c6897b02bd08a192a147e839 stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:35:42.535+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:35:40.351+05:30 timeTaken:2184 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false perNodeProgress:map[n_1@ n_3@ n_4@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:35:42.574+05:30 timeTaken:11379 totalProgress:70.3] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:35:42.574+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:35:42.535+05:30 timeTaken:38 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:35:40.333+05:30 timeTaken:13620]
2023/10/28 05:35:55
2023/10/28 05:35:55 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:35:55 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:05:55 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc028bb4840 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00d338500 }
2023/10/28 05:35:55 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:35:55 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:35:56
2023/10/28 05:35:56 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:35:56 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:05:56 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00fda3380 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00d338600 }
2023/10/28 05:35:56 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:35:57
2023/10/28 05:35:57 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:35:57 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:05:57 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc01e0acf00 19 [] false false map[] 0xc02bc21a00 }
2023/10/28 05:35:57 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:35:58
2023/10/28 05:35:58 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:35:58 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:05:58 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0022f9ec0 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00d338900 }
2023/10/28 05:35:58 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:35:59
2023/10/28 05:35:59 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:35:59 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:05:59 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc006589a80 19 [] false false map[] 0xc02bc21d00 }
2023/10/28 05:35:59 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:36:00 Indexer: is active
2023/10/28 05:36:00 Indexer: is active
2023/10/28 05:36:00 Indexer: is active
2023/10/28 05:36:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:36:12 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:36:13 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:36:14 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestSingleNodeSwapRebalancePanicBeforeDropOnSource (70.48s)
=== RUN   TestReplicaRepairPanicBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:36:15 In TestReplicaRepairPanicBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:36:15 Failing over: []
2023/10/28 05:36:22 Rebalance progress: 16.66666666666667
2023/10/28 05:36:27 Rebalance progress: 63.48333333333333
2023/10/28 05:36:32 Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.
2023/10/28 05:36:32 Reb report - map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:36:29.987+05:30 completionMessage:Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,index,
                               {lost_connection,{'n_3@',shutdown}}}}. masterNode:n_3@ nodesInfo:map[active_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@] delta_nodes:[] eject_nodes:[] failed_nodes:[n_1@] keep_nodes:[n_0@ n_3@ n_4@]] rebalanceId:6a67084b541007b7d144b5440209f50e stageInfo:map[data:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:36:19.547+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:36:17.501+05:30 timeTaken:2047 totalProgress:100] index:map[completedTime:false perNodeProgress:map[n_3@ n_4@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:36:19.568+05:30 timeTaken:10420 totalProgress:70.225] query:map[completedTime:2023-10-28T05:36:19.568+05:30 perNodeProgress:map[n_0@] startTime:2023-10-28T05:36:19.548+05:30 timeTaken:20 totalProgress:100]] startTime:2023-10-28T05:36:17.488+05:30 timeTaken:12499]
2023/10/28 05:36:32
2023/10/28 05:36:32 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:36:32 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:06:32 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc00d75d740 19 [] false false map[] 0xc00018b100 }
2023/10/28 05:36:32 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:36:32 Waiting for rebalance cleanup to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:36:33
2023/10/28 05:36:33 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:36:33 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:06:33 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc014dc6300 19 [] false false map[] 0xc039541c00 }
2023/10/28 05:36:33 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:36:34
2023/10/28 05:36:34 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:36:34 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:06:34 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc010e20500 19 [] false false map[] 0xc039541d00 }
2023/10/28 05:36:34 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:36:35
2023/10/28 05:36:35 &{GET HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Authorization:[Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphc2Rhc2Q=] Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]]   0 [] false map[] map[]  map[]      0xc00012e000}
2023/10/28 05:36:35 &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[19] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:06:35 GMT] X-Content-Type-Options:[nosniff]] 0xc0017b6180 19 [] false false map[] 0xc01ceba100 }
2023/10/28 05:36:35 rebalanceCleanupStatus failed
2023/10/28 05:36:36 Indexer: is active
2023/10/28 05:36:37 Indexer: is active
2023/10/28 05:36:47 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:36:48 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:36:49 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:36:50 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:36:51 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:36:51 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:37:01 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:37:06 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:37:06 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:37:09 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:37:10 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:37:10 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:37:20 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:37:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:37:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:37:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestReplicaRepairPanicBeforeDropOnSource (74.84s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelTestsSetup
2023/10/28 05:37:30 In DropAllSecondaryIndexes()
2023/10/28 05:37:30 Index found:  idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:37:30 Dropped index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:37:30 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 05:37:30 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 05:37:30 Index found:  idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:37:30 Dropped index idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:37:30 Index found:  #primary
2023/10/28 05:37:31 Dropped index #primary
2023/10/28 05:37:31 Index found:  idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:37:31 Dropped index idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:37:31 Index found:  idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:37:31 Dropped index idx_partitioned
2023/10/28 05:37:31 Index found:  idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:37:32 Dropped index idx_partitioned_defer
2023/10/28 05:37:32 Index found:  idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:37:32 Dropped index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:37:36 Deleted bucket bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:37:36 Deleted bucket bucket_%2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:37:51 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:37:57 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:37:57 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:38:14 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_1@"}
2023/10/28 05:38:14 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:38:34 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_2@"}
2023/10/28 05:38:39 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:38:39 Created bucket bucket_1, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:38:39 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:38:41 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:38:41 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_1) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:38:41 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 05:38:41 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1 is: map[uid:2]
2023/10/28 05:38:41 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:38:41 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:38:41 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:38:41 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_1, uid: 2
2023/10/28 05:38:42 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:38:46 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:38:46 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:38:46 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(emalid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:39:42 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:42 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:42 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:39:46 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:46 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:46 Created bucket bucket_%2, responseBody: 
2023/10/28 05:39:46 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:39:48 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:39:48 WaitForBucketCreation: Checking bucket(bucket_%2) creation for host:
2023/10/28 05:39:48 Created collection succeeded for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1, body: {"uid":"2"}
2023/10/28 05:39:48 TestIndexPlacement: Manifest for bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1 is: map[uid:2]
2023/10/28 05:39:48 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:48 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:48 WaitForCollectionCreation: Checking collection creation for host:, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:48 Received OK response from ensureManifest, bucket: bucket_%2, uid: 2
2023/10/28 05:39:49 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:39:56 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:56 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:39:56 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(emalid) partition by hash(meta().id)
2023/10/28 05:40:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_partitioned (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:01 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_partitioned_defer on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(balance) partition by hash(meta().id)  with {"defer_build":true}
2023/10/28 05:40:07 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:07 Index status is: Created for index: idx_partitioned_defer (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:09 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:11 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:12 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:12 Changing config key indexer.shardRebalance.execTestAction to value true
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelTestsSetup (162.47s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelAtMasterShardTokenScheduleAck
2023/10/28 05:40:13 In TestRebalanceCancelAtMasterShardTokenScheduleAck
2023/10/28 05:40:13 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/40bf266e63b5e6e01c088330db4eee90/addNode
2023/10/28 05:40:24 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 2), response: {"otpNode":"n_3@"}
2023/10/28 05:40:24 Adding node: with role: index to the cluster with uri: /pools/default/serverGroups/0/addNode
2023/10/28 05:40:35 AddNodeWithServerGroup: Successfully added node: (role index, serverGroup: Group 1), response: {"otpNode":"n_4@"}
2023/10/28 05:40:35 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:40:41 Rebalance progress: 5
2023/10/28 05:40:45 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:40:46 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:40:57 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:58 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:40:59 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:41:00 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:41:00 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:41:00 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:41:00 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:41:01 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:41:21 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:41:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:41:27 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:41:27 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:41:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:41:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:41:34 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:41:35 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelAtMasterShardTokenScheduleAck (83.67s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelAfterTransferOnSource
2023/10/28 05:41:36 In TestRebalanceCancelAfterTransferOnSource
2023/10/28 05:41:36 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:41:42 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 05:41:47 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:41:52 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:41:52 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:41:57 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:42:02 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:42:07 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:42:12 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:42:23 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:42:24 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:42:25 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:42:26 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:42:26 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:42:27 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:42:27 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:42:27 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:42:48 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:42:56 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:42:56 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:42:56 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:43:02 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:02 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:05 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:06 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelAfterTransferOnSource (90.58s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelAfterRestoreOnDest
2023/10/28 05:43:07 In TestRebalanceCancelAfterRestoreOnDest
2023/10/28 05:43:07 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:43:12 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:43:13 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:43:27 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:28 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:30 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:30 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:43:30 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:43:30 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:43:31 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:43:52 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:43:57 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:57 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:43:57 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:44:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:44:01 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:44:04 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:44:05 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelAfterRestoreOnDest (59.56s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelDuringDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:44:06 In TestRebalanceCancelDuringDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:44:06 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:44:12 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:44:17 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:44:17 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:44:28 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:44:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:44:30 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:44:31 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:44:31 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:44:31 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:44:31 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:44:32 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:44:53 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:45:02 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:02 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:02 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:45:12 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:12 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:14 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:15 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelDuringDeferredIndexRecovery (70.00s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelDuringNonDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:45:16 In TestRebalanceCancelDuringNonDeferredIndexRecovery
2023/10/28 05:45:16 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:45:22 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:45:22 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:45:35 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:36 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:36 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:40 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:45:42 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:45:43 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:45:43 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:45:43 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:46:04 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:46:12 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:12 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:12 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:46:22 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:22 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:24 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:25 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelDuringNonDeferredIndexRecovery (70.28s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelDuringIndexBuild
2023/10/28 05:46:27 In TestRebalanceCancelDuringIndexBuild
2023/10/28 05:46:27 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:46:32 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:46:37 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:46:38 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:46:52 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:53 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:53 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:55 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:46:55 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:46:55 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:46:55 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:46:55 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:47:16 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:47:22 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:47:22 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:47:22 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:47:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:47:32 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:47:35 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:47:36 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelDuringIndexBuild (70.12s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:47:37 In TestRebalanceCancelBeforeDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:47:37 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:47:43 Rebalance progress: 0
2023/10/28 05:47:48 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:47:53 Rebalance progress: 66.23994952893675
2023/10/28 05:47:58 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:47:58 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:48:03 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:48:15 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:48:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:48:17 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:48:18 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:48:19 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:48:19 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:48:19 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:48:19 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:48:40 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:48:53 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:48:53 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:48:53 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:49:02 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:03 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:05 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:06 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelBeforeDropOnSource (90.49s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelAfterDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:49:07 In TestRebalanceCancelAfterDropOnSource
2023/10/28 05:49:07 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:49:13 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:49:18 Rebalance progress: 66.23991930060525
2023/10/28 05:49:23 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:49:23 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:49:27 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:28 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:29 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:30 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:30 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:49:31 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:49:41 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:49:47 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:48 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:50 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:49:52 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:49:52 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:50:02 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:50:13 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:50:13 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:50:16 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelAfterDropOnSource (69.66s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceCancelAfterAllTokensAreProcessed
2023/10/28 05:50:17 In TestRebalanceCancelAfterAllTokensAreProcessed
2023/10/28 05:50:17 Removing node(s): [] from the cluster
2023/10/28 05:50:22 Rebalance progress: 10
2023/10/28 05:50:27 Rebalance progress: 66.2399398395722
2023/10/28 05:50:32 Rebalance progress: 100
2023/10/28 05:50:33 Waiting for rebalance cleanup (as rebalance tokens still exist) to finish on node:
2023/10/28 05:50:47 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:50:52 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:50:53 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:50:54 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_partitioned, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:50:55 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:50:55 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:50:55 Dropping the secondary index idx_secondary
2023/10/28 05:50:55 Index dropped
2023/10/28 05:51:15 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_1`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:51:28 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:51:28 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:51:28 Executing N1ql statement: create index idx_secondary on `bucket_%2`.`_default`.`c1`(age)
2023/10/28 05:51:38 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:51:39 Index status is: Ready for index: idx_secondary (replica 1), bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:51:41 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_1, scope: _default, collection: c1
2023/10/28 05:51:43 scanIndexReplicas: Scanning all for index: idx_secondary, bucket: bucket_%2, scope: _default, collection: c1
--- PASS: TestRebalanceCancelAfterAllTokensAreProcessed (87.43s)
=== RUN   TestPauseResume
    set05_pause_resume_test.go:640: Skipping pause resume tests
--- SKIP: TestPauseResume (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBackupRestore
    set06_backup_restore_test.go:20: Test disbaled
--- SKIP: TestBackupRestore (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBackupRestoreSchedToken
    set06_backup_restore_test.go:102: Test disbaled
--- SKIP: TestBackupRestoreSchedToken (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestBackupRestoreMultipleIndexes
    set06_backup_restore_test.go:223: Test disbaled
--- SKIP: TestBackupRestoreMultipleIndexes (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestRebalanceStorageDirCleanup
2023/10/28 05:51:44 cleanupStorageDir: Cleaning up /opt/build/goproj/src/
--- PASS: TestRebalanceStorageDirCleanup (0.04s)
ok	3273.077s
Indexer Go routine dump logged in /opt/build/ns_server/logs/n_1/indexer_serverless_pprof.log
curl: /opt/build/install/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 77646    0 77646    0     0  9625k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10.5M
Indexer Go routine dump logged in /opt/build/ns_server/logs/n_2/indexer_serverless_pprof.log
curl: /opt/build/install/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 77646    0 77646    0     0  9618k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10.5M
Indexer Go routine dump logged in /opt/build/ns_server/logs/n_3/indexer_serverless_pprof.log
curl: /opt/build/install/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 84483    0 84483    0     0  9138k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10.0M
Indexer Go routine dump logged in /opt/build/ns_server/logs/n_4/indexer_serverless_pprof.log
curl: /opt/build/install/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 84483    0 84483    0     0  9267k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10.0M

Testing Failed: Required test failed

FAIL	11481.263s
FAIL	1062.444s
--- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity (2313.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/TestIndexNodeRebalanceOut (1800.49s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/TestFailoverAndRebalance (0.10s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/TestSwapRebalance (31.61s)
    --- FAIL: TestWithShardAffinity/RebalanceResetCluster (0.28s)
--- FAIL: TestIdxCorruptBasicSanityMultipleIndices (0.09s)
--- FAIL: TestIdxCorruptPartitionedIndex (0.02s)
--- FAIL: TestIdxCorruptBackup (0.14s)
--- FAIL: TestStatsPersistence (0.07s)
--- FAIL: TestStats_StorageStatistics (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestRangeWithConcurrentAddMuts (0.07s)
--- FAIL: TestRangeWithConcurrentDelMuts (67.99s)
--- FAIL: TestScanWithConcurrentIndexOps (232.60s)
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentScans_SameIndex (246.24s)
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentScans_MultipleIndexes (258.17s)
--- FAIL: TestMutationsWithMultipleIndexBuilds (251.67s)
Version: versions-27.10.2023-21.35.cfg
Build Log: make-27.10.2023-21.35.log
Server Log: logs-27.10.2023-21.35.tar.gz
