[2024-03-05 18:37:54.644][15623203]========== Test file : ========== Start [2024-03-05 18:37:55.193][15623203]========== void com.couchbase.transactions.MultipleTransactionsTest.twoConcurrentTransactionsInsertingSameDoc():twoConcurrentTransactionsInsertingSameDoc() : ========== testStart [2024-03-05 18:37:55.299][15623203]transactionStream called [2024-03-05 18:37:55.299][15625193]transactionStream called [2024-03-05 18:37:55.316][15623203]got create: create { attempts { commands { insert { doc_id { bucket_name: "default" scope_name: "_default" collection_name: "_default" doc_id: "f1b4afe7-7c4e-47a7-a225-766587d0082d" } content_json: "{\"content\":\"initial\"}" expected_result { success: true } } } commands { set_latch { latch_name: "A has inserted doc" } } commands { wait_on_latch { latch_name: "B tries to insert doc" } } commands { commit { expected_result { success: true } } } commands { set_latch { latch_name: "A has committed" } } } options { } latches { initial_count: 1 name: "A has inserted doc" } latches { initial_count: 1 name: "B tries to insert doc" } latches { initial_count: 1 name: "A has committed" } cluster_connection_id: "defaultClusterConnection_d9ef462d-6212-472a-8575-9235a5b119b3" } [2024-03-05 18:37:55.317][15625193]got create: create { attempts { commands { wait_on_latch { latch_name: "A has inserted doc" } } commands { insert { doc_id { bucket_name: "default" scope_name: "_default" collection_name: "_default" doc_id: "f1b4afe7-7c4e-47a7-a225-766587d0082d" } content_json: "{\"content\":\"initial\"}" expected_result { error { error_class: EC_FAIL_WRITE_WRITE_CONFLICT auto_rollback_attempt: true retry_transaction: true to_raise: EXCEPTION_FAILED cause { do_not_check: true } } } } } } attempts { commands { set_latch { latch_name: "B tries to insert doc" } } commands { wait_on_latch { latch_name: "A has committed" } } commands { insert { doc_id { bucket_name: "default" scope_name: "_default" collection_name: "_default" doc_id: "f1b4afe7-7c4e-47a7-a225-766587d0082d" } content_json: "{\"content\":\"initial\"}" expected_result { exception: DocumentExistsException } } } } options { } latches { initial_count: 1 name: "A has inserted doc" } latches { initial_count: 1 name: "B tries to insert doc" } latches { initial_count: 1 name: "A has committed" } cluster_connection_id: "defaultClusterConnection_d9ef462d-6212-472a-8575-9235a5b119b3" } [2024-03-05 18:37:55.374][15625193] got start, creating txn in thread... start { } [2024-03-05 18:37:55.374][15623203] got start, creating txn in thread... start { } [2024-03-05 18:37:55.375] 129362ms [info] [64638,15675206] [transactions](fbda18-43bd-2445-5479-a93425fc3065a4/efb9a4-e237-9043-c7fe-43a8154d729e94) - starting attempt 1/fbda18-43bd-2445-5479-a93425fc3065a4/efb9a4-e237-9043-c7fe-43a8154d729e94/ [2024-03-05 18:37:55.375] 0ms [info] [64638,15675206] [transactions](8c07e7-cad1-5348-a9a5-01536413a0f9c3/bea9e6-7339-764d-59e1-41d2181809aa8e) - starting attempt 1/8c07e7-cad1-5348-a9a5-01536413a0f9c3/bea9e6-7339-764d-59e1-41d2181809aa8e/ [2024-03-05 18:37:56.504] 1129ms [warn] [64638,15675206] [7a4701-7740-c84f-d1e8-83ef5a1ad6f2c6/99c57a-2824-2e46-897a-a226dea4aa862b/plain/default] <> unexpected message status during bootstrap: magic=client_response (0x81), opcode=get_cluster_config (0xb5), status=no_access (0x24) (opaque=1, 81 b5 00 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) [2024-03-05 18:37:56.504] 0ms [warn] [64638,15675206] [7a4701-7740-c84f-d1e8-83ef5a1ad6f2c6/99c57a-2824-2e46-897a-a226dea4aa862b/plain/default] <> failed to bootstrap session="99c57a-2824-2e46-897a-a226dea4aa862b", address="", index=2, ec=protocol_error (1004) [2024-03-05 18:37:56.512][15623203] got broadcast broadcast { latch_set { latch_name: "A has inserted doc" } } [2024-03-05 18:37:56.512][15623203]cannot set latch, A has inserted doc is already at 0 [2024-03-05 18:37:58.155] 1651ms [erro] [64638,15675472] [transactions](8c07e7-cad1-5348-a9a5-01536413a0f9c3/bea9e6-7339-764d-59e1-41d2181809aa8e) - got transaction_operation_failed document is in another transaction [2024-03-05 18:37:58.479] 323ms [info] [64638,15675206] [transactions](8c07e7-cad1-5348-a9a5-01536413a0f9c3/d43208-fdef-f148-ce85-973b677c4ee933) - starting attempt 2/8c07e7-cad1-5348-a9a5-01536413a0f9c3/d43208-fdef-f148-ce85-973b677c4ee933/ [2024-03-05 18:37:59.199][15623203]1 threads joined [2024-03-05 18:37:59.644] 1165ms [erro] [64638,15675472] [transactions](8c07e7-cad1-5348-a9a5-01536413a0f9c3/d43208-fdef-f148-ce85-973b677c4ee933) - got transaction_operation_failed document exists (1305) [2024-03-05 18:38:55.212][15623203]========== void com.couchbase.transactions.MultipleTransactionsTest.twoConcurrentTransactionsInsertingSameDoc():twoConcurrentTransactionsInsertingSameDoc() : ========== testEnd [2024-03-05 18:38:55.928][15675470]========== Test file : ========== End