0ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (instance - L:351) Version=2.6.1, Changeset=eb09707433013b742c0aa221e564ad73ba8a3708 0ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (instance - L:352) Effective connection string: couchbase://localhost/travel-sample. Bucket=travel-sample 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (instance - L:66) Adding host localhost:8091 to initial HTTP bootstrap list 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (instance - L:66) Adding host localhost:11210 to initial CCCP bootstrap list 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:89) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider FILE is DISABLED 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:96) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:96) Provider HTTP is ENABLED 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider MCRAW is DISABLED 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (confmon - L:292) Start refresh requested 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (confmon - L:271) Current provider is CCCP 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (cccp - L:118) Requesting connection to node localhost:11210 for CCCP configuration 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:416) (HE=0x7fdde082b800) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:321) (HE=0x7fdde082b800) Starting connection on I=0x7fdde04155e0 2ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (connection - L:450) (SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0) Starting. Timeout=2000000us 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:267) (SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0) Got event handler for new connection 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:314) (SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0) Scheduling asynchronous watch for socket. 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:267) (SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0) Got event handler for new connection 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (connection - L:116) (SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0) Connected 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (connection - L:123) (SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:271) (HE=0x7fdde082b800) Received result for I=0x7fdde04155e0,C=0x7fdde04159f0; E=0x0 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082b800) Assigning R=0x7fdde0414340 SOCKET=0x7fdde04159f0 3ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde067b2e0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:368) (SASLREQ=0x7fdde064bdd0) Found feature 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde067b2e0,sasl) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde067b650,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde04159f0 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde067b650,bc_cccp) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082b800) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde04155e0,C=0x7fdde04159f0 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (confmon - L:174) Setting new configuration. Received via CCCP 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (bootstrap - L:55) Instance configured! 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:89) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider FILE is DISABLED 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:96) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider HTTP is DISABLED 4ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider MCRAW is DISABLED 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:685) (NR=0x7fdde067b650) No cached plan found. Issuing prepare 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:416) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:321) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Starting connection on I=0x7fdde0417e60 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (connection - L:450) (SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:267) (SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30) Got event handler for new connection 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:314) (SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30) Scheduling asynchronous watch for socket. 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:267) (SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30) Got event handler for new connection 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (connection - L:116) (SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30) Connected 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (connection - L:123) (SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:271) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Received result for I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30; E=0x0 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0417ae0 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 5ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde2806300,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 12ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:493) (NR=0x7fdde067b650) Got prepared statement. Inserting into cache and reissuing 12ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde067b650) Using prepared plan 12ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:416) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 12ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:321) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Starting connection on I=0x7fdde280fbb0 12ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (connection - L:450) (SOCK=0x7fdde280f2f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:267) (SOCK=0x7fdde280f2f0) Got event handler for new connection 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:314) (SOCK=0x7fdde280f2f0) Scheduling asynchronous watch for socket. 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde2806300,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [TRACE] (connection - L:267) (SOCK=0x7fdde280f2f0) Got event handler for new connection 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (connection - L:116) (SOCK=0x7fdde280f2f0) Connected 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (connection - L:123) (SOCK=0x7fdde280f2f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:271) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Received result for I=0x7fdde280fbb0,C=0x7fdde280f2f0; E=0x0 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde280f2a0 SOCKET=0x7fdde280f2f0 13ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde280c620,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde280f2f0 17ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde280c620,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 17ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:486) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 17ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde280c620) Using prepared plan 17ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 17ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde280c6b0 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 17ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde280eda0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 20ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde280eda0,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 20ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 20ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde280c620) Using prepared plan 20ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 20ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde280fd10 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 20ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde280fa00,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 24ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde280fa00,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 24ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 24ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0732440) Using prepared plan 24ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 24ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0731910 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 24ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 27ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 27ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 27ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0732440) Using prepared plan 27ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 27ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0731910 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 27ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 30ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 30ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 30ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 30ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 30ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 30ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417490,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 33ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417490,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 33ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 33ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 33ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 33ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 33ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 37ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 37ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 37ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 37ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 37ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 37ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 40ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 40ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 40ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0732440) Using prepared plan 40ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 40ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0731910 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 40ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 42ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 42ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 43ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 43ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 43ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 43ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 46ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 46ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 Run the curl command then hit eneter to run again: 1038ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0732440) Using prepared plan 1038ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1038ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0731a10 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1038ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1042ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0711290,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1042ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1042ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde067b490) Using prepared plan 1042ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1042ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde067b6b0 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1042ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde067ca00,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1047ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde067ca00,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1047ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1047ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 1047ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1047ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1047ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1050ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1050ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1050ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 1050ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1050ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1050ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1053ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1053ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1053ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde067b490) Using prepared plan 1054ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1054ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde067b6b0 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1054ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde067d5c0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1056ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde067d5c0,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1056ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1056ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 1056ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1056ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1056ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1060ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1060ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1060ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde067b490) Using prepared plan 1060ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1060ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde067b6b0 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1060ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde067d5c0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1063ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde067d5c0,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1063ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1063ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde280c620) Using prepared plan 1063ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1063ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde280c6b0 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1063ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde280f660,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1067ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde280f660,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1067ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1067ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde0416810) Using prepared plan 1067ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1067ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde0415a90 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1067ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1070ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde0417790,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1070ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30 1070ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:549) (NR=0x7fdde067b490) Using prepared plan 1070ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:407) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1070ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:223) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Assigning R=0x7fdde067b6b0 SOCKET=0x7fdde0417b30 1070ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x7fdde067d5c0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x7fdde0417b30 1074ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x7fdde067d5c0,mgmt/capi) Destroying. PND=0,ENT=1,SORC=1 1074ms [I0] {96441/a0b} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:491) (HE=0x7fdde082e600) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7fdde0417e60,C=0x7fdde0417b30