107ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x340d120) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 107ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x343fbc0) Received result for I=0x343fc30,C=(nil); E=0x0 107ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x343fbc0) Assigning R=0x340c4c0 SOCKET=0x340d120 107ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3484340,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x340d120 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-1: 406.688ms 2413ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x343d530) Using prepared plan 2413ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 2413ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x343fbc0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 2413ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x343fbc0) New pool entry: I=0x34aac70 2413ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x34829c0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 2413ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3484340,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 2413ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x343fbc0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x343fc30,C=0x340d120 2413ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x34829c0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 2414ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x34829c0) Connected established 2414ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x34829c0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 2414ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x343fbc0) Received result for I=0x34aac70,C=(nil); E=0x0 2414ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x343fbc0) Assigning R=0x33574f0 SOCKET=0x34829c0 2414ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3484340,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x34829c0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-1: 20.463ms 4434ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x343dd60) Using prepared plan 4434ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 4434ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x343fbc0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 4434ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3484340,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 4434ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x343fbc0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x34aac70,C=0x34829c0 4434ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x343fbc0) Assigning R=0x33cc160 SOCKET=0x340d120 4434ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3484340,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x340d120 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-1: 23.127ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:10:02.299Z 24457ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x343d530) Using prepared plan 24457ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 24457ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x343fbc0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 24457ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3484340,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 24457ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x343fbc0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x343fc30,C=0x340d120 24457ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x343fbc0) Assigning R=0x340d990 SOCKET=0x34829c0 24457ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3484340,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x34829c0 24457ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) <> (HE=0x343e190) Idle connection expired 24457ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x344dcf0) Idle connection expired 24457ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x343fbc0) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-2: 4.440ms 26462ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x343dd60) Using prepared plan 26462ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 26462ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x344dcf0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 26462ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x344dcf0) New pool entry: I=0x3470320 26462ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x33574f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 26462ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3484340,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 26462ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x343fbc0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x34aac70,C=0x34829c0 26462ms [I0] {4744} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x33574f0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 26463ms [I0] {4744} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x33574f0) Connected established 26463ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x33574f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 26463ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x344dcf0) Received result for I=0x3470320,C=(nil); E=0x0 26463ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x344dcf0) Assigning R=0x34824d0 SOCKET=0x33574f0 26463ms [I0] {4744} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3484340,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x33574f0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-2: 12.719ms ^C [root@node6-cb451-centos7 node]# clear [root@node6-cb451-centos7 node]# node query-prepared.js.orig ********************************<<<<<<<< 0ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (instance - L:411) Version=2.7.4, Changeset=502c6716b24581a258fcb8920532a20a53e81d6b 0ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (instance - L:412) Effective connection string: couchbase:// Bucket=test 0ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (instance - L:274) Applying initial cntl detailed_errcodes=1 0ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (instance - L:274) Applying initial cntl client_string=couchnode/2.3.2 5ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (instance - L:135) DNS SRV lookup failed: DNS/Hostname lookup failed. Ignore this if not relying on DNS SRV records 5ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (instance - L:77) Adding host to initial HTTP bootstrap list 5ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (instance - L:77) Adding host to initial CCCP bootstrap list Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:10:20.073Z 8ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:83) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 8ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:90) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 8ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:90) Provider HTTP is ENABLED 8ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 8ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 8ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:149) Requesting connection to node for CCCP configuration 8ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) <> (HE=0x3f05ef0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 8ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) <> (HE=0x3f05ef0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1acd0 8ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) <> (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Starting. Timeout=2000000us 9ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) <> (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 9ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) <> (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Connected established 9ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) <> (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 9ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) <> (HE=0x3f05ef0) Received result for I=0x3f1acd0,C=(nil); E=0x0 9ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) <> (HE=0x3f05ef0) Assigning R=0x3faf070 SOCKET=0x3f500b0 9ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) <> (CTX=0x3fa9cb0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f500b0 9ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) <> (SASLREQ=0x3f7aea0) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 9ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) <> (SASLREQ=0x3f7aea0) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 10ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) <> (CTX=0x3fa9cb0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 10ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) <> (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f500b0 11ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) <> (CTX=0x3f036b0,bc_cccp) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 11ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) <> (HE=0x3f05ef0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f1acd0,C=0x3f500b0 11ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:153) Setting new configuration. Received via CCCP 11ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (bootstrap - L:56) Instance configured! 11ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:83) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 11ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:90) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 12ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:710) (NR=0x3f78bf0) No cached plan found. Issuing prepare 12ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=89 bytes 12ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 12ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f4d960 12ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4dae0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 12ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4dae0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 12ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4dae0) Connected established 12ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4dae0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 12ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f4d960,C=(nil); E=0x0 12ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fed320 SOCKET=0x3f4dae0 12ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4dae0 19ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:496) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Got prepared statement. Inserting into cache and reissuing 19ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 19ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 19ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 19ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 19ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc10f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 19ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 19ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4d960,C=0x3f4dae0 20ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc10f0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 20ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fc10f0) Connected established 20ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fc10f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 20ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x0 20ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3fc0460 SOCKET=0x3fc10f0 20ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc10f0 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-1: 42.267ms 2051ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 2051ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 2051ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 2051ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f79ab0 2051ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fde0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 2051ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 2051ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc0710,C=0x3fc10f0 2052ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fde0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 2052ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4fde0) Connected established 2052ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4fde0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 2052ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f79ab0,C=(nil); E=0x0 2052ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f3c0c0 SOCKET=0x3f4fde0 2052ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fde0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-1: 3.933ms 4055ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 4056ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 4056ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 4056ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 4056ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f79ab0,C=0x3f4fde0 4056ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f4f7e0 SOCKET=0x3fc10f0 4056ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc10f0 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-1: 3.495ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:10:44.125Z 24059ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 24059ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 24059ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 24059ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 24059ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc0710,C=0x3fc10f0 24059ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f61a40 SOCKET=0x3f4fde0 24059ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fde0 24059ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) <> (HE=0x3f05ef0) Idle connection expired 24059ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 24059ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-2: 5.746ms 26066ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 26066ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 26066ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 26066ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3fc1030 26066ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f1e290) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 26066ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 26066ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f79ab0,C=0x3f4fde0 26067ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f1e290) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 26067ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f1e290) Connected established 26067ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f1e290) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 26067ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3fc1030,C=(nil); E=0x0 26067ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4f7e0 SOCKET=0x3f1e290 26067ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f1e290 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-2: 145.010ms 28212ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 28212ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 28212ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 28212ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3faee60 28212ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3faec30) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 28212ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 28212ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc1030,C=0x3f1e290 28212ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3faec30) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 28212ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3faec30) Connected established 28212ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3faec30) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 28212ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3faee60,C=(nil); E=0x0 28212ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f173c0 SOCKET=0x3faec30 28212ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3faec30 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-2: 16.584ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:11:08.295Z 48229ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 48229ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 48229ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 48229ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 48229ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 48229ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f61d20 SOCKET=0x3f4fde0 48229ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fde0 48229ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-3: 12.257ms 50241ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 50241ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 50241ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 50242ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f06460 50242ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3faed90) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 50242ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 50242ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f79ab0,C=0x3f4fde0 50242ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3faed90) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 50242ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3faed90) Connected established 50242ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3faed90) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 50242ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f06460,C=(nil); E=0x0 50242ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f13f20 SOCKET=0x3faed90 50242ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3faed90 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-3: 4.130ms 52246ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 52246ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 52246ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 52246ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f135f0 52246ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fad330) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 52246ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 52246ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 52246ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fad330) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 52246ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fad330) Connected established 52246ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fad330) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 52246ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f135f0,C=(nil); E=0x0 52246ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4f520 SOCKET=0x3fad330 52246ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fad330 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-3: 59.263ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:11:32.372Z 72306ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 72306ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 72306ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 72306ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 72306ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f135f0,C=0x3fad330 72306ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f05d60 SOCKET=0x3f4fde0 72306ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fde0 72306ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-4: 13.790ms 74320ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 74320ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 74320ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 74320ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3faeec0 74320ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc1840) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 74320ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 74320ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f79ab0,C=0x3f4fde0 74320ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc1840) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 74320ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fc1840) Connected established 74320ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fc1840) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 74320ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3faeec0,C=(nil); E=0x0 74320ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f20c60 SOCKET=0x3fc1840 74320ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc1840 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-4: 86.229ms 76406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 76406ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 76406ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 76406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 76406ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3faeec0,C=0x3fc1840 76406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f1db30 SOCKET=0x3f4fde0 76406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fde0 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-4: 1.745ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:11:56.474Z 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 96408ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 96408ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3faed60 96408ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3faedc0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 96408ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f79ab0,C=0x3f4fde0 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 96408ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3faedc0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 96408ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3faedc0) Connected established 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3faedc0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3faed60,C=(nil); E=0x0 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f05d60 SOCKET=0x3faedc0 96408ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3faedc0 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-5: 12.098ms 98421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 98421ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 98421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 98421ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3fbf9a0 98421ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 98421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 98421ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3faed60,C=0x3faedc0 98421ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 98421ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Connected established 98421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 98421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3fbf9a0,C=(nil); E=0x0 98421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4f5a0 SOCKET=0x3f20cb0 98421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f20cb0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-5: 29.779ms 100451ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 100451ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 100451ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 100451ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f4e130 100451ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fbfd30) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 100451ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 100451ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fbf9a0,C=0x3f20cb0 100451ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fbfd30) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 100451ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fbfd30) Connected established 100451ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fbfd30) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 100451ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f4e130,C=(nil); E=0x0 100451ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4e0e0 SOCKET=0x3fbfd30 100451ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fbfd30 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-5: 13.765ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:12:20.531Z 120465ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 120465ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 120465ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 120465ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 120465ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4e130,C=0x3fbfd30 120465ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f1db30 SOCKET=0x3f20cb0 120465ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f20cb0 120465ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 120466ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-6: 6.292ms 122471ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 122471ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 122471ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 122471ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3fbfaf0 122471ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f3d1d0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 122471ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 122471ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fbf9a0,C=0x3f20cb0 122471ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f3d1d0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 122471ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f3d1d0) Connected established 122471ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f3d1d0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 122471ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3fbfaf0,C=(nil); E=0x0 122471ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f5ffb0 SOCKET=0x3f3d1d0 122471ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f3d1d0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-6: 14.005ms 124485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 124485ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 124485ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 124485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 124486ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fbfaf0,C=0x3f3d1d0 124486ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fa53c0 SOCKET=0x3f20cb0 124486ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f20cb0 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-6: 15.935ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:12:44.568Z 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 144502ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 144502ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f4e130 144502ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 144502ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 144502ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 144502ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Connected established 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f4e130,C=(nil); E=0x0 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f1db30 SOCKET=0x3f7c440 144502ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f7c440 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-7: 6.030ms 146509ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 146509ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 146509ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 146509ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0030 146509ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4e0e0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 146509ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 146510ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4e130,C=0x3f7c440 146510ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4e0e0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 146510ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4e0e0) Connected established 146510ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4e0e0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 146510ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3fc0030,C=(nil); E=0x0 146510ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f79b10 SOCKET=0x3f4e0e0 146510ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4e0e0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-7: 7.015ms 148516ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 148517ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 148517ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 148517ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 148517ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc0030,C=0x3f4e0e0 148517ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f61a40 SOCKET=0x3f7c440 148517ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f7c440 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-7: 33.698ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:13:08.616Z 168550ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 168550ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 168550ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 168550ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f79ab0 168550ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc04f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 168551ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 168551ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4e130,C=0x3f7c440 168551ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 168551ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 168551ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc04f0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 168551ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fc04f0) Connected established 168551ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fc04f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 168551ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f79ab0,C=(nil); E=0x0 168551ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f1db60 SOCKET=0x3fc04f0 168551ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc04f0 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-8: 6.142ms 170558ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 170558ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 170558ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 170558ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f605b0 170558ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f05d60) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 170558ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 170558ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f79ab0,C=0x3fc04f0 170558ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f05d60) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 170558ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f05d60) Connected established 170558ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f05d60) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 170558ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f605b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 170558ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f7c440 SOCKET=0x3f05d60 170558ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d60 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-8: 7.959ms 172569ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 172569ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 172569ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 172569ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f13ef0 172569ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4f580) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 172569ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 172569ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f605b0,C=0x3f05d60 172570ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4f580) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 172570ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4f580) Connected established 172570ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4f580) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 172570ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f13ef0,C=(nil); E=0x0 172570ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4f650 SOCKET=0x3f4f580 172570ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4f580 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-8: 21.357ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:13:32.657Z 192591ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 192591ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 192591ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 192591ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 192591ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f13ef0,C=0x3f4f580 192591ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f3cfd0 SOCKET=0x3f05d60 192591ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d60 192591ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 192591ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-9: 12.789ms 194605ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 194605ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 194605ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 194605ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc04f0 194605ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 194605ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 194605ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f605b0,C=0x3f05d60 194605ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 194605ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Connected established 194605ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f7c440) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 194605ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc04f0,C=(nil); E=0x0 194605ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f4f530 SOCKET=0x3f7c440 194605ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f7c440 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-9: 2.580ms 196607ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 196608ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 196608ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 196608ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fed230 196608ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fed290) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 196608ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 196608ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc04f0,C=0x3f7c440 196608ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fed290) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 196608ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fed290) Connected established 196608ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fed290) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 196608ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fed230,C=(nil); E=0x0 196608ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f62620 SOCKET=0x3fed290 196608ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fed290 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-9: 8.587ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:13:56.682Z 216616ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fbfb00) Using prepared plan 216616ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 216616ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 216616ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 216616ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fed230,C=0x3fed290 216616ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f51650 SOCKET=0x3f7c440 216616ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f7c440 216616ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 216616ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-10: 4.876ms 218621ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 218621ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 218621ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 218621ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fbfa60 218621ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f20c60) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 218622ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 218622ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc04f0,C=0x3f7c440 218622ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f20c60) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 218622ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f20c60) Connected established 218622ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f20c60) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 218622ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fbfa60,C=(nil); E=0x0 218622ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3faef10 SOCKET=0x3f20c60 218622ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f20c60 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-10: 5.232ms 220627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fbfb00) Using prepared plan 220627ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 220627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 220627ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3faed70 220627ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fabcd0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 220627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 220627ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 220627ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fabcd0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 220627ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fabcd0) Connected established 220627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fabcd0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 220627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3faed70,C=(nil); E=0x0 220627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f62670 SOCKET=0x3fabcd0 220627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fabcd0 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-10: 4.678ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:14:20.698Z 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 240632ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 240632ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f1db30 240632ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4f870) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 240632ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3faed70,C=0x3fabcd0 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 240632ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4f870) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 240632ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4f870) Connected established 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4f870) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f1db30,C=(nil); E=0x0 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3faf2b0 SOCKET=0x3f4f870 240632ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4f870 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-11: 2.927ms 242636ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 242636ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 242637ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 242637ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f5ff80 242637ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 242637ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 242637ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f1db30,C=0x3f4f870 242637ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 242637ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Connected established 242637ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 242637ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f5ff80,C=(nil); E=0x0 242637ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f61d50 SOCKET=0x3f05d90 242637ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d90 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-11: 3.697ms 244640ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 244640ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 244640ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 244640ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f4da90 244640ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 244641ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 244641ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 244641ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 244641ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Connected established 244641ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 244641ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f4da90,C=(nil); E=0x0 244641ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f61a70 SOCKET=0x3fed1a0 244641ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fbfe80,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fed1a0 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-11: 2.352ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:14:44.709Z 264643ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 264643ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 264643ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 264643ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc01b0 264643ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 264643ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fbfe80,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 264643ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4da90,C=0x3fed1a0 264643ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 264643ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 264643ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 264644ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Connected established 264644ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 264644ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc01b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 264644ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f17400 SOCKET=0x3f05d90 264644ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d90 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-12: 3.435ms 266647ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 266647ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 266647ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 266647ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f7c850 266647ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fa98b0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 266647ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 266647ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc01b0,C=0x3f05d90 266647ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fa98b0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 266647ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fa98b0) Connected established 266647ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fa98b0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 266647ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f7c850,C=(nil); E=0x0 266647ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f17400 SOCKET=0x3fa98b0 266647ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fa98b0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-12: 7.378ms 268655ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 268656ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 268656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 268656ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f4e3a0 268656ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4e400) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 268656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 268656ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 268656ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4e400) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 268656ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4e400) Connected established 268656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4e400) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 268656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f4e3a0,C=(nil); E=0x0 268656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f507a0 SOCKET=0x3f4e400 268656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4e400 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-12: 15.906ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:15:08.739Z 288673ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 288673ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 288673ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 288673ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 288673ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4e3a0,C=0x3f4e400 288673ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3fa53c0 SOCKET=0x3f05d90 288673ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d90 288673ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-13: 10.090ms 290683ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 290683ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 290683ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 290683ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f5ff80 290683ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f20c90) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 290683ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 290683ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc01b0,C=0x3f05d90 290683ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f20c90) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 290683ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f20c90) Connected established 290683ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f20c90) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 290683ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f5ff80,C=(nil); E=0x0 290683ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f1e290 SOCKET=0x3f20c90 290683ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f20c90 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-13: 20.515ms 292705ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 292705ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 292705ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 292705ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 292705ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f5ff80,C=0x3f20c90 292705ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f4e400 SOCKET=0x3f05d90 292705ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d90 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-13: 7.114ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:15:32.779Z 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 312713ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 312713ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f605b0 312713ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f62650) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 312713ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc01b0,C=0x3f05d90 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 312713ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f62650) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 312713ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f62650) Connected established 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f62650) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f605b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3fc04c0 SOCKET=0x3f62650 312713ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f62650 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-14: 8.019ms 314721ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 314721ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 314721ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 314721ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f4fde0 314721ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 314721ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 314721ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f605b0,C=0x3f62650 314721ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 314721ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Connected established 314721ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 314721ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f4fde0,C=(nil); E=0x0 314721ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f4d730 SOCKET=0x3f4fe40 314721ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fe40 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-14: 2.847ms 316724ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f4da60) Using prepared plan 316724ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 316724ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 316724ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 316724ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4fde0,C=0x3f4fe40 316724ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f1e2c0 SOCKET=0x3f62650 316724ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f62650 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-14: 10.967ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:15:56.802Z 336736ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 336737ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 336737ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 336737ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f5ff80 336737ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 336737ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 336737ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 336737ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 336737ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 336737ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Connected established 336737ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f05d90) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 336737ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f5ff80,C=(nil); E=0x0 336737ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fc0f30 SOCKET=0x3f05d90 336737ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d90 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-15: 16.028ms 338753ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 338753ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 338753ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 338753ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f20c60 338753ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4f5f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 338753ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 338753ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f5ff80,C=0x3f05d90 338753ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4f5f0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 338753ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4f5f0) Connected established 338753ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4f5f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 338753ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f20c60,C=(nil); E=0x0 338753ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f1db60 SOCKET=0x3f4f5f0 338753ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4f5f0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-15: 2.191ms 340756ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 340756ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 340756ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 340756ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 340756ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f20c60,C=0x3f4f5f0 340756ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4d720 SOCKET=0x3f05d90 340756ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f05d90 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-15: 4.668ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:16:20.827Z 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 360762ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 360762ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f7c850 360762ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 360762ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f5ff80,C=0x3f05d90 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Idle connection expired 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 360762ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 360762ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Connected established 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f7c850,C=(nil); E=0x0 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f62620 SOCKET=0x3f135f0 360762ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f135f0 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-16: 2.776ms 362765ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 362765ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 362765ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 362765ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f4f5f0 362765ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fa9a20) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 362765ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 362765ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f7c850,C=0x3f135f0 362765ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fa9a20) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 362765ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fa9a20) Connected established 362765ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fa9a20) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 362765ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f4f5f0,C=(nil); E=0x0 362765ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3fc0510 SOCKET=0x3fa9a20 362765ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fa9a20 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-16: 4.368ms 364770ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fabd40) Using prepared plan 364770ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 364770ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 364770ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 364771ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4f5f0,C=0x3fa9a20 364771ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f62650 SOCKET=0x3f135f0 364771ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f135f0 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-16: 2.572ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:16:44.839Z 384773ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 384774ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 384774ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 384774ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 384774ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f7c850,C=0x3f135f0 384774ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f61a40 SOCKET=0x3fa9a20 384774ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fa9a20 384774ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [] query A-17: 3.702ms 386777ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fabd40) Using prepared plan 386777ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 386777ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 386777ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3fbfef0 386777ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f3c360) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 386778ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 386778ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4f5f0,C=0x3fa9a20 386778ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f3c360) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 386778ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f3c360) Connected established 386778ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f3c360) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 386778ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3fbfef0,C=(nil); E=0x0 386778ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fc16f0 SOCKET=0x3f3c360 386778ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f3c360 Result2: [] query B-17: 613.584ms 389391ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 389391ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 389391ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 389391ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 389391ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fbfef0,C=0x3f3c360 389391ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Assigning R=0x3f5ff80 SOCKET=0x3fa9a20 389391ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faee90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fa9a20 389392ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (lcbio - L:103) FIXME: Unknown iops/os error code 1. Using NETWORK_ERROR 389392ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:207) Got error while performing I/O on HTTP stream. Err=0x10 389392ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faee90,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 389392ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 389392ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 389392ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fed130 389392ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fa99d0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 389393ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fa99d0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 389393ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fa99d0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 389393ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fed130,C=(nil); E=0x2c 389393ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 389393ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available 389393ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result3: null query C-17: 2.570ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:17:09.461Z 409395ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 409395ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 409395ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 409395ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 409395ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 409395ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 409395ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 409395ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1acd0 409395ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fc60) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 409395ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f13f20 SOCKET=0x3f3c360 409395ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fa9830,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f3c360 409395ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 409395ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 409395ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 409395ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3fa9900 409395ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 409395ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 409395ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4c7d0, opaque=0, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 409396ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4fc60) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17), os errno=0 409396ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3f1acd0,C=(nil); E=0x17 409396ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fc60) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 409396ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 409396ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Connected established 409396ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 409396ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3fa9900,C=(nil); E=0x0 409396ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f79b10 SOCKET=0x3f61d50 409396ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 409396ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f3cda0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f61d50 409396ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fed120) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 409396ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fed120) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled Result1: [] query A-18: 2.406ms 411397ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f135f0) Using prepared plan 411397ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 411397ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 411397ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f50700 411397ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f036b0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 411398ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fa9830,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 411398ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fbfef0,C=0x3f3c360 411398ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 411398ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f036b0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 411398ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f036b0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 411398ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f50700,C=(nil); E=0x2c 411398ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 411398ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f79ab0 411398ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 411398ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (negotiation - L:510) (SASLREQ=0x3fed120) SASL auth failed with STATUS=0x20 411398ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fed120) Error: 0x2, SASL Step Failed 411398ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_AUTH_ERROR (0x02) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 411398ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (retryq - L:312) Adding PKT=0x3fc10d0 to retry queue. Try count=1 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (retryq - L:179) Next tick in 14 ms 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 411398ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f3cda0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 411398ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 411398ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 411398ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 411398ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 411398ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fed2c0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 411399ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 411399ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 411399ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f79ab0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 411399ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 411399ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result2: null query B-18: 1.933ms 413399ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 413399ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 413400ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f3bec0 SOCKET=0x3f3c360 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f7ad10,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f3c360 413400ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (retryq - L:142) Failing command (seq=1) from retry queue with error code 0x2 413400ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 413400ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 413400ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3f1acd0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f3bec0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 413400ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fed2c0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fed2c0) Connected established 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fed2c0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3f61d50 SOCKET=0x3fed2c0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4f840,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fed2c0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f3bec0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f3bec0) Connected established 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f3bec0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3f1acd0,C=(nil); E=0x0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f51650 SOCKET=0x3f3bec0 413400ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 413400ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f3bf70,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f3bec0 Result3: [] query C-18: 1.582ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:17:33.468Z 433405ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f5f810) Using prepared plan 433405ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 433405ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 433405ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3faf2b0 433405ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4e350) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 433405ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f7ad10,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 433405ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fbfef0,C=0x3f3c360 433405ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9830) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 433405ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9830) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 433405ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 433405ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 433405ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 433405ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fece40) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 433405ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 433405ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4c820, opaque=2, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 433405ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 433405ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4f840,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 433405ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9830) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 433406ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 433406ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b090, opaque=3, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f3bf70,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=2, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 433406ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 433406ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 433406ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 433406ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1acd0 433406ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 433406ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4e350) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 433406ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4e350) Connected established 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4e350) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3faf2b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4f630 SOCKET=0x3f4e350 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc13f0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4e350 433406ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 433406ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Connected established 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f61d50) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3f1acd0,C=(nil); E=0x0 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3f3c360 SOCKET=0x3f61d50 433406ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 433406ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc0080,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f61d50 433409ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9830) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 433409ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9830) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled Result1: [] query A-19: 7.364ms 435412ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 435412ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 435412ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 435412ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc04c0 435412ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc13f0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 435413ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3faf2b0,C=0x3f4e350 435413ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 435413ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 435413ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3f173f0 435413ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fa53c0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 435413ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 435413ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc04c0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 435413ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 435413ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 435413ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f7c850 435413ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4f8a0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 435413ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fa53c0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 435413ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fa53c0) Connected established 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fa53c0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3f173f0,C=(nil); E=0x0 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f7ae50 SOCKET=0x3fa53c0 435413ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f506a0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fa53c0 435413ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4f8a0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 435413ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4f8a0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 435413ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f7c850,C=(nil); E=0x2c 435413ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 435413ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result2: null query B-19: 1.304ms 437414ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fa9c20) Using prepared plan 437414ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 437414ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 437414ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc1910 437414ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f20c90) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 437414ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9830) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 437414ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 437414ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4c870, opaque=4, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 437415ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc0080,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 437415ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 437415ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 437415ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 437415ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0f70) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 437415ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0f70) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 437415ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f20c90) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 437415ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f20c90) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 437415ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc1910,C=(nil); E=0x2c 437415ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 437415ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 437415ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 437415ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1e290 437415ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 437415ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 437415ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 437415ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f1e290,C=(nil); E=0x2c 437415ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 437415ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available 437415ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result3: null query C-19: 1.816ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:17:57.483Z 457417ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f4d750) Using prepared plan 457417ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 457417ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 457417ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f20c60 457417ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc1910) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 457417ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 457417ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 457417ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 457417ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 457417ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1e290 457417ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 457417ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0f70) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 457417ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 457417ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b0e0, opaque=5, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 457417ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f506a0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 457417ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 457417ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 457417ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 457417ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3f7c410 457417ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f5ffb0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 457418ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 457418ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4c8c0, opaque=6, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 457418ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17), os errno=0 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3f1e290,C=(nil); E=0x17 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 457418ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc1910) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 457418ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 457418ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fc1910) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f20c60,C=(nil); E=0x2c 457418ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 457418ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 457418ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3faf2b0 457418ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 457418ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f5ffb0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 457418ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f5ffb0) Connected established 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f5ffb0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3f7c410,C=(nil); E=0x0 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f51ae0 SOCKET=0x3f5ffb0 457418ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 457418ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fabcd0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f5ffb0 457418ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 457418ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 457419ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3faf2b0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 457419ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 457419ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result1: null query A-20: 2.540ms 459419ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 459420ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 459420ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 459420ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f4f5f0 459420ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fe10) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 459420ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 459420ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 459420ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 459420ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fc17b0) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 459420ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fc17b0) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 459420ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fe10) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 459420ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4fe10) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 459420ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f4f5f0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 459420ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 459420ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 459420ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 459420ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 459420ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 459421ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 459421ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 459421ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x2c 459421ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 459421ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available 459421ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result2: null query B-20: 1.862ms 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fc0080) Using prepared plan 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fa53c0 461422ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4e090) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 461422ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 461422ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 461422ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 461422ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fc17b0) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 461422ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 461422ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b130, opaque=7, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fabcd0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 461422ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 461422ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3faf2b0 461422ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4e090) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 461422ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Connected established 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f500b0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x0 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3f4fc60 SOCKET=0x3f500b0 461422ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 461422ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x406b110,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f500b0 461423ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4e090) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 461423ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fa53c0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 461423ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 461423ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 461423ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 461423ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1acd0 461423ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f3c0f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 461423ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 461423ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Connected established 461423ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 461423ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3faf2b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 461423ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3fc1910 SOCKET=0x3fc1960 461423ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 461423ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x406b340,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc1960 461423ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f3c0f0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 461423ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f3c0f0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 461423ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f1acd0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 461423ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 461423ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result3: null query C-20: 2.244ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:18:21.490Z 481424ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 481424ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 481424ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 481424ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f62620 481424ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 481424ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 481424ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 481424ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 481424ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x406afb0) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 481424ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 481424ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4c910, opaque=8, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 481424ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 481424ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x406b110,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 481424ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3f4d900) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 481424ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 481424ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b180, opaque=9, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 481424ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x406b340,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 481424ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 481424ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 481424ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 481424ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 481424ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 481424ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f7add0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 481425ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 481425ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 481425ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f62620,C=(nil); E=0x2c 481425ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 481425ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 481425ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 481425ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3faf2b0 481425ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 481425ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f7add0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 481425ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f7add0) Connected established 481425ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f7add0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 481425ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x0 481425ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3f4e090 SOCKET=0x3f7add0 481425ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 481425ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4f7b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f7add0 481425ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 481425ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 481425ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3faf2b0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 481425ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 481425ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result1: null query A-21: 1.303ms 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f20c60 483426ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f61a40) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 483426ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 483426ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3faf2b0 483426ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3f4d900) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3f4d900) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f61a40) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 483426ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f61a40) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f20c60,C=(nil); E=0x2c 483426ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1acd0 483426ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fc60) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 483426ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Connected established 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fc1960) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3faf2b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f51650 SOCKET=0x3fc1960 483426ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 483426ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fa9ba0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc1960 483427ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fc60) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 483427ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4fc60) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 483427ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f1acd0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 483427ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 483427ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result2: null query B-21: 1.604ms 485428ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 485429ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc18d0 485429ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f3d170) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 485429ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3f4d900) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 485429ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 485429ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4c960, opaque=10, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 485429ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4f7b0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=2, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 485429ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 485429ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 485429ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x406b4f0) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x406b4f0) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f3d170) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 485429ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f3d170) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 485429ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc18d0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 485429ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 485429ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 485429ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 485429ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 485429ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x2c 485429ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 485429ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available 485429ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result3: null query C-21: 1.243ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:18:45.496Z 505430ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f78bf0) Using prepared plan 505430ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 505430ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 505430ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f51ae0 505430ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f1e2c0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 505430ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 505430ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 505430ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 505430ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 505430ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 505430ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x406b4f0) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 505431ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b1d0, opaque=11, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fa9ba0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 505431ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3f1acd0 505431ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fbfee0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 505431ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4c9b0, opaque=12, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17), os errno=0 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x17 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f1e2c0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f1e2c0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f51ae0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3faec40 505431ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc0200) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f7c880) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fbfee0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 505431ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fbfee0) Connected established 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fbfee0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3f1acd0,C=(nil); E=0x0 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f61a40 SOCKET=0x3fbfee0 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fa9b80,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fbfee0 505431ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc0200) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 505431ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fc0200) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 505431ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3faec40,C=(nil); E=0x2c 505432ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 505432ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result1: null query A-22: 3.241ms 507434ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 507434ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 507434ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 507434ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3fc04c0 507434ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 507434ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 507434ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 507434ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 507434ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x406b5b0) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 507434ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x406b5b0) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 507434ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 507434ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Connected established 507434ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 507434ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3fc04c0,C=(nil); E=0x0 507434ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4fac0 SOCKET=0x3f51ae0 507434ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fa9a20,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f51ae0 507435ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (negotiation - L:510) (SASLREQ=0x406b5b0) SASL auth failed with STATUS=0x20 507435ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x406b5b0) Error: 0x2, SASL Step Failed 507435ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_AUTH_ERROR (0x02) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 507435ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (retryq - L:312) Adding PKT=0x3f4f5f0 to retry queue. Try count=1 507435ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (retryq - L:179) Next tick in 14 ms 507435ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 507435ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fa9b80,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 507435ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 507435ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 507435ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 507435ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 507435ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3fbfe80 507435ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4e110) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 507436ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4e110) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 507436ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4e110) Connected established 507436ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4e110) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 507436ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3fbfe80,C=(nil); E=0x0 507436ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3fbfee0 SOCKET=0x3f4e110 507436ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 507436ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f3bf90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4e110 507437ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9af0) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 507437ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9af0) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled Result2: [] query B-22: 4.799ms 509439ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fc0b60) Using prepared plan 509439ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 509439ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 509439ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fa9880 509439ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fa9910) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 509439ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fa9a20,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 509439ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fc04c0,C=0x3f51ae0 509439ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (retryq - L:142) Failing command (seq=13) from retry queue with error code 0x2 509439ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 509439ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 509439ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 509439ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3fa9c50 509439ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 509440ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fa9910) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 509440ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fa9910) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 509440ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fa9880,C=(nil); E=0x2c 509440ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 509440ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 509440ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 509440ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f62620 509440ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc0b10) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 509441ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 509441ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Connected established 509441ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 509441ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3fa9c50,C=(nil); E=0x0 509441ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x406b6d0 SOCKET=0x3f51650 509441ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 509441ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fae2c0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f51650 509441ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc0b10) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 509441ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fc0b10) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 509441ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f62620,C=(nil); E=0x2c 509441ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 509441ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result3: null query C-22: 2.077ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:19:09.507Z 529441ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 529441ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 529441ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f13ef0 529442ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x406b470) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 529442ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9af0) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 529442ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 529442ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4ca00, opaque=14, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f3bf90,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 529442ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 529442ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 529442ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fbfb90) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 529442ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 529442ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b270, opaque=15, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fae2c0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 529442ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 529442ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3fa9c50 529442ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fa9910) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x406b470) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 529442ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x406b470) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f13ef0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 529442ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fc04c0 529442ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fa9910) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 529442ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fa9910) Connected established 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fa9910) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3fa9c50,C=(nil); E=0x0 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3f51ae0 SOCKET=0x3fa9910 529442ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 529442ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4e350,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fa9910 529443ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 529443ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 529443ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fc04c0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 529443ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 529443ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result1: null query A-23: 2.047ms 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 531444ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 531444ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f7c880 531444ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc01b0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 531444ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 531444ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 531444ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3fc04c0 531444ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fbfa30) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 531444ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fbfa30) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 531444ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc01b0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 531444ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fc01b0) Connected established 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fc01b0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f7c880,C=(nil); E=0x0 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f13ef0 SOCKET=0x3fc01b0 531444ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f3c070,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc01b0 531445ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 531445ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Connected established 531445ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 531445ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3fc04c0,C=(nil); E=0x0 531445ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x406b4f0 SOCKET=0x3f51650 531445ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 531445ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f51650 Result2: [] query B-23: 2.918ms 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f79ab0) Using prepared plan 533447ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 533447ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f7add0 533447ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f3ce90) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f3c070,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 533447ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f7c880,C=0x3fc01b0 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 533447ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 533447ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fbfa30) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 533447ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 533447ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4ca50, opaque=16, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4e350,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 533447ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 533447ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 533447ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 533447ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f3ce90) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 533447ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f3ce90) Connected established 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f3ce90) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f7add0,C=(nil); E=0x0 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fc0ed0 SOCKET=0x3f3ce90 533447ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f3c070,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f3ce90 533449ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (negotiation - L:510) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) SASL auth failed with STATUS=0x20 533449ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) Error: 0x2, SASL Step Failed 533449ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_AUTH_ERROR (0x02) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 533449ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (retryq - L:312) Adding PKT=0x3f7ae30 to retry queue. Try count=1 533449ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (retryq - L:179) Next tick in 14 ms 533449ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:164) Not requesting a config refresh because of throttling parameters. Next refresh possible in 5993ms or 99 errors. See LCB_CNTL_CONFDELAY_THRESH and LCB_CNTL_CONFERRTHRESH to modify the throttling settings 533449ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 Result3: [] query C-23: 2.594ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:19:33.516Z 553450ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 553450ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 553450ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 553450ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f3c070,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 553450ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f7add0,C=0x3f3ce90 553450ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fbff00 SOCKET=0x3fc01b0 553450ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4e070,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc01b0 553450ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (retryq - L:142) Failing command (seq=17) from retry queue with error code 0x2 553450ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [] query A-24: 1.682ms 555452ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f79ab0) Using prepared plan 555452ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 555452ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 555452ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f1e290 555452ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 555452ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4e070,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 555452ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f7c880,C=0x3fc01b0 555452ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 555452ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Connected established 555452ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 555452ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f1e290,C=(nil); E=0x0 555452ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4d640 SOCKET=0x3f78bf0 555452ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f78bf0 Result2: [] query B-24: 9.195ms 557461ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 557461ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 557461ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 557461ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f4f5f0 557461ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 557461ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 557461ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 557461ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 557461ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 557461ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f4f5f0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 557461ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 557461ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 557461ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 557461ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f3cee0 557461ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4d510) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 557462ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4d510) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 557462ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4d510) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 557462ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f3cee0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 557462ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 557462ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available 557462ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result3: null query C-24: 1.525ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:19:57.529Z 577463ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f506a0) Using prepared plan 577463ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 577463ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 577463ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 577463ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 577463ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 577463ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 577463ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3f3cee0 577463ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4d510) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 577463ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fc1680 SOCKET=0x3fc01b0 577463ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fabcd0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc01b0 577463ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 577463ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 577463ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 577463ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3f3d180 577463ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 577463ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 577463ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4caa0, opaque=18, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 577463ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4d510) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17), os errno=0 577463ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3f3cee0,C=(nil); E=0x17 577463ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4d510) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 577464ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 577464ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Connected established 577464ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f78bf0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 577464ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3f3d180,C=(nil); E=0x0 577464ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3fc1680 SOCKET=0x3f78bf0 577464ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 577464ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4f7b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f78bf0 577464ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 577464ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled Result1: [] query A-25: 3.416ms 579467ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 579467ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f4fde0 579467ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 579467ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fabcd0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 579467ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f7c880,C=0x3fc01b0 579467ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (negotiation - L:510) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) SASL auth failed with STATUS=0x20 579467ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fc0a50) Error: 0x2, SASL Step Failed 579467ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_AUTH_ERROR (0x02) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 579467ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (retryq - L:312) Adding PKT=0x3fc1940 to retry queue. Try count=1 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (retryq - L:179) Next tick in 14 ms 579467ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4f7b0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (retryq - L:179) Next tick in 14 ms 579467ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 579467ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 579467ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3f4fe40) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 579467ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f4fde0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 579467ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 579467ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 579467ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1db30 579467ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fbff00) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 579468ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fbff00) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 579468ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fbff00) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 579468ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f1db30,C=(nil); E=0x2c 579468ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 579468ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available 579468ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result2: null query B-25: 1.986ms 581469ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fc04c0) Using prepared plan 581469ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 581469ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 581469ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 581469ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 581469ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 581469ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 581469ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1db30 581469ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fbff00) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 581469ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f3d120 SOCKET=0x3fc01b0 581469ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc0f10,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc01b0 581469ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (retryq - L:142) Failing command (seq=19) from retry queue with error code 0x2 581469ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 581469ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 581469ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 581469ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3f1a9e0 581469ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fa90) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 581469ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fbff00) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 581470ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fbff00) Connected established 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fbff00) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3f1db30,C=(nil); E=0x0 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3fc0200 SOCKET=0x3fbff00 581470ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc1440,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fbff00 581470ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fa90) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 581470ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4fa90) Connected established 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4fa90) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3f1a9e0,C=(nil); E=0x0 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f3d120 SOCKET=0x3f4fa90 581470ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fa90 581470ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3f3ade0) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 581470ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3f3ade0) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled Result3: [] query C-25: 1.951ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:20:21.538Z 601472ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f79ab0) Using prepared plan 601472ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 601472ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 601472ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x406b6a0 601472ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3faec00) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 601472ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc0f10,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 601472ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f7c880,C=0x3fc01b0 601472ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 601472ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 601472ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 601472ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fc1260) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 601472ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 601472ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4caf0, opaque=20, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 601472ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 601472ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc1440,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 601472ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3f3ade0) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 601472ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 601472ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b360, opaque=21, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 601472ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 601472ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 601472ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 601472ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 601472ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 601472ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 601473ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fa99b0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1db30 601473ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc0200) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 601473ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3faec00) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 601473ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3faec00) Connected established 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3faec00) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x406b6a0,C=(nil); E=0x0 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f1a6a0 SOCKET=0x3faec00 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc1600,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3faec00 601473ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc0200) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 601473ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fc0200) Connected established 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fc0200) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Received result for I=0x3f1db30,C=(nil); E=0x0 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fa99b0) Assigning R=0x3fc01b0 SOCKET=0x3fc0200 601473ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3f50e40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc0200 601473ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3f4f7b0) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 601473ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3f4f7b0) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled Result1: [] query A-26: 3.426ms 603475ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f4fde0) Using prepared plan 603475ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 603475ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 603475ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f1a9e0 603475ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f3d150) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc1600,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 603476ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x406b6a0,C=0x3faec00 603476ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 603476ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 603476ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3f7c410 603476ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f1a790) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 603476ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f3d150) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 603476ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f3d150) Connected established 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f3d150) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f1a9e0,C=(nil); E=0x0 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4fa90 SOCKET=0x3f3d150 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc0b10,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f3d150 603476ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f1a790) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 603476ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f1a790) Connected established 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f1a790) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3f7c410,C=(nil); E=0x0 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f4e050 SOCKET=0x3f1a790 603476ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 603476ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4e0a0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f1a790 603477ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3f7ad10) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 603477ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3f7ad10) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled Result2: [] query B-26: 2.057ms 605479ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f79ab0) Using prepared plan 605479ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 605479ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 605479ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3fa9940 605479ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x406b5b0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 605479ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc0b10,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 605479ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 605479ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 605479ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc0b10,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fc0200 605479ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f4cb40, opaque=22, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 605479ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:534) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server timed out. Some commands have failed 605479ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 605479ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 605479ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 605479ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 605479ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x406b5b0) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 605479ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x406b5b0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 605479ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3fa9940,C=(nil); E=0x2c 605479ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 605480ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service/query/service. Body=732 bytes 605480ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 605480ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fc06a0) New pool entry: I=0x3f1a5c0 605480ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fc1940) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 605480ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fc1940) Received completion handler. Status=-111. errno=111 605481ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (connection - L:141) (SOCK=0x3fc1940) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ECONNREFUSED (0x2C), os errno=111 605481ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fc06a0) Received result for I=0x3f1a5c0,C=(nil); E=0x2c 605481ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (http-io - L:227) Connection to failed with Err=0x2c 605481ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (http-io - L:82) Not retrying. No nodes available 605481ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map ##########ERROR: >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '' } Result3: null query C-26: 2.469ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:20:45.547Z 625481ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 625481ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 625481ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 625482ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=119071, B.rev=119071 625482ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 625482ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 625482ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f3d180 SOCKET=0x3faec00 625482ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc1600,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3faec00 625482ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3f7ad10) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 625482ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 625482ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fab520,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b3b0, opaque=23, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 625482ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4e0a0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=2, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 625482ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 625482ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fab520 (node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 625482ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fad330) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 625482ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fad330) New pool entry: I=0x3fc0710 625482ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 625482ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2499 ms. This is not an error 625482ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=0) 625482ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=2) 625482ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=4) 625482ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=6) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=8) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=10) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=12) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=14) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=16) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 625483ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Connected established 625483ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f51ae0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 625483ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fad330) Received result for I=0x3fc0710,C=(nil); E=0x0 625483ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fad330) Assigning R=0x3f4fa90 SOCKET=0x3f51ae0 625483ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fab520) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 625483ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f036b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f51ae0 625483ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=18) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=20) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x3f4e030) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 625483ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x3f4e030) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 625484ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=22) 625484ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:153) Setting new configuration. Received via CCCP 625484ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:102) Got new config. Will refresh asynchronously Result1: [] query A-27: 3.402ms 627485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3fa9c20) Using prepared plan 627485ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 627485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 627485ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f4deb0 627485ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 627485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc1600,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 627485ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x406b6a0,C=0x3faec00 627485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (bootstrap - L:56) Instance configured! 627485ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (newconfig - L:162) Config Diff: [ vBuckets Modified=0 ], [Sequence Changed=1] 627485ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (newconfig - L:165) Detected server node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210(Data=11210, Index=8093, Query=9101) added 627485ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (newconfig - L:170) Detected server node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210(Data=11210, Index=8093, Query=9101) removed 627485ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (newconfig - L:259) Reusing server node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210 (0x3f50e40). OldIndex=0. NewIndex=0 627485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (newconfig - L:224) Remapped packet 0x3f3b400 (SEQ=25) from node2-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210 (0x3fab520) to node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210 (0x3f50e40) 627485ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f036b0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=1, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 627486ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 627486ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 627486ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 627486ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Connected established 627486ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f135f0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 627486ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f4deb0,C=(nil); E=0x0 627486ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f13640 SOCKET=0x3f135f0 627486ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4f7b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f135f0 Result2: [] query B-27: 2.977ms 629489ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 629489ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 629489ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 629489ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4f7b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 629489ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4deb0,C=0x3f135f0 629489ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f1a790 SOCKET=0x3faec00 629489ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faea70,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3faec00 629489ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x3f78bf0, opaque=25, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 629489ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:164) Not requesting a config refresh because of throttling parameters. Next refresh possible in 7996ms or 99 errors. See LCB_CNTL_CONFDELAY_THRESH and LCB_CNTL_CONFERRTHRESH to modify the throttling settings 629489ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:534) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server timed out. Some commands have failed 629489ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 496 ms. This is not an error 629489ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 629489ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fc0d00 (node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 629489ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3f5ff80) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 629489ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3f5ff80) New pool entry: I=0x3f7c410 629489ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 629489ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=25) 629490ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=122168, B.rev=122168 629490ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 629490ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Connected established 629490ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f20cb0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 629490ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3f5ff80) Received result for I=0x3f7c410,C=(nil); E=0x0 629490ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f5ff80) Assigning R=0x3f51ae0 SOCKET=0x3f20cb0 629490ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fc0d00) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 629490ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3fc15e0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f20cb0 Result3: [] query C-27: 1.858ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:21:09.557Z 649491ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f7c850) Using prepared plan 649491ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=732 bytes 649491ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 649491ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3f7ad10) New pool entry: I=0x3f867a0 649491ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4e140) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 649491ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faea70,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 649491ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 649491ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 649491ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (cccp - L:164) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 649491ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:177) Provider 'CCCP' failed 649491ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:184) Ignoring failure. Refresh not active 649491ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:201) Maximum provider reached. Resetting index 649491ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (negotiation - L:131) (SASLREQ=0x3fa9830) Error: 0x17, Negotiation timed out 649491ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (server - L:583) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system 649491ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:459) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x3f3b040, opaque=27, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) 649491ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 649491ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3fc15e0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=2, Entered=false, Socket Refcount=1 649492ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 649492ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=122168, B.rev=122168 649492ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 649492ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3f50e40 (node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 649492ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4e140) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 649492ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4e140) Connected established 649492ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4e140) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 649492ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Received result for I=0x3f867a0,C=(nil); E=0x0 649492ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Assigning R=0x3f7b050 SOCKET=0x3f4e140 649492ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x406b5d0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4e140 649493ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=122168, B.rev=122168 649588ms [I0] {4759} [ERROR] (n1ql - L:363) (NR=0x3f7c850) Repreparing statement. Index or version mismatch. 649588ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=89 bytes 649588ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 649588ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3f7ad10) New pool entry: I=0x3f4df40 649588ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f50760) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 649589ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:252) Refreshing current cluster map 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x406b5d0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 649589ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f867a0,C=0x3f4e140 649589ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=122168, B.rev=122168 649589ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (confmon - L:239) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 649589ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (cccp - L:143) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x3fc0d00 (node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:11210) 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3f5ff80) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 649589ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3f5ff80) New pool entry: I=0x3f13ef0 649589ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 649589ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f50760) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 649589ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f50760) Connected established 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f50760) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Received result for I=0x3f4df40,C=(nil); E=0x0 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Assigning R=0x3f036f0 SOCKET=0x3f50760 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4f830,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f50760 649589ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 649589ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Connected established 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f51650) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3f5ff80) Received result for I=0x3f13ef0,C=(nil); E=0x0 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f5ff80) Assigning R=0x3fad290 SOCKET=0x3f51650 649589ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:595) (SRV=0x3fc0d00) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 649589ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f1a7f0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f51650 649592ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:388) (SASLREQ=0x406b510) Server supports feature: 0x3 (TCP NODELAY) 649592ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (negotiation - L:532) (SASLREQ=0x406b510) GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled 649602ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:496) (NR=0x3f7c850) Got prepared statement. Inserting into cache and reissuing 649602ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f7c850) Using prepared plan 649602ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 649602ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 649602ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3faec40 649602ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 649603ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4f830,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 649603ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 649603ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 649603ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Connected established 649603ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3fed1a0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 649603ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3faec40,C=(nil); E=0x0 649603ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f500b0 SOCKET=0x3fed1a0 649603ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4f830,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fed1a0 649627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f1a7f0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 649627ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4d9c0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f51650 649629ms [I0] {4759} [WARN] (server - L:325) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0xb5, RC=0x0, SEQ=27) 649632ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (confmon - L:145) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=122168, B.rev=122168 ##########ERROR: { "requestID": "7c4032fe-77a3-438a-99f4-9a44ddecee54", "signature": "{\"Extra2\":\"json\"}", "results": [ ], "status": "success", "metrics": { "elapsedTime": "36.445415ms", "executionTime": "36.374594ms", "resultCount": 1, "resultSize": 42 } } >>>>>>>>>>>>>ERRORRRRRRRRRRR<<<<<<<<<<<<< { Error: An unknown N1QL error occured. This is usually related to an out-of-memory condition. at /usr/lib/node_modules/couchbase/lib/bucket.js:683:15 responseBody: '{\n "requestID": "7c4032fe-77a3-438a-99f4-9a44ddecee54",\n "signature": "{\\"Extra2\\":\\"json\\"}",\n "results": [\n ],\n "status": "success",\n "metrics": {\n "elapsedTime": "36.445415ms",\n "executionTime": "36.374594ms",\n "resultCount": 1,\n "resultSize": 42\n }\n}\n' } Result1: null query A-28: 156.407ms 651648ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 651648ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 651648ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 651648ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3fabd60 651648ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f7c410) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 651648ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4f830,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 651648ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3faec40,C=0x3fed1a0 651649ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f7c410) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 651649ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f7c410) Connected established 651649ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f7c410) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 651649ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3fabd60,C=(nil); E=0x0 651649ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f3c0d0 SOCKET=0x3f7c410 651649ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4df40,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f7c410 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-28: 3.107ms 653652ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 653652ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 653652ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 653652ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4df40,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 653652ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3fabd60,C=0x3f7c410 653652ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f4de90 SOCKET=0x3fed1a0 653652ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4d710,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3fed1a0 653652ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 653652ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-28: 2.621ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:21:33.721Z 673655ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 673655ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 673656ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 673656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4d710,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 673656ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 673656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Assigning R=0x3f86c20 SOCKET=0x3f4e140 673656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4d710,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4e140 673656ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 673656ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 673656ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-29: 9.331ms 675665ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 675665ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 675665ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 675665ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3f7ad10) New pool entry: I=0x3f4f5f0 675665ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4dec0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 675665ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4d710,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 675665ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f867a0,C=0x3f4e140 675665ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4dec0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 675665ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4dec0) Connected established 675665ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4dec0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 675665ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Received result for I=0x3f4f5f0,C=(nil); E=0x0 675665ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Assigning R=0x3f13640 SOCKET=0x3f4dec0 675665ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f4d710,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4dec0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-29: 2.512ms 677669ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 677669ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 677669ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 677669ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f4d710,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 677669ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4f5f0,C=0x3f4dec0 677669ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Assigning R=0x3f61a70 SOCKET=0x3f4e140 677669ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4e140 677669ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 677669ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-29: 2.110ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:21:57.737Z 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 697671ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 697671ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f036b0 697671ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f03740) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 697671ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 697671ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 697671ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Idle connection expired 697671ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f03740) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 697671ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f03740) Connected established 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f03740) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f036b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3fa5380 SOCKET=0x3f03740 697671ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f03740 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-30: 8.339ms 699681ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 699681ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 699681ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 699681ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3f7ad10) New pool entry: I=0x3f62620 699681ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3faee10) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 699681ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 699681ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f036b0,C=0x3f03740 699681ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3faee10) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 699681ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3faee10) Connected established 699681ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3faee10) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 699681ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Received result for I=0x3f62620,C=(nil); E=0x0 699681ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Assigning R=0x3f7c440 SOCKET=0x3faee10 699681ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3faee10 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-30: 2.681ms 701684ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 701684ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 701684ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:406) (HE=0x3fed460) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 701684ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 701684ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f62620,C=0x3faee10 701684ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f7c440 SOCKET=0x3f03740 701684ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f03740 701684ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 701684ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-30: 3.386ms Starting Query: 2017-04-24T23:22:21.754Z 721688ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 721688ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 721688ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 721688ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f4d900 721688ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3ed9980) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 721688ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 721688ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f036b0,C=0x3f03740 721688ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 721688ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 721688ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Idle connection expired 721689ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:442) (HE=0x3fed460) Idle connection expired 721689ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3ed9980) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 721689ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3ed9980) Connected established 721689ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3ed9980) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 721689ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f4d900,C=(nil); E=0x0 721689ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f61a70 SOCKET=0x3ed9980 721689ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faebe0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3ed9980 Result1: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query A-31: 3.629ms 723692ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3f173c0) Using prepared plan 723692ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node1-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 723692ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3fed460) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 723692ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3fed460) New pool entry: I=0x3f4fde0 723692ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f4fac0) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 723692ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faebe0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 723692ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:468) (HE=0x3fed460) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x3f4d900,C=0x3ed9980 723692ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f4fac0) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 723692ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f4fac0) Connected established 723692ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f4fac0) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 723692ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3fed460) Received result for I=0x3f4fde0,C=(nil); E=0x0 723692ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3fed460) Assigning R=0x3f03740 SOCKET=0x3f4fac0 723692ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3faebe0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f4fac0 Result2: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query B-31: 2.791ms 725697ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (n1ql - L:559) (NR=0x3e634b0) Using prepared plan 725697ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (http-io - L:228) POST http://node5-cb451-centos7.vagrants:8093/query/service. Body=728 bytes 725697ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:413) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 725697ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:322) (HE=0x3f7ad10) New pool entry: I=0x3faf0b0 725697ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:458) (SOCK=0x3f13610) Starting. Timeout=75000000us 725697ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:151) (CTX=0x3faebe0,mgmt/capi) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 725697ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (lcbio_mgr - L:463) (HE=0x3fed460) Closing idle connection. Too many in quota 725697ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3f50e40,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 725697ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (server - L:538) (SRV=0x3fc0d00,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 725697ms [I0] {4759} [TRACE] (connection - L:353) (SOCK=0x3f13610) Received completion handler. Status=0. errno=0 725697ms [I0] {4759} [INFO] (connection - L:130) (SOCK=0x3f13610) Connected established 725697ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (connection - L:137) (SOCK=0x3f13610) Successfuly set TCP_NODELAY 725697ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:281) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Received result for I=0x3faf0b0,C=(nil); E=0x0 725697ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:241) (HE=0x3f7ad10) Assigning R=0x3fa53e0 SOCKET=0x3f13610 725697ms [I0] {4759} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:101) (CTX=0x3f1a3b0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=0x3f13610 Result3: [ { Extra2: 'extra2' } ] query C-31: 3.182ms ^C [root@node6-cb451-centos7 node]# [root@node6-cb451-centos7 node]#