2019-07-01 17:37:40,884 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:320] ========= basetestcase setup started for test #1 test_stop_memcached_retry ========= 2019-07-01 17:37:41,015 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:delete_bucket:115] Deleting existing bucket default on ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root 2019-07-01 17:37:42,178 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:delete_bucket:129] Deleted bucket: default from 2019-07-01 17:37:42,180 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:wait_for_bucket_deletion:149] Waiting for bucket default deletion to finish 2019-07-01 17:38:02,431 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client:monitorRebalance:1405] Rebalance done. Taken 20.0540001392 seconds to complete 2019-07-01 17:38:02,433 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client:monitorRebalance:1407] Sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance 2019-07-01 17:38:22,503 | test | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:250] CLEANUP WAS SKIPPED 2019-07-01 17:38:22,503 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:301] ========== tasks in thread pool ========== 2019-07-01 17:38:22,505 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:303] ========================================== 2019-07-01 17:38:22,529 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:setUp:187] Initializing cluster 2019-07-01 17:38:22,790 | test | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:_initialize_nodes:343] RAM quota was defined less than 100 MB: 2019-07-01 17:38:23,391 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:setUp:208] Cluster initialized 2019-07-01 17:38:23,391 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:320] ========= basetestcase setup finished for test #1 test_stop_memcached_retry ========= 2019-07-01 17:38:23,415 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:sleep:372] . Sleep for 5 secs ... 2019-07-01 17:38:30,151 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-4 | [table_view:display:72] Rebalance Overview +----------------+----------+--------------+ | Nodes | Services | Status | +----------------+----------+--------------+ | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | None | <--- IN --- | +----------------+----------+--------------+ 2019-07-01 17:38:30,165 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-4 | [task:check:304] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0 2019-07-01 17:38:33,197 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-4 | [task:check:304] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100 2019-07-01 17:38:33,211 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-4 | [task:check:363] Rebalance completed with progress: 100% in 3.06199979782 sec 2019-07-01 17:38:33,213 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:add_rbac_user:2168] **** add built-in 'cbadminbucket' user to node **** 2019-07-01 17:38:33,321 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:add_rbac_user:2172] **** add 'admin' role to 'cbadminbucket' user **** 2019-07-01 17:38:33,377 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:create_bucket:99] Creating bucket: default 2019-07-01 17:38:33,411 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-5 | [BucketOperations_Rest:create_bucket:301] with param: replicaIndex=0&maxTTL=0&flushEnabled=1&compressionMode=passive&bucketType=membase&name=default&replicaNumber=1&ramQuotaMB=100&threadsNumber=3&evictionPolicy=valueOnly 2019-07-01 17:38:33,424 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-5 | [BucketOperations_Rest:create_bucket:324] 0.01 seconds to create bucket default 2019-07-01 17:38:33,426 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:sleep:84] sleep for 2 secs. ... 2019-07-01 17:38:35,480 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:_wait_warmup_completed:2082] Waiting for bucket default to complete warmup 2019-07-01 17:38:53,523 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basic_retry:setUp:41] ==========Finished Basic_ops base setup======== 2019-07-01 17:38:53,526 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basic_retry:test_stop_memcached_retry:195] going to create and execute the task 2019-07-01 17:38:53,526 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster:async_load_gen_docs_atomicity:239] Loading documents 2019-07-01 17:38:53,765 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-6 | [task:call:3316] transaction timeout is 100 2019-07-01 17:38:53,766 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-6 | [task:call:3320] transaction is com.couchbase.transactions.Transactions@3d7a8eeb 2019-07-01 17:38:53,786 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-1-thread-7 | [task:call:3429] Starting Atomicity load generation thread 2019-07-01 17:38:53,994 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cb_error:create:37] Simulating 'stop_memcached' in 2019-07-01 17:38:54,046 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:sleep:372] . Sleep for 10 secs ... 2019-07-01 17:39:04,052 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cb_error:revert:59] Reverting 'stop_memcached' in 2019-07-01 17:39:04,165 | test | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:250] CLEANUP WAS SKIPPED 2019-07-01 17:39:04,167 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:301] ========== tasks in thread pool ========== 2019-07-01 17:39:04,167 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:303] ========================================== 2019-07-01 17:39:04,167 | infra | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster:shutdown:605] Cluster instance shutdown with force