./testrunner -i /tmp/5-centos-nodes-jython.ini durability=MAJORITY -t bucket_param_tests.bucket_param_update.BucketParamTest.test_replica_update,nodes_init=5,num_items=10000,replicas=0,doc_ops=update;create;delete,durability=MAJORITY Test Input params: {'cluster_name': '5-centos-nodes-jython', 'ini': '/tmp/5-centos-nodes-jython.ini', 'replicas': '0', 'durability': 'MAJORITY', 'conf_file': '/tmp/test_run.conf', 'spec': 'test_run', 'num_nodes': 4, 'logs_folder': '/data/workspace/oel6-4node-rebalance_in_jython/logs/testrunner-19-Jul-14_21-54-30/test_1', 'nodes_init': '5', 'doc_ops': 'update;create;delete', 'num_items': '10000', 'case_number': 1} 2019-07-14 21:54:31,341 | root | WARNING | MainThread | [data_helper::30] Can not import concurrent module. Data for each server will be loaded/retrieved sequentially test_replica_update (bucket_param_tests.bucket_param_update.BucketParamTest) ... 2019-07-14 21:54:34,213 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:321] ========= basetestcase setup started for test #1 test_replica_update ========= 2019-07-14 21:54:35,003 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:321] ========= basetestcase setup started for test #1 test_replica_update ========= 2019-07-14 21:54:35,746 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:321] ========= basetestcase setup finished for test #1 test_replica_update ========= 2019-07-14 21:54:59,197 | infra | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:302] ========== tasks in thread pool ========== 2019-07-14 21:54:59,198 | infra | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:304] ========================================== 2019-07-14 21:54:59,246 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:setUp:188] Initializing cluster 2019-07-14 21:54:59,441 | test | WARNING | MainThread | [basetestcase:_initialize_nodes:344] RAM quota was defined less than 100 MB: 2019-07-14 21:55:01,293 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:setUp:209] Cluster initialized 2019-07-14 21:55:01,296 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:321] ========= basetestcase setup finished for test #1 test_replica_update ========= 2019-07-14 21:55:01,329 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:sleep:373] . Sleep for 5 secs ... 2019-07-14 21:55:12,979 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-5 | [table_view:display:72] Rebalance Overview +----------------+----------+--------------+ | Nodes | Services | Status | +----------------+----------+--------------+ | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | None | <--- IN --- | | | None | <--- IN --- | | | None | <--- IN --- | +----------------+----------+--------------+ 2019-07-14 21:55:13,009 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-5 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0 2019-07-14 21:55:23,055 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-5 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100 2019-07-14 21:55:23,078 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-5 | [task:check:368] Rebalance completed with progress: 100% in 10.1019999981 sec 2019-07-14 21:55:23,122 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:async_create_bucket:99] Creating bucket: default 2019-07-14 21:55:23,196 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-6 | [BucketOperations_Rest:create_bucket:301] with param: replicaIndex=0&maxTTL=0&flushEnabled=1&compressionMode=passive&bucketType=membase&name=default&replicaNumber=0&ramQuotaMB=2135&threadsNumber=3&evictionPolicy=valueOnly 2019-07-14 21:55:23,214 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-6 | [BucketOperations_Rest:create_bucket:324] 0.02 seconds to create bucket default 2019-07-14 21:55:23,216 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:sleep:84] sleep for 2 secs. ... 2019-07-14 21:55:25,305 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:_wait_warmup_completed:2138] Waiting for bucket default to complete warmup 2019-07-14 21:55:27,775 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:add_rbac_user:2224] **** add built-in 'cbadminbucket' user to node **** 2019-07-14 21:55:27,877 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:add_rbac_user:2228] **** add 'admin' role to 'cbadminbucket' user **** 2019-07-14 21:55:32,697 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_0_1250_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:32,701 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_1250_2500_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:32,703 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_2500_3750_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:32,703 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_3750_5000_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:32,704 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_5000_6250_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:32,707 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_6250_7500_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:32,707 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_7500_8750_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:32,709 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_8750_10000_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:33,181 | infra | WARNING | pool-2-thread-7 | [task_manager:print_tasks_in_pool:70] Task 'DocumentsLoadGenTask_1563166530.99' not completed 2019-07-14 21:55:33,184 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_0_1250_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,184 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_1250_2500_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,184 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_2500_3750_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,186 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_3750_5000_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,187 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_5000_6250_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,187 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_6250_7500_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,187 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_7500_8750_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,188 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_8750_10000_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:33,431 | test | INFO | MainThread | [table_view:display:72] Cluster statistics +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Node | Services | CPU_utilization | Mem_total | Mem_free | Swap_mem_total | Swap_mem_used | Active Items | Replica Items | Version | +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | | [u'kv'] | 1.76322418136 | 4201840640 | 3658358784 | 3758092288 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.5.0-3748-enterprise | | | [u'kv'] | 7.0351758794 | 4201844736 | 3632603136 | 3758092288 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.5.0-3748-enterprise | | | [u'kv'] | 52.2842639594 | 4201844736 | 3657019392 | 3758092288 | 0 | 2373 | 0 | 6.5.0-3748-enterprise | | | [u'kv'] | 3.27455919395 | 4201844736 | 3646951424 | 3758092288 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.5.0-3748-enterprise | +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+------------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ 2019-07-14 21:55:33,487 | test | INFO | MainThread | [table_view:display:72] Bucket statistics +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+------------+----------+-----------+ | Bucket | Type | Replicas | TTL | Items | RAM Quota | RAM Used | Disk Used | +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+------------+----------+-----------+ | default | membase | 0 | 0 | 2373 | 8954839040 | 85925952 | 4296761 | +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+------------+----------+-----------+ 2019-07-14 21:55:39,227 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:sleep:84] sleep for 5 secs. ... 2019-07-14 21:55:44,709 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_param_update:setUp:39] ==========Finished Bucket_param_test setup======== 2019-07-14 21:55:44,780 | test | INFO | MainThread | [bucket_param_update:generic_replica_update:74] Updating replica count of bucket to 1 2019-07-14 21:55:44,782 | infra | INFO | MainThread | [BucketOperations_Rest:change_bucket_props:361] with param: replicaNumber=1 2019-07-14 21:55:44,799 | infra | INFO | MainThread | [BucketOperations_Rest:change_bucket_props:370] bucket default updated 2019-07-14 21:55:44,852 | test | INFO | MainThread | [table_view:display:72] Bucket statistics +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+------------+-----------+-----------+ | Bucket | Type | Replicas | TTL | Items | RAM Quota | RAM Used | Disk Used | +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+------------+-----------+-----------+ | default | membase | 1 | 0 | 10000 | 8954839040 | 116759680 | 43983929 | +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+------------+-----------+-----------+ 2019-07-14 21:55:47,749 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_10000_11250_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,818 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_11250_12500_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,875 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_12500_13750_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,877 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_13750_15000_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,878 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_15000_16250_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,878 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_16250_17500_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,881 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_17500_18750_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,881 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_18750_20000_create_MAJORITY are 1250 2019-07-14 21:55:47,888 | infra | WARNING | pool-2-thread-9 | [task_manager:print_tasks_in_pool:70] Task 'DocumentsLoadGenTask_1563166546.74' not completed 2019-07-14 21:55:47,888 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_10000_11250_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:47,888 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_11250_12500_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:47,890 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_12500_13750_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:47,891 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_13750_15000_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:47,891 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_15000_16250_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:47,891 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_16250_17500_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:47,892 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_17500_18750_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:47,894 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_18750_20000_create_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 1250 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,305 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_5000_5625_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,332 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_5625_6250_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,346 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_6250_6875_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,348 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_6875_7500_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,349 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_7500_8125_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,351 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_8125_8750_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,351 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_8750_9375_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,352 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_9375_10000_update_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:49,878 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-7 | [table_view:display:72] Ops Trend for bucket 'default' +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | Min | Trend | Max | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 7050.000 | ...................................................................................................X | 7050.000 | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ 2019-07-14 21:55:49,880 | infra | WARNING | pool-2-thread-8 | [task_manager:print_tasks_in_pool:70] Task 'DocumentsLoadGenTask_1563166548.76' not completed 2019-07-14 21:55:49,881 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_5000_5625_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,881 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_5625_6250_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,881 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_6250_6875_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,882 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_6875_7500_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,882 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_7500_8125_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,884 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_8125_8750_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,884 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_8750_9375_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:49,884 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_9375_10000_update_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:50,701 | test | INFO | MainThread | [basetestcase:sleep:373] Wait for rebalance to start. Sleep for 5 secs ... 2019-07-14 21:55:51,013 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_0_625_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,025 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_625_1250_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,026 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_1250_1875_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,026 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_1875_2500_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,028 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_2500_3125_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,029 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_3125_3750_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,029 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_3750_4375_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,030 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1290] Items loaded in task LoadDocumentsTask-_4375_5000_delete_MAJORITY are 625 2019-07-14 21:55:51,048 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-6 | [table_view:display:72] Rebalance Overview +----------------+----------+--------------+ | Nodes | Services | Status | +----------------+----------+--------------+ | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | +----------------+----------+--------------+ 2019-07-14 21:55:51,065 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-6 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0 2019-07-14 21:55:51,844 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-4 | [table_view:display:72] Ops Trend for bucket 'default' +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | Min | Trend | Max | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | 5000.000 | ...................................................................................................X | 5000.000 | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ 2019-07-14 21:55:51,845 | infra | WARNING | pool-2-thread-10 | [task_manager:print_tasks_in_pool:70] Task 'DocumentsLoadGenTask_1563166550.64' not completed 2019-07-14 21:55:51,845 | infra | WARNING | pool-2-thread-10 | [task_manager:print_tasks_in_pool:70] Task 'Rebalance_task_IN=[]_OUT=[]_1563166550.64' not completed 2019-07-14 21:55:51,846 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_0_625_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:51,848 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_625_1250_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:51,848 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_1250_1875_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:51,848 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_1875_2500_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:51,848 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_2500_3125_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:51,849 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_3125_3750_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:51,849 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_3750_4375_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:55:51,851 | infra | INFO | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:1323] Task 'LoadDocumentsTask-_4375_5000_delete_MAJORITY' complete. Loaded 625 items 2019-07-14 21:56:01,105 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-6 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.09765625 2019-07-14 21:56:11,150 | test | INFO | pool-2-thread-6 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0.09765625