2019-07-24 11:26:50,878 | root | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [data_helper::30] Can not import concurrent module. Data for each server will be loaded/retrieved sequentially 2019-07-24 11:26:53,312 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:321] ========= basetestcase setup started for test #1 test_rebalance_in_with_ops ========= 2019-07-24 11:26:53,510 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:delete_bucket:126] Deleting existing bucket default on ip: port:8091 ssh_username:root 2019-07-24 11:26:54,986 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:delete_bucket:140] Deleted bucket: default from 2019-07-24 11:26:54,993 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:wait_for_bucket_deletion:160] Waiting for bucket default deletion to finish 2019-07-24 11:27:15,767 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client:monitorRebalance:1405] Rebalance done. Taken 20.0989999771 seconds to complete 2019-07-24 11:27:15,769 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rest_client:monitorRebalance:1407] Sleep for 10 seconds after rebalance 2019-07-24 11:27:25,858 | test | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:251] CLEANUP WAS SKIPPED 2019-07-24 11:27:25,858 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:302] ========== tasks in thread pool ========== 2019-07-24 11:27:25,859 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:304] ========================================== 2019-07-24 11:27:25,884 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:setUp:188] Initializing cluster 2019-07-24 11:27:26,200 | test | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:_initialize_nodes:344] RAM quota was defined less than 100 MB: 2019-07-24 11:27:26,796 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:setUp:209] Cluster initialized 2019-07-24 11:27:26,798 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:_BaseTestCase__log_setup_status:321] ========= basetestcase setup finished for test #1 test_rebalance_in_with_ops ========= 2019-07-24 11:27:26,819 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:sleep:373] . Sleep for 5 secs ... 2019-07-24 11:27:33,706 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-4 | [table_view:display:72] Rebalance Overview +----------------+----------+--------------+ | Nodes | Services | Status | +----------------+----------+--------------+ | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | None | <--- IN --- | +----------------+----------+--------------+ 2019-07-24 11:27:33,726 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-4 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0 2019-07-24 11:27:43,763 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-4 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: none, progress: 100 2019-07-24 11:27:43,789 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-4 | [task:check:368] Rebalance completed with progress: 100% in 10.0840001106 sec 2019-07-24 11:27:43,789 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:add_rbac_user:2224] **** add built-in 'cbadminbucket' user to node **** 2019-07-24 11:27:43,924 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:add_rbac_user:2228] **** add 'admin' role to 'cbadminbucket' user **** 2019-07-24 11:27:44,019 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:async_create_bucket:99] Creating bucket: default 2019-07-24 11:27:44,098 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-5 | [BucketOperations_Rest:create_bucket:301] with param: replicaIndex=0&maxTTL=0&flushEnabled=1&compressionMode=off&bucketType=membase&name=default&replicaNumber=1&ramQuotaMB=100&threadsNumber=3&evictionPolicy=valueOnly 2019-07-24 11:27:44,122 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-5 | [BucketOperations_Rest:create_bucket:324] 0.02 seconds to create bucket default 2019-07-24 11:27:44,124 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:sleep:84] sleep for 2 secs. ... 2019-07-24 11:27:46,201 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [bucket_ready_functions:_wait_warmup_completed:2138] Waiting for bucket default to complete warmup 2019-07-24 11:27:47,964 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:sleep:373] . Sleep for 20 secs ... 2019-07-24 11:28:07,970 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster:async_load_gen_docs_atomicity:239] Loading documents 2019-07-24 11:28:14,042 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-6 | [task:call:3391] transaction timeout is 3000 2019-07-24 11:28:14,068 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-6 | [task:call:3395] transaction is com.couchbase.transactions.Transactions@681bd5a0 2019-07-24 11:28:14,088 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:3504] Starting Atomicity load generation thread 2019-07-24 11:28:43,269 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-7 | [task:call:3646] Atomicity Load generation thread completed 2019-07-24 11:29:43,384 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-6 | [task:__init__:3698] the length of the keys 3000 2019-07-24 11:29:43,384 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-6 | [task:call:3416] going to add verification task 2019-07-24 11:29:43,385 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:3712] Starting Atomicity Verification generation thread 2019-07-24 11:29:44,642 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-8 | [task:call:3742] Completed Atomicity Verification generation thread 2019-07-24 11:29:44,698 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [table_view:display:72] Cluster statistics +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Node | Services | CPU_utilization | Mem_total | Mem_free | Swap_mem_total | Swap_mem_used | Active Items | Replica Items | Version | +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | | [u'kv'] | 5.31914893617 | 1042685952 | 459055104 | 1107292160 | 2736128 | 1502 | 1500 | 6.5.0-3821-enterprise | | | [u'kv'] | 4.16666666667 | 1042685952 | 600870912 | 1107292160 | 274432 | 1500 | 1502 | 6.5.0-3821-enterprise | +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ 2019-07-24 11:29:44,734 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [table_view:display:72] Bucket statistics +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | Bucket | Type | Replicas | TTL | Items | RAM Quota | RAM Used | Disk Used | +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | default | membase | 1 | 0 | 3002 | 209715200 | 134827600 | 81223486 | +---------+---------+----------+-----+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 2019-07-24 11:29:44,734 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [rebalance_base:setUp:66] ==========Finished rebalance base setup======== 2019-07-24 11:29:44,757 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster:async_load_gen_docs_atomicity:239] Loading documents 2019-07-24 11:29:44,980 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:3391] transaction timeout is 3000 2019-07-24 11:29:44,982 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:3395] transaction is com.couchbase.transactions.Transactions@3b304c06 2019-07-24 11:29:44,987 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-2 | [task:call:3504] Starting Atomicity load generation thread 2019-07-24 11:29:47,283 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [table_view:display:72] Rebalance Overview +----------------+----------+--------------+ | Nodes | Services | Status | +----------------+----------+--------------+ | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | [u'kv'] | Cluster node | | | None | <--- IN --- | +----------------+----------+--------------+ 2019-07-24 11:29:47,309 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 0 2019-07-24 11:29:57,354 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:check:309] Rebalance - status: running, progress: 4.65918237198 2019-07-24 11:30:07,434 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:_rebalance_status_and_progress:1451] {u'errorMessage': u'Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.', u'status': u'none'} - rebalance failed 2019-07-24 11:30:07,497 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2618] Latest logs from UI on 2019-07-24 11:30:07,499 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 0, u'module': u'ns_orchestrator', u'type': u'critical', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947720279L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:20.279Z', u'text': u'Rebalance exited with reason {mover_crashed,\n {unexpected_exit,\n {\'EXIT\',<0.8096.47>,\n {{{{{child_interrupted,\n {\'EXIT\',<12951.26029.19>,socket_closed}},\n [{dcp_replicator,spawn_and_wait,1,\n [{file,"src/dcp_replicator.erl"},\n {line,249}]},\n {dcp_replicator,handle_call,3,\n [{file,"src/dcp_replicator.erl"},\n {line,127}]},\n {gen_server,try_handle_call,4,\n [{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,636}]},\n {gen_server,handle_msg,6,\n [{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,665}]},\n {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,\n [{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,247}]}]},\n {gen_server,call,\n [<12951.26026.19>,get_partitions,\n infinity]}},\n {gen_server,call,\n [\'dcp_replication_manager-default\',\n {get_replicator_pid,846},\n infinity]}},\n {gen_server,call,\n [{\'janitor_agent-default\',\n \'ns_1@\'},\n {if_rebalance,<0.32070.46>,\n {dcp_takeover,\'ns_1@\',1001}},\n infinity]}}}}}.\nRebalance Operation Id = eee33351475b2c11f9265fc562240959'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,500 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 0, u'module': u'ns_vbucket_mover', u'type': u'critical', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947720261L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:20.261Z', u'text': u'Worker <0.7071.47> (for action {move,{1001,\n [\'ns_1@\',\n \'ns_1@\'],\n [\'ns_1@\',\n \'ns_1@\'],\n []}}) exited with reason {unexpected_exit,\n {\'EXIT\',\n <0.8096.47>,\n {{{{{child_interrupted,\n {\'EXIT\',\n <12951.26029.19>,\n socket_closed}},\n [{dcp_replicator,\n spawn_and_wait,\n 1,\n [{file,\n "src/dcp_replicator.erl"},\n {line,\n 249}]},\n {dcp_replicator,\n handle_call,\n 3,\n [{file,\n "src/dcp_replicator.erl"},\n {line,\n 127}]},\n {gen_server,\n try_handle_call,\n 4,\n [{file,\n "gen_server.erl"},\n {line,\n 636}]},\n {gen_server,\n handle_msg,\n 6,\n [{file,\n "gen_server.erl"},\n {line,\n 665}]},\n {proc_lib,\n init_p_do_apply,\n 3,\n [{file,\n "proc_lib.erl"},\n {line,\n 247}]}]},\n {gen_server,\n call,\n [<12951.26026.19>,\n get_partitions,\n infinity]}},\n {gen_server,\n call,\n [\'dcp_replication_manager-default\',\n {get_replicator_pid,\n 846},\n infinity]}},\n {gen_server,\n call,\n [{\'janitor_agent-default\',\n \'ns_1@\'},\n {if_rebalance,\n <0.32070.46>,\n {dcp_takeover,\n \'ns_1@\',\n 1001}},\n infinity]}}}}'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,503 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 0, u'module': u'ns_memcached', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947708064L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:08.064Z', u'text': u'Bucket "default" loaded on node \'ns_1@\' in 0 seconds.'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,505 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 0, u'module': u'ns_orchestrator', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947707276L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:07.276Z', u'text': u"Starting rebalance, KeepNodes = ['ns_1@','ns_1@',\n 'ns_1@'], EjectNodes = [], Failed over and being ejected nodes = []; no delta recovery nodes; Operation Id = eee33351475b2c11f9265fc562240959"} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,506 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 0, u'module': u'memcached_config_mgr', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947707085L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:07.085Z', u'text': u'Hot-reloaded memcached.json for config change of the following keys: [<<"scramsha_fallback_salt">>]'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,506 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 3, u'module': u'ns_cluster', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947707036L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:07.036Z', u'text': u'Node ns_1@ joined cluster'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,507 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 1, u'module': u'menelaus_sup', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947706915L, u'shortText': u'web start ok', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:06.915Z', u'text': u'Couchbase Server has started on web port 8091 on node \'ns_1@\'. Version: "6.5.0-3821-enterprise".'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,507 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 4, u'module': u'ns_node_disco', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947705249L, u'shortText': u'node up', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:55:05.249Z', u'text': u"Node 'ns_1@' saw that node 'ns_1@' came up. Tags: []"} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,509 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 0, u'module': u'ns_memcached', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947584251L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:53:04.251Z', u'text': u'Bucket "default" loaded on node \'ns_1@\' in 0 seconds.'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,509 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [rest_client:print_UI_logs:2620] {u'code': 0, u'module': u'ns_orchestrator', u'type': u'info', u'node': u'ns_1@', u'tstamp': 1563947575030L, u'shortText': u'message', u'serverTime': u'2019-07-23T22:52:55.030Z', u'text': u'Rebalance completed successfully.\nRebalance Operation Id = d55319119484de01d25801fe1d1d89f4'} 2019-07-24 11:30:07,510 | test | ERROR | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-9 | [task:call:219] Rebalance Failed: {u'errorMessage': u'Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try again.', u'status': u'none'} - rebalance failed 2019-07-24 11:31:01,887 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-2 | [task:call:3646] Atomicity Load generation thread completed 2019-07-24 11:32:02,038 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:__init__:3698] the length of the keys 1500 2019-07-24 11:32:02,038 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-10 | [task:call:3416] going to add verification task 2019-07-24 11:32:02,039 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-3 | [task:call:3712] Starting Atomicity Verification generation thread 2019-07-24 11:32:02,645 | test | INFO | MainProcess | pool-2-thread-3 | [task:call:3742] Completed Atomicity Verification generation thread 2019-07-24 11:32:02,655 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:sleep:373] wait for rebalance to start. Sleep for 10 secs ... 2019-07-24 11:32:12,700 | test | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [table_view:display:72] Cluster statistics +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Node | Services | CPU_utilization | Mem_total | Mem_free | Swap_mem_total | Swap_mem_used | Active Items | Replica Items | Version | +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | | [u'kv'] | 4.25531914894 | 1042685952 | 461668352 | 1107292160 | 3493888 | 1664 | 1814 | 6.5.0-3821-enterprise | | | [u'kv'] | 6.25 | 1042685952 | 566984704 | 1107292160 | 724992 | 1819 | 1758 | 6.5.0-3821-enterprise | | | [u'kv'] | 2.08333333333 | 1042685952 | 651923456 | 1107292160 | 8192 | 190 | 101 | 6.5.0-3821-enterprise | +----------------+----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ 2019-07-24 11:32:12,701 | test | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:251] CLEANUP WAS SKIPPED 2019-07-24 11:32:12,703 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:302] ========== tasks in thread pool ========== 2019-07-24 11:32:12,703 | infra | INFO | MainProcess | MainThread | [basetestcase:tearDownEverything:304] ========================================== 2019-07-24 11:32:12,703 | infra | WARNING | MainProcess | MainThread | [cluster:shutdown:605] Cluster instance shutdown with force