pytest -s --timeout 3600 --base-liteserv-version=2.5.0 --upgraded-liteserv-version=2.6.0-141 --liteserv-host= --liteserv-port=8080 --liteserv-platform=ios --xattrs --no-conflicts --enable-file-logging --encrypted-db --encrypted-db-password=password --sync-gateway-version=2.5.1-11 --mode=cc --server-version=6.0.1-2037 testsuites/CBLTester/upgrade_tests/ -k test_upgrade_cbl --skip-provisioning --delta-sync =========================================================================================== test session starts ============================================================================================ platform darwin -- Python 2.7.10, pytest-3.0.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /Users/jenkins/build/workspace/CBL_upgrade/venv/bin/python cachedir: .cache rootdir: /Users/jenkins/build/workspace/CBL_upgrade, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: timeout-1.0.0, html-1.10.0 collected 74 items testsuites/CBLTester/upgrade_tests/ Downloading TestServer ... Downloading -> deps/binaries/ Installing: deps/binaries/CBLTestServer-iOS-enterprise-2.6.0-141/ Simulator already running. iPhone Simulator seems to have booted up {u'load_generators': [], u'couchbase_servers': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'cb1'}], u'sync_gateways': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'sg1'}], u'environment': {u'delta_sync_enabled': True, u'x509_certs': False, u'sync_gateway_ssl': False, u'sg_lb_enabled': False, u'sg_use_views': False, u'no_conflicts_enabled': True, u'xattrs_enabled': True, u'number_replicas': 0, u'sync_gateway_version': u'2.5.1-11', u'ipv6_enabled': False, u'cbs_ssl_enabled': False, u'server_version': u'6.0.1-2037'}, u'hosts': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host1'}, {u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host2'}], u'load_balancers': [], u'sg_accels': []} Extracted host ( from url ( Running tests with load balancer disabled Running test with server version 6.0.1-2037 Running test with sync_gateway version 2.5.1-11 Running test with xattrs for sync meta storage Running with no conflicts Running tests with cbs <-> sg ssl disabled Running with delta sync {u'load_generators': [], u'couchbase_servers': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'cb1'}], u'sync_gateways': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'sg1'}], u'environment': {u'delta_sync_enabled': True, u'x509_certs': False, u'sg_use_views': False, u'sg_lb_enabled': False, u'sync_gateway_ssl': False, u'no_conflicts_enabled': True, u'xattrs_enabled': True, u'number_replicas': 0, u'sync_gateway_version': u'2.5.1-11', u'ipv6_enabled': False, u'cbs_ssl_enabled': False, u'server_version': u'6.0.1-2037'}, u'hosts': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host1'}, {u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host2'}], u'load_balancers': [], u'sg_accels': []} Extracted host ( from url ( Verfying versions for cluster: resources/cluster_configs/base_cc GET http://Administrator:password@ 200 Expected Server Version: 6.0.1-2037 Running Server Version: 6.0.1-2037 GET 200 'server' header: Couchbase Sync Gateway/2.5.1 EE vendor name: Couchbase Sync Gateway GET 200 Expected sync_gateway Version: 2.5.1-11 Running sync_gateway Version: 2.5.1-11 Running sync_gateway Vendor Version: 2.5 Starting TestServer... Simulator already running. com.couchbase.CBLTestServer-iOS: 59938 Test server app may not be launched (Retrying) ... Log files available at - /Users/couchbase/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3CD18E21-E7F7-4423-B1D5-60BA8B6E8848/data/Containers/Data/Application/54EFBE43-E070-4823-91B8-4421880AD818/logs1565086375.916285 Got response: I-1 Copying db of CBL-2.5.0 to CBL-2.6.0-141 Got response: "Copied" resources/cluster_configs/base_cc cbs: [''] sgs: [{'ip': u'', 'name': u'sg1'}] acs: [] ssl: False >>> Reseting cluster ... >>> CBS SSL enabled: False >>> Using xattrs: True >>> Stopping sync_gateway Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/stop-sync-gateway.yml PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Stop sync_gateway service] ******************************** changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Stop sync_gateway for CentOS 6] *************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Verify sync_gateway not listening on port] **************** ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Stop sync_gateway service on Windows] ********************* skipping: [sg1] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* sg1 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 >>> Stopping sg_accel Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/stop-sg-accel.yml PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* >>> Deleting sync_gateway artifacts Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/delete-sync-gateway-artifacts.yml PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs] ********************************* changed: [sg1] [WARNING]: Consider using file module with state=absent rather than running rm TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs on Windows] ********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Create sync_gateway logs directory on Windows] ************ skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs on Windows] ********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs directory under Temp on Windows] * skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs on Windows] ********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Create sync_gateway logs directory under c:/tmp on Windows] *** skipping: [sg1] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* sg1 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 >>> Deleting sg_accel artifacts Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/delete-sg-accel-artifacts.yml PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* >>> Deleting buckets on: GET 200 Found buckets: [u'travel-sample'] Existing buckets: [u'travel-sample'] Deleting buckets: [u'travel-sample'] GET http://Administrator:password@ 200 Deleting RBAC user travel-sample DELETE 200 DELETE 200 GET 200 Found buckets: [] >>> Creating buckets on: >>> Creating buckets [u'travel-sample'] Creating buckets: [u'travel-sample'] total_avail_ram_mb: 4007 effective_avail_ram_mb: 2693 Creating bucket travel-sample with RAM 2693 GET http://Administrator:password@ 200 POST 202 Creating RBAC user travel-sample with password password and roles ro_admin,bucket_full_access[travel-sample] PUT 200 Key not found error: Bucket is ready! GET 200 Node is still not healthy. Status: warmup Retrying ... GET 200 All nodes are healthy >>> Waiting for Server: to be in a healthy state GET 200 All nodes are healthy >>> Starting sync_gateway with configuration: /Users/jenkins/build/workspace/CBL_upgrade/resources/sync_gateway_configs/sync_gateway_travel_sample_cc.json Keyerror in getting loggingredactlevel revs_limit not found in resources/cluster_configs/base_cc, Ignoring Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/start-sync-gateway.yml [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /Users/jenkins/build/workspace/CBL_upgrade/libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/start-sync-gateway.yml, line 23, column 5, found a duplicate dict key (sudo). Using last defined value only. [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Instead of sudo/sudo_user, use become/become_user and make sure become_method is 'sudo' (default). This feature will be removed in a future release. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Copy sync gateway config to host] ************************* changed: [sg1] TASK [Deleting /home/sync_gateway/certs directory] ***************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [Deleting /home/sync_gateway/] *********************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [Copying to /home/sync_gateway directory] *********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [Unzipping] ***************************************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check deployed config] ************************************ changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Print deployed config] ************************************ ok: [sg1] => { "out.stdout": { "adminInterface": "", "compressResponses": false, "databases": { "db": { "allow_conflicts": false, "bucket": "travel-sample", "delta_sync": { "enabled": true }, "enable_shared_bucket_access": true, "import_docs": "continuous", "num_index_replicas": 0, "password": "password", "server": "", "username": "travel-sample" } }, "interface": ":4984", "logging": { "debug": { "enabled": true } }, "maxCouchbaseConnections": 16, "maxFileDescriptors": 90000, "maxIncomingConnections": 0 } } TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Deploying SSL Cert] *************************************** changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Deploying SSL Private Key] ******************************** changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check if C:\PROGRA~2\Couchbase is present on Windows] ***** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Copy sync gateway config to C:\PROGRA~2\Couchbase] ******** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check deployed config C:\PROGRA~2\Couchbase\serviceconfig.json] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check if C:\PROGRA~1\Couchbase\Sync Gateway is present on Windows] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Copy sync gateway config to C:\PROGRA~1\Couchbase\Sync Gateway] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check deployed config C:\PROGRA~1\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\serviceconfig.json] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Print deployed config] ************************************ skipping: [sg1] PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] => { "msg": "Starting sync_gateway" } TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Start sync gateway service] ******************************* changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Wait until sync gateway to listen on port] **************** ok: [sg1] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Start sync_gateway service on Windows] ******************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Wait until sync gateway to listen on port] **************** skipping: [sg1] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* sg1 : ok=10 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0 >>> Running in channel cache POST 201 POST 200 cookie name SyncGatewaySession, session id e8d0b1ba38a072ee4435e50c14f10e2263012540 Got response: I-1 Got response: "connecting" Activity level: connecting Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #5246338 Got response: #781470 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #7045228 Got response: #6268848 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #8499526 Got response: #7488402 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #9447862 Got response: #8820660 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #11393948 Got response: #10501110 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #13369972 Got response: #12147270 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #15322496 Got response: #13925550 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #17121118 Got response: #15819110 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #18271730 Got response: #17734324 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #20237528 Got response: #19680578 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #22208236 Got response: #21667752 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #24174712 Got response: #23620728 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #26143132 Got response: #25573872 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "busy" Got response: #27938200 Got response: #27566402 Activity level: busy Got response: "nil" Got response: "idle" Got response: #27938200 Got response: #27938200 Activity level: idle Got response: #27938200 Got response: #27938200 Got response: #27938200 Got response: #27938200 Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: "stopped" Got response: "stopped" Creating RBAC user travel-sample with password password and roles ro_admin,bucket_full_access[travel-sample] PUT 200 Connecting to with password password Creating primary index for travel-sample cbl_docs 31591, cbs_docs 31591 Running Query tests ******************** Executing test_get_doc_ids with arguments () Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching doc ids from the server select meta().id from `travel-sample` where meta().id not like "_sync%" ORDER BY id Fetching doc ids from CBL Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_any_operator with arguments () Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching doc ids from the server select meta().id from `travel-sample` where type="route" AND ANY departure IN schedule SATISFIES departure.utc > "23:41:00" END; Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_doc_get with arguments ('airline_10',) Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching doc airline_10 from CBL through query Fetching doc airline_10 from server through n1ql select * from `travel-sample` where meta().id="airline_10" and meta().id not like "_sync%" Found 1 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_doc_get with arguments ('doc_id_does_not_exist',) Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching doc doc_id_does_not_exist from CBL through query Got response: [] Fetching doc doc_id_does_not_exist from server through n1ql select * from `travel-sample` where meta().id="doc_id_does_not_exist" and meta().id not like "_sync%" Found 0 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_get_docs_with_limit_offset with arguments (5, 5) Fetching docs from CBL through query Found 5 docs PASSED ******************** Executing test_get_docs_with_limit_offset with arguments (-5, -5) Fetching docs from CBL through query Got response: [] Found 0 docs PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_selects with arguments ('name', 'type', 'country', 'France') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select name, type, meta().id from `travel-sample` where country="France" Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_where_and_or with arguments ('type', 'hotel', 'country', 'United States', 'country', 'France', 'vacancy', True) Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id from `travel-sample` t where t.type="hotel" and ("United States" or"France") and t.vacancy=True Found 250 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_like with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Royal Engineers Museum') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and like "Royal Engineers Museum" Found 1 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_like with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Royal engineers museum') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Got response: [] Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and like "Royal engineers museum" Found 0 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_like with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'eng%e%') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Got response: [] Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and like "eng%e%" Found 0 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_like with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Eng%e%') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and like "Eng%e%" Found 2 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_like with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '%eng____r%') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Got response: [] Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and like "%eng____r%" Found 0 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_like with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '%Eng____r%') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and like "%Eng____r%" Found 2 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_regex with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '\x08Eng.*e\x08') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query regex_val:Eng.*e Got response: [] Fetching docs from server through n1ql n1ql_query: select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and REGEXP_CONTAINS(, Eng.*') Found 0 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_pattern_regex with arguments ('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '\x08eng.*e\x08') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query regex_val:eng.*e Got response: [] Fetching docs from server through n1ql n1ql_query: select meta().id, country, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="landmark" and REGEXP_CONTAINS(, eng.*') Found 0 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_isNullOrMissing with arguments ('name', 100) Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, name from `travel-sample` t where meta().id not like "_sync%" and ( IS NULL or IS MISSING) order by "name" asc limit 100 Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_ordering with arguments ('title', 'type', 'hotel') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, title from `travel-sample` t where t.type = "hotel" order by "title" asc Found 917 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_substring with arguments ('email', 'name', '') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query docs_from_cbl: [{'email': u'', 'id': u'hotel_3786', '$1': u'DAYS INN BLYTHE'}, {'$1': u'FIRTH HOTEL', 'email': u'', 'id': u'hotel_37340'}, {'email': u'', 'id': u'hotel_16169', '$1': u'GRANTLY HOTEL'}, {'$1': u'BELLE COUR HOTEL & SPA', 'email': u'', 'id': u'hotel_16522'}, {'email': u'', 'id': u'hotel_16236', '$1': u'HOTEL STRAND CONTIENTAL'}, {'email': u'', 'id': u'hotel_26284', '$1': u'SUNBEAM MOTEL'}, {'id': u'hotel_24608', 'email': u'', '$1': u'CAMPING CABINS'}, {'email': u'', 'id': u'hotel_25796', '$1': u'PRESIDIO INN & SUITES'}, {'$1': u'GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF ST NICHOLAS', 'id': u'landmark_15861', 'email': u''}, {'$1': u'IL VECCHIO', 'id': u'landmark_21522', 'email': u''}, {'$1': u'LA MAISON DE VERLAINE \xc0 METZ', 'email': u'', 'id': u'landmark_17957'}, {'$1': u'DRAGON HOUSE', 'id': u'landmark_25433', 'email': u''}, {'$1': u'HARVEST MOON', 'email': u'', 'id': u'landmark_27804'}, {'$1': u'BEAR MOON CLOTHING', 'email': u'', 'id': u'landmark_27780'}, {'$1': u"TOMMY'S JOYNT", 'email': u'', 'id': u'landmark_25552'}, {'$1': u'LLANDYSUL & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY EXHIBITION', 'id': u'landmark_38015', 'email': u''}, {'$1': u'PIN WEI', 'email': u'', 'id': u'landmark_36644'}, {'$1': u'DATTILO', 'id': u'landmark_33331', 'email': u''}, {'email': u'', 'id': u'landmark_33336', '$1': u'RED OAK'}, {'email': u'', 'id': u'landmark_8682', '$1': u'ZAZOU CRUISES NARROW BOAT CAFE'}] Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, email, UPPER(name) from `travel-sample` t where CONTAINS(, "") Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_collation with arguments ('name', 'type', 'hotel', 'country', 'France', 'Le Clos Fleuri') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select meta().id, name from `travel-sample` t where t.type="hotel" and = "France" and lower( = lower("Le Clos Fleuri") Found 1 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_join with arguments ('name', 'callsign', 'destinationairport', 'stops', 'airline', 'type', 'type', 'sourceairport', 'route', 'airline', 'SFO', 'airlineid') Extracted host ( from url ( Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select distinct, airline.callsign, route.destinationairport, route.stops, route.airline from `travel-sample` route join `travel-sample` airline on keys route.airlineid where route.type="route" and airline.type = "airline" and route.sourceairport = "SFO" Found 183 docs Doc contents match PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_inner_join with arguments ('airline', 'sourceairport', 'country', 'country', 'stops', 'United States', 0, 'icao', 'destinationairport', 10) Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select route.airline, route.sourceairport, from `travel-sample` route inner join `travel-sample` airport on airport.icao = route.destinationairport where"United States" and route.stops = 0 order by route.airline asc limit 10 Found 10 docs PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_cross_join with arguments ('country', 'city', 'type', 'type', 'airport', 'airline', 10) Fetching docs from CBL through query Found 10 docs PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_left_join with arguments ('airlineid', 10) Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select airline.*, route.* from `travel-sample` route LEFT JOIN `travel-sample` route ON KEYS route.airlineid order by route.airlineid limit 10 Found 10 docs PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_left_outer_join with arguments ('airlineid', 10) Fetching docs from CBL through query Fetching docs from server through n1ql select airline.*, route.* from `travel-sample` route LEFT OUTER JOIN `travel-sample` route ON KEYS route.airlineid order by route.airlineid limit 10 Found 10 docs PASSED ******************** Executing test_equal_to with arguments ('country', 'France') Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where country = "France" order by meta().id asc Found 770 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_equal_to with arguments ('type', 'airline') Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where type = "airline" order by meta().id asc Found 187 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_not_equal_to with arguments ('country', 'United States') Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where country != "United States" order by meta().id asc Found 3619 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_not_equal_to with arguments ('type', 'airline') Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where type != "airline" order by meta().id asc Found 31404 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_greater_than with arguments ('id', 1000) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where id > 1000 and meta().id not like "_sync%" order by meta().id asc Found 31294 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_greater_than_or_equal_to with arguments ('id', 1000) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where id >= 1000 and meta().id not like "_sync%" order by meta().id asc Found 31294 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_less_than with arguments ('id', 1000) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where id < 1000 order by meta().id asc Found 297 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_less_than_or_equal_to with arguments ('id', 1000) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where id <= 1000 order by meta().id asc Found 297 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_in with arguments ('country', 'France', 'United States') Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where country in ["France", "United States"] order by meta().id asc Found 4718 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_between with arguments ('id', 1000, 2000) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where id between 1000 and 2000 order by meta().id asc Found 358 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_is with arguments ('callsign',) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where callsign is null order by meta().id asc Found 21 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_is with arguments ('iata',) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where iata is null order by meta().id asc Found 38 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_isnot with arguments ('callsign',) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id, callsign from `travel-sample` where callsign is not null order by meta().id asc Found 166 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_isnot with arguments ('iata',) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id, iata from `travel-sample` where iata is not null order by meta().id asc Found 149 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_not with arguments ('id', 1000, 2000) Extracted host ( from url ( select meta().id from `travel-sample` where id not between 1000 and 2000 and meta().id not like "_sync%" order by meta().id asc Found 31233 docs Doc contents match between CBL and n1ql PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'beautifully', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'id': u'landmark_16127'} {'content': u'This is another fine building, boasting a beautiful circular reading room.', 'id': u'landmark_15851'} {'content': u'A small realm of serenity in the midst of the typical turmoil. It used to be the court of the Knights Templar. You can still visit the beautiful Romanesque church, which is one of the oldest ones in London (opened in 1185). | image=TempleChurch-Exterior.jpg', 'id': u'landmark_16062'} {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613'} {'content': u"Described as "the wonder of the entire world", this chapel at the eastern end of Westminster Abbey is a breathtakingly beautiful masterpiece of medieval architecture. | image=Canaletto - The Interior of Henry VII's Chapel in Westminster Abbey.JPG", 'id': u'landmark_16472'} {'content': u'Wolstenholme is an artist run gallery and studio space situated within a beautiful listed ex textile factory in the heart of Liverpool city centre. Info can be found on the website or just by dropping by, you may be fortunate enough to stumble upon some impromptu happening.', 'id': u'landmark_15862'} {'content': u'This beautifully preserved Victorian pub still has numerous frequenters, both young and old alike. Classic ales and some great food. Crowded after 17.00.', 'id': u'landmark_16043'} {'content': u"A beautiful converted wharf on the Jubilee Walk which, since 1987, has been home to caf\xe9s, shops and traditional barrows. Originally a warehouse and associated wharf (Hay's Wharf) for the port of London, it was redeveloped as a visitor attraction in the 1950s and has lots of boutique shops.", 'id': u'landmark_16321'} {'content': u'The Haut Chassezac offer a beautiful canyon which is accessible for everyone to practice canyonning.', 'id': u'landmark_1071'} {'content': u'A fine new marina wholly in keeping with the beauty of the islands and highlands. Overnight stay facilities, permanent berthing and boatyard repairs and storing for all craft.', 'id': u'landmark_12348'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'cons*', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'Prestigious contemporary art gallery worth a visit.', 'id': u'landmark_16385'} {'content': u"This is the home of '''[ The Royal Scottish National Orchestra]''', one of Europe's leading symphony orchestras. It also produces the world famous '''[ Celtic Connections Festival]''' every January.", 'id': u'landmark_10121'} {'content': u"This street is the centre of London's jewellery trade and especially famous for diamonds. A lot of dealers and designers to chose from, both contemporary and traditional. |", 'id': u'landmark_16203'} {'content': u'This is one of the more sophisticated places in Liverpool and is situated in the largest collection of Grade I listed buildings in the UK. Old warehouses have been converted into shops, apartments, restaurants, pubs, hotels, galleries and museums. For fans of the old This Morning show with Richard and Judy, this is also where the 3D island weather map was situated in the centre of the dock on the water.', 'id': u'landmark_15845'} {'content': u"Another Richard Rogers creation, due to be the tallest building by roof height in the City. Under construction as of 2013. Also opposite Lloyd's.", 'id': u'landmark_16078'} {'content': u"A must for anyone with an interest in modern and contemporary design. The permanent exhibition follows the change in British homes from the early 20th century until present day, which is constantly updated to include new design classics. There are temporary exhibits which run for 3-4 months. Recent exhibits have included Saul Bass, Peter Saville and Archigram. The museum also runs ''Designer of the Year'' which awards a prize to a person or organisation that has produced an impressive piece of design (past winner was Jonathan Ive, who designed the iMac and iPod). There is a small shop that has plenty of art and design books as well as designer goods to take home with you.", 'id': u'landmark_16312'} {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'id': u'landmark_16127'} {'content': u'This is the palace where the Popes of Avignon ruled, during a period when the Papacy was divided, with a Pope in Rome and another in Avignon. Most of the artwork inside (statues, frescoes) was destroyed during the French Revolution, but the impressive building still stands, and little bits of artwork, such as those that were too high to be convenient to ruin, remain.', 'id': u'landmark_1348'} {'content': u"This is the home of the [ Rangers Football Club], capacity 51,082. Ibrox tours run every Friday, Saturday and Sunday (non match days only!) and are priced at \xa35.50 for kids, \xa38 for adults and \xa324.50 for a family group (2 adults and 2 children). On the Ibrox tour, you get access to the home dressing room and hear a recorded message from Walter Smith and Ally McCoist before climbing the marble staircase, visit the illustrious trophy room, the blue room and the manager's office. Tickets, except for matches against Celtic, are available online from the club's website, ticket centre at the stadium and club outlets at JJB Sports Stores in Glasgow city centre. Club merchandise is available from the JJB Rangers Megastore located at the stadium and JJB Sports stores in Glasgow, with unofficial merchandise readily available in the environs of the stadium on matchdays. Food is available at the stadium in the Argyll House restaurant and the various burger stands in and around the stadium concourses. The Sportsmans Chip Shop on Copland Road adjacent to the stadium is also popular with the supporters. There are various bars beside the stadium, with the Louden Tavern on Copland Road being the closest. Along Paisley Road West are numerous bars sympathetic to the Rangers cause, such as the Louden Tavern, the Grapes Bar, District Bar and the Kensignton Bar to name but a few.", 'id': u'landmark_10134'} {'content': u'Owned by famed designer Terence Conrad, it serves standard food with a menu that changes frequently. It features live jazz every night and on Sunday lunch.', 'id': u'landmark_16501'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'of the beautiful', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'id': u'landmark_16127'} {'content': u'This is another fine building, boasting a beautiful circular reading room.', 'id': u'landmark_15851'} {'content': u'A small realm of serenity in the midst of the typical turmoil. It used to be the court of the Knights Templar. You can still visit the beautiful Romanesque church, which is one of the oldest ones in London (opened in 1185). | image=TempleChurch-Exterior.jpg', 'id': u'landmark_16062'} {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613'} {'content': u"Described as "the wonder of the entire world", this chapel at the eastern end of Westminster Abbey is a breathtakingly beautiful masterpiece of medieval architecture. | image=Canaletto - The Interior of Henry VII's Chapel in Westminster Abbey.JPG", 'id': u'landmark_16472'} {'content': u'Wolstenholme is an artist run gallery and studio space situated within a beautiful listed ex textile factory in the heart of Liverpool city centre. Info can be found on the website or just by dropping by, you may be fortunate enough to stumble upon some impromptu happening.', 'id': u'landmark_15862'} {'content': u'This beautifully preserved Victorian pub still has numerous frequenters, both young and old alike. Classic ales and some great food. Crowded after 17.00.', 'id': u'landmark_16043'} {'content': u"A beautiful converted wharf on the Jubilee Walk which, since 1987, has been home to caf\xe9s, shops and traditional barrows. Originally a warehouse and associated wharf (Hay's Wharf) for the port of London, it was redeveloped as a visitor attraction in the 1950s and has lots of boutique shops.", 'id': u'landmark_16321'} {'content': u'The Haut Chassezac offer a beautiful canyon which is accessible for everyone to practice canyonning.', 'id': u'landmark_1071'} {'content': u'A fine new marina wholly in keeping with the beauty of the islands and highlands. Overnight stay facilities, permanent berthing and boatyard repairs and storing for all craft.', 'id': u'landmark_12348'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'local beautiful', 'landmark', True) {'content': u"A lovely setting, Sunset Cliffs is an excellent place for sightseeing, picnics, watching sunsets (as the name suggests) or just driving along the rim of the beautiful cliffs along Sunset Cliffs Blvd. There is also a rather secluded beach there, but it's swim at your own risk. It is quite popular with the more adventurous and seasoned surfer as the surf is rather rough for the area. Be warned, however, that there are no lifeguards at this secluded beach and it is only accessible by scaling a gently eroding (but long-standing) cliff face. Local surfers have been kind enough to provide a rope that aids in 'safely' repelling down the cliff face. Some upper body strength is required to return to the top.", 'id': u'landmark_25309'} {'content': u'You can follow the path around Cap de Nice half way to Villefranche, but be prepared for several hundred steps up to rejoin the road. It\u2019s a very beautiful walk and you will find mostly local people using it.', 'id': u'landmark_20411'} {'content': u'Visible from much of San Francisco and the Bay Area, Coit Tower stands atop Telegraph Hill and gives an excellent view of the bay and the rest of the city. The tower was built by the Federal Works Projects Administration in 1933 with money bequeathed by eccentric San Franciscan Lillie Coit. Coit was said to have chased after firefighters as a young girl, and as an older woman sponsored her favorite fire company. A fan of the volunteer city firefighters, and local legend has it that the shape of the tower is supposed to simulate the end of a fire hose — although the architects denied this claim. The first and second floors house beautiful examples of New Deal-era idealist murals, and the top floor (reached by elevator) has featured paintings or other art. Artists put in their own signatures and messages in the murals, which interpretive plaques point out.', 'id': u'landmark_25418'} {'content': u'Beautiful European stylized restaurant with a great menu of Italian cuisine and wine, serving walk-ins only - keeping the client\xe8le local and less stuffy than reservation only dinning.', 'id': u'landmark_26256'} {'content': u"One of the LA area's more popular beaches, including the infamous Muscle Beach which the city has set up as an outdoor weightlifting gym for the local hulks. People watching along Venice Beach is something to put on your "things to do before you die" list. Think of the scene as a Bohemian-Mardis Gras-Beach Blanket Bingo-Circus. If that doesn't make any sense, well neither does Venice and that's the charm. Every summer day and every weekend, join the parade of humanity strolling amongst amazing and bizarre street performers, obscenely bulging body builders (at Muscle Beach), eclectic shops and street vendors, panhandlers, and beautiful, scantily clad, people desperately seeking attention. Go ahead and stare at it all. That's the point. Walking is fine but if you like to bike there is a great path along the beach. There are many places to rent bikes. You cannot however ride them on the pedestrian street.", 'id': u'landmark_32154'} {'content': u"Beautifully reincarnated back into it's historical self, this cool neighborhood space is a true local's hangout. The building has been a bar since 1902. Peanuts are a bonus. Friendly and efficient bar staff. Close to the hipster Bender's, so The Homestead regular crowd is a little hipster depleted / 'we got a babysitter tonight', but all in all a great bunch. It's rumored to have had a brothel during prohibition.", 'id': u'landmark_25916'} {'content': u'A beautiful bistro specialising in French cookery using locally sourced ingredients. Amazing fish dishes as well as the finest steaks in the area.', 'id': u'landmark_45'} {'content': u"A casual restaurant with beautiful original artwork depicting the history of Sonoma Valley, Breakaway makes the best martini's in town - they have a cult following with locals. Prices are reasonable and the burgers, fresh seafood, and weekly specials are great. Comfort food with a twist.", 'id': u'landmark_40710'} {'content': u'The 4 stones standing on a steep cliff overlooking the strait, which is formed by Loch Roag. They are arranged as a semi-circle. The tallest stone is about 3 m high. One of the stones was 1985 re-erected in its original socket and fixed with the old stones. Beautiful view towards Lewis. The stone circle is called by the locals "Tursachan" which means "Standing Stone".', 'id': u'landmark_38437'} {'content': u'As you might guess, the emphasis here is on the fresh salads of all types, but you can get them small, meal-sized or pair them with steak, chicken or fish. This popular eatery uses local, organic produce to assemble fresh and healthy salads and soups, as well as delectable hot dishes from the grill, such as free-range chicken, Angus flatiron steak, and line-caught tuna. This eco-conscious restaurant also uses biodegradable to-go containers, reclaimed timber, and non-toxic cleaners. The atmosphere is relaxed and beautiful, with a spacious patio for outdoor dining. Portions are large, and a wide array of boutique wines and microbrews will please any palate. Friendly service.', 'id': u'landmark_7048'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', '\'"foods including\'"', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'Really popular oriental restaurant with a mixture foods including noodles, duck and other oriental staples.', 'id': u'landmark_10021'} {'content': u'Great food, including wraps, burritos, sandwiches, salads, and smoothies.', 'id': u'landmark_25318'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', '\'beautiful NEAR/7 "local"\'', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'You can follow the path around Cap de Nice half way to Villefranche, but be prepared for several hundred steps up to rejoin the road. It\u2019s a very beautiful walk and you will find mostly local people using it.', 'id': u'landmark_20411'} {'content': u'A beautiful bistro specialising in French cookery using locally sourced ingredients. Amazing fish dishes as well as the finest steaks in the area.', 'id': u'landmark_45'} {'content': u'The 4 stones standing on a steep cliff overlooking the strait, which is formed by Loch Roag. They are arranged as a semi-circle. The tallest stone is about 3 m high. One of the stones was 1985 re-erected in its original socket and fixed with the old stones. Beautiful view towards Lewis. The stone circle is called by the locals "Tursachan" which means "Standing Stone".', 'id': u'landmark_38437'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'beautiful', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'id': u'landmark_16127'} {'content': u'This is another fine building, boasting a beautiful circular reading room.', 'id': u'landmark_15851'} {'content': u'A small realm of serenity in the midst of the typical turmoil. It used to be the court of the Knights Templar. You can still visit the beautiful Romanesque church, which is one of the oldest ones in London (opened in 1185). | image=TempleChurch-Exterior.jpg', 'id': u'landmark_16062'} {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613'} {'content': u"Described as "the wonder of the entire world", this chapel at the eastern end of Westminster Abbey is a breathtakingly beautiful masterpiece of medieval architecture. | image=Canaletto - The Interior of Henry VII's Chapel in Westminster Abbey.JPG", 'id': u'landmark_16472'} {'content': u'Wolstenholme is an artist run gallery and studio space situated within a beautiful listed ex textile factory in the heart of Liverpool city centre. Info can be found on the website or just by dropping by, you may be fortunate enough to stumble upon some impromptu happening.', 'id': u'landmark_15862'} {'content': u"A beautiful converted wharf on the Jubilee Walk which, since 1987, has been home to caf\xe9s, shops and traditional barrows. Originally a warehouse and associated wharf (Hay's Wharf) for the port of London, it was redeveloped as a visitor attraction in the 1950s and has lots of boutique shops.", 'id': u'landmark_16321'} {'content': u'The Haut Chassezac offer a beautiful canyon which is accessible for everyone to practice canyonning.', 'id': u'landmark_1071'} {'content': u'Beautiful Italianate church created during the Catholic revival of the 19th century.', 'id': u'landmark_16375'} {'content': u'is the beautiful home of the Leith-Hay family dating back to 1650. Home to tapestries, china, artwork and furniture; it gives an intriguing insight in to the lives of those who have lived there.', 'id': u'landmark_12067'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'cons*', 'landmark', False) {'content': u"Another Richard Rogers creation, due to be the tallest building by roof height in the City. Under construction as of 2013. Also opposite Lloyd's.", 'id': u'landmark_16078'} {'content': u"A must for anyone with an interest in modern and contemporary design. The permanent exhibition follows the change in British homes from the early 20th century until present day, which is constantly updated to include new design classics. There are temporary exhibits which run for 3-4 months. Recent exhibits have included Saul Bass, Peter Saville and Archigram. The museum also runs ''Designer of the Year'' which awards a prize to a person or organisation that has produced an impressive piece of design (past winner was Jonathan Ive, who designed the iMac and iPod). There is a small shop that has plenty of art and design books as well as designer goods to take home with you.", 'id': u'landmark_16312'} {'content': u"An area of Georgian townhouses laid out in a radial pattern similar to the English city of [[Bath]]. This neighbourhood has made the transition from originally being an upmarket residential area to a prestigious office district for mainly legal and consultancy firms, although in recent years there have been moves to encourage the companies back into the city centre and return the buildings to residential use. If you make the effort to walk through Kelvingrove Park, go up to this area as it is worth descending down the grand '''Granite Staircase''', on the south side of the hill facing the river.", 'id': u'landmark_10095'} {'content': u'The brick and stone Catholic Cathedral (not to be confused with the much more famous Westminster Abbey) is near Victoria Station, just off Victoria Street. Construction started in 1895, and some of the interior is still unfinished. Worth a quick visit if you are passing.', 'id': u'landmark_16481'} {'content': u"A preserved tea and wool clipper built in 1869 which set the record for passage from Australia under sail. The Cutty Sark was set on fire early on 21 May 2007. Much of the ship's infrastructure had been removed, since it was in the middle of a conservation project - it has now been re-opened.", 'id': u'landmark_16116'} {'content': u"The Hollywood Walk of Fame consists of a series of stars embedded in the sidewalk to commemorate famous movie, radio, theatre, and TV personalities. Since 1960, over two thousand stars have been immortalized; the schedule for upcoming star ceremonies is listed on the Walk of Fame's website.", 'id': u'landmark_11758'} {'content': u'The former Millennium Dome has been transformed into a major entertainment complex consisting of a large arena which plays host to a number of world class acts, a cinema which includes the largest screen in the UK and numerous bars and restaurants.', 'id': u'landmark_16124'} {'content': u'Each morning the guard is also changed at Horse Guards Parade. As this changing of the guard is less famous than the Buckingham Palace affair, the crowds are usually smaller; plus there are no railings here to spoil the view. The ceremony does not take place in very wet weather. The cavalry are based at Hyde Park Barracks and can be seen proceeding through the park, under the Wellington Arch, along Constitution Hill and The Mall each morning.', 'id': u'landmark_16487'} {'content': u"Built in 1754, the Official Residence of Liverpool's Lord Mayor is an elegant stone building, having two fronts; one towards Castle Street, the other towards the area formed by the New Exchange Buildings. Each front consists of an elegant range of Corinthian columns, supporting a pediment, and are themselves supported by a rustic base. Between the capitals are heads, and emblems of commerce in basso-relievo; and on the pediment of the grand front is a noble piece of sculpture representing Commerce committing her treasures to the race of Neptune.", 'id': u'landmark_15853'} {'content': u'Runs the entire length of the Three Graces frontage and consists of a boulevard of maple trees with plaques laid into the pavement listing the Canadian ships lost during the Second World war.', 'id': u'landmark_15844'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'of the beautiful', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'A small realm of serenity in the midst of the typical turmoil. It used to be the court of the Knights Templar. You can still visit the beautiful Romanesque church, which is one of the oldest ones in London (opened in 1185). | image=TempleChurch-Exterior.jpg', 'id': u'landmark_16062'} {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613'} {'content': u"Described as "the wonder of the entire world", this chapel at the eastern end of Westminster Abbey is a breathtakingly beautiful masterpiece of medieval architecture. | image=Canaletto - The Interior of Henry VII's Chapel in Westminster Abbey.JPG", 'id': u'landmark_16472'} {'content': u'Wolstenholme is an artist run gallery and studio space situated within a beautiful listed ex textile factory in the heart of Liverpool city centre. Info can be found on the website or just by dropping by, you may be fortunate enough to stumble upon some impromptu happening.', 'id': u'landmark_15862'} {'content': u"A beautiful converted wharf on the Jubilee Walk which, since 1987, has been home to caf\xe9s, shops and traditional barrows. Originally a warehouse and associated wharf (Hay's Wharf) for the port of London, it was redeveloped as a visitor attraction in the 1950s and has lots of boutique shops.", 'id': u'landmark_16321'} {'content': u'Beautiful Italianate church created during the Catholic revival of the 19th century.', 'id': u'landmark_16375'} {'content': u'is the beautiful home of the Leith-Hay family dating back to 1650. Home to tapestries, china, artwork and furniture; it gives an intriguing insight in to the lives of those who have lived there.', 'id': u'landmark_12067'} {'content': u"A lovely setting, Sunset Cliffs is an excellent place for sightseeing, picnics, watching sunsets (as the name suggests) or just driving along the rim of the beautiful cliffs along Sunset Cliffs Blvd. There is also a rather secluded beach there, but it's swim at your own risk. It is quite popular with the more adventurous and seasoned surfer as the surf is rather rough for the area. Be warned, however, that there are no lifeguards at this secluded beach and it is only accessible by scaling a gently eroding (but long-standing) cliff face. Local surfers have been kind enough to provide a rope that aids in 'safely' repelling down the cliff face. Some upper body strength is required to return to the top.", 'id': u'landmark_25309'} {'content': u"Plymouth's synagogue is the oldest remaining Ashkenazi house of worship in an English-speaking country. Contains the only surviving 'full-blooded' Baroque Ark in the UK, impressive at two storeys high. The synagogue also has some beautiful stained-glass windows.", 'id': u'landmark_22551'} {'content': u"Rated 'Best of the Bay' #1 Florist for the past six years, this adorable flower shop has the most beautiful and unique blooms from all over the world.", 'id': u'landmark_25365'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'local beautiful', 'landmark', False) {'content': u"A lovely setting, Sunset Cliffs is an excellent place for sightseeing, picnics, watching sunsets (as the name suggests) or just driving along the rim of the beautiful cliffs along Sunset Cliffs Blvd. There is also a rather secluded beach there, but it's swim at your own risk. It is quite popular with the more adventurous and seasoned surfer as the surf is rather rough for the area. Be warned, however, that there are no lifeguards at this secluded beach and it is only accessible by scaling a gently eroding (but long-standing) cliff face. Local surfers have been kind enough to provide a rope that aids in 'safely' repelling down the cliff face. Some upper body strength is required to return to the top.", 'id': u'landmark_25309'} {'content': u'You can follow the path around Cap de Nice half way to Villefranche, but be prepared for several hundred steps up to rejoin the road. It\u2019s a very beautiful walk and you will find mostly local people using it.', 'id': u'landmark_20411'} {'content': u'Visible from much of San Francisco and the Bay Area, Coit Tower stands atop Telegraph Hill and gives an excellent view of the bay and the rest of the city. The tower was built by the Federal Works Projects Administration in 1933 with money bequeathed by eccentric San Franciscan Lillie Coit. Coit was said to have chased after firefighters as a young girl, and as an older woman sponsored her favorite fire company. A fan of the volunteer city firefighters, and local legend has it that the shape of the tower is supposed to simulate the end of a fire hose — although the architects denied this claim. The first and second floors house beautiful examples of New Deal-era idealist murals, and the top floor (reached by elevator) has featured paintings or other art. Artists put in their own signatures and messages in the murals, which interpretive plaques point out.', 'id': u'landmark_25418'} {'content': u'Beautiful European stylized restaurant with a great menu of Italian cuisine and wine, serving walk-ins only - keeping the client\xe8le local and less stuffy than reservation only dinning.', 'id': u'landmark_26256'} {'content': u"One of the LA area's more popular beaches, including the infamous Muscle Beach which the city has set up as an outdoor weightlifting gym for the local hulks. People watching along Venice Beach is something to put on your "things to do before you die" list. Think of the scene as a Bohemian-Mardis Gras-Beach Blanket Bingo-Circus. If that doesn't make any sense, well neither does Venice and that's the charm. Every summer day and every weekend, join the parade of humanity strolling amongst amazing and bizarre street performers, obscenely bulging body builders (at Muscle Beach), eclectic shops and street vendors, panhandlers, and beautiful, scantily clad, people desperately seeking attention. Go ahead and stare at it all. That's the point. Walking is fine but if you like to bike there is a great path along the beach. There are many places to rent bikes. You cannot however ride them on the pedestrian street.", 'id': u'landmark_32154'} {'content': u'As you might guess, the emphasis here is on the fresh salads of all types, but you can get them small, meal-sized or pair them with steak, chicken or fish. This popular eatery uses local, organic produce to assemble fresh and healthy salads and soups, as well as delectable hot dishes from the grill, such as free-range chicken, Angus flatiron steak, and line-caught tuna. This eco-conscious restaurant also uses biodegradable to-go containers, reclaimed timber, and non-toxic cleaners. The atmosphere is relaxed and beautiful, with a spacious patio for outdoor dining. Portions are large, and a wide array of boutique wines and microbrews will please any palate. Friendly service.', 'id': u'landmark_7048'} {'content': u'A very nice museum, exhibiting an impressive collection of crystals, mostly from Chamonix (smoky and rose quartz), but also from the rest of the Alps and worldwide. At the museum you get to enjoy the beautiful exhibits and learn about the processes that formed them and the geology of the sites where they were mined. Created and maintained through a partnership between the city council and the [ local Mineralogical club], it is both very aesthetic and scientific, displaying pedagogical posters. There is also a smaller crystal museum with free entrance in a cave next to Montenvers station and Mer du Glace, but you need to take the rack rail up or hike.', 'id': u'landmark_5309'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'foods including', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'Really popular oriental restaurant with a mixture foods including noodles, duck and other oriental staples.', 'id': u'landmark_10021'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_single_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'beautiful NEAR/7 local', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'You can follow the path around Cap de Nice half way to Villefranche, but be prepared for several hundred steps up to rejoin the road. It\u2019s a very beautiful walk and you will find mostly local people using it.', 'id': u'landmark_20411'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'centre art', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'. New arts centre offering exhibitions, concerts and films.', 'name': u'An Lanntair Art Centre', 'id': u'landmark_15557'} {'content': u'This is an art centre with a museum and gallery, a cafe and a shop. Also worth seeing are the outdoor sculptures (ask inside for the guide leaflet).', 'name': u'Taigh Chearsabhagh', 'id': u'landmark_15969'} {'content': u"Shows films, though it's primarily an art gallery.", 'name': u'Centre for Contemporary Arts', 'id': u'landmark_10130'} {'content': u'Large 1960s development on the South Bank. Built largely of concrete, views on its architectural merits vary considerably. Presents a varied programme of music, literature, dance, performances and exhibitions on contemporary art and culture at its venues the Royal Festival Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall and The Hayward. A host of new eateries and shops have now opened along the riverside and terrace. The Royal Festival Hall hosts almost daily classical music concerts throughout the year, tickets often available on the day. The Royal Festival Hall has recently been through a long redevelopment though still holds its classic 1960s design. Free events are held daily, ranging from free music to festivals, interactive art installations to the popular slow food market.', 'name': u'Southbank Centre', 'id': u'landmark_16292'} {'content': u'The largest arts centre in Europe.', 'name': u'Barbican Centre', 'id': u'landmark_16066'} {'content': u'The Bluecoat is the oldest Grade 1 listed building in Liverpool\u2019s city centre (dating back to 1717). Following a \xa314.5m redevelopment, it re-opened in March 2008, as a major landmark on the UK map of contemporary culture. With a new wing of galleries and a state-of-the-art Performance Space, the Bluecoat showcases talent across all creative disciplines including visual art, music, literature, dance and live art, and nurtures new talent by providing studio spaces for artists within a unique creative community.', 'name': u'The Bluecoat', 'id': u'landmark_15856'} {'content': u'Regular performances of Irish music and Irish art exhibitions.', 'name': u'Irish Culture Centre', 'id': u'landmark_16143'} {'content': u'Arts centre with occasional public events and exhibits', 'name': u'Fairkytes Arts Centre', 'id': u'landmark_11947'} {'content': u"Founded as an institution in 1451, the University itself is the fourth oldest in the entire United Kingdom, and one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the country. Contains the '''Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery''' (see below), including a reconstruction of Mackintosh's house. The exterior of the main building is fine in its own right; the current main University building is neo-Gothic and dates from 1870, designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott (the man who also designed London's St Pancras railway station). The main building has an interesting visitor's centre (open all year round) which is free and sits atop a drumlin with commanding views over Kelvingrove Park and the western fringes of the city.", 'name': u'Glasgow University', 'id': u'landmark_10094'} {'content': u'Small, alternative Chinese art gallery.', 'name': u'Chinese Arts Centre', 'id': u'landmark_17391'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'tow*', 'landmark', True) {'content': u"The city's grandest public museum, with one of the finest civic collections in Europe housed within this Glasgow Victorian landmark. The collection is quite varied, with artworks, biological displays and anthropological artifacts. The museum as a whole is well-geared towards children and families, with "discovery center" rooms of interactive exhibits and all the displays labeled with easy-to-understand descriptions. The "Life" wing holds fossils, wildlife displays, artifacts from ancient Egypt, exhibits on the Scottish people, a hall of arms and armor, and even a Submarine Spitfire hanging in the main hall of the wing. The "Expression" wing holds a fantastic collection of fine and decorative arts, including Salvador Dal\xed's celebrated "Crucifixion of St. John of the Cross" painting and select works by renowned artists like Van Gogh, Monet and Rembrandt, as well as a hall of period Glasgow furnishings by Mackintosh. The main hall has a functioning organ, and daily recitals are played in the afternoon.", 'name': u'Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum', 'id': u'landmark_10104'} {'content': u'A take-away restaurant offering Chinese cuisine, in the town centre just off the High Street.', 'name': u'China Chef', 'id': u'landmark_15139'} {'content': u'Built in the 1930s including the surrounding square and gardens.', 'name': u'Hackney Town Hall', 'id': u'landmark_16128'} {'content': u'Cocktail lounge in a Georgian townhouse. Also offers some accommodation with thirteen rooms available for hire', 'name': u'The Zetter Townhouse', 'id': u'landmark_16234'} {'content': u'Erected in memory of Henry Bell, first Provost of the town in 1807 and builder of the Comet paddle-steamer in 1812 to link Glasgow, Greenock and Helensburgh.', 'name': u'Henry Bell Monument', 'id': u'landmark_11370'} {'content': u"An area of Georgian townhouses laid out in a radial pattern similar to the English city of [[Bath]]. This neighbourhood has made the transition from originally being an upmarket residential area to a prestigious office district for mainly legal and consultancy firms, although in recent years there have been moves to encourage the companies back into the city centre and return the buildings to residential use. If you make the effort to walk through Kelvingrove Park, go up to this area as it is worth descending down the grand '''Granite Staircase''', on the south side of the hill facing the river.", 'name': u'Park Circus', 'id': u'landmark_10095'} {'content': u'Fort from about 95BC with visitor centre about two miles West of the town centre.', 'name': u'Navan Fort', 'id': u'landmark_1095'} {'content': u"This small tower across the road from the Houses of Parliament is the only part of the original Palace of Westminster still standing. While it is overshadowed in splendour by the surrounding buildings, it's well worth a visit, and has good displays about the early history of Westminster.", 'name': u'The Jewel Tower', 'id': u'landmark_16469'} {'content': u"Fantastic steak house, run by the Patina restaurant empire. If you like beef, this is some of the best in town, with a glass-enclosed aging room where you can view the meat as it ages. Try the dry-aged Ribeye, it will make your head spin. They also have 12 kinds of potatoes on the menu. Not sure why, but they're all good. In the Wells Fargo Center, across from MOCA.", 'name': u"Nick and Stef's", 'id': u'landmark_16614'} {'content': u'The best barbecue in town. 27 microbrews.', 'name': u'Spring Street Smokehouse', 'id': u'landmark_16603'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', '^Beautiful', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'name': u'St. Alfege Church', 'id': u'landmark_16127'} {'content': u'This beautifully preserved Victorian pub still has numerous frequenters, both young and old alike. Classic ales and some great food. Crowded after 17.00.', 'name': u'The Lamb', 'id': u'landmark_16043'} {'content': u"A beautiful converted wharf on the Jubilee Walk which, since 1987, has been home to caf\xe9s, shops and traditional barrows. Originally a warehouse and associated wharf (Hay's Wharf) for the port of London, it was redeveloped as a visitor attraction in the 1950s and has lots of boutique shops.", 'name': u"Hay's Galleria", 'id': u'landmark_16321'} {'content': u'Beautiful Italianate church created during the Catholic revival of the 19th century.', 'name': u'Brompton Oratory', 'id': u'landmark_16375'} {'content': u'is the beautiful home of the Leith-Hay family dating back to 1650. Home to tapestries, china, artwork and furniture; it gives an intriguing insight in to the lives of those who have lived there.', 'name': u'Leith Hall', 'id': u'landmark_12067'} {'content': u'Beautiful, though not large, National Trust property east of [[Aberdaron]]', 'name': u'Plas yn Rhiw', 'id': u'landmark_10622'} {'content': u"a beautifully preserved Victorian shopping arcade, which houses the Tourist Information Bureau and Windows of the Arcade, one of Newcastle's oldest music shops.", 'id': u'landmark_20129', 'name': u'Central Arcade'} {'content': u"is the beautiful and historic heart of the city. Based around classical streets built by Richard Grainger between 1835 and 1842, some of Newcastle upon Tyne's finest buildings and streets lie within the Grainger Town area of the City centre including Grainger Market, Theatre Royal, Grey Street, Grainger Street and Clayton Street. Grey Street was voted as England's finest street in 2005 in a survey of BBC Radio 4 listeners.", 'id': u'landmark_20130', 'name': u'Grainger Town'} {'content': u"A beautiful, historical ''d\xe9cor'' in the ''Art Nouveau'' style (see the ceiling upstairs); good Alsatian cuisine : ''choucroute'', kuglopf, etc, plus good classic ''cuisine de brasserie''.", 'id': u'landmark_21772', 'name': u'Brasserie Bofinger'} {'content': u"This beautiful 10-acre park is one of the crown jewels of Marina del Rey, the heart of community activities, jutting out into the Marina's main channel. Offering what may be the best vista point in the area, this is a great spot for walking and gazing out at the deep blue water, boats and Marina. The park offers waterside picnic tables, lawn areas, and covered picnic areas with barbeque grills. It's a popular viewing area for the annual December [ Marina del Rey Holiday Boat Parade]. During the summer months, free live outdoor concerts by the water in Chace Park are not to be missed. On select Thursdays, (classical music with full symphony orchestra) and Saturdays (easy listening pop) concerts begin at 7PM and last about 2 hours. Seating is first-come, first-serve on the green (many bring their own low lawn chairs or blankets to sit on), and many spectactors pack picnics to enjoy before the concert; bring a jacket or sweater to stay comfortable by the water in the evening. Parking for the park activities is in pay lots only located a block or two from the park.", 'id': u'landmark_17576', 'name': u'Burton Chace Park'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'name:cafe art', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'Tiny traditional diner with some Korean specials.', 'name': u"Art's Cafe", 'id': u'landmark_26082'} {'content': u"Just a stones throw from the performing arts buildings, it's a great place to grab a cappuccino just before the overture.", 'id': u'landmark_25584', 'name': u'Soluna Cafe and Lounge'} {'content': u'Modern cafe attached to the art gallery with efficient and friendly staff. Excellent muffins.', 'name': u'Cafe IKON', 'id': u'landmark_3569'} {'content': u'Great place to eat outside and enjoy the food and the view.', 'name': u'Cafe des Arts', 'id': u'landmark_4478'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'beautiful OR arts', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'Prestigious contemporary art gallery worth a visit.', 'name': u'Saatchi Gallery', 'id': u'landmark_16385'} {'content': u"The city's grandest public museum, with one of the finest civic collections in Europe housed within this Glasgow Victorian landmark. The collection is quite varied, with artworks, biological displays and anthropological artifacts. The museum as a whole is well-geared towards children and families, with "discovery center" rooms of interactive exhibits and all the displays labeled with easy-to-understand descriptions. The "Life" wing holds fossils, wildlife displays, artifacts from ancient Egypt, exhibits on the Scottish people, a hall of arms and armor, and even a Submarine Spitfire hanging in the main hall of the wing. The "Expression" wing holds a fantastic collection of fine and decorative arts, including Salvador Dal\xed's celebrated "Crucifixion of St. John of the Cross" painting and select works by renowned artists like Van Gogh, Monet and Rembrandt, as well as a hall of period Glasgow furnishings by Mackintosh. The main hall has a functioning organ, and daily recitals are played in the afternoon.", 'name': u'Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum', 'id': u'landmark_10104'} {'content': u"A must for anyone with an interest in modern and contemporary design. The permanent exhibition follows the change in British homes from the early 20th century until present day, which is constantly updated to include new design classics. There are temporary exhibits which run for 3-4 months. Recent exhibits have included Saul Bass, Peter Saville and Archigram. The museum also runs ''Designer of the Year'' which awards a prize to a person or organisation that has produced an impressive piece of design (past winner was Jonathan Ive, who designed the iMac and iPod). There is a small shop that has plenty of art and design books as well as designer goods to take home with you.", 'id': u'landmark_16312', 'name': u'Design Museum'} {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'id': u'landmark_16127', 'name': u'St. Alfege Church'} {'content': u"The University of Liverpool's museum comprising their art collection and artefacts housed in an amazing Gothic building which coined the term 'red brick university'.", 'id': u'landmark_15854', 'name': u'Victoria Gallery & Museum'} {'content': u"The art-deco Fox Village Theater (now operated by Regency) is a throwback to "Old Hollywood" that has survived into the multi-plex era, and is often the site of red-carpet premiers. Though the decor reflects it's historic roots, the seating, projection, and sound are excellent and have kept upgraded to meet and exceed modern quality standards.", 'id': u'landmark_16654', 'name': u'Regency Village Theater'} {'content': u'Tends to show art-house films along the High St. The large Odeon multiplex has 18-screens, but is located a bit out-of-the way, at Bugsby Way, on the way to the 02.', 'id': u'landmark_16126', 'name': u'Greenwich Picturehouse'} {'content': u'This is another fine building, boasting a beautiful circular reading room.', 'id': u'landmark_15851', 'name': u'Liverpool Central Library'} {'content': u'An excellent contemporary art gallery in a converted Victorian furniture factory. Press the buzzer to unlock the door, it is not a typical Tate-tourist magnet.', 'id': u'landmark_16246', 'name': u'Victoria Miro Gallery'} {'content': u'The Arts District houses a plethora of unique clothing, houseware and knick-knack boutiques, amidst a rapidly evolving area.', 'name': u'Arts District', 'id': u'landmark_16590'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'beauty AND art', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613', 'name': u'Cicada'} {'content': u'Pepperdine boasts the best ocean views of any college campus in the United States and is consistently ranked by the Princeton Review as having the most beautiful campus in the United States. The University now also consistently ranks in the Top 40 academic programs in the United States. Pepperdine ascends up from Pacific Coast Highway on a huge piece of land, and the Pacific ocean feels part of this uniquely beautiful campus. Of particular note are the Heroes Garden on the Drescher Graduate Campus, the Weisman Museum of Art, and Stauffer Chapel.', 'id': u'landmark_17296', 'name': u'Pepperdine University'} {'content': u"A beautiful, historical ''d\xe9cor'' in the ''Art Nouveau'' style (see the ceiling upstairs); good Alsatian cuisine : ''choucroute'', kuglopf, etc, plus good classic ''cuisine de brasserie''.", 'id': u'landmark_21772', 'name': u'Brasserie Bofinger'} {'content': u'Visible from much of San Francisco and the Bay Area, Coit Tower stands atop Telegraph Hill and gives an excellent view of the bay and the rest of the city. The tower was built by the Federal Works Projects Administration in 1933 with money bequeathed by eccentric San Franciscan Lillie Coit. Coit was said to have chased after firefighters as a young girl, and as an older woman sponsored her favorite fire company. A fan of the volunteer city firefighters, and local legend has it that the shape of the tower is supposed to simulate the end of a fire hose — although the architects denied this claim. The first and second floors house beautiful examples of New Deal-era idealist murals, and the top floor (reached by elevator) has featured paintings or other art. Artists put in their own signatures and messages in the murals, which interpretive plaques point out.', 'id': u'landmark_25418', 'name': u'Coit Tower'} {'content': u"Designed by Arthur Brown Jr., and opened in 1915, the architecture of the building was heavily influenced by the "City Beautiful Movement," which in turn reflected the American Renaissance style of the time. Its "Beaux-Arts" dome (the fifth largest in the world) was modeled after that of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy. The building itself is huge, 393 feet long, by 273 feet wide, and 307 feet high — occupying a full two blocks of San Francisco's downtown real estate. It is considered by many admirers to be the most impressive building in the city. Inside, it features a large rotunda with a grandiose staircase leading up to the second floor. The walls are adorned with oak paneling and the ceilings with crystal chandeliers. City Hall is the site of much history — In 1954 Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe wed here. In 1978, Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk were assassinated here.", 'id': u'landmark_25524', 'name': u'City Hall'} {'content': u"A 1930's vintage cocktail bar with a beautifully restored arabesque art-deco decor. Written up in 'W' and 'Newsweek' magazines for the best martinis in the US back in the 80s. Drinks are moderately expensive but of exceptional quality, even from the well. An intimate and classy setting for a romantic evening with a juke box that leans toward swing and big band music. Named for the Well of Zamzam, one of the holiest places in Islam, a source of blessed beverages.", 'name': u'Aub Zam-Zam', 'id': u'landmark_25847'} {'content': u"Created out of a historic mattress factory showroom in the Westside of Ventura. There are free children's programs that enhance young lives through the arts and provide a cultural revitalization of the Westside. There are also many talented resident artists in studios creating beautiful paintings, jewelry, sculptures, weavings, photographs and ceramics.", 'name': u'Bell Arts Factory', 'id': u'landmark_32180'} {'content': u'From its vantage point overlooking the spectacular Golden Gate, Fort Point protected San Francisco harbor from Confederate and foreign attack during and after the U.S. Civil War. Its beautifully arched casemates display the art of the master brick masons of the Civil War period. It is best approached from the Marina District along the water through the kites and bay-views of the connected Crissy Field Park.', 'id': u'landmark_25699', 'name': u'Fort Point National Historic Site'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', '(beauty AND art) OR cafe', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'Hidden down a backstreet away from the busier parts of Clerkenwell, lies a cosy little bar crammed with several table football machines, and a good selection of cocktails. In the summer people spread out onto the pedestrianised street and chat in the sun. Happy hour 16:00-19:00 daily.', 'name': u'Cafe Kick', 'id': u'landmark_16220'} {'content': u'Great frys and Lunches.', 'id': u'landmark_1626', 'name': u'Thyme & Co. Cafe'} {'content': u'Glasshouse and gardens, with a range of exotic plants, plus a cafe.', 'name': u'Inverness Botanic Gardens', 'id': u'landmark_12235'} {'content': u'Bar, cafe and steakhouse', 'name': u'Circo', 'id': u'landmark_15908'} {'content': u'Fiercely independent, eco and ethically aware cafe. Features all organic, local beer, cider, wines, spirits, teas, and coffee. Their entire menu is vegetarian with vegan options. They serve vegan & gluten free cakes on rotation, and specialise in organic & international alcoholic beverages. Healthy vegetarian menu and specials daily.', 'name': u'MelloMello', 'id': u'landmark_15884'} {'content': u'Park with a boating lake and cafe', 'id': u'landmark_11953', 'name': u'Harrow Lodge Park'} {'content': u'This is an art centre with a museum and gallery, a cafe and a shop. Also worth seeing are the outdoor sculptures (ask inside for the guide leaflet).', 'name': u'Taigh Chearsabhagh', 'id': u'landmark_15969'} {'content': u'Holland Park is a mixture of open spaces, woodland and formal gardens. It includes a large field dedicated to Soccer and Cricket and tennis courts. It was originally the private garden of Holland House, much of which was destroyed. As you walk around the park, you can see bits of the building dotted around the place which give you some idea of how grand it used to be. In the summer this is a great place to catch outdoor opera. An ecology center is located near the police station that provides information about the ecology of the park and arranges various activities for children. A cafe is located nearby that provides ice creams and hot food. The park is an ideal way to walk from Notting Hill Gate to Kensington High St.', 'name': u'Holland Park', 'id': u'landmark_16275'} {'content': u"A favourite with locals, don't be put off by the shabby exterior of this greasy spoon/Thai cafe hybrid. The Thai menu is authentic and very tasty and service is quick. Very close to the Old Vic and around 10 minutes walk from the Southbank Centre: a great alternative to Southbank's uninspiring chain restaurants whether you are on a strict budget or not.", 'name': u"Marie's Cafe", 'id': u'landmark_16324'} {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613', 'name': u'Cicada'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', '(beautiful OR art) AND photograph', 'landmark', True) {'content': u"This gallery houses the Tate collection of British art from 1500 through to contemporary art. A side wing collects together the gallery's collection of paintings by Turner, including some stunning seascapes. Temporary exhibitions are exceedingly varied - recent examples include exhibitions of Turner's paintings of Venice and the work of photographer Wolfgang Tillmans. The best known exhibition is the Turner Prize, consists of works by four artists shortlisted for the annual contemporary art prize, which runs from late October to January each year. | image=Tate Britain (5822081512) (2).jpg", 'name': u'Tate Britain', 'id': u'landmark_16475'} {'content': u'Every day at around 8AM-10AM, locals practice tai-chi, the martial art and meditation practice. Different sections of the park will host everything from jazzercise to sword-play. Sunny days will bring out locals lounging on their blankets. Art fairs are frequent, and the [ oyster-beer fair] in March is very popular. Note the sculpture to volunteer firefighters on the Columbus Ave side. The Sts. Peter and Paul church of the Salesians borders the northern side. Joe Dimaggio and Marilyn Monroe were photographed outside of the church, but they could not be married inside because she was divorced. Monroe and Dimaggio had their reception around the corner at a place which is now called "Pena Pacha Mama" (Powell St between Union & Green). The park used to be a favorite among the Beat poets as well — Jack Kerouac used to hang out here frequently enjoying the sunshine with a bottle of port.', 'name': u'Washington Square', 'id': u'landmark_25424'} {'content': u'Dedicated to the art and history of photographic arts, with works from famous photographers such as Ansel Adams. The museum also holds changing exhibitions and a theater that plays art and cult films.', 'name': u'Museum of Photographic Arts', 'id': u'landmark_25089'} {'content': u'This is a gallery for those interested in rock paintings and photographs, and they also sport a large Beatles collection and paintings by Ronnie Wood and Alberto Vargas. A must for music enthusiasts, if you have the budget.', 'name': u'San Francisco Art Exchange', 'id': u'landmark_26189'} {'content': u"Created out of a historic mattress factory showroom in the Westside of Ventura. There are free children's programs that enhance young lives through the arts and provide a cultural revitalization of the Westside. There are also many talented resident artists in studios creating beautiful paintings, jewelry, sculptures, weavings, photographs and ceramics.", 'name': u'Bell Arts Factory', 'id': u'landmark_32180'} {'content': u'Renowned mountain photographers, the late Galen and Barbara Rowell\u2019s famous Mountain Light studio is located at the center of Bishop. Their stunningly beautiful photographs are one of the best introductions to the spectacular countryside to be seen beyond Bishop.', 'name': u'Mountain Light Studio', 'id': u'landmark_3709'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'restaurant NOT chips', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'Another favorite hangout of USC students, locals, and law enforcement officers alike. Although it is actually a restaurant, La Barca is famous for its "two dollar Tuesdays", when you can get strong and delicious margaritas and pi\xf1a coladas for under three dollars. Expect a long line for seating on Tuesdays.', 'id': u'landmark_16647', 'name': u'La Barca'} {'content': u'Restaurant and bar popular at lunchtime and in the early evenings. Closed Saturday and Sunday.', 'name': u'The Wall', 'id': u'landmark_16091'} {'content': u'The largest urban shopping mall in Europe. Vast array of stores, restaurants and a 14 screen cinema. | image=Westfield Shopping Centre - - 1073123.jpg', 'id': u'landmark_16155', 'name': u'Westfield Shopping Centre'} {'content': u'Italian restaurant.', 'name': u'Tinello', 'id': u'landmark_16505'} {'content': u'This is one of the more sophisticated places in Liverpool and is situated in the largest collection of Grade I listed buildings in the UK. Old warehouses have been converted into shops, apartments, restaurants, pubs, hotels, galleries and museums. For fans of the old This Morning show with Richard and Judy, this is also where the 3D island weather map was situated in the centre of the dock on the water.', 'name': u'Albert Dock', 'id': u'landmark_15845'} {'content': u'A small and fairly ordinary Chinese restaurant by day, this turns into a heaving karaoke bar in the evenings. One of the most reliable places near Liverpool St to get a drink after midnight!', 'name': u'Eat & Drink', 'id': u'landmark_16094'} {'content': u'A take-away restaurant offering Chinese cuisine, in the town centre just off the High Street.', 'name': u'China Chef', 'id': u'landmark_15139'} {'content': u'Sit-down Indian restaurant, very clean with friendly staff, good range of curries, licensed. Reasonably priced with good portions. Also does takeaway.', 'name': u'Red Chilli', 'id': u'landmark_1156'} {'content': u'Small shopping centre built around the tube station of the same name. Includes a supermarket, some restaurants and caf\xe9s along with its other shops, as well as a cinema and pub. | image=Fulham Broadway stn entrance mall exterior.JPG', 'id': u'landmark_16151', 'name': u'Fulham Broadway'} {'content': u'Japanese restaurant and take-away between South Kensington station and the museums.', 'id': u'landmark_16404', 'name': u'Little Japan'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'centre art', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'. New arts centre offering exhibitions, concerts and films.', 'id': u'landmark_15557', 'name': u'An Lanntair Art Centre'} {'content': u'This is an art centre with a museum and gallery, a cafe and a shop. Also worth seeing are the outdoor sculptures (ask inside for the guide leaflet).', 'id': u'landmark_15969', 'name': u'Taigh Chearsabhagh'} {'content': u"Shows films, though it's primarily an art gallery.", 'id': u'landmark_10130', 'name': u'Centre for Contemporary Arts'} {'content': u'Large 1960s development on the South Bank. Built largely of concrete, views on its architectural merits vary considerably. Presents a varied programme of music, literature, dance, performances and exhibitions on contemporary art and culture at its venues the Royal Festival Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall and The Hayward. A host of new eateries and shops have now opened along the riverside and terrace. The Royal Festival Hall hosts almost daily classical music concerts throughout the year, tickets often available on the day. The Royal Festival Hall has recently been through a long redevelopment though still holds its classic 1960s design. Free events are held daily, ranging from free music to festivals, interactive art installations to the popular slow food market.', 'id': u'landmark_16292', 'name': u'Southbank Centre'} {'content': u'The Bluecoat is the oldest Grade 1 listed building in Liverpool\u2019s city centre (dating back to 1717). Following a \xa314.5m redevelopment, it re-opened in March 2008, as a major landmark on the UK map of contemporary culture. With a new wing of galleries and a state-of-the-art Performance Space, the Bluecoat showcases talent across all creative disciplines including visual art, music, literature, dance and live art, and nurtures new talent by providing studio spaces for artists within a unique creative community.', 'id': u'landmark_15856', 'name': u'The Bluecoat'} {'content': u'Regular performances of Irish music and Irish art exhibitions.', 'id': u'landmark_16143', 'name': u'Irish Culture Centre'} {'content': u"Founded as an institution in 1451, the University itself is the fourth oldest in the entire United Kingdom, and one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the country. Contains the '''Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery''' (see below), including a reconstruction of Mackintosh's house. The exterior of the main building is fine in its own right; the current main University building is neo-Gothic and dates from 1870, designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott (the man who also designed London's St Pancras railway station). The main building has an interesting visitor's centre (open all year round) which is free and sits atop a drumlin with commanding views over Kelvingrove Park and the western fringes of the city.", 'id': u'landmark_10094', 'name': u'Glasgow University'} {'content': u'Small, alternative Chinese art gallery.', 'id': u'landmark_17391', 'name': u'Chinese Arts Centre'} {'content': u"Those who are unfamiliar with conceptual art sometimes don't know quite what to expect, or how to approach it. Such travellers should rest assured that the curators at the Pompidou Centre have assembled a marvellous introduction consisting of mostly approachable works which delight, amuse, and entertain. The art is far from the only reason for a visit, as the building also contains a vast public library and a fine restaurant (run by the Costes brothers) on the roof. In fact the place is ''literally'' surrounded by some of the nicest pavement caf\xe9s in the city, in its superb location between the car-free above ground part of Forum Les Halles and the Marais art district.", 'id': u'landmark_21757', 'name': u'Centre Georges Pompidou'} {'content': u'In [[Lochmaddy]]. This is an excellent art centre with a museum and gallery, a cafe, post office and a shop. Also worth seeing are the outdoor sculptures (ask inside for the guide leaflet).', 'id': u'landmark_20730', 'name': u'Taigh Chearsabhagh'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'town*', 'landmark', True) {'content': u'A take-away restaurant offering Chinese cuisine, in the town centre just off the High Street.', 'name': u'China Chef', 'id': u'landmark_15139'} {'content': u'Built in the 1930s including the surrounding square and gardens.', 'name': u'Hackney Town Hall', 'id': u'landmark_16128'} {'content': u'Cocktail lounge in a Georgian townhouse. Also offers some accommodation with thirteen rooms available for hire', 'name': u'The Zetter Townhouse', 'id': u'landmark_16234'} {'content': u'Erected in memory of Henry Bell, first Provost of the town in 1807 and builder of the Comet paddle-steamer in 1812 to link Glasgow, Greenock and Helensburgh.', 'name': u'Henry Bell Monument', 'id': u'landmark_11370'} {'content': u"An area of Georgian townhouses laid out in a radial pattern similar to the English city of [[Bath]]. This neighbourhood has made the transition from originally being an upmarket residential area to a prestigious office district for mainly legal and consultancy firms, although in recent years there have been moves to encourage the companies back into the city centre and return the buildings to residential use. If you make the effort to walk through Kelvingrove Park, go up to this area as it is worth descending down the grand '''Granite Staircase''', on the south side of the hill facing the river.", 'name': u'Park Circus', 'id': u'landmark_10095'} {'content': u'Fort from about 95BC with visitor centre about two miles West of the town centre.', 'name': u'Navan Fort', 'id': u'landmark_1095'} {'content': u"Fantastic steak house, run by the Patina restaurant empire. If you like beef, this is some of the best in town, with a glass-enclosed aging room where you can view the meat as it ages. Try the dry-aged Ribeye, it will make your head spin. They also have 12 kinds of potatoes on the menu. Not sure why, but they're all good. In the Wells Fargo Center, across from MOCA.", 'name': u"Nick and Stef's", 'id': u'landmark_16614'} {'content': u'The best barbecue in town. 27 microbrews.', 'name': u'Spring Street Smokehouse', 'id': u'landmark_16603'} {'content': u"'''Le Pont Saint-Benezet''' is a ruined bridge not far from the Palais des Papes. The bridge was built in the Middle Ages - before the arrival of the Papacy - perhaps partly to allow the local bishop to cross the river to Villeneuve-l\xe8s-Avignon, where the church authorities had installed themselves because of Avignon's then-infamous dirt and lawlessness. The legend of the bridge's building is that a local shepherd, Benezet (a dialect form of Benedict) was inspired by angels to build a bridge. When his appeals to the town authorities proved fruitless, he picked up a vast block of stone and hurled it into the river, to be the bridge's foundation stone. Convinced by this demonstration of divine will, the bridge was swiftly built. The poor shepherd boy was canonised, and his chapel remains on the surviving portion of the bridge. If the bridge was divinely inspired, the Deity must have quickly changed his mind, because before long the bridge became unsafe and, following numerous floods, mostly derelict. Originally, the bridge had 22 arches, reaching across to the tower of Philippe le Bel via the mid-stream \xeele de la Barthelasse. Only 4 of the 22 arches now remain. A multilingual audio tour of the bridge explains some of the local history. The well-known song "Sur '''[ Le Pont D'Avignon]'''" (on the bridge at Avignon) refers to the bridge. The bridge itself is far too narrow for dancing or festivals - the original text of the song was "Sous (under) le pont d'Avignon", referring to the festivals and entertainments staged on the \xeele de la Barthelasse. The current version was popularised by a 19th-century operetta, whose librettist clearly assumed that 'sous le pont d'Avignon' would have meant in the river.", 'name': u'Le Pont Saint-Benezet', 'id': u'landmark_1349'} {'content': u"The best gay and straight friendly club in town, open 7/7, full every night with shows, house and cruising area. Entrance is free of charge all year except July (5\u20ac including a drink) alcohol:8\u20ac soft drinks:5\u20ac beers:7\u20ac frequented in summer by most of theatre festival artists and celebrities. The place is small but on two floors with a smoking area inside. Second floor there is a backroom, first floor a small bar (mostly gay male) with videos. Ground floor dj's, main bar, and a small dance floor. Most people arrive after bars closing hour (1:30AM) so come here later, it's a must! Very friendly staff (1st floor bartender speaks good English)", 'id': u'landmark_1355', 'name': u'esclavebar'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', '^Beautiful', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'Beautiful Italianate church created during the Catholic revival of the 19th century.', 'name': u'Brompton Oratory', 'id': u'landmark_16375'} {'content': u'Beautiful, though not large, National Trust property east of [[Aberdaron]]', 'id': u'landmark_10622', 'name': u'Plas yn Rhiw'} {'content': u'Beautiful European stylized restaurant with a great menu of Italian cuisine and wine, serving walk-ins only - keeping the client\xe8le local and less stuffy than reservation only dinning.', 'name': u'SPQR', 'id': u'landmark_26256'} {'content': u'Beautiful church with impressive stained glass.', 'id': u'landmark_28301', 'name': u'Church of the Holy Rude'} {'content': u'Beautiful food and wonderful staff.', 'id': u'landmark_3991', 'name': u'Fat Olives'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'name:cafe art', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'Tiny traditional diner with some Korean specials.', 'id': u'landmark_26082', 'name': u"Art's Cafe"} {'content': u'Modern cafe attached to the art gallery with efficient and friendly staff. Excellent muffins.', 'id': u'landmark_3569', 'name': u'Cafe IKON'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'beautiful OR arts', 'landmark', False) {'content': u"The city's grandest public museum, with one of the finest civic collections in Europe housed within this Glasgow Victorian landmark. The collection is quite varied, with artworks, biological displays and anthropological artifacts. The museum as a whole is well-geared towards children and families, with "discovery center" rooms of interactive exhibits and all the displays labeled with easy-to-understand descriptions. The "Life" wing holds fossils, wildlife displays, artifacts from ancient Egypt, exhibits on the Scottish people, a hall of arms and armor, and even a Submarine Spitfire hanging in the main hall of the wing. The "Expression" wing holds a fantastic collection of fine and decorative arts, including Salvador Dal\xed's celebrated "Crucifixion of St. John of the Cross" painting and select works by renowned artists like Van Gogh, Monet and Rembrandt, as well as a hall of period Glasgow furnishings by Mackintosh. The main hall has a functioning organ, and daily recitals are played in the afternoon.", 'id': u'landmark_10104', 'name': u'Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum'} {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'id': u'landmark_16127', 'name': u'St. Alfege Church'} {'content': u'This is another fine building, boasting a beautiful circular reading room.', 'id': u'landmark_15851', 'name': u'Liverpool Central Library'} {'content': u'The Arts District houses a plethora of unique clothing, houseware and knick-knack boutiques, amidst a rapidly evolving area.', 'id': u'landmark_16590', 'name': u'Arts District'} {'content': u'. New arts centre offering exhibitions, concerts and films.', 'id': u'landmark_15557', 'name': u'An Lanntair Art Centre'} {'content': u'A small realm of serenity in the midst of the typical turmoil. It used to be the court of the Knights Templar. You can still visit the beautiful Romanesque church, which is one of the oldest ones in London (opened in 1185). | image=TempleChurch-Exterior.jpg', 'id': u'landmark_16062', 'name': u'Temple'} {'content': u"Shows films, though it's primarily an art gallery.", 'id': u'landmark_10130', 'name': u'Centre for Contemporary Arts'} {'content': u'Popular and excellent spot for coffee in the arts district.', 'id': u'landmark_16618', 'name': u'Handsome Coffee Roasters'} {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613', 'name': u'Cicada'} {'content': u'MOLAA is the only museum in the western United States that exclusively features contemporary Latin American art. The museum seeks to educate through the utilization of its permanent collection, traveling exhibitions, and programs. MOLAA is in the newly developing East Village Arts District of Long Beach.', 'id': u'landmark_16539', 'name': u'Museum of Latin American Art'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'beautiful AND art', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'Pepperdine boasts the best ocean views of any college campus in the United States and is consistently ranked by the Princeton Review as having the most beautiful campus in the United States. The University now also consistently ranks in the Top 40 academic programs in the United States. Pepperdine ascends up from Pacific Coast Highway on a huge piece of land, and the Pacific ocean feels part of this uniquely beautiful campus. Of particular note are the Heroes Garden on the Drescher Graduate Campus, the Weisman Museum of Art, and Stauffer Chapel.', 'id': u'landmark_17296', 'name': u'Pepperdine University'} {'content': u"A beautiful, historical ''d\xe9cor'' in the ''Art Nouveau'' style (see the ceiling upstairs); good Alsatian cuisine : ''choucroute'', kuglopf, etc, plus good classic ''cuisine de brasserie''.", 'id': u'landmark_21772', 'name': u'Brasserie Bofinger'} {'content': u'Visible from much of San Francisco and the Bay Area, Coit Tower stands atop Telegraph Hill and gives an excellent view of the bay and the rest of the city. The tower was built by the Federal Works Projects Administration in 1933 with money bequeathed by eccentric San Franciscan Lillie Coit. Coit was said to have chased after firefighters as a young girl, and as an older woman sponsored her favorite fire company. A fan of the volunteer city firefighters, and local legend has it that the shape of the tower is supposed to simulate the end of a fire hose — although the architects denied this claim. The first and second floors house beautiful examples of New Deal-era idealist murals, and the top floor (reached by elevator) has featured paintings or other art. Artists put in their own signatures and messages in the murals, which interpretive plaques point out.', 'id': u'landmark_25418', 'name': u'Coit Tower'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', '(beauty AND splendour) OR food', 'landmark', False) {'content': u"This is the home of the [ Rangers Football Club], capacity 51,082. Ibrox tours run every Friday, Saturday and Sunday (non match days only!) and are priced at \xa35.50 for kids, \xa38 for adults and \xa324.50 for a family group (2 adults and 2 children). On the Ibrox tour, you get access to the home dressing room and hear a recorded message from Walter Smith and Ally McCoist before climbing the marble staircase, visit the illustrious trophy room, the blue room and the manager's office. Tickets, except for matches against Celtic, are available online from the club's website, ticket centre at the stadium and club outlets at JJB Sports Stores in Glasgow city centre. Club merchandise is available from the JJB Rangers Megastore located at the stadium and JJB Sports stores in Glasgow, with unofficial merchandise readily available in the environs of the stadium on matchdays. Food is available at the stadium in the Argyll House restaurant and the various burger stands in and around the stadium concourses. The Sportsmans Chip Shop on Copland Road adjacent to the stadium is also popular with the supporters. There are various bars beside the stadium, with the Louden Tavern on Copland Road being the closest. Along Paisley Road West are numerous bars sympathetic to the Rangers cause, such as the Louden Tavern, the Grapes Bar, District Bar and the Kensignton Bar to name but a few.", 'name': u'Ibrox Stadium', 'id': u'landmark_10134'} {'content': u'Once a large thriving market, it has slowly been shrunk to a third of its size by development in the area. It features a good variety of clothing, crafts and food stalls/shops. Rather promisingly sellers have set up another market in a new space off Hanbury St nearby. | image=Spitalfields Market Horner Buildings - - 320580.jpg', 'name': u'Spitalfields Market', 'id': u'landmark_16083'} {'content': u'Owned by famed designer Terence Conrad, it serves standard food with a menu that changes frequently. It features live jazz every night and on Sunday lunch.', 'name': u'Quaglinos', 'id': u'landmark_16501'} {'content': u'A real ale pub that offers "a beer festival every day of the week". It puts new and different casks on as the previous one sell out and can can have several new beers become available within a single day. Uses it early morning market licence to open with the dawn on weekdays. No bar food served on Saturdays but the restaurant upstairs is still open (M\u2013Th noon\u201315:00; F\u2013Su noon\u201317:00).', 'name': u'The Market Porter', 'id': u'landmark_16339'} {'content': u'Best Indian food around here. Good value buffet during the day.', 'name': u'Nouvelle spice', 'id': u'landmark_16464'} {'content': u'Friendly bar staff pouring chilled beers from a wide selection. Great pub food.', 'name': u'Windmill Tavern', 'id': u'landmark_16334'} {'content': u'Fancy-Schmansy restaurant in Union Station. Good food, pricey but the ambiance of Union Station makes it worth a splurge.', 'name': u'Traxx', 'id': u'landmark_16616'} {'content': u'Market place with stands to eat different types of food or buy seafood, spices, beans and peas, liquors and more. Very charming and lively place. Full of locals and tourists. Parking garage entrance 308 S Hill Street.', 'name': u'Grand Central Market', 'id': u'landmark_16598'} {'content': u'Popular gastro-pub serving good British food from rabbit and boar right through to the local delicacy, scouse. All washed down with a pint of ale.', 'name': u'The Monro', 'id': u'landmark_15883'} {'content': u'Good beer and food.', 'name': u'The Chapel House', 'id': u'landmark_14224'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_multiple_property_fts with arguments ('content', 'name', 'restaurant NOT chips', 'landmark', False) {'content': u'Another favorite hangout of USC students, locals, and law enforcement officers alike. Although it is actually a restaurant, La Barca is famous for its "two dollar Tuesdays", when you can get strong and delicious margaritas and pi\xf1a coladas for under three dollars. Expect a long line for seating on Tuesdays.', 'name': u'La Barca', 'id': u'landmark_16647'} {'content': u'Restaurant and bar popular at lunchtime and in the early evenings. Closed Saturday and Sunday.', 'name': u'The Wall', 'id': u'landmark_16091'} {'content': u'Italian restaurant.', 'name': u'Tinello', 'id': u'landmark_16505'} {'content': u'A small and fairly ordinary Chinese restaurant by day, this turns into a heaving karaoke bar in the evenings. One of the most reliable places near Liverpool St to get a drink after midnight!', 'name': u'Eat & Drink', 'id': u'landmark_16094'} {'content': u'A take-away restaurant offering Chinese cuisine, in the town centre just off the High Street.', 'id': u'landmark_15139', 'name': u'China Chef'} {'content': u"This is the home of the [ Rangers Football Club], capacity 51,082. Ibrox tours run every Friday, Saturday and Sunday (non match days only!) and are priced at \xa35.50 for kids, \xa38 for adults and \xa324.50 for a family group (2 adults and 2 children). On the Ibrox tour, you get access to the home dressing room and hear a recorded message from Walter Smith and Ally McCoist before climbing the marble staircase, visit the illustrious trophy room, the blue room and the manager's office. Tickets, except for matches against Celtic, are available online from the club's website, ticket centre at the stadium and club outlets at JJB Sports Stores in Glasgow city centre. Club merchandise is available from the JJB Rangers Megastore located at the stadium and JJB Sports stores in Glasgow, with unofficial merchandise readily available in the environs of the stadium on matchdays. Food is available at the stadium in the Argyll House restaurant and the various burger stands in and around the stadium concourses. The Sportsmans Chip Shop on Copland Road adjacent to the stadium is also popular with the supporters. There are various bars beside the stadium, with the Louden Tavern on Copland Road being the closest. Along Paisley Road West are numerous bars sympathetic to the Rangers cause, such as the Louden Tavern, the Grapes Bar, District Bar and the Kensignton Bar to name but a few.", 'name': u'Ibrox Stadium', 'id': u'landmark_10134'} {'content': u'Sit-down Indian restaurant, very clean with friendly staff, good range of curries, licensed. Reasonably priced with good portions. Also does takeaway.', 'name': u'Red Chilli', 'id': u'landmark_1156'} {'content': u'Japanese restaurant and take-away between South Kensington station and the museums.', 'id': u'landmark_16404', 'name': u'Little Japan'} {'content': u'There is an independent restaurant facing you in the main driveway, but walk around the corner to the Brewery itself for some generous free beer tasting and the opportunity of buying 8 pint jerry cans of some excellent real ale! Although not technically holding a licence, you can get away with drinking on the adjacent picnic tables. A brewery tour is offered at 2:00pm every day lasting for about 45 minutes.', 'name': u'Arran Brewery', 'id': u'landmark_12339'} {'content': u'A real ale pub that offers "a beer festival every day of the week". It puts new and different casks on as the previous one sell out and can can have several new beers become available within a single day. Uses it early morning market licence to open with the dawn on weekdays. No bar food served on Saturdays but the restaurant upstairs is still open (M\u2013Th noon\u201315:00; F\u2013Su noon\u201317:00).', 'name': u'The Market Porter', 'id': u'landmark_16339'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_fts_with_ranking with arguments ('content', 'beautiful', 'landmark') {'content': u'Pepperdine boasts the best ocean views of any college campus in the United States and is consistently ranked by the Princeton Review as having the most beautiful campus in the United States. The University now also consistently ranks in the Top 40 academic programs in the United States. Pepperdine ascends up from Pacific Coast Highway on a huge piece of land, and the Pacific ocean feels part of this uniquely beautiful campus. Of particular note are the Heroes Garden on the Drescher Graduate Campus, the Weisman Museum of Art, and Stauffer Chapel.', 'id': u'landmark_17296'} {'content': u'Originally founded as the University Botanic Gardens in 1889, now run by Fife Council. Beautiful landscaped gardens, with different conditions (water garden, heath garden, peat garden, rock garden, Chinese garden, Chile garden). Eight beautiful glass houses with orchids, cacti alpine and tropical plants.', 'id': u'landmark_28226'} {'content': u"A beautiful property that is just south of Santa Rosa in the Bennett Valley AVA, Matanzas Creek has great white wines and has one of the country's most beautiful lavender fields - they bloom in July. Make sure to visit then, and enjoy the festivities and beauty - it makes for great photo ops. They also have a gift shop selling their lavender products.", 'id': u'landmark_40695'} {'content': u'A beautiful Baroque church designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, (and is rumoured to have links with Occultists, Freemasons and such-like) and hosts classical music concerts and organ recitals. Its Christmas choir is enjoyable also.', 'id': u'landmark_16127'} {'content': u'This is another fine building, boasting a beautiful circular reading room.', 'id': u'landmark_15851'} {'content': u'A small realm of serenity in the midst of the typical turmoil. It used to be the court of the Knights Templar. You can still visit the beautiful Romanesque church, which is one of the oldest ones in London (opened in 1185). | image=TempleChurch-Exterior.jpg', 'id': u'landmark_16062'} {'content': u'Situated in the beautiful Arts Deco Oviatt Building, Cicada deftly blends elegance of design and superior Italian fare. A chic bar is upstairs, complete with marble dance floor. A perfect place for special occasions, a fine meal before the theatre or just any excuse to be dazzled, both by the atmosphere and the cooking.', 'id': u'landmark_16613'} {'content': u"Described as "the wonder of the entire world", this chapel at the eastern end of Westminster Abbey is a breathtakingly beautiful masterpiece of medieval architecture. | image=Canaletto - The Interior of Henry VII's Chapel in Westminster Abbey.JPG", 'id': u'landmark_16472'} {'content': u'Wolstenholme is an artist run gallery and studio space situated within a beautiful listed ex textile factory in the heart of Liverpool city centre. Info can be found on the website or just by dropping by, you may be fortunate enough to stumble upon some impromptu happening.', 'id': u'landmark_15862'} {'content': u"A beautiful converted wharf on the Jubilee Walk which, since 1987, has been home to caf\xe9s, shops and traditional barrows. Originally a warehouse and associated wharf (Hay's Wharf) for the port of London, it was redeveloped as a visitor attraction in the 1950s and has lots of boutique shops.", 'id': u'landmark_16321'} PASSED ******************** Executing test_getDoc_withValueTypeDouble with arguments ('doc_with_double_1',) Got response: I-1 PASSED ******************** Executing test_getDoc_withLocale with arguments ('doc_with_double_1',) Got response: I-1 PASSED ******************** Executing test_query_arthimetic with arguments () Got response: [] PASSED Tests Result: PASSED 73, FAILED 0 test_get_doc_ids(): PASSED test_any_operator(): PASSED test_doc_get('airline_10',): PASSED test_doc_get('doc_id_does_not_exist',): PASSED test_get_docs_with_limit_offset(5, 5): PASSED test_get_docs_with_limit_offset(-5, -5): PASSED test_multiple_selects('name', 'type', 'country', 'France'): PASSED test_query_where_and_or('type', 'hotel', 'country', 'United States', 'country', 'France', 'vacancy', True): PASSED test_query_pattern_like('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Royal Engineers Museum'): PASSED test_query_pattern_like('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Royal engineers museum'): PASSED test_query_pattern_like('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'eng%e%'): PASSED test_query_pattern_like('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Eng%e%'): PASSED test_query_pattern_like('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '%eng____r%'): PASSED test_query_pattern_like('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '%Eng____r%'): PASSED test_query_pattern_regex('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '\x08Eng.*e\x08'): PASSED test_query_pattern_regex('type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '\x08eng.*e\x08'): PASSED test_query_isNullOrMissing('name', 100): PASSED test_query_ordering('title', 'type', 'hotel'): PASSED test_query_substring('email', 'name', ''): PASSED test_query_collation('name', 'type', 'hotel', 'country', 'France', 'Le Clos Fleuri'): PASSED test_query_join('name', 'callsign', 'destinationairport', 'stops', 'airline', 'type', 'type', 'sourceairport', 'route', 'airline', 'SFO', 'airlineid'): PASSED test_query_inner_join('airline', 'sourceairport', 'country', 'country', 'stops', 'United States', 0, 'icao', 'destinationairport', 10): PASSED test_query_cross_join('country', 'city', 'type', 'type', 'airport', 'airline', 10): PASSED test_query_left_join('airlineid', 10): PASSED test_query_left_outer_join('airlineid', 10): PASSED test_equal_to('country', 'France'): PASSED test_equal_to('type', 'airline'): PASSED test_not_equal_to('country', 'United States'): PASSED test_not_equal_to('type', 'airline'): PASSED test_greater_than('id', 1000): PASSED test_greater_than_or_equal_to('id', 1000): PASSED test_less_than('id', 1000): PASSED test_less_than_or_equal_to('id', 1000): PASSED test_in('country', 'France', 'United States'): PASSED test_between('id', 1000, 2000): PASSED test_is('callsign',): PASSED test_is('iata',): PASSED test_isnot('callsign',): PASSED test_isnot('iata',): PASSED test_not('id', 1000, 2000): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'beautifully', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'cons*', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'of the beautiful', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'local beautiful', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', '\'"foods including\'"', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', '\'beautiful NEAR/7 "local"\'', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'beautiful', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'cons*', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'of the beautiful', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'local beautiful', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'foods including', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_single_property_fts('content', 'beautiful NEAR/7 local', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'centre art', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'tow*', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', '^Beautiful', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'name:cafe art', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'beautiful OR arts', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'beauty AND art', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', '(beauty AND art) OR cafe', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', '(beautiful OR art) AND photograph', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'restaurant NOT chips', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'centre art', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'town*', 'landmark', True): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', '^Beautiful', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'name:cafe art', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'beautiful OR arts', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'beautiful AND art', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', '(beauty AND splendour) OR food', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_multiple_property_fts('content', 'name', 'restaurant NOT chips', 'landmark', False): PASSED test_fts_with_ranking('content', 'beautiful', 'landmark'): PASSED test_getDoc_withValueTypeDouble('doc_with_double_1',): PASSED test_getDoc_withLocale('doc_with_double_1',): PASSED test_query_arthimetic(): PASSED Starting with mutation tests on upgrade CBL db PUT 5 docs to with prefix new_cbl_docs Got response: I-1 Got response: I-1 Got response: "connecting" Activity level: connecting Got response: "nil" Got response: "idle" Got response: #1040 Got response: #1040 Activity level: idle Got response: #1040 Got response: #1040 Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: "stopped" Got response: "stopped" GET 200 Checking if new doc - new_cbl_docs_4 replicated to CBS Checking if new doc - new_cbl_docs_3 replicated to CBS Checking if new doc - new_cbl_docs_2 replicated to CBS Checking if new doc - new_cbl_docs_1 replicated to CBS Checking if new doc - new_cbl_docs_0 replicated to CBS Updating CBL Doc - landmark_10165 Got response: I-1 Updating CBL Doc - route_20859 Got response: I-1 Updating CBL Doc - route_5164 Got response: I-1 Updating CBL Doc - route_53292 Got response: I-1 Updating CBL Doc - route_50214 Got response: I-1 Got response: I-1 Got response: "connecting" Activity level: connecting Got response: "nil" Got response: "idle" Got response: #8426 Got response: #8426 Activity level: idle Got response: #8426 Got response: #8426 Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: "stopped" Got response: "stopped" GET 200 Checking for updates in doc on CBS: route_53292 GET 200 FAILEDFlushing server memory Got response: I-1 Stopping the test server per suite Clearing png files in resources/data ------------------------------------------------------------ generated xml file: /Users/jenkins/build/workspace/CBL_upgrade/results/results.xml ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- generated html file: /Users/jenkins/build/workspace/CBL_upgrade/results/report.html ------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================================= FAILURES ================================================================================================= _____________________________________________________________________________________________ test_upgrade_cbl _____________________________________________________________________________________________ params_from_base_suite_setup = {'base_liteserv_version': '2.5.0', 'base_url': '', 'cbs_ip': '', 'cluster_config': 'resources/cluster_configs/base_cc', ...} @pytest.mark.listener @pytest.mark.upgrade_test def test_upgrade_cbl(params_from_base_suite_setup): """ @summary: 1. Migrate older-pre-built db to a provided cbl apps 2. Start the replication and replicate db to cluster 3. Running all query tests 4. Perform mutation operations a. Add new docs and replicate to cluster b. Update docs for migrated db and replicate to cluster c. Delete docs from migrated db and replicate to cluster @note: encrypted prebuilt databases is copied for 2.1.0 and up and unencrypted database below 2.1.0 """ base_url = params_from_base_suite_setup["base_url"] sg_db = "db" sg_admin_url = params_from_base_suite_setup["sg_admin_url"] sg_blip_url = params_from_base_suite_setup["target_url"] cluster_config = params_from_base_suite_setup["cluster_config"] sg_config = params_from_base_suite_setup["sg_config"] cbs_ip = params_from_base_suite_setup["cbs_ip"] server_url = params_from_base_suite_setup["server_url"] db = Database(base_url) cbl_db, upgrade_cbl_db_name = _upgrade_db(params_from_base_suite_setup) cbl_doc_ids = db.getDocIds(cbl_db, limit=40000) assert len(cbl_doc_ids) == 31591 get_doc_id_from_cbs_query = 'select meta().id from `{}` where meta().id not' \ ' like "_sync%" ORDER BY id'.format("travel-sample") # Replicating docs to CBS sg_client = MobileRestClient() replicator = Replication(base_url) username = "autotest" password = "password" # Reset cluster to ensure no data in system c = Cluster(config=cluster_config) c.reset(sg_config_path=sg_config) sg_client.create_user(sg_admin_url, sg_db, username, password) authenticator = Authenticator(base_url) cookie, session_id = sg_client.create_session(sg_admin_url, sg_db, username) session = cookie, session_id replicator_authenticator = authenticator.authentication(session_id, cookie, authentication_type="session") repl_config = replicator.configure(cbl_db, sg_blip_url, replication_type="push", continuous=True, replicator_authenticator=replicator_authenticator) repl = replicator.create(repl_config) replicator.start(repl) replicator.wait_until_replicator_idle(repl, sleep_time=10, max_times=500) total = replicator.getTotal(repl) completed = replicator.getCompleted(repl) assert total == completed replicator.stop(repl) password = "password" cbs_bucket = "travel-sample" server = CouchbaseServer(server_url) server._create_internal_rbac_bucket_user(cbs_bucket, cluster_config=cluster_config) log_info("Connecting to {}/{} with password {}".format(cbs_ip, cbs_bucket, password)) sdk_client = Bucket('couchbase://{}/{}'.format(cbs_ip, cbs_bucket), password=password, timeout=SDK_TIMEOUT) log_info("Creating primary index for {}".format(cbs_bucket)) n1ql_query = "create primary index index1 on `{}`".format(cbs_bucket) query = N1QLQuery(n1ql_query) sdk_client.n1ql_query(query).execute() new_cbl_doc_ids = db.getDocIds(cbl_db, limit=40000) cbs_doc_ids = [] for row in sdk_client.n1ql_query(get_doc_id_from_cbs_query): cbs_doc_ids.append(row["id"]) log_info("cbl_docs {}, cbs_docs {}".format(len(cbs_doc_ids), len(new_cbl_doc_ids))) assert sorted(cbs_doc_ids) == sorted(new_cbl_doc_ids), "Total no. of docs are different in CBS and CBL app" # Running selected Query tests # Runing Query tests params_for_query_tests = {"cluster_config": cluster_config, "cluster_topology": params_from_base_suite_setup["cluster_topology"], "base_url": params_from_base_suite_setup["base_url"], "suite_source_db": cbl_db, "suite_cbl_db": upgrade_cbl_db_name, "sync_gateway_version": params_from_base_suite_setup["sync_gateway_version"], } query_test_list = [ (test_get_doc_ids, (params_for_query_tests,)), (test_any_operator, (params_for_query_tests,)), (test_doc_get, (params_for_query_tests, 'airline_10')), (test_doc_get, (params_for_query_tests, 'doc_id_does_not_exist')), (test_get_docs_with_limit_offset, (params_for_query_tests, 5, 5)), (test_get_docs_with_limit_offset, (params_for_query_tests, -5, -5)), (test_multiple_selects, (params_for_query_tests, 'name', 'type', 'country', 'France')), (test_query_where_and_or, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'hotel', 'country', 'United States', 'country', 'France', 'vacancy', True)), (test_query_pattern_like, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Royal Engineers Museum')), (test_query_pattern_like, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Royal engineers museum')), (test_query_pattern_like, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'eng%e%')), (test_query_pattern_like, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', 'Eng%e%')), (test_query_pattern_like, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '%eng____r%')), (test_query_pattern_like, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '%Eng____r%')), (test_query_pattern_regex, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '\bEng.*e\b')), (test_query_pattern_regex, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'landmark', 'country', 'name', 'name', '\beng.*e\b')), (test_query_isNullOrMissing, (params_for_query_tests, 'name', 100)), (test_query_ordering, (params_for_query_tests, 'title', 'type', 'hotel')), (test_query_substring, (params_for_query_tests, 'email', 'name', '')), (test_query_collation, (params_for_query_tests, 'name', 'type', 'hotel', 'country', 'France', 'Le Clos Fleuri')), (test_query_join, (params_for_query_tests, 'name', 'callsign', 'destinationairport', 'stops', 'airline', 'type', 'type', 'sourceairport', 'route', 'airline', 'SFO', 'airlineid')), (test_query_inner_join, (params_for_query_tests, 'airline', 'sourceairport', 'country', 'country', 'stops', 'United States', 0, 'icao', 'destinationairport', 10)), (test_query_cross_join, (params_for_query_tests, 'country', 'city', 'type', 'type', 'airport', 'airline', 10)), (test_query_left_join, (params_for_query_tests, 'airlineid', 10)), (test_query_left_outer_join, (params_for_query_tests, 'airlineid', 10)), (test_equal_to, (params_for_query_tests, 'country', 'France')), (test_equal_to, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'airline')), (test_not_equal_to, (params_for_query_tests, 'country', 'United States')), (test_not_equal_to, (params_for_query_tests, 'type', 'airline')), (test_greater_than, (params_for_query_tests, 'id', 1000)), (test_greater_than_or_equal_to, (params_for_query_tests, 'id', 1000)), (test_less_than, (params_for_query_tests, 'id', 1000)), (test_less_than_or_equal_to, (params_for_query_tests, 'id', 1000)), (test_in, (params_for_query_tests, 'country', 'France', 'United States')), (test_between, (params_for_query_tests, 'id', 1000, 2000)), (test_is, (params_for_query_tests, 'callsign')), (test_is, (params_for_query_tests, 'iata')), (test_isnot, (params_for_query_tests, 'callsign')), (test_isnot, (params_for_query_tests, 'iata')), (test_not, (params_for_query_tests, 'id', 1000, 2000)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'beautifully', 'landmark', True)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'cons*', 'landmark', True)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'of the beautiful', 'landmark', True)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'local beautiful', 'landmark', True)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', "'\"foods including'\"", 'landmark', True)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', "'beautiful NEAR/7 \"local\"'", 'landmark', True)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'beautiful', 'landmark', False)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'cons*', 'landmark', False)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'of the beautiful', 'landmark', False)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'local beautiful', 'landmark', False)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'foods including', 'landmark', False)), (test_single_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'beautiful NEAR/7 local', 'landmark', False)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'centre art', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'tow*', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', '^Beautiful', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'name:cafe art', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'beautiful OR arts', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'beauty AND art', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', '(beauty AND art) OR cafe', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', '(beautiful OR art) AND photograph', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'restaurant NOT chips', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'centre art', 'landmark', False)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'town*', 'landmark', True)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', '^Beautiful', 'landmark', False)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'name:cafe art', 'landmark', False)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'beautiful OR arts', 'landmark', False)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'beautiful AND art', 'landmark', False)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', '(beauty AND splendour) OR food', 'landmark', False)), (test_multiple_property_fts, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'name', 'restaurant NOT chips', 'landmark', False)), (test_fts_with_ranking, (params_for_query_tests, 'content', 'beautiful', 'landmark')), (test_getDoc_withValueTypeDouble, (params_for_query_tests, 'doc_with_double_1')), (test_getDoc_withLocale, (params_for_query_tests, 'doc_with_double_1')), (test_query_arthimetic, (params_for_query_tests,)) ] log_info("\nRunning Query tests") tests_result = OrderedDict() test_passed = 0 test_failed = 0 for item in query_test_list: query_test_func = item[0] args = item[1] # Running query test one by one log_info("\n") log_info("*" * 20) log_info("Executing {} with arguments {}".format(query_test_func.__name__, args[1:])) try: query_test_func(*args) log_info("PASSED") tests_result["{}{}".format(query_test_func.__name__, args[1:])] = "PASSED" test_passed += 1 except Exception as err: log_info("FAILED:\n {}".format(err)) tests_result["{}{}".format(query_test_func.__name__, args[1:])] = "FAILED" test_failed += 1 log_info("\n\nTests Result: PASSED {}, FAILED {}".format(test_passed, test_failed)) for key in tests_result: log_info("{}: {}".format(key, tests_result[key])) log_info("\n\nStarting with mutation tests on upgrade CBL db") # Adding few docs to db new_doc_ids = db.create_bulk_docs(number=5, id_prefix="new_cbl_docs", db=cbl_db) replicator.start(repl) replicator.wait_until_replicator_idle(repl) replicator.stop(repl) new_cbl_doc_ids = db.getDocIds(cbl_db, limit=40000) cbs_docs = sg_client.get_all_docs(sg_admin_url, sg_db, session)["rows"] cbs_doc_ids = [doc["id"] for doc in cbs_docs] for new_doc_id in new_doc_ids: log_info("Checking if new doc - {} replicated to CBS".format(new_doc_id)) assert new_doc_id in cbs_doc_ids, "New Docs failed to get replicated" assert sorted(cbs_doc_ids) == sorted(new_cbl_doc_ids), "Total no. of docs are different in CBS and CBL app" # updating old docs doc_ids_to_update = random.sample(cbl_doc_ids, 5) docs = db.getDocuments(cbl_db, doc_ids_to_update) for doc_id in docs: log_info("Updating CBL Doc - {}".format(doc_id)) data = docs[doc_id] data["new_field"] = "test_string_for_{}".format(doc_id) db.updateDocument(cbl_db, doc_id=doc_id, data=data) replicator.start(repl) replicator.wait_until_replicator_idle(repl) replicator.stop(repl) cbs_docs = sg_client.get_all_docs(sg_admin_url, sg_db, session)["rows"] cbs_doc_ids = [doc["id"] for doc in cbs_docs] for doc_id in doc_ids_to_update: log_info("Checking for updates in doc on CBS: {}".format(doc_id)) sg_data = sg_client.get_doc(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db, doc_id=doc_id, auth=session) > assert "new_field" in sg_data, "Updated docs failed to get replicated" E AssertionError: Updated docs failed to get replicated E assert 'new_field' in {'_id': 'route_53292', '_rev': '1-3ed7be847c815fc61b425480a4527b9dc678bcc5', '_revisions': {'ids': ['3ed7be847c815fc61b425480a4527b9dc678bcc5'], 'start': 1}, 'airline': 'TO', ...} testsuites/CBLTester/upgrade_tests/ AssertionError =========================================================================================== 73 tests deselected ============================================================================================ ================================================================================ 1 failed, 73 deselected in 648.51 seconds ================================================================================= (venv) mobile-qe-mac-laptop-7:CBL_upgrade couchbase$