(venv) Hemants-MacBook-Pro:mobile-testkit hemant$ pytest -s --skip-provisioning --timeout 3600 --base-liteserv-version=2.5.0 --upgraded-liteserv-version=2.6.0-154 --liteserv-host= --liteserv-port=8080 --liteserv-platform=android --enable-file-logging --encrypted-db --encrypted-db-password=password --sync-gateway-version=2.6.0-131 --mode=cc --server-version=6.0.1-2037 testsuites/CBLTester/upgrade_tests/test_cbl_upgrade.py -k test_upgrade_cbl ============================================================================================================================ test session starts ============================================================================================================================= platform darwin -- Python 2.7.16, pytest-3.0.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /Users/hemant/couchbase/couchbase/mobile-testkit/venv/bin/python2.7 cachedir: .cache rootdir: /Users/hemant/couchbase/couchbase/mobile-testkit, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: timeout-1.0.0, html-1.10.0 collected 74 items testsuites/CBLTester/upgrade_tests/test_cbl_upgrade.py::test_upgrade_cbl {u'load_generators': [], u'couchbase_servers': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'cb1'}], u'sync_gateways': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'sg1'}], u'environment': {u'delta_sync_enabled': False, u'x509_certs': False, u'sync_gateway_ssl': False, u'sg_lb_enabled': False, u'sg_use_views': False, u'no_conflicts_enabled': False, u'xattrs_enabled': False, u'number_replicas': 0, u'sync_gateway_version': u'2.6.0-131', u'ipv6_enabled': False, u'cbs_ssl_enabled': False, u'server_version': u'6.0.1-2037'}, u'hosts': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host1'}, {u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host2'}], u'load_balancers': [], u'sg_accels': []} Extracted host ( from url ( Running tests with load balancer disabled Running test with server version 6.0.1-2037 Running test with sync_gateway version 2.6.0-131 Using document storage for sync meta data Running with allow conflicts Running tests with cbs <-> sg ssl disabled Running without delta sync {u'load_generators': [], u'couchbase_servers': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'cb1'}], u'sync_gateways': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'sg1'}], u'environment': {u'delta_sync_enabled': False, u'x509_certs': False, u'sg_use_views': False, u'sg_lb_enabled': False, u'sync_gateway_ssl': False, u'no_conflicts_enabled': False, u'xattrs_enabled': False, u'number_replicas': 0, u'sync_gateway_version': u'2.6.0-131', u'ipv6_enabled': False, u'cbs_ssl_enabled': False, u'server_version': u'6.0.1-2037'}, u'hosts': [{u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host1'}, {u'ip': u'', u'name': u'host2'}], u'load_balancers': [], u'sg_accels': []} Extracted host ( from url ( Verfying versions for cluster: resources/cluster_configs/base_cc GET http://Administrator:password@ 200 Expected Server Version: 6.0.1-2037 Running Server Version: 6.0.1-2037 GET 200 'server' header: Couchbase Sync Gateway/2.6.0 EE vendor name: Couchbase Sync Gateway GET 200 Expected sync_gateway Version: 2.6.0-131 Running sync_gateway Version: 2.6.0-131 Running sync_gateway Vendor Version: 2.6 Starting TestServer... Got response: @1_172.16.1.147_android Log files available at - /data/user/0/com.couchbase.TestServerApp/files/logs_1566209248 Got response: @2_172.16.1.147_android Got response: @3_172.16.1.147_android Got response: I-1 Copying db of CBL-2.5.0 to CBL-2.6.0-154 Got response: "Copied" Got response: @4_172.16.1.147_android resources/cluster_configs/base_cc cbs: [''] sgs: [{'ip': u'', 'name': u'sg1'}] acs: [] ssl: False >>> Reseting cluster ... >>> CBS SSL enabled: False >>> Using xattrs: False >>> Stopping sync_gateway Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/stop-sync-gateway.yml PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Stop sync_gateway service] ******************************** changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Stop sync_gateway for CentOS 6] *************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Verify sync_gateway not listening on port] **************** ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Stop sync_gateway service on Windows] ********************* skipping: [sg1] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* sg1 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 >>> Stopping sg_accel Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/stop-sg-accel.yml PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* >>> Deleting sync_gateway artifacts Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/delete-sync-gateway-artifacts.yml PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs] ********************************* changed: [sg1] [WARNING]: Consider using file module with state=absent rather than running rm TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs on Windows] ********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Create sync_gateway logs directory on Windows] ************ skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs on Windows] ********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs directory under Temp on Windows] * skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Delete sync_gateway logs on Windows] ********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Create sync_gateway logs directory under c:/tmp on Windows] *** skipping: [sg1] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* sg1 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 >>> Deleting sg_accel artifacts Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/delete-sg-accel-artifacts.yml PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* >>> Deleting buckets on: GET 200 Found buckets: [u'travel-sample'] Existing buckets: [u'travel-sample'] Deleting buckets: [u'travel-sample'] GET http://Administrator:password@ 200 Deleting RBAC user travel-sample DELETE 200 DELETE 200 GET 200 Found buckets: [] >>> Creating buckets on: >>> Creating buckets [u'travel-sample'] Creating buckets: [u'travel-sample'] total_avail_ram_mb: 3789 effective_avail_ram_mb: 2519 Creating bucket travel-sample with RAM 2519 GET http://Administrator:password@ 200 POST 202 Creating RBAC user travel-sample with password password and roles ro_admin,bucket_full_access[travel-sample] PUT 200 Key not found error: Bucket is ready! GET 200 Node is still not healthy. Status: warmup Retrying ... GET 200 Node is still not healthy. Status: warmup Retrying ... GET 200 All nodes are healthy >>> Waiting for Server: to be in a healthy state GET 200 All nodes are healthy >>> Starting sync_gateway with configuration: /Users/hemant/couchbase/couchbase/mobile-testkit/resources/sync_gateway_configs/sync_gateway_travel_sample_cc.json Keyerror in getting loggingredactlevel revs_limit not found in resources/cluster_configs/base_cc, Ignoring Running playbook: libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/start-sync-gateway.yml [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /Users/hemant/couchbase/couchbase/mobile-testkit/libraries/provision/ansible/playbooks/start-sync-gateway.yml, line 23, column 5, found a duplicate dict key (sudo). Using last defined value only. [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Instead of sudo/sudo_user, use become/become_user and make sure become_method is 'sudo' (default). This feature will be removed in a future release. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Copy sync gateway config to host] ************************* changed: [sg1] TASK [Deleting /home/sync_gateway/certs directory] ***************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [Deleting /home/sync_gateway/certs.zip] *********************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [Copying certs.zip to /home/sync_gateway directory] *********************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [Unzipping certs.zip] ***************************************************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check deployed config] ************************************ changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Print deployed config] ************************************ ok: [sg1] => { "out.stdout": { "adminInterface": "", "compressResponses": false, "databases": { "db": { "bucket": "travel-sample", "num_index_replicas": 0, "password": "password", "server": "", "username": "travel-sample" } }, "interface": ":4984", "logging": { "debug": { "enabled": true } }, "maxCouchbaseConnections": 16, "maxFileDescriptors": 90000, "maxIncomingConnections": 0 } } TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Deploying SSL Cert] *************************************** changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Deploying SSL Private Key] ******************************** changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check if C:\PROGRA~2\Couchbase is present on Windows] ***** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Copy sync gateway config to C:\PROGRA~2\Couchbase] ******** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check deployed config C:\PROGRA~2\Couchbase\serviceconfig.json] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check if C:\PROGRA~1\Couchbase\Sync Gateway is present on Windows] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Copy sync gateway config to C:\PROGRA~1\Couchbase\Sync Gateway] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Check deployed config C:\PROGRA~1\Couchbase\Sync Gateway\serviceconfig.json] *** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Print deployed config] ************************************ skipping: [sg1] PLAY [sync_gateways] *********************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [sg1] => { "msg": "Starting sync_gateway" } TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Start sync gateway service] ******************************* changed: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Wait until sync gateway to listen on port] **************** ok: [sg1] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Start sync_gateway service on Windows] ******************** skipping: [sg1] TASK [SYNC GATEWAY | Wait until sync gateway to listen on port] **************** skipping: [sg1] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* sg1 : ok=10 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0 >>> Running in channel cache POST 201 POST 200 cookie name SyncGatewaySession, session id 593016997aee8df0d513c9ed6ecb1381d2f5b3dd Got response: @5_172.16.1.147_android Got response: @6_172.16.1.147_android Got response: @7_172.16.1.147_android Got response: I-1 Got response: "connecting" Activity level: connecting Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L327370 Got response: L19522 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L327370 Got response: L58752 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L327370 Got response: L98104 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L327370 Got response: L124146 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L327370 Got response: L158056 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L327370 Got response: L186854 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L5268790 Got response: L217018 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L5268790 Got response: L244606 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L5268790 Got response: L276354 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L5268790 Got response: L301468 Activity level: busy Got response: I-1 Got response: "busy" Got response: L5268790 Got response: L326450 Activity level: busy FAILEDFlushing server memory testsuites/CBLTester/upgrade_tests/test_cbl_upgrade.py::test_upgrade_cbl ERROR