11-12 12:55:34.377 7353 7353 I art : Not late-enabling -Xcheck:jni (already on) 11-12 12:55:34.385 1535 1804 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7353:com.couchbase.lite.test/u0a66 for added application com.couchbase.lite.test 11-12 12:55:34.401 7353 7353 W ResourcesManager: Asset path '/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. 11-12 12:55:34.411 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Instrumentation started on process com.couchbase.lite.test 11-12 12:55:34.411 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Setting context classloader to 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]]', Original: 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]]' 11-12 12:55:34.413 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: No JSBridge. 11-12 12:55:34.414 7353 7371 I MonitoringInstr: Setting context classloader to 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]]', Original: 'dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]]' 11-12 12:55:34.422 7353 7371 I UsageTrackerFacilitator: Usage tracking enabled 11-12 12:55:34.424 7353 7371 I TestRequestBuilder: Scanning classpath to find tests in paths [/data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/base.apk] 11-12 12:55:34.804 7353 7371 W AndroidJUnit4Builder: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.util.stream.DoubleStream in hasTestMethods for kotlin.streams.jdk8.StreamsKt 11-12 12:55:34.852 7353 7371 W AndroidJUnit4Builder: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.nio.file.Path in hasTestMethods for okio.Okio 11-12 12:55:34.861 7353 7371 D TestExecutor: Adding listener android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.LogRunListener 11-12 12:55:34.861 7353 7371 D TestExecutor: Adding listener android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationResultPrinter 11-12 12:55:34.861 7353 7371 D TestExecutor: Adding listener android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.ActivityFinisherRunListener 11-12 12:55:34.861 7353 7371 D TestExecutor: Adding listener android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.CoverageListener 11-12 12:55:34.895 7353 7371 I TestRunner: run started: 545 tests 11-12 12:55:34.897 7353 7371 I TestRunner: ignored: testConcurrentExecutorFailure(com.couchbase.lite.AndroidExecutionServiceTest) 11-12 12:55:34.899 7353 7371 I TestRunner: ignored: testSerialExecutorFailure(com.couchbase.lite.AndroidExecutionServiceTest) 11-12 12:55:34.902 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetInteger(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:34.903 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:34.907 7353 7371 W System.err: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /jacoco.exec: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:456) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at java.io.FileOutputStream.(FileOutputStream.java:87) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_8ff85ea.output.FileOutput.openFile(FileOutput.java:67) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_8ff85ea.output.FileOutput.startup(FileOutput.java:49) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_8ff85ea.Agent.startup(Agent.java:122) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_8ff85ea.Agent.getInstance(Agent.java:50) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_8ff85ea.Offline.(Offline.java:31) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at com.couchbase.lite.CouchbaseLite.$jacocoInit(CouchbaseLite.java) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at com.couchbase.lite.CouchbaseLite.(CouchbaseLite.java) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at com.couchbase.lite.PlatformBaseTest.initCouchbaseLite(PlatformBaseTest.java:37) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at com.couchbase.lite.BaseTest.setUp(BaseTest.java:81) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:50) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:12) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:47) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at android.support.test.internal.runner.junit4.statement.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:76) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at android.support.test.internal.runner.junit4.statement.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:61) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.rules.ExpectedException$ExpectedExceptionStatement.evaluate(ExpectedException.java:239) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(RunRules.java:20) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(ParentRunner.java:325) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:78) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:57) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:290) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:71) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:288) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:58) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:268) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:363) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:128) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:27) 11-12 12:55:34.908 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:290) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:71) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:288) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:58) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:268) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:363) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:137) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:115) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at android.support.test.internal.runner.TestExecutor.execute(TestExecutor.java:56) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner.onStart(AndroidJUnitRunner.java:384) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation$InstrumentationThread.run(Instrumentation.java:1853) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at libcore.io.Posix.open(Native Method) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:186) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:442) 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W System.err: ... 41 more 11-12 12:55:34.909 7353 7371 W linker : /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffef5 arg 0x1b51a8 11-12 12:55:34.910 7353 7371 W linker : /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x1edd88 11-12 12:55:34.910 7353 7371 W linker : /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3 11-12 12:55:34.920 7353 7371 E CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Failed to load error messages! (org.json.JSONException: Value {"CreateDBDirectoryFailed":"Unable to create database directory.","CloseDBFailedReplications":"Cannot close the database. Please stop all of the replicators before closing the database.","CloseDBFailedQueryListeners":"Cannot close the database. Please remove all of the query listeners before closing the database.","DeleteDBFailedReplications":"Cannot delete the database. Please stop all of the replicators before closing the database.","DeleteDBFailedQueryListeners":"Cannot delete the database. Please remove all of the query listeners before closing the database.","DeleteDocFailedNotSaved":"Cannot delete a document that has not yet been saved.","DocumentNotFound":"The document doesn't exist in the database.","DocumentAnotherDatabase":"Cannot operate on a document from another database.","BlobDifferentDatabase":"A document contains a blob that was saved to a different database. The save operation cannot complete.","BlobContentNull":"No data available to write for install. Please ensure that all blobs in the document have non-null content.","ResolvedDocContainsNull":"Resolved document has a null body.","ResolvedDocFailedLiteCore":"LiteCore failed resolving conflict.","ResolvedDocWrongDb":"Resolved document's database %1$s is different from expected database %2$s.","DBClosed":"Attempt to perform an operation on a closed database.","NoDocumentRevision":"No revision data on the document!","FragmentPathNotExist":"Specified fragment path does not exist in object; cannot set value.","InvalidCouchbaseObjType":"%1$s is not a valid type. You may only pass %2$s, Blob, a one-dimensional array or a dictionary whose members are one of the preceding types.","InvalidValueToBeDeserialized":"Non-string or null key in data to be deserialized.","BlobContainsNoData":"Blob has no data available.","NotFileBasedURL":"%1$s must be a file-based URL.","BlobReadStreamNotOpen":"Stream is not open.","CannotSetLogLevel":"Cannot set logging level without a configuration.","InvalidSchemeURLEndpoint":"Invalid scheme for URLEndpoint url (%1$s). It must be either 'ws:' or 'wss:'.","InvalidEmbeddedCredentialsInURL":"Embedded credentials in a URL (username:password@url) are not allowed. Use the BasicAuthenticator class instead.","ReplicatorNotStopped":"Replicator is not stopped. Resetting checkpoint is only allowed when the replicator is in the stopped state.","QueryParamNotAllowedContainCollections":"Query parameters are not allowed to contain collections.","MissASforJoin":"Missing AS clause for JOIN.","MissONforJoin":"Missing ON statement for JOIN.","ExpressionsMustBeIExpressionOrString":"Expressions must either be %1$s or String.","InvalidExpressionValueBetween":"Invalid expression value for expression of Between(%1$s).","ResultSetAlreadyEnumerated":"This result set has already been enumerated. Please re-execute the original query.","ExpressionsMustContainOnePlusElement":"%1$s expressions must contain at least one element.","DuplicateSelectResultName":"Duplicate select result named %1$s.","NoAliasInJoin":"The default database must have an alias in order to use a JOIN statement (Make sure your data source uses the As() function).","InvalidQueryDBNull":"Invalid query: The database is null.","InvalidQueryMissingSelectOrFrom":"Invalid query: missing Select or From.","PullOnlyPendingDocIDs":"Pending Document IDs are not supported on pull-only replicators."} of type org.json.JSONObject cannot be converted to JSONArray) 11-12 12:55:34.947 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@2d9efce9, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:34.948 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1}==> N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE 0x7fc02b048f18 @0x7fc02b048f18 11-12 12:55:34.948 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} instantiated on /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:34.948 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} created for DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 at /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:34.948 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:34.948 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} Opening database 11-12 12:55:34.964 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:34.965 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:34.965 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:34.965 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:34.966 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:34.966 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:34.966 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:34.966 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:34.966 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:34.967 7353 7371 W CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Database.log.getFile().getConfig() is now null: logging is disabled. Log files required for product support are not being generated. 11-12 12:55:34.971 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:34.972 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:34.973 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:34.973 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:34.973 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@2d9efce9, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:34.974 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} Closing database 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:34.979 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:34.980 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:34.980 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:34.980 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetInteger(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:34.982 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:34.983 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:34.984 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:34.985 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@22f6dd6e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:34.986 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049040 11-12 12:55:34.986 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049040 11-12 12:55:34.986 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} Opening database 11-12 12:55:34.995 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:34.995 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:34.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:34.997 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} Saved 'test' rev #1-bc0bb0da4797520b8b12bb042631af4e510e7f6f as seq 1 11-12 12:55:34.997 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:34.997 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:34.997 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@22f6dd6e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:34.997 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049040 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.002 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.003 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.003 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.003 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.005 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.006 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetGetMinMaxNumbers(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.006 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.007 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@ba7fc0f, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.007 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049540 11-12 12:55:35.007 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049540 11-12 12:55:35.007 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.015 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.016 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.016 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.016 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.016 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.016 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.016 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-a0091bd4374bacd97b995d63cf339729c12e8f01 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.017 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@ba7fc0f, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.018 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.021 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049540 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.022 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetGetMinMaxNumbers(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.024 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.025 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.026 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.026 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@27ed149c, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.026 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049f40 11-12 12:55:35.026 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049f40 11-12 12:55:35.026 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.034 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.034 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.034 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.036 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.036 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.036 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.036 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.037 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.037 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.037 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@27ed149c, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.038 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049f40 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.042 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.043 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.043 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.045 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.045 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.046 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.047 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@8e17ea5, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.047 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:35.047 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:35.047 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.054 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.054 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.055 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.055 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.055 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.055 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.055 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.055 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.055 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.056 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.056 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.056 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.056 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.057 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.057 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.057 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.057 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@8e17ea5, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.058 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.061 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.061 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:35.061 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.061 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.061 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.061 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.061 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.062 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.062 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.062 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.062 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.064 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.064 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.065 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.066 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1537627a, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.066 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.066 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.066 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.074 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.075 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} Saved 'test' rev #1-ac0cb85a9a29e37074e9143c7eba5ccc07db9065 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.075 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.075 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.075 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1537627a, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.075 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.079 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.081 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.083 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddNull(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.084 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.085 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@cf24a2b, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.085 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.085 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.085 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.092 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.092 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.093 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.094 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-9ff9e3886c81fa5171fca54414438f28b6caffbb as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.094 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.094 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.094 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@cf24a2b, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.094 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.097 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.098 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.098 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.098 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddNull(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.100 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.100 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testCreateWithList(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.101 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.101 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1e04de88, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.102 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:35.102 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:35.102 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.108 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.109 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.109 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.109 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.109 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.109 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.109 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-8a6fd92202ecbc324d954873327e2b8c4261f1fa as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1e04de88, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.110 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.115 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testCreateWithList(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.117 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.118 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testCount(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.118 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.119 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@29106021, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.119 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.119 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.119 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.143 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.144 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.144 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.144 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.145 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.145 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.145 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.145 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.145 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.145 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.147 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.147 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.147 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@29106021, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.147 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.159 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.159 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.159 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.159 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.159 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.160 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.160 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.160 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.160 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.160 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.160 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testCount(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.163 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.163 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetNestedArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.164 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.165 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@33c92c46, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.165 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04bd40 11-12 12:55:35.165 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04bd40 11-12 12:55:35.165 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.175 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.175 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.176 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.177 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-3771e875942382e54d76b402f04dcd2238d13200 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.177 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.177 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.178 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@33c92c46, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.178 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bd40 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.185 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.186 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.186 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetNestedArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.188 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.188 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bd40 11-12 12:55:35.188 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bd40 11-12 12:55:35.188 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#11} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.189 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bd40 11-12 12:55:35.189 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testRemoveOutOfBound(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.190 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.190 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.190 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1c495e07, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.191 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.191 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#10} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.191 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.191 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.191 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.191 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.192 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:35.192 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:35.192 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#9} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.192 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:35.195 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.195 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.195 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#2} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.195 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.195 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.196 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.196 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#8} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.196 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#7} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.200 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049040 11-12 12:55:35.200 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049040 11-12 12:55:35.200 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#3} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.200 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049040 11-12 12:55:35.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049540 11-12 12:55:35.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049540 11-12 12:55:35.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#4} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049540 11-12 12:55:35.204 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:35.204 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:35.204 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#6} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.205 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:35.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049f40 11-12 12:55:35.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049f40 11-12 12:55:35.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#5} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049f40 11-12 12:55:35.208 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.209 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.210 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.210 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.210 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1c495e07, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.210 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#12} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#1} destructing 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#13}==> N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE 0x7fc02b04b998 @0x7fc02b04b998 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#13} instantiated on /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#13} created for DataFile 0x0 at /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#13} destructing 11-12 12:55:35.215 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.216 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testRemoveOutOfBound(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.218 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.218 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.219 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.220 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1ef1dd5d, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.220 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14}==> N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE 0x7fc02b048f18 @0x7fc02b048f18 11-12 12:55:35.220 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} instantiated on /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.220 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} created for DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 at /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.220 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.220 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.227 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.227 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} Saved 'test' rev #1-f5a90c78bbde83181abbd1e91e1af6c485302973 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.229 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1ef1dd5d, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.233 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.236 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.236 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.237 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.238 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@315bc6d2, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.238 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.238 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.238 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.246 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.246 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.248 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.248 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} Saved 'test' rev #1-fdccd0f39bddae2b93482bb02050bea8f102e32d as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.248 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.248 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.248 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@315bc6d2, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.248 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.252 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.254 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.255 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetDate(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.256 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.257 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1313d3a3, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.257 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.257 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.257 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.265 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.265 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.265 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.265 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.266 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.266 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.266 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.266 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.266 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.267 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.267 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.267 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.267 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.268 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.268 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.268 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.268 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1313d3a3, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.269 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.272 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.273 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetDate(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.275 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.276 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.276 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.277 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3cfef6a0, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.278 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:35.278 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:35.278 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.286 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.286 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.286 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.286 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.288 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.288 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.288 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.288 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.288 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.289 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.289 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3cfef6a0, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.289 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.293 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.294 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.294 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.295 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.297 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.297 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddObjects(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.298 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.299 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@773f259, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.299 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a1c0 11-12 12:55:35.299 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a1c0 11-12 12:55:35.299 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.309 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.309 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.309 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.310 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.310 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.310 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.310 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.310 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.310 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.310 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.311 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.311 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.311 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.312 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.313 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} Saved 'doc1' rev #2-bcd94d9d4b003cb1dd2a8fe7bdb2a02186d51095 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.313 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.313 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@773f259, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.313 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a1c0 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.318 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.325 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.325 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddObjects(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.328 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.328 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddObjectsToExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.329 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.330 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@a0b7e1e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.330 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.330 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.330 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.338 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.338 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.339 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.340 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.340 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.340 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.341 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.341 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Saved 'doc0' rev #2-8616499f211378013bdb4059a60183ceb4863c5b as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.341 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.342 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.344 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 3 11-12 12:55:35.344 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.344 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.345 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Saved 'doc1' rev #2-8616499f211378013bdb4059a60183ceb4863c5b as seq 4 11-12 12:55:35.345 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.345 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@a0b7e1e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.346 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.350 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.351 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.351 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddObjectsToExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.352 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.353 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.354 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.355 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@308606ff, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.355 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.355 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.355 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.362 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.362 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.362 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.362 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.362 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} Saved 'test' rev #1-7f5b304e7e736771d8e1f14580e2607a3844ef66 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.363 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.364 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@308606ff, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.364 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.367 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.367 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.367 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.367 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.368 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.368 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.368 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.368 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.368 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.368 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.368 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.370 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.370 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetGetFloatNumbers(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.371 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.372 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@276cdccc, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.372 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.372 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.372 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.380 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.380 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.380 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.380 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-5dc4fc167f13ef161d5c47ee10a1bb485c0243a4 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.381 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.382 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@276cdccc, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.382 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.386 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.387 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.387 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetGetFloatNumbers(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.389 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.390 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.391 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.392 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@6685b15, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.392 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.392 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.392 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.402 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.403 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.403 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.404 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.404 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.404 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.404 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.404 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.404 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.404 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.405 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} Saved 'test' rev #1-1a21b6e89cb25d35f3b9ebb073095871903eafb9 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.405 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.405 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.405 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@6685b15, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.405 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.410 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.412 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.413 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertInt(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.414 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.415 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@d6d5e2a, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.415 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:35.415 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:35.415 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.422 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.423 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.423 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.423 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.423 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.423 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.424 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.424 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.424 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.424 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.425 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} Saved 'test' rev #1-0cda0941ed2a22c75abca7aec37bf4ea4a7a358a as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.425 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.425 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.425 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@d6d5e2a, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.425 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.430 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.430 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:35.430 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.431 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertInt(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.433 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.433 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.434 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.435 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@8be141b, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.435 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04cc40 11-12 12:55:35.435 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04cc40 11-12 12:55:35.435 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.443 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.443 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.444 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.444 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.444 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.444 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.444 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.445 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.445 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.445 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.445 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.446 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.446 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.446 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.446 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.447 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.447 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@8be141b, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.447 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cc40 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.451 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.452 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.454 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.454 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.455 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.456 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@af0f9b8, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.456 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:35.456 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:35.456 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.467 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.467 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.468 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.468 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.468 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.468 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.468 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.468 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.468 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.469 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.469 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} Saved 'test' rev #1-710a6103fc0c175ce60d605c5c0f0e7aed2c0c7b as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.469 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.469 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.469 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@af0f9b8, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.470 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.475 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.475 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:35.475 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.475 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.475 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.475 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.476 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.476 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.476 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.476 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.476 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.478 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.479 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.480 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.480 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@31009391, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.481 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f780 11-12 12:55:35.481 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f780 11-12 12:55:35.481 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.491 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.491 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.491 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.492 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.492 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.492 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.492 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.492 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.492 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.492 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.493 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} Saved 'test' rev #1-c084e97c7adf04bd94b95455b33957051caf0f08 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.493 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.493 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.493 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@31009391, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.494 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.498 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.498 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f780 11-12 12:55:35.498 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.498 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.498 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.498 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.498 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.499 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.499 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.499 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.499 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.502 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.502 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertObjectOutOfBound(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.504 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.504 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3d5b32f6, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.505 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.505 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.505 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.514 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.515 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.515 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.515 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.516 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.516 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.516 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.516 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.516 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.516 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3d5b32f6, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.517 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.521 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.521 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.521 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.521 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.521 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.521 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#28} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.522 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertObjectOutOfBound(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.525 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.525 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.527 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.527 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@99fd6f7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.528 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.528 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.528 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.538 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.538 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.539 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.539 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.539 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.539 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.539 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.539 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.539 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.540 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.540 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} Saved 'test' rev #1-c86aa6a0ebc7123b0b8e14bc6ca98ed4fb48b0fe as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.540 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.540 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.541 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@99fd6f7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.541 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.546 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.548 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.549 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testHashCode(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.550 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.551 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@697f964, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.551 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b260040 11-12 12:55:35.552 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b260040 11-12 12:55:35.552 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.562 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.562 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.563 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#29} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.563 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fc80 11-12 12:55:35.564 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.565 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.565 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f780 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f780 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#27} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f780 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.566 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#15} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c240 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} Saved 'test' rev #1-6eee81302252f5f36ee40e3f3541d6da9fdab289 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.567 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.568 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@697f964, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.569 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.569 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:35.569 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:35.569 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#26} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.569 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:35.570 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.570 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.570 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#16} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.570 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.574 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.574 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260040 11-12 12:55:35.574 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.574 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.574 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testHashCode(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cc40 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cc40 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#25} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.575 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cc40 11-12 12:55:35.576 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.576 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.577 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#17} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.577 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b048dc0 11-12 12:55:35.577 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.578 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetArray2(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.578 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:35.578 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:35.578 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#24} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.578 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:35.578 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.579 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@d7f8882, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.579 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b260680 11-12 12:55:35.579 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b260680 11-12 12:55:35.579 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.580 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.580 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.580 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#23} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.580 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#22} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#18} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.582 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:35.584 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.585 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.585 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#21} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.585 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:35.588 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a1c0 11-12 12:55:35.588 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a1c0 11-12 12:55:35.588 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#19} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.588 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a1c0 11-12 12:55:35.589 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.589 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.589 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.590 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.590 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.590 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.590 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.590 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.590 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.590 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.591 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} Saved 'test' rev #1-8be90fa9528151b9421ea22db0f32a47b7cacf2e as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.591 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.591 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.591 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@d7f8882, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.592 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.592 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.592 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.592 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#20} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.592 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a940 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260680 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.596 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetArray2(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.598 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.599 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.600 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.601 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3170eb93, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.601 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b260b80 11-12 12:55:35.601 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b260b80 11-12 12:55:35.601 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.609 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.609 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.610 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.611 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.611 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.611 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.611 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.612 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.612 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.612 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3170eb93, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.612 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260b80 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.617 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.626 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.627 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.629 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.629 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.630 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.631 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3b8d47d0, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.631 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b260a40 11-12 12:55:35.631 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b260a40 11-12 12:55:35.631 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.643 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.643 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.644 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.644 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.644 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.644 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.644 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.645 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.645 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.645 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.645 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} Saved 'test' rev #1-e34a29513d36b84ac438b30fbb2b1a5c6125183c as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.645 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.645 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.646 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3b8d47d0, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.646 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.651 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.651 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260a40 11-12 12:55:35.651 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.651 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.651 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.651 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.652 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.652 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.652 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.652 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.652 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.655 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.655 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetObject(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.657 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.657 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1e923c9, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.657 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:35.657 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:35.657 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.665 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.666 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.666 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.667 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.667 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.667 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.667 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.667 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.667 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.667 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.668 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.668 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.668 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.669 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1e923c9, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.669 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.673 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.674 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.674 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.674 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetObject(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.677 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.678 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testEnumeratingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.679 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.679 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@fa1aace, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.680 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049e00 11-12 12:55:35.680 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049e00 11-12 12:55:35.680 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.689 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.689 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.691 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.691 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-bfb12a1ebfc74d9760c8be01b991635e4787f3d5 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.691 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.691 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.691 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@fa1aace, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.692 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.696 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049e00 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.697 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testEnumeratingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.700 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.701 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddInt(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.702 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.702 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1334adef, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.702 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a580 11-12 12:55:35.702 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a580 11-12 12:55:35.702 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.713 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.713 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.713 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.714 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.714 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.714 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.714 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.714 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.714 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.715 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.715 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} Saved 'test' rev #1-819e90fcea82d7e8fc47894f8896331abded9d02 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.715 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.715 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.716 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1334adef, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.716 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a580 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.720 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.721 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddInt(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.723 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.723 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testAddBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.724 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.725 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@304710fc, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.725 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04abc0 11-12 12:55:35.725 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04abc0 11-12 12:55:35.725 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.733 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.733 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.734 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.734 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.735 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.735 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.735 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.735 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.735 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.735 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.736 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} Saved 'test' rev #1-12df773e6249522da6a0a23f258877ce426584b6 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.736 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.736 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.736 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@304710fc, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.736 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04abc0 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.742 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.743 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testAddBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.746 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.746 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.747 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.748 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@14573385, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.748 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.748 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.748 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.759 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.759 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.759 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.759 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.760 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.760 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.760 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.760 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.760 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.760 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.760 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} Saved 'test' rev #1-5171da80c2d1ece9ae841f08e1ea9f574866f7c3 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.761 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.761 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.761 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@14573385, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.761 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.765 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.766 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.766 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.768 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.769 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testCreate(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.769 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.770 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@18b1a5da, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.770 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.770 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.770 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.780 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.781 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.781 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.781 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.781 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.781 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.781 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.782 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.782 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.782 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.782 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-84f66606a9372292be3838dbd97cd563ee35fcc0 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.782 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.782 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.783 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@18b1a5da, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.783 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.787 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.788 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.788 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.788 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testCreate(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.790 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.791 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testEquals(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.792 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.793 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@4c83a0b, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.793 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04be80 11-12 12:55:35.793 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04be80 11-12 12:55:35.793 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.802 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.803 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.803 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.803 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.804 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.804 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.804 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.804 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.804 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.804 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.805 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} Saved 'test' rev #1-6eee81302252f5f36ee40e3f3541d6da9fdab289 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.805 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.805 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.805 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@4c83a0b, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.806 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04be80 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.810 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.811 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testEquals(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.813 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.813 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.815 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.815 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3a7240e8, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.815 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.816 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.816 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.824 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.824 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.825 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.825 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.825 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.825 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.825 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.825 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.825 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.826 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.826 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.826 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.826 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.827 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.827 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.827 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.828 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3a7240e8, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.828 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.832 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.832 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.832 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.832 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.832 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.833 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.833 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.833 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.833 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.833 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.833 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.835 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.836 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.837 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.837 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@ddc8301, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.837 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04cb00 11-12 12:55:35.837 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04cb00 11-12 12:55:35.837 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.845 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.845 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.845 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.845 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} Saved 'test' rev #1-ffa25f4385327bbc138afa74b4de3696b97473d7 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.846 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.847 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@ddc8301, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.847 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.850 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cb00 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.851 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertDouble(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.854 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.854 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetMap(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.855 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.856 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@2a9445a6, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.856 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f140 11-12 12:55:35.856 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f140 11-12 12:55:35.856 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.863 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.863 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.863 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.864 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.864 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.864 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.864 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.864 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.864 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.865 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.865 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.865 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.865 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.866 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.866 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.866 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.867 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@2a9445a6, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.867 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f140 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.870 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.871 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.871 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.871 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetMap(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.872 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.873 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.874 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.875 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@12be6be7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.875 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f640 11-12 12:55:35.875 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f640 11-12 12:55:35.875 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.883 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.883 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.883 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.883 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} Saved 'test' rev #1-90b018f8e1c430cfaa0c7dbc7d5cab46fdf95a71 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.884 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.885 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@12be6be7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.885 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f640 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.888 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertBoolean(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.891 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.892 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testReplaceArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.892 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.893 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@1b9e8394, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.893 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25fb40 11-12 12:55:35.893 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25fb40 11-12 12:55:35.893 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.900 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.900 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.900 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.901 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.901 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.901 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.901 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.901 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.902 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.902 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.902 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-195b6412ceb8482ec891842b4923919d0b9c874c as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.902 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.902 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.903 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@1b9e8394, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.903 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fb40 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.908 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testReplaceArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.910 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.911 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.911 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fb40 11-12 12:55:35.911 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fb40 11-12 12:55:35.911 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#45} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.911 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25fb40 11-12 12:55:35.912 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.912 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f640 11-12 12:55:35.912 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f640 11-12 12:55:35.912 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#44} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.912 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f640 11-12 12:55:35.913 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@270d4e3d, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.913 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b2607c0 11-12 12:55:35.913 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b2607c0 11-12 12:55:35.913 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.914 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260040 11-12 12:55:35.914 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260040 11-12 12:55:35.914 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#30} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.914 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260040 11-12 12:55:35.916 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260680 11-12 12:55:35.916 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260680 11-12 12:55:35.916 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#31} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.916 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260680 11-12 12:55:35.917 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f140 11-12 12:55:35.917 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f140 11-12 12:55:35.917 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#43} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.917 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f140 11-12 12:55:35.919 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cb00 11-12 12:55:35.919 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cb00 11-12 12:55:35.919 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#42} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.919 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cb00 11-12 12:55:35.921 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260b80 11-12 12:55:35.921 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260b80 11-12 12:55:35.921 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#32} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.921 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260b80 11-12 12:55:35.922 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260a40 11-12 12:55:35.922 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260a40 11-12 12:55:35.922 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#33} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.923 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b260a40 11-12 12:55:35.924 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.924 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.924 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#41} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.924 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c600 11-12 12:55:35.926 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.926 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:35.926 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:35.926 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#34} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.926 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:35.927 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.927 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04be80 11-12 12:55:35.927 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04be80 11-12 12:55:35.927 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#40} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.927 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04be80 11-12 12:55:35.927 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.927 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.928 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.928 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.928 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.928 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.928 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.928 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.929 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.929 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.930 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.930 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#39} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.930 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b840 11-12 12:55:35.930 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.930 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.930 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049e00 11-12 12:55:35.931 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049e00 11-12 12:55:35.931 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#35} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.931 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049e00 11-12 12:55:35.931 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#38} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@270d4e3d, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b340 11-12 12:55:35.932 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.934 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04abc0 11-12 12:55:35.935 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04abc0 11-12 12:55:35.935 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#37} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.935 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04abc0 11-12 12:55:35.935 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a580 11-12 12:55:35.935 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a580 11-12 12:55:35.935 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#36} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:35.935 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a580 11-12 12:55:35.937 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.937 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b2607c0 11-12 12:55:35.937 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.937 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.938 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.938 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.938 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.938 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.938 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.938 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.938 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.940 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.941 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testRemoveExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.942 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.944 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@2eaf1632, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.944 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b261080 11-12 12:55:35.944 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b261080 11-12 12:55:35.944 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.953 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.953 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.954 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.954 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.955 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.955 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.955 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.955 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.955 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.955 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.956 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.956 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.956 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.956 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.956 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Saved 'doc0' rev #2-35076b89f2516941f89f19cf26ce726c1381c3e1 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:35.957 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.957 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.958 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 3 11-12 12:55:35.958 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.958 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.958 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Saved 'doc1' rev #2-35076b89f2516941f89f19cf26ce726c1381c3e1 as seq 4 11-12 12:55:35.958 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.958 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@2eaf1632, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.959 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.962 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261080 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.963 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.964 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testRemoveExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.966 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.966 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetList(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.967 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.967 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@15fbdf83, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.967 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b261580 11-12 12:55:35.968 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b261580 11-12 12:55:35.968 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.975 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.976 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.977 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-8a6fd92202ecbc324d954873327e2b8c4261f1fa as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.977 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.977 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.977 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@15fbdf83, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.977 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261580 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.981 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetList(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.984 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.984 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:35.985 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:35.986 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3caa4500, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.986 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049900 11-12 12:55:35.986 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049900 11-12 12:55:35.986 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} Opening database 11-12 12:55:35.994 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:35.994 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:35.994 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.994 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} Saved 'test' rev #1-ee4aa7716648b02cbb193e7af4b4d5bfc590f734 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:35.995 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:35.996 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3caa4500, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:35.996 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:35.999 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:35.999 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049900 11-12 12:55:35.999 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} Closing database 11-12 12:55:35.999 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:35.999 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:35.999 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:35.999 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.000 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.000 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.000 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.000 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetLong(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.002 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.002 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetNull(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.003 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.004 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@13859139, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.004 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:36.004 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:36.004 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.011 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.011 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.011 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} Saved 'test' rev #1-f3af304e2d9cb3e6abd874a6ffb2e07efbaae6cb as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.012 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.013 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@13859139, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.013 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.016 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.017 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetNull(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.019 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.020 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertObjectToExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.020 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.021 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@d34637e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.021 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a080 11-12 12:55:36.021 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a080 11-12 12:55:36.021 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.030 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.030 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.030 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.030 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.030 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.030 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.030 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.031 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.031 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.031 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.031 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-84f66606a9372292be3838dbd97cd563ee35fcc0 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.031 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.031 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.031 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.032 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Saved 'doc1' rev #2-50e6ba47f7eceea18d5df29cf6e8ee0fa66d12b1 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:36.032 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.032 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.032 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Saved 'doc1' rev #3-13f56ec9bfcb1626a82d3d49b8e2936abc0c7db1 as seq 3 11-12 12:55:36.032 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.032 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.033 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Saved 'doc1' rev #4-dc97029e9e579e595993bb4eed13c2f4151c98c9 as seq 4 11-12 12:55:36.033 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.033 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.033 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Saved 'doc1' rev #5-3a89875a784ee316e0bbb4a9fb24f99147ba07d9 as seq 5 11-12 12:55:36.033 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.033 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.034 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Saved 'doc1' rev #6-c12d2255aabb8da50725fe4dae0ceb99efb867b0 as seq 6 11-12 12:55:36.034 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.034 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@d34637e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.035 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a080 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.039 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.040 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertObjectToExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.042 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.042 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.043 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.044 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@712f0df, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.044 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a6c0 11-12 12:55:36.044 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a6c0 11-12 12:55:36.044 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.052 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.052 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.052 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.052 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.052 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} Saved 'test' rev #1-1b6bcb629b953ee2451c740c28405fcdfc0bbe1e as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.053 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.054 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@712f0df, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.054 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a6c0 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.058 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertNumber(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.060 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.061 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertObject(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.062 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.062 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@33eeb12c, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.062 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.062 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.062 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.068 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.068 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.069 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@33eeb12c, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.070 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#53} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.073 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.074 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertObject(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.076 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.076 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testRemove(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.077 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.077 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@aa507f5, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.078 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.078 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.078 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.084 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.085 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.086 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.086 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-84f66606a9372292be3838dbd97cd563ee35fcc0 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.086 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.086 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.086 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.086 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-84f66606a9372292be3838dbd97cd563ee35fcc0 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:36.087 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.087 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@aa507f5, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.087 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.091 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testRemove(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.093 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.093 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetInt(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.095 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.095 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@2d2f398a, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.095 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:36.095 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:36.095 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.102 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.103 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.103 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.103 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.103 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} Saved 'test' rev #1-12290f4fc478b55900f2b796f4da4848ef5bc4b9 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.104 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.105 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@2d2f398a, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.105 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.108 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.109 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.109 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetInt(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.110 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.111 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetObjectOutOfBound(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.112 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.112 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@2b5fbbfb, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.113 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.113 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.113 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.121 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.121 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.122 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.122 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.122 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.122 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.122 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.122 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.122 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.123 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@2b5fbbfb, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.123 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#56} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.127 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetObjectOutOfBound(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.129 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.129 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetObjectToExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.130 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.131 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@22bb418, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.131 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.131 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.131 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.139 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.140 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.140 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.140 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.140 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.140 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.140 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.141 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.141 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.141 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.141 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Saved 'doc0' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.142 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.142 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.142 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.142 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Saved 'doc0' rev #2-9412d646abae721dcdfddee4749d777f9ea4a8d5 as seq 2 11-12 12:55:36.142 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.143 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.145 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-1b7e3ab3b2bec0c5adfcdaf67e45ffddb157fd30 as seq 3 11-12 12:55:36.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Saved 'doc1' rev #2-9412d646abae721dcdfddee4749d777f9ea4a8d5 as seq 4 11-12 12:55:36.146 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.147 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@22bb418, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.147 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.152 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetObjectToExistingArray(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.155 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.155 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testInsertString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.156 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.157 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@200b2e71, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.157 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:36.157 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:36.157 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.164 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.165 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.165 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.165 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.165 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.165 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.165 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.165 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.166 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.166 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.166 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} Saved 'test' rev #1-fb102bea80e4ce94fbf87127d81f00324c9bd9d2 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.166 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.166 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.166 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@200b2e71, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.166 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.170 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testInsertString(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.172 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.173 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testReplaceArrayDifferentType(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.174 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.174 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@294f6456, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.174 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04c880 11-12 12:55:36.174 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04c880 11-12 12:55:36.174 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.184 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:36.184 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:36.184 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#58} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.185 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c100 11-12 12:55:36.185 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.185 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.185 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.186 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.187 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-bf499f139d1d78da733a43e9d33dfcf38e654744 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.187 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.187 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.187 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@294f6456, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.187 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.191 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b2607c0 11-12 12:55:36.191 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b2607c0 11-12 12:55:36.191 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#46} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.191 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b2607c0 11-12 12:55:36.191 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.191 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c880 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.192 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testReplaceArrayDifferentType(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.195 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.196 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetDictionary(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.196 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@37e41cd7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#57} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04bc00 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04cd80 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04cd80 11-12 12:55:36.197 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261080 11-12 12:55:36.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261080 11-12 12:55:36.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#47} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.199 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261080 11-12 12:55:36.201 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261580 11-12 12:55:36.201 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261580 11-12 12:55:36.201 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#48} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.201 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b261580 11-12 12:55:36.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:36.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:36.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#55} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.202 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04b480 11-12 12:55:36.205 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049900 11-12 12:55:36.205 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049900 11-12 12:55:36.205 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#49} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.205 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049900 11-12 12:55:36.207 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.207 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.207 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#54} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.207 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04ae40 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#50} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049a40 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.208 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} Saved 'test' rev #1-551284ad384d064cb9da84e73a9970dfe4fd4677 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.209 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.210 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.210 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@37e41cd7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.210 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.211 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a6c0 11-12 12:55:36.211 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a6c0 11-12 12:55:36.211 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#52} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.211 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a6c0 11-12 12:55:36.214 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.214 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cd80 11-12 12:55:36.214 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.214 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.214 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.215 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.215 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.215 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.215 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.215 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetDictionary(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.216 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a080 11-12 12:55:36.216 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a080 11-12 12:55:36.216 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#51} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.216 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a080 11-12 12:55:36.218 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.218 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSetFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.219 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.219 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3233f9c4, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.219 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f3c0 11-12 12:55:36.219 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f3c0 11-12 12:55:36.219 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.227 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.227 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.228 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} Saved 'test' rev #1-3ec51c12f6a400706f92018247ceb44663a3ce5e as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.229 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3233f9c4, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.229 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.232 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.232 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f3c0 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.233 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSetFloat(com.couchbase.lite.ArrayTest) 11-12 12:55:36.235 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.236 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testBasicAuthenticatorWithEmptyArgs(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.237 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.237 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@27d340ad, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.237 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.237 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.237 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.245 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.245 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.246 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.246 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.246 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.246 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.246 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.246 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.246 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.247 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@27d340ad, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.247 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#62} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.250 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.251 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.251 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.251 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.251 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.251 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.251 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.251 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testBasicAuthenticatorWithEmptyArgs(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.253 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.253 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSessionAuthenticatorEmptySessionID(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.254 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.255 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@5756fe2, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.255 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.255 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.255 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.263 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.263 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.263 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.264 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.264 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.264 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.264 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.264 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.264 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.265 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@5756fe2, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.265 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#63} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.269 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSessionAuthenticatorEmptySessionID(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.271 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.272 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSessionAuthenticatorEmptyCookie(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.273 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.273 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@5e3af73, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.274 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.274 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.274 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.280 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.280 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@5e3af73, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.281 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.286 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.286 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.286 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.286 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.286 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#64} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.287 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSessionAuthenticatorEmptyCookie(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.289 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.289 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSessionAuthenticatorWithSessionID(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.290 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.291 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@758ee30, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.291 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.291 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.291 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.299 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.299 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.299 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.299 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.299 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.299 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.300 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.300 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.300 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.300 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@758ee30, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.300 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#65} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.304 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.305 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.305 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.305 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSessionAuthenticatorWithSessionID(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.307 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.308 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testBasicAuthenticatorInstance(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.309 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.309 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@22903aa9, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.309 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.309 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.309 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.317 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.317 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@22903aa9, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.318 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#66} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.322 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.323 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.323 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.323 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.323 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.323 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testBasicAuthenticatorInstance(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.325 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.325 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testSessionAuthenticatorWithSessionIDAndCookie(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.326 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.327 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@30fea82e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.327 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.327 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.327 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.336 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.336 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.336 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.336 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.337 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.337 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.337 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.337 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.337 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.337 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@30fea82e, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.337 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.341 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#67} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.342 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testSessionAuthenticatorWithSessionIDAndCookie(com.couchbase.lite.AuthenticatorTest) 11-12 12:55:36.345 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.345 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetNonCachedContent6MBFile(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.346 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.347 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@353fcfcf, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.347 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.347 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.347 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.355 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.355 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.355 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.355 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.355 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.355 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.356 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.356 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.356 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.364 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c880 11-12 12:55:36.364 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c880 11-12 12:55:36.364 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#59} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.364 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04c880 11-12 12:55:36.367 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cd80 11-12 12:55:36.367 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cd80 11-12 12:55:36.367 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#60} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.367 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04cd80 11-12 12:55:36.368 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f3c0 11-12 12:55:36.368 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f3c0 11-12 12:55:36.369 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#61} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.369 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f3c0 11-12 12:55:36.396 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.427 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-b9dc999b4a0eb2e8829439cda607448e07ea77d1 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.427 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.427 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.474 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@353fcfcf, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.475 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.480 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.481 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.482 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetNonCachedContent6MBFile(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.484 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.484 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testBlobReadFunctions(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.485 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.486 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@2d08d865, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.487 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.487 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.487 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.496 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.496 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.496 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.496 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.496 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.496 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.496 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.497 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.497 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.516 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.517 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.517 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#68} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.517 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b25f280 11-12 12:55:36.563 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@2d08d865, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.563 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#69} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.570 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#14} destructing 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#70}==> N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE 0x7fc02b048c98 @0x7fc02b048c98 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#70} instantiated on /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#70} created for DataFile 0x0 at /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#70} destructing 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.571 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testBlobReadFunctions(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.574 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.576 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testGetContent6MBFile(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.576 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.577 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@189399eb, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.577 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71}==> N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE 0x7fc02b048f18 @0x7fc02b048f18 11-12 12:55:36.577 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} instantiated on /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.577 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} created for DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 at /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.577 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.578 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.585 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.586 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.586 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.586 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.586 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.586 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.586 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.587 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.587 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.627 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.655 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-b9dc999b4a0eb2e8829439cda607448e07ea77d1 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.655 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.655 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.670 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@189399eb, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.671 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.675 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.675 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.675 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.675 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.675 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.675 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.676 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.676 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.676 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.676 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.677 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testGetContent6MBFile(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.678 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.679 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testReadBlobStream(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.680 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.680 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@2fb395e1, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.681 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049cc0 11-12 12:55:36.681 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049cc0 11-12 12:55:36.681 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.689 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.689 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.690 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.691 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.691 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.692 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.694 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-46524dff0ff7b364c10de0c6f02ec615a0e8f5c8 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.695 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.695 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.697 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@2fb395e1, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.697 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049cc0 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.704 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.705 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testReadBlobStream(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.707 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.707 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testBlobContentStream(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.708 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.708 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@70fe9c7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.709 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b049400 11-12 12:55:36.709 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b049400 11-12 12:55:36.709 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.716 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.716 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.717 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.720 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} Saved 'doc1' rev #1-46524dff0ff7b364c10de0c6f02ec615a0e8f5c8 as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.720 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.720 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.725 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@70fe9c7, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.725 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049400 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.732 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.733 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.733 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testBlobContentStream(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.733 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.733 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.733 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#72} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.734 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049680 11-12 12:55:36.734 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049cc0 11-12 12:55:36.734 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049cc0 11-12 12:55:36.734 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#73} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.734 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049cc0 11-12 12:55:36.735 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.736 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testBlobConstructorsWithEmptyArgs(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.737 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.738 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@3b1d9592, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.738 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.738 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.738 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.746 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.746 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.747 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.747 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.747 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.747 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.747 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.747 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.747 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.749 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@3b1d9592, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.749 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#75} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.752 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.753 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.753 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.753 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.753 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.753 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.753 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.753 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testBlobConstructorsWithEmptyArgs(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.756 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.756 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testHashCode(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.757 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.757 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@295c4360, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.758 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.758 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.758 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.765 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.765 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.765 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.766 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.767 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} Saved '67ece56e-549d-43b7-bf68-91455fb9b677' rev #1-92bdc5b245043a435494747563e8653426bf247e as seq 1 11-12 12:55:36.767 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} KeyStore(info) set SharedKeys 11-12 12:55:36.767 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.767 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@295c4360, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.768 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.770 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.770 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.770 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.770 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.770 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.771 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.771 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Preparing to delete DataFile /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 11-12 12:55:36.771 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.771 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: ...finished deleting database file /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 (with -wal and -shm) 11-12 12:55:36.775 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was deleted successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.775 7353 7371 I TestRunner: finished: testHashCode(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.777 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.777 7353 7371 I TestRunner: started: testBlobFromFileURL(com.couchbase.lite.BlobTest) 11-12 12:55:36.778 7353 7353 I MonitoringInstr: Activities that are still in CREATED to STOPPED: 0 11-12 12:55:36.779 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Opening Database{@35102019, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.779 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x7fc02b04a800 11-12 12:55:36.779 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77}==> N8litecore14SQLiteDataFileE /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/db.sqlite3 @0x7fc02b04a800 11-12 12:55:36.779 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} Opening database 11-12 12:55:36.788 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} open KVS 'default' 11-12 12:55:36.788 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} open KVS 'info' 11-12 12:55:36.788 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} begin transaction 11-12 12:55:36.788 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} KeyStore(info) set versioning 11-12 12:55:36.789 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} KeyStore(info) set publicUUID 11-12 12:55:36.789 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} KeyStore(info) set privateUUID 11-12 12:55:36.789 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} commit transaction 11-12 12:55:36.789 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} Next expiration time is 0 11-12 12:55:36.789 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: No pending doc expirations 11-12 12:55:36.800 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.800 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.800 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#76} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.800 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a440 11-12 12:55:36.802 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: Closing Database{@35102019, name='testdb'} at path /data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2/ 11-12 12:55:36.803 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 6 pages free (0%) 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} Closed SQLite database 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a800 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} Closing database 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a800 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a800 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#77} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b04a800 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 V CouchbaseLite/Test: testdb was closed successfully. 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049400 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049400 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 I CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: delete(): path=/data/data/com.couchbase.lite.test/files/CBLTestDb/testdb.cblite2 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#74} destructing (~DataFile) 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} Remove DataFile 0x7fc02b049400 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7365 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} destructing 11-12 12:55:36.809 7353 7371 D CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {N8litecore8DataFile6SharedE#71} adding DataFile 0x0 11-12 12:55:36.816 7353 7365 E libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: RefCounted object at 0x7fc02b048f00 destructed while it had an invalid refCount of 1 11-12 12:55:36.816 7353 7371 E libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: RefCounted object at 0x7fc02b048f00 retained while it had an invalid refCount of 0 --------- beginning of crash 11-12 12:55:36.816 7353 7371 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 7371 (roidJUnitRunner) 11-12 12:55:36.816 7353 7365 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 7365 (FinalizerDaemon) 11-12 12:55:36.880 1173 1173 I DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11-12 12:55:36.880 1173 1173 I DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'Android/sdk_google_phone_x86_64/generic_x86_64:5.1.1/LMY48X/5525941:userdebug/test-keys' 11-12 12:55:36.880 1173 1173 I DEBUG : Revision: '0' 11-12 12:55:36.881 1173 1173 I DEBUG : ABI: 'x86_64' 11-12 12:55:36.881 1173 1173 I DEBUG : pid: 7353, tid: 7371, name: roidJUnitRunner >>> com.couchbase.lite.test <<< 11-12 12:55:36.881 1173 1173 I DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr -------- 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : Abort message: 'terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: RefCounted object at 0x7fc02b048f00 destructed while it had an invalid refCount of 1' 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : rax 0000000000000000 rbx 0000000000001ccb rcx ffffffffffffffff rdx 0000000000000006 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : rsi 0000000000001ccb rdi 0000000000001cb9 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : r8 0000000000000092 r9 0000000000001ccb r10 0000000000000000 r11 0000000000000206 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : r12 0000000000000058 r13 0000000000000006 r14 00007fc01fb7e852 r15 00007fc02aefff60 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : cs 0000000000000033 ss 000000000000002b 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : rip 00007fc0350514d7 rbp 00007fc02af01b70 rsp 00007fc02aeffe78 eflags 0000000000000206 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : backtrace: 11-12 12:55:36.902 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #00 pc 00000000000774d7 /system/lib64/libc.so (tgkill+7) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #01 pc 0000000000028b0f /system/lib64/libc.so (pthread_kill+143) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #02 pc 0000000000029de1 /system/lib64/libc.so (raise+17) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #03 pc 000000000002356d /system/lib64/libc.so (abort+61) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #04 pc 000000000070e7ab /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #05 pc 000000000070e8dd /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #06 pc 000000000070ba72 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #07 pc 000000000070ba08 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (std::terminate()+40) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #08 pc 00000000002a680e /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #09 pc 000000000062b598 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (fleece::RefCounted::_careful_retain() const+152) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #10 pc 00000000002ccb44 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (fleece::RefCounted::_retain() const+20) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #11 pc 0000000000344612 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (litecore::DataFile::Shared* fleece::retain(litecore::DataFile::Shared*)+34) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #12 pc 0000000000338dc0 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (fleece::Retained::Retained(litecore::DataFile::Shared*)+32) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #13 pc 0000000000338d21 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (litecore::DataFile::Factory::deleteFile(litecore::FilePath const&, litecore::DataFile::Options const*)+81) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #14 pc 00000000002ebc97 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (c4Internal::Database::deleteDatabaseFileAtPath(std::__ndk1::basic_string, std::__ndk1::allocator > const&, char const*)+295) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #15 pc 00000000002eb9df /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (c4Internal::Database::deleteDatabaseAtPath(std::__ndk1::basic_string, std::__ndk1::allocator > const&)+207) 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #16 pc 00000000002cd621 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so 11-12 12:55:36.903 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #17 pc 00000000002cd5df /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so 11-12 12:55:36.904 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #18 pc 00000000002cd56c /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (_ZNSt6__ndk16__bindIPFbRKNS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEEEJS6_EEclIJEEENS_13__bind_returnISA_NS_5tupleIJS6_EEENSE_IJDpOT_EEEXsr22__is_valid_bind_returnISA_SF_SJ_EE5valueEE4typeESI_+76) 11-12 12:55:36.904 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #19 pc 00000000002cd514 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (_ZN6fleece12function_refIFbvEE11callback_fnINSt6__ndk16__bindIPFbRKNS4_12basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEEJSB_EEEEEbl+20) 11-12 12:55:36.904 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #20 pc 00000000002cd4e8 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (fleece::function_ref::operator()() const+24) 11-12 12:55:36.904 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #21 pc 00000000002cafd9 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (bool c4Internal::tryCatch(C4Error*, fleece::function_ref)+41) 11-12 12:55:36.904 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #22 pc 00000000002caf10 /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (c4db_deleteAtPath+224) 11-12 12:55:36.904 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #23 pc 00000000002a89ca /data/app/com.couchbase.lite.test-1/lib/x86_64/libLiteCoreJNI.so (Java_com_couchbase_lite_internal_core_C4Database_deleteAtPath+138) 11-12 12:55:36.904 1173 1173 I DEBUG : #24 pc 00000000000ab13c /data/dalvik-cache/x86_64/data@app@com.couchbase.lite.test-1@base.apk@classes.dex 11-12 12:55:37.089 1173 1173 I DEBUG : 11-12 12:55:37.089 1173 1173 I DEBUG : Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 11-12 12:55:37.094 1535 3144 I ActivityManager: Process com.couchbase.lite.test (pid 7353) has died 11-12 12:55:37.095 1535 3144 W ActivityManager: Crash of app com.couchbase.lite.test running instrumentation ComponentInfo{com.couchbase.lite.test/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner} 11-12 12:55:37.096 7340 7340 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM 11-12 12:55:37.142 1173 1173 E DEBUG : unexpected waitpid response: n=7365, status=00000006 11-12 12:55:37.142 1173 1173 E DEBUG : tid exited before attach completed: tid 7365 11-12 12:55:37.142 1182 1182 I Zygote : Process 7353 exited due to signal (6)