Running. Press Ctrl-C to terminate... 0ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (instance - L:509) Version=3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc, Changeset=79e57914fc713e0eb96c583076576a3e44d2fe1a 0ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (instance - L:510) Effective connection string: couchbase:// Bucket=bucket-1 0ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (instance - L:374) Applying initial cntl enable_tracing=false 79ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (instance - L:202) DNS SRV lookup failed: LCB_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST (1049). Ignore this if not relying on DNS SRV records 79ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (instance - L:139) Adding host to initial HTTP bootstrap list 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (instance - L:139) Adding host to initial CCCP bootstrap list 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [TRACE] (instance - L:182) Bootstrap hosts loaded (cccp:1, http:1) 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:259) Requested network configuration: heuristic 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:92) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider HTTP is ENABLED 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (cccp - L:160) Requesting connection to node for CCCP configuration 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e4500790) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e4500790) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e4500a00 80ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=edc47b2403d20856) Starting. Timeout=2000000us 93ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=edc47b2403d20856) Created new socket with FD=5 93ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=edc47b2403d20856) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 131ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=edc47b2403d20856) Connected established 131ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=edc47b2403d20856) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 131ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=edc47b2403d20856) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 131ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e4500790) Received result for I=0x7f94e4500a00,C=0x0; E=0x0 131ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e4500790) Assigning R=0x7f94e4500900 SOCKET=0x7f94e4500c40 131ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47033a0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=edc47b2403d20856 131ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47033a0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4703b90) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0a85ba1168680e58/edc47b2403d20856"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections) 177ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47033a0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4703b90) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x12 (Collections) 554ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47033a0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4703b90) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 590ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47033a0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 590ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4608c40,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=edc47b2403d20856 629ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4608c40,bc_cccp) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 629ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:536) <> (HE=0x7f94e4500790) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7f94e4500a00,C=0x7f94e4500c40 630ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (confmon - L:168) Setting new configuration. Received via CCCP 630ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:92) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 630ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 630ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/307} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:94) Selected network configuration: "default" 630ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (instance - L:509) Version=3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc, Changeset=79e57914fc713e0eb96c583076576a3e44d2fe1a 630ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (instance - L:510) Effective connection string: couchbase:// Bucket=bucket-1 630ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (instance - L:374) Applying initial cntl enable_tracing=false 632ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:472) <> (HE=0x7f94e4500790) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 632ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e4724230) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 632ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e4724230) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e47244a0 632ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f) Created new socket with FD=9 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e4600660) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e4600660) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e4608ec0 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae) Created new socket with FD=10 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e4609340) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e4609340) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e4609520 633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 634ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc) Created new socket with FD=11 634ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 634ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e4500790) Assigning R=0x7f94e4703b90 SOCKET=0x7f94e4500c40 634ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609850,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=edc47b2403d20856 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc) Connected established 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e4609340) Received result for I=0x7f94e4609520,C=0x0; E=0x0 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e4609340) Assigning R=0x7f94e4609420 SOCKET=0x7f94e4609740 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (server - L:934) <> (SRV=0x7f94e44086d0) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609d00,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc 672ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609d00,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4609b10) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0a85ba1168680e58/c42550debd7c21bc"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication) 674ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f) Connected established 674ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 674ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 674ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e4724230) Received result for I=0x7f94e47244a0,C=0x0; E=0x0 674ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e4724230) Assigning R=0x7f94e47243a0 SOCKET=0x7f94e47246c0 674ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (server - L:934) <> (SRV=0x7f94e4407150) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 674ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609420,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609420,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e460a0f0) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0a85ba1168680e58/849c937f5c12f61f"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication) 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae) Connected established 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e4600660) Received result for I=0x7f94e4608ec0,C=0x0; E=0x0 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e4600660) Assigning R=0x7f94e4608d70 SOCKET=0x7f94e4609100 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (server - L:934) <> (SRV=0x7f94e4407bc0) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47245e0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae 675ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47245e0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4724720) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0a85ba1168680e58/c457b2b65c79b0ae"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication) 703ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (instance - L:202) DNS SRV lookup failed: LCB_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST (1049). Ignore this if not relying on DNS SRV records 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (instance - L:139) Adding host to initial HTTP bootstrap list 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (instance - L:139) Adding host to initial CCCP bootstrap list 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [TRACE] (instance - L:182) Bootstrap hosts loaded (cccp:1, http:1) 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:259) Requested network configuration: heuristic 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:92) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider HTTP is ENABLED 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (cccp - L:160) Requesting connection to node for CCCP configuration 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e440b7b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e440b7b0) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e440ba20 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb) Starting. Timeout=2000000us 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb) Created new socket with FD=8 704ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 710ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609d00,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4609b10) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication), 0x12 (Collections) 717ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609420,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e460a0f0) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication), 0x12 (Collections) 717ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47245e0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4724720) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication), 0x12 (Collections) 742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb) Connected established 742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e440b7b0) Received result for I=0x7f94e440ba20,C=0x0; E=0x0 742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e440b7b0) Assigning R=0x7f94e440b920 SOCKET=0x7f94e440bc60 742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a8e0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb 742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a8e0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e460a9a0) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0ade709a37cf1b75/ac190f3b4ec7bfeb"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections) 832ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a8e0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e460a9a0) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x12 (Collections) 984ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609d00,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4609b10) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 1030ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47245e0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4724720) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 1096ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e47245e0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 1096ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e440b920,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=c457b2b65c79b0ae 1146ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a8e0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e460a9a0) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 1193ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a8e0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 1193ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4724b90,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb 1239ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4724b90,bc_cccp) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 1239ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:536) <> (HE=0x7f94e440b7b0) Placing socket back into the pool. I=0x7f94e440ba20,C=0x7f94e440bc60 1239ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (confmon - L:168) Setting new configuration. Received via CCCP 1240ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:92) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times) 1240ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [DEBUG] (confmon - L:99) Provider CCCP is ENABLED 1240ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/307} [INFO] (bootstrap - L:94) Selected network configuration: "default" 1243ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:472) <> (HE=0x7f94e440b7b0) Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection 1243ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e46193f0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 1243ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e46193f0) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e4619660 1243ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 1244ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920) Created new socket with FD=12 1244ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 1244ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e4619fe0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 1244ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e4619fe0) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e4619ca0 1244ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=f79d851a40058847) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=f79d851a40058847) Created new socket with FD=13 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=f79d851a40058847) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:481) <> (HE=0x7f94e47033c0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (lcbio_mgr - L:393) <> (HE=0x7f94e47033c0) New pool entry: I=0x7f94e473f4f0 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [INFO] (connection - L:487) <> (SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c) Starting. Timeout=2500000us 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:252) <> (SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c) Created new socket with FD=14 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (connection - L:352) <> (SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c) Scheduling I/O watcher for asynchronous connection completion. 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e440b7b0) Assigning R=0x7f94e4609160 SOCKET=0x7f94e440bc60 1245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e473f810,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=ac190f3b4ec7bfeb 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920) Connected established 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e46193f0) Received result for I=0x7f94e4619660,C=0x0; E=0x0 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e46193f0) Assigning R=0x7f94e4619560 SOCKET=0x7f94e4619880 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (server - L:934) <> (SRV=0x7f94e45b5a40) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e461a1f0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920 1280ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e461a1f0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e461a090) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0ade709a37cf1b75/04d9a03ef66db920"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication) 1579ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609420,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e460a0f0) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 1592ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e461a1f0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e461a090) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication), 0x12 (Collections) 1620ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609420,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 1620ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=849c937f5c12f61f 1736ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e461a1f0,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e461a090) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 1777ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e461a1f0,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 1777ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4531140,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=04d9a03ef66db920 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c) Connected established 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e47033c0) Received result for I=0x7f94e473f4f0,C=0x0; E=0x0 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e47033c0) Assigning R=0x7f94e473f3f0 SOCKET=0x7f94e473f730 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (server - L:934) <> (SRV=0x7f94e45aa0c0) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4723a10,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4723a10,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4715330) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0ade709a37cf1b75/8bd1358977b52d2c"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication) 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [INFO] (connection - L:155) <> (SOCK=f79d851a40058847) Connected established 2007ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=f79d851a40058847) Successfully set TCP_NODELAY 2008ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (connection - L:108) <> (SOCK=f79d851a40058847) Successfully set TCP_KEEPALIVE 2008ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:349) <> (HE=0x7f94e4619fe0) Received result for I=0x7f94e4619ca0,C=0x0; E=0x0 2008ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (lcbio_mgr - L:309) <> (HE=0x7f94e4619fe0) Assigning R=0x7f94e4619a20 SOCKET=0x7f94e4619ec0 2008ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (server - L:934) <> (SRV=0x7f94e45b0420) Session not yet negotiated. Negotiating 2008ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4722660,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=f79d851a40058847 2008ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:433) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4722660,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4723470) HELO identificator: {"a":"libcouchbase/3.0.0_20_g79e57914fc (Darwin-19.3.0; x86_64; Clang","i":"0ade709a37cf1b75/f79d851a40058847"}, features: 0x02 (TLS), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x0b (JSON), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x12 (Collections), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication) 2050ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4723a10,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4715330) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication), 0x12 (Collections) 2051ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:464) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4722660,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4723470) Server supports features: 0x03 (TCP nodelay), 0x04 (Mutation seqno), 0x06 (XATTR), 0x07 (XERROR), 0x08 (Select bucket), 0x0a (Snappy), 0x0b (JSON), 0x10 (Alt request support), 0x11 (Synchronous Replication), 0x12 (Collections) 2179ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4723a10,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4715330) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 2221ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4723a10,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 2221ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4517d20,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=8bd1358977b52d2c 2337ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609d00,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 2337ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e440d370,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=c42550debd7c21bc 2920ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (negotiation - L:516) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4722660,sasl,SASLREQ=0x7f94e4723470) Sending SELECT_BUCKET 2960ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:140) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4722660,sasl) Destroying context. Pending Writes=0, Entered=true, Socket Refcount=1 2960ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [DEBUG] (ioctx - L:95) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609d00,unknown) Pairing with SOCK=f79d851a40058847 3132ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (bootstrap - L:170) Background-polling for new configuration 3132ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 3132ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 3132ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (cccp - L:150) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x7f94e4406400 ( 3520ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=226 3742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (bootstrap - L:170) Background-polling for new configuration 3742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 3742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 3742ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (cccp - L:150) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x7f94e45bc0f0 ( 5019ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=226 5633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (bootstrap - L:170) Background-polling for new configuration 5633ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 5634ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=226 5634ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 5634ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (cccp - L:150) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x7f94e4407150 ( 5798ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=229 6245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (bootstrap - L:170) Background-polling for new configuration 6245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 6245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=226 6245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 6245ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (cccp - L:150) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x7f94e45b5a40 ( 6440ms [Iade709a37cf1b75] {5024/2703} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=229 OPS/SEC: 1428 8134ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (bootstrap - L:170) Background-polling for new configuration 8134ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 8134ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=229 8134ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 8134ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (cccp - L:150) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x7f94e4407bc0 ( 8260ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=229 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029110, opaque=6799, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029180, opaque=6801, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50291f0, opaque=6806, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029260, opaque=6814, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50292d0, opaque=6817, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029340, opaque=6820, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50293b0, opaque=6823, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029420, opaque=6828, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029490, opaque=6829, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029500, opaque=6832, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029570, opaque=6835, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50295e0, opaque=6841, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029650, opaque=6846, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50296c0, opaque=6854, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029730, opaque=6857, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50297a0, opaque=6860, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029810, opaque=6863, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029880, opaque=6868, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50298f0, opaque=6869, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029960, opaque=6872, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e50299d0, opaque=6875, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029a40, opaque=6881, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029ab0, opaque=6886, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029b20, opaque=6894, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e5029b90, opaque=6897, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c600, opaque=6900, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c670, opaque=6904, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c6e0, opaque=6907, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c750, opaque=6910, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8772ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c7c0, opaque=6911, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c830, opaque=6916, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c8a0, opaque=6922, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c910, opaque=6925, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c980, opaque=6933, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502c9f0, opaque=6938, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502ca60, opaque=6939, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cad0, opaque=6944, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cb40, opaque=6947, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cbb0, opaque=6950, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cc20, opaque=6951, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cc90, opaque=6956, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cd00, opaque=6962, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cd70, opaque=6965, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cde0, opaque=6973, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502ce50, opaque=6978, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cec0, opaque=6979, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cf30, opaque=6984, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502cfa0, opaque=6987, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502d010, opaque=6990, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502d080, opaque=6991, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [WARN] (server - L:770) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Failing command (pkt=0x7f94e502d0f0, opaque=6996, opcode=0x1) with error LCB_ERR_TIMEOUT (201) 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:299) Refreshing current cluster map 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:866) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server timed out. Some commands have failed 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (server - L:870) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (server - L:870) <> (CTX=0x7f94e440d370,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e44086d0,IX=3) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (server - L:870) <> (CTX=0x7f94e4609850,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4406400,IX=0) Scheduling next timeout for 2500 ms. This is not an error 8773ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=229 8774ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:285) Attempting to retrieve cluster map via CCCP 8774ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (cccp - L:150) Re-Issuing CCCP Command on server struct 0x7f94e44086d0 ( 8914ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6799) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6801) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6806) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6814) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6817) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6820) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6823) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6828) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6829) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6832) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6835) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6841) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6846) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6854) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6857) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6860) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6863) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6868) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6869) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6872) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6875) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6881) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6886) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6894) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6897) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6900) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6904) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6907) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6910) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6911) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6916) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6922) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6925) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6933) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6938) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6939) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6944) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6947) 8915ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6950) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6951) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6956) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6962) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6965) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6973) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6978) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6979) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6984) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6987) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6990) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6991) 8916ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [DEBUG] (server - L:494) <> (CTX=0x7f94e460a6a0,memcached,SRV=0x7f94e4407150,IX=1) Server sent us reply for a timed-out command. (OP=0x1, RC=0x0, SEQ=6996) 8959ms [Ia85ba1168680e58] {5024/1607} [TRACE] (confmon - L:158) Not applying configuration received via CCCP. No changes detected. A.rev=226, B.rev=229