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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-61893

Not able to create indexes with "with nodes" clause when encryption mode is set to strict and tls is enforced



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • Morpheus
    • 7.6.2
    • secondary-index
    • None
    • Untriaged
    • 0
    • Unknown


      Build - 7.6.2-3622

      Steps to repro

      • Cluster config - kv-index:n1ql-index:n1ql-index:n1ql
      • Set cluster encryption mode to strict and enforce tls
      • Create a bucket and load both default and named namespace
      • Create indexes with the "with node" clause 
      • The index creation fails with below error
      • The query does work when it is run in the cluster ui

      Query :

      CREATE INDEX `hotel1c27ccbff13a40b2b8e87fc6d26a5e38price` ON default:test_bucket.test_scope_1.test_collection_1(price) USING GSI  WITH {'nodes': ['', '', ''], 'defer_build': False, 'num_replica': 2} 

      Error and the curl call for the query


      Curl request 
      POST body:  headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==', 'Accept': '*/*'} 
      error: 500 reason: unknown b'{\n"requestID": "6e303958-48cc-4511-bf77-9c0286a3d3e5",\n"signature": null,\n"results": [\n],\n"errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":"GSI CreateIndex() - cause: Index creation for index hotel1c27ccbff13a40b2b8e87fc6d26a5e38price, bucket test_bucket, scope test_scope_1, collection test_collection_1 cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to another concurrent create index request.. Could not schedule index creation in the background. Reason: Indexer node ( not found. The node may be failed or under rebalance or network partitioned from query process.","reason":{"_level":"exception","caller":"secondary_index:605","cause":{"error":"Index creation for index hotel1c27ccbff13a40b2b8e87fc6d26a5e38price, bucket test_bucket, scope test_scope_1, collection test_collection_1 cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to another concurrent create index request.. Could not schedule index creation in the background.","reason":"Indexer node ( not found. The node may be failed or under rebalance or network partitioned from query process.","source":"CreateIndex()"},"code":4350,"icause":"Index creation for index hotel1c27ccbff13a40b2b8e87fc6d26a5e38price, bucket test_bucket, scope test_scope_1, collection test_collection_1 cannot start. Reason: Create index or Alter replica cannot proceed due to another concurrent create index request.. Could not schedule index creation in the background. Reason: Indexer node ( not found. The node may be failed or under rebalance or network partitioned from query process.","key":"indexing.error","message":"GSI CreateIndex()"}}],\n"status": "fatal",\n"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "294.038976ms","executionTime": "293.89411ms","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 62,"errorCount": 1}\n}\n' auth: Administrator:password


      Logs -

      test_1 10.zip



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