CBL-2.8.0-148 -only UWP -failed , other platforms looks good
CBL: 2.8.0-143 -passed
SG: 2.80-373-RC
SG: config:
k: [sg1] => {
"out.stdout": {
"SSLCert": "sg_cert.pem",
"SSLKey": "sg_privkey.pem",
"adminInterface": "",
"compressResponses": false,
"databases": {
"db": {
"allow_conflicts": false,
"bucket": "travel-sample",
"enable_shared_bucket_access": true,
"import_docs": true,
"num_index_replicas": 0,
"password": "password",
"server": "",
"username": "travel-sample"
"interface": ":4984",
6 "logging": {
"maxFileDescriptors": 90000,
"maxIncomingConnections": 0
1. Register the model
2. Create bulk docs with different types of dictionaries ('four_k', ),('complex_doc'),('simple')
3. Get the prediction query result and verify whatever the dictionary input is given,
it should send back same result
Actual : When we are getting the prediction query results Testserver app is crashing
Expected: Should be able to get the prediction query results
pytest -s --timeout 3600 --liteserv-version=2.8.0-148 --liteserv-host= --liteserv-port=8080 --delta-sync --xattrs --sg-ssl --no-conflicts --enable-file-logging --sync-gateway-version=2.8.0-373 --mode=cc --server-version=6.5.1-6299 --liteserv-platform=net-uwp --create-db-per-test=cbl-test -k test_predictiveQueries_basicInputOutput testsuites/CBLTester/CBL_Functional_tests/TestSetup_FunctionalTests
I do not see any errors in the log , I am trying to manually run on UWP machine but seeing some issues to get the crash report.