CouchbaseLite.getExecutionService() should not be public API
Currently, CouchbaseLite.getExecutionService() is public because needs to call the method. We should find a way to hide it.
Blake Meike December 20, 2019 at 6:47 PM
CB robot December 20, 2019 at 6:33 PM
Build couchbase-lite-android-2.8.0-25 contains couchbase-lite-java-ee commit 53ae8c8 with commit message: : Move most of CouchbaseLite to CouchbaseLiteInternal hiding CouchbaseLite.getExecutionService()
CB robot December 20, 2019 at 6:33 PM
Build couchbase-lite-android-2.8.0-25 contains couchbase-lite-java-ee commit ecff555 with commit message: Merge pull request #16 from couchbaselabs/bug/
CB robot December 20, 2019 at 6:33 PM
Build couchbase-lite-android-2.8.0-25 contains couchbase-lite-java commit 319f238 with commit message: : Move most of CouchbaseLite to CouchbaseLiteInternal hiding CouchbaseLite.getExecutionService() (#183)
CB robot December 20, 2019 at 6:33 PM
Build couchbase-lite-android-2.8.0-25 contains couchbase-lite-android-ee commit 0d9530c with commit message: : Move most of CouchbaseLite to CouchbaseLiteInternal hiding CouchbaseLite.getExecutionService() (#56)
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Currently, CouchbaseLite.getExecutionService() is public because needs to call the method. We should find a way to hide it.