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This problem is discovered in Jenkins edition-build,
lite-core sha: 642aa5adbecf1dbe5d735ee1f214562859c1cd8flite-core-EE sha: d1821646675b42eb8b5cb944456a25f2e2d99c53
Unit test "Rapid Restarts" failed with "LiteCore objects were leaked by this test". The full log is attached. The problem is most likely related to .
readable summary
Build couchbase-lite-net-3.1.0-21 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 4eb86d2 with commit message: (#1314)
Build couchbase-lite-java-3.1.0-77 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 4eb86d2 with commit message: (#1314)
Build couchbase-lite-android-3.1.0-77 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 4eb86d2 with commit message: (#1314)
Build couchbase-lite-c-3.1.0-60 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 4eb86d2 with commit message: (#1314)
This problem is discovered in Jenkins edition-build,
lite-core sha: 642aa5adbecf1dbe5d735ee1f214562859c1cd8f
lite-core-EE sha: d1821646675b42eb8b5cb944456a25f2e2d99c53
Unit test "Rapid Restarts" failed with "LiteCore objects were leaked by this test". The full log is attached. The problem is most likely related to .