For example, on connection refused Unix will return ECONNREFUSED, but Windows will return WSAECONNREFUSED. The WSA mappings are direct replacements for the POSIX ones but they each need to be mapped.
CB robot April 28, 2020 at 11:33 PM
Build couchbase-lite-net-2.8.0-9 contains couchbase-lite-core commit d1058cf with commit message: Map WSA codes and messages properly to POSIX
CB robot April 2, 2020 at 11:10 PM
Build couchbase-lite-cblite-2.8.0-7 contains couchbase-lite-core commit d1058cf with commit message: Map WSA codes and messages properly to POSIX
CB robot February 26, 2020 at 10:12 PM
Build couchbase-lite-ios-2.8.0-39 contains couchbase-lite-core commit d1058cf with commit message: Map WSA codes and messages properly to POSIX
CB robot February 26, 2020 at 12:53 AM
Build couchbase-lite-log-2.8.0-14 contains couchbase-lite-core commit d1058cf with commit message: Map WSA codes and messages properly to POSIX
CB robot January 18, 2020 at 10:37 AM
Build couchbase-lite-core-2.8.0-14 contains couchbase-lite-core commit d1058cf with commit message: Map WSA codes and messages properly to POSIX
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For example, on connection refused Unix will return ECONNREFUSED, but Windows will return WSAECONNREFUSED. The WSA mappings are direct replacements for the POSIX ones but they each need to be mapped.