Build couchbase-lite-c-3.1.0-203 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 138e195 with commit message: : ported from release/lithium, BLIPConnection crashes on the delegate. (#1639)
CB robot December 9, 2022 at 1:38 AM
Build couchbase-lite-log-3.1.0-190 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 138e195 with commit message: : ported from release/lithium, BLIPConnection crashes on the delegate. (#1639)
CB robot December 9, 2022 at 1:14 AM
Build couchbase-lite-cblite-3.1.0-180 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 138e195 with commit message: : ported from release/lithium, BLIPConnection crashes on the delegate. (#1639)
CB robot November 30, 2022 at 3:49 AM
Build couchbase-lite-net-3.1.0-142 contains couchbase-lite-core commit 138e195 with commit message: : ported from release/lithium, BLIPConnection crashes on the delegate. (#1639)
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Reported in forums
The Couchbase Lite 3.0.1 for Android C is crashing with the below stacktrace. The following warnings/error are logged before the crash:
The stack trace