Build couchbase-lite-java-3.2.0-21 contains couchbase-lite-java-common commit 0b86734 with commit message: : Not a fix. This will fail the connection, though, not the app (#195)
Build couchbase-lite-android-3.2.0-22 contains couchbase-lite-java-common commit 0b86734 with commit message: : Not a fix. This will fail the connection, though, not the app (#195)
CB robot June 27, 2023 at 8:55 PM
Build couchbase-lite-android-3.1.1-3 contains couchbase-lite-java-common commit 4dc822a with commit message: : Not a fix. This will fail the connection, though, not the app (#196)
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In forum post, user meirrosendorff sees the following error: