according to the design spec, "#3 If the resetCheckpoint() is called while the replicator is not stopped, an exception will be thrown." this deprecated API resetCheckPoint shoudl throw an exception because replicator is still active
What is the last build this test passed: 2.8.0-158
Eunice Huang June 3, 2020 at 6:39 AM
2.8.0-191 has been verified and passed
Eunice Huang June 3, 2020 at 6:39 AM
verified with build 191
Blake Meike May 27, 2020 at 7:52 PM
FIxed in couchbase-lite-java-ee-root: b0c65550f0613bafc57d3ce
CB robot May 27, 2020 at 7:42 PM
Build couchbase-lite-java-2.8.0-168 contains couchbase-lite-java-ee-root commit b0c6555 with commit message: : Make sure to throw an exception on a call to resetCheckpoint unless the replicator is STOPPED
CB robot May 27, 2020 at 7:42 PM
Build couchbase-lite-java-2.8.0-168 contains couchbase-lite-java-common commit 92bb44c with commit message: : Make sure to throw an exception on a call to resetCheckpoint unless the replicator is STOPPED
Pinned fields
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CBL version: 2.8.0-178 / SG Version: 2.7.0-166
SG config:
Steps to Reproduce:
create cbl db docs
start replicator, wait replicator finishes replication turns becomes idle
call resetCheckPoint() API
Actual Result:
no exception, checkpoint gets reset
Expected Result:
according to the design spec, "#3 If the resetCheckpoint() is called while the replicator is not stopped, an exception will be thrown." this deprecated API resetCheckPoint shoudl throw an exception because replicator is still active
Logs : in attachments
Github link for the code:
Jenkins job failure link:
Pytest Command
pytest --timeout 1800 --liteserv-version=2.8.0 --liteserv-host= --liteserv-port=8080 --no-conflicts --enable-file-logging --delta-sync --sg-ssl --sync-gateway-version=2.7.0-166 --mode=cc --server-version=7.0.0-2083 --liteserv-platform=android --create-db-per-test=cbl-test testsuites/CBLTester/CBL_Functional_tests -s -rsx --use-local-testserver -k test_resetCheckpointFailure
What is the last build this test passed: 2.8.0-158