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  1. Couchbase Mobile
  2. CM-1173

Investigate and fix the failure in test_verify_invalid_mask_password_in_logs



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None
    • None
    • None


      The failure:


      Error MessageException: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)  at com.couchbase.mobiletestkit.javacommon.RequestHandlerDispatcher.handle(RequestHandlerDispatcher.java:138)  at com.couchbase.mobiletestkit.javalistener.Server.handle(Server.java:128)  at org.nanohttpd.protocols.http.HTTPSession.execute(HTTPSession.java:418)  at org.nanohttpd.protocols.http.ClientHandler.run(ClientHandler.java:75)  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:920) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.couchbase.lite.Database.inBatch(com.couchbase.lite.UnitOfWork)' on a null object reference  at com.couchbase.mobiletestkit.javacommon.RequestHandler.DatabaseRequestHandler.saveDocuments(DatabaseRequestHandler.java:178)  ... 6 moreStacktraceself = <CBLClient.Client.Client object at 0x7faa08c7dcd0>
      method = 'database_saveDocuments'
      args = <CBLClient.Args.Args object at 0x7faa08aba9d0>
      ignore_deserialize = False
          def invokeMethod(self, method, args=None, ignore_deserialize=False):
              resp = Response()
                  # Create body from args.
                  body = {}
                  url = self.base_url + "/" + method
                  if args:
                      for k, v in args:
                          val = ValueSerializer.serialize(v)
                          body[k] = val
                  # Create connection to method endpoint.
                  headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
                  self.session.headers = headers
                  resp = self.session.post(url, data=json.dumps(body))
      >           resp.raise_for_status()
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
      self = <Response [400]>
          def raise_for_status(self):
              """Raises stored :class:`HTTPError`, if one occurred."""
              http_error_msg = ''
              if isinstance(self.reason, bytes):
                  # We attempt to decode utf-8 first because some servers
                  # choose to localize their reason strings. If the string
                  # isn't utf-8, we fall back to iso-8859-1 for all other
                  # encodings. (See PR #3538)
                      reason = self.reason.decode('utf-8')
                  except UnicodeDecodeError:
                      reason = self.reason.decode('iso-8859-1')
                  reason = self.reason
              if 400 <= self.status_code < 500:
                  http_error_msg = u'%s Client Error: %s for url: %s' % (self.status_code, reason, self.url)
              elif 500 <= self.status_code < 600:
                  http_error_msg = u'%s Server Error: %s for url: %s' % (self.status_code, reason, self.url)
              if http_error_msg:
      >           raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
      E           requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
      venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/models.py:939: HTTPError
      During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
      params_from_base_test_setup = {'base_url': '', 'cbl_ce': False, 'cbl_db': 'cbl-test1707474504.5997236', 'cbl_log_decoder_build': None, ...}
      invalid_password = 'auto password'
          @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_password", [
              "auto password",
          def test_verify_invalid_mask_password_in_logs(params_from_base_test_setup, invalid_password):
                  1. Create CBL DB and create bulk doc in CBL
                  2. Configure replication to Sg with basic authentication
                  3. Authenticate in CBL with invalid password
                  4. Verify invalid password is masked in cbl logs
              sg_db = "db"
              sg_admin_url = params_from_base_test_setup["sg_admin_url"]
              sg_blip_url = params_from_base_test_setup["target_url"]
              base_url = params_from_base_test_setup["base_url"]
              cluster_config = params_from_base_test_setup["cluster_config"]
              sg_config = params_from_base_test_setup["sg_config"]
              db = params_from_base_test_setup["db"]
              cbl_db = params_from_base_test_setup["source_db"]
              sync_gateway_version = params_from_base_test_setup["sync_gateway_version"]
              log_file = params_from_base_test_setup["test_db_log_file"]
              liteserv_platform = params_from_base_test_setup["liteserv_platform"]
              enable_file_logging = params_from_base_test_setup["enable_file_logging"]
              test_cbllog = params_from_base_test_setup["test_cbllog"]
              need_sgw_admin_auth = params_from_base_test_setup["need_sgw_admin_auth"]
              num_cbl_docs = 50
              if sync_gateway_version < "2.0.0" and not enable_file_logging:
                  pytest.skip('This test cannot run with sg version below 2.0 or File logging is not enabled.')
              channels = ["ABC"]
              c = cluster.Cluster(config=cluster_config)
              delete_tmp_logs()  # Clean up tmp logs before test runs
              replicator = Replication(base_url)
              authenticator = Authenticator(base_url)
              sg_client = MobileRestClient()
      >       db.create_bulk_docs(number=num_cbl_docs, id_prefix="cblid", db=cbl_db, channels=channels) 


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            gilad.kalchheim Gilad Kalchheim
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